The Seaforth News, 1946-01-17, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 17,,1946,
ay& to' 131L Kw - 4 Q Licata.I-.
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Y� � P
Subject of Address: "Canada's Future As A Nation"
Special Films and Musical Numbers
Admission Free
This Year Try Sunnyvale Chicks
R. O. P. Sired Barred Rocks Leghorn x Rock Hybrids
All stock blood -tested against regular and x puliorum
Circular and Price List on request
Poultry Po v Farm
Andrew A. Moore, Prop. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth
Tune in CKNE (920) Program of Irish Airs. Every Wed., 1 to 1.15 pari,'
Repaired & Recovered
Also Auto Seats and Backs,
Verandah Swings & Steamer
Chairs Repaired. Free Pick-
up ..and Delivery
Clifford Upholstering
Co., Stratford
Telephone, 579
For further information apply at
Box's Furniture Store
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Get what you- need now during
the slack season. Harness made
to order at competition prices
Dance !
In the Oddfellow's Hall;
SAT., JAN. ` 19TH
Admission. 50c '
iMrs. G. 5. Vance of Toronto, and
her luishand, CQMS, Graham S. Vance
who recently returned from overseas,
aro visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Box.
The council of the township of Mc-
Killop met on Monday, Jan. 14th, as
elected by acclamation, at the Car-
negie Hall, Seaforth, at 11 a.m., and
subscribed to the oath of office as
Reeve, N. R, Dorrance.
Councillors: D. Beuermann, Geo. R.
Campbell, 'Frank Kirkby and Matthew
The following appointments for
1946 were made. Clerk and Treasurer,
J. M. Eckert; collector, Dominion
Bank; auditors, Monteith & Monteith;
assessor, James E. McQuaid Board
of Health, Dan Beuermann; M.O.H.,
Dr. Gorwill; school attendance offic-
er, John Leeming; drainage inspector,
Clarence Regele; weed. inspector, Al-
bert Harrison; sanitary inspector,
David Boyd. ; -
Patrolmen -John D. Murray, Henry
Bieber, James: E. McQuaid, George H.
•Leonhardt, Michael B. Murray, Ralph
McNichol, Hugh Gordon, Thomas
Hackwell, Stewart Dolmage, Russel
Baows, ' Joseph Hugill, Vincent
Lane, Con Eckert, Joseph L. Ryan,
Sohn Gordon, Finlay McKercher; Wm.
Kerr, Peter McLaughlin, Robt. Dodds,
Rudolph Fischer, Win. Somerville,
Sang Bolton, Robt. McMichael.
Poundkeepers — John Walsh, Jos-
eph Carlin, Wm. Hoegy, Wm. Ander-
son, Percy Taylor, Peter. McCowan,
Charles Kleber, Wm. McSpadden,
Henry Bennewies.
Fence Viewers—James Nolan, Wm.'
O'Reilly, Wm. Boyd, Joseph Mc -
Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Box have return-
ed home after spending the past three
weeks with relatives in Port Huron,
Miss Rita lIecknian spent the week
end at her home in Mitchell
'Mrs. Patrick Peen and daughter
Mary, Toronto, visited last week at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John
Quigley. '
FO. Friel Stewart, RCAF., Toronto,
was a week ,end visitor at the home
of{tins mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart.
• Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Knowles, Ex-
eter, spent the_week end. at the home
Of the latter's mother, 'Mrs. John
'Private Glenn Garniss, Mrs. Gar-
niss and daughter Patricia have re-
turned to their home in Hamilton af
ter being the guests at the home of
the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Garniss forthe past week.
Mies Virginia McNamara spent the
Week end •at: her home hi Stratford.
-•11Irs,• Sohn Quail, London, was a
week end: guest at: the home of :her•.
sister Mrs;, -R. J. Kruse and Mr, Kruse,
Mrs. E. A. McMaster' and Miss
Karen. Kidd spent the week end With
relatives in Galt. •
LAW, Ann Onychuit, RCAF., and
LAW. .Vera Hudson, RCAF., Mountain
View, were week and' guests at • the
home df Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hal Birk.
Mr. Charles Stewart, Montreal was
a week end yictor at the horne'ot his
parents, Mr. and-Nlrs. Harry Stewart:
Mr, and Mr's, Jack Hotlram spent
the week end at the home of the rat-
ter's parents, Mr. enol Mrs. P. Reilly,;
Mr. Hugh Wright was_in Mitchell
last Thursday, attending the funeral
of • the late Mr. Duncan MacLean.'
