The Seaforth News, 1946-02-07, Page 1The eaforth Ne HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL 69, No. 6 • SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1946 11 a Year ANNUAL MEETING OF MISS M DUNN APPOINTED TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL LEGION NOTES ' Red Cross Notes EGMONDVILLE CHURCH C.W.L. HEALTH CONVENER HOLD FEBRUARY MEETING I I The annual meeting of Eginond• At the regular monthly meeting of Tuekersmith Municipal Council ville United Church was held on the Seaforth Catholic Women's Lea- met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on : Wednesday evening Jan. 30th with gue held at the home of Mrs. Charles Monday, February 4th, with all a fair attendance. Rev. A. W. Gar P. Sills on Monday evening, Miss members present and the Reeve in diner acted as chairman and Mr. Marguerite Dunn, R.N., was appoint- the chair, The Salvation Army was I J. S. Watson was secretary, All the ed as health convener for a new given a giant of 325,00, and By , organizations of the church were health program which is being pro- laws 2 and 3 confirming appoint- I found to be in a satisfactory condi- moted by the C.W.L. of the Diocese ments of officials were given their -etion. In reviewing the past year it of London. The program will be in required readings and finally passed, ' was felt that advancement had been 'keeping with a plan inaugurated at signed and sealed. the national. . . The T • e were at Windsor last year. In a letter to authorized to hypothecate bonds with Mrs. James Freeman of Riverside, thee Bank of eCnn3nrocAliaf;intehi:detor presidents of C.W.L. sub -divisions, "Good -health programs will be In"- to secure an interest rate of 3%. per diocesan convener of health, states: troduced all over Canada and the cent on borrowings, and were au - Catholic Women's League is begin. thorized to borrow amounts up to ning to realize that its 'concerted ef- that total if required. forts on this phase of national life The Clerk was instructed to apply are required, and that much study to the Department of Highways of and consideration is essential before Ontario for subsidy on 1945 road any definite plans can be made or . expenditure and. was also instructed much action can be underta,ken. to advertise for tenders to supPly "The topics 1o be discussed willpower to operate the crusher and surely include housing, nutritiont,L 's-ul gravel for the coming season. ST. THOMAS' W. A. MEETS Tender Ads appear elsewhere in this St. Thomas' branch. ot the W.A.met scholarships, health insurance, i paper fact everything relating to you and I • 1 and our neighbors. As Catholic wornted!si Accounts were passed as follows: in the paxish hall Feb. 5th at 3 P.111. Ten members and one new' member F.elief, $10.00: grarits, a25.• print - Present. Mrs. Gilbert opened the we must see that religiont,Ipiel2easoui the whole program; heal lug and postage, $35,00; O.A.P. apps E and body must go together. We must $7.50; road accts $67210.; salaries, made not only in the financial but also in the spiritual phase of the work. A motion was passed extend- ing to Rev. and Mrs. Gardiner sin- cere appreciation for their loyal leadership and unselfish labours in the work. A resolution was passed by the congregation raising the min- ister's salary to $1,800. The new members added to the Board of Stewards were: John McCloy, Jas. • Hay, Ivan Forsyth, and Alex Boyes. After the business was concluded lunch was served by the ladies. meeting with the hymn, "Take My $100.00. Life and Let It -He." This was ollow- tl Anglican fund appeal, the mem- schools, summer camps, hospitals. Council adjourned to meet March various health programs advanced by 2nd at 2 pan. municipal, provincial and federal alert, and keep informed about ed by the litany, a special prayer for be • bers' and 'Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Southgate read the Bible pass- age from Isaiah 52, beginning at 9th i touch with schemes for rehabilitation 'SEVERELY INJURED IN verse. Its hoped to ship the bale for , • Europe's children this wee .re-esHIGHWAY CRASH 'Ian Committee of the Save The and tablishment of our war time — Children Fund, Toronto, dated Jan- thankoffering boxes will be c011ected