HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-14, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Reg l n g.Village;
Mr. and Ml's, G. .111,I. Drysdale are
u ar meeting of the.
uncil held this eyening in the
in Toronto this week attending the l Co
Hardware Convention there. I me
Mrs Garnet Mouseau and babe of the,
Zurich visited during the past week Hy
with Mr, and .Mrs. John MacBeath,
Mrs, Bowden of Exeter visited as
over the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. coll
Jack Farquhar and family. 1 ed
Miss Maude Glenn of London le
visited during the week with Mr, and st
Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mr, and Mrs. gen
John M. 'Glenn,
Mr. Wm, Brown attended the re
Hardware Convention held in Toren- lie
to this week.
The many friends of Mr, Joseph ha
Hagan regret to hear of his contin- F
ued illness, and hope for an' improve- dol
Miss Fayme Logan received- word low
of the death of her sister, Mrs.
Elliott, who has resided with mem-
bers of her family in Manitoba for De
the past few years.
The W.M.S. of the United Church Af
will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Cr
Geiger on Thursday afternoon Feb. M
14, at 3 o'clock.
Miss Eleanor Bell, R.N., daughter a
of Mrs. Wm. Hyde returned to New Co
Yorktoresume her nursing duties: tie
Miss Bell' has just obtained her re-
tirement from the services, having
served as. a nursing sister with the Co
The W.M.S. of. Carmel Presby- In
terian Church will meet in the school F
room of the church on Thursday.
Feb. 14 at 3 p.m. Da
.4 large number of members and L
congregts of Carmel ation attended Presbyterian,
annual F.
congreg cfp
meeting which was held- 'in h the ail
uncil Chamber at. $ p.m. with all
mbers being present. Minutes of
previous meeting read. Fink and
de, that the- minutes be adopted
read. Carried, R. J. Paterson, tax
ector reported as having collect -
$42.44 since the last meeting,
aving a balance of $191.10 'out-
anding, also stated - he. had re-
ved a letter from D. W. Foss as
reg his property on South Rich-
nd St. R. E. Shaddick reported as
ving 'received a letter from the
mergency Shelter Officer in Lws::
n as regards vacant house in the
age.' Correspondence read as fol -
s; Ontario Association of Rural
unicipalities, Queen Alexander
iatorium, Dept. of Planning and
velopinent, Dept. of Veterans
fairs, Dr. D. G. Steer, Meadows
itoph and Co., County Treas.,
onte th & Monteith, Gutta Percha
an Rubber Ltd., Pritchard -Andrews
Ontario Good Roads Associa-
n, same considered and filed.
Bills and Accounts read: Huron
unty, bal. road account $1183.38;
A. Paterson, prem. on bonds $28.
surance, hall $32. total $60., Di.
H. Scherk, transportation re
bus $5.; Gutta Percha Rubber
Fire Dept., supplies $64.20;
Peters, repairs, hall $8.20; Muni -
al World, supplies $11.35;Associ-
it Rural Municipalities,
member -
.o r
schoolroom of the church on urs- ship5.; J. Pfaff, snowplowing
day evening February 7, Rev. P. A. $
Ferguson was chairman and
for J. streets $7.50; R. Broderick, snow re -
W. Bonthron, secretary the o` al, team $12.60; H. Wolff, la_
meeting. Following the devotional
rnbour, snow removal $8.40; G. Hud -
exercises the varied reports of the
son labour, snow removal $8.40; C.
different organizations were given
and were all most gratifying, Follow- Schwalm, labour, snow removal $8,•
°ng the business Rev. Ferguson ad- 40; K. McKenzie, labour, snow T
,tressed the congregation with an in- ntoval $8.40; T. Kyle, salary, $73:
spirational message. The meeting 80; Hensall School Board, current
concluded with prayer and refresh-
ments were served by the ladies.
