HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-14, Page 1The Se -.=forth HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER.. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 69, No. 7 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1946 $1 a year HEADS DEPARTMENT AT AGRICULTURAL CENTRE Miss Helen McKercher of Dublin, on the staff of the Institute branch of the Ontario Department of Ag- risulture, has been appointed head of the home economics branch of the rural youth agricultural centre at Cayuga. Miss McKercher has only recently returned to ` civilian life from the navy. She was employ- ed as a director of dieticians at Hal- ifax and other points on the east coast. She has spent some years as an Institutes' director for the depart- ment in this district. The rural youth •agricultural cen- • ire is the first of a proposed num- ber of such centres sponsored by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. Eventually the centres will have accommodation for living -in students at various courses. Miss McKercher, popular with members of various agricultural groups organized under department of agriculture sponsorship, worked in this part of Ontario, covering chiefly Perth County, 'for almost 11 years before she joined the Navy. Sheds a native of McIcillop. She enlisted in September, 1943, and held the rank of sub -lieutenant at the time of her retirement a few weeks ago. SNOWDON-WILGENKAMP A quiet wedding took place in Amsterdam Holland, on February 7th, when Miss Corrie. Wilgenkamp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roelof Wilgenkamp, Amsterdam, was united in marriage to Pte. Gerald Snowdon, youngest son of the late Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Snowdon, of Seaforth. The ceremony was performed by the R. A. F. Chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Tasker. Pte. and Mrs. Snowdon expect to come to Seaforth soon. COAL COKE E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 31 a.m. `'The Church. takes its Stand." 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m. "New Discoveries In Christianity." Thursday 7:45 p.m. Prayer ser- vice. Monday 8 p.m., Northside Young Adult6. McKILLOP MUTUAL' HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The McKillop Mutual 'Fire Insur- ance Co. annual meeting was held in the town hall Friday afternoon with a small attendance . The chief item of business was receiving re- ports and adoption of new bylaws, The Company's position was well maintained with an increase in sur- plus of $7,153,34. Following Directors were re-elect- ed: Hugh Alexander, J. L. Malone, Chris Leonhardt. Following"the annual meeting the Board of Directors met ..and the fol- lowing officers were appointed: Pres. idents F. McGregor, Stanley, Clinton P.O.; vice president, Chris Leon- hardt, Brodhagen; secretary - treas- urer and manager, M A Reid; execu- Anglican February 17th, Septuagesima St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m., Morning Prayer: "God the Creator." 7 p.m., Evening Player: "The Testing of the Church." St. Mary's Dublin 2.30 Sunday School 3: Church Service: "God the Creator" The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. Egmondville United Church ,x Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B. D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Good News." 7 p.m., , "Answered Prayer." WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEWS TOWN OFFERS TO PAY FIREMEN $25 YEARLY, DRAWS TO A CLOSE High School Areas Receive Attention The regular schedule of the Sea - of council forth Industrial Hockey League Seaforth Town Council held ,the drew to a close .Saturday night with February meeting .in the council Boshart's squeezing Main Street out. chamber Monday evening with all of the semi finals by defeating them members present, . Mayor John J. 11-7 Duncans surprised Dublin ee Cluffpresided. Minutes of last meet. handing them a defeat of 7-3: Three teams are tied for first place, ing were adopted. namely: Dublin, Duncan's and Bosh - Council discussed having the art's, and will compete in the semi - month's receipts as well as expen- ditures xpen ditures included in each . month's Ili the first game Bosharts de - finance committee's report, feated all hopes of the Main Street - It was