Population, We should keep intormed in April, just before the annual meet - health insurance in all parts of our Willisii1 Sutherland of Seaforth teary n acknowledging with thanks a contribution of $8.00, being the of progress in hospitalization and land and among our people." had his nose almost severed and Organization for the district "Wel• The play "Uncle Josh Perkins" come, Home" of our veterans has has'been postponed to Friday. Feb reached the point where the munici• ruary 22. pal councils interested have been ask- ed to meet together and appoint a January Report committee of the whole to take 13r. Civilian clothing: 9 boys' charge of the affair. • overeoats, 4 boys' jackets, 2 pr. At the executive meeting of the shorts 19 boys' undervests, ladies' Legion Monday evening, it was de. dresses,' 10 girls' nndervests, 5 cided to have the Secretary write the girls' combinations, 18 pr. rompers, invitingseveral rnunieipai bodies 69 diapers,3 complete layettes teem to a joint meeting to be held in Hospital Supplies: 10 pr, laparo- th,e Council chambers, Seaforth, the tomy stockings 2 sheets 4 pr. evening of Wednesday, Feb. 13th. At men's pyjamas, 117 -handkerchiefs, this meeting details will •be discussed 7 pr. surgeon's boots. and .;the procedure to be followed Knitting: 7 pr. socks 11 pr. stock - decided, upon. A list of veterans is be- ings, 7 girls' sweaters, 3 pr. gloves, ing Prepared and in the course of the 3 scarfs, 3 pr. leggings, 1 toque, 1 next two weeks the public will be pr. mitts, 7 bonnets, 7 booties. asked to give every aid., so that un- Quilting: Quilts returned 7, made fortueate mistakes may be avoided. in workroom 4, donated 9, tops do - This "Welcome Home is, apparently,' nated 10, 2 by-product tops made. to some, long overdue. With our boys There are many bonnets, booties, nearly all home, or who will be, by stockings, and girls' sweaters still • March 19th, public sentiment is all behind- a real honest to goodness ex- predated. to be knitted. Your help will be ap- • ' t our •th nks to the boys, and gratification in their safe return.' There are a limited number of . In the absence of president Basile copies of Miss Graham's book of Duncan, 2ncl Vice Harold Finnigan ' poetry "Be Of Good Cheer" for sale occupied the chair. at E. H. Close's barber shop. The price is greatly reduce& By pur- , chasing one of these you will be helping the Red Cross as well as ad - SEND AID TO LITTLE ding a valuable book to your library. - BOY AS MEMORIAL Ropal Petrik Floral China is now available and we are pleased to announce that we have this very beauti- ful ware on sale. There is quite a variety of articles such as brooch's, ear- rings to match, table centres in various sizes, bowls with floral boquets and boquets of various sizes. The colors are very beautiful and the work- ina,nship 0.1 superior type. We will, be glad to have you look • this over any time it is convenient for you to visit this store. Fred S. Savauge THE GIFT SHOP Phone 194 Res. 10 U , WARBLE FY CONTROL BOSHARTS AND DUBLIN I EXPERIMENT TO BE the t011owing letter from tCaned.- -overnments. We need to keep in Mrs. Annie Watson has he received ing in May. The Bulletin -was clistrib- •• • monthly contribution. uted and cnii• attention call? to items Owing to the official. welcome to .e of special interest. Mrs. Gilbert in- juries Finlay night when a car Mrs. Annie Watson, Seaforth RR urday evening, despite rough weath- traduced the Anglican Outlook, the local Legion on March lath, the owned and deiven by John G. Wel- •#1, Duff's United Church Woman's er and snow -filled roads. A larger a new the returned men of this district by blication reading and discussing pu , League decided te cancel. their annual lace, Seaforth, collided with a Association. Dear Mrs. Watson: We crowd was in attendance, as the • • Inc WIN INDUSTRIAL1 TRIED IN GODERICH TP. The second round of the Seaforth! Industrial Hockey League swung into action in the Palace rink, Sat- • articles of interest, specially stress . parked truck, property of National have. received through Mrs. Aitken popularity of these games i St. Patrick's supper this year. ing tolerance and kindness to our reases. the generous dpuation from Duff's In the first