HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-28, Page 6SWEDISH PRINCE TO WED COMMONER Soon to be wed in America are Prince Carl Johan of Sweden, son of Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf and favorite grandson of King Gus- taf, who renounced his royal birthright for love of Mrs. Kerstin ,Wijkmark, seven years his senior. The 95 -year-old divorcee is a ncwspaperwoman and editor. The marriage will climax a five-year romance carried on over strongest opposition from the prince's family. The couple plan to live in the U. S., as plain Mr. and Mrs. Bernadotte, the Swedish royal family's name. THE INSIDE ON . HOCK EY FITKIN By ED. Now that Bill Durnan is back in their net, Montreal Canadiens again look like the team that has been dominating NHL hockey for the past two and a half seasons. * * * With all due respect to Paul Bibeault, who is a fine goalie, Dick Irvin says that Durnan is more valuable to Canadiens than a lot of people are willing to admit. He has been shouting this, in fact, for years but it wasn't until recent- ly when Dapper William was in- jured that the hockey experts paid much heed to Irvin's remarks. * * 4 But with Durnan on the side- lines, the Hurtling Habs ceased to hurtle and went into a tailspin that dropped them from first to. third place. Then last week -end Durnan returned to the lineup and Canadiens promptly regained their old poise --and more import- antly, their winning ways. They knocked off Chicago 0-2 and fol- lowed through with a 2-0 win over Boston. * * * Now they're back In the con- tention for top honors and the flags have ceased to fly at half- mast in Moreal. * * 5 By the time this appears, a de- cision on Walter (Babe) Pratt's case should be announced. In hockey's inner circles it is antici- pate dthat Pratt wilt be reinstated and that it's quite possible he may rejoin. the Maple Leafs for Satur- day night's important game with Canadians in Toronto, * * 5 The Leafs, incidentally, are hockey's hottest meant of the mo- ment. They've lost only two games in their last eleven starts—and both to Boston. They've won six and tied three . . which, in short, means they've taken I5 of their last 22 points. As the baseballers would say, that's a .081 average. * * * Even without Babe Pratt in their last five games, the Leafs managed to win one, lose one and tie three. The return of Turk Broda to the nets has bolstered the Toronto defense considerably for the Turk stepped back into the N.II T picture --after being away for 2t, years --as if he had never left the scene. 4 * * It took Brimsek a month to whip himself into condition for a return to NHL conmpetition--and when he did make his debut he was beaten eight times. 13roda, back in Canada little more than a week wa's pro- pelled into action against Boston Bruins in Beantown and played a fine game in that 3-3 tie. He was little short of terrific in thetwo games with Detroit last week -end --so that in three games he has conceded only 6 goals. * * Where 'Turk had the edge on Brintsek, of course, was in being able to play considerable Hockey in Holland and England before re- turning to Canada this winter. He scored nine shutouts in his first 10 games overseas and played more than 30 games all told before sailing for home. * * * Cariadiens have Durnan—and he's been the tops in the league for the past two years. Young Harry Lum- ley, Detroit's 19 -year-old wonder, is a standout and headed for great things. The Leafs have Broda and McCool; Rangers have slick Charlie Rayner and Chicago's swift -moving Black Hawks are benefitting by the inspired playing of 'the veteran Mike Karakas. And by the way, have you tried to figure out the probable all-star lineup for this season? Brother, don't try it. You'll Wind up in a daze! Breeds Queen Bees,. Queen breeding in the Bee ,Divi- sion, Dominion Lfxperimental' Farms Service is being conducted chiefly at the .Experimental Station at I%aptiskasing, Ont An endeavour is being made.. to improve the strain of bees kept by increasing vitality and reducing swarming instinct: Coffee can be kept fresh by put- ting it in a tightly sealed can ,and leaving it in the refrigerators' We Have Prospective Purchasers We have prospective purchasers for properties near Windsor, To- ronto and Niagara Falls. Write, giving us. pavticulars. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Windsor, Toronto, Niagara Falls. QUICK RELIEF FOR COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA SIMPLE SORE THROAT the miracle wartime insec- ticide, is but the first of many outstanding new pest control products for farm and garden soon to be available underthe "Green Cross"trade mark. LOOK FOR THE •Trade Mark Reg. YOU MEA1I THESE FENCE POSTS WERE LUT ON YOUR OWN FARM,BILL? Mk SURE, EVEN POPLAR. TREATED WITH amesE WILL LAST IO YEARS OR MORE! �-c Yes...any post, even Pine,Spruce,Poplorand Willow ofFyour own property can be preserved with "Osmose Spacial Fence Post Mixte:e." Treat the ground line only and make the whole post last 3 to 5 times longer For 3c to 4c per post. The savings in time and material are tremend- ous.'Osmose' is time tested and used extensively, under all soil conditions, by large power and telegraph companies. It really works to stop rot, even on green posts. Your d eater ca n supply you. 1'O Pi PROTECTS POSTS eaeur NEEDED How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful PTs Moat people seem to think the only Ivey to. get I circulation in thelogger bowel the 'mined pile tumors meditate their eoro, painful piles is by legal treat- soon heal over leaving theacesitivereetul membranes ment.Localtreetmenbmay clean and healthy. give temporary ro8pffrom I� o _ `"T .°.{'�°£ No Invite you,- to try the itching. bee you one s ,4y .. ,,yyx 5./.1 Ilam'BsId and: lett t prove wail . see soul, trent- /Y ' 4 «:y itself. You con make your y -.. -s .�,:? test, in - the privacy of came of yourEoorrboE the i ,.,m^'%>. cause 10nlln r.piles. ;'. y .v Bele 11y u ahonot NOCOST leo lasting freedom from - 'x fl you aro not convinced" pile eau ballad Un- E ,p that deeesrp n amazingly less the muse of 5115 trou.D easy andeurprlsla � 7 i , tivemethnd ottruntinBYeuc ddo is corroded. Piles are ,e.,,,. v; ,arca the bto est -way 10 otos et i } "+mss- lye t acg;t a packpage. I Tie n- ing relief way tt gat last- ; i>sc;;li;.:,si get a package o t , �.,.: Vis,., .,+.. in rnallyfa to a gee them "`. y>: , ;.4s , ;' z; ?>'.an.�� Acid today from i es g .c>.�» �.*:; drugstirs and neo lit' s internally m l.old,a medio[no .;•.: directed for'JOST li I1 E like lie I $a't• ,; i2 �, :,°R'%f,<•;'`< < , DAYS. At the end of that it honlbee is a formula ,,t... . f:.% ,,... .... 40 yensheeauaousands or :": •-': sr ' .,4' time if you aro not absp, 40 a yenta r,. 1t is of w tho nicest, lleane t a ¢d pilo aughlyna, It is o : s • the mlToeto cleanest And : allecbvre ile treat. tconcentrate,' iii • most p t smsl highly ss meat you over tried,, d- enim. nosy and yleasn ly - ° $ v ��c ,. � turn the retuned portion cif Eoantablet fomuho /vw ;:,c . ,c;;,•, ,, drn- � ' � 4' :?C;o'rx''r. ky.< . ,c Y � s`' r..4 the package to. yourg poundedt�tmedi formula sa Nr..,,,;,yF_ .s :;,1'., ss ,13: ya • 3•<- -gist and he will promptly toreli its medical so neon �. 3 .e� 1v i ;; .rM •y^, refund your money. trelief the rosi nguse� of ,A .. - .%� '�.r f t$?'