HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-02-07, Page 6PRINTS PHOTOS DIRECTLY ON WALL Photo murals can now be printed directly on a wall, just as you would make a print on a piece of paper. Scientists at the Glenn L. Martin Company's Baltimore laboratory perfected a jelly-like emulsion which, when melted, may be applied to the wall surface with a brush, sponge or rag. When it dries, ,the•negative is held against this sensitized surface, light is applied and development of the picture proceeds normally. The entire operation is carried out under darkroom conditions, with ruby light. Above,an operator is making a print on a wall, THE INSIDE By ED. 1 Gentlemen Joe Primeau, who was guest star on our radio pro- gram last Sunday, had two unique experiences before he managed to 1 click in the N.H.L. with the.Leafs. On one occasion he was brought u1 by Conn Smythe for an im- i;ortant game with the old Mar- oons. Primeau fretted on the bench throughout the first two periods and most of the third. Fi- nally, Maroons drew a penalty and Smythe said to Primeau: "Okay, Joe. Go on out there— but don't leave Nels Stewart's side." Primeau skated out to face-off with Stewart in the Leaf defense zone. Stewart got the draw, side- stepped Primeau, walked around Hap Day and fired the puck into ' the net. Primeau was on his way back to London the same night. t * * ' Opportunity No. 2 came in rhe fall of 1929. Still Primeau failed tc impress and when the Leafs journeyed to Buffalo for a pre- season exhibition game, the Tor- onto management verbally agreed to part with Joe for $3,500. A Pittsburgh official, hearing of this mooted transaction, was high- ly indignant. "We'll take Pri- mean," he said, "and give you $5,000." • As it turned out, neither Buffalo nor Pittsburgh landed Joe. In the game that night he scored the two goals that gave the Leafs a 2-1 victory. But what impressed the Leaf management most was the way Primeau set up plays for a couple of youngsters who had just turned pro—Charlie Conacher and Har- vey Jackson. Thus was born Toronto's im- mortal Kid Line—a spectacular threesome that stayed together for seven seasons. * * k Maybe you'd like some statistics on this dashing trio? Well, here's ' their individual scoring records for ' that seven-year span: CONACHER; 190 goals, 120 as- ' sista for 310 points. JACKSON: 138 goals, 112 assists for 250 points. PRIMEAU: 66 goals, 176 assists for 242 points. Thus the line, as a unit, scored 304 goals, 408 assists for 802 points - an average of approximately 116 points per season. * a 5 l Also: Conacher was scoring champion • in '33-34 and "34-35 and selected as alternate All-Star right-winger once and All-Star right-winger on four seccessive occasions. Jackson won the scoring title in '31-32, was All-Star Left winger on Refrigerator Plane Carries Full Load Perishable Goods Another milestone in aviation his- tory was recorded when the first refrigerator plane with a full pay load completed a cross-country flight and set down a cargo of fresh vegetables, flowers and live lobsters at LaGuardia Field, New York. The 'plane left San Francisco with 8,000 pounds of perishable items. It picked up and took on other merchandise at .Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and Denver, includ- ing a floral piece, 'a replica of a float for the Tournament of Roses, for delivery to Mayor LaGuardia. Celery, corn on the cob, garde- nias. orchids and other produce and flowers as well as some scrum, also were<carrried on the 'plane. ON HOCKEY �. FITKIN four occasions and alternate ,all- star left-winger once. But: Primeau. the smoothie who did so much to make this line such a success, NESTER made the first all -tar team! He was selected as alternate centre on one occasion despite the fact that he twice finished second in the scoring, race, once behind Jackson in '81-32 and later as run- ner-up to Conacher in '33-34. Joe's only outstanding award in his N.H.L. career was the Lady Byng Trophy (clean play coupled with effectiveness) in '31-32. Such is the way of sport. a * r (Editor's Note: Ed Pitkin, con- ductor of this column, can be heard each Sunday afternoon at 4.35 over C -H -U -M (1050) dis- pensing breezy, dramatic and enter- taining stories on "The Inside on Sports." Mr. ritkin—address, Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto— will be glad to answer questions about the players and the game). FOR 0 N v COLDS YOU CAN'T BEAT BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE VOICE OF THE 11 PRESS Sure Thing An economist says it, you don't make as much as $42 a week,' the chances are you'll go in debt. And if you make more, it's easier to get • credit on which to go in debt.' So the economist 'can't miss, Kansas City Star, Old -Fashioned! A news correspondent says 'Bel- giuh: is recovering from the effects of the war faster than any other country because the inhabitants have buckled ' down and gone to work. How old-fashioned of them! --4(itchener Record, Tell -Tale Photos You cannot expect to make the younger generation .believe your generation was superior when they see the photographs you had taken forty years ago. Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. A Discouraging Word Some of these British war brides who were thrilled by stories of ranches owned by their husband; are finding that all the talk about a home on the range meant -the kitchen variety.—Windsor Star, Unhooking Faster A California Judge grants a divorce every three minutes—which is uncouplingthem a lot faster than they can be hooked up. • Stratford Beacon -Herald.. DDT Won't Upset' Nature's Balance Some fears that widespread use of DDT for killing insect pests might "upset the balance of nature" are being set at rest, as a result of extensive tests by U.S. Agriculture Department's Bureau of Entomo- logy and Plant Quarantine, says Newsweek. For one thing tests show DDT is less harmful to bees than arsenical sprays. In combat- ting forest pests, thebureausays, DDT is found to bring about a faster return to the "balance of na- ture" by cleaning out the harmful insects speedily and allowing the birds and beneficial insects to re- turn to healthy forest areas. Skin Eruptions licre is a clean, stainless, penet- rating antiseptic oil that brings speedy relief from the itching and discomfort. Not only does this healing anti- septic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and -wounds but bolls and simple le ulcers are also relieved. In skin affections the itching Of Eczema Is :quickly stopped. Pimples - -skin eruptions dry up and scale off in a very Sew days. The same is. true of Barber's Itch,Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feat and other in- flammatory akin. disorders. You can obtain Moone'a Emerald. 011 in the original bottle at any modern drug store. Satisfaction or money back. How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles Most people neem to think rho only way to get circulation in the lower bowel the painful pilo tumors relief from their sore, painful piles Is by local treat- I noon heal over leaving the acnaitivo rcetalmembranee; meat. LooaltreatmentmaY sires and healthy. give temporary relief from the itching. but you can easily no why moll treat - meat will not oorreot the cause of yourpiles. Relenting freedom from pile misery can be had un- less the cause of the trou- blois corroded. .Piles are duo to inlerosl causes so the best way to got last- ing relief is to treat them internally with a medicine like Hem-Roid. Hem -Reid is a formula that has boon used forever 40 years by thousands of pile sufferers. It la smell, highly concentrated. tablet, easy and pleasant to use. This cleverly com- pounded tablet formula directs its medical Dation to relief of the congmtian that Is the nal name or Your piles, Flom -Enid pro - We invite you to try Emu -Reid and Wit prove itself. You can mako your test, inthe privacy of Yourown homo, 100009T ,tyouare notconvinced that this is an amazingly easy and surprisingly oleo-. tivemethod of treatingyour sore, painful piles. Get a pnokage of Rem - Raid today from, any. drug Moro and Use It as directed for JUST FIVO DAYS. At the and of that time if you are not abso- lutely sure Rem-Roid is rho nicest, cleanest and most endive pile treat- ment you ever tried, re- turn the unused portion of the package to your drug- gist and be will promptly refund your money. NOTE: This generous r_,,,.,,.• •:; ',<vst:8`. f ._.�' ..offer fs backed by a tell- mokca free, easy and nom- ` ""'' �' "r` ";"" °"'�` able firm doing guineas In !actable bowel movements, Posed. by o Professional Model Canada for. a good many ggickiy relieves Udine years. Hem -Hold must help smtation and soreueas and stimulates better bloodyour pile condition quickly, easily: and pleasantly of afpalit,on in the lower bowel, With good blood . I this simple, easy Wet costa you. nothing. Try It today. 0 WHAT ABOUT 1946 ? Scores of clients took advantage of the many s!udied opinions offered by our INVESTORS - RESEARCH BUREAU during 1945. The following are a few of the suggestions pre sen.ted ;— Mining Corporation Hasaga ........... Pioneer ... .... Madsen .. This free' successful Recommended Present at Price $2.96 $12.25 .90 2.55 ... 