HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-01-10, Page 1The Seaforth N
s1 a year
The spring like weather of the
past week has set up a record for
January warmth. The snow disaP-
peared, with the week -end rain, and
sidewalks are bare . again.
And there are also .other promises
of Spring. Allan, Neil, and -Ann
Haugh, children of Mr, and Mrs.
Wallace Haugh, of Brucefield,
brought to the News Office, on Mon-
day, a large fuzzy brown caterpillar
which they had found crawling
around, and they also reported see-
ing a robin on Sunday and a snake
during the past week.
Mr. George Clarke brought to the
News Office on Monday a big 'but-
terfly which he had found at St.
Thomas' Church.
And, of course, there had .to be
some early January plowing.
On Wednesday Mr. Harvey Mc
Ilwain of McKillop reported that he
had been plowing the first twodays
of this week, "I would have been
plowing today too, if it wasn't rain-
aining so hard," Mr. Mcllwain said.
Among the list of district service
men who will be arriving at New
York on the Queen Elizabeth about
Jan. 15th are : Tpr. D. M. Stewart,
Blyth; Pte. T. 153. Little, Londes-
boro; Pte. W. J. H. McCall..Londes-
bore; Pte. J. J. Sims, Blyth; Spr. D.
Hoggarth, Seaforth; Gnr. P. M. Mc-
Kenzie, Hensall; Pte. W. G. Burdge,
Brucefield; Pte. T. B. McCann, Bay-
field; L. 'Cpl. K. L. Hesselwood,
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
11 a.nl., "The Daily Round and
the Common Task."
2:30 p.m., Sunday School.
7 p.m. "What man could not do."
Friday, 8 p.m., final service of
"The week of Prayer."
Welcome to these services.
Jan. 13th: Fh'st Sunday after
St. Thoma6', Seaforth:
10 a.m. Sunday School.
11 a.m. Morning Prayer: Canadian
Anglican Advance Appeal,'
7 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon.
St: Mary's, Dublin
2:30 Sunday School
3, Holy Communion: Anglican Ad-
vance Appeal,
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at all services.
.For the secondtime since last
June, the Seaforth Creamery was
entered by_ thieves early Friday
morning.. A 1000 -lb. safe, containing
$600 in cash, was carried away. The
safe and the cash box it had held
were located at widely separated
points south and east of town by
police investigating, the robbery. The
time of the robbery is believed to
have been between 4 o'clock and 6
William Bradshaw, a milk delivery
man, discovered the front door had
been smashed when he arrived at
the plant .just before six. a.m. He
found that the door of the creamery
had apparently been pried open with
Night Constable John Currie said
he had last visited the creamery
about 4 a.m and, found nothing un-
usual at that time.
There was every indication that
three or four thieves had entered
the office to carry away the heavy
safe, which, although on wheels,
could not be moved by one person.
The battered safe was discovered
by Coupty Constable Helmar Snell
of Seaforth, who followed the tracks,
of what appeared to be a light truck
which had been backed up to the
front door and into which the safe
had evidently been pushed. The
safe was found near the Red Tavern
school- on the Staffa road.
The strong box, smashed open and
the cash taken, was found rater at
Fullerton Corners, south of Mitchell,
about 16 miles from Seaforth. Busi-
ness documents and records, also in
the safe, were untouched and were
back in the creamery office Friday
afternoon, returned by Constable
Snell who found them.
Egmondvllle United Church.
Rev. A. W. Gardiner; B.A.,B.D.
10 am„ Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Humanity of Jesus."
7p.m., "The Vicissitudes of Life:"
Week of Prayer Service, Thurs-
day, Jan. 10th, at 3 p.m. Rev. W. J.
Patton, B.A.
For Council
Poll 1 2 3 4 5 6—T't1
13e11 . 32 25 26 03 '75 62--283
Cnielt :. .. 53, 39 72 14 19 29-326
Jackson ..107132 23 28 29 21-340
MacKay . 84 65 30 73 42 7S-333.