.: `s •` NOTE: This generous that , P,"w. '£ offer is hacked by a roll - motes free, easydemend cora- '.. fs;:,.tk, •,:>fir., 'i? `M,' c°, motes free, egay and' tom- °� � able firadoing business In lortnblebowel movements, Posed by a Profesrionol Model Canada for a good many. quickly relieves Rolling years. Hem-Reidmust help mention end soreness, and stimulates bettor blood I your pile condition quickly, easily and pleasantly or cirmdntion iq the lower bowel. With good blood 1 this simple, easy test costs You nothing• Try it today. CLASSIFIED D ADVERTIS,I G nu FI Nl;c4 or PORT UNITIES MMEDICAL 1tAnv I:FI119iu MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS You buy baby chicks for one. reason. 4'o receive dividends on your Investment, you must be certain where -,Your" money is In• vested. We offer you baby chleks from a Poultry •0'n rot with every breeder puilorum tested end go' ernment banded„Talce advantnee of our -early order discount. Write for our 11146' -price list and cute log ue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. GAINFORTH'S NEW HAMPSHIRES A Good Choice for particular pool+ trymen. They 'took Well, Lay We11 and Lay Well, TIigh- Batches of _ Iiealthy. Chicles makes poultry', raising a pleasure.. Breeders Ap- proved and Dcuble Pullorum test- ed. 'Drop aline for prices to Gain- forth's Hatrhery, -Trenton, Ont. CAPONS READ u' MADE, ALSO CUS tom caponlsbng. Edmund Stoehr, R. R. No. 3, Smitbville, Ont. ONLY A .RICH MAN -DAN AFFORD to own poorquality -baby chicle. Any one who expects to make money with poultry should al- ways buy the -best quality they. can procure. The better the chick- ens the more net profit you can retake from them. Not only will better quality chicics make you extra money but early hatched chicks w111 make you more mo- ney. (By early hatched we mean February lir Match hatched chicks). We offer liberal discounts for February' and March chicks and can give prompt delivery: Free catalogue. Also eight to ten week old floor raised pullets for immediate delivery. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS FOR 1946 from A Real Breeding Plant of. 5000 Layers. Book your chicks from a Real Breeding Farm of 5000 Layers and be assured of success.. Breeds: Large Type White Leghorns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn, N. Hamp. x Leghorn, Sussex x New Hamp. B. Rock x N. Hemp. Special low prices on cockerels, and Rock x New Hamp. chicks on a few dates, Send for. Price List and Catalogue, Lakeview Poulin, Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. WE'VE A SUPPLY ” OF HEAVY breed cockerels for prompt ship- ment, Light Sussex, L. S. x N. H., New Hampshire andother. heavy breeds. Lookslike good lharkets ahead for these. Bray Iiatchery, 130 'John N. Hamilton,Ont. GAINFORTH'S WHITE LEGHORNS Large Vigorous Chicks from Year- ling and Ttvr year oldbreeders that were Real Money -Makers, Double Pullorum tested, Govern- ment Approved. It you like Leg - horns, ohicice front these will de- light you, Prices Right, Gain forth's Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Place your order now with a breeding farm and hatchery oper- ating over peratingover 20 years. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, large Bar- ron Leghorns, end Hybrids, Breed- ers blood -tested for both regular and X strains of Pollorum. Don't fail to get e0t prices beforeorder- ing elsewhere, Otterville Poultry Farm, Otte.rville, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR: BABY CHICKS ARE TE•1111 progeny of Foundation and Re- glstered Birds, All. Breeders blood -tested, Prices from 3c to 25c, All guaranteed excellent layers. Dont .delay, order now, Goddard ('hick Hatcheries, 13r1- 00nnin Heights; Ont, NEWMAN'S BRED -TO -LAY • CHICKS - White Leghorns, Barred Rodes and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crossbreeds:: double tested, An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen yenre. TUnview Pouitry 'Farm. - Wllliem-.1. Newman. Nor- hnm, Onto rice 1'Y3m 01Nk e PURINA EMBRYO -FDD Barred Rock and rrosshred. Ap- proved chicks .being produced In Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regglar and le strains of puilnrum. Order note from Frank Prlre Hatchery, 11. .Inhnlee St,. Plinth/1m Ont. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED chicles • erom Accredited Flocks ehnuld be ordered now. Barred Roelas,- New-',Mtnpshires, New Hemp X Barred Racks, and Light hessex X New -Hemp Hybrids. All breeders blond -tested for both the regular and S strains of Pollorum for your. ,protection. Lincoln C:'hlele Hatchery, 2 Rare Street,. Si. Ca lherines, Ontario. - 1'rti0.1.T 17CnSET,p' TO THE Best In chb"lrsf You owe it to yourself to realize the bast possi- ble results From your labour. That's why you'll went Top Notch chinks /is ot,rters for your next :flock, For Top Notch chicks aro husky little thoroughbreds, bred from Pullen -urn Government Ac- credited breeders of proven pre- ductivety ei,d for special low prices for ll'ebru+u'y rind March chicks, Also eight and ten weelc old "pullet; for immediate de- livery. - Tip Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontr,, 11v ItI N.(: AND 1;1.1-A.KIWI HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for l-nformation. We are glad to answer 3'our questions. -Depart- ment H. f -' e, ricer's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. 1-1A llit1)10I v01 NO LEARN 1.1 AI Melt ' '11 h; Robertson method. Infut mnii ria on request regarding classes. Rohertsanee Hairdressing Acn- emY -137 Avenue Bend, - 1 ernntn BUSINESS Ol'I'OICTUNiqJ PIS. Make a $15 investment AND Have 1 Business of Your Owlet Learn to make 'Plastic Novelties in the home. Big Profits .. and easy to learn the Lux Way. We supplyyouwith the 'material, tools, and dyes. Our boobs of de- signs and instructions makes It possible for you to earn andlearn at tho same time, The .complete lett of equipment necessary wllb be mailed to any part of Canada on.. receipt of one dollar with order. 'Pay the balance plats ship- ping charges. and join the Lux Family of Novelty Plastic.. Makers, LUX PLASTIC COMPANY Box No. 94, ONDERELO TMTOUmSTATION,- FOR SALR, Now is the time to buy, a one-man lightweight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -out: timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two types manufactured.. , Both $400 t,o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd. 2023 Aylmer St., Montreal. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts put boys, :brushes. Allen .Electric Com - pang Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St, Tor- onto, Ont. RETURNED VETERANS 11N RURAL Arens, not ceenble of hard wore. If you can drive a car and sell, why not try selling Llghtn1ng Rods? Small investment required to he In business for yourself with•good tenanelat results Gov- ernment Centrally] Business. - Write for pnttirulare end territo- ry openln,;v. The B. Phillips Com- po n;v, Lim; -ed. 200 Main :Street. Torenio, Ont. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOROw- manure loader has been�desfgned for your tractor. Tt loads a spreader within. 1',6 to 4 minutes, attaches almost - as quickly as your plow, .can. ' be operated by a child, and is away below the price of any known loader. Write to -day'. for prices and folder to us, the manufactur- ers, Ernest Seoore & Son, Mount Albert, Ont. GETPREMIUMPRICESPRICES FOR muskrat pelts. ' Stretch properly with our self-adjusting steel stretchers. -Sample 25c. Dozen $2,50 dellvered. Discounts to deal- ers. Metro J. Sass. Bear Line, Ont. FOR SALE 65 ACRES. MODERN BRICK house, - good barn etc. Loam 'soil. Terms itte APply possession. .Campbell, Mt. Brydges,. Ont. LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? If you' want the •best - equipment available at the cheapest price, Write C onp particulars. Limited h200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont.. CARBURETOR DIRTY, CLOGGIID7 Cleaned in three fntnutes with motor running, Full instructions $1.00 Carte's Electric Service, Hico, W. Va. DOLLARS. IN YOUR MAILS. WI1. tell you how 137 ideas. Free startling literature. Write 20th. Century Service, 605 Fifth Avenue, Dept. 10, New York. (1000' DUAr.