HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-22, Page 8PAGE FTtal-1
The Young People's League of •the
Hensall ,United Church held a meet-
ing. on Monday evening with Mrs: A,
j. Smith ern the chair. The meeting
was opened by singing hymn 298 al-
ter which Mr. Sinclair ledin prayer.
The minutes of •the last meeting were
read and adopted. An interesting
reading was given by Miss Ellis and
after a .pleasdng half hour spent •in
contests and a 'geography •ni.afch a
dainty lunoh was served after .which
themeeting adjoyrncd.
Mrs. Robert Bell was taken to Sea -
forth hospital on Wednesday last
where shedtnderwent an operation for,:
appendicitis. Her. many friends hope
fora very speedy .recoyery, ..
Miss Helen .1'-leffcrnan •of •Seaforth:
who has spent the! last week• Visiting,
her father and s.istsrs,..tctutpecl home
on Sunday. „
Mrs. Lou Stmpsotie.,Miss Mae, Mr.
William 'Simpson and two friends of
Detroit,. visited over ' the week-etd
with relatives and friends in town.
The church services 'in the Hensall
United Church were well attended,
Mr. ,Sinclair preached at both ser-
vices, Mrs..Pfile, Mrs. Alf, Clark, Mr.
Goodwin and Mr. Lindenfield took
special ,parts in. the service of song.
Next Sunday there will be special
.Christmas services 'both morning and
evening. At the evening service, the
cthoir.will give a Christmas" cantata
anti carols. The concert given in the
basement of the United Church on
Friday evening last by the Exeter
Salvation Army was well attended. A
good program consisting of songs,.
readings, instrumentals, etc., was giv-
en by the different members of the
Mr. Will Moore, of London, visit-
ed relatives in town last week.
Mrs. Ed. McQueen, who, has been
confined to her home for the past
two weeks through illness, is slowly
A Christmas concert will be held
in the basement of the United Church
on Friday evening. A good program
will be provided, consisting of songs,
readings, instrtinnentals, dialogues
and pantornimes. After the program
Santa Claus will distribute presents
frotn the Christmas tree.
Council Meeting. ---The Council met
on Thursday evening last for the last
regular meeting of the year, with all
the members present and the Reeve
in the chair. Mr. Harry Soidan was
Present and said that he had receiv-
there to make,the road better, not for
the; benefit of their properly, and as
the road has been taken over by the
government and county who are pay-
ing a large percentage of the cost
and also for their maintenance. Mr.
Higgins thought that the 'frontage
holders should haver a fair rebate on
their share. The matter was discuss-
ed at conslderable length, but as this
,financial year is closed, it was.
thought better to leave the.snatter to
,the pew. Council: As there were two
by-laws to:pass, it was tltcided to ad-
journ the Council till Saturday night.
Ou Saturday evening the Council
met :again,with all the members Pres-
ent. The first matter taken up was
the coming municipal election and
nomination will lie held Mon.' even-
ing, Dec: 26th. ' and the"elettion, st.it
necessary, on Mon. Jame .2nd. stsFot.
Polling Division No. 1, Joseph Bud -
,son D.R.O. and Nelson Blatchford,
poll clerk; Polling Division No. 2,
Wm. Sangster, D, R. O. and Wm;.
Shepherd,.poll clerk. A By-law was
passed giving the treasurer power to
borrow $1,400 on debentures for fire
protection purposes, the money to be
paid back in ten equal instalments,
The Council then adjourned,, Reeve
Geiger will entertain the Council and
town officials to an oyster supper in
Painters - restaurant on 'Wednesday
The firemen have erected a beauti-
ful Christmas tree in front of the
town hall and itis gayly decorated
with different colored lights, On Fri-
day afternoon of this week, every
child in the village and surrounding
country' under 14 years of age, will be
given a present from the tree and
anyone can put presents on the tree
for friends. As Friday will .be one of
the big shopping days a large crowd
will be in town for the event. The
firemen will have charge of the pro-
The people of the village are tak-
ing quite an interest in the coming
municipal election. Reeve Geiger,
who intimated last year that if given
another year, would resign, is again
in the field and strong pressure is
being brought to bear on Councillors
Iliggins and Consitt that one of then:
enter the field for the Reeveship. No
doubt someone will enter the field.
