HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-21, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
HENSALL. Card of Thanks
MissMavis Spencer o£ Toronto
p her parents,
spent the weekend with
0h'. and Mrs. A, A. Spencer.
Messrs Ian -and Alex Filshie of
Toronto, called on friends here on
Rev. Kendrick, Dig. J. Goddard,FOR SALE
Misses Marion Maclaren of o o • A blue mohair' chesterfield. Also
• aitch and. Lois Maclaren, nurse -in- Miss Jennie and 1\1x. Norman Jolly, baby carriage. Plione 206.
ice visited with
\ors. Enoch Parker 'end family
desire to express their sincere thanks
to 'their many kind friends for their
expressions of sympathy, for floral.
tributes and all who loaned cars
01 during their ' recent bereavement.
Saturday. God- Special thanks to Rev, C.
A. Brook,
Sixteen pigs 8-6 weeks old. 7 One
good ,voi'lc horse. One Ayrsilil'e and
Durham heifer; springing. Also "G•. E2
Battery mantel typo radio in A.1. con-
dition, Bob Mc11ii11tan, phone 844r21,
training at K t h nen,
friends here recently.
Mr. Arthur Dennie of Toronto
spent the weekend with his parents,.
Mr. and Mrs.. Wrn, .Dennin.
Miss Mae MVIeNaughton of Toronto,
visited over the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Mc-
• Mrs, E.
L. MVlickle returned home
following pleasant ' a holiday Toronto.
relatives and. friends in To1ont
Mr. Jack Shepherd of London was
a weekend visitor at the home of his
Parents and M Wre Shep-'
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Britton wish
lo thank ,the neighbors and friends
for kindness and sympathy shown
during Mrs. Britton's. illness,
One Collie dog, good Tarin dog;
also one coach dog, female. Apply to
Fired Hurst, Seaforth, R.R. 2, phone
/151 r 22.
.Mr, rs. 100 acres produetive soil, 30 acres
ploughed, 6 acres tall wheat, 35 acres
herd. in go -ass and hay. Banti barn 70x42, FOR SALE
Greene -Remington steel roof, leen house in barn, good Bell Organ, in good condition.
Green well and water in barn, 2 storey brick
Enquire at News Office.
The marriage of Anila • Loreen, house, garage, 1 utile from Hensall,
youngest daughter of Mrs. Reining opposite school, possession April 1st. FOR SALE
ton and the late Robert Remington Apply to Glenn 13e11, R,R,1, Henll
of Blenheim to Ross Wesley Greene, Phone 9243. I 1 cook stove, 6 large lids, reser-
eldestvoir and shelf, used only one year,
son. of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley'• p '. The News
1 at the ' FARM FOR- SALE for sale Chea Apply
nes yte4. I manse,
P. A. Ferguson officiating, The one mile east, Lot 7, Concession S,
On Feb. 14, -small black: and white
male clog; legs and breast white,
white tail, little black spots on. legs.
Phone 667r14, Seaforth. T; J, Adams.
Male collie dog;Yellow with white
collar and markings, answers to name
of "Rover." Would be nauch appreci-
ated if anyone knowing whereabouts
please phone Casey Way, 21 on 050,
Greene. Hensell,. took pace Office.
P' b an -e Hensall,with Five miles south of Seaforth,; and -
bride wore a becoming brown tail- Tuckersinith. One
barn, mile
brick ront school.
ored suit with lime green bloust, top Large 11 cloned: Plenty
coat and hat in lime -green and a cor- I house and pig pen. D Plenty
sage of white sweet peas and carne-; of -water. All seeded to grass. Pos-
tions,g attended session given immediately. Apply .
Mrs. Clifford Young
her sister, wearing a dovestone wool' J, W. Free, Seaforth,
dress with silver studded trim a FOR SALE
Twenty pig's ready to wean. Apply
Fred Slavin, phone 84.r 22, Hen -
corsage of pink sweet peas and car-
raticns, Mr. Clifford Young was
best man. Latera reception was held
at the hone of Mr. and lMrs. Clifford
'Young. Mrs. Remington. mother of
the hride, assisted Mrs. Young in re- ; WANTED band. Apply
..,.;v -ng the guests, wore a dress of A high -chair, second b d
,.tt('' blue crepe and corsage of ill The News.
ink sweet peas and carnations. Mrs.