Pepper . , . 53 53 81 95 43.61-387
Richardson ,... 80 63 55 101 52 58-419
Robertson . . 37;14 6 11 31 16-105
Richardson, Pepper, MacKay and
Jackson elected for Council,
For School Trustees
Poll 1 2 3 4 5 6—T'tl
Falconer .21 19 75 10 ., '5-130
McCowan . 72 93 37 10 ., 5-217
McIntosh , . . 73 SS 36 3 11-211
MoCowan and McIntosh elected for
School Trustees for two years.
A school area has been set up in
Stanley township, consisting of S.S.
#1 (Baird's School), S.S. #7 (Work-
man's School, Parr Line), S.S. #10
:(Brucefield) and S.S. No. 14 (West
of Kippen). The four schools will
continue to operate as in the past,
except that they will be all under
one school. board, which was elected
at the recent nomination meeting
by acclamation: Lyle Hill and Har-
vey Taylor #10, Frank McCowan #1,
Fred ,Rathwell #14, Archie Parsons
#14. Messrs. Hill, Taylor and Par-
sons are elected trustees for two
years and Messrs. McCowan and
Rathwell for a one-year term.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of
Geraldton spent a few days visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson.
'Mr. and Mrs, Art Bromley of Kit-
chener spent a few days with Mr:
and Mrs. Jas. Dale.,
Mrs. Wm. Logan, Mrs. Naftel and
Logan of Blyth visited with Mrs.
'Bert Stephenson on Sunday.'
Mr. Donald Stephenson visited in
Blyth with his grandmother, Mrs.
Logan, for a few days.
The` January meeting of the Sea-
forth Women's Institute was held at
the, home 93 Mrs. E. B. Goudie on
Tuesday, Jan. 8, with a good attend-
ance of members and visitors. Under
the convenership of Mrs. Alex Boyes.
a quilt was set up and quilted. Other.
.Red "Cross sewing was also carried
on at the swine. time. .Letters of
thanks from Robert Boyes and Gov -
don Scott, overseas, and from Mrs.
Raymond Nett. and Mrs. Cecil Oke
were read at the ,meeting. Further
plans were discussed as to the
Tweedsmuir Village history project,
and it is understood that Paper will
be available at the February meeting
for distribution to all members who
wish tq eminence -the writing the
histories of their farms. Mrs. Cecil
Oke, convener of sewing, lnad a num-
her of tire Red Cross layettes at the
'meeting, which were distributed
among the members. Lunch was serv•.
ed at the close of the meeting.
For Reeve
Poll 1 2 3 4—T't1
Jos. Atkinson ., 163 101 41 20-325
John W. Hackney 30 47 101 .118-296
For Council
Frank Allen ,. 07 58 122 126-373
Edgar Butson ... 60 85 97 70-302
John L. Coyne . 126 101 25 28-280
Lloyd Colquhoun 39 48 75 67-219
W. Clifford Dow 54 72 90 94--810
Aug. Ducharme 140 57 til 17-233
Council for 1946: Reeve, Jos, Atkin-
son; Councillors Alien. Batson, Coyne,
At a lull executive meeting of the
newly elected officers, with President
Basil J. Duncan in the chair, the ver•
iotis committees were appointed for
1946. The greatly increased member.
ship ,of veterans of World War II has
shower appreciation by these nen of
the necessity tor an organization.
where their interests and well being
will be effectively looked after. It will
be the duty and pleasure of Branch
#156 executive to carry out an exten-
sive program, covering as far as poss-
ible all phases of veterans' affairs.
Chairman John Hotham and his en-
tertainment committee will be busy
providing various forms of amusement
as well as raising funds for the mem-
Oriel hall. Membership will be iv
creased through the efforts of Chair-
man. Andy Calder aided by Steve Hol
land; W. C. Bennett, Alex Herr and
H. Finnigan. Every r'etur'ning veteran
will be contacted, if possible.