Mrs. George' MacDonald, Stratford,
'visited at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, Ralph McFadden and Mr. Mc-
Fadden, last week. -
Miss Hazel Anderson, • daughter 'of
Mr. and Mrs: William Anderson; has
successfully passed her nurses' regis-
tration degree at P1. Mary's Hospital,
'• Mrs. Peter Mclver and' Miss Joseph-
osephine McIver; were week end guests at
the home of her daughter 'and son -in-
law. Mr. and Mrs. Murray' Stiles,
Misses Joan McMaster, Fergus Bell
and Dorothy Smith, Western Univer-
sity, London, are spending a few holi-
days at their homes here.
Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, Loudon,•
was a week end visitor at the borne of
her mother Mrs. J. J. Merner.
Mr. Eimer Rinn, oiler on the .8,5.
Cant. C. D. Secor•d, has been visiting
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank
Storey, for the past week,
Mrs. Kenneth Doherty, .Toronto, is
spending a few days with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence,
Mrs. Gordon Millson and Carol
spent the week end • with friends in
Woodstock. '
Mrs Attie Hildebrandt spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Private Jack Baker, Algouac, Mich.,
is a guest at the home of his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Meir.
The many friends - of Mrs. Kate
Woods will be pleased to know that
she is able to return to her home ire
the Royal Apartments, after being a
patient at. Scott -Memorial Hospital.
The C.W.L. are sponsoring a euchre
and dance In the parish hall on Fri-
day evening; Jan;,18th, at: 8.15.
Laughlin, Wm.' J. Shannon, Robt. W.
Campbell, Boyd Driscoll, Thomas W.
McMillan, Zack McSpadden.
Sheep Valuators — Alex, Smith,
Frank Bowman, Robt. C. Dodds, ' A.
Building -Inspectors—William Beat-
tie, William Somerville,
• 'Bylaw #5 of 1946 was passed, ap
iiropriating .the sum of $30,000 for
road machinery, bridge construction
and' road maintenance, etc, '
(Essential War Industry)
c DEAD 'or
ANI L'1 A 4j 4..7 DISABLED
Quickly removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect
The inaugural meeting of the 'Eb-
bed Township, council was held on
Monday, Jan. 14th, pursuant to the
statute, with all members present.
All subscribed to the declaration of
Office, and assumed their responsibil-
ities. The following officers were
Clerk, Thos. D. Wren; 'treasurer
and -tax" collector, Roy Burchill;
assessor, George Coyne; weed In-
spector, James O'Reilly; live stock
valuators, Andrew McLachlan and
Ernest Templeman. School attend-
ance officer. Township 'solicitor, Jas.
Morley. Caretaker, George Boa.
Mr. Clifford .Dow and Mr, Edgar
Hutsonwere instructed to receive
tenders for woodfor the township
hall. There was quite a lengthy dis-
cussion in regards to rowdyism car-
ried on at the Staffa hall at certain
dances, and the Council is determined
in the future to have the offenders
Prosecuted to the full extent of the
Wm; Leeming,,
The January meeting of the W.M.S. We are sorry to say that Mr, John
1\44 and Mrs Frank Evans ent
tanled 'a group of friends •Thursday .of Dufe's• Church, McKillop, was held Leonhardl. and iris tlto daughters,
g o n Pearl and Ordelia, are ill at Scott
`evening in honor a Pte. Jos. Henn, on Thursday afternoon, Jan, 10th, at 1Vlemorial Hospital, Seaforth,
of Toronto, who has recently re- the manse. Following are the officers We are glad to say that Mr. George
turned from overseas. Gerald Ilol- for 1040: President, -Mrs, W. J. Pat
land welcomed Pte. Senn back to ton; 1st. vice president, Mrs. George Bennewies is getting well at Sea -
Dublin, as thin. was his bi}thplaee.