";reene. mother of the groom re- FOR SALE.
''t ed wearing' a powder blue crepe 1 small range store, long deep
<t -•e with corsage of pink sweet fireplace (real or wood), reservoir,
rats and car :Hone, The bride and warming closet. in excellent condi-
ant the wedding other and I. tion. 'Will sell cheap for quick tran-
.. 1, rainbo eldest brother of the section. (7 low backed dining -room
..:,te,. service
returned from three (hairs. good condition, Apply The
- ; elvice overseas. proposed a h, 1 K
Guests. were pre- New Office.
toast by the bride. G
.s'i't '>•,1m Hensall, Mitchell, Blen-
t eln, Highgate and Innerkip. The ; FOR SALE Elco
;•hung couple will reside at Hensall. Electric cabinet 9 -tube Phil=
Reeve R. E. Sheddick and Mrs. radio, $15,00, and 4 -light bt
shaddick visited with relatives in fixtur•e. Apply at News Office.
Toronto last week. FOR SALE
NH's. Westlake, of Zurich visited
aecently with her sister, airs. Mei- lrTess righttfongsicici v,'eeone 602
ANDERSON -fn loving memory of
Flying Officer henry 0. Anderson
of Exeter and 'Kirkland Lake, Miss-
ing over'the Straits of Dover after
the Right of. the Scharnhorst from
Brest, Feb. 14, 1942, and later pre-
sumed dead.
Only a memory or. happy (lays,
And a' sigh for a face unseen;
13ut a constant feeling that God
Kno4's jest what should have been.
-Ever renismbet'ed by sister and
brother=in-lane, Ilr. and Mrs. Glenn
MacLean of Kippen.
Clearing: Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to
sell: by public auction on Lot 18, Cat. 8, Her
Township one mile west et! Hensel' and one
half mile south, on Thursday,, March 7, at
12,80 p.m. sharp, the following
HORSES Elack mare, 6 years ""old; black
mare, 0 Years old; bay mare, 8 Years 'old.
Gattle-Hereford cow, 4 years old, due time
of Hereford rlheifer's, freesh;old,erefords° odue in w117
years old, due in'May; Roan cow, 6 years old,'
due 1n May; Black cow, 6 .years old, due in
June ; holstein cow, 0 years old, due in July ;
Hereford cow, 9 years - old; 8 fat steers; 3
fat heifers; 2 'steers rising 2. years old; 6
Yearling heifers; 9 yearling .steers; 3. salves.
One pair of Geese.
IMPLEMENTS - One' Case tractor, Model
S, starter and lights, (nearly new) ; Case -
furrow plow; Massey Harris still ooth cul-
tivator; Massey Harris spring tooth eultiva-
tor; Massey Harris, binder, 7 foot; Massey
Massey Harris dump rake
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr, Harold Jackson has, been ,instructed to
sell by publlc auction on first farm -west of
Varna. 00 County Road; Stanley Townsliio,
ml Friday, March 1st, at 12.80 p.m. sharp:
HORSES—One aged team.
CATTIe11e-3. cows, 4 yearling heifers. -
POULTRY -100 White Legiorne, 1 year.
IMPLEMENTS -Oce Ford -Ferguson tractor
with plow.. pulley and lights -'(like new) ;
.Massey Harris binder, 7 ft, cut, new; Massey
Harris hay loader, new 1 Massey Harris drill,
11 tun, with fertilato•-; Massey Harris hay
rake, 10 ft., nearly new ; Massey Harris horse
cultivator' ; Massey Harris harrows, 9 section ;
Massey Harris manure spreader, nearly ne(v
Massey Harris bean scuffle'', nearly new ;
M assay. Harris bean puller', with attachment
fixed for tractor on Ferguson •lift, 2 sets of
knives: wagon, new; 1 -ray rack, new;
Massey Horns mower; 2 chicle shelters, 1
'large. lard one season ; 1' electric brooder
stove in porfeat shape, 800 capacity; 1 Viking
separator new (electric) ; wheelbarrow , set.
,nnn'ih. scales; 1 extension -ladder; 1 set log
sleighs; 1 set harness 1 Eiden disc, A-1.
