HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-07, Page 2THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY1 By ED,.FITKIN achieve this distinction. And it also would be precedent -shattering if he shouldtake the Vezina, Ilart and All-Star awards -for no man in hockey has ever been accorded a triple crowning. * * Oddities Department Maurice Richard, who scored 50 goals last winter, will have to score six goals in the next, 11 games to hit the 25 -goal mark this year, Bill Taylor, one of the cleverest play -makers in hock y's history, has only 10 assists to his credit-- whi'e Gaye Stewart, who definitely isn't a piaymeker, has ,2 assists, Baring t.nforeseen' scoring splurges, only three players appar ently will be 30 -goal men this year. Max Bentley already has achieved that mark; Gaye Stewart needs three more goals and Toe B'ake re- quires six. 'fret season only two Inen made the 30 -goal grade Richard, wl o bagged 50 and Her - hie Cain of Boston, who netted 38. Toe Blake and Ted Kennedy wound up with 29 each. Montreal'. Punch Tine—Rich- ard, Lach anu Blake—finished 1- 2-8 in the scoring race last season and compiled record total of :30 points, Richard and Lach played the entire 30 g• m.s, Blake 43. This season, Chicago's Mosienko-Bent- leys line rased away to a high - scoring start but injuries to Mosf- enko and then Doug Bentley wrecked their record-breaking chances. As of now, the Hawk first line has 125 points `o its cre- dit with 10 ^ -nes to go. (Ed'itor's Note: Ed. k'itkin, con- ductor of this column, can be heard each Sunday afternoon at 430 over C -H -U -M (1050) - dis- pensing breezy, dramatic and enter. taining stories on "The Inside on Sports." Mr. Fitkin, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. will be glad to answer questions about the players and the game). You cant tell how an expert's analytical mind is going to function but it serous to this observer that Bill Durnan is in line not only for the Ye: ins Trr --hy and All-Star goalie selection this year, but also for the Hart Trophy. * . * * The Hart, as you know, goes to the player voted th most valuable to his club over a season—and what other _player, we ask, can ap- proach Durnan's ..ppa'•ent influ- ence :over the success or failure of Ca,radi'ps? $ * * With Sweet William in the net, Canadier.s cake walked inti first place and stayed there untilhe suffered a b1 ken hand early a' January, then the roof c„vcd in on the Canucks. They lost three of their next our games and toppled from arst place to third place. * * * • Dornan wrs on he sidelines fcr 10 gam_s—ai,d Canadiens won only three c.nd lost seven, Paul Bibeauit, in that span, . ie:ded 30 goals, an average of 8 per game. Durran, in the 24 games he played rrior to his initr•, conceded 61 goals—an ay.rag of 2.5 per game —and had three shutouts. Then 13111 returned .. the net on Feb. 2 and the Habs promptly started to hurtle again. They romped to a 6-2 victory over Chi- c -go, stepred into Bostor and blanked the Bruins, 2-0, for Bill's fourth slultout, went on from there to Chicago where they walloped the Hawks again, 5-1, moved into Toronto, and coc•led nu' the Leafs, 4-3, and then belted New York Rangers, 5 to 4. Thus, sin -e D'.rnan's return, the Hurtling :Tabs have clicked for five straight "victories, as this is written, rod re back or. top of the h ap—apparently to stay. Dick Irwin; who should lnto•I, (lairds that Durran is responsible for this, up- swing. "Not only is he a great gcalie," says. Dick, "but he is also a great team player, a leader and an inspiration to the rest of .he boys. You can't imagine what a difference Ise makes out thc-e" * e * If Bill should wind up as Hart Trophy winner, he would become the first N.H.L. netminder to. Brand New Jobs For 10-15,000, Men By riskinv heir Honey tr- cover exploring and diamond drilling, investors have provided Canada with approximately 60 new indi- cated gold mines and two base metal r,opertie- in the last three years, says the Financial Post. A labor mil materials become avail- able the grea. bulk of these will be put into production, providing highly paid jobs for 10-15,000 men. In addition there will be expendis titre of perhaps $50-$60 million fat supplies, equipment, under- ground work and mill construc- tion. Here is another example of pt'vate rnterpr' a at work, of a job only privy initiative can handle properly because of the spect4ative 1,3ture of mine finding. No government, socialist or other- wise, would be justified in risking the large 'inns o: money necessary to loca'e and develop minerals. The proper ro• o' govrrnment i.9 through tax and other machinery ai its disposal to offer encourage- ment to the citizen who is willing to take the risk. If he loses, that is his Loss and those who back the original s1,=culation; if ,.e Wins all of us benefit through the new jobs opened, Horses for Europe It was in 1665 that the first phone brought to Canada from France was disembarked from a sailing .ship at Tadoussac. It was presented to the Governor of New France, Augustin de Saffray de Mesy. by the settlers. Now horses are going in the other direction. A special Canadian National train of 22 stock cars carried 374 horses from Alber- ta and Saskatchewan to the dock- side recently and movements. of Ca- nadian horses to France will con- tinue every second week as long as there is space on :the boats. 1 -tar Money Beck roe quick relief from itchingeaused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other i tehine conditions, use pure. cooling, medicated, Reek! D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless' and atalnless, Soothes :comforts' and quickly calms intense itching. Don't' sutler Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. - CHECKED in a Jiffy Yen WM IOnJoy Slaying Al The Si. l3ei. g s Hotel '1`IIRlIHTO • .ver, Room with Ilath, Showy, and 'relephone. Sie,;te, 62.50 up Double, 68.50 up. • Good Food, J)iring .rhe Dane. Ina Nlghtiy Shernourne at Carlton Irl, RA, 4131 New 2-4D Chemical Deadly To Weeds A powerful new chemical weed killer known as 2-4-D, so effective it will destroy dandelions and most other weed, found in lawns with- out injury to the grass, was dis- closed by the Federal Agriculture Department. Experiments disclosed that one application of 2-4-D, expected to b availabir in quartities early this spring, would kill many weeds with greater effect ,han any other chemi- cal, One drawback was that it te.eiperarily eliminated clover which, however, gradually grew back again without re -seeding, When used on Canada thistle, the chemical did not completely kill the vigorous weed but set it back ao badly the weed did not reappear until harvest time and then only in the form of young shoots. Sim- ile: results were obtained on field bindweed gr. wing in a field of oats. The new killer swiftly destroyed annual weeds such as mustard, lambs quarters and red root pig - weed. The chemical caused "no per- ceptible injury" to plants of the grass family, which includes wheat, oats, barley and rye, but experts warned that if it was used on a lawn around a flower garden cart be exercised to prevent damage to flowers as the fuC powers of the preparation still were to be deter- mined. nnEs Heavy Tread Retreads NEW mill GUARANTEE $9.95 600 16. 3 7.70 440-400/21. 450 / 0 $ 7.60 476-500/19, 47 500/20 $ 9.60 520/113, 660/16, 550/17 312,75 625-600/10..000-000/10 $14,80 Truck 80x5 8 ply, 060/20 325.00 32x0.700/20 10 ply 330:00 34x7-750/20 12 p17 Other Sizes at Equally Low. mixes We Ship Everywhere. Order At Once. Bilirite Tire' Sales 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario FOR PEST CONTROL! The sign ot•a modern, new line of products soon to he available at your local hard- ware stores to protect fruits, flowers and vegetables from insect pests, fungus diseases, and weeds. °Trade MarlReg. LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS' •1 PRETENDER TO SPANISH THRONE Prince Don Juan, pretender to the throne of Spain, and his• wife arrive at Lisbon, Portugal. , Behind Don Juan are Duc D'Alba right, and the Spanish ambassador, Nicholas Franco, left, To the left of the princess is Enrique Viana, Portugese representative. Australia Loses 20 Million Sheep It is estimated that the draught has cost Australia 20 trillion sheep, and failut c of the Autumn lambing • will account for millions more. The immediate problem) of