Publicity for our memorial ball will
be in the lianas of Pension Officer C.
P. Sills and J. M, Mc:Ulnae, and with.
the final return from overseas of
practically all our veterans in the
near -future, the Legion proposes
sponsoring a public welcome to oto
men at which the several municipal -1/
ties interested and various organiza-
tions will be invited to participate,
The matter of a Ladies' Auxiliary
was Telt over until the next meeting
Dow. I but it is fully appreciated that this is
one of the Legion's real necessities.
ST. THOMAS LADIES end in the very near future all
I emus' wives and eligible relatives
The annual meeting of St. Thom- i '1411 be invited to meet the provincial
as' Ladies Guild was held on Tues-orof Laches' Auxiliaries or the
day of this week at the rectory. Canadfau Legion.
A social evening is planned for all
Mrs. a and 1, the president was e-
charge and 13 members were pre- members, and all servicemen are
cordially invited,—T. Sills; SecrTreas.
sent. The meeting opened with
hymn, ''O God Our help:in ages NIELSON-FLANNIGAN
past." The scripture reading from ,` quiet but pretty wedding was
Roman 1 was taken by Mrs. South- solemnized in the rectory of St.
gate, followed by prayers for the James' Church. whe11 Mary Ellen
parish, for courage and strength eldest daughter of Mrs, James Flan•
for the New Ylear,'and yilre Lord's •nigaii and the rate James 'Flnnnigeal.
prayer in unison. After reports were of Seafo th, became the bride of Jo
1 received from committees Rev. Mr. Nielson, of Seaforth, son of Mr. and
`Gilbert presided over the election Mrs. Ole atheism Nyberg. Deunierk
of officers as follows: Hon. prey„ They were united. in marriage by
Mrs. C. Holmes; pies., Mrs. McGa- r T. P Rey, Fath Bussey. The bride
vin: 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Colbert; 2nd lookedcharming in a coral wool ride
vine -pies. Mrs. Merrier; sect'y, Mrs. it
with brown i ecessortes and w'o'e a
The Alert Mission Band of North- tee, Mrs, Sandford and Mrs. Shaw. der bine sick jersey dress with black
side 1;7nited Church held their Jan-, After a vote of thanks to the Rector, accessories and a corsage of pink and
nary meeting on Tuesday after i Mrs. Gilbert closed the meeting with ,w.hit.1 carnations with tern. The
school with 22 members present. The prayer. Refreshments were enjoyed groom was attended by Martin Rinkel
Mitchell. Alter the ceremony a wed -
opening hymn "Onward Christian by 'all. ding dinner was served at the bride's
prayer by Mrs. Barber. The Lord's ,
At the annual executive meeting of..
Huron Presbyterial W. M. S. of tin
Presbyterian Church in Canada; held
in Clinton on Tuesday, the fallowing
officers were elected: President Mrs.
W. J. Thompson, Seaforth; vice pies•
idents, Miss A. M. Toll of Blyth, Mrs,
H. C. Dunlop of Goderich,. Mrs. E
Lawson of Auburn; secretary, Miss B
Campbell, of Seaforth; treasurer
Airs. J. B. Russell of Seaforth; Y. W.
and girls secretary, Mi•s. Harold Riv-
ers of Goderich; Mission. Band secret.
ary, Mrs, D, J. Lane of Clinton; hone
helpers and students, Mrs. L. Jeckell
of Exeter; life membership, Mrs. G.
Walker of Hensall, glad tidings; Mrs.`
F, Ross rf Auburn; press, RH•s. A.
Taylor of Goderich; welcome and mel•
fare, Mrs. C. Hudson' of Hensall; sup.
ply, Miss M. E. Brown, of Exeter. The
treasurer reported that $3:071 had
been sent to the provincial treasurer,
exceeding the allocation by $138. The
total membership for the year was
672. There were 11auxiliaries, one
Y.W., four girls' groups and five mis-
sion bands. Besides the amount sent
to the provincial treasurer, $200 was
contributed to the peace`thank offer-
ing fiend. The sum of 5328 was von
trlbnted by 193 home helpers; $14c
for supplies; 5600 to life member.