Ammo :eling. ropes ; log chain ; iron .kettle ;
1 fanning mill; 1 grain grinder, 10 inch; 1
hay knife, new; 1 set donbletrees: barb
wire; crosscut saw; `feed barrels ; cedar rail
posts: Saw horse; sucks; belt;. Massey.
Harris walking plow ; pressure grease (tun
hog truck, flay fork, new.
FEED & GRAIN—A quantity of hay and
straw: 2110 bushels mixed grain; 200 bushels
o,ts. Early Carter, suitable for seed.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kitchen stove;
Quobec heater; box stove; cupboards; scalers;
chairs ; . 2 beds; Daisy churn ; coal oil stove,
2 -burner; bench;. extension table; 1 couch;
cider barrels, and other articles too numerals
to mention.
FARM -100 acre farm ; n0od brick house
and new hip-reof barn; Hydro; good water
supply. Forty rods from Village of Varna ;
Paved road.
The proprietor is giving un farming,
Terms — Clmttels, Cash.-.Far'm, given on
day of sale, reserve bid,
JOHN HARTMAN, Proprietor; Harold
Jackson, Auctioneer; 18. P. Chesney. Clerk.
clinger. 1. 1, Seaforth central, Maurice Etue.
Mise Mattie Ellis has been teach-
ing at the Public Se tool in grades 1 FOR SALE
and 2 this week in the absence of Galore barley, government grade
the teethe, FIles Barbara Michie, No. 1, $115 per bus., sacks free,
who is ill. A. B. Bell, Kippen.
Mrs. Wesley .Tones, Patsy and
Larry returned horse after spending
several weeks with the former's
mother, Mrs. Fred Corbett.
Young People's Union
The Young People's Union of the
United Church met on Monday
evening with Miss Edna Petskie pre-
siding; and opened the meeting with
the call to worship and singing
:Spirit of the Living God". The
scripture was read by Miss Elaine
'arlisle, The hymn "Unto the hills
wound" was sung and Miss Doris
Buchanan led in prayer'. The roll
call, business etc„ followed. A violin
solo was contributed by Miss Greta
ihmmie entitled Berceuese from
"Jocelyn", Miss Gladys Luker ac-
companied at the piano. The guest
speaker, Miss Jean Brandon, gave a
splendid discourse on Currie's Mis-
sionary work in Anglo, stressing his
outstanding work in education, Medi- ,
eine and Industry. The meeting The Lord's Prayer was repeated in
elosed by singing "He Liveth Long" unison. The current events were
and the Ilenediction. Gaines were given by Mrs, Orr. Mrs. R H. Mid
played. dleton gave a - most interesting
Miss Gloria Twitchell of London,' demonstration on "Invisible Mend -
spent Sunday at her home here. ing". Two bank books were present -
Mr, Edward Judd Addresses I ed to Mrs. R. Elgie and Mrs. A. X.
Young People Munn for their babies. Both
The young people of Carmel Pres- I pressed their thanks. The highlight
byterian Church met on Monday', of the meeting was the Public
evening in the school -room of the, Speaking contest by children of the
church, Miss 'Margaret MacGregor i Public School. Following are the
presided for the opening exercises. prize winners: 1st. Audrey Walsh,
Harris side rake ;
Cocirshutt hay loader; #0 Cockshutt spreader;
Deering mover, '6 foot (nearly nary) • Cock-
shutt bean muffler with disc and puller one-
horse seuffler; 6 foot - roller • harrows;
Massey Harris drill ; disc; Cockshutt riding
plow; 16foot hay nice; stock reek; wagon ;
sleighs; cutter ; buggy;fanning mill ; scales;
bag ts'uok; 28 -foot extension ladder; set team
harness; set light harness; 6 horse collars;
steel water trough', gas barrel: iron kettle;
wooden barrel; . grass seeder; Viking cream
separator ; electric attachments ; colony 'house
16x12; brooder. stove • and pipes; -6 eliielcan
shelters; 2 cinirns; fattening' poultry Bate;
n table
ib boar ick:eleclamps,
and fencer00000 earticle's too
numerous to mention.
HAY -15 tons of mixed hay.
Nsold. his
farm. Terms, Cash.