gran iers is to secure sheep and lambs for re -stocking, and competition is keen. Taxation is so heavy that pastoral men are wondering how far it will pay diem to re -stock to capacity. Labor is short, fences are out of repair, and transport is difficult. And many would sooner invest what money they have hi improvement of properties. The majority ,of losses comprise Merino sheep, wbirh means a big reduction in the most valuable part of the wool clip. BABY CLUCKS MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS You buy babychicks for one reason. To receive dividends on your investment, you must be certain where your money is in- vested. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry harm with every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded. Write for our 1945 price list and descriptive ca- talogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this means to the buyer. Your investment is made worth while when you purchase your chicksirou\ us. Our repeat orders year after year is the proof of our quality chicks. Blood testing for puliorum done each year, we only hatch from clean flocks. "Millers Chick Hatchery; `Fergus, Ont. (Successor to J. D. Johnson). GAINFORTH'S NEW HAMPSHIRES A Good Choh:e for particular poul- trymen. They Look. Well, Lay Well and Lay Well, High Hatches of Healthy Chicles makes.. poultry raising a pl"esure. Breeders Ap- proved and Double Pullorum'test- ed. Drop a line for prices to Gain- forth's Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. CAPONS READ/ MADE, ALSO CIIS tom caponl,.ing, Edmund: Stoehr, R, R, No, 3, Smithville, Ont. ORDER YO'UR.CHLCICS NOWT YOU gain nothing by waiting, so don't put off- ordering a single day after you decide the number, sex and breed you want. The supply will not fill the demand for April and early May and the majority of chick buyers who intend to wait until later toorderwlll be disappointed. Eggsandpoultry consumption is at the highest level of all titres, unmistakable proof that the poultryman is pro- ducing a product which eager buyers are waiting for at prices which mean real profits for .the producer. Take delivery of your chicks early. You will not only mance extra money •wIth March hatched chicks, but you will save money as we offer liberal din- ' counts for March chicks andcan give prompt delivery. Free cata- logue. Also eight and ten week. old floor raised pullets forimme- diate delivery, Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, 0111, BABY 012101{8, GOVERNMENT banded and blood tested, laarron straln5. C. White Leghorn and B. P Rocks, Acton Poultry Farm, Box 378, Acton, Ont. WHY: GAMBLE When YOU can buy quality chicks, backed by our liberal guarantee. March and April chicks still available. A11 breeders banded, culled, and double blood tested by Government officials, - to insure our? customers, 'Gree catalogue and price Rat. Order now from F.rey'sHatehery, It Jacobs, Ont, GET FIRST ON TIII7 MARKETS with February cockerels. Prompt shipment of heavy breeds — New Hampshire, L. S. x N. 11. Light Sussex, etc, Order your dayold °icicles now too. Bray Hatchery, 130 Jahn N. Hamilton, Ont. CHICKS STARTED ON REQUEST. Leghorn, Rocks, Susses, New Hampshire, Leghorn X Recite, New. Hampshire 7C Rocks. Brun- ner's Poultry Farm, .:L uean, Ont, Tw17.oDLE LIGHT SUSSEX 1NEW I-Iainpohires have proved exeep- tlonal fon both meat and. egg Giro- duction. Purchasers report fast growth, plump carcasses and high production o3 big brown • :eggs. Both sexes resemble Light Sussex, Black Minorca X White Leghorn cross Is an•,excellent 'white egg producer. We have them both for Immediate delivery. TWeddie Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. GAINFOR'TH'S WHITE LEGHORNS Large Vigorous Chicks front Year- ling and Twr year old breeders that were Real Money -Mincers, Double PuUorurn tasted,. Govern- ment Approved: It you like Leg - barns,,. chick+ from these will de- light you, T'rices. Right, Gain forth's Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Place your order now 'witha breeding farm :and hatcher* oper- ating over 21 years. Barred,Roelts, New Hampshire Reda, large. Bar- ron Leghorns, and Hybrids.,Breed ars blood -tested for both regular and X strains of Pollorum: Don't fait to getout prices beforetorder- ing elsewhere. Otterville Poultry farm, Otterviile, Ont. 25 FREE CH'IC'KS? OUR - BABY 083ICKS ARE 'NIB progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds, A11 Breeders blood -tested. Prices from i 3c to 250, A11 guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order ..now, ;,. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, lIrl• tannic Heights., Ont. THE. ONLY HUIt9NA EMBRYO -FED. Barred Rocic. and Crossbred. AP - .proved chicks, being produced ln. Chatham are blood -tested by .they tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum. Order now from Frank Price hatchery, 11 Jahnke St.. Chatham Ont, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ISABT CHICKS - FARM FOR SALE YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED chicks fron) Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New 7fainpshiree, New Hemp X Barred Rocks, and Light • Sussex X New Hamp Hybrids, All breeders blood -tested Dor both the regular and X strains o1 Poliorum for your protection, Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2'. Race Street, St. Catnerines Ontario. GET PREMIUMPRICE8 FOR A-1 Poultry produce. You, can raise a healthy Grade flock if you start the Top Notch way. Por -Top Notch chicks carry a premium from the day they're hatched. The Top Notch system of breeding from' Government Accredited Pull - arum breeders result's •10 chicks with greater stamina, greater 11V - ability and productivity. Get your next flock off .to a good start with Top Notch chicks, Send for our special reduced prices. for March chl4ks and start your ,chicks early this year. Free cata- logue, Also ten to twelve Weak old floor raised pullets for Imme- diate delivery. Top Notch Chick - cries, Guelph, Ontario, • (BUSINESS OI'I'ORTUNITIES RETURNED VETERANS IN RURAL Areas not capable of hard work. IP you can drive a car and sell, why not try selling • Lightning Rods? Small .Investment required to be in .business for yourself wlth.good financial results. Gov- ernment Ccntrolled Business. 'Write forparticulars andterrito- ry openings. The B. Philllps Com- pany, Limired, 200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont, LUMBERMAN — LOG. SCALES,. handy calculator, 26 ,cents poet paid.. Tho Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. TRAPPERS — GLAND SCENT lures have ho equal for all animals now their mating season. Trap wolves all summer for bounty. For particulars, write, A. E. Fish- er,. Slox 420, Calgary, Alberta, GET EGGS' IN COLD WEATHER "Automatic" time switchesfor poultry lights, 324,00, Sterling. Time Recorders, 989 'Notre Dame St. 1Peet, Montreal, Que. MR. WOOL GROWER We operate a GovernmentLlcens- ed Wool Warehouseandare pre- pared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Govern- ment Grading Standards and' ,at. established Government. prices. Prompt settlements made.. You can apply Your wool credit against blanket purcltasee. IVs. do not handle used woollens nor are Ire able to do Customs Work, TUE STItATIiROY WOOLLEN 1IIILLS LIMITED S RATI1ROY, ONTARIO. 01'1SING AND ULPANIN( HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Yorker's" Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. I'OIl 5At0r.' SHOE MACIIINII, GOOD CONDI- tion, also 00. cycle florescentfix- tUre, Black broadtail fur coat, size 12, 315.00 Advertiser,' '43 Day Ave:, Toronto. - ENGINES, GASOLINIS,AIR COOL - el, four cycle, two to six horse power. Amalgamated Enterprises, 33 Chtireh,51,, Toronto. ELECTRIC 'MOTORS NEW,. USED bought, soil rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com - Pony Ltd., 2370 Dutferin. St.. Tor- onto, Ont. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR Owners, a new manure loader has been designed for your tractor, It. loads a spreader within 1'4 to 4 minutes, attaches almost as quickly as your plow, can be operated by a child, and is away below the price of any known loader. Write to -day for prices and Polder to us, the manufactur- ers, Ernest Seeore & Son, Mount Albert, Ont. GET PREMIUM PRICES FOR muskrat pelts. Stretch properly with our self-adjusting steel stretchers, Sample 25c. Dozen 02.50 delivered. Discounts to deal- ers. Metro 3, Sass Bear. Line, Ont. 65 ACRES. MODERN BRICK house, good barn etc. Loam soil. Immediate possession. 