round Boshart's narrow - Minutes of the previous meeting Grocers of Stratford on Highway hurch As o t' for the 1 d out Duncan's to the tune Two 'United C sea ion, y nose Canadian born Japanese. The next were read • by secretary, Mrs. John No. 8 near St. Columban. ousorship of a French child for six of 5-4. The ame Nuns fast and clean ting will be held in the parish ame company, SP months, receipts for which is at- throughout, with the Leather Push - hall Feb. 19th at 3 p.m. and meeting retaly, Mrs. James Cleary, read eor- were disabled because of engine tached. The Committee will send the errs making Boshart's go to -the final closed -with benediction. respondence received. The treasurer trouble and the drivers had placed Mrs. James Sl eiy, lepoi e . . will leave it in youi hands to send n Line_up Instructive papers on "The Catholic The Wallace car ran over one flare the inonthly donation of eight dollars - ' DUNCANS—Goal, Johnny Muir; Press," were read by the Press re- and crashed into the rear of one for the remaining five months. We are defence, Jack Nicholson, Jack Flan - porter, Mrs, C. Trott. The visiting truck. The other passengers, Robert enclosing herewith the photograph and case history of the child your T'Deeli'Yg,; 'MGe a s Muireng er;; wings Ken The meeting closed with prayer led ald Dale all of Seaforth escaped Association will be sponsoring for the cGeunetre committee reported five calls made. Charters, Harold Jackson and Don- . Angus McLean, J. Brown, Roy Kerr. by the president Mrs, William Hart. with minor injuries. They were on A social evening followed with tea their way to a hockey game at Tay- next six months, as of February first, BOSHARTS—Goal, B. O'Shea; 1946: Name, Georges Bourguignon; served by the hostesii: istock. The car was badly damaged. nationality, French; age, 11; sex, boy, defence, J. Cameron, George Kruse; Provincial Traffic Officer F. Culp ro. your members should wish to centre, R. McFadden; wings, A. . of Goderich investigated. is: Hildebrand, Frank Kennedy; alter - ALEX CARDNO DIES contact the child, the address mee Flannery; and the corresponding see- trucks owned by the s 1 COAL •COKE E.L. BOX PHONE 43 $48.00 to France immediately, and bell to take their victory. tt • • t d $79 26 flares on either side of the vehicles. Child's name, c -o Lady Johnson, Save nates, J. Albrecht, E. McIver, Enos IN WINNIPEG the CI ild • R • ntative 5 Rand 13o h t L ui Bo ha t D L . _. - - 1 len epi ese , s ai. , o s s 1 , D. c ean. --------------------- Point Bugectud, Paris, France. i Referee—Res. Holmes. A native of Seaforth who was • Again thanking each one of your The Dublin ii , Y victory 10111 Main Stieet 6-3 passed away, in Winnipeg on Janie- ---••'"ee••---e•--e'•---*•-------e— will benefit from their kindness, having themselves to the top of the 11 a.m., "At the Judgment seat of ary 29th in the 'person of Mr. Alex- Sincerely yours, Scott MontgomerY, -s ole' led' the Main Streeters all the . 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. went to Manitoba as a young man Led by the veteran "Farmer" Me. The never seriously ourselveee" . some years, later retiring to Winn4- backed by the -stellar netininding of little boy is written in French. Re The information concerning the way, and Line -Up: threatened , '7 p.m., Coining to grips with and kept a store at Darlingford for Fadden, who scored four goals, and Thurs. 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. peg where he had since lived. He was Vern Hesse, Seaforth Bosharts hand.. "Parently lives in the Vosges region • Welcome to these services. in his 84th year. He is survived by ed the league -leading Tavistock ill Fiance 1934. His father has been a prisoner.' -MAIN STREET—GoalDorkan enca and was born early in the Si1 ls' C C. Reeves8wal11 his wife the former Miss Sarah Joes a 10-2 reverse at Tavistock, Both the father and mother are ill defence, Egmonklville United Church Noble of Seaforth, and two sonar Friday night. and frail. They are good people. centre, George Hildebrand; wings, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B. D. Baden and Fred, and one daughter, Grabbing a three -goal lead in the There are three children teem 8 to Gordon Wilson, Lorne Dale; alter - 10 a.m., Sunday School .Alma (Mrs. Van Iderstine), also'hY first period, Seaforth split a pair 1:4 years. Their resources are very mates, Frank Sills, D. Woods, Don 11 a.m., "Repentance." two sisters, Misses Nettie and Cerro with the homesters in the second modeat and aid.will be necessary. I Stewart, Aubrey Baker, D. Smith. 