HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-01-03, Page 7THEY DON'T WANT TO GO HOME Informed of their forthcoming transfer to Russian -occupied sectorof Germany, many Nazi soldiers in- terned at-Ranneslatt Camp in Sweden choge death rather than face that fate. Swedish policemen were called out to stop suicides and escort Nazis to border. Allies' Greatest Hoax Of War Strips Of Tinfoil propped By Allied Planes Jammed Nazi Radio Communications Where was ,the German Luft- waffe on the night before the European invasion? The question has been asked but not answered, many a time since that day, June 6, 106:4, when a tre- mendous Allied fleet put ashore. in Normandy—the greatest invasion force in all history, writes •a corre- spondent of. the Christian Science Monitor, The men who manned the ships and the soldiers who waded ashore each thought it a very im- portant question: There were Luftwaffe units- in the area, and the query 'still per- sists. What were they doing, and where were they? The answer given to the- public recently for the first time, hands a well-deserved accolade to a small, Tittle -known, but extremely hard- working group of airmen. From planes loaded with Od n4 - Planes Loaded With "Window" From air stations in the Midlands and north of England on that never -to -be -forgotten night, 30 air- craft took off into the fast-growing darkness .loaded with "window." "Window" is the code name applied to a thin metallic strip of foil, tile' same kind of tinfoil used on chew- ing guns anad candy wrappers be- fore the war. This foil was tut into thin strips and packaged, sever- al thousand strips to a bundle weighing two ounces, "Chaff" when thrown from a plane has the same • -effect on a radar scope as the plane itself. A number - of these loosed successively in tire air causes the real targets to. become indis- - tinguishable, and the effect can best he likened to an electrical smoke screen. - Feint Successful :These 30 planes rendezvoused over the coast of England, across from Calais. Flying at an altitude an air borne mission toward France, they threw out their "chaff." The scopes of the German -radar warn- ing net registered a great fleet of :aircraft coming, and the Luftwaffe Was ordered to intercept, The Royal Air Force planes bireled the area hi which the Ger 'than fighters were waiting, and with Opecial transmitters jammed ground sir radio' communications, keeping the Germans in the air until out of gas, preventing their diversion to the actual invasion point. Allied Planes flew' over naval vessels, dropping "chaff" which gave the same effect on German scopes as a co-ordinated naval invasion armada, All this was carried on around the Calais area, while the real invasion force went somewhere else! Thus it was that a successful feint was made through the use of radar countermeasures and the first ' phase of the greatest invasion feat in military history was on its way without mishap., Industrial Use of Atomic Energy Prediction that the first peace- time use of atomic energy would be either for a big ,power station or for boilers of a large ship made by. Sir George Paget Thomson, chairman of a group of British natural scientists appointed in 1940. to develop atomic fission. "Gradually the new power will spread to other purposes," Sir George said. "Bart the internal combustion engine will long re- main the most suitable prime mover for small powers. Ultimately, large-scale irrigation of deserts suggests itself, but these aremattersof the distant fu - Match ''''stie,ks uMatch'3tie,ks are treatedwith ammonium phosphate to prevent lingering embers after, the flame las•been blown out, WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING New Drug from Whey Canadian farmers will soon be playing an important part in the control of such'. diseases as typhoid and dysentry. Milk sugar extract- ed from whey and fed to the penicillium mould from which penicillin is refined, will be used to produce the new wonder drug, Canadian Drug Manufacturers streptomy,ems are understood to be planning full scale production of streptomycin in the near future. This drug is outstandingly effective against dis- eases caused by gram negative bacteria, comparatively few of which are suppressed by penicillin. Production of both drugs in Canada has been made possible by the Dominion Department - of Agriculture's organizing the col- lection of whey from cheese fac- tories in parts of Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Transported in tank trucks to a condensery in New York State, the whey .is; processed into milk sugar- and whey powder. Most of this milk sugar and some of the whey powder returns to Canada, the sugar for use in drugs and baby foods and the powder for enhancing the vitamin 'content of livestock feeds. Tens of millions of pounds of Canadian whey have been con- verted to these special products in the past two and • one=half years. Princess Elizabeth A Very Human Girl Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth has taken another step toward full adult status by going on her first after -theatre supper party, unattended except by the other -youthful members of her party, relates the Windsor Star. The picture of this young woman dancing until past midnight in a public restaurant is an appealing one. It means something to Bri- ton all over the world. In few monarchies, could such a precious personage go about so un- protected