HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-01-03, Page 1lir)-IOLE SLRILS; OL 09 No.''1 L++'4:Ft3PCTII; ' ONTf i f'J l I'ICRS U.' i 1 \'U \ 1 L 3, -946 .^ WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES, START JAN, 7 he allnua1 setudges of the 'Week of Prayer' January 7 - 11 have peen arranged by the local ,Ministerial Association. The -offerings for the week are to the 'devoted to the work of the BibleSociety' The services each `night at: 8 are as follows: Monday,: January 7 at the Salva- tion Army, Re- A, W. Gardiner Tuesday January'8 at St: Thom- as' Church, Rev. H. V. Workman,` ' Wednesday, January '9, at First Tiesbite.Aan, Adj. Woods. • Thursday, January 10 at Egrnond vine United. Rev' W. J `Patton.. Friday Tit in ary* 11 -tt Northside 1Jnited I C F. L. Gilbert. CJKTE, HEADS. 1 R/ §F1) ,N wWORK the doll living lrefelS a a' graduate of SeafgrtfirAi 'dr Sdhoo1; Dr.V. S•.' ye', Stanbuiy"yiaa�iy�,(t`P.�rExetex„ '. lh W:"S uart ,Stanbury MBE, has been*appointedAdsistant-national;. ,contmrsienerand" director ;. of the oex eiviian Bl'eedcTinnfuaion Ser- . -vice 01' -the Canadian Ivied Gros- Sot ciet- ' it -was= announced by Norman, C. -Urquhart, ehiirman' of the na- banal ",executive egmmittee. The ap ''pointmenf:becomes:effective Jan1:' Canadian horn Dr: Stanbury . •-i-as. a professor in the School of Medi- cine, University of Leeds, and was 'seconded oto -the" British 'Ministry of Health, during the war to..develop the blood 'service .in Britain. He has recently• completed a three-month surveyy of civilian blood needs in' hospitals throughout' Canada. The' survey :which covered 327 hospitalswith a total capaci y "of 4.7, 742 "revealed: that - the„vast.majority of ,Canadian 'hospitals are without' -adequate`st'obks of. blood 'plasma -or ''serum and -that. most of the hospitals have had difficulty securing ade- cjiigte• numbers of blood donors. The :'facts decided "the society's oentral couneil,-'to. sett 'aside, $1,000,000 in' -1946• fof the establishment of a free' National Blood Transfusion Service. Threugh ,the ,service the' Canadian ;Red Cross. will he able to' provide' all- Canadian hospitals „with. blood, p -isms' „and transfusion fUsipn equipment, ment flee of charge; with- the stipulation itrtiu5t:be given' free of.chargeto .the .patient., , • ''The -lives of thousands of our fighting men were saved during- the war by blood donations and we feel. -that this great service -must be re 'converted to the benefit of our own felioW-citizens . in peace. No one in Canada should die for lack of proper; blood transfusion facilities , or for lack of blood when our service is established," said Mr. 'Urquhart. "We are confident that the,majority of our wartime blood donors who contributed so magnificently in war will wand to contribute their blood to this new life-giving service," he added. It was pointer out that one of the most, important uses of blood transfusion is to save the lives of Rh' positive babies who have ,been poisoned by the anti -bodies derived from ,an Rh negative mother, A new blood supply replaces the degenerat- ed blood of such new-born infants. "We must also provide adequate transfusion therapy for industrial and road accidents as well as for pre -operative and post - operative cases in•whichtransfii.sion is playing an ever-increasing part," said the new director: GOLDEN; WEDDING. OF MR. AND MRS, J P. CRICH, Mr. and MrS: Joseph U , (,ric11 582 Geosl1110r :stn t, Itondhn., eeltibl tted ::heir golden.' 10(1110 annitiersar, ori' Ne v Year's Day a,✓ ri. tanufly: ('galher; Mrs. Crich. 1S T:'11' toriper' blies; Roweinle, dal at:ter '-of tl e tali Me. and Mrs. Tames Rolvchi10 of<Lsborne 'township andfther husband rs tire. On or the lain 111). and i4li . George Cz'ic1s, of Tucicersmith to•,lynship. 