suggested by Councillor ere qualifying for the play-offs as Sills that council invite the fifth they led all' the way through and form high school students to a were never seriously threatened. INDUSTRIAL. SCHEDULE AWARDED MEMBERSHIP IN AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY The American Gem Society , has announced that its title' of Registered Jeweller, A.G.S., has been awarded 'two Canadian members who have completed requirements for practic- al' jewellery experience in addition to having passed international exam- inations in gemmological courses and jewellery store merchandise. They are -John Young, Henry Birks & Sons, Limited, Vancouver, B.C., and Murray S. Savauge, T. Eaton Co., Limited, Toronto. Mr. Murray .Savauge is manager of the Diamond : Department of T. Eaton' Co., and is a son of Mr. and - council meeting, so they would learn SUMMARY: Mrs: Fred S. Savauge. • how public business is conducted. First t Perio live committee, F. McGregor, 0. W. Reeve Daly said he had spoken 1. Bosharts-Cameron 2:00. - - along these lines at the December g Main Street Wilson 9:30, d HOCKEY Leonhardt, H. Alexander. meeting of the county council. Goun- The following is the report of Mr' cillo, who is a former me•mber 3 Main Street; Hildebrand 9:55. Reid, 4 Bosharts, McFadden 12;55. of the county council, thought 5. Bosharts, Kennedy '18:10. SEAFORTH '15, INGERSOLL 7 M. A. Reid, Manager and Sec.-Treas.: "In presenting your 69th Annual Report, I have pleaeure in reporting another successful year, due largely to a reduction in number of losses' changes ought to be made so a sit- Penalties • Cameron &- E Boshart, in an O. H A intermediate "B" ting member of thecounty council L. Boshart. game held here Tuesday night, Sea - would know what was going on: too Second Period forth Bosharts swamped the visiting "During the year your Company much' was done in committee and not. 6, Main Street, Hildebrand 23:15. Ingersoll team by a score of 15-7: suffered three total losses; one being tabled before the county council. 7, Main Street, Don - Stewart 25: Despite heavy ice. over 600 fans wit - unknown; the other caused by a lar- The matter of the now high school 8. Boshart's, McFadden 29:05. nessed a tilt of many fine plays. tern, and the third, •defective chin, areas received very -;serious consider 9, Bosharts, Kennedy 29:25. Seaforth Bosharts opened with two ley. ' Two of: them were dwelling 'ation from council, particularly in 10. Main Street, T. Sills 32:30: quickies by Gooch•ow and P. Sills, but fortunately them was no loss of reference to Hibbert township. It 11 Bosharts Louis Boshart 33.15 with Ingersoll tying it up shortly on life. holding the bag. Seaforth is at the Penalties: Geo. Hildebrand, A. arts,. taking the aggressive during the "From a further analysis of the edge of the, county and under the. Hildebrand: latter part of the -period, shoved 4 losses, I find that overheated stoves high school area plan as proposed; Third Period past Gilbert in the Ingersoll nets by accounted for twelve claims. While Mitchell school would get all Hibbert 13. Bosharts, McFadden 13:00. McFadden 2, Burdette and F. Sills, many of these were minor claims, pupils to within 2l miles of Sea- Bosharts opened the scoring in the still many could have resulted in the 14, Bosharts, L. Boshart, 47:55. total destruction of the home with forth. Councillor Reid, who is sec- 15. Mann .Street,. Hildebrand .Ren - Sills. period one quickie by F. possible loss of life, How many rotary of .the High School Board._. � e) 48:40. Silas. :Ingersoll, past attempting to even could have been: avoided? Lightning said that the Board had been watch- 16. Bosharts, Hildebrand 58:50. up, ran in three past Hesse by S. in developments It was stated lti R Cameron. Henderson 2, and Collins 1. , was ;feared Seaforth would be 'left 12. 