30,200• Terms. Apply Mrs. uu's Campbell,. Mt. Brydges, Ont, LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? Ifyou want the best equipment availohle at the cheapeet price, write for particulars, The B. Phil- lips Company Limited, 200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE: 'TRACTOR TIRES, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels 510each. When or- dering state diameter and wid=th • of wheel. National ,Rubber Co., Ltd., 5 Wil.',hi re Ave„ 'Toronto, (int. rtl,-n Iit UI,UN 11ULBS' LARGE mixed bulbs, 02c dozen. named Varieties desired send for price Oat. ('ash with order,- Stamp's ' ,:ladl(la ,1+u 109, 3110 Second Ave. 211 Mori h ih,y, Ont.. ' 10'O'ACRE FARM, CLOSE TO TOWN 05 Barrie, -highway and Lake Sim- coe, Hydro available; also 10 -acre lot, Box 81, 73 Adelaide W., To- ronto. FARMS FOR SALE. WE CAN SELL you any size farm .you wish to buy, at reasonable prices. For particulars apply at Donohue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 198 ACRES, mile west of Kitchener ]tmite, Kitchener Stratford highway, $25,009,00. For information write Charles W. Moser, Kitchener, It, R. 4. IF YOU LOOK FOR A GOOD FARM in the Niagara Peninsula, bet- ween Lake Ontario and Lake Eerie, go to a farmer for complete Information. I have farms for all purposes, mixed, dairy, fruit and chicken farms, with stock and im- plements or without, and with modern .barn equipment, Also houses with city conveniences. Farms ranging from 31500 to 350,000 and to suit everybody's pocket. Please write to T. A. Du- liban, Real Estate, R. R. 2, St. Ann's, Ontario. - 49 ACRES, NEW HOUSE, CITY conveniences, chicken houses, suitable for poultry farm, on'. highway 20. W. Ernest, St. Arms, Ontario. H A IRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson •method. • Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. HELP WANTED CHILDS NURSE OR NANNY. Thoroughly experienced in care of children, for new baby and two .year old. Must like country but be ready to •travel: Good home, permanent situation for right person, Highest wages. Other help kept. Geraldine"/Afton, R, R. No. 3, Mallorytown, Ont. EXPERIENCED COUPLE TO HELP on farm, .woman as housekeeper and caro of two children. Box :88, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, WANTED 101ING WOMAN- TO AS - Net In good home: in Rosedale, Toronto. Plain cook, fond of children, Wages Party.Dollara per month.-Vt!1.11 provide transport- ation to Toronto, Apply Box 82, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. MEDICAL 13AUMEEICA FOOT BALM DF)- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. A TRIAL —. EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis • should: try Dixon's. Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otte- .. we. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH a•N1) THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humane, al: agea. No one lin- mune! Why not find out if this is 'your trouble, interesting particu- lars Freer Write" Mulveney's' •Remed!es. Specialists, Toronto B. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store, 385. Etgln, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. ARP YOU CONSTIPATED? DO: YOU frequently have headaches and dizzy spells? Are you nervous de- pressed and taIltobia? Do you suf- fer from gastritis andindigestion or pains from neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatism? Do you have backaches and urinate too often? Have you pimples or •a blotchy complexion? If you have these •Symptoms use Golden Rod ` Fa- mous Indian Herbs, the natural system builder, tonic and blood purifier, Price postpaid to. any address 31.00. Results guaranteed or money refunded, Golden Hod Remedies, Box 60, Station F„ To- ronto, Ontario, INGROWN TOENAILS Nan Fix - relieves pain instantly and removes ingrown nail in a bow applioatleoa $1.00 a bottle, WART FIX Ugly Warts melt awoy Painlessly wlth this guaranteed remedy, 36c. a bottle, CORN FIX Eases pain at once, and removes stubborn Corns in a few minutes. 