'They resided of ,: tho Orion home- stead ells nr i t L11 a - 1 1 t stead in Tueke si t v - I011)8OL r the lent to ago -filen ei There are five ,children r iNelSolit Crick of GOderich ',Herman Crich on the hombstead Ttiel rSinith Mrs„ Ray Lee: -of Ruthveir Mrs,-Jpini• 8, Toiyushend and Harold criclr;.of Loci; don there are 20 grandchildren. Meinbe- s of tne 'faintly were all presr . ea. C O K• 'PRONE 4 Northside United Church Rev. FI. V. Workman; Minister a 4" New Year? Services 11 a.m., A Fascinating, ;Succes- �sion of "YearS. 2:30 p.rrl , Sunday School. 7 pan:, "The' Aloneness of the Wilderness' WaY•" • ;Bund` v :begins, - "Tile Week w ,of ➢ i-rayer," 1 Egmondvdle*. 1J . Church • Gar -10 Ret -..A. Ti. G -10 a.m., Sunday,bpoL 11 illi,; "Destroying 'Sir'."' 7 p.m,,. "The, Christian's , Righ- teousness." • HOG` PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD A 1x -man hog producer market- ing board is to be set up within two o1 three weeds to organize Ontario's .uxaf joint hog marketing , scheme which has, bcen.approved by nearly `30,000 Ontario- hog producers, On, tario Agricultural Minister T.. .0, Kennedy announced this week. e",. -Composed of three producers and �thr`ee representative, of thepacker's,' chosen:; by the groups •themselves,' -the board •will meet monthly to set prices and control• marketing, of 411 t0 1aC2S5U1S. Anglican .m Sunday` San. 6; 1946 Festival of: the Epiphany. Si:, Thoma.,',; Seaforth: 3,0 a.m., 1Sunday,School. 11 a.m„-uIo:y,; Communion. ,''Christ° made manifest" p.oi , -Evening .prayer,' "Christ worshipped." b St, Mary's, Dublin 2:30 Sunday School 3: Church service,"Christ made The Rector Rev. C. 6'. L. Gilbert, J1.4 at all gervices. I2E s NINC: HOly4Er . District» MeV-returning home this week on the Maurbfania ,include: .Pte G,` Di Hays,, Seaforth; Cpl. Angus Mac? ean, Seaforth; Pte. J. J. Boa, ,Ile 1 all NELSCSN;oLEw 4 01.1114)• r esident of Seafortli pase- ed away in London' on Dec. list, in the: pr rsoiti 0f 41.lson Glow after, an illness of, fear years.' The deceased was, horn iu Clrn it 41.1V,',110.lived much 0 11 lite 1?1. beafer„th He was 4a edeceas41 So1310' years ago by. his wile, Surviving '1(0.. ito sone and two daughters, ',John .01 an•ry•ell,.- mteh1 Bober t,, of.Detroit; 4 it4. Cooper,;„of Wil cI'er; ivlt.<. GoOige Dixon ADC Sea - forth. 7,Also 0111 sister,' Mrs. Jones of North Dakota. There e - are nineteen berg of St. George's Anglican church hrandeimf0a. in addition 's i n church and ,Ontario hogs sold p Plans- call ` for 'dividing the pro- vince .into •sevei1 districts. 'Eachcoup- ty is to have 'a county, , committee with a representative o 1 the• district. • committee..- ` Besides controlling' prices, the Marketing "board- will be able to con- trol production' in various areas ac cording to demand. Subject to the approval• of the marketing board, ' • . , local boards -may appoint marketing Mayor John J. Cliiff,` wlio' was agencies: 11114. week ,;elected by acclamation Packers, processorsand producers as Mayor of Seaforth,' Thi :will be , of hogs' are to be licensed.. Proces- ' Mayor Cltiff's; tenth term. sors and ,purchasers are to pay an annual fee :of'$1, and; how producers ELECTION FOR COUNCIL' two cent on everyhog marketed,`IJs TUCKERSMITH 01 the 31,796 hog"produeers'reg -- istered, 29,764 voted on the plan.Arthur Nicholson was returned. the vote was •29,353 in favor; 2055 by acclamation as Reeve of Tucker - .apposed, and there 'were 199 spoiled ,smith at 'Monday's' nomination' meet ballots. ing`but there will he an election for Colt Kennedy' saida similar' mar council •and school, trustees. Seven success- n` all of had worked council, keting *scheme were nominated fax fully with fruit and vegetables, but. whom have qualified; the first four had never before been applied ` to named being last year's council: hogs in Ontario.