WILLIAM PARKE, PrePrieter:o reserve 60 the Proprietor has
.- Jackson, Auctioneer.38. 1'
E. Pc Chesney, Clerk.
There are re 600000 more Canadians with Butter coupons than had
them in 1945, 60,000 Canadians are still to come home. Cantida:s
butter stocks are lower than ever. .,
HOW - 1 tablespoon gelatine, 2 tablespoons cold water, %o Ib. Butter, -
la tsp. salt, 1 cup evaporated milk
lst, soften gelatine in cold water. 2nd, Dissolve thoroughly over
stove, 3rd, soften. Sutter but do not melt it. 4th, add gelatine and
salt to the mill: - beat,.
5th, use clover beater, whip milk mixture into butter..
To Auction Sale
Mr. Harold5.,Jackson has been Instructed to
sell by public auction on Lot 24, Con: 7,
? IeELf N.
All persons having claims against the Bet -
on„ sr Frederick Gregg Neelln, late of the
Town of Seaforth, in the County
Retired Customs -Officer, deceased, who died
on or about the 5thday of Mach, 1042. are
hereby notified to send in to the undersigned
.n or before the 9th day day ne March,- 1040.
full particulars of their -claims-
Immedlatel5' after the said lest mentioned
date, the assets of the .said estate will be
,liscrlbuted amongst the parties entitled 10015-
th, having regard only to alarms of whiell
th'• undersigned shall then have notice,. to the
,•xeleeisn of all nthere, and the undersigned
will not. he liable to any porno's of whose
claim the ane asseed ahnll not then have
notice far the assets so distributed. or any
part thereof.
Dated at Senfetit, this 20th day of Feiner-
.' 1945. McCONNELL & HAYS.
Seaforth. Ontario ,x5cutoua
Solicitors for :the p.
Hymn "0 God our help in ages past
was sung. The business followed.
Mrs. Harold Bell then took charge
of the meeting and led in prayer.
The scripture Matt. 13: 1-9 was read
by Mr. Malcom Dougall. Mr. Edward
Judd, prinicpal of the Public School
was the guest speaker and gave a
ver interesting address on his work
y g
at the Reform School at Burwash,
Mrs, Kennedy favored with a piano
solo. A contest was conducted by
Ron 13e11 and the meeting concluded
by singing ".0 safe to the Rock" and
Rev. P. A. Ferguson led in prayer.
Women's Institute
The Hensall Women's Institute
held their February meeting at the
home of Miss Florence Welsh on
Wednesday evening with Mrs. Fred
Beer co -hostess. Mrs. A. Kerslake
presided and the meeting opened by Want and For Sade Ads, '1 week 25c
singing "The Ode"and 0 Canada".
who spoke on "Bermu a . n ,
Shirley Flynn, who spoke on Mar-
quis De LeRouche and the Settle-
ment ment made in Canada. In the
event Marie Boyd spoke on "Born
30 years too soon" and Elaine Be 1
spoke on "Our Flag". They tied for
1st prize. Betty Moir spoke on "St.
Valentine" and Lois Henderson
spoke on "The origin of the Easter
bunny", they tied for 2nd prize,
Recitations were given' by Wayne
Walsh and Jimmie Hyde entitled
'•Two little fishes" and Teddy Norni-
inton-"How she did it". Wayne re-
ceived lst prize and Teddy and. Jim-
mie tied for 2nd - prize. The judges
were Mrs. R. Simpson, Miss M.
Ellis, Mrs. R, Middleton and Mrs, P.
A. Ferguson. Refreshments were
served at the close.
The ' Seaforth Agricultural So-
ciety will receive applications for
the, position of Secretary -Treasurer
until -March 1st. Apply by letter .to
3. M. Govenlock, President. •
Ten ewes coming in soon. Also
two cows to freshen in March. One
3 -year-old colt for sale. Alfred Bu-
chanan. Phone Seaforth 841 r 4.
Logs and wood cut immediately.
Payy cash or give generous share of
wood. Kenneth McPherson, Dublin,
17 r 24.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAPORTS, ONT. . Telephone 17
The Second Division Court
County. of Huron
Office Mthe Dominion 'Bank Build-
113 ing, Seaforth. Office hours:-
Tuesday, 'Thursday and Saturday
0 pan. to 5 pan. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p,m.
