HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-21, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLESERIES, VOL.' 69, No. S AWARDS PRESENTED AT PRESBYTERIAN' S. S. On Sunday the following awards were presented by Mr..M. McKellar, superintendent: of the Sunday School of First Presbyterian- Church. Perfect Sunday School attend ance: Joyce Glanville, ;Glen Nixon, Doris Pullman, Ron. Rennie, Mar- garet Stevens, •Leona Stevens,' Ken Willis. , Not missing More than 3 Sundays: Karen Kidd, Marilyn Kling, James McKindsey, Gordon McKindsey, Don. McKindsey, Zion. Muir, Bruce Mc- Fadden, Sheila. McFadden, Sue Nix- on, Glen 'Steffen,, Donald Scott, Robert Stevens, Doris Stevens, Har- riet Russell. Church attendance awards: Certificate for 1 year's -attendance at church—Joyce Glenville, Leona Stevens, Phyllis Scott, Gordon Wil- son. , Red seal for 2 years—Doris Fer- guson, Lenora Habkirk, Jean Wright, Blue Seal for 8 years—Jean Mc- Master, Doris Pullman, Margaret Stevens„.Ken. Willis. Green seal for 4 years—Barbara Russell, Harriet Russell, Peggy Wil- lis. Purple seal for 5 years—Don. Munn, Ron, Rennie. Gold seal for 7 years—Bill Munn. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1946 SEVERAL LOCAL REAL ESTATE CHANGES COAL CRL COKE E L. BOX PHONE 43 Property sales effected through the office of Watson' and Reid. Dwelling of W. George Gill on Jarvis Street to Mr. Henry Warrick of Seaforth with possession March 1st. Lots 12 and 13, North Main St. of Mrs. L. Boshart to Dr. F. Har- burn, who expects to build a new residence on the property. - Dwelling of Miss Marion Watson, Goderich Street to Major Dr, Paul: L. Brady. Dr. Brady has just re- turned- from active service and will return shortly to active practice at the Seaforth Clinic. Miss Watson will continue to reside in Seaforth, MUNICIPAL VETERANS INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY RECEPTION COMMITTEES ENTERS FINAL ROUND An enthusiastic meeting was held j "This ' is the hockey for me,. I'll be in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Wed back next week," was the departing nesday evening, at which representa-; comment of a Hensall fan, as he tives of the councils of Seafortlt, ; left the Palace Rink Saturday night, Tuckersmith, McKillop and Hibbert; eftea; witnesing 80,minutes of hockey were•lot'ned into the Municipal Vet-; wititg all the thrills end spills of any erans Reception Committee. L N,H,L, game, as Duncan's narrowly Mayor John Cliff of Seaforth and edged Dublin out of the play-offs by L. P. Chesney of Tuckersmith were I a score .of 7-6 in the local Indstrial I appointed Chairman and Secretary, Hockey League, At the end of regu- + respectively, of the general meeting latio t time, both teams stood at 5-5 at which reeves and councillors ofon the scoreboard. Ten minutes was the four municipalities spoke m re- I agreed upon to break the tie, since garcl to ways and means of providing this was a sudden -death game for the a` suitable reception for the Veterans right to meet Bosharts in the finals, 1 of World War II, Members of the After each team fighting 10 minutes Seaforth Legion were present and worth, another ten minutes of play gave many helpful suggestions. I was decided upon. At 7:05, Hubert, It was unanimously decided to in- high -scoring Dublin centre for the elude all veterans of the ntunicipalinight, got a break away, and broke ties mentioned, regardless of whetb-through the Duncan defence to beat er or not they belonged to a legion 1 Muir on a knee-high sizzler. Every - district apart from Seaforth and , one relaxed, the game was as good committees were named to arrange as over, some -started to leave. With details. Committees named were as less than three minutes to go, Dun - follows (first named to act as Chair- can's with their backs to the wall, man)-- 1 fought hack with a determination Second Period—Goals: F. Sills, Entertainment: C. P. Sills, Walker that couldn't be put aside. Nicholson, 4:10; Powell (Duckworth), 15 c30:, Hart, Milne Rennie, James F, Scott 1 classy Duncan defence man, sneaked Westbrook, 18:30, Penalties: Nell - Supper: M. A. Reid, C. M. Smith, along the right board one minute ans. T. Sills. I. Hudson, D. H. Wilson. later, swept in on Rowland in the j Third