and in such perfect safe- ty. Few of her rank in other coun- tries would want to do so. The. sheltered little Princess is growing up :lite a very human young wo- man, and, every such incident in her career brings her closer to the hearts of her people. They Shouldn't Die Children are dying of diphtheria says Major General'Chisholnt, 'be- cause of the ignorance, prejudice and negligence of their parents", and the time will come "when par- ents allowing their children to die unnecessarily will be charged with manslaughter', Strong statements, but true, says the Ottawa Citizen. Use of CoalOnce- Considered Illegal Coal is front-page, news today. It is- difficult to realize that there was .a time when coal was highly unpopular. Legislation was introduced to prevent its use, says Toronto Saturday Night. In the reign of King Edward 1 coal was regarded with the deepest suspicion and disfavor. Its use was forbidden in London, ,The penalty against infringe- ments of this law wasmostsevere —a large fine or even the suspen- sion of a business. One Londoner was convicted and sentenced to death for breaking it, - , In winter the staple food for the Eskimo is boiled seal and walrus meat. First Known Cases ' 'of DDT Poisoning The firstknown case of fatal poisoning by DDT was reported Test week in the current'. issue of the .:British Medical Journal, 'The Journal Said that - the 1.9 - months -old child of a .West' Afri- can soldier died after drinking ap- proximately one ounce from a bot- tle of DDT - and crude paraffin °Mixture. Tests, the Journal said, proved' the insecticide and not the paraffin caused the death, The Journal also reported that tests at the Royal Naval Physio- agical Laboratory had revealed'a grave hazard of "DDT intoxica- tion" for persons using concentra- tions of the 'insecticide. I£ saki persons' exposed to DDT were alfected by smarting of the eyes, tiredness, heaviness and ach- ing of limbs, irratability and a feel- ing of mental incompetence. One subject of the experiments had to stay in bed for a day, it added. , Rationing Ensures Even Distribution From the'great mass of figures presented to the food production conference one thing stands out— that Canadians are eating today more of almost everything than they did before the war, and this despite rationing, says the Ottawa. Journal. In other words, consider- ing -the country as a'witole, ration- ing is no hardship, but is an effec- tive means of even distribution, HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION It Takes Time To, Learn Trades No man can become' a skilled workman ,is1a fewmonths; 0, car- penter who has had four years' apprenticeship is just beginning to be capable : of good work, and bricklaying takes just as long to learn, says the Peterborough Ex= anainer. Boys and young men now- adays do not want to take the time M learntrades, at low wages; they do not like the .discipline' Which learning a trade .involves. Appar- ently they would rather be unskil- led workers, subject to every lay- off and whim of fate, than skilled workman who are always' sure of Sobs. Rations Down Under Will Not be Lifted There is noprospectof meat and butter rationing being lifted in Aus- tralia before 1947, according to Fe- deral Commerce Department ex- perts. Although the end of the war brought a sharp: decrease in service demands for these two commodi- ties, all surpluses above minimum hone consumption requirements will have to be exported to main- • tain the peoples of Britain and re- lieve distress in liberated areas. Officials disclosed that Australia already, is sending substantial sup- plies of processed milk to Borneo, Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Have You Heard? "I „called to make an ap- pointment with the. .dentist" "He's out just now." "Ah, when do you expect hint to be out again?" After a very thorough exami- nation the Army doctor eyed the tall . and very thin recruit in si- lence. "Well, doctor,"- said the recruit at last, "how do I stand?" "Goodness 'knows," replied the M.O. "It's a miraelel". Jane (to the policeman on the corner. "Please, Mr, Po- Beeman, have you seen a lady without a little girl that looks like me?" The lost chord was surely elusive And caused a - composer worry; But have you looked, brother and sister, For string when you're in a hurry? SAPS COUGHS Inquiries Invited - BONDS — INDUSTRIALS — OILS -- MINES Specialists in Unlisted Securities Write for our free WEEKLY. MARKET LETTER T. L. SAVAGE & CO. 54 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO ADelaide 6185-6-7 ITARI' CIIICES BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR . -GOVERNMENT' AP- proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount Each breed- er is Government handed and blood -tested, Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue, Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested, Prices from Sc to 2bc. All guaranteed excellent layers. -Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. WE'VE A GOOD SUPPLY OF started clucks, 2-3 week olds, va- rious breeds and crosses, includ- ing heavy breeds, Also dayolds. Immediate or early in rho year delivery. Pullet bargains in Jan- uary ask for prices. Order now, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. INTRODUCE. TOP. NOTCH CHICKS and Improve your flock. Start your next flock with husky, vig- orous Top Notch chicks and watch them work for you —. grow into - firm plump, productive : birds to earn you a deservingplace in - the increasing egg and poultry nteat,market, Eggs and Poultry meat have been the best paying endeavour on the farm In 1945 and we predict that 1948 will be even. better. .Send forcatalogue and early booking pricelist at once. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chielterles, Guelph, Ont. THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred. Ap- proved chicks being produced In Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strains of pullorum: Order now from Frank Price -Hatchery, 11 Jahnke St., Chatham, Ont. BOOK YOUR'ORDER FOR TOUR 1946 chicle requirementp imme- diately. The demand for early hatched 1946 chicks 1s the great- est In our 21 yearsinthe hatch- ery business. To snake sure that you will receive the breed of 0hlelcs you desire and when you want them it is imperative that you order at once. Youcan't lodm. money by ordering early and you stand a real chance of saving money by ordering Tweddle - Chicks from our Early Booking pricelist now, All Tweddle Chicks are from -Government. Approved breeders that have been tested dor the Variant Type Pullerumas well nes the Regular, Send lmme- diately for early booking price- listand catalogue, You will save money ,and make money with early hatched chicks. Wo have. them for immediate delivery. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate ,delivery. Tweddle "Ohick 'Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. - BAR ITID ROCKS, Nl7W HAMP- shires. and 'White Leghorn and . cross bred pullets layingand ready to lay for imnied'tateTz oliv- ery. Also dayolktyhtdicas'for im- mediate delivery'+. addle. Chick Hatcheries Limited, rgus, Ont. SCHAFER'S HA' } HERY We can supply you with Ontario breeding station Leghorns at 11c., 'Waite Giants ibc" • Black Manta 15c., Rhode Island Bede 12c., Barred Rocks lis„ Australorpes 15c.; also sexed chicks, 50 Charon ICItehener, Ont. - ORDER YOUR 1046 RED ROC11 hybrid, 'chicks now. Mixed -pullets or Cockerels. Only .pullorum blood -tested contest winning stock used. Circular. Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ont. - DYEING,' AND GLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information... We are 'glad to answer your questions. Depart- went H. Paftcer's Dye Works Limited,- 791 'longe Street, To- ronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR two smart aggresive Canadians. One who knows egg and poultry grading and one who has know- ledge ofoperating a cold storage locker plant whore slaughtering and curingof meats would be part of the service. Bothmust have sales and' organizing ability and be prepared to become a shareholder in the - organization with at least $3,600 capital each, .Apply Northern Farm Products - Limited, -3 Pine Street, North, ,Timmins, Ontario, MAKE BIG PROFITS IN YOUR own business. Fifteen dollars is the total cost of this earn while You learn plan of snaking Plastic Novelties In your own home. Send one dollar with your order, and we will forward you a complete hand Ilit of Tools. Plastics, Dyes, and Book of Instructions and De- signs. Pay the balanceplus ship- ping ehetrges on receipt of Kit, Lux Plastic Company, Box 94, . Delormler Station, Montreal, Que. DETECTIVES COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC, LEGAL investigations; anywhere in Onta- rio, Persons located. Free con- sultation. Telephone Kingsdale 9225, Active. Investigation Bu- reau, 68 Farnham Avenue, To- ronto, Ont, FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS FOR SALE Year Old Bull, Domino Bred, well marked. Two younger bulls, also one cow rising' three, all blood tested and T. B. Clear. Also other animals owned by Breeders in vicinity. For information write R. 0, Simpkin, Robrolea Farm, Stroud, Ontario, PLASTICS, PLEXIGLAS KIT, EASY to make jewellery, lamps, home furnishings, etc., for own use, gifts or resale from this beautiful Plastic. Plexiglas, jewellery find- ing cement, Instructions included. $4.50 plus postage. C. 0. D, Shar- on Products Co. P. 0. Box 2584, Plate D'Armes, Montreal, Que. STAMP COLLECTORS WRITE FOR free price list of new and old' issues, mint and used. Mount Royal Stamp Co., 1478 McGill College Ave„ Montreal, One. MALE, BLUE TICK FOXIHOTJND, 6 years. Good on Coon and Fox $40.00. Clarence Perdue, Clinton, - Ontario R.R. 2, �. TOBACCO FARM, BRANT COUNTY, 150 acres, complete equipment, in- cluding 0 letlne, greenhouee, horses and implements. One of the best — $35,000, half cash. BON 72, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, Ont. RED OUTFIT SPECIAL. $14.96. Cleaned and freshly enamelled metal bed, re -finished spring and brand new felt mattress, $14.95. Re -silvered springs, all. sizes 54.95. - Re -conditioned drop-sideand pull-out couch with new cretonne covered mattress with valance, 914,15. Buy with confidence from. 1Vheleeele Furniture, 10 Market St, Toronto,Ont, QUILT SAMPLES High grade suitings, make ever- lasting Spills, 30 pieces about 8 x 18, $1.00 plus 20e, postage, re- mit with order. A Rice, 361 Spm - dins. Toronto. Ontario. - AT STUD -IRISH' SETTER-MAHO-. gang Irim of Ardee, sired by C. :. H. Elmcroft Red Ace (Reg'd.) Don Shaw Phm,B, Ace, Ontario. Now is the time to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross -cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Twatypes ma- nufactured. Both 9400 . f.o.b. Montreal. Precision Parte Ltd.. 2023 Aylmer St., Montreal, ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts 'Mil - lays, brushes. Allen Electric Com - Oany, Ltd. 2826 Dufferin St Tor - nto. s FARMS FOR SALE 150 AC. FARM, LOT 28, • CON 10 Proton, County Grey. Sacrifice. Andrew Mitchell, R. 2, Dundalk, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE, 200 ACRES, brick house, barn, stables. Apply Mr, Robbins, R. R. No, 1, Mono Mills,. Ont. FOR SALE 200 ACRES OF GOOD farm -land, excellent build- ings, good water supply, well fenced, hardwood bush and swamp. Lots No, -38 and 39 on 4th. oonoession,-Minto Township, Wel- lington County. Val Weller, For - mesa, Ontario. 