The heavy snowfall of Saturday,
Sunday and Monday has completely
tied up the motor traffic in this dis-
trict. The snow in the village in
same places is from two to .three
feet deep.
Mr. \\sin, Consitt is in London thele
ed the notice from the Clerk of the week visit sg Mr. Fred Berry, who
motion passed at the last Conteh is in a London hospital. If Mr. Berry
meeting,' asking him to take intmedi- is able td be moved Mr, Consitt in-
ate steps to drain the water that now fends bringing him hone for the
tomes down through the Rennie Seed Christmas holidays.
Co. property and into one of the Mr, and Mre. John G. Scott were
town drains, dower over his own pro-
perty, as that farm had paid nothing
toward the Award dram. Mr. Soldan
explained his side to the Council and
said he would be quite willing to take
care of the water on his farm, on con-
dition that the Council take care of
The annual meeting of the members eeseseeessesece
f, the public library will be, held oil
Qtlt oj•,Decenilrer -in the library noon.
The bgard expects td •purehase'so ns
more new books. Any member wish-
ing any' special books please leave.
names of• books with the librarian,
Mrs. J•"Coi'iitsh:
Mrs. C. Brock returned home thls
Week• after attending the funeral of
her -sister, Mrs, Fowler of •Owen
Sound. •I
The many friends of\diss Ella 1b ,.
Scott will be. glad to bear that she is
recovering after her serious operation.
Mrs. W. A. Bremner visited friends
in T.dneion last week.
Miss Mhrlam of St. Thomas, .re-
turned missionary. from India, spent
th'e Week' end at the manse,
°iter. and Mrs. G. Swait and Dorothy
'are spending theirholidays in Toron
+•scent vistti.rs wait .Mr.. \Vm. Henry.
Mr. and Mfrs. Ml !' ba Talbot, Stan-
ley, were guests with Mr. and Mrs.
i -lin Mrha recently.
Y.P.S.-The annual meeting of the
the water on the Loudon Road that gating people's society of the United
rushee dawn on him, As the Lee,- Cluir h was he'd feet Friday even -
don Road it now Provincial highway The following officers were in -
and next year will be drained ate.-talleci:
widened to get ready for paving, the President, Mr. J. C'. Harttwell,
Coiled' thought it •would nut be ad- 1st vice president. Watson Webster
visable to do any draining on the ';tri vice ;urea., Cassie Johnston.
Loudon Road, until the Provincial 3rd vice pres., Fern Taylor and
engineers were through. After a Walter Peen se.
good deal of discussion •',.tenci:hsr .rite ;ice ores., ,lean Foster.
Cameron, who made the motion at ,rotary. M:.ilei McCtymont.
the last Council meeting, asked to .eAest, Secretary. Shirley Dowson•
have the matter left as 51 was. Treasurer. William Clarke,
- Mr. Win. Sangster was present and Oreanist, Rarhaei Johnstone.
complained of the water from the Assistant organist, Blanche Taylor.
London Road corning ort to 1115 prop- Itre.is Secretary. Margaret Johns-
erty, but conditions were the same at tem.,
the Semester property as at the Sol- • Miss' Rena Johnston, nurse -in -train -
Alan property, and will be relievedMg of Stratford hospital, is spending
when the 1 e,nl.xn Roel le drained. this week at her Testae here.
However, the I esuncil will take tin Miss Fern Taylor spent the week
endeavor to relieve the Bend tion at end at the home of her friend, Mies
this Sangster pr ,perky as e tan as Veva Dowson of the Goshen line.
,possible, Mt, Hemphill, tee town Mfr=, Wm. Clarke left laet Saturday
collector, was present an.1 kare a to -spend the welter with her Baugh
statement of the taxe s in. He ier, Mrs. Evans of Seaforth.
stated that there was some 1+:3.000 yet
to be paid in, but he. expected the "-
rest to be paid ip a few stays. Mr. TUCKERSMITH.
Hemphill stated that on two or \i Agnes McLennan left Satur-
three properties back taxes had not dax trt,t t visit friends in the Vilest.
been paid and some taxes from 1925 \ir . Milson McCartney is under the -
had been paid in to the County treas-
urer. Sonie discussiutn took place as weather.
to when this money " would he re- The many friends of Mr. William
turned to the town and Conncillor ufhulee i'repnn`are sured f to to kow t
Higgins said that -when he made the
lumbago for a wooer or more.