Wheatley; secretary, Mrs, John forth Memorial Hospital. All his
Clayton: Looby made the presenta- Hillebrecht; treasurer, Mss. H. Law- friends hope :to see him home soon.
tion of a gift; A. social evening fol- rence; Christian Stewardship,' Mrs,! Mr, and M,rs.. Martin Diegel and
lowed and lunch was served by the Wm Shannon; 'community friendship, I family have moved into their new
Mrs, A...Watson;-press secretary, Mrs, I home which they built this summer:
A "welcome home" "reception Alex Smith; supply secretary, Mrs.
sponsored by a group of friends Geo, Campbell; missionary monthly, VARNA
andneighbors in honor of Lieut.. Mrs, Finlay McReroher; associate The Varna Red Cross annual -meet-
Joseph Williams, of Detroit, re helper secretary, Mrs, Eldon Kerr ing will be held in the Township hall
cently returned from oyerseas, was baliy band, Mrs. 3. Hilt,ebrecht; as on Friday evening, Jan. 18, at 8 p,m,
held in Staffa hall on Wednesday sistaat, Mrs. Ross . Gordon; temper- Everybody welcome to hear the re -
evening. An • address of welcome ante, Mrs, C, R. Henderson; ,finance ports of the past year.
was read by George Coyne, and a j committee, 'Mrs. Patton, - Mrs. Wnm,
purse presented by Ted Doyle. 'A Shannon, 1VIi•s, H. Lawrence, Mrs,
Social evening followed and lunch Robt. Campbell; mission band, 1VIre.
was served: John herr, and the W. A. officers are
Mrs, Joseph Evans has returned as follows: President, Mrs, Gordon
home after.visiting relatives in St. MacKenzie; let vice president Mrs.
Marys. Geo. Campbell; 2nd vice president,
Mrs, Terry Flannery is reported Mrs, Robt; M. Scott; secretary, Mrs,
seriously ill at her home: • John. Hillebrecht; 'treasurer, Mrs,
David McConnell in London. Robt. Hogg; : dower -convener; Mrs.
Cpl. and Mrs, ;Frank ICrauskopf Ivy Henderson; Red Gross convener,
have returned to Ottawa after a Mrs. John Gordon. •The call to wor
week's visit with relatives and ship was read by the president Mrs.
friends here. Patton. Psalm was then read in
Cpl. • Gerald F. Holland, Halifax, unison, after which hymn 16 was snug
with his grandmother, Mrs,:: Barbara and prayer offered by Mrs. Patton.
Holland, and Mr. -and Mrs. J. V. The roll call was answered by the
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton
and Mary in London.
Several cases of chickenpox are
reported in the village.
Mrs. Joseph Dill was hostess at a
dinner on Sunday in honor of LAC.
Kenneth Dill, R,Q.A,F„ who arrived
home from overseas last week.
Among the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Cletus Lynes; London. Mr. and.
Mrs. Ralph Dill and Peter Dill,
Stratford, Miss Frances Fortune.
A' reception • in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall Deering was held in
Staffa Hall on Friday evening. A
large group of friends gathered to
offer felicitations to the bride and
groom. The presentation of a purse
of money was made. Dancing fol-
lowed, and lunch was served by a
group of young assistants'
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea have
arrived home from Chicago - after
spending the last two months with
their daughter, Mrs. Clayton Hill.
Miss Anne Atkinson, Toronto, at.
her home here.
Miss Agnes McGrath, Kitchener,
with Mrs, Charles Malone. -
:Vies. Joseph O'Rourke with her
daughters in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Horne in Clin-
Sgt. Janes Newcombe, Toronto,
with Mrs. Newcombe and son.
Miss Marie Evans and Miss Marian
Kale have resumed their studies at
Stratford Normal School after teach-
ing in nearby schools for the past
two weeks..
A very enjoyable time was spent
Wednesday evening when a group
of neighbors and friends gathered
in Staffa hall and sponsored a wel-
come home party for Lt. Joseph
Williams, recently returned from
two years service overseas, Louis
O'Reilly' was chairman for the
evening and called Mr, and Mrs.
Williams to the stage. James Doyle
read an address of welcome, and
George Coyne made the presentation
of a purse of money. The guest of
honor expressed his appreciation in
a feu, chosen words, and all joined
in singing for they are jolly good
fellows. Other interesting features
of the programme included addresses
from Reeve Jos. Atkinson, and coun-
cilor John L. Coyne, and tap danc-
ing by the McKellar family. Lunch
was served by a group. of volun-
tary workers, after which dancing
continued to the music of Fred
Harburn and his. orchestra.
The many friends -of Mrs. G.