7 p.m., "The great need of the Cardno of Calgary. The - late Mr. period and then splurged for six funeral took place from' the ,Clark more in the last frame, while, hold-. This monthly gift in aid of the ing Tavistock to a lone counter. bert centre Fer Sta leton win s Church." / • Cardno.was a Presbyterian and his fence, Frank O'Connor, Archie Hu- • k • little French boy under auspices of the Woman's Association of Duff's ; • g• Northsiae United Church one of the early settlers in Manitoba HOCKEY Rev. H. V, Workman, Minister. I • sh snatched an members on behalf of the child who eas league in the second contest. Dub - Pilate." ' ander Oardno. The late Mr. Cardno SEAFORTH 10, TAVISTOCK 2 Secretary. DUBLIN—Goal, F. Rowland; de - Anglican Sunday, February 10th. St. Thomas', Seciforth: 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and 7 pan. Evening Prayer and St. Mary's Dublin • 2.80 Sunday School - 3, Holy Communion and .Sel The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. B.A., at all services. Leatherdale funeral home to Bioo - side cemetery, Winnipeg. sermon FORMERGSEAFORTH BOY Sermon ' DIES SUDDENLY enon, known hockey player, and a' veteran Mr. George A. Stewart, former well Gilbert,of the recent war, died suddenly in his 44th year, last Thursday, Jam 31, at his home, 778A Dovercourt Road, 'Toronto, following a heart seizure He isted at the outbreak of the T Sills G od• • TWO TONS OF COAL had en] , o low, centre, McFad- BRING $52 AT SALE 4,. wax and gone overseas with the 1st MT v ID, later transferring to the den; wings, Doig, F. Sills; subs, The game was scrappy one, with ; E. Wilson, F. Philipps; alternates, both teams turning on the steam Church, McKillop, is John O'Connor G. Costello. and plenty of fast skating and neat "In proud and ever loving inenimy ti kh dli b S f h di of Pilot Officer FrAl ank bert Casson, Referee—Gus Messenger. played a much better brand of pa,ts- loving son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross League Standing: ing and a stauncher defence. Ken Murdie, who paid the supreme sacri- o "ristch, highsawing .Tavistock . , 1945 forward was held well in check and He died the helpless to defend, 1 1 2 had to be content with one assist, A gallant airman's noble elide" 1 1 2 because he was a marked man and 0 2 0 got few chances to break into the , clear CONSTANCE • 1 BOSHARTS vs DUNCANS Because Goderich township is very nearly an island, it is to be chosen, according to plans now be- ing m e by agricultural - . mittee of Huron County Council, for an experiment' in control of the warble fly, an insect pest which during recent years has become an increasing. menace to cattle in On- talHi°a•ving launched this winter an educational campaign in Huron which is intended to lead to an active war against the warble in the county in the summer season of 1946, the agricultural committee of council is now planning to co- operate with the livestock branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, in testing the use of a power spray to deal with the warble fly. The proposal to use Goderich township as a test area was unani- mously endorsed by the township council at its January meeting, when it was put before them bY Reeve G. Ginn, and F.B.K. Stew- art of Clinton, county agricultural bounded on the west by Lake Huron, representative. The township is on the north by the Maitland River, and on the south by the Hayfield River. The isthmus which leads into the township is only five miles wide, from a loop of the Bayfield River at Clinton, to the main stream of the Maitland River where the latter dips south near Holm.esville. Farther to the east, in the neighborhood of St. Colurnban and Dublin, tributaries of the two rivers approach within half a mile of each other. It is proposed to give all cattle in the selected "Wand township" three sprayings during the months of March, April and May, in an effort