• Harold "Jackson, Charles MacKay, The scheme -will give producers Angus Robertson, J. W. Crich, Roy greater control' of their industry Bell, Roy Pepper, Gordon Richard - through their own elected represent- son. • atives," he said.. "It: is hoped that. Por' -school trustees `in school it will improve the industry all" area, 1; two to be elected: George along the line -producers, drovers,, Falconer. James. McIntosh, John Mc - shippers and processors. Cowan. J. W. Crich was also ndmin' "No harm, can come from produc-" ated''for School trustee but did not. ers and processors sitting down each qualify. Harold Jackson and' Charles month to discuss their commonprob- MacKay were also non{inated for ems; and surely., some good will re - Reeve, but qualified for council. Suit. it's in their hands new.. With ENGAGEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irvine, Kippen, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Jean, to Mr. Albert George White, of Kingsville, son of Mr. W. -White and the late Mrs. White, of. Appleton, Birks, England. The marriage to take place quietly' soon. , SEAFORTH COUIiyCIL E.LECTEP:BY A'CCLAMAT70''J Thele will -be no riiunieipal, election in, Seafor'th';'this year, all ..offioes ti having been; filled .:by •acclarrlatio9, .ix ,As the, time limit ' "for '. qi alifying, 'approached at noon .on Wednesday,,' no, one had, qualified for Maybr and the council still needed two .:nem 'begs, but all vacancies were filled before closing 'One. P - 1946 council will be: Maydr, John 3. Cluff ;,,Reeve, John F. Daly;'Coun eiliors, Norman Hu'bert,n Isaac Hud= "' 'son, J. E. Keating, 'R G. Parke, M. .A. Reid, Frank S. rSills.. , MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Sea- - forth and District Ministerial Associ- ation will be held on Monday; Jan- uary 7, at 2 p. m,, at the Rectory of St. Thomas'' Church. The paper will be presented. by Rev. C. F. L. Gil- bert. aethority they have responsibility. Certain difficulties may arise" hut, , as minister,' I believe I'll be able'to help them overcome them," • The minister said .the plants ex- pected to stablize prices and improve quality as well as to provide a means of ironing Mit. difficulties^.in the industry without government intervention. Seven counties - Norfolk, Wel- land, Northumberland, Peterborough Prince Edward, Grenville and Ren- frew -voted unanimously in favor of the marketing plan. SISTER PASSES AT GODERICH A"highly esteemed resident of .Goderich, Mrs. : Emmerson` Evans. passed away in Alexandra Hospital last Thursday afternoon after a long illness. Mrs.', Evans took an .active interest in church work' and -in hien- cantile affairs. She was'a member. of the Rebekah Lodge and the mem- bers honored her memory on Friday night by holding an impressive ser- vice conducted by Mrs. George Baechler, noble grand, assisted by Mrs. George Mumby.: past noble grand,; and Mrs. Crask Murray, vice noble: grand. Formerly Edith Meretta Palmer, Mrs. Evans was born in Stratford: a daughter of William and Rose Yeandle Palmer. She had been :a res- ident of Goderich for the pasttwen- ty=six years, for several of which she successfully conducted a gift on the square. She was a mem- o I. ace: from the and r The fair i r v pl fraternal affiliations' she was, a 11Ume of`.111 d<utghtet, 1111»;' George.