Brick dwelling with all modern
conveniences, hot water heating •anct
oil limner. -
Fr'alne. dwelling, hydro, '1e/ acres,
North Main street., Suitable for poul-
try farm, Early possession.
Double house on Victoria St. Sep-
arate apartments, good investment.
Frame cottage, Goderich St. East.
Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
Tenders will be received at the
Auction Sale regular Council .meeting in the
Township Hall, Staffs.; until three
pan, Monday, Mar. - 4th 1946, fol
approximately sit thousand cubic
yards of crushed gravel, delivered
on the township roads, three quarter
inch crush, flat rate. Township pay.
for the gravel. A marked cheque.
for two hundred dollars is required.
Lowest or any tendernot necessarily
Clerk of .the Twp, of Hibbert.
On Friday, Feb. 22nd, at 12.311 sharp,. In the
l:ownship. of Tuckersmith, between_ Brumfield
n -d Seaforth, Mill Road.
horses Team of 'good work horses.
CATTLE --2 cows freshened a month; 1
w due Aniill 0;71 cow due Apr. 10;-'1 cow
Fe May 17; 2- tows due May 22; 1 cow due
y 23; 1 'Cow due June 22; 1 cow not bred ;
cows in calf to Hereford bull; 5 heifers
coming 2 year's; 4 steers. coming -2 years;
9 calves corning 1 year; 2 young calves.
PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows with Pigs; 1 York
sow due March 15th; 3 chinks.
P Geese
McKillop, three and three-quarter miles north
of Seaforth and 14 mile east, on Wednesday.
March 13, at one o'clock p.m. sluu'p.
HORSES --4 good work - horses, 7 to 12
years old, 1800 hounds.
CAT'T'LE -- 3 registered Durham bull, 8
years old-; 6 Durham cows, 4 to 8 years old,
milking since Dec, and Jum. ; 1 Durham cow,
4 years old, due time of sale; 4 heifers 350
Ib ; 2 heifers, 700 lbs.' 0 steers, 1,050 lbs.;
yearling steers; 2 yearling heifers; 7.calves
1 to :3 months old.
HOGS -18 chunks, 80 -pounds,
POULTRY -220 Rock pullets :Scott's),
15x12; coal brooder -stove and pipes; chicken
troughs; feed troughs;. fountains; 5 range
shelters; 5 fattening crates,
IMPLEMENTS—Seven-foot Massey Harris
binder; 5. foot Deering 1n5w00; 11 hoe Massey
Harris 'fertilizer drill ; Massey -Harris side
delivery rake; Massey Harris dump rake
Massey Harris hay loader•; Massey Harris cul-
tivator ; Deering disc 1 steel roller; 4 section
diamond barrows and stretcher ; 2 Plenty
walking plows; 8 furrow C ecshutt gang
plow; Farmer's Friend single furrow tiding
plow; sleigh and Oat rack; wagon and box;
wagon with 16 foot rack ; 16 foot Oat top and.
sliding rack ; stock rack; gravel . box ; hay
fork; sling lock and sling ropes; hand But-
ting hox; grindstone; baggy and buggy pole;
cutter; al, foot crosscut saw t bucksaw ; 2
scythes; 6 fence posts: 6 corner poets;
Massey Harris cream separator, 500 abs.;
wheelbarrow; chop box; 2 oil barrels; 4
wooden barrels; 28 ft. ladder; 32 ft, exten-
sion ladder; 1 act platform scales; bag cart;
Clinton fanning mill and screens;
nee s;sh sugar
kettle; grain bags; sacks;
crow, bar; chains,; whilfletrees; doubletreea;
neekyokes, and many other articles.
LUMBER—Rock elm plank; elm, basswood
end hemlock lumber.
WOOD -10 cords day limb, wood.
CRAIN-150 bushels Velvet barley, suitable
for seed ; 100 bushels Vanguard oats, suitable:
for seed; 50 bushels Ajnx Oats, suitable for
seed; 20 bushels timothy seed.
FEED -15 tons of hay.
HARNESS -1 set breeching harness; back-
inmd harness dor three horses; 1 set single
harness 0 horse blankets; 7 horse collars.
white and green enamel range, for wood or
coal ; Coleman gas stove and oven ; box stove f
heate'rwith Silent Glow oil burner installed;
Iron bed, springs and mattress; wooden bed,
and mattress; dresser bedroom chair.
couch, rocking chairs. 2 wicker chairs, e
wooden beds, Aladdin hanging lamp, Aladdin
table lamp ; Coleman gas Kron ; dash churn,
dishes; crocks, ate., other articles.