Evening Auxiliary Meets
The Evening Auxiliary of the
United Church met at the home of
Mrs, E, Geiger on Monday evening
when Mrs. Spray and Miss Margar-
et Shepherd as hostesses. The Presi-
dent Mrs. B. Kyle was inc arg y sing-
the meeting, which opened
ing the "Theme song" and a hymn.
The devotional period was taken l t
Mrs. Kyle, the scripture being
spondedato by naming nge l some wl call ay s l
chpt. 13. yof
serving others. Miss Gladys L -
was appointed Community Friend
ship Secretaappointedy, sViolet StewardshipcCl do
moot wason Africa was
Secretary, The study
taken by Miss M. 81115. The
and meet
ing closed by singing
a hymn the
tniszpah benediction. Refreshments
were served,
Mr. Wm. Slavin of London spent
the weekend with relatives here.
Mr. Enoch Parker was stricken
with a stroke on Monday
while visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, Usborne.
Mr. Parker continues seriously ill.
Mrs, Wm. McAllister
Word was received here this
week of the death of Mrs. Wm,
McAllister at her home in Edmon-
ton, Alta., She was formerly Jessie
Bell. daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Bell, Hay 'Township.
Following her marriage, Mr. and
Mrs, McAllister farmed near Varna o
before going West. Surviving are 1
two sons, Daniel and Wilfred, Ed-
monton, two daughters, Mrs. Mor-
' S
Edmonton and Mrs. Ferguson su
of Delhi, two brothers, Mr. R. D. W
Bell and. Mr. Wm.. G. Bell, Hensall. o
Three sisters, Mrs. Ellen McAllister;
Hensall, Mrs. Alice Cooper and Mrs. Sa
McLean, Kippen.
The first meeting of the Mission th
Circle of the United Church was ' y
held. recently at the hone .of Mrs. r
E, NerIninton, who outlined the pus ' p'
pose and work of the Circle. The
following_ officers were elected. 6.
Pres. Eleanor Cook; vice-pres., Ber- 5
mice Jinks; sec., Doris Buchanan; b
Treas., Elaine Carlisle; devotional, a
Dorothy McNaughton; programme,
Eleanor Vennor and Betty Mickle.
It was decided that the meetings
would be held at the members homes, !
at 7:30 on the second Monday of the
month. Following the business the under the doctor's care in London
ti closed with the Lord's
expenses $1000 00 G M Case coal
hall $4S 55 Hensall hydro hydro
Card of Thanks
Mrs, George Meolinchey wishes to thank
the many friends who remembered her with
flowers, fruit and cards; also the. Nurses, and
Dr. McMaster, while confined to ,Scott: Mem-
orial' Hospital, Seaforth,
The Seaforth Agricultural So,
ciety will receive applications for
the position of Secretary -Treasurer
until March 1st. Apply by letter to
J. M. Govenlock, President.
Orchard grass seed, Cartier omits,
500 bus. Also, purebred Shorthorn
bull 15 months old. Phone 238 Blyth
or Blyth P.O. A. W. McEwing,
Gander for sale. Phone 23 r 24,
Dublin, George Beuermann.
A' number of pigs seven weeks
old, for sale. Apply to Roy Lawson,
667 r 16, Seaforth.
Immediately experienced man for
general farm work. Apply to Bob
Archibald, Phone 655 r 16, Seaforth.
Two 100 -acre farms with good
buildings, in the vicinity of Seaforth
or Tuckersmith Twp. Apply at The
News Office,
Auction Sale
0,, Friday, Feb. 22nd, at 12.30. sharp. In the
Township of .Tuckersmith, between Brucefleld
and Seaforth, Mill Road.
Horses -Team of good work horses.
CATTLE -3 cows freshened e, month; 1
sow due April 6; 1. cow due Apr... 19; 1 cow.
due May 17. ; 2 cows; due May 22; 1 cow due
May 23; 1 cow due June 22;1 cow not bred ;
cows in calf to Hereford bull; 5 heifers
coming 2 years; a steers coming 2 years;
9 calves coming 1 year; 2, young calves,
PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows with pigs; 1 York
sow due March 16th; 8 chunks.