'Bosharts, Hildebrand 36:40. goals by Burforcl and Faulkner. Bosh - losses accounted for 38, which is a g Penalties: eeves ! In the third period McFadden on a substantial reduction from 1944. meetings would be' held at Godernch, Referee -Russ. Holmes. "As we are still being forced by Exeter; Seaforth and Clinton in con- , LINEUPS: pass from Doigo opened the scoring necessityto use large amounts of neetion with high school districts. Main Street -Goal; D. Woods; de after a Yew seconds of play. Ingersoll It was pouted out that although fence, C. Reeves, T. Sins; centre, retaliated with Burford beating Hesse soft aninferior coals,'I would re Mitchell school was overcrowded neatly. Ellwood of Bosharts staged a commend that you frequently clean their bus is comin upand takin Geo. Hildebrand; wings, Frank Sills, neat solo rush to score easily. Weir 1 that 4ormerg cme to Sea Don Stewart; alternates, Evan Ren chimney and stovepipes. Extra care •th 4 wound up the scoring for Ingersoll will pay handsomer dividends, and guphs y Ch W d D Smr W 1 at 48.03. The balance of the period me, as. oo s, on brey Baker, D Arlean Sills G possibly save the lives of loved ones or Clff t• d dth t Maym ma was strictly Seaforth's, running in 5 The loss of life has been' appall or u ro nee a -ter of pollee protection at the flour so Bosharts---Goal,, O'Shea; defence goals, Goodrow 2, McFadden 2, F. mill following therecent walk out,. T Albrecht;entre It Mg from dwelling fires, and you are Sills 1. asked to guard against the careless f Cameron, J. Line Ups W M S M Ropal Petrik rik G Floral China is now available" and we are pleased to announce that we have this very beauti- ful ware on sale. There is quite a variety :of articles such as brooch's, ear- rings to match,- table centres in 'various sizes, bowls with floral boquets and boquets of various sizes. The colors are very beautiful and the work- manship ork manship of superior type. We will be glad to have you look this over any time it'is convenient for you to visit this store. Fred S., Savauge THE GIFT SHOP Phone 194 Res. 10 35;20. 10---Seaforth, Leppard (McFad- den), 35:50. • 11-Seaforth, McFadden, 35':00. Penalties -Peck 2, Draper. Third Period 12 -Clinton, Draper (H. McEw- an), 40:23. 13-Seaforth, Ellwood (Burdett), 4$:07. Penalties -Ellwood, Burdett, Mc- Fadden, Bartliff. KIPPEN use of kerosene and gasoline. War- The town had asked for assistance o McFadden; wings, Hildebrand, Ken- Ingersoll - Goal, Gilbert; defense, . eel. the county police, but this was not red alternates; D. MacLean, E, dm•dau; Mohr. centre, Burford; Mrs. Emerson Kyle was hostess time restrictions reduced the voltaileY• strength of coal oil, but since the given. Under a recent regulation McIver, L. Boshart, E. Boshart, G. wings, J. Ilenderson, Faulkner; alter• for the W.M.S. on Wednesday after time restrictions reduced the volatile the county police will not operate Kruse. nates, K. Henderson, Weir; Collins. noon last when twenty-seven mem in the urban centres where there The second game was a closer Seaforth Bosharts Goal, Hesse; bees an the roil call with the strength has been increased, mater- were municipal police. Protec- text word "Prayer".. The theme of dally, which: adds, reatl to the os- P checking game, with Duncan's show- defence, T. Sills, Goodrow; centre, 'greatly tion for the mill had cost the in a smoother assin team, which the meeting was "The Ministry of sibAity of a flash fire, Guard your g P g McFadden; wings, Doig, F. Sills; life and property by not using it for town $100, There was considerable outscored and outshot the league alternates, 'Peck, O'Shea, Yeandle, Healing and Social Welfare." The discussion about the work of the leading Irishmen. The first two per- Burdette, Ellwood, Rennie. meeting opened with the call to the starting of fires. Have yourg lanterns and other farm implements county police, and the factathat the nods ended in.a 33 deadlock and the Summary First Period hadchar by of the meetingn . Hymn clean, your electric wiring checked, urban municipalities pay proper- fans were 'held in doubt as to the 1. Seaforth, Goodrow 3.00 g g Resolve to use every caution and tionate share of the costs of thefinal outcome until the last period, 2. Seaforth. F. Sails, 3.30. No• 255 was sung, followed by pray - protection in the .'prevention of fires county police. when Duncans scored 4 timesy with 3..Ingersolt, Burford, 4,30. er by Mrs. Johnson. Rev Mr. Hin- g Council decided to propose a dif.• Muir in the Duncan nets turning 4, Ingersoll, Faulkner, !1.56, ton favored the ladies with a solo during 1940. 