4.70 6.50 2.25, 5.25 service is available to YOU for 1946. There is no obligation. H. R. Bain & Company, Ltd., 5th Floor, Victory Bldg., 80 Richmond Street, W., Toronto, Ont. Avail yourself of our regular analysis of current news trends, market ,developments and mining information. Also to receive your telegraphic ath'ices on special developments schen prompt action is indicated. Food for Birds 11 you put out'foodfor birds dur- ing snowy weather, be sure to pro- -yide, along, with your seeds and breadcrunibs, a piece of suet. Many kinds of 'birds like it, and it is a good energy food, providing plen- ty of calories for the small internal fur aces that keep then warm. For A Good Boy Ex-G.I. Art Mooney, the Hotel Lincoln bandleader, The Christian Century, Chicago, relates, has found a practical use for his good con- duct medal. He lets Iris little nephew wear it waren he's a - good boy, but takes it away from slims when his Mont reports that he refused to cat his spinach; cereal, etc. Private Enterprise The 'British Fuel Minister told Ainericcin .Chamber of Commerce in. London that the Labor Government did sot intend to nationalize` more thatil5 to 20 per of Britain's industries .and services. This,. he said, will leave a wide field fiw private enterprise "pro- vided itis efficient." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED YOUR' OPPORTUNITY Make your spare time pay Ypu consistent earnings. The Babee- 'Tetsda Corporation wants,morried men with sales ability to act as local agents in all communities throughout Canada. This is:. an ex- clusive and patented • necessity, Write for Information, giving - full particulars about yourself today. 347 Bay•. Street, Toronto, Ontario. AUTOMOBILE ••REPAIRS CRACKED BLOCKS Repaired instantly. Miracle Plas- tic Sealwill stop internal and ex- ternal leaks in blocks and heads. Never fails. Results guaranteed $3.00 Postpaid Ray Laboratories, 888__Danforth .Ave., Toronto, Ont BABY CRICKS • MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS Youbuy baby chicks forone reason. To receivedividends on your investment, you must be certain where your money is in• vested. We offer you baby.. chicks frons a Poultry Farmwith every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded. Sake advantage of our early order discount. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue. MONKTON POULTRY. FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. LAKEVIEW CHICKS' FOR • 1946 from: A Real Breeding Plant of 5000 Layers. Book your chicles trout a Real Breeding Farm of 5000 Layers and be assured of success. BreedsrLarge Type White Leghorns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock. x Leghorn, N. Hamp. a Leghorn, Sussex x .New Kamp. B. Rock •x N. Hemp, Special low Prices on cockerels, and Rock x New Hamp. chicks. on a few dates. Send for Price. List, • and Catalogue. Lakeview - Poultry Faros. Wein - Bros., Exeter, Ont, APPROVED BARRED ROCK cockerels, .February and March, $5.00. peri. hundred. MacKillican Poultry Farm,Moose Creek, Ont. CARADOC-CHICK BLOOD -TESTED and guaranteed. Produced from years of specialized farm breed- ing and testing. As hatched 513.95. Pure breds and hybrids. Pullets and Cockerel prices 011 appilea- - tion. W. J' McAlister.- Strathroy, Ont, 25 FREE CHICKS OUR. BABY OHTCKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. A11 guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard- Chick Hatcheries,- Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. . NEWMAN'S BRED -TO -LAY CHICKS White Legh rnBarred Rocks Leghorns, s and Barred Rock , WhiteLeghorn Crossbreeds; double tested. An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen years. Elmvi¢w Poultry Farm, William J. Newman, Nor- ham, Ontario, THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred. Ap- proved chicks being produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the. tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum. Order now from Frank .Price Hatchery,. 11 Jai0nlee St.. Chatham Ont,- EARLY HATCHFD CHICKS PAT best, Customers who purchase chicks in February always: make the biggest profits. Just watch the ones who do, and you ,see prosperity, For 1946 we are gua- ranteed an export floor price of at least 45c a dozen. for A Large eggs "Seaboard", during the Fal] .. months Sept.. 15th —.Dec. 15th.. It will pay you to start chicks in February and have your pullets laying A. Largefor the,. good market. We have all popular pure. . breeds and Hybrid crosses. All chicks from Government Approv- ed- Double Pullorum .testedbreed- ers. Send for free catalogue and special discount for February. de- livery'. Also laying and ready to lfy pullets :or immediate de- livery, Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Litnitecl, Fer^'us, Ontario. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED chicks from Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New. Hampshires, New Hamp X Barred Rocks, and Light Sussex X -New Hamp Hybrids.; All breeders blood -tested for both the regular and X strains of Pollorum for your protection, Lincoln Chiak Hatchery,' 2 Rase Street, St. Catharines, Ontario. 