POULTRY -2 Geese and 1 gander.
IMPLEMENTS — 3 drum steel. roller' 1
Oliver bean scattier. with puller; 1 Deering
5 ft. mower ; 1 Massey binder, 6 ft.; 1 Mass-
ey drill; 1 Massey cultivator;. 1 5 ft.. dump'
rake; 2 three -section -harrows ; 1 corn shelter ;
1 Maxwell root pulper; 1 cutting box; 1
wagon with 16 ft. flat rack; 1 set bench
sleighs with rack ; 1 cutter ; 1 riding plow ;
1 set 2000 pound scales; 1 Massey Harris
i .cream sepm•atnr; 1. wheel barrow; 1 walking.
pion ; 1 khrsseyr Harris disc; 1 double riding
p1ow; 1 pig crate;. 1 scraper; 1 short ladder;
all $14.35; W. Allan, • plowing t steel barrel ; 1 wooden barrel ; electric
gets $44.00. Total $2571.53. Kers- I Iencer; hay fork with trip rope; sling chain;
pulleys, hand wire stretcher; wire' grips;
ke and Hyde, that we .renew our blosk, Isolde with rope; 1 single scuffles.
HARNESS -2 set back band harness: 3
mbership in the Association of I new horse collars ; pair horse blankets.
ral Municipalities. Carried, Fink
10-12;IIcolony hose 10.20 P2 eheltalossy h ons
d. Moir, that the bills and accounts broodr stove; chick feeders and hoppers;
drinking founts.
read be paid. Carried. The re- I GRAIN—Quantity of mixed feed ; quantity
ption committee reported the 500 of Erbnn. oats; some mixed grass seed.
FEEL) — Several tons of good hay; feed
b as being willing to supply the b,LUMBER—Quantity of plank, oak, white
nquet for the returned boys, and ash and hickory,
e same to be held in the Town SMALL
ARTICLES — Logging chains,.
log tongs, small chains, forks, shovels, num.
ruary 22, and 45 invite- b f good sacks some cotton bags 60 ft
� of 4-4 mnnle tack for barn. eckyo es, some tools, sn r s
•CTS —1 Beach range
to attend. for wood or coalt dining
A large delegation from the dif- room furniture: 1 writing
i tingl desk; bedroom
all Feb
er o ,
ns sent out to the different boys e k t 1 ddle ' bench
new ; 1 wood heater; ;
kst len; odd kitchen c
rent groups namely: Women's In- suitei3 bureaus; ler Quilt box; wooden
Mute, 500 Chili, Girls Dance Club, beds; Ahrddin lamp (new) ; 1, three burner
coal oil stove mitis Oven (naw) 1 ether small
hool Board, Clergymen, and Cham- art!eles•
Everything will he sold as Proprietor hes
✓ of Commerce waited on the sold his forum. Terms cash.
DAVID PAPPLE, Prorsr!etor,
ouncil as regards a Community H,rrold Jackson, Auctioneer,
wilding or an addition to.the School E. P. Chesney. Clerk.
✓ Athletic Activities to be erected Auction Sale
a Memorial, and carne to the con- OF FARM LANDS. 50 acres, West half
lusion an addition to the School or Lot 13 Con. 10 Stanley Township.
id beneficial to all parties and a and drive shed. This property «•111 be
offered for sato at George Beatty's Varna,.
mmittee was formed to look into on Saturday. Feb. 2:Ird, at 1 p.m. sham,.
is matter composed of M. Sam- , Est h M Glt l Pr
Terms 10 n down, b
rs, G. R. Hess, R. Middleton.
On behalf °of the Council and the
fficials, Councillor A. W. Kers- 1 Auction Sale
eke presented Reeve, Warden R. E•. March fair,, Vilt lage f Henson, m, Monday,
haddick with a Ronson lighter T will offer for sale a modern henhouse,
limbi, engraved. The Reeve and 24'x40', two story, tour Pens, feed room,
egtt room, and feed elevator, pressure water
arden -thanked the Council and system, and hydro throughout building•
CaP+wity 600.700 hens.
fficials for �' their kindness, and " Aiso tan practically new chicken shelters.
ated that he 'would retaliate at Terms 10% down, balance in 30 days.
