HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-01-03, Page 16THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY,JANUARY 30946 74' HENSALL. Miss Mary Undsworth of Galt was a 'guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook during the past week. Miss Stella Robson returned to Toronto after spending Christmas, with her sister, Mrs. H. Arnold. Miss Norma Cook of London spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, N. E. Cook. Miss Margeurite McDonald visit- ed recently with her cousin Miss Reid, who has been ill.. Mr, and Mrs. Don Evans of Waterloo spent the Christmas holi- days withthe latter's parents, Mr," and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs, H. 0. Dayman of. London visited at the home of Mrs. Alda Simmons, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker re- turned home on Friday after a pleasant visit with members of their family, in Toronto. Dr. WM. T. Joynt of London spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Alice Jeynt, Miss Aarbara McNaughton, of Chiselhurst visited during the past week with Miss Lois Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Lawrence re- turned home after a pleasant holi- day with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Drysdale moved to their newly erected dwell- ing on Main Street last week and are getting nicely settled, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell' and Billie of Guelph and . Pte. James Caxnpbell who arrived from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y, MacLaren. Mr. Mitchell of London spent Christmas at the home of his broth - err -in-law, Mr. Fred Kennings. Miss Maude Glenn of London was a weekend guest at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Airs. John M. Glenn. Mrs. Peacock and babe left this week by plane from London to New er York where she will meet h • � with New Yeat . hus- band: and spend his parents. Mrs. Verne Smith of Montreal is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Pte. G. C. Glenn of Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn, arrived in London on Saturday after several years overseas service. Mem- bers of his family met him at the depot. L. Sgt. W.G.T. Dalrymple and L. Cpl. W. T. Snow of Hensall arrived in Galt on Saturday after some years overseas service.. They were met by their wives and members of the family. Mr. W. C. Stone Passes Mr. William John Stone, prom- inept Hensall resident passed away Thursday in Westminster Hospital, London, in his 69th year. Born in London, England, the deceased was a Veteran of World War 1 and was an active member of the Exeter Hensall Branch of the Canadian Le- gion. A badge signifying his life membership was to have been pre- sented re- s n e to him this week. For man: std y years Mr. Stone worked on a section of the C,N,R. near Hensall, but re- cently has been travelling agent for a large firm. He was a member of St, Paul's Anglican Church. Sur- viving are a son, William John Stone, Mrs. C. Cooper .(Rosa) Mrs, E. Fulton (Jeanne) all of London; Mrs. J. Dent'(Eva) of Bradford, and Mrs. S. Farmer ,(Grace) of Strat- ford, Funeral service was held from St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall on Monday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev, M. A. Hunt. Inter- ment in Exeter cemetery. Mrs. John Dinsdale Mrs. John Dinsdale died at her home in Hensall on Thursday, in her 90th year. Formerly Maria Jane Butt, she was born in Usborne township and has been a resident of Hensall for over thirty years, Mr. Dinsdale predeceased her about twenty years ago. She was a mem- ber of. Hensall United Church. Sur- viving are four daughters, Mrs. Ida Wood. Mrs. Ida Canis, Santa Bar- bara, Calif., -Mrs. Hannah Vermil- yea, •Glendale, Calif„ Mrs. Alda Simmons, Hensall, one sister, Mrs. Hannah Taylor, Exeter. Public fun- eral service was held from the resi- dence on Saturday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Inter- ment nterment in Hensall Union Cemetery. KIPPEN were, ^a golden Kenwood . blanket, by Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. F. Hell and Mr. and. Mrs. S. Stackhouse. A ,basket of gold chrysanthemums by R. J. Cooper ;and. family, A box of fancy stationery`bY Mr n and Mrs. Harry M. Chesney. A silver butter dish by 'Mr, and Mrs. lveur Forsyth, besides a host of con- gratulatory telegrams and suitably embossed cards from old friends and many from ex -pupils. Brussels Nominations 'Nominations at Brussels, 'for reeve, R. B. Cousins (acct.). For council, (four to be elected); A. M. Grewar, L, W. Eiclunier, W. E. •Willis, Jacob Fischer, John Cameron, R. W. lKen- nedy,.For school trustees (three to be elected); D. M. McTavish, Rev. H. C. Wilson; John Gibson, W. C: Kerr. for hydro commissioner: J. C. Baker. On Christmas clay a sumptuous Golden Wedding anniversary dinner. in honor of 1VIr, and Mrs. T. N. For- syth was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister of the Parr Lune, Stanley Township. The table decorations were streamers of gold with five colden candles.file4 Guests pre- sent tsent for the occasiotl to extend greet- ings and to partake of the festivities,' trete Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Park and family: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Con- sitt and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner and family, and Mr. and Airs. Murvin Johnson. N ocl1ess to say a happy afternoon was spent many reminiscences being told and a few pleasant hours passed all too quickly, concluding with, the presentation by the guests of 'a potted plant in full bloom. At the home the occasion was marked by the residents .of Kippen presenting Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth with a beautiful electric lamp and e gold fruit bowl, Mrs. Elston Doweon and Miss Mabel Whiteman making the presentation on behalf of the villag- err. Other gifts received at the hone $10 REWARD Two small beagle hounds, black and tan, with white legs. $5 reward. for information leading to recovery of each dog. George Mann, Phone 24-800, Clinton 'central. 