'DON'T 21ISS. THE. - 13OAT, 1946 looks like a very profitable year for the poultryman particularly if he takes early delivery of his chicks. February is .the month to buy chicks so that your pullets will be into full lay in September when egg prices are atthe best. We can still supply you with those good ,Government Approved. Top. Notch chicles in pure_breeds • .and Hybrids for February. Send for free catalogue and early de- livery pricelist. Alsolaying and ready to lay pullets for imme- diate delivery, Top Notch. Chick- eries, Guelph, Ontario., WE'VE A GOOD SUPPLY OF Cockerels: for February delivery. Catch the right' broiler markets with these. Prompt delivery on some varieties day-old- chicks. Bray, Hatchery, 130. John N. Ham - it ton. Ont. ',DYEING AND CLEANEST - HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment E.. Parker's Dye WorksLimited. 791 Yonge Street. To.To- ronto H, !limns ss'1'Nd I.EA RN HAIH Olt MSS' N.0 " THE Robertson.. method, information on request regarding classes,. Ttohert on'sHairdressing Acad- emy, i37. Avenue Road, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPoRT'UN nig tits Make a $15 -Investment AND Have a Business of Your Own l Learn to make Plastic Novelties in the home. Big Profits. and easy to learn the Lux Way. We supply you with ' the material, topls, and dyes.. Our book of de- signs andinstructions makes it possible for you to earn and learn at the same time, The complete kit of equipment necessary will be mailed to any part of Canada on receipt of one dollar, with order. Pay the balance plus shIp- ping charges and join the. Lux Family of Novelty Plastic Makers. LUX PLASTIC COMPANY Box No. 94, DELORIMIER STATION, MONTREAL, QUE, FOR SALE Now is the time to buy aone-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. ..Two types manufactured. Both 5400 f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parts Ltd. 2023 Aylmer St.. Montreal, SNUWPLO WS, LIMITED NUMBER; new truck plows, hand hydraulic controls. For immediate delivery. S. C. Craig, 65 Second Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought,sold, rebuilt: belts pul- Jeys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Tor- onto. 5 LBS. FINE QUILT PCS. 99c. Colorful Assortment. Prettiest De- signs. Guaranteed Washable Cot- ton and Rayon Prints, 5" to 18". Ideal for Quilting. Remittance with Order. Delivery Extra, JAMISON & ROGERS 3521 Hutchison St., Apt. 42, Mont real 18, Que. ONE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN Bull (Mercedes Ormsby James) 21 months old. Apply Box 20, Belle. River. - RACING HOMERS, f3IGH CLASS breeding. Stassarts and Crosses.. A few for sale. Wm. Snagel, Bracebridge. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR Owners,a new manureloaderhas been designed for your tractor. It loads a -spreader within 1?,h to 4 minutes, attaches almost as quickly as. your plow, can be operated by a child, and is away below the priceof anyknown loader.. Write to -day for prices and folder to us, the manufactur-' era, Ernest Sedore_& Son,Mount Albert, Ont. 2. -HOUNDS, FEMALE 5 MONTHS,' male 3 months, not related, good ' hunting and breeding stock, pair $25. W. McGillivray, Box ,201. Norwich, Ont. GLADIOLUS 131.1LI3SI LARGE mixed bulbs, 50c dozen. If named varieties desired send for price last. Cash with order, Stamp's Gladiola Garden, 360 Second Ave. E., North Bay, Ont, FAKES FOR 'SALE 200 -ACRE FARM,WITE ALL OUT buildings, 814. miles east of Amui- ree. Apply. J. Milton Schmidt. XI. R. 3, New Hamburg.. SEVERAL DAIRY AND EQUIPPED tobacco farms lova}ed. in Middle- sex County. Apply Campbell's Real Estate,Mt. Brydges. OUR SALE 100 ACRES OF GOOD flue tobacco farm, 60 acres culti- vated, f5 acres good woods, the rest is pastureand meadows. Farm is all fenced. 1 acre orchard with well and a 24 by 34 building, Farm situated - between West Lorne. & Rodney 21,44, miles : adis- tance. Terms: 54500 down pay Ment, half cash, Inquireto own - Cr. Louts Fodor, R, R. 4, West Lorne, Ontario, GREAT LAND BARGAIN IN southwestern Saskatchewan. 320 - acre clears title farm, good level - land withover 300sieves cultiv- ated. 90 acres now seeded In fall rye, selling close 52 a bushel: some summer fallow: balance all can be seeded to spring, chiefly wheat, Bigbuildings, near school, fenced andgoodwell, nice garden, some .inside and outside equip- ment; possession anytime. Usually mild winters. Priced nt $,35 per acre. Owner has other interests. Write Henry Beekley, Burstnil.. Sask. 49 ACRES, NEW HOUSE, CITY conveniences, chicken houses, suitable for poultry -.farm, on. highway. 20. W. Ernest, St. Anna, Ontario,. 