County audit the first week in Janu- S 4 No., 7 has been lucky enough to
are, he would take up the matter witie.
the County treasurer. Councillor reengage Miss V. Crozier for the
Priest reported that the br..Dougall essming year.
walk was finished and t.o.nsidering tete. !gone\t s Mary lfcl,.enrie visited at the
bad weather. at a very n.asonahie .•, Mr. and Mrs. James Allan
cost. It -was decided if the weather ! silo, fast
remelted favorable,- :o gravel the We ate glad to know that Miss
steelt from the hotc1 ro per to the
f hri t as Allan of Egmondville is
mill, as the retail togettin. .ut of agilln ti:31e 1.1
repair owing to the heavy traffic. A \I Ja ut Tf>.;ry has heen engaged
h 11- T McLean �
The monthly meeting of the W.M.
S. was held on Wednesday the r4th
with the President, Mrs, W. A. Brem-
ner,'in the chair. •After the devotion-
al exercises the secretaries and offic-
ers read the reports of the past year.
The meeting adjourned to meet with
the Kelly Auxiliary when the.' two
societies were amalgamated and will
be called the Women's Missionary So-
ciety and will meet on the second
Wednesday of each month. The fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
corning year: Honorary president,;
Mrs. J. McQueen; president, Mrs, W.
A.. Bremner;'•lst vice, Mrs. Hugh. Ai
kenhead; 2nd vice, Mrs:. J. •Hazel-
wood, 3rd vice, Miss Edith McCully;
secretary,, Miss
corr,'secretary, Mrs. J. Addison; trea-
surer, Mrs. Brock; `associate helper's
sec., Mrs. A. T. Scott; 'Christian
Stewardship, Mrs. R. P. Watson;
Stranger's sec.., Mrs. T. Chapman;
supply sec., Mrs. Wm. Douglas, mis-
sionary monthly sec„ Mrs, Tough;
press sec., Mrs. Greg. McGregor; 11
terateure sec.,' Mrs. Thos, Baird; ex-
pense fund sec., Miss M. Munro; pi-
anist, Miss Jean Murdock; -assistant,
Mrs. G. Swan. Marion
The annual meeting of the
Oliver Circle was held recently in the
church. Reiss Hazel Haugh, the pres-
ident, took charge of the meeting.
The following are the officers for
1928: President, Leila Stackhouse;
vice -pros:, Dorothy Broadfoot; cor-
responding secretary, Janet Aiken -
head; recording sec„ Dorothy Swan;
treasurer, Eva Stackhouse; pianist,
Pearl Brock; assistant, Eleanor Snid-
er; social committee convenor, Kath-
leen Elliott; Lookout committee con.,
Kathleen Snider. Leila Stackhouse
had the topic for the evening and
dealt with a chapter of the book New
Days in Old India.
Don't forget the Christmas enter-
tainment on Friday evening, Dec. 23.
.\ gond programme is being prepared.
f y , ;teem . Lean for a year.
number of accountsr gravelling.
building rw.tte, tanks and either work stir, Robert Charters was visiting at
t: no- r n:ie:rrc•d bind ordered paid, th. borne 1 his :uncle. Mr, and 'airs.
a .0 the sear t'te roan .oific- t\ m. f. n ,t . for a while.
lois 1e,r 1ite yt•ar.es C Fur t • ,ter 11 'ssslt!nilt 'MIs. 'l sm•tn wh acconmanle,1 rite
:in to the 1,'1n ,f t:tnuart r, ret' 'ns of his ,ore lion, Lloyd Allan
fiet l," e.tc home. n 't: i,=cent v,ttin^ with lis dau-
nt ee ec ing tee t
a:e4, te
Gt _,,r stated that the, am unt of iter , Mrs. Wilson Allen argil Mrs.
money wesend to G::derich every 1 ,t, ,ace a ;t.h, for a e eek and re -
tented s ,invited to Cochrane on Monday.