Southgate; treas., was. Ada Reid; corsage of yellow and white r0111Utaor
rep. to Board of Management, Mrs. and baby mums with fern The bride
Ada Reid; rep. to Red Cross execu- was attended by her sister, Julia
tive Mrs. Scarlett. visiting commit- Flannigan, Seaforth, who wore 0 pow -
Soldiers was sung,
LONDESBORO mother's home to the immediate faun
prayer was repeated in unison. June Miss B. Kirk and Master Jackie ily. Later the couple left o1 a loft y
t nib' - city
-''7. moon trip to Toronto and Ottawa.
Miss Kirk will spend thee
Snell read the scripture from psalm ; Meyers left for Toronto week in th
1, alter which psalm 223 was re -
peered from memory. Blanche West- Mrs. Chas. Watson spent a few
cott presided, and the hymn "Tell days at the home of her daughter,
me the story of Jesus" was sung. Mrs. Bill Riley, Goderich, this week.
1Vlarie Hunt took up the collection Mrs. E, Gaunt and Faye of Luck -
After the business period, Mrs. -now visited with her mother, Mrs.
H. Lyon, last week and has returned
Bradshaw told the last 2 chapters of to her home.
the study book "Tommy Two- I Mrs. Norman Radford, of Blyth,
Wheels." The new officers for 1946 spent Monday with her parents here,
are President, Blanche Westcott. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Shabbroek,
vice-president, Patricia 'Hawkins, Rev. and Mrs. Davidson visited
Marion Chamberlain' iVith Mrs. DavidsonSs grandmother,
secretary, Mrs, W. T. Brunsdon, The couple
treasurers, Jack Crozier and Ted were on their 'honeymoon and left
pianists, June Snell, Gwen I for Saskatoon on Saturday night.
Christie pr Quite a number in the village
Christie and Douglas Stewart. The '
meeting closed by `singing "What a have been laid up with an attack of
flu and complications. '
Mrs Harold
friend we have in Jesus" and the Adams, Mrs. J. Armstrong., Mr, C.
Mission 'Band •Benediction. • Ruddell, Mrs. J. D. ;Melville,' Mrs.
M. Manning and Miss Young, but
we are pleased to report all are
slowly recovering, although Mr.
Ashtleld, Cecil Johnston.
Colborne, Alex Watson..
Goderich Twp., G. Ginn.
Grey, Alex Alexander.
Hay, William Haugh.
Howick, John Winter.'
Bullett, -Sohn Armstrong.
Mclfillop, Rnasell Dorrance,
Morris, Cecil Wheeler.
Stanley, J. E. Pepper,.
Stephen, Roy Ratz; Arthur J. Amy
Tucicersmith, Arthur Nicholson.
Turnberry, Walter 12..Wood. -
Usborne; Hugh Berry.
East Wawanosh, J. D. Beecroft.
West Wawanosh, Brown Smyth.
Blyth,' Frank Bahnton.
Brussels, R; B. Cousins..
Clinton, G. W. Katt.
Exeter, Benson W. Tuckey.
Goderich, R. 1: Turner•; George O
Mactlwan, (deputy),
Hensall, Richard Shaddick.
Seaforth, John F. Daly.
Witngham, 5..'J. Evans.
Chas. Ruddell ie still a very sick
m n.
The recent January thaw has re-
moved every trace of snow. The
grass is green with the general ap-
pearance of spring. The highway is
dry as in the good old summer time.'
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather there has been a very poor
ehurch attendance for the past two;
The annual Sunday school meet-
ing will be held at the hone of Mrs.1
Lillie Webster on Friday night of
this week. '
The annual meeting of the Win-
throp unit of the Red Cross will be
held in the school room of the
Church, Tuesday, Jan. 15.