365. a bottle Sent postpaid by. A. C, Thomson, Chemist, Dept. A., 502- St. f1larens Ave„ :Toronto. Established 0705. MAKE LIFE WORTH. LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic,Ca• tarrhal conditions ' (as -ln 3ron- chitis, Asthma d Sinus Pains). Skin Sarin disorders such as Bolls end Pimples: Arthritic 0' Rhealmatlr Pains; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tastedsae ADAM'S GAM dC PEA RLES Or write Richmond Adam Co.. P 0, 479. Vancouver, Can. 53 ber 105 Pearles. enough for. 5 weeks. ISSUc 9-1948 OIa'OR'I'UNTTiES Iron WOafrN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good Wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING • SCHOOLS 858 Bloor St, W. Toronto Branches:. 4a• King ,St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETUIORSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Informaton On request, PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," Wonderful book tree. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, THE CHURCH FORGOT GOD'S teaching! Read "A Minister's Rea- son for Leaving His Church," Free copy from Christadelphian Church,. 36 Hazelton Ave„ Toronto, Ont. I'HOTO(IRA PHIL TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING sunviC:R You may not get all the films you the quality and service you desire want this year, but you can get ail by sending your titms to IMPERIAL PI1010 SERVICE Station 1,, Toronto RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (With' Mosel Back 51.65) WHILE TUE SU..'PLv LASTS Enlargement 4 x 8" colored by hand in finest- studio style 'from any negative, on special. 7 5--11" blue line mount, framed in .rich moulding White with Gold ,trlm, New Natural or Gilt. 51.38 with • ease) back. EL05. fret- ordersin early. Any size roll (8 of 8 exp,eui es) developed and printed 25c. En- largements.4 x 6" In easel mounts, 8 for 250,; framed on ivory lint Mats 7 x 9" in Gold, silver, Wal- nut or Black Ebonyfinished frames, 59s. each. 11 rolnred.: 790, FREE. 1*08us OlrPlalt A coupon good. for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" given ' free with each 25c, order received ant, Ing January and rebranry. Canada's largest studio does qua• llty work promptly — andet low- est costa (Print. Name and Address Plainly on orders.) DMPT. 8! STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12011, Post -Office A, Toronto Ml1SIt1AL INS'i'Itlll111)N'1.S. FREI) A, BUDD! NGTUN BUYS, sella, 'exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. ;VPAl1fP5 SEND US 'CBE NAMES OF COUN-: tries you ere interested in and we will .sena you a nice selection on approve' Mount Royal Stamp Co., 1478 McGill College `Ave., Montreal, Gat. ada. TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE. Leat Tobacco, Virginia burley. and prior, receipts and flavoring.' $3.70 postpaid, Ruthven Tobacco • Exchange, Ruthven, Ono WANTED EX -AIRMAN, WISHES TO RENT or lease 0 -5 -car *repair garage or, suitable -building in good town Government certificate Class A.. & C. life: time mechanic. Samuel Plain, \Vallaceburg,, Ont., WANTED IN SMALL TOWN, SOLID, wen -built house, 7 or 8 rooms, preferably two floors, I1N1ng room must bo 26 feet or longer. Georgian typehome' desirable. Must be in goodcondition, have conveniences, and priced right, -- A. Donaldson, 1 Ferndale Avenue,.. Toronto 12. WANT HOUSES IN ` ' VILLAGES, towns and highways, 3700.00 to 31,700.00 class preferred, Can handle ,few- better houses, also small farms 1 to 80 acres. Send. full"description, price, etc. George Drummond, Broker, Owen Sound, SELF., PROPELLED COMBINE, A tour row No. 400.3, Deere corn planter and corn picker. L. Mc- Dermott, Rernsen, Iowa, U.S.A. BUSINESSES WANTED ds your nnslness for sale? • We have ciden`.e ready and waiting to Purchase almost every type of business, wane, will pay all cash if required. You may phone me and reverse the charge, Bert Weir & Son, Realtor, Dundas St., London. Phone Met.. *260. CASH • OFFER — WANTED 0E12 Ton panel Truck — any make — 1937 upwards. Ex -overseas man, R. 0, Seagram, 2:Hawthorne Gar dens, Taranto Ontario WE PAY (1 ,773E8T PRI7E5 FOR domestic rah'Ilt pelts and all other raw faire. ,'.brp today. Levin Fur (`nmponp, ;'epnrtmenI W., 163 • Spadini) Aveblle, Toronto, Ont,