year to ;et the gnvi.rnment ani c run- \1:- lea'nei can -wren a+1 town. is
ty grant =n our cement road hal being,
a, urs agents, Mira and Mrs,
rt tit t,l to tt tin n sp levy being tin, r'.s t 1, s:.r i while.
made .;n utt this year. 1,n exnlana- Mir. "1' t. Rirhar;l.;r.n epos ngagetl
i e u m ht be c --'ilio he It .,p r f .-ls Mr, 'Z, Knight for a year.
town Some time ago the, Hie -
Drpa-tment decided to ;tit 1
greeter share of the cost of b rile r;
cement reads through small tit pori;,
in fact, paying 75 per cent. of their r t l,0 ; 7e r-icitrds
cost, Under the nid agreerncnt, to re- t Mr. and Mrs.
cense $3.055 from the government, we ` mete Jackson. gathered at the
had to send up $1,800 to the County sumo of the brides -parents, Mir. and
Mrs, Alva Way, to show their esteem
ale. 1, M'T.enn•tn spent Sunday at
he h;nne, af Mfie arid \Ira: J r. ea Al-
On Monday evening east. about 75
Treasurer, Last year we sent. up $1.-
500 and the government and county
council decided to remit one levy an
each place that has their road bulla:
as a connecting little Winchann got
'theirs last year and Hensall this year.
Next year and after, until the road is
paid for, we will have to send up
about $1,000 a year. As the Council
will have this amount on hand, only
a small levy will be needed next year.
This will risiuce the tax rate conoid-
erably next year. Coenciilor Higgins.
who was a member of the Council at
the time the 'road was built stated
that some relief should he edven tr
the frontage holders on Main street,
who are paving for the ultra w dte
of road. This extra width was put
to the young couple. The many
friends gathered about 8 o'clock • the
evening being spent until 11:30 in
miser and entertainment of various
kends. At this time a vcry dainty
lunch was served by the bride's par-
ent%, After lunch a few 014 favorite
ongs were sung, among which was
circling the bride and groom and
eirighid "He's a Jolty Good Fellow"
iurI "Auld Lang Syne." Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson were the recipients of
maty large and beautiful gifts and
ti , i tat chemise:. The •best
'cher n£ . 1,p,s of fr•r,trts follow M-
T and Mrs. Jackson to their new home'
m the Lnndoo Read in Hay town-
Cut' Rock ,Candy lb. . , . , .. 15c
Special Mixed Candy ib. 15e
1 Y
Chocolate Drops lb.:.... , , 20c
Cream Candy lb. • 20c
Fresh Mixed Nuts lb. 20e
Fresh Roasted Peanuts 15o
Ben Hur Flour , $3.99
Big Sixty Beef Meal . $4.79
Gunn's Tankage 60 per cent$13.69
Redpath Sugar $6:59'
{� Aa.
9t �
Miss Isabel and Leslie: Reid, Misses
Amy and Ena Parsons, Messrs. Ern-
est, Ward and Wm. Knox and Ab.
Lydiatt. attended the dance at Win-
throp Friday evening, They reported
a good time.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Jaynes Leiper is poorly at present.
We hope he will soon be around
We are pleased to hear that Mr.
Bert. Beacom, who was under the
weather for a few days, is better
Mr. Harold and Miss Laura -Bea -
corn returned home Friday evening
after visiting friends in Grey town-
Miss Mary Reid, of Parkhill, is
home for the Christmas holidays.
`Miss Florence Watson, with the
assistance of Robert and David Wat-
son, also Mrs. Beacom, picked twenty
geese Thursday. How's that for
picking 3
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and
Marie visited Mir. and Mrs. Pet, Mc-
Donald's Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parsons and
Miss Amy visited Mr. and Mrs. a Geo.
Watt one evening last week.
The people of the community were
very sorry to hear of the death of
Mr. John Brigham, of Hullett, which
occurred at thehome of his daughter,
Mrs. Wnr, Mason, of near Seaforth.
Deepest sympathy is extended to the
Misses Isabel Reid and Helen Mc -
Ewing visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hackwell, of near Walton, on Thurs-
dee anti Friday of last week.
Londesboro T.:O,L. 863 held annual
meeting and election of officers:
Rohr. McCray, Master; John Nott,
Dep. Master; Robt, Townsend, Chap-
lain; Harvey Hunking, Sect.; Alex.