300 ACRES — GOOD STANDING timber, and 600 acres wooded land with camps In Dalhousie Town- ship, Lanark County, for sale. Truck roads to camps. Apply Val. Weiler, Formosa, Ont, nAlui itr:ss NG LEARN HAIRnRESSiNG THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE - strays offensive odor instantly.. 45e. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. BREENATONE HEALTH SALTS Positively .does relieve Arthritis . and. Riteumatlem,•Paintul, swol- len joints reduced no matter how long you have suttered. Months supply 51.00 poltpald, Indian Re- medies, Box 118, Vancouver. B. C. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of iii,health In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out it this 1s . your trouble ,interesting particu- lars — free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto B. IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's. Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wa, Postpaid 41.00. -INGROWN TOENAILS Nall Fix relieves pain Instantly and removes ingrown nail in a few applications. 91.00 a bottle, WART FIX. Ugly Warts melt away painlessly with this guaranteed remedy. 15c, a bottle. CORN FIS 3118,3013 painat once ,and removes stubborn Corns In. a few minutes, 35c. a bottle. Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, 563. St. Ctarens Ave., Toronto. Established 1906. SATTSF'r YOURSELF — EV77RY sufferer of Rheumatic.. Pains or Neritis should try Dixon's Re- medy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR' WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 307N CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Groat Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write - or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches -40 Ping St. 1'lamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa, NEW HOBBY HANDICRAFT, With Wonderloom you can weave handbags, afghans, lunebeon-sets easily.. Complete with instruc- tions and three patterns. One Dollar. J. L. Rice Agencies, 480 Johnson . St. ICingetos, Ontario, GIRL 16-17 MUSICALLY INCLINED will be given,free tuition, sing- ing and pianoin exchange for light household duties from 1 to 6 daily:. Steep' out. MadamFantechio- Tavanti, 81 Blaor W., 'Toronto. MS, 3447. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful boob free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester '11, N. Y. DRIVE SMOOTHLY — ACQUIRE. perfect control from illustrated self -instructions. Excellent for Learners. $3.00 Postpaid, The Brown Driving System, Box 105, Hill Station, Harrisburg, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed, 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25o REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE rem may not get all the films you want this year, but you can got ail the quality and service you desire by swing .vour films to IMPERIAL PHOTO suntriCE • Station 1,Toronto RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (With Easel Back $1,65) '5VIIILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Enlargement '4 x 6" colored by hand in. finest studio style from any negative, on special 7 x 9e blue line mount,- trained In rich moulding White with Gold trim, New Natural or Gilt. $1.39 with easel back, $1.56, Get orders ln. early. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures); developed and printed 26e. En- largements-4 x 6" in easel mounts 2 for.25c,; framed on ivory tint mats 7 x9" in Gold, Silver, Wal- nut or Black Ebony finished trances, 600, each. If colored, 79e. FREE BONUS OFFER A coupon good for one mounted enlargement 4 x 6" .given free with each 25e. order received dur- ing January and February. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly — and at low- est cost. (Print. Name and Address Plainly on Orders.) DEPT. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12911, Pant Orrice A, Toronto MUSICAL INSTR UMEM S EKED A. BODDINGTON -BUYS, sells exchanges musical- instru• :nems, 111 Church, Toronto 2. PATENTS 9'ETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solleitors, Established. 1890; 14 . KIng west, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest. - WANTED WANT BUSINESS, ANY KIND, cash buyers for Stores, Mills, Garages, Hotels, whathave you. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. _. THEATRE WANTED 300 seats or over, any town In Ontario, Private only. Advertis- er, 288 Torrens.Avenue, Toronto. 6, Ont. WANT INOU519 IN TOWN, VIL- lage or highway, -prefer with little land, 5700 to 11800. Several rash buyers. Give description,. net price, George Drummond, Owen Sound. WANT1671 TU RENT ACREAGE . tarn or lot, Conveniences in house, Room 10.- 1 could Street,. Tnrnntn, Ont. - China's length ft'om north to . smith is 1860 mile; and its length' front east to west is about 15,008 miles. ISSUE 1-1046