Flannery are song to hear of her
serious illness. She was removed to
St. Joseph'I% Hospital, London, on
John Jordan, son of late John
Jordan and Mrs. Jordan, has re-
urned from overseas, has been visit-
ing at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Pat. Williams, before leav-
ing for Detroit. His old school mates
and friends held a party for him in
Staffa hall, last Wednesday sight.
Jean: Donnelly has returned from
Blind River where she has been for
some time.
Among the service men arriving
home thisweek on the Queen Eliza-
beth were: Bdr. Ross McNab, Sea-
forth, Gnr. E. W. Fairbairn, Hen-
sell, Pte. 3. B. Sturgeon, Bayfield,
• Gdsm. J. A. Bell, Hensall,• Geo.
Webber, Woodham, (grandson of
Mr. and. Mrs, Sam Hanna, Seaforth),
Group 2 of the Women's Associa-
tion of Northside United Church
held their monthly meeting on Mon-
day evening Jan. 14 at the home of
Mrs. Ross Savauge with a good at-
tendance. The first part of ,the meet-
ing was spent in quilting. The busi-
ness was then discussed and the
following ; offiders wereelected for
1946. Pres., Mrs, James M. Scott;
vice-pres., Miss Laura Mole; treas.,
,Mrs. C. Weldon; Secy, 'Miss Vera
Mole; pianist, Mrs. Geo. Johnston.
The meeting was brought to a close
Mr. Lloyd Johnston and Mr.,Harold
Dowson spent the, past week end
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Perce 'Johnston
and family at Wellington,
The W.M.S. of the Varna United
Church c held their Jan. meeting at
the parsonage, The meeting opened
with a few well chosen words by the
new president, Mrs. Lee McConnell,
The worship service was taken by
Mrs. Witt. Webster. hymn 60, "The
race that long in darkness pined"
was sung,'.The responsive reading
was 674 in hynmary. A minute's
silence was 'observed in memory of
our late President, Mrs. George
Johnston, followed by a short prayer
payment of fees, The W. A. president by the president, We then sang
Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie then took' "Through the night.of dark and
change of the business session:Dur- sorrow." Ten members answered
the discussion period 1.1 was de- roll call with a New Year's thought.
cidecl to hold a bazaar later in the The treasurer's report was given
year. Mrs. A. Watson has also decided and our allocation had been met.
to adopt a French baby for one year, The society received a short letter.
This means paying $96 a year to pro from Bertha Diehl, a Xmas card
vide for the child. The W.A. have of -from Violet McClymont, and a letter
fered to support Mrs., Watson in her of thanks from George and Gordon
new venture and have already don-! Johnston. The study book, Educa-
in Africa, w,as taken by Miss Eern
and Rachel Johnston. Mrs. Wat.
Webster read "Pass on the torch"
and short prayer for our mission-
aries in Africa. It was decided to
have birthday money for our ex-
pense account next year. Miss Hern
dismissed meeting with prayer.
Paul Arthur, infant On Of Mn'
and Mrs. Arthur Priestap was bap-
tized in at, Peters Lutheran Church
on Sunday morning with Elsie Stein-
bach, Ross Leonhardt, Norma Stein-
bach and H. Pniestap as sponsors.
Rev. and Mr's. Schultz, were hosts
to the Sunday School teachers and
wives and husbands, on Friday even-
by -repeating the Mizpah Benedic- Mr. Stanley Buerman of Kitch
tion in unison. The lunch coinmittee --- ener spent the weekend with Mr.
assisted by the hostess served a' and Mrs Harry Beuerman.
dainty lunch and a social half hour • Miss Elsie Steiss of Mitchell is:
was spent.
ated $S, which, is the required amount
to be sena each month. Mrs. George
Wheatley 'then conducted a quiz on
Africa, which proved very interesting
as well as educational. A reading
"Look at Africa" was given by Mrs.
G. 1VIacKenzie and Mrs. R. N. Dor-
ranee read a poem. Hymns 252 and 60
were sung. Mrs. Patton led in prayer
and the meeting closed with Mrs.
Patton pronouncing the benediction.
Lunch was served by the hostess, as-
sisted by Mrs. H. Lawrence, Ws. Geo.
',Wheatley and Mrs. Virm, Shannon.
visiting with Mrs. Jno. Bennewies.