•inember of. the'Goderich.Board of D1uon, M 11 Street, ': on ' Roe. d w af Trade., Surviving, besides her hus- 0,ilbe'on of ' o rlgcic Rev; C 171, L. band,, are her daughter, »Gertrude Chlbdct of K t. 7.1}nn Is•;;, tinghcan JerryWhaley): her mother,. Church, ofiici ting. ryt IYle. .. 3413 :in .(Mrs. ll W y) ''taa.u1184111 cemetery; Mrs. William Palmer Clarence Stratford; three brothers, Clarence Palmer, :of Wood'stoelc,'• Sidney, of, Milverton, „ 1„ ,: � r end ,a ' t '�,• three srs cis Mss IT C French of VOIZi�h S I'v91I'LL717 T�,PV\ Toronto, a� ,r , ,of 1• ' eetin- f' the SoaCoy STILES-McIVER A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in St, Patrick's Rectory, Galt, on Saturday, Dec: 29, when Rev. Father R. A. Jordan united in marriage, Alice Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver, Seaforth and Mr. Junior (Murray) .W. Stiles, Galt,• son of Mr, and Mrs. William Stiles, Brussels, The bride looked charming in ai street length dr'es's of azure' gabardine with matching ac- cessories, and carried a bouquet of red and white tea, roses.' She was attended by her sister, Miss Teresa McIver, London, who : wore coral crepe with black accessories and car- ried bronze and white chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Edward McIver, cousin of the bride' acted as groomsman. ,,,, r „ia and. Chiford, of Stratfo d, V, \ r: t il'or•d Mrs, T• C• Simmons, of aaamastaaamoar ,,, art, , ,, ': id-JJirs, A. W. Moore 0 The rt, ll dr ri1C 9 g n Seafoi:ih. Pomen`srlire tanto wi]1 hp heal at the There was a » large attendance at home of 1215 11. `T3 Gourde: 0n Tuhs1 lie;funeial: service, held -at, the home d•ty, ng', an h. lif firs «" c lie a ifahe of^,Mi. and 'Mrrs.:Fred Toolce, Elgin mooting', etfi1»0 and rhe' 11-11 call -till be avenue; :on Saturday afternoon, with (eottmi or lnateirioi trial), Mocks ' 1, Fain,orf S1'•, George':,. (cdtton or similar material), and .'a, J er eh, 1 ; 1 Church', 'officiating, Numerous floral` ,1f yeing' resolution '�'wingr8 asl •.,i. utes'were°-sent by.':Triends- niiista,nd11,g' Red 40oss sewing is isle- tr b 'train': Pian' 0lr1;,of- ' Meeting, •vibe -1i a C'xodenieli and,.y ed tc 81,111,g',.it to this e a town ': points, ,, among it them :being it np» tell 1Loi t, -will be made to finish P ncd those`:£r,om `thee: Rebekah 'Lodge, a it up' 4111 .the Goderich.Or�gan -Co:,, The pa11-• ' IDI, ]field o,vi'v �suecess .Che r h dance nCm cno's fall 01 New Year's • hearers were e ,3:. I, oman, night'yv1en 0 iar;ecro-vl of.lgcalarl ,,NeWcOmbea Adam Gorr, ArnoldJMC.' ant•af=1oyrceleli angathered to "Connell, Fred ,T ool e an d .3. Caly'i n; Il orcltt Interment to P Mart greet the fiewveas Minkoc ' ELECTION TO BE IN HIBBERT TWPr There appears do be a Tot of in- terest being taken in;the election in Hibbert township, where Joseph At kiSaon and. John W. Hackney are contesting the reeveship. There •will also be an , election for council: Frank Allen, : Edgar Butson, John L. Coyne, Lloyd Colquhoun, August Ducharme, W. Clifford Dow. Others who were nominated for council but did not qualify were: Earl R. Dick, Thomas L. Scott, Robert E. Burchill,', Wesley Parsons, -Fred Car - b ert. Mr. •William J. Kay, the retiring reeve, was also nominated and a vote of thanks was moved to him for his' services in the past. M. Kay has moved to London. The meeting was attended by an exceptionally good c>:owd., TEN -NOMINATED FOR SEAFORT,H" COUNCIL, Tem -candidates Were nominated for Seaforth town 00015011 at the nornina- tion meetingheld on:Mouday evening. Three Manic$ were put forward for Mayor. Reeve 0 F. Daly was re-elect- ed by acclamation; as were members of the Public ,School Boarci, an a member 6£ the Public Utility, The meeting was held in the, old council chamber on the second floor. There - was a fair, attendance.' Those nominated for IVlayor were: M. A.'Reid, JohiiJ: Cluff; Frank Sills, Reeve, John F. Daly (acclamation), For Council: John- 3. Cluff, W. A. ,Wright, Norman Hubert, M. A. Reid, J. D. Keating, R-'G.'Parke, Prank S. Sites, Sidney Pullman; William Edgar; Isaac Hudson, Public Utility,Kenneth Campbell ✓er? 