Everything will be sold as the Proprietor
has sold his farm. Terms cash.
ROAuction Auctioneer F. P. Chesney, Clerk.Jack-
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest . rates in First -Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire .Insurance Co. .
President, F, McGregor, Clinton'
Nice President, C. W. Leouhardt,
Brodltagen; Secretary -Treasurer and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
• Directors
W. 12. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadf0ot1
Seaforth; ' Chris ' Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E, .3.-Ti'ewartha, Clinton;
Johil L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc-
Ewing, : Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
. Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
Agents '•••
John E. Pepper, Bruce'fleld; R. F.
MoKercher, , Dublin; J. 'F. Prueter,
Brodhagen;. George A. Watt, Blyth.
Panties desirous to. effect insurance,
or transact other business, will bd
promptly attended. to. by applications.
to any of the above • named officeerst
POULTRY -2 aid1 gander.
IMPLEMENTS — 3 dram steel roller 1 addressed to their respective pas
Oliver been defiler with puller; 1 Deering
F ft. mower ; 1 asset' n.
ey drill! t. e -sec io cultivator; 1 8 'ft. dump
1 o three section barrows; 1 corn speller; j Township Of Tuckersmith
M bider, 6 ft • 1 Mass -
Massey ra cl ; - three-section
Mnxwetl root Et. flat
; 1 rutting box; 1 SealedTenderswill be received b��y
wagon with 1.6 ft. OuC riwk; 1 set batch n MaxC11
15 with e Harris 7 following opera -
ream separator ; 1 wheel barrow; 1 walking t10na:—
plow; 1 Massey Harris disc; 1 double tiding ,
I 1 pin crate • 1 scraper • 1 short ladder: . (1) To supply power -40 h.p —
Ste AI tl rack • 1 cutter 1 riding plow ; the undersigned up to 3 p.m. 1 set 2600 pound scales, 1 Massey
lkl Zisd, 1946, for the p
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is, fully equipped with:
complete and modern x-ray and other
pew; ,
i steel barrel ; 1 wooden barren; electric di more --belt, operator and one ad -hip up-to-date -diagnostic and thereuptic
fencer; hay 1'm•k with trip rope; sling chain; p equipment.-diagnostic
wire grips' dltional mans to. operate Townshi
pulleys hard ane stretcher;
hlncr tackle .vith rope • 1 single senftler. Crusher to crush approximately 5,.
IfARNDSS-.•'2 set back braid harness;. 3
new horse collars; pair horse blankets.
POUL'P12Y EQUIPMENT .Colony h0110
10.12; colony house 10-20; 2 shelters; 1 cont
hlrooder stove; elude feeders and hoppers;
drinking founts.
GRAIN -Quantity of mixed feed; quantity
FEED nos; some mixed gross seed. feed
FEED - Several tons of good hay;
LUMBER -Quantity of plank, oak, white
ash and hickory.
SMALL . ARTICLES - Logging chains,
leg longe, oma chains, ns, -
her of good sacks, some sotto( page. � 60 ft.
Annual Skating. Carnival
Costumes, Prizes, Broom Ball Game
Fun & More Fun Don't Miss .
T3cs1 Costume. Boys & Girls, under 6 yearn
Boys Fancy, age 6-12
Boys Comic., age 6 to 12
13oys Palmy, ago 12 to 16
Boyo( Comic, age 12.16
Boys Character or Trade
Costume -Open Costume -Open
Prize for Oldest Skater skating at the carnival
Ladles Most Graceful Skater. Gents Most Graceful Skater
Admission Adults 35 cents. Children 15 cents
r,RR-,.._.. uSuS.5 10n!.%-:..-.nSf :I.a.R^+IC,-lt•..w_v,.'S.9rVF:.t91:N,.d.-,ee'rSYJ.DeRIT
Girls Panay, age 6 to 12
Girls Comic, ,age 6 to 12
Girls Fancy, age 12 to 10
Girls C olnlr', age 12 to 16
Girls Character or Trade
it 1 1 forks, - shovels num
of 4-4 maple track for barn. Wlihtletrees,
veckyokes, some tools, saddler's bench.
"HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 1 Reach range
for wood or coal, new; 1 wood heater; dining
room furniture; 1 writing deslc; 2 kitchen
tattles; add kitchen chairs 1 walnut bedroom
suite• 'r bureaus; large quilt box; wooden
beth • 51,1,1 , lump (new) ; 1 three burner
coat oil stove with oven (slew) 1 elite'- sins
Everything will be sold as proprietor has
sold his farm. Terms cash..
DAVID PAPPLE, Proprietor.
Narold Jnekson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney,
Auction Sale
In the Village of Hensall, on Monday,
Mach 4th, at 1 p.m.
T, will offer for sale it modern henhouse,
14's40', two stray, roar pens, feed room,
egg room, and feed elevator, pressure water
system, and - hydro throughout ' building.
Capacity 000-700 hens.
Also ten practically new chicken -shelters.
Terms l0% clown, balance in 30 days.
Reserve bid.
Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Firm Stock and Implements at Lot No.
10, Con. 1, Stanley, lr/,r miles south 4 Bruce -
4 Cld or two miles north of Highway on Tuesday, February 28 'at 1. pm.
,here, consisting of:
HORSES -General purpose mare, 10 years
old, ,
COWS-Holsteincow, due in March; Hol-
stein cow,'due. in March; roan - Derham cow,
doe in Manch; roan Durham cow, clue in
March ; red Perham -cow, due in March ;.
blue roan cow, due in March ; black cora,
fresh, calf at foot; Jersey cow, fresh, calf at ;.
foot; roan heifer, due in March ; ''aur heifer,
fresh, calf at 'foot; roan- heifer, fresh, calf
nt, foot; roan heifer due time of sale; red
heifer due in March;. red heifer due time of
sale 3 roan_ heifers, rising 1 yr. old; 2 blue
roan heifers. rising 1 yr. old; 2 red heifer's
rising 1 yr. old ; 1 red steer. rising 1 yr. old t
Polled Hereford heifer, 0 months old; Polled
Hereford steer, rising 1 yr. old.
PIGS -Yorkshire brood sow,: bred 2 months ;
Yorkshint brood sow, bred ; 7 stocker pigs,.
a1>nroximately 110blbs.-each; 11 stocker Wigs,
140150 lbs each • 6 pigs, 6 weeks old,
000 yards, 1 inch screen, half of
such gravel to be crushed in the
Murray pit and half in the Allen pit.
Contractor to move and set up
crusher and state in tender Price
for same. Contractors to satisfy
Council as to Compensation Insur-
anee carried and work to be com-
pleted by Oct. lst, 1946. Contractor
to furnish bond in form of Marked.
Cheque for $150. to accompany
tender to guarantee faithful per-
formance of contract. Bonds will be
returned to unsuccessful tenderers:
Each.party to be,responsible for re-
pairs to their own equipment and all
work to be done to the satisfaction
and under the 'direction of the Road
Superintendent. Lowest or any ten-
1 der not necessarily accepted. Tender
lto state rate per yard.
(2) To supply truck and truck
gravel from crusher to Twp. roads.
in amounts as stated above. Tender
to state price per yard, flat rate up
to 5 miles, and a rate per yard mile
for 6 mile and over -haul. Gravel -to
be placed on roads at the direction
of, and to the satisfaction of the
Road Superintendent.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
E. P. Chesney,
Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith
IMPLEMENTS -McCormick -Deering Farm -
d11 M. Tendon on tubber, with starter and
generator in A-1 condition; beltpulley and
36-00.. Stratford -Decker grain. mill with
straw cutter, -blower and grain elevator,
thoroughly rebuilt, like new, full • line of
belting; Meeotanick-Deering 8 -furrow tract-
or plow. (narrow' bottom) like new; McCor- ;
Mick -Deering- No. 8 spring -tooth .cultivator:
Coekshntt 2 -sectio; lever harrows:; 2 -wheel ,
tractor -trailer, 3220 tires and large. platform
Cochshutt 13 disc fertiliser drill ; Massey
Harris, (drum type) hay loader; McCormick -
Deering side delivery rake (new) ; McCor-
DU1 wagon. l
rollebeatgs low. fa m.won ; 16 ft. ft i
rack; 2000.10. Scales; 5 -section diamond har-
rows and: draw bar ; McCormick -Deering mow-
er, 5-01. cut; Deering mower, 5.01. cut (over-
overhauled) 2 walking plows twin plowOliver
bean scuffle,. and puller combined tractor
eultivatoi scuffle'' to fit W.4 tractor ; 1 suer
'muffler; 2 -drum steel roller;
rake Clinton forming mill ; - electric feed
coolce ; root,pnlpe" 1 cream separator, 850 -Ib.