Period—Goals: H. McEwen, ECKERT—HODSON ' St. Joseph's Church, Brighton, England, was the setting for the pretty wedding of Fit, Lt. Alclhelm Joseph Eckert R.C.A.F., son of_Mt•. and Mrs, J. M. Eckert, of McKillop, and Miss Valerie. Hodson, W.A.A.F„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Hod- son, of 22 Beaconsfield road, Bright- on, England. The bride was charm- ing in a long white dress of ninon and lace, with full train, and car- ried a bouquet of roses. ..She was• given away by her father and was escorted by seven attendants, Mrs. R. Durant, aunt of the bride, and Mrs, A. Hillman as matrons of honor, wore green dresses trimmed with pink. The two flower girls, Misses Pat and Audrey Hillman, wore frocks of blue and pink. Two of the pages, Robin and David Dur- ant, wore white and the third, Peter Milner, was in a miniature R.A.F. uniform, Best man was Flt. Lt. 3. F. Eckert, the bridegroom's brother. The ceremony was performed by 1 Rev. A. J. Ryan. A reception at "the Lantern" followed the cere- mony. The bride is expected to join her husband in Canada soon. Flt. Lt. Eckert arrived home a short time ago, Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 11 a.m., "The Crusade In The Local Church." • 2:30 p.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m., "The Presence of the Eternal Spirit," Thurs, 7:45 p.m., Prayer Service. Welcome to these services Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D., 10 a,m., Sunday School. 11. a.m., "Returning to the Heav- enly Father." '7. p.m., "Whole Hearted Devo- tion to God." Anglican Feb. 24th Sexagesima Sunday St. Thomas, Seaforth: 10 a.nt., Sunday School 11 a.m., Morning Prayer: "A cup of cold water". 7 p.m„ Evening Prayer: "Com- parisons with Him". St. Mary's, Dublin 2:30 Sunday School 3: Church Service: "A cup of cold water". The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all serivices. - HOCKEY CLINTON 13, SEAFORTH 6 Clinton came through with a 13-6 triumph over Seaforth in an O.H.A. intermediate game in Clinton, Fri- day night. Lecl by H. McEwen who dented thenets four times, the Clin- ton crew turned in one of their best games of the season. Westbrooke had three goals for the winners while Burdett and F. Silts shared scoring' honors for Seaforth. Seaforth-Goal, Hesse; defence, T. Sills, Goodrow: centre, McFad- den; wings, Doig, F. Sills.; subs. Peck, O'Shea, Yeandle, Burdett, Elwood. ' Clinton—Goal, Brush; defence, Neilans, Colquhoun; centre, Powell; wings, F. MeEwan, H. McEwan-; subs. Lockwood, Draper, Duckworth, Westbrooke, Cook. SUMMARY First Period --Goals: H. McEwan, 4:10; Burdett, 5;50; Duckworth, 7:00; 51 MeEwan, 11:30, Dance: H. Jackson, N. Hubert, A. Dubin nets, heating hint neatly to 1'2:00; Duckwaith tPowell), 5:40: Nicholson, R, Bolton, again tip, up the contest at 6.6. The Burdett, 6:10; Westbrook, 7:10: Ticket: Clint Smith. Prl. Smith more. as S:ran11 S: -l0: Powell, 10:30: F ]x d n e came to lite onceF. Frank Sills, John Cluff, he tnu and yelling from both sides McEtvan, 12:05; H. McEwan, 14':15: The personnel of the General ne,. ldetl the undying spirit of the F. Sill, 1-x:00: �'IcFaciclen 1t : Col • - Committee includes the Reeves and Duncan team. Deserving of a well- quhoun, 19:00. Penalties: Cook.. de - two members front each council in earned victory, Duncans pressed, Fadden, Westbrook. Goodrow ,two, . the district and are as follows:• ,vitli the Irish determined to keep inviudin„ one major). Lockwood j Seaforth: Mayor John Cliff, theta out. With less than two min, • 1majorl, Draper, Colquhoun Incr Reeve J. Daly, Counc. Frank Sills, utes of play, Messenger, on a pas, ,jor), Burdett (major). r 61 a year .77 1 Puelcetsmth: Reeve A. Nicholson, from Mum shot from the right Counc. H. Jackson, Counc, G. Rich- boards at the blue line, to catch the INGERSOLL 7, SEAFORTH 5 ardson. left hand corner of the Irish citadel Ingersoll Hellcats defeated Sea - McKillop: Reeve R. Dortance, to give Duncans the win they justly forth, 7-:i Monday night in a fast Counc. Geo. Campbell, Counc. M. deserved, and the right to meet and strenuous tussle and kept in the Murray, rosharts in the finals. running in the Intermediate 0.11.A.