to stamp out the warble fly com- pletely. Planning at present calls for the spraying to be -done in the barn, although cattle in western Canada are said to have been spray- - ed outdoors in March without in - jute* to their health. Details of the division of costs are yet to be settled; it is tentatively proposed that it be divided three ways be- ' tween provincial department, muni- cipality and the owner of the cattle. The cost of the series of sprayings is estimated at between 30 and 40 cents for each animal treated. Information from the United States an from Western Canada, where similar experiments have .been tried, is that the sprayer used f Or 'whitewashing buildings 'will serve efficiently to spray cattle with the warble -killing chemicals, W L Pts Dublin 2 0 4 Duncans Bosharts . Main Street Seaforth—Goal Hesse • defence - — RCASC. Returning to Canada in July, Burdett, Yeandle, Ellwood, Peck, ' A feature of the auction, sale of 1944, he continued his service until OShea, Leppard. , F the late Mrs. Elizabeth Barron, on last September, when lie was Referee—McCullyStratford. e dis- Tuesday afternoon, was the sale of charged. A. native of Seaforth, son of irst Period e , . about two tons of coal for over $50. the late David Stewart, he assisted 1—Seaforth McFadden6:25 2—Seaforth, T. Sills (Doig) 10:40 The house and property was his father in a meat market here, and - ben ht by Mr. D. Papple, Tucker - 1, f ars he was a valued 5 --Tavistock, Matthies (Came - after his marriage to Miss Sadie 3—Seaforth--Yeandle (Burdett), 11.27 • ' d hter of the late J ported at 81,000. , Fhompson, daughter . . Thompson, about twenty years ago, p4---enSaietait_rthB, urdMetetFadHdueils' 18:30' the same type kine of business. ,For a Second -Period WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEWS I The Seaforth Women's Institute will meet at the home or Mrs. Cecil Oke on -Tuesday, Feb. 12, promptly at 2.30. Topic, "Worth while books that 1 have • d " Guest speaker,Mrs Roy Lawson, Roll call, "A book I would like to see in our library." The ladies are requestedto bring in any sewing they have finished on the lay- ette, also to bring their thimbles and scissors for hand sewing. Letter of thanks for overseas par- cels aro still being received. Dear Mrs. Doig: Kindly extend to the other mem- bers of your Institute my sincere thanks forthe wonderful Christmas box which I received a few days be- fore Christmas. All your boxes were always very, very much appreciated by the boys and the work and the thought behind them just as much appreciated. Wishing the same success in peace time work that you achieved during the war, T remain, your truly,- . JIM CHESNEY • -. The weather the first week of February has eanged all the way from rain and mild weather to below zero t •at res and roads blocked by snow in a week end blizzard, member of the Seaforth and Goderich gie), 19:05, hockey teares. He was a member of Pepalties—Yeandle 2, Huns 2 the Masonic order, the 1002' and Feeney, Carnegie. Dovercourt Presbyterian Church. Sur. Third Period , viving are his wife, a daughter, Kath- 6—Seaforth, McFadden, 6:39, ryn; a son, Jimmy; his mother, Mrs. '7—Seaforth, Burdett, 8:07. David Stewart, and four sisters. 8—Seaforth, Elwood (Burdett), The funeral was held on Saturday 10:44. . at 1 o'clock from the chapel of the 9---Seaforth, McFadden, 11:04. Myere-Elliott funeral home, Dover- 10—Seaforth, McFadden, 16:40. court road. Incerment in Prospect 31—Tavistock, Rohfritsch, 17:12. Cemetery. 12—Seaforth, 'Yeandle, 19:04. I Penalties—Goodrow 2, Mures. I SEAFORTH COUPLE MARK INTERMEDIATE "B" O.H.A. TF A P . WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Tavistock 7 3 1 85 50 15 London 7 2 0 69 27 14 - Mr. and Mrs. David McLean cele. Seaforth 5 5 0 55 49 10 brated their 25th wedding e.nniver- Clinton 4 4 0 22 20 8 sary. They were married at the Ingersoll 4 3 0 57 50 9 , home of the buide's father, Thomas Woodstock , 0 9 0 26 110 0 Blake, of the seventh concession of Tuckersmith by Rev. S. McLean. The bridesmaid was Miss Kag, now Mrs. James Brown of Egmondville. The groomsman was Bruce Scott, who is now living in Toronto. Mr. and MTS. IVRILean have four children, three boys and one girl, and one grandchild, They