50-ELP WANTED CHTLDS NURSE OR NANNY. Thoroughly experienced in •care of children, for new baby and two year old. Must like .country but be ready to 'travel. Good home, permanent situation for right person, Highest wages. Other help kept. Geraldine Slfton,. R. R. No. 3, Mallorytown, Ont. EXPERIENCED BREAD AND PA- stry baker wanted for village bakery. Box No. 76, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY — FOR N-EURT- tis and .Rheumatic. Pains, Thou- sands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid 51.00, BAOJMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den man Drug Store. Ottawa. ISSUE 6-1946 • MED[CAY. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune!. Why not find out It this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mulveney'a Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3,. READ THIS —EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 ,EI gin, Otta- wa, Postpaid $1,00, MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVINGi WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bron- chi tis, ron-chltis, Asthma. & Sinus Pains), Skin disorders such as Bolls' and Pimples; Arthritic & Rheumatic Patna; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEARLES or write Richmond Adam Co.. P. O. 374. Vancouver, Can. $3 per 100 Pearles,enough for 5 weeks, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIME'S BE A HAIRDRESSER. J01N CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL • Great Opportunity. Learn Baird ressin g Pleasant dignified ;'profession, good. wages, thousands.successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated eatarogue free. Write or Call - MARVEL RAI RDRESSTNG ' SCHOOLS 358 Btoor $t. W. Toronto Brunches: 44 Ring St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Rtreet. Ottawa.. “OPPORTUNITIES FOR 9IRN" MODERN -APPLIANCE SERVICING offers unlimited opportunity for the mechanically minded - man. Learn to service andrepair a11 types of appliances including re- frigeration, fast freeze, oil burn- ers, etc., in a few months:. of your spare timewith practical train- ing in our shops. Investigate the opportunities this milliondollar industry has to offer. Enroll- ments -strictly limited•and will be considered in. the .order resolved. For further information write. Standard Engineering Institute, 645 West Egitngton, Toronto 12, nu tarter - - - PERSONAL "ELIJAH _ COMING.. BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and' SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. 6 OR '8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS -8'tor 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. Yon may notget all the dims you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by senrring your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE' Station 1, Toronto BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT- IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c Send your negativeand get this . newest -style glass enclosed - en- largement 314 x 4'A" for your -mantel- or dressing table or to - - give a friend. Supported in thin crystal clear newplastic mount your picture shows to its best ad- vantage. Packed- to ensure safe deliveryand postage- paid for only 69 cents. Any. size roll (6 or 8 exposures) developed- and printed 25 cents. .Enlargements 4 x 6" in easel mounts. 3 for 25c.t framed on ivo- ry tint mats, 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver Walnut or Black Ebony finished frames, 39c, each.'70 colored, 79e.. mum BONUS OFFp,R A coupon good for one mounted • eniargeluent 4 x 6"giveat tree. ppyyitli beet, 26e, order-recoived dim- / .Ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does nua- • lity work promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print name end Address Plainly on Orders.) DT4=T. 01 STAR SNAPSHOT SEkv.�E Box 12B1.- Post Office A. Toronto MV95051, INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTQN BUYS, sells, exchanges'musical instru- ments, 111 Church,' Toronto. PA7'IONTS r17TITERSTONAUGT3 & COMPANY Patent .Solicitors. Bata Wished 18901 14. Bing West, Toronto, Booklet of Information 011 re- quest. • TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley.... and prior,receipts and flavoring. 53.75 postpaid. Ruthven Tobacco Exchange,Ruthven, Ont. WANTED • STEAM ENGINE IN GOOD. USE- ' able condition. Send description., locationand best cash price to , -Box 74, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto.' WANT .HOUSES IN VILLAGES. Towns or Hlghwayb, prefer with some land, $700 to 51760, CaO. handle some little higher, also. have buyers for established busi- nesses. Send best net price, details, etc. George Drummond, Proker, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED TO BUY POR CASH small low priced house with Hy- dro and water inside, near shop- ping centre, anywhere. Box 77, 7:i Adelaide V., Toronto, Ont, WANTED TO BUY- BUCKEYE 'Traction ditching machine. Reply to Pox 257, Forest, Ont..