1,30 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses—Team of Percheron horses 8 years old, 3800 lbs.; wagon mare, 8 years old, 1400,'good•single o%.double. Cattle -1 Holstein cow 5 years old, tine in Feb,; 1 purebred Holstein cow la due Feb. (Daisy Dutchland Pesch Creator); 1 Holstein 4 years old, fresh calf by side; 1 llolstein,3 years old, due Jan.; 5 Holstein heifers carrying 2nd calf, due in Feb,; 1 Hereford cow 5 years old, due Feb.; 2 Durham cows 5 years old, fresh, calf by side; 2 Durham heifers due in March; 1 Durham cow 5 years old, 'clue in Feb.; 1 Durham cow 5 years old, freshened; in Nov.; calf by side;. 2 Jersey, cows 4 years old, due in Feb.; 1 Ayrshire cow "6 years old, due in May; 2 Durham heifers (2nd calf) dtie in March; 1 farrow cow; 4 Dur- ham steers, fat, 1100 lbs.; 4 Durham steers 800 lbs.; 2 :Durham heifers, 700 lbs.; 3 Durham steerste year olds; 11 fed yearlings 600 lbs, each,, Pigs -9 chunks, 125 lbs,; 9 pigs 90 lbs.; 18 weaned pigs; 1 sow due Jan. 21; 1 sow, bred 8 weeks; 3 sows bred. Fowl -300 Leghorn pullets, 60 Leg- horn hens, 1 year old: Universal milking machine, 2 units; 4 (8 gal.). milk cans. • Positively .no- reserve. Everything offered will be sold. Terms cash. ROY MILLER; Proprietor, W. E. Nairn,' Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Horses, 50 Cattle, 40 Hogs, 360. Fowl. W. E. Nairn, auctioneer•, will sell by Public Auction on Lot 18, Con. 5, Logan Twp., 23/ miles north and y2 mile ,west of Mitchell, on -Thursday, Jan. 10th, commencing at FOR SALE 50 Barred Rocks pullets 6 months old, Scott's strain. Phone 55 r 2, Dublin. d�Y - AT FINNIGAN'S Dear Sir' or Madam: Another• year is drawing to. a- close and the Ma g shortage of merchandise is more acute now than during the war, and Nye feel this will continue for another year, that is, providing we have a good crop next year. want o assure You we did our utmost to supply _each of our Wot y her fai • shat of merchandise. This was very d• customers with his or r e 1 difficult with some, items very scarce, others: off the market. Kindly accept oto- thanks for.' the splendid business You have .gi en us' during theyear and we hopea you wi]l"continue to su PP cit t s. Wishing you a_happy and Prosperous New Year, we are, Yours Very Truly, eP1T tt W. J. FINNIGAN & SON J. a c. e L CARD McConnell & Hays ELECTION Barristers Sol enters IDto. Electors of the Township IPatriok 41 McConnell, H. Glen Hap To SEAFORTH, ONT. , Telephone Tuckersmith Having been nominated E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 'Phe Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build lag, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. >Saturday, evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for the council of the township of Tucker - smith, 'I respectfully wish to solicit your vote and influence; If elected I will try to look after your inter- ests to the best of my ability ROY F. PEPPER. ELECTION CARD To Electors of the Township Tuckersmith Having been nominated for the council of the Township of Tucker- smith uckersmith I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. If elected I will give my best attention to your interests. GORDON A. RICHARDSON ELECTION CARD To Electors of The Township of Tuckersmith Having been nominated for the office of councillor in the township of Tuckersmith for the year 1946, I would appreciate your support at the polls on Monday, Jan. 7th. If elected I will give the duties of this office my earnest attention. Happy New Year to all. HAROLD JACKSON Card of Thanks Brothers and sisters of the late James Burns wish to thank friends and relatives for many kind ex- pressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement, and also those who loaned cars. - New Tires MITA No Permits We Have All Sizes In Stock Of Goodyear Tires BE WISE—BUY GOODYEARS from Seaforth Motors Phone 141 TIRE RATION ING LIFTED,JA!..`� A STATEMENT BY THE \kk� In his �®�'E • • official • th Mr. Howe stresses' statement, rationing at lifting of tire present stocks g does not mean can ene are such that all that met. immediately. demands is picking up steadily,and if production buying public will continue to the ate d�.i tire. ng the fust Cooper, tires only who stages b 'filen .that y ordering col n featly needed,. I g al be rapidly restored," the minister ssaid.a' { 'a""/J/r.GrUi��r�/irr�/ Ti`s Remember � fir/�j �. • . 