Mrs. Mary Haase who has spent
the past summer with her son Mr. E.
Haase, has returned to her daught-
ter, Mrs. Tom Ingles, at' Acton.
Mr. Harry Eddicott has returned
after spending the summer on the
C.D. ,Secord.
Mrs. Theron Battles spent a few
days with friends in Goderich.
The bride donned a muskrat coot with
matching muff. Tine groom's gift 41.1
the bride was a gold brooch, to the
bridesmaid a gold bracelet and to the
best non a cigarette lighter.
The regular meeting of the Catholic
Women's League of St . Janes'
Church, which was held at tine mime
of Mrs. Reginald Henderson, opened
with prayer ted by the president
Mrs. William Hart. Plans were made
to sponsor a euchre and dance in the
Separate school hall on Friday even-
ing, Feb. 18th. It was also suggested
that au entertainment of some forst
be given to welcome home soldiers of
the parish. Mrs. Frank Devereaux is
donating her hone Friday evening
for/the first in a series of bridge to
be played before Lent.
The visiting committee for Novem-
ber and December, Mrs. James Siat-
1ery and Mrs, Charles trles Sills. reported
ion calls node Mrs. John Flannery.
secretary. read the initiates of the
previous meeting. The corresponding
secretary Mr's. Janes Cleary read let-
ters or thanks. In the absence of the
third vice president, Mrs, J. M. 1511•
Millan, Mrs. Flank Devereaux read n
repo'! on. Christmas treats. The tree•
surer Mrs. Slattery reported 566.64
An interesting paper on "The Feast
of the • Circumcision" was given by
Mr's. Charles Sills. A social hour fol
lowed, with lunch served by the lost•
ess, assisted by Mrs: Frank -Bev
Breaux. -
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at' the Wellington St. United Manse
by the Rev. J. W. Hunt, of London,
Ont., when' Anna Mae Hood of Lon-
don, Ont. was united in marriage to
Jesse S. Freeman of the RCAF, now
stationed. at Centralia airport. The
bride looked charming in a two-
piece blue crepe dress with silver
trimmings and bouquet of carna-
tions. They were attended by the
bride's sister, Mrs. Ed. Perkins of
London, Ont., and Mr., Austin Ytapfe
of London, Ont. After the ceremony
the bride and groom and attendants
went up to Wong's Cafe -and en-
joyed a sumptuous wedding; dinner
decorated with streamers a:nd flow-
ers. After the week -end in London,
the bride and groom motored up to
the bride's sister of Kippen. Mrs.
Peter McKenzie and other relatives
and friends, of the vicinity. They will
reside in Londo,r.
Rev. Ben Smillie, : B. A„ returned
missionary from India,, will be the
speaker on the MoKillop Pastoral
Charge on Sunday. Jan. 13. Hours
of service—Bethel 11. a.m., Cavell
1:30 p.m., and Duff's' at 3:30 p.m.
Rev. Ben Smillie was principal of
the Vocational School for boys at
Raaalpara, India, He, was appointed
to Central India in 1914 by the
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis-
sions. Rev. Mr. Smillie was born at
Hensall and was educated at God-
erich High School and Kriel 'Theo-
logical College.
The regular rneetmg of rho Re-
tail Farm Equipment Dealers Asso-
ciation was helcl in Seaforth on Jan-
uary 2, 1946, and was decided that
Howard Hyde, Hensall, Ont., would
represent the Huron and Perth Im-
1 t D aler at a rovinclal
meeting to be field in Toronto, Jan-
uary 160. It was decided that the
next meeting will be in the form of
a banquet to be held in Seaforth.
Februan•y 6.