\\',.'Is Treasurer.
Blyth also elected their -officers
1.eee: t Wallace, Master; A. Taylor,
Dep. Master.
Mrs. J. McCool spent Friday in
Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths and family
motored to Stratford on Friday fast.
Mrs. •C, Ruddell and Miss K.
Brown spent Wednesday last In Clin-
ton, the guest of Mrs. Hunking.
Mrs. T. Adams spent Saturday
with \Wingham friends.
Miss Emma Tainan spent the week
end in Blyth.
Miss Parrott, teacher of S. S. No.
5. spent the week -end at her home
east of Blyth.
Miss Margaret Youngblut. of
Blyth, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John Nutt.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 1), Roberton were
in Goderich Saturday.
Mr. Snell, of Port Huron, is visit-
ing at the parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon and fam-
ily attended the funeral of Mrs.
M'ion's brother, of near Kirkton, on
Thursday last.
Among those who were in Strat-
ford last week are the following: Mrs.
and Miss Nott, .lir, Howatt, Mr.
Rlsely, Miss Youngblut, Mr, and
Mrs. T. Fairservice and Miss
Mr. AIex. Wells is unloading a car
of flour and feed this week.
Mrs. Wnt, Andrew, who has been
staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Cartwright, returned to her home in
Gnderbb on Saturday last,
Mr. Fred Gibbs, of •Briarcourtr
Seek.. is renewing old acquaintances
Mrs. Wes. Vrnlde-in and Miss Dora
spent a few days with Stratford
friends last week.
Interesting Debate, --A very inter -
ting debatetank'place in the com-.
rnnnity hall on Wednesday evening
when the members of Myth Short
Course challenged the junior Institute
f Londesboro, to a debate: "Resolv-
ed that a country man's life is prefer-
ceh'e to that sof a city man with a sal-
ary." The affirmative side was taken
by Londcshoro the sneakers being
Mfac' Wood, Alberta Sired and Hen
rye Honking, The negative side was
taken by Myth whose speakers were
Grace Sham treed. Louise MT T1s and El-
don Stoltz. The judges were Mr. Pa-.
trrsnn, Agricultural Representative;
Mfr. Ostler. Assistant, and 3,Iiss L.
Parrot. Fine, interesting addresses
were given by all members and the
judges came to a unanimous decision
in favor of the negative side. After
the debate,- the remaining part of the
evening was spent in games and a
fine lunch was served. Everyone had
an enioyable evening and we hope that
this is the first of a series of social
evenings these two organizations wia
A Remedy for Earache. -To have
the earache is to endure torture, The
ear is a delicate organ and few care
in -Meat with it. ce nariering it work Inc
a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
offers a simple remedy. A few drops
'men a piece of lint er medicated cot-
. -n and placed in the ear will do
minch in relieving pain.
The Christmas concert .of the Sal-
vation Army will be held an Thurs-
day Dec. 22nd, in the Army Hal'-,
Main street, at 8 p.m. Admission 15c,
All welcome, 51
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm, Nigh, of Tuck-
ersmith, left on Tuesday to be pres-
ent at the ordination of their son, Mr.
William Nigh, which took place on
Wednesday in St. Basil's Church, To-
Miss Mary Doyle, RN., of Detroit,
is visiting at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, James Doyle, Hln-
bert, and other relatives in the dis-
Mr. Angus Kennedy, of Tucker -
smith, spent Sunday afternoon at :he
home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs.
August Ducharme, Hibbert.
A number attended the funeral of
the late George Connor, of Windsor.
The late Mr. Connor was a resident
of Chiselhurst for a number of years.
The many friends of Miss Ruby
Dalrymple are glad to hear she is able
to be around again after an attack of
Mrs. Wm. Venner was in Parkhill
last week attending the funeral of
Mrs, J.McLeod.
The sale of brick advertised at Eg-
rnrondville has been postponed until
Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at 2 p.m.
About 30 000 Brick of the Colbert
Brewery will be; sold in bulk or small
quantities, • These brick are all in
good condition and will be 'sold with-
out reserve.