Reserve bid.
me future date, also stated that as MNK & SIMMONS, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
e village was now celebrating 50 I
ears as an incorporated village it Grand Bend Store Sold
night be a good thing to have a I Mr. J. W. Holt, who for over 21
ieture taken of the present Coun- years has been in the general store
it to hangu beside the Council of and real estate business at Grand
P Bend, has sold the building and
0 years -ago, in the Council Cliam- business to Jas.
Dalton, who con-
e. Hyde and Fink, that we now ducts a similar business at Mount
djourn. Carried. j Carmel, Mr. Holt is preparing to
erect a new residence at Grand
IBend and will continue in the real
CONSTANCE estate business..
Want and For Sale Ads. 1. week 26c
Mrs, Wm, Britton who has been
new school would be most suitable ve the th ries there is a frame house
covered with asphalt shingtes 'Tame bmu
ate of the late Jon a no+ey, Prop
glance to 10 days,
Reserve bf�
1i'AROLIS JACKSON, Auctioneer.
The family of the' late Mrs. D.
McCallum wish to, express their
sincere appreciation to their many
friends and neighbors for their-
expressions of sympathy. their help
and flowers sent in their recent sad
bereavement. Also, those who loaned
Cal's, and to the Rev. Mr, Hazle-
wood, and the staff of Clinton` hos-
A' top buggy, in good condition.
Apply to Mrs. John Grieve, Phone
149-M, Seaforth.
The `self preservation of -the race demands honesty, square dealing,
—Elbert Hubbard
one price to all.
Fluffo Shortening, ib•......; 19c Washed Carrots, lb Oc
Corn, Starch, lb „ 118 Celery, green, 2 bunches 26c
Corn Syrup, is 59c Head Lettuce ..,. 16e
Fels Neptha, 3 for 25e Spinach, lb, ;it 10c
We have reason to believe we have the finest display of Fruits
and Vegetables .this side of.London
Clearing Auction Sale 1 FOR SALE
Of Farm Stock,- Implements and ' Ten ewes coining in soon. Also
Chevrolet Car 1 mile south of Blyth two cows to freshen in March. One
on No. 4 Highway on Thursday, 3 -year-old colt for sale. Alfred Bu -
February 21st commencing at 12:30 chanan. Phone Seaforth 841 r 4.
HORSES—Sorrel gelding, rising WANTED
5 years old; Brown Gelding, rising Logs and wood cut immediately.
3 years old. Pay cash or give generous share of
COWS -6 Holstein springer cows, wood. Kenneth McPherson, Dublin,
5 years old; - 4 Ayrshire springer 17 r 24. _
cows, 3 to 6 years old; ' 10 fresh
milch cows, 3 to 6 years old; '7 Hol -1
stein and Ayrshire cows, due in
March and April; 3 Ayrshire year-
ling heifers; 8 Durham yearlings; 1
'two-year-old Durham bull; 6 young
calves. 1 FOR SALE.
PIGS -4 sows, due in March and Two young bronze Toms. Mrs. L.
April. Clark Sr, Kippen R. R. 2.
MOTOR CAR -1929 Ohevrolet
coach, in excellent condition. � • TENDERS FOR WOOD
IMPLEMENTS—Mower Culbiva- Tenders for seven cords of hard ' Companies.
tor; (4 -section) Harrows; Seed Drill; body wood, 14 inches long, to be de -
Laundress for Scott Memorial
Hospital. Apply to the Superintend-
ent, Scott Memorial Hospital.
McConnell _& Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays.
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank `Build -
Ing, Seaforth: Office hours:--
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
/ 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. _
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at - lowest rates in First•Class-
Harrow Cart; Manure Spreader, M. livered by April' 16th to S.S. #2, Me-
H,; Cutter; uggy; Light Sleigh; Kiilo Tenders close Feb. 15th.