-PURPOSE SHORT - horn bulls 6 to 10 months old. H. A. Hewitt Rr Son, York, R. R. No. 1, Ontario, FOR SALE B'UNDY 20,000 EGG ALL electric incutator with separate hatcher. Good condition. Also 750 electric chick Buttery Brooder. Llchtts Hatchery, R. R. No, 1, Milverton. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE; TRACTOR TIRIIS, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels. 610 each. When or- dering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co., Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., -Toronto, Ont. CONTENTS OF PRODUCTION MA- chines.Drill Press etc. C. T. .Mo - chine Drill Press etc. C. F, -Mc- Mullen, Elgin Mills, P. 0. Phone Richmond 13111 2213 ATTENTION. POULTRY MEN 2 ON- ly. Cap. 120 3emesway laying Bat- teries, complete, Practically new,. cheap for Oulck Sale, C. T. McMul- len. Elgin Mills, P. 0. Phone Richmond Tl.' 2213, (.IxLuS 0eLdmiedllbs. 5c dozen. Ifname varieties desired send for price list. Cash with order Stamp's Gladiola Gaylen, 300 Second Ave. E., North Bay, Ont.. FARMS Ir11R SALE 1e0 ACRE Fre TIM ON COUNTY Road, Lot 3, .Concession 10, Tigre-. moot. Township. Well watered:' Ten acres of hardwood bush. Wa- ter in starve — Mrs. Conrad Schenk, R. 15. 2, Holstein, Ont, 411 AC10E5, NEW HOUSE, CITY conveniences, chicken houses, sui In bile for pout try -farm. on highway 20, WV. Ernest, St. Anns, Ont orb). mem. \VAIf'reut the ILUS NURSE 011 NANNY. Thoroughly experienced in care of children, •for new baby rind two year old. Must ince countr'2' but be ready to travel. .Good home. permanent situationfor right person, highest wages. Oilier help kept, Gernldtne Nifton, R. 11. No. 3, Meliorytown.. Ont. MAN - WOVE ON 15A1111 FARM experienced with horses; cattle and tractor by year. State wages. .lames Donovan. Mallorytown, Ont. TWO EXPERIENCED SINGLE MEN to work on dairy farm. l3enetenu pros., R. 11, No. 3, \mloorslbttrg, Ontario. - 'MEO t11 A I,: L'A11MI:ISK:A Pt (11' I3ALa1 - 1510- 01roye offensive 'odor lt,nitumlj 45e. bottle, ()Hewn agent. Oeu• man Drug Store, Ottawa NATURE'S HELP — DIXON'S. Rill- medy for RIeeinatin Pains, Neuri- tis Thousands pre R. 'Muu- r'o',) Drug Store, 335 lagln...Otln- wo,. Pesten 51 $1.00, STOMACTT v:Nit THREAT.) WORM -3 often are :the eauoe of Ili health in humvss, o11 ages. No one im- mune Why trot find out if this 15 Your troubl' interesting palUcu- ters —. Free! Write Mnlvrney's, Remedies, 111,0.1111sta Toronto 3. G001) RESO•,T'TlON EVER Y sufferer of 1]heumalic Pains m• Neuri tie should try. Dixon's Re- medy. Munro's Drug Store, 036 Elgin, Ottawa Postpaid $1.00. INC3ROWN TOENAILS Nall Fix relieves pain instantly few appiica.tinne, $1,00 a bottle. WART -FIX Ugly Warts melt away painlessly with this guaranteed remedy. 35c. abottle,- CORN FIX Ewe pain at once, and removes stubborn Corns in a few minutes. 35s, a bottle Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, 'Dept A.. 363 St, (`larens Ave., Toronto. Established 1905, MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countiesa numbers of happy users aredoing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as In Bron- chitis, Asthma & .Sinn= .Pains). Skin disorders such as I,ils and Pimples; Arthritic & IU,onmetiO Pains;. Ask your.' Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEAl2L11S r or write Richmond Adam Co,. P. 0. 