Terms: All sums of $10 and under;
cash; over that amount, 8 months'
credit on approved joint notes. Dis-
count of .6 per cent, per annum for
cashoe credit 'amounts. Henry Wore
den, Prop. T,: Brown, Auct,.
Have metal weatherstrip applied by
Norman Nichol and John Modeland.
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street, Two lots with barn
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session. - Best bargain in Seaforth.
Apply to W. G. WILLIS, .executor
of:Robt. Willis Estate, 51
We are having real winter now,
On Friday last it started to snow,
Saturday it snowed heavily all day,
and on Sunday there was more or:
less snow. The snow is deep in
places, and the weather has been quite
The correspondent wishes the Edit-
or and his staff, and all readers of The
News a Merry Christmas.
Only one more week till the nomi-
nation meeting. when the councillors
of the townsisip will be able to give
a record of the year's work.
Mr. Gen, Schitns, of the village, is
sick in bed with nerve trouble, and is
in very bad shape. The doctor
claims he worked too ham this sum-
mer, and did not get sufficient rest
for some weeks.
The annual meeting of the ratepay-
ers of the Township of McKillop will
be held at the Winthrop Hall on
Monday, Dec. 26th, 1927.
Nominations for a Reeve anti four
Councillors will be received from the
hours of one to two •o'clock in the af-
ternoon. If more persons' arenomin-
ated than are required to fii1 the _sev-
eral offices, an election will be held
on Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1928, with polis
at the following places:
No. 1 -Jas. Carlin's house, lot 10.
con. 5, Jas. Evans, D.R.O; Thos.
Moylan, P.C.
No. 2 -Jos. •Hogg's house, lot 25,
con. 4. Jno. McDowell, D.R.O.; Mrs.
Geo. Eaton, P.C.
No. 3 -Jos. Smith's house, lot 10,
con. 12. John Leeming, D,R.Q:; John
Murray, P.C.
No. 4 -School house No. 7, lot 26,
con. 12. John Balfour, 'D.R.0.; Willis
Dundas, P.C.
Polls open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
51 Ret: Officer.
Messrs. Walter. Johns, Thomas and
Wesley Heywood, who have been at-
tending Western University in Lon-
don, are hone Inc Christunas holidays.
The Mission Circle bazaar held last
Friday evening in the church proved
very successful. About: $80 was rea-
The school children of Winchelsea
No, 6 are preparing a concert to be
given in the church here on Thursday
evening of this week.
The funeral of the late Mr. Samuel
%Itntter was well attended last Sunday
afternoon in spite of the very cold,
stormy weather.
There may be other corn removers,
but you will not be completely satis-
fied until you have used Holloway's
Cern Remover.
II -Tome -hooked mats tor. site, also
ready-made quilts. John Hildebrand,
West of ,flaxmill, Egmondville, 1
Miss Hannah Steckle of the Bron-
son Line, who has been ill for a con-
siderable time, is somewhat improved,
and we trust that she may soon be
around and in her usual health.
The children of both schools, North
and South, in No. 4, have been very
busy preparing programmes for their
Christmas concerts,
The South school ahildren will give
theirs on Thursday afternoon, Dec.
22nd. On Thursday evening the
school children and the young people
in the section will give a combined
children's and community pro-
gramme. A splendid time at both
concerts is anticipated.
On Dec. 19 and 20 we were treated
to a real March blizzard, blocking the
roads in many places, but, we are
thankful to say the temperature has
been quite high.
Tarn •$25 weekly up at home ad-'
dressing envelopes. No canvassing,
Everything furnished. Spare or full
time. Send stamped addressed en
velope for particulars. Gillies Mail-
ing Service, •.lBox 9, Sydney, Nova
Scotia. ,
Six ' rooms over D. H. Stewart's
store. Well ventilated, electric 'lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. • Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth.
The- community party which was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Fairbairn Wednesday evening was a
great success. The large crowd press
ent enjoyed themselves very much.
The services in St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church Sunday were most inspir-
ing. Rev. Mr. Conner preaching on
the Shepherd's Psalm and a duet by
Mrs, E, Sproat and Miss Jean Ivison
was mach appreciated.
S.S. No. 14, Hay and S.S. No. 14
Stanely are both leaving their an-
nual Christmas tree and entertain-
ment Thursday.