1 ferent set-up for the fire brigade. aside all the Dublin attempts. I 5. Seaforth, Burdett.e. 10.20 (Ell "God Is Our Refuge". The topic on Your surplus has been increased g g woad:l. Argolis "God Heals the Wounds" It was suggested the brigade should The regular meeting of the Seaforthi Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Oke, Tucker smith, on Tuesday 'afternoon, Feb.. 12,1 with a splendid attendance. The roll call was the name of a -book r would like to see in my library. A quantity of Red Cross sewing. was returned and more given out. More knitters are required. The- motto, ' "If we wrangle about yesterday, we have lost tomorrow." The guest speaker was Mrs. .Boy Lawson, who _ gave a 'splendid talk on "Worth While Books I have read." The following motions were passed: That the. Women's Institute co-operate in every way with the town council in the proposed •entertainment of re- turned service Hien, That the Wo- men's % Institute adopt a European child and send food -and clothing. That' the, 'Women's Institute . piano at pies- eat in LO.O.F. hall (armories) should by $7,153.34, making a net surplus- have eighteen members who would SUMMARY: of $122, 401. Company mpaieh has again en- be paid 525. a year and insurance. First Period (shied your. Company to participate The fire chief would be appointed 1. Dublin, J. O'Connor 1:04, ni the purchase of Victory Bonds, as by council at a salary to be arrarrg- 2, Duncans, K. 'Dong 6:00. niotie .and charitableorganizations. well as contributing. $700.00 to pat- ed. The members of the brigade 3. Duncans, Messenger 10 :00. ', , would be chosen by consultation of Penalties none. `I would ask every member to the council,and the fire chief. The Second Period mead carefully his or her polity and fire` and water committee will meet 4. Dublin, Kerslake 24:45, ihd become familiar with its require-; officials of the £arc brigade and re- 5. Duncans, Mesenger 25:40. a Polcyoler you agree i Allen Dublin Kerslake 34:30: to nee o reasonable means for Reid is fire chief and the brigade Penalties: J. O'Connor, Messer- Fadden). protection of your property. Failing $ Tuesday last: e and ,has 23 members. The brigade had ger, Balfour, E. Doig, Penaltnes, Goodrow. ,� Muss Anna 6. Seaforth, McFadden 11.40. was given by Mrs. W. L. Mefis and 7. Seaforth, McFadden, 17.12. Mrs, Thomas Kay. Hymn No. 325 8. Seaforth, F. Sills, 17.20. : was read in unison and No. 255 in Penalties, none: the bymnary was then sung. The Second Period meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. 9. Ingersoll, Collins, 20.20. Allan Johnson. A dainty lunch was 10. Seaforth, F. Sills, 21.16, ' served by Circle No. 3. 11. Ingersoll, J. Henderson, 23.07. 1 Mrs. James Morris and son. of 12, Ingersoll, J. Henderson, 28.00. Goderich attended the auction sale nnents. As port to council next meeting. 1 6. 13. Seaforth, Gooch•ow 33.50 (Me- of her brother, Andrew Bell, on certain Damm to do this you place yourself grant who has been in Board of Directors, in an awkward asked council for larger rant this Third Period Third Period the R.C.A.F. for three and a half situation should a loss occur. year. In the past the brigade has 7. Duncans, K. Doig 45:00. 14. Seaforth, McFadden 40,30 (Doig) years' received her discharge last yourself and your Board by Protect . been given a grant and the fire chief 8. Duncans; Nicholson 46;50. 15. Ingersoll, Burford, 43.48. 1 week and is now at her home here. bechas received $75 a year. I 0 Duncans, K. Doig 47:50. 16. Seaforth, Ellwood; 45.57: Welcome Home, Anna. ing familiar with its requirements. I Other business included authority 10. Duncans, Muir 58:40.17. Seaforth, Goodrow, 47.1].. Mr. Clarence McLean spent Sun - "In conclusion, i would like to , 18. Ingersoll, Weir, 45.03 - ford). (Bel" day with his sister, Mrs. Allan Jahn - cords` and mailing 'lists complete. for the fire equipment for use in 1 LINEUP: son. steam or smoke; confirmed the • Dublin -Goal, F. Roland: de- 19. Seaforth, McFadden, 54,55 (F. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Parsons and granting of permission to Mr. Har- fence, F. O'Connor, Wilson; centre, Silts). family visited on Sunday with Mr. old Free to erect a dwelling at the F. Stapleton; wings, J. O'Connor, 20. Seaforth, Goodrow, 55-17. and Mrs. Joseph Linden of Den- corner of Main and Centre streets Wallace; alternates, Philipps, Kers- 21. Seaforth, McFadden 53.05 field: to cost 6500. ' and authorized the lake, Balfour, G. Costello, {Goodrow). Mrs. Ross Finch and daughter of property committee to purchase a Duncans-Goal, J. Muir, de- 22. Seaforth, .F. Sills `59.30. Exeter visited recently with Mrs. C. state that I endeavour to keep re Change of Address, removals, policy cancellations, assignments of policies for collateral security, and trans- fers are all policy requirements, and your immediate advice will be great- ly appreciated. "I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the Members, Agents and Directors for their kind co-oper- ation, which has made possible this report, and all of which is respect- fully submitted," to purchase, a spray or fog nozzle Referee, C. Reeves. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD INAUGURAL MEETING ` assistance during the recent strike at with 25 members present. The pres- th new chair for the council chamber. fence, J. Nicholson, E. Doig; centre, SEAFORTH 8, CLINTON 5 Watson. Motions: Sills -Reid, that a i•esolu- G: Muir; wings, Messenger; K. Doig; Seaforth Bosharts defeated Clin Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ingram of tion be sent to the Minister of Educa- alternates, R. Doig, Brown; R. Derr. Exeter visited on Sunday with the tion for Ontario and topics to the ton Wear wells, 8-5, in an Intermed- latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alec School Inspector and to Dr. Taylor,1 , . •rate "B" O.H. A. game hers Thugs- McMurtnie. M.P.P., le School District for the Sea -1 MISSION BAND;day night, From the drop of the Mrs. Stuant Baird and Oran of forth High School. t Brucefield spent a few days re - Daly -Parke, that thisioCouncil die- The • Mission Band of Northside puck, it was good, clean hockey, ig agneas with the ac High United Church held their February a few penalties for either team, cerntly with her father, Mr. R. J. County Officer In not giving police meetin g . on Tuesday a£tcr school With a minute to go in the second Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and Mr. thepresent year were named. Mr. C. M. Smith was elected chairman, Mr. M. A. Reid appointed secretary - treasurer, and Mr. John Cummings truant officer. The property com- mittee will be Dr. E. A. McMaster, H. E. Smith and C. M. Smith; the supply committee, G. A. Whitney, C. A. Barber, W. J. Duncan. the, Excellence Flour Mills. This inure- ident, Blanche Westcott was m e icipality contributes to the cost of chair and the meeting opened by County Officers and are entitled to singing the hymn "I am so glad that assistance during the emergency Jesus loves me." Elaine Spence read which arose at the time of the strike. the scripture lesson after which � We believe that the -prevention of Mrs. Bradshaw led in prayer, follow - crime or property damage is of equal ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. importance as the eventual chasing Gwendolyn Christie read a valentine The inaugural meeting of the Sea - forth High 'School Board was held in the town' hall when committees for Red Cross Notes Will the ladies who : had layettes and other sewing completed, please return to workrooms by Friday, Feb. 22. We wish to make a large ship- ment, Have all finished knitting in at the same time. Get your tickets now for Uncle Josh Perkins, the play being staged Feb. 22, from members of the cast or Red Cross executive. HILLSGREEN be put in condition and offered for' Mr. James Jarrott has returned friends in Hensel]. Pte,, Alvin Reichert has returned to Westminster Hospital, London, after a furlough with friends in this period, McFadden scored for Sea- and Mrs, A. Gackstetter visited on forth, on a penalty shot. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Starring for Seaforth were Mc- Makins of Exeter. Fadden and Burdett with two goals Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Johnson and each, Yeandle, O'Shea, Leppard and son of London, spent the weekend with 'the latter's parents, Mr. and Ellwood with one each; for Clinton, Mrs. i . Deynian. "Ace" McEwan and Draper nicked 1 or capturing of criminals. We request story "Why Mary changed her two each, and Duckworth, one. the assistance of the county police mind" Teddy Savauge took up the ' CLINTON - Goal, Brush; de - force in any extraordinary emerg- collection. The secretary, Marion fence, Colouhoun, Bartliff: centre, ency. • Chamberlain called the roll and read Keating -Reid, that the Salvation the minutes of the last meeting. F. M0 wan; wings, H. McEwan, Army Home, London, be granted 525. June .Snell, Gwen Christie and Mar- Draper; alternates; Lockwood, Duck - Daly -Parke, that the Finance Com-, ion Chamberlain .sang a trio, entit- worth; Neilans, Westbrook,. Howell. mittee he authorized to continue the led "A Bird's• Valentine:" the 23rd SLAFORTH-Goal Neese; de- prepayment tax plan which was in I psalm was repeated in unison from vogue In 1945. 