— - r Hibbert: Reeve J. Atkinson, ''B" group, j Counc, E. Butson, Celine. F. Allen. SL`MYIARY " The three periods were featured 1 John Cluff was rained Chairmanby the fast, brilliant hockey,with i and E. "P. Chesney, Sect'y. • of the First Period Hubert 7:45 the most vigorous performance by I Committee.1 Dubint, MRS. E. LAWRENCE I Lists f Service Personnel are be 2 Dublin, 'Hubert (J. O'Connor) froth teams in the closing stanza. j The death took place at the home ung prepared for each municipality Wilson. fence, T. Sills, D. Goodrow; centre. of her brother, Mr, William H111, 1, and the general public will be asked Penalties, Eric Doig, Centra street, on Soturday atm,: to scrutinize same in the press and Second Period R. McFadden; wings, F. Sill:, K. noon about 3 o'clock of Annie Violet supply the secretary with any orris- 3. Duncan's, Mesenger 22:45 Doig: subs, W. Ellwood, C. Peck, K. Hill, widow of the late Ernest sion or errors in the hope that no 4 Duncan's, Mui 26:50 Yeandle, Burdett. •r1 The. Th S t n tructed to 6; Dublin, Hubert 30:35 fence, W. Jordan, R. Geddes; centre, Lists o SEAFORTH: Goal, L Hesse; de - 9 :16 5. Duncan'sNicholson, 27:27 INGERSOLL: Goal, Gilbert; de - Lawrence. Her death was sudden re name will be omitted froin the lists 'suiting from a hentmon c Secretary was instructed late Mrs. Lawrence was born in Eg- invite the Women's Institute to op- Penalties, Wilson, Ken, Doig, Muir G. Faulkner; wings, R. Even, r, Col- ntonclville on 3511. 14th, 1831, 01117, crate a refreshment booth at the Third Period liens; subs, R. K. Henderson, J. Hen - daughter. of the late Mr. and. Mrs. dance which will be held after tine 7, Duncan's, Mesenger 42:17 derson, W. Lewis, A. Weir. Nell Hill. She was married forisj supper and program and the sun•- 8. Duncan's, Wilson 54:46 Referee: R. Riley, Brantford, years ago to Mr. -Ernest Lawrence, I Bested date for the "Welcome" was 10. Dublin, Stapleton 55:0'L who died five months later, in Logan I Match 10th, full details of which will .. Penalties, A. MacLean, F. O'Con- INTERMEDIATE "B" O.H,A here she resided110E nno EGMONDVILLE The W.M.S. and W. A. of Eg- mondville United Church met at the ]tome of Mrs. J. A. McGregor on Tuesday the 19th with 31 ladies present. The meeting opened with Mrs. Alex Boyes, president of the W.A. in the chair and Mrs. Elmer Cameron, pianist. Hymn 445 "All the way my Saviour leads me" was sung followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, after which was a busi- ness period of the W.A. Mrs. Hugh Chesney sang a solo "I love a little cottage", Mrs. McGregor accompan- ist. Mrs. McMillan took the topic. Then Mrs. 'Gardiner, president of the W.M.S. opened with hymn 249 "Je- sus shall reign where'er the sun" followed by prayer. Mrs. Gardiner gave the topic on Africa .during which Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Web- ster sang the hymn from the "Mis- sionary sionary Monthly". The meeting closed with hymn 325 "Blest are. the pure in heart" and prayer by Mrs. Gardiner. A social half hour was spent while lunch was served by the Egmondville group, CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Wilton at Listowel with; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart' Robertson and family: • Mary Agnes Hamilton, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton. -Mrs. William' Houghton with her brother, George Dalrymple, and Mrs. Dalrymple, Hensel'. Miss Jean McCulloch, London,. township, w 1 Ifter• appear at a later date. J 0'Co r. het mai 1 age. The public is ase o g ve et cry brother William in Seaforth. I order to snake this an "ALL OUT" Surviving are three brothers, reception ce tion to officially welcome back lam Hill and Dr. R. I. Hill of Sea - forth, and S. M. Hill of New York.; our boys and girls from the Services. Years she made her borne with her WLTFAP London 8 3-0 75 30 18 co-operation with this committee in 7 a 1 3S 55 13 The funeral was held from the G. A. "Whitney funeral chapel, Seaforth, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 p,m. to the Maitlandbank cemetery, Rev. C. F L. Gilbert conducting the services. with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace and family at Walienstein with Mr, and Mrs Percy Adams. LAC. .Archie Wilton, Ottawa, with Mrs. A. Robertson and John Robertson. Miss Jeanette McKellar with