'h1` ac lamation ( , c ) Public S •' ward, drool trustees. South r a c 3. A Westcott; North ,Ward, George A. $pence; East,Ward, Bev Christie. After the"nanrinations Clerk D. '13, Wilson returning officer, - was, asked to preside at the public meeting. Mayor John J. Cluff -referred to the year 1945 as a time In which many important things had taken place. He grad served as mayor of the town for :nine years, an honor which was greatly appreciated, During these years he had been assisted by a fine set of business men who had been in the council. He wished to thank all for • their kind co-operation. Reeve J. F. Daly thanked the elect- Phone 194 ors for an acclamation. Mr, 'Daly said he was starting his 69th year as a 'HILLSGREEN . business man in Seaforth. He had Mr. Clifford Weido of St Cath- been on lite 'comicil some years g ,crines spout the holiday season with ACCLAMATION IN McKILLOP FOR REEVE AND COUNCIL N. R. Dorrance was re-elected by acclamation as Reeve of McKillop township at the nomination meeting on Monday, and the council was also returned by. acclamation: Dan Better man, Geo. R. Campbell; Frank Kir! by, Matt. Murray. Mr. Earl Mill was also nominated for council bu withdrew. • SHOP AT AV iUG,E 1T-PA,YS Res,, 10 and the past two years had been -ria:. Aaron ts• reeve:' He was chairman' of the:.streei do Mx . and 1VIrs, l�rilfred Wei and so , Glen committee. Councillor Prank Sills said he was Miss Mary Hagan'. of `Lonllon el:, . chairman of the. property committee. spending` New Years with lei...sister, - and a member or the finance commit: Miss Dolly Hagan and' brother 'Grant tee. He spoke about the spinning plant Mr. and Mrs, Eric, Swi£zer have of the Reeky Flax Products Limited. moved to their new home' in Clinton: The Council had had nothing to do Mr. John Baker is again^operating."' with it.: Mr.. Dent the manager, had his chopping •mi1l for the,winter. explained the matter to him. Seaiortlt months. - citizens had offeree- to invest money Mr, 3, G. Forrest of the Parr, Line to build a $40,000 building, if neves- south is 'confined to Clinton hospital.' saiy, I-Io-vever;chteto no fault• of thi with a• splintered bone of the arm,' town's, Meredith, machinery was being' se His many friends wish him speedy up at Meredith, Counecticutt, Mr- Sills. recovery, ' said many had wondered why the Mr. A1viu McBride is fimshnlg up assessments had. been raised when the bean threshing in this vicinity: tl t -fir had a surplus. The county assessment of the PZ' Sills WINTHROP "'- Mr. 3. M. Gillies is spending the holiday at his home. Miss Isabel Currie Miss•13etty Montgomery visited with Mr. ,--and Mrs, . Sydney' McCullough, at Blyth. LAC. Sam• McSpadden' has ' ie- turned to Greenwood, . Nova Scotia, after spending . a two week leave with his family.' Spr.•,R. K. Davidson `RCE.; spent Christmas leave with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram McSpadden and Jackie of London. with:Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden. Mr. Andrew. Montgomery :of' Brantford. with his family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. " George; Matliers. town is still higher than .the town assessment,r . said, that. while he was not decided, he would likely rain for council. Councillor R. G: Parke said he was • chairmarr of the fire and water com- mittee. The lire alarm was in perfect - working order.,now. There had been - k_ one disastrous