1 fiber � . f, fr y✓fr '1..si I ou buy tit in�"estrnent ij� mile ability , • . es YOB '"oke age, safety sure of the best are Making a and depend.. • . . y to 1 ®d by Can diem ' over a:'.Y other motorists d for make // Your �r to fr/ nee new Dire s s w ,2;t amour eraor right awry. urgent, Your Goodyear ;tetof~-•r ':d.er�' Aossib/f not, h0 will et °�Ye°r Opole, See ,dim r dbYlres for You b® a�ilA K77C MORE PEOPLE RIDE'ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON' ANDY OTME�' 'Nt/) • WANTED TO BUY. Small trunk wanted. Apply to The News Office. - BICYCLE FOR SALE C.C.M. cadet boy's bicycle for sale. Pre-war make $30. Allan Ryan, James St., Seaforth. LOST Tire chain, between St. Columban and Dublin, Sunday night. Hugh Benninger. Phone 54 r 3, Dublin. FOR SALE Quebec range in good condition. Apply to Frank Maloney, " George St., Seaforth. FOR SALE 50 acres grass farm, lots of shade and water. Apply Roy Lawson, miles west of Seaforth, on highway. FOR SALE Model C Case tractor on steel, Cab, lights . and "power take -off. Apply C. J. Walker, R.R. 1, Crom- arty. DOG LOST Black and tan female fox hound, four feet tipped with white, lost on Saturday, Dec. 29, in the vicinity east of Kippen. Phone 658 r 4, Sea - forth. Harry Norris. TENDERS. FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersigned for 15 cords of 12 inch 'hardwood, beech and maple body wood, to be delivered to Caven Church, Winthrop, by May lst, 1946. Tenders to be in by Jan. 17. Mrs. T. Betties, Secretary, Seaforth R.R.#1. 'Also, tenders will be re- ceived until Jan. 17 for the. position of caretaker. FOR SALE - A portland cutter with bells on shaft. Apply to Joseph Ryan. Brus- sels. Cutter can be seen at Lawrence, Ryan's, Walton, FOR SALE Chesterfield suite. Phone 550 r 21 Seaforth: ,JANUABY MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron Cotinty Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, 'Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 15th, at 2:00 p.m. All accounts, notices of depute - tions and other business :requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Cleric not later than 12:00 o'clock noon, Sat- urday, January 12th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEIAFOR'iH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest : rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea. forth; Vice President, Frank .Me- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. • and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Dl rectors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;lex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris eonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo - 'Owing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Qeorge Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; 3., F. Prueter, Br'odhagenr George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be. promptly attended to by applications to say of the above named officers addressed to their respective post Cess. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. 4. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with• complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. , JOHN A. GORWILL, Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J • MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W.C. Sproat Phone 90 'W Seaforth ti DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New 'York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefeld's Eye, and Golden Square throat . hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday. in each month. -58 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 2667. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent Agent for Mitchell Nuriery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 FOR SALE - - 6 -Room Frame House, Hydro, Town Water, and cellar, Situated on Coleman Street. House with barna Situated on Main Street. South. 50 Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckersmith. Good Brick -House, Bank Bern, Poultry Hopse and Driving Shed, Immediate possession. 73 Acre farm, Tap. Tuokersmlth... Frame House, Bank Barn, Driving Shed, Hog Pen. Good bush with spring therein, ileo have listed 4arme in McI{111op. E, 0, CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones. 334 Office -' Res, 220 Notice To Creditors in the Estate of William Morrison All persons having claimsagainst the Estate of William Morrison, late of the Town of Seaforth, in .the County of Huron, deceased, "Gentle- man, who died on or about the 5th day of December, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to • the under- signed on or before the 12th day of January 1946 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned Idate, the assets of the said estate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any, person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then: have noticefor the assets so dis- tributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 18th day of, December, 1945. McCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. DUBLIN CREAMERY & POULTRY PACKERS LTD. Now 'Operating Under New manage- ment We will gladly assist you in any problem that you may have in regarl to Cream Eggs and Poultry.. For quick service Call Dublin 68. HARVEY E. :COOPER, Manager. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One 11rIillion Partners H.- R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent FOR SALE Frame dwelling, hydro, 11/a acres, North Main street. Suitable for poul- try farm. Early possession. Double house on Victoria St. Sep- , arate apartments, good investment. Frame cottage, Goderich St. East. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, new barn, good brick house, lots of water, some bush, on. main road near Varna. Apply at The News Office. Don't talk over the heads of others—it gives them a pain in the neck,