her sister, Mrs, Bruce Armstrong, and Mr. Armstrong, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Parker at- tended ttended the funeral of their uncle, Enoch Parker, at Chiselhurst,. RETURN FROM OVERSEAS. Servicepersonel arriving home• from overseas this week on board the QuQueenElizabeth iincluded ' L.Cpl J. C. Saundercock, Londgsboro; Pte, Y: B. Hoggelt, Clinton; Lieut. N. S. Hazel Marie (Dixon) Nelson, Sea - forth Red Cross Notes The Quilting committee would be 11. Dublin, Hubert 77:05 Tavistock 12. Duncan's, Nicholson 78:40 Seaforth 13. Duncan's, Messenger 79:20 Clinton Penalties, Hubert 9, ILen, Doig 2, Ingersoll :. ........ Woodstock 7 7 0 34 74 14 7 5 0 84 74 14 551726911 Wilson, I•tric Doig. 0 9 0 26 110 0 CONSTANCE Li s Mr. Donald Buchanan of Toronto Dublin—Goal, F. Rowland: de - is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. fence, Wilson, F. O'Connor; centre, Alfred Buchanan, A. Hubert; wings, F. Stapleton, 3. We are sorry to know Mr. Harry O'Connor; alternates, Neil Stock, Durnia is not enjoying gooTom d health Doyle, Tom Smith, at present, Duncan's—Goal, J. Muir; defence,. Linen 1 pleased to have more duilteis, They Mr, Ken Betties arrived back in Eric Doig, Nicholson; centre, G, v t. ish to cote p lete their work by the United States on his way home from Muir.; wings, Messenger, Ken Doig; end of March. Spend a pleasant Fri- Malternatesanila. , Roy Kerr, 3; Brown, Mac - day afternoon in the Red Cross Miss Jean Wakefield of Clinton Lean, Flannery, R. Doig, work -rooms. spent the weekend with her parents, j Referee—Rus. Holmes. O.J. and Mrs, Fred Wakefield. Come to the concert, Friday night There will be a social evening in i Feb 22, Encourage the young folk the basement of the church on Fri - Enoch A. HENSALL by your presence and also enjoy Clay night. "Uncle Josh Perkins". 1 Mrs. Emmett'. Betties received a telegram on Saturday that her bus- ST. COLUMBAN 'band S -Sgt. Kenneth Betties had ar- rived in San Deigo, Calif., on his way honk from the Phillipine Islands, 45 Years Married, And Still Happy where he has been stationed since A quiet celebration marked the last September, He was proceding to forty-fifth anniversary of the wed- !Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, where he ding of Dan Cronin and Bridget expected to receive his discharge Downey, both of St. Columban, The . from the U. S. Army, 'S/Sgt. Betties couple, accompanied by the family, -`was stationed for it year in England attended Mass offered in honor of and lu •once. the occasion by Rev, F. O'Drowski, j Miss 'Jean Wakefield. o£ Clinton in St, Columban Church, where they spent the week end with her parents, were united, in Marriage in 1901. Mr.- and Mrs. Frame. Riley visited Mr, and Mrs. Cronin still reside on ,with friends in Clinton on Sunday.. the same farm on No, 8 highway i The Golden Links Mission Band where they began their married life 'met in the schoolroom of the church and it was the scene of a ,gathering on Sunday, Feb, 17th. The meeting of the family: D. S. Albert, Al was opened by the used of hymn 446 phonse, Jack, 'Mary (Mrs. Jos. followed by the call to worship and O'Connor) and Anne '(Mrs. Hugh the response. After the roll call the Benninger)' for supper and the even- , offering was taken by Dennis Jewitt, Mg. The ten grandchildren of the +The minutes of the last meeting were happy couple were also Present; read, followed by byni n 453. We then Both Mr. and Mrs. Cronin are en- had the study book and the meeting joying lair health and expressed. I was closed by the Mizpah benedic- hopes of a bigger celebration for. tion. Geo. Mcllwain, secretary. their golden wedding. .DUBLIN Glen Butters, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Butters, had the misfortune to fall Saturday on some ice, and break a bone in his leg. The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Anglican Church held their monthly meeting at the borne of Mrs. Wil- liam Smith. The ladies quilted a quilt. Lunch was served by the host- ess, WAS Marie Krauskopf returned to London after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. K. Krauskopf, Miss Mary Murray with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Murray. Hugh Pugh in Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Stapleton and family in London. Mrs. Joseph Evans returned from St. Marys after spending a month with'relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and fam- ily and NIrs, John Burns, London, with 114r. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain visited. Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell In to Face". The floral Goderieh on Sunday. entitled "Face Parker Enoch Arthur Parker, life-long resident of this district died on Wed- nesday in his 86th year, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ctidmore, 'Osborne Township. The deceased had been in his usual health until Monday when he was stricken with a severe stroke. Surviving are his widow, the former Emily Hinks, four sons, Harold, Wilbert and Wil- liam -of Chiselhurst, Gordon, Exeter, four step -sots, Russell, Robert and Leonard Keyes', Mitchell, Burton Keyes of Perth, a step -daughter, Mrs,,,Edgar Cudmoi•e,. Usborne and one 'brother, George Parker, Chisel- hurst, Mr, Parker was a member of Chiselhurst United' Church.• A pri- vate -funeral service was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudtilore ort Saturday at 2 • p.m., condneted by Rev. R. A. Brook, as- sisted by Rev. Kendrick of Exeter, who 'read the scripture from John 14 and led in prayer. -"Nearer my Gpd ,to Thee" and `What a friend we have in Jesus the 'favorite hymns were sung. Miss Jennie Jolly and Mr. Norman Jolly sang a duett Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener tributes were numerous showing the spent the week end with her parents! respect with which the deceased was Mr. and Mrs Austin Dexter 1 held, The flower bearers were grand- Miss Downey held it Valentine children namely: Ronald Parker, Ar- Tuesday Parker, of this week, owing to they neth Parker, Dorothy Keyes, Max storm storm last Friday, j Beret Parker and Carman Keyes. party for the children of 5,5. #3 on thur. Parker, George 1 - I The pall -bearers were Messrs Stan - BLAKE 'ley Mitchell, Herb Kercher, • Wm. •• I t ent in c IYiacTaggart's cem'et'ery ents, celebrated her 35th birthday Vernet, Geo. T. Wren, on Joe Ferg uson Mrs. Desch, one of the oldest res9l and Harold Cudmore. n ern Saturday. She was the guest of her, daughter where a dinner was held.' Mrs. Sam Oesch -and sou Russel, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Oesch and Marilyn' were present. Mus. Desch' knits from clay to day and in the summer time she -helps her family hoe. Many happy birthdays are wished this grand old Pioneer lady. Mi•. Edmund. Swartzehtimber, local store keeper, has .treated his family to a new Dodge car, Nin and Mrs. Seth, Ammens of Zui'- Leh, visited on the Bronson. Line. • VISITORS IN DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. John A.. Richardsons of Duluth, Minnesota. are spending about, ten days visiting here at the hones of Mrs, Thomas Richardson, Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Pepper. Mill Road, and Councillor and Mrs. Gordon Richardson, Tucker - smith.. Mr. Richardson, who is a brother: of the late Thomas Richafd- son, retired last year alter 46 years of i service as a marine. engineer on the lakes, They will visit Goclericli and Port Albert.' - SCOTT—OWEN At St. John's Anglican Church, Newport, England, on Saturday, Jan. 26th, the marriage was solemnized of Barbara, youngest daughter of Mrs, Owen and the late H. G. Owen, of Newport, England, to CSM. Gordon D. Scott, RCEME, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, James T. Scott, of Roxboro. The ceremony was performed by the hector of St: John's Church. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Sgt. Roy Owen, was charm- ing in a white gown fashioned with panelled bodice and sweetheart neckline, long pointed sleeves and long :full skirt, Her veil was caught to her head with orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of white carnations. The br'ide's sister, Mrs. Tyler, of Newport, was matron of honor. She wore a floor length gown of rose crepe and wore a flow- er trimmed cap with shoulder length rose veil. She carried a bouquet of roses. The reception was held at the Westgate Hotel, Newport. The brides mother wore blue crepe with a corsage of pink carnations. Follow- ing the reception