Phone 194
Res, 10
The marriage of Miss Eileen
Merle Beswetherick, daughter of
Mr. and :firs. R. Beswetherick of
Guelph, Ontario, to Thomas Har-
rison Scotchmer, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. William' Scotchmer of Bay-
field, Ontario, took place at Carlton
Street United Church, Toronto, at
8 p.m., December 31. 1945. The
Rev. J. M. Finlay officiated. The
bride wore a street length dress of
cerise crepe, sequin headdress.
brown accessories and corsage of
' yellow rosea Mrs. Oliver Yallop of
Toronto, sister of the groom was
matron of honor and wore a dress of
blue wool crepe, matching brown ac-
cessories and corsage of red roses.
The groom was supported by his
brother-in-law, Oliver Ysllop, of
Toronto, After the wedding dinner
the young couple left on a motor
trip to Ottawa. On their return
they will reside at the groom's home
near Bayfield,
Capt. W. J, McLeod who has a
new steel. tug is in Goderich with
his boat shifting the grain boats at
the elevators and keeping the ice
broken. Capt. McLeod expects to
use this tug in the fishing ihdustry
in Bayfield next summer and is to -
BRUCEFiELD be congratulated on his enterprise.
Schools reopened last Thursday, The hydro truck is to be seen on
when Miss E. McClenaghan of Bel- our streets these days clearing and
grave resumed her'work at No 10
,t e
Stanley, and Mr. C. Henry at No. 14 Dotting the -,limbs of trees interim. -
Stanley. Miss R, Plupekc has been ing with the wires.
engaged to teach at No. 3, Tucker- Mrs. Brown of Clinton, Iowa, is
smith. Miss Janet Watson returned a guest of Airs. 0, W Rhynes.
to Aylmer last week to resume her
work there as teacher. Pte. Ella McKay, of the Postal
Mr. and. Mrs, Wm. Murdock , of Service, London, spent the weekend
Hamilton spent the weekend with the at her home. •
former's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John Mns. J. Churchward 'and sons
Murdock, Stanley.
Members of the Red Cross met at Ger alcl and Jack of London, were
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday guests of
Cairns, last Thursday and Friday lase. Jack Churchward has just re -
afternoons, when they completed turned from overseas where he has
their quota of 100 sheets, 100 towels been in the army in Italy and Eng
and 106 Skultetus binders. Workers
are still needed for fora' layettes and land for the past two years,
there is yarn to be knit for civilians The election .for village trustees
overseas, was held in the Town Hall on Mon
1VIr. and Mrs. Jesse Freeman who day ,a,nd tine following trustees were
were recently married called on
Brucefield friends last week. elected for 7.94(1. Mr, L. Scotchmer,
Communion service will be held at Mr. Walter Westlake, and Mr. Jack
the, morning service next Sunday;
ig'. castle.
preparatory service will be held ea Miss Lucy Woods i a guest of
' at eht oclock
Lieut. Nursing Sister, Hazel Isa-' her sister, Mrs. R. Middleton and
bel Ussher, you_ ng_.e_st_ daughter gltter of„ Mr. Middleton, in Hensall, this week.
There will be a dance and pre -
i in the Town Hall on Fri -
friends in the vil
day evening
field, has received the award—Asso-
elate of the Royal Red Cross, in the sentat on•
Ring's New Year's Honor List, day Jan. 11, sponsored' by the Red
Mr, and Mrs: W. N. .unlock and Cross Finence Committee..
Mis s Beth Murd cc of Harlt
on. u ,
Mrs. K. S. Ferris and Capt. and Mrs.
S. G. Rumble of Toronto and Miss
June' Murdock of 'New York, have
setirrned to their .New.
,after *end-
ing the Christmas vacation at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Murdock:,
Osborne Election
Reeve. elected Hugh Berry. 511.
Defeated. Clark ,Fisher, 225,
Council: elected, Wiliaru Erring -
tor, 523; Wellington Brock. 518;
Oscar Tuckey, 448; Gilbert Duncan
432. Defeated, Harold Jeffery, 322.