have spent all their married life in this vicinity. A reception had been arranged for Friday night in the Hall,, but due to road conditions it was postponed until Tuesday night. • te Do kETURN HOME Among those from this district re- turning home from overseas this week were: Pte. R. G. Parke, Sea - forth, Pte. E. Rivers, Seaforth; Gnr, F. C. Riley, Seaforth; Pte. N, S. Stanlake, Hensall; Gnr. Norris, Cromarty; Pte. Bernard Ri- ley, Seaforth; Flt. Sgt. K. E. Keat- ing, Seaforth; Flt. Sgt. G. C. McGill, Seaforth Mrs. John Carter Sr. is quite ill at present. Miss Donelda Adams spent the week end visiting her Mend Miss Elizabeth Mills in Blyth. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Dave Millson is sigIc with the flu. , Mrs. tattle Dale of Walton is helping to care for her mother, Mrs. 'John Carter Sr. We are pleased to know Mrs. Wm. Britton, who is still at the home of her daughter Mks. Andrew Reekie, in London, is improving es well as can be expected and hopes to be home soon. The farm forum of the eight and ninth was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will DoWney, on Monday evening last. 1 A Red Cross quilting was held at the home of Mrs. William Jewitt. on Tuesday afternoon. 1 The Golden Links Mission Band • met in the schoolroom of the church Jan. 20th. The meeting opened by hymn 418 followed by the scripture! reading, Psalm 95. A reading was given by Mrs. Jewitt. The offering was taken then hymn 423 was sung followed by the Lord's prayer. The 1 minutes of the last meeting were read and then the roll cell. Mrs. Jewitt gave another reading and closed with hymn 410. The officers had been elected the week before. .Freddie Buchanan as president; John Whyte, treasurer, and Geo. McIlwain, Secretary, Miss Chris Fennis and Frances Tennis of Brantford spent the week- end at the home of Kr. and Mrs. Robe Grireoldby.., Miss Jean Wakefield •of Clinton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wakefield. Mr. and"lers. Joe Riley of Auburn visited in the village on Sunday., First Period: 1. Duncan's, Muir (Messenger) 2 :50. 2. Duncan's, Messenger (Muir) 1:90. , 3. Boshart's, McFadden (E. Bosh art) 8:00 4. Boshart's, Hildebrandt, 13:40 5. Boshart's, Kennedy, 14:50 Second Period: 6. Duncan's, Messenger, 22:50 Third Period: Boshart's, lerese, 46:10 8. Duncan's Muir, 50:00 9. Boshart's, McFadden, 53:20 MAIN STREET vs DUBLIN GOAL SUMMARY First Period: 1. Dublin, John. O'Connor 12:20 2. -Dublin, Hubert, 16:05 3. Dublin, Hilbert, 17:25 Penalties—Hildebrand, Second Period: 4. Main Street, Stewart, 31:00 5. Dublin, Stapleton, 32:40 Penalties—Hildebrand Third PeriOd: 6, Dublin, Stapleton, 42:00 7. Dublin, Hubert (O'Connor) 55:40 8. Main Street, Reeves, 54:40 9. Main Street, Hildebrand, 57:10 Penalties, F. O'Connor 2, Hilde- brand. WINTHROP The W.M.S. of Caven, Winthrop, will 'hold their meeting. on Wed. Feb. 131111, instead of on the 6th as previously planned. Meeting will be field at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Beattie Thedeath took place here Monday of Mrs. John P. Montgomery, the former Margaret Azalea Simpson of Winthrop, who passed away in the Seaforth Hospital. She had been ser- iously ill for about a week, and e failing health for two years. 'She was born at Jamestown, Ont., and was married Oct. 30, 1901: She had lived all her married life• in the Seaforth district. She was a member of Cavell United Church -at Win trop. - h Mrs. Montgomery is .survived by her husband, by three sons, William of McKillon, Andrew of Brantford and Neil of London; by one daugh- ter, Mrs, Sidney McCullough of Blyth. One son predeceased her, She is survived also by three brothers, Charles Simpson, of Jamestown, Jack in Saskatchewan, and Sandy in Detroit. and by one sister, Mrs. R. Scott of Brussels. There are: eight gran d children. The funeral took elace• from her late home in Win- throp, on Wednesday, to Maitland - bank cemetery. Rev, R. W. Patton. place March 21, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Villain announce the_ ( engagement of their second eldest daughter. Frances Bernadette, of London. One, to Reg Sidney Dolmage, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. sia. Dolneage, oI Seater*. The wedding will take •