374, Vancouver,- Can, $3' per 100 Pearles, enough for 5 weeks, OPPORTUNITIES POI; WORSEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. L_ earn Hairdressing Pleasant dignifiedprofession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call - MARVEL HAIRDRESSING • SCHOOLS 358 Blow St. W. Toronto Branches:milton & .id auCStrreg et, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGIS & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established18901 14 Sing West, Toronto. Booklet of • Informaton on request, . PERSONAL "ELIJAH COM1Nt3 BEFORE Christ" Wonderful boob free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N.. N. L — span os' human sP culatton? what- ever at ever your view you will want to read the booklet, "A Clergyman on the Immortality of the Soul."' I•or free cony write Christadel- phlan Church, 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto, Ont, - PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME. TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION 'Pour films properly developed apd printed 6 OR EXPOSURE8 REPRINTS 8for o25cc 2bc FINEST ENLARGING. SERVICE You may notget all the films you the quality and service you desire. want this year, but you can get all by sending Your films to - IMP17n1AL.PHOTO SERVICE Station ,1, Toronto BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN • GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c - Send your negative and get this newest -style glass enclosed en- largement sr/a x 4'If" for your mantel or dressing table — or 20 give a friend. Supported to this crystal clear new plastic mount your picture shows to its best ad- vantage. Pociced to ensure safe delivery and postage paid for only 69 cells. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed and printed 20 cents. Enlargements 4 x 5" In easel +.•s' Mounts, 8 for 25c.: framed on ivo- ry tint mats, 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or B]aele Ebony finished frames, 50e each. If colored, 79c. FREE BONUS OFFER A coupon good for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" given free . with each 25c order received dur- ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity worlc promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print name and Address Plainly on Orders.) DEPT. . el STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1280 Pest Office A, Toronto NUMAI, 1NS'illeMII ENTS FRED A. f30ABINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, .Toronto 2. STAIR PS SENLIN- D JS THE you ere NAMES interested in Oin and -we will semi you a nice selection on appl'oVel Mount Royal. Stamp Co., 1473 McGill- College Ave., Montreal, C'tr,ada, TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leat Tobacco, Virginia burley and prior, receipts and flavoring. 8:1.75 .postpaid. Ruth ven Tobacco Exchange,Ruthven, Ont. W A N'1're I) WANT HOUSES IN VILLAGES. Towns br 'Highways, prefer with some land, $700 to 8171111. ('an handle some .little higher, also heve buyers for estnhlished bus!. nesses. Send best net price, details, etc. George Drummond.- Braker, Owen Sony]. Ont SELF PRIIPELLEI) COMI4100 L, A four. row No. 490-.1. Deere corn planter and corn picker. L. Mc- Dermott, Remsen, Iowa, U.S,A. BUSINESSES WANTED Is Your business for sale? 0,0 have chew+ iendy and waiting to purchase al,ncst every type ei buelnoss, wee will pay all cash it required, You may :phone me end reverse the charge," 13ert Weir & Son, P.ealtur. Dundas St., London. Phone Met. 0250. CASK OFFER WANTED ONE Ton panel Tuck — any make 1017 upwaree Ex -overseas .:nun. R. 0. Seagram, 2 Hawthorne Gor-. dens Toronto. Ontario. WANTED 1N 'ONTARIO TOWN OR village wet'. established retell. store by -"experienced retnilor with Borne eepital, good character and buein-s' references Pull par- ticulat: in first letter. lox 80, 73 Adelaide W Toronto, Ont., WVE .PAY H a*£ZEST PRICES F0100 domestic rabbit pelts and allother raw furs. elate today, Levin ]fr Company, 15rpartment W., Spadini' aveb 10,' Toronto, Ont. FEATI-ik:RS WANTED Clouse and 'Drag free of wing and tell feathers Must contain.natur- alconlent. of down. highest prices paid Slee'rav ster Limited,. '41 "Spruce Street Toronto 2, Ont.