aliment .
wheel barrow motor 2tLe
stens bunt; snow plow; pig feeders water
troughs 1 harness horse collars; set sleighs;
cutter; 50 cedar posts 1 2 electric fences; all -
steel circular saw , 2 -wheel trailer and stock
rack, 600x10 tires; forks, shovels, chains,
whiffletrees, numerous other articles,
GRAIN and PEED -14 tors mixed hay;
1 000 bus.
grain. ; 400. bus, Ajax oats.
, Prop.
'Edward W. Elliott, Arthur Weber, Ans.
Auction Sale.
OF FARM LANDS. 50 nares, West half
Lot 12 Con, 10 Stanley Township.
On the premises there is n frame
covered with asphalt shingles frame barn
anti drive shed. This property will be
offered for sale at George Beatty's Varna,
on Saturday, Feb. 23rd, at 1 p.m. sharp.
Estate of the lateJohn MaOlinchey, Pro..
,Terme, 10% down, balance hi 30 days.
Reserve bid. ,
HAROLD- JACKSON, Auctioneer. °
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to
ell by Public auction on Lot 12, Bayfield
Road, south, 114 miles west of Varna, on
paved road, on Bride,, March .01.11, 0101 12.30
p.m. sharp,
Lotus TAYLOR, Proprietor.
I'tarold .Iackson Auctioneer..
Chesney, Clerk.
Auction Sale
00'. Tlcu'old. Jackson has., been instructed to
sell by public auction on Lot 11, Concession.
7,Stanley Township, Parr Line, 2 miles
suth a Varna, or Monday, March 11, at.
1 2,30 p m harp,
i°707 011) CONNELL. Proprietor.
Derek! Jackson Aoationeen,
0. 1 Chesney, Creek,
150 acres good clay loam, ell under caitivo-
tion except 12 acres of bush. Well drained
and fenced.- Bank barn on 'stone foundation,
60f1;. square, stabling 'underneath' with ce-
ment floors. Hay barn 340±, square with het
house niulerneath, driving shed 2471. x 84ft.
Cement silo. 12ft x 3501. Frame house with
insulate brick covering, seven rooms and
sited. Situated 7 miles from Seaforth, 4 miles
from Welton 100 rods from school' Mid
2-4 miles from Winthrop. Lot .27 pl, 28,
Con 10, McKillop, Hydro all through barn
end house and - wtit.er all th'Ough born.
;,tab to 7aci• Mcrpad'iOi. Ballon R.0.4.
Automatic Egg Grading
Machines Used
Highest Cash Prices Paid
for Eggs and Poultry
Phone Dublin 50
Physician and Surgeon.
Iu Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, N000 and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
leloorelield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, ling.
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p,m. - 53' Waterloo St., Stratford.
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
and cellar. Situated Coleman Street.
with bate. Situated on Main Street.
50 Acre Farm, Twp. - Tuckersmith. Good
Brick House, Bank Barn. Poultry House- and
Driving Shed, Immediate possession.
k a
r T
7s . 13a Farm, Twp.
Tuckersmith. ram
House. Bank Barn, Driving Shed, Hog Pen.
Good bush with spring therein.
Alsohave farms listed in McKillop'
Insurance & Rea
Phones: 334 Office Res. 220
Growing Contracts
Barley 90c bushel
Pull particulars:
Geo. T. dickie
Phone 103
Sun Life Assurance -
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
VitaDieT Multiple Vitamin Cap,
sules ,contain vitamins A, 111, C, D,.
Niacin Amide and Riboflavin.NinetY-
t tr y
2. h tT
clay supply $D. Trial •da.
supply $1.15. Sold at• Independent
Drug Stores.