CSM. and Mrs. Scott deft for .a honeymoon in Len - don, England, the bride wearing blue crepe dress trimmed with gold sequins with black coat and black accessories. The bride and groom expect to come to Canada in the near future. BRUCEFIELD Ret/. G. F. N Atkinson of l'it'twelield has notified his congregation that he is applying for leave to retire frau the active ministry at the end or June anti will be leaving Bvucetield at that time., Mr, and Mrs. J. 12. Murdoch and Beth, Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch and NIr, and Mrs. Stanley Rumble at- tended the wedding of Captain *Jade McNeil and Miss Betty Snthetland in St. Thomas on Saturday, Feb. 17. Mrs J. R, Murdoch is spending a few days in Hamilton at the home of her son and daughter -ht -law, Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch. Mr. Ronald Holland of Avonlea, Sask., is visiting witty. 318 uncle and punt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dayman. Miss Fannie Knight of Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs Robert Munn of Rip- ley spent a few clays last week atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs John "Cairns, accompanied by her sister, -Mrs. W. McKenzie, and 'nephew, Mr, Donald McKenzie,' cif HcnsaIl spent it few days in Hamil- ton with relatives recently. Mrs, 11. Dayman and nephew 1\'Ir. Ronald Holland, visited with friends in Lateen on Monlay. Mr. and Mrs Harold Barber of Gar- den City, Michigan, sire guests at the GOVERNMENT PURCHASE TAX EXTRA SHOP AT !" 1 AUG E IT PAYS Phone 194 Res, 10 hone or their uncle and aunt, Mr. and ilio H. Hayman. Ou Tuesday afternoon about twen- ty women gathered at the home of Mrs. W.:\. )laugh, when Mrs. Morgan of c•linton go VP a demonstration of brushes. At 1 tic close Lural teas serv- ed by the hostess. Iirucefield congregation have pur- chased a. new Hammond organ. It will: be dedicated to the memory of the Pioneers of the congregation which was organized seventy years ago in March, also in memory of the war vet(rans. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mustard and ' son visited with Mrs. Mustard's par- ents. 11:1r, and Mrs. S. Hey, or Blake, of Sunday, The following is the financial slate - Merit for 1945 of the BrucelIeld Receipts -- From 1:.0.O.F., 537.36; from Young People's Union, 5501 from donations (McCully's) $44,25; from donations !Berry's), $45; from. carnival $63.05; ctotatlots Wos, As- soc., 649; donations (McCully's) $9; Btntle int„ $1,113.—Total $293.9, Expenditure -H. F. Berry(:. hdwe., 54,36; Thos. Welsh, lumber, 584.03;• A. Spencer. lumber. $4.58. W. Stone, laud speaker. 55; prizes for carnival, $13; Ross Sccitt, JIonet 512,87; Gor- don Latina, caretaker, $40,03; H. F. Berry, elec. supplies, 634.39; The Church (Hydro) 510.03; bal, in batik, 584.96. Total -8293.69. • Balance in batik it end of last year was used to put in larger pump and larger water line from manse to rink, during the past summer. Your coin. litttee ire very grateful for your don- ations unci support and trustyou.will continue this support that inlprove- ments may be made, Geo, Swan, Frei sure' . KIPPEN lir. and Mrs. R. D. Elgie visited with friends in St. Mary's recently. ' Mr, Geo. Glenn has disposed of his farm south of the village to 'his neighbor, Dr, Jarrett. Mr. Win, Sproat of London spent the weekend with liis parents, Mrs. Win. Sinclair is confined to her roost and her many friends hope to see her: around soon. VAR.NA The W.M.S. held its Feb. meeting.. at, the parsonage. The Parr Line group was in charge with Mrs. Geo. Reid taking the devotional exercises. The call to worship was read from the monthly and we sang, Blest are the pure in heart. The meditation was then read and, Breathe on me Breath of God, was sung. Miss Hero led in prayer. A, pretty flower was sent to Mrs, McClymont, a faithful member who is not able to be at some of the meetings. Eleven mein- hers answered roll call with a fa- vourite verse. It was decided to order leaflets for Day , of Prayer '(when Anglicans unite with us). The study book was taken by,Mrs. Lorne Coleman and Mrs, Will Stephenson, Mrs. Geo. Reid read the closing prayer in worship , service. We sang 'rather Whose Wiii, is life and good", and .Miss Hern closed with prayer.