fire, at the Boshart s £aetory. The town was well -supplied ut with hydrants and had lots of hose., Mr, Parke said he had opposed the raise in assessment al town ostler - After the ceremony' a sumptuous ties. He thought the .people should wedding dinner was served to the McNAY-WHITE have the opportunity to make ,their immediate relatives do the main 'din- The )come of Nin: and Mrs, J.:. desires `(000111 iu regard to a war. ingroom of. the Iroquois Hotel.: The Derril White,„,Hunter River, P.E,I.:memorial. Mr. Pari:e tbiinlced the g'room's" gift to - the bride was a was the scene of a pretty wedding: 'electors for the splendid vote given, double strand of 'pearls, to ` the on Friday, Dec. 14 at six p.m., when': him last: year, i esma'd a compact and to the their eldest daughter, Mary Bernice Councillor M. A. Reid reviewed the groomsman a, leather bridesmaid p n_-• The g I McNay and the late John McNay of. high interest on -nary of the debent The ted under an arch paid off Ratepayers who were dis-. ,••f young couple, will reside in >Galt - R.N,' was united in marriage to financial 'affairs of the Gown," He . t c] out that the town Was paying SEAFORTH 4 `=- CLINTON 3 Hereditary hockey rivals, Clinton colts and Seaforth Bosharts tangled in the opening game of the interme- diate "B"0.H.A. here Thursday when they battled to a 3-3 tie which was broken by ten minutes over- time 4-3 hi favor - 6f Seaforth; The game produced a rugged 'type of play, with 14.penalties- -being ;.im . used the homesters drawing ,eight of them. l-. Both teams seoredf-two goals, n the, first period, and: it, was not un- til the third period that eaoh nicked another, to '.wind up with . three apiece.. Ten minutes overtime was played, with Seaforth scoring the. winning. goal, the score'being :Seaforth : 4,- g _r the.. spectators s Clinton 3. Many of p were unawai^e that overtillte :would be played, and unfortunately ,left, the b'.8101n • ah the end of-the',thi'id p cried. Clini;on-Goal, Brush; defence„ Cook, Colquhoun;, centre, 14IcEis'an; wings, Counter and Me wan alter- nates, Sclioenhals, Bartliff, Miller, Lockwood.. 'Seaforth-Goal, V: Hesse; de- fence Nicholson, Hubert: centre, McFadclin: wings, Hay, O'Shea; al- ternates, V. ,Sills, T. Sills, Shantz, 14lorri'on;.,Elwood, Yeandlo. John Chester McNay, son of Mrs, pointed ISeaforth, Ont Th double ring cer tires but these were gradually being I c'einetei' Goderich 'Signal; It t . s m fatal 1.1 land Y 1 ENGAGEMENT;' Tunounced of The. engagement • is a Barbara, youngest daughter of 'Mr^ (,lover} and the late, Capt... h1. G. Owen,' of.:Newport ' England, and Gordon• Dewberry, eldest son of Mr' and 41\irs, Janos T. Scott. Roxboro, the inarriage'to take, place the latter par of January. ` Toronto, spent the holidays with 11.1i. and,'bias. Arthur Henderson. , CONSa.TAN4'GCE 'Mrs. Robert' LSwson,lil :l �,or3c a Chatham to• s e}d' the winter' with pp al' her slaughter;:, l4frs. J e [, -rushee:" i\lr•. and Mrs: Cordbl' 7 islter, of Toronto spent CII, �:,tinas with :411, and Mrs. Border !; Mistier bon,,,<is Britton of ton s rent' t weekend 31811» 0 1 b, graildfathor., "Mr.. Win; 13i'itto1» Mr. Ken Buchanan has been hired by Mr. Simpson Tar the'winter': y }l - my, 17111od Buchanan returned to London ou Sunday after' riding a London rse. P wee]c a*ith leis .parents, Ms anal '!�I'rs Alfred Bticlianan, 'ter. bIiss .�rnce Ri ey! »Pent, a few trays • visiting her aunt and uncle Mr;a,nd Mrs. Joe Riley, in Auburn .r Master Bobby`Bettles got Wa11;t1' op ` spent a fere days..visiting with•:.112r•. and Mrs, Robert Grlmoldb'y incl 3VTrs. Kenneth Bettles• . 