Whiffletrees; Neck' Yokes, and nu- p
merous other articles. Joseph T. Hugill, See.-Treas.
Any person wishing to purchase
dairy cows' should attend this sale.: FOR SALE
These 'cows are in good condition, I Ajax seed oats from registered
and giving a' good flow of milk. seed, second generation. Apply to
TERMS—CASH John Shea, Jr., 64 r 24, Dublin.
Positively no reserve. Central Seaforth, R.R. 5,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ,,
George C. Powell, Proprietor.
Prayer in unison, for the -past eight weeks, returned
Muss Jean McQueen visited our- home the latter part of the week.
ing the past week with her sister, ` Mr. Wilfred Buchanan of London
Mrs. Jack Traquair, j visited with his parents, Mr. and
Misses Barbara and Margaret Mrs. Alfred Buchanan.
Shepherd and Miss Edna Sounder- Mr. Donald Stephenson of the Un -
cock spent the weekend in Toronto iversity of Toronto, Ajax Division,
and while there attended the Ice spenttheweekend at his home here.
Follies. Mrs. Harry Taylor, of Seaforth,
Mrs, Annie Logan who has been who is spending the winter with Mr.
i11 for some time was removed to and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, is not en -
St, Joseph's Hospital, London, last joying good health at present.
week in the ambulance. Her many I Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage l
friends hope for a speedy recovery. • spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Margaret MacGregor was a Lorne Lawson.
week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell of God-
Cecil Dilling in. London. i erich spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Davidson of Mrs. Geo. McIlwain. ,
Sarnia visited over the weekend with I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and 1
their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Billie, Mrs. Bert Stephenson and
Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miss Frances Downey, were in Strat
Twitchell. I ford on Sunday.
Mrs. Albert Morenz . returned to Miss Jean Rapson nurse.in-train-
her home at Grand Bend after Mg at Stratford, spent Sunday at
spending a few days with her the home of her parents. Mr. and''
daughter, Mrs. Jack Corbett, who is Mrs. Ab. Rapson.
ill...' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart and
Mrs. A. D. McEwen had the 'mis-
have returned home after
spending a couple of months at St.
fortune to fall on Friday everting, John's, Newfoundland. They travel-
led by plane, between Toronto and
suffering' painful injuries to her
ankle. She was attended by Dr. J. C.
Goddard and taken to Clinton Gen-
erei Hospital for Xray,
Misses Mary Goodwin, Jennie
Jolly, Margaret Glenn and Barbara
Mr, Ernest Adams and Mr. Kelso
Adams were in Wingham_on Mon-
day, on business.
Miss Donelda Adams spent the
weekend in Blyth visiting at the
Michie. spent the weekend with vela- home of 861', and Mrs. John Mills
fives in London, and daughters, Elizabeth and Louise.
Tenders will be received . at the
regular Connell meeting in the
Township Hall, Staffa, until three
p.m. Monday, Mar, 4th 1946, for
approximately six thousand cubic
yards of crushed gravel; delivered
on the township roads, three quarter
inch crush, flat rate, Township pay
for the gravel. A marked cheque
for two hundred dollars is required.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton;
Vice President, C. W. + Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seafiiith.
W. it Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot.
One hundred acre .farm on high- Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born -
way #4, % mile south of Kippen, holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
good buildings,- modern convenien-John L, Malone, Seaforth; Alex 1[c
ces. Apply to George A. Glenn, ' Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Hensall, Box 125. Walton George Leitch, Clinton.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
WANT PLEASANT WORK in a 1VIcKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter.
business of your own? Good profits, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
selling over 1.50 widely advertised! Parties' desirous to effect insurance
Rawleigh home, farm necessities. I or transact other business, will be
Pays better than most occupations.' promptly attended to by' applications
Hundreds in business 5 to 20 years or to any of the above named officers -
more! Products—equipment on oredit,iaddressed to their' respective post
No experience needed to start—we offices.