At their monthly meeting: of the
McKILLOP._ Luther League young people . de
tided to practice for a play and pre -
A resident of Con. 2, McKillop, had sent it in the near future:
the misfortune to run •over a Great
Dane dog in Clinton and .break its '
b rek Want a'nd For. Sale Ade. 1 week 25c
'Phe January meeting of the W.A.
and the W.M.S. was held at the home
of Mrs. William Leeming. The meet-
ing opened by singing hymn 502• the following officers were elected.
Psalm uas .read responsively. The W. M. Nelson Reid, D. M. Watson
Basis of Missionary Effort was read Webster, Chaplain A.E. Erwin, Ren.
by Marie Storey, Hymn 448 was sung,. See., Leslie Elliott, Fin. Sec., Marsh-
Slavin, Treas. Ben Rathwell,
The offering was received and deli- all, Orrin Dowson, 1st Lett. W. R,
cated with a solo sung by Ruth Den- Stephenson, 2nd Lect. John Ostrom.
nis, accompanied by Shirley Regele The Scarlet Lodge held its annual
on the piano, Mrs. Mills very ably meeting in the ngHall mi Ja
unry 1.4 acrd elected e the follow inn -
react the January chapter from the officers for 1016. W. C. Chas, l i
study boot: on Africa, The devotional grim, D. C. Glen Slavin, Chaplain,
Part of the meeting closed with A, E. Erwin, Scribe, W. Sturgeon,
prayer by. Wilma McNichol. Meeting' Treas, Elnier Webster, 1st Leat.
Anson Coleman, 2nd Lect, Leslie'
was now open for business. Roll Elliott, 1st Cond. Watson Webster,
called with fourteen members re- 2nd Cond. Louis Clarke, Marshall,
spondirg, Minutes adopted. It was Ken, Merner. The officers were
decided that Mr. Patton would have stalled by past W. C. Fred McCIY-,
his dinner on Sundry at the different
homes. Mrs. McNichol Sr, suggested STANLEY
we have a Valentine social. All were Mrs. Wm. A. Ross left on Saturday
in favor. Mrs. Leonard Leeming nam- to spend a couple of months in Torr-
id a committee of four. Mrs. Melvin onto with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar
Halley, Wilma McNichol, Ruth Den- Shunk.
nis and Marie Storey. It was also sug- Mrs. Richard Robinson left for
gestecl the young people should be Carlyle, Sask., last week owing to
thinking about putting on a play. To the illness of her sister.
Drake money for the year it was sug- —
Will Operate Bridge Club
Percy Sheardown, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wren Sheardown, Gode-
rich, has gone to Toronto, where he
will operate a bridge club. Before he
enlisted, he had won international
fame as a bridge expert, and is the
possessor of many handsome silver
trophies, among them the award. for
the Canadian championship. He spent
three years overseas and is a graft -
ate of the University of Toronto.
The Associate Library held its
annual meeting at the Library on
Saturday evening last and elected
the following board: Geo. Reid, Fred
Watson, Ben Rathweli, Fred Mc-
Clymont, John Smith, Mrs, M. Mos -
sop, Rev. R. Bern, Mrs. Ben Keyes,
Mrs. A. McConnell. The board has
recently purchased a number of
new books, also received about 100
books from the Huron County Lib -
'vary Association.
Stanley District L.O.L. held its
annual meeting on Monday last and
gested we should try a holiday bell in-
stead of a copper contest. All were in
favor: Shirley Regele and Marie
Storey were to get the bells ready for
next meeting. The meeting closed
with the use of hymn 446, followed
with prayer by Ethel Dennis. Lunch
'was served by tlie hostess and a• so-
cial half hour spent.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Regele accompan-
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton,
spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. George Kistner of Waterloo,
Mrs. Thornton remained, as: her
mother was very ill,
Miss Mildred McNichol of Stratford
spent the week end with. her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol, of
Sir, and Mrs, George Dundas spent
Sunday at -the ponce of Mr. and Mrs,
Honored By Friends
Honor was paid Id George Allen,
who had been Wingham police officer
for 39 years but recently retired,
Presentation of a chair was made by
Capt.. C. W. Platt, recently appointed
chief, while an address of appreciation
was made by Crown Attorney Dudley
Holmes, of Goderigh,
Is"modernly equippedand convenient' at
any time to conduct Funerals -