'r, `•pan 's:; Jac Medd• r ent M d Mi k sh., , Christjiias with M'fs, ,Medd'» prn'on,ts, Mr. and Mrs.:•Phillrps •of :Rlytlx .. Mr and Mrs:; Earl ,f,;,aWson; Doris: and Re •inald Itf .and•,.,M:rs..:Vern,. g t Dale and fvrruly; and ls1, and iylrs, Ila i ey Taylor 'and',M:faisil , ,eart Christmas. w tl), M1s. , Z3a7d'l' Taylor, }' in,.Seafoitha ;, Miss Fianoes :Rowney returned to ' the: viii ae Wednesday, 'after spend- ing! the holidays with her parents,, 1(r, -and ',Hrs. ;Wm. Downey, of Tie emo1» -12EA1- E STALE CHANGE ,,' ' 2 D-dilhng of .ata ' NCs,• Matilda, n 13arton 011 West William Street' 118 been "sold to -.17i', and:'' NIz 5 iii=bold in 'Ord' with i158111Cd] to 01se5sibn,• Sa 1T &, P through the of Oce of Watson': an 1 Reid. emony was performed evergreen and cut flowers 'b r the satisfied with. then assessments had ofJ recourse to the court of revision, Mr. Rev, E. S. Weeks M A„ B.H. n Bed_ Reid gave his views in ;regard to tbe eque P.E.I. The bride green i mkt. _ ;grant to the Legion. He thought that nage by her father, -looked, charm- . , Mayor Clint,sees fit 10 carry on he ing m a floor length gown of white ii y d '-vbukl.rnr for council: Duchess satin with fitted b'odice'dn Norma:: Hubert. spoke; sweetheart neckline..Iler fingertip Councillor g p briefly. He was a member oP the Piro. veil was caught by a coronet of or- Brigade Tae w,11 ,,hand tar 000n6 angeblossoms and she wore,a 'double Public •School `trustee c;eo ;e John- string ol- string '0f' pearls, the gift of the, 'stun spoke C'ar the Public School groom. She carried' an arm bouquet 13o:li a esplaiiiliig chat esq outi suer of Bettertime roses and maiden hair : p»ir.,e' hid' been higher i'.lus year. •fern.Suitablc nuptial music by lib's, Two rooms are being re -decorated. Gordon Swan was much enjoyed as the close of the speeches. es. NIP. AL was the appropriate solo "I'll wall: Wm. T. Cleal'y . sired evens- pais 'beside you' effectively ly rendered by At, wliicli. 00110111101» answered. l'o Ma'. Erie MacGregor> • during the signing Rf the register, The`. couple Ha were unattended.. immediately for- y Reeve -William Haugh, George lowing the' Signing of the'register, Armstrong. the -happy couple received the best Council -E, Willert, Sam Hen - wishes and congratulations of the drick;J0. Iilopo, Earl Canphell attendin • guests. A: beautiful three- ,(» cels.) '. ddni cake centered t1,e table o cl of 150 rateyapers, who ret e S A ex w. where ujjwarcls o( forty guests par- attended the nomination meeting re- took of a bound (:ul:.wedding' supper. g'istered a standing vote" against re- Assisiing••-in serving were Miss Isobel placing the present county court Macicay I'.N., and Miss Sophie New -house at Goclerich with a new build - son R.N:', class --nates of the bride; in„. Mr's, Rolland Buchanan, lip bride's r.nusin, MISS Erma Newson and Miss: BUSINESS CHANGE Ia:mes MacDonald has pip: - chased the Woolsey bake shop, talc- iiig nossession'on Monday. Mr. ,Mc - Marion Palmer. graduate o � the The bride is a. , C l Montreal, Royal Victoria Hospital, M r and for the past two years has been on the staff of the 4le.xaiidra Hos- pital, Montreal, as Niglat Supervisor. The groom recently returned from overseas and. 'discharged from the R.•C.A.F., is employed at, the Scott 'Poultry farm,' Seaforth;'Ontr ling' an essfeti led .After spending. honeymoon in P,E,I., Montreal rand .Y • fit the voun -con le will make Ton,o o, Q P their "lento m Seaforth,Ont, ;t Donaild, 'who- has been conducting .a bake shop in the Dielc block -.Or -the past year, will operate both stores; with the sante -tafts for'the present. Mr._ T. G. Woolsey "-ho .has .' been selling eliix,chillasl5for • some time; w118 contin .9 ;n this business, and wn his family e pect:,tb remaiir xn -o. flub- sp8ing ' It