teach you how. Write to -day' for full
particulars. Rawleigh's, Dept ML -364-
145-B, Montreal,
Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Graduate
FARM TO RENT of University of Toronto,
TENDERS WANTED I Improved farm -130 tile The Clinic is fatly equipped with
Township Of Teckersmith pacres, complete and modern x-ray and other
p underdrained, well fenced, 100acres up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Sealed Tenders will be received by seeded down, hardwood'bush, apple equipment:
the undersigned up to 3 p.m. March orchard; good barns, modern cot -
2nd, 1946, for the following opera-tage with hardwood floors' and three
tions:— piece bath room, hydro and water
(1) To supply power -40 h.p,— under pressure in all buildings, 1/4
or more -belt, operator and one ad- mile east of village of `Varna on
Cdrusher to crush approximately 5,al man, to operate Township paved Bayfield road. Possession 1st
Crusher '
000 yards, 1 inch screen, half of March. Write Dr. Lloyd Moffat,London, Ont.
such gravel to be crushed in the
Murray pit and half hi the Allen pit. COST Sc DAILY
Contractor to move and set iVitaDieT Multiple Vitamin Cap -
for same. Contractors to satisfy crusher and state in tender price sales contain vitamins A, B1, 0, D,
Council as to Compensation Insur-
ance carried and work to be com-
pleted by Oct. 1st, 1946. Contractor
to furnish bond in form of Marked
Cheque for $150. to accompany
tender to guarantee faithful per-
formance of contract. Bonds will be
returned to unsuccessful tenderers.
Each party to be responsible for re -1
pairs to their own equipment and all
work to be done to the satisfaction
and under the direction of the Road
Superintendent. Lowest or any ten -1
der not necessarily accepted. Tender
to state rate per yard.
(2) To supply truck and truck
gravel from crusher to Twp. roads
in amounts as stated above. Tender
to state price per yard, flat rate up.
to 5 miles,and a rate per yard mile
for 6 mile and over haul. Gravel to
be placed on roads at the direction
of, and to the satisfaction of the
Road Superintendent.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
E. P. Chesney,
Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith
The first six weeks of chick life are the most critical. This h the
time to start building your future layers, and at the same time,
keep to a minimum, the high mortality in chick production. To
do this, your chicks must be fed on properly balanced quality in.
double purpose, because it contains the proper
balance and variety of vitamins, minerals and
high quality proteins, so essential to the raising
of healthy vigorous chicks.
hick Starter
Your local "CO-OP MIX" mill ..
btr^ RA r r ':-:"'.r 5811..'iia:
Niacin Amide and Riboflavin. Ninety.,
day supply $2.70. Trial thirty -day
supply $1.15. Sold at Independent
Drug Stores.
Those wanting , Fertilizer for,
Spring use should make sure of
getting it by taking delivery now.
John B. Mustard
Lumber & Coal Co.
Dubh Produce
Automatic Egg Grading
Machines Used
Highest Cash Prices Paid
for Eggs and Poultry
Phone Dublin 50
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone, 90W Seaforth
Eye;, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefieid's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to.
4 p.m. — 63 Waterloo St., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
Growing Contracts
Barley 90c bushel
Full particulars:
Geo. T. Mick&
Phone 103
6 -Room Frame House.., Hydro, Town Water,
and cellar. Sitslnted en Coleman Street.
Mouse with barn. Situated on Main Street,
50 Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckersmith: Cad
Brick House, Bank Barn, Poultry House end
Driving Shed. Immediate possession.
78 - Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckersmith. Frame
House, Bank Barn,Driving. Shed, Hog - Pen.
Good bush with spring therein.
fiso have listed farms in McKillop.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones: 884 Office Bee. 220
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada ,
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
Frame dwelling, hydro, 1% acres,
North Main street. Suitable for poul-
try farm. Early possession.
Double house on Victoria St. Sep-
arate apartments, good investment.
Frame cottage, Goderich St. East.
Watson &;Reid, Seaforth.