1memory. After the business fence, T. Sills, Goodrow; centre, Mc- ness period, Hudson -Hubert, that. the building, Mrs. Barber introduced the new Fadden; wings, Doig, Leppard; al. permit as grantee] to 1 0 'Free re' study book. entitled "Nyanga's Two ternates, Peck, O'Shea; Yeandle, building of house be- confirmed. 1 Villages; ,and told the story of the )3urdett, Ellwood. Hubert -Daly, . that Geo. A. Sills & opening chapter. The Mission Band Sons be granted permission to move Magazine: "World Friends" were" Referee, "Honey" Kuntz Water - corrugated building from behind store •.then distributed, and the meeting 100. , house to immediately back of store. „ the First Period closed -distributed, singing God save Cotrnci] made the following ap- King" and repeating the benediction.! 1-Seaforth, Yeandle (Burdett), pointments which had been held over June Snell was pianist for the day. 16:10. from the January meeting: John Currie, chief of After the meeting , police; Allan Reid,' a Valentine game 2 -Clinton, Duckworth; 15:60. was enjoyed by all. fire chief, salary $150; - John Cum- 3-Seaforth, $urdett, 19:45. wings, sanitary inspector, assistant Penalties Goodrow, Lockwood. home after a pleasant. isit t constable and street foreman; Mc- sale. Tho meeting closed with God Save The King. A vote of thanks was' removed to the hostess, and the guest speaker, and lunch was ser ved. TUCKFRSMITH Mr. David Papple has sold his Tann on the Mill Road to Mr. George Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong has sold his farm to Mr -Lorne Wilson. I vicidity. Mr.: and Mrs:, Wilfred Iluxtable and baby Margaret, of Centralia, visited with Mrs. Margaret Love, Jirn• and, Miss Agues. • Mr, -Gordon' Love has purchased a threshinig' machine, Connell & Hays, town solicitors; John Cummings, tax collector. Report Of Finance Committee D. H. Wilson, $78.08; H. K. Scott, $32.50; J. Currie, 595.00; J. Cummings, $95.00; Thos. Storey, $70.00; J. A. Wilson, $20.00; E. C. Chamberlain, Surety Bond, 520.00; N..Cluff, I& Sons, $54.86; Bell Tele- phone, $4.69; 3. J. Ring, 550.00; F. Case, 566.50; L. Johnson, 54.00; G Coughlin, 55,50; S. Kerr, 56.00; 3, Taylor,' $7.00; 3. Barry, $5.50 3. Heffernan, 55.00; J. E. Daly, 56.00: S. Williams; 56.00; J. Burns, $6. 00; E. Barnett, 54.20; H. Chesney, 58.- 40; S. Johnson, $8,40, J. Burns, 59.- 45; G..M. Nicholls, 540:80: A., Boyes 526.10; A. Boyes, 5182.90; 'Wm, Montgomery, $8.40; Watson & Reid $30.69; Alex Hartung, 586,40. Second Period 4 -Clinton, Draper '(F. MoEu+an), 29:12. 6 -Clinton, H. McEwan (Bartliff) • 29:50. 1 7-Seaforth, McFadden, 32,19, ' • 8-Seaforth. O'Shea (Burdett). 34:08 9-Seaforth, Burdett (Ellwood) WINTHROP Red Cross meeting and quilting will be held in the schoolroom of the church, Tuesday, Feb. 19. Mrs. Scott, Brussels, Mr. C. Simp- son, Jamestown, Mr. Glen Smith, of Mamilton, Mr, Neil Montgomery, of Hamilton, were here_ attending the funeral of Mrs, 3. Montgomery. Mr. Andrew Montgomery of Brantford has spent the past week at his home: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillies spent a few days in Toronto. Spr. R. K. Davidson, RCE;, of Ipperwash, spent the weekend with Ms family. Mr. James Henderson has 'return- ed from Sundnidge where he had spent the last few weeks with his son, Roy. Roy accompanied him home, spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Arthur Henderson, Miss Ruth McClure of Clinton. spent the weekend at her home. Tb. funeral -:of the late Mrs. John Mn, taome v as held on Wednesday of tat week. Rev', W. J. Patten, nffieiateel, The nallbeare area were: Tnhn Gillies,Thomas Blanshard, 1151•,,• Addicott, Austin DOhnage, Pops a,t'urdie. John Leeming,. 'lutea, ment in the Maitlaiidbank cemetery.