'Miss •Tessio Johnstone of Hensall
visited Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie
Miss Agnes 'Cochrane of Clinton
visited her brother, Mr, John Coch-
rane recently.
DR: H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon, Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special,
attention to .diseases•rof the eye,. ear,
nose ,and throat.. Office and ;resists
once behind, Dominion Bank, Office
Phone, No. 5; ..Residence, Phone 106
On hand at the warehouse at the
station. Also a small Massey -Harris
cutting machine, power or .hand pow-
er. Phone 44-W, Seaforth. ANDREW.
In the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been preparedand that copies
thereof may be had in my office, and
that the list is being published in the
Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem-
ber 5, 12 and 19, A,D, 1927, and that
in default of, payment of the taxes, the
lands will be sold for taxes on Tues-
day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth.
JNO. A. WILSON, Treasurer,
4 Town of Seaforth.
DR. F.. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, ''Goderieh-affects
east, Of the Methodist 'Charch. •:Cor-
tine`'r for the County pf Huron. Tele-
phone' No. 40;
DR. Gs, ' M'ACKAY -C. Mackay,
honor •graduate ofo•Trinity -Univers- .
ity and • gold encdalIistt sof Trinity es
Medical:, ••Col1egesememberiof the Cede.:
siege of 'Physicians .and Surgeons;` of e.
Mutual Fiaehiisural➢co Go.
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. "Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, -Beechwood; M, Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, • Seaforth; 3. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insu+ance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named . officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
'For week ending Dec. 15th.'
Seaforth-Total 39, select bacon 11,
thick smooth 21, heavies, 1, extra
heavies 1, shop hogs 3.
Rrncsfie.!d-Total 30, select. bacon ;
10 thick ar"onth.18 heavies 1.
Walton, Total 222, select bacon 5.3,
'baric smooth 152, heavies 2, sloop
hogs. 9.
i-Inrnn 'County -Total 1 999, select.
heron 590, thick smooth 1,183, heavies
90, extra heavies 3. shop hogs 102,
lights and feeders 14.
Freedom from Asthma. Asthma is
one of the most distressing troubles,
sadden in its attacks and prolonged in
its agonies. Frenucntiy many things
are tried, but nothing seems to give
born of relief, Dr. J D, Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy is the one help
which can be depended upon, If you
have tried otherremedies without
success, do not fail to get at once a
package of this uniformly successful
Sweet and palafahte, Mother Graves'
Wierm Exterminates, is acceptable to
children, and it doestits work surely,
and promptly.
• Die. -F. J. R: FORSTER--=Eye, Lar,sts
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, UniversityTo
of ronto 1897,.L
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and
Aural Institute, Moorefield's, Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lou- eelteee
don, England. At Commercial hotel. .$.
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in ea^,h month,
from• 11 am, to 3 p.m.
DR. W. C. SPROAT,-Graduate of
Faculty of 'Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart'a
Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth.
Phone 90,
DR. 3. A. 1MUNN
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross; gradst-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal 'College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
r ver Sills' hardware. Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, - Main street, Seaforth.
Phones,. •office 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the: County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance' risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Wednesday, Dec. 21st.
Wheat, per bus, .... ..$123
Barley, per bus, 73e
Oats, per bus. 5Sc
Buckwheat, per bus. 7Se
Shorts, per cwt, $1,75
Bran, per cwt. $1.65
Butter, per lb.......... . .. . 35c
Eggs, per dos. 45c -55e
Potatoes, per bag ..............$1,50
Hogs, per cwt. $8.
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
made by
Practical 'Tailor
Main St.
Prices from $25,00 up,
Your own materials niade up
at reasonable rates
Try us for _Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
»awe$: an r,1.4
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S Historical Novel of tiro
first, coming of the Mounted Police to the Canadian North
Pictut'ized on tt grand srtllo with scenes in Natural Colors
Hundreds of men and horse, live ugttin the stirring days
y s
along Canada's groat frontier
Renee ?Afh}i'ee atm Antonio Moreno
featured in the dramatic roles
Saturday Matinee 3 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday
Thursday. :Friday and Saturday
Universals magnificent spcetncle of Old Russia under
the Czars
Week -end Attractions 15c and 25c
Matinees 10c and 15o