HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-22, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927 ;CHAi,N. WH I" STORES Our Stores are chucked full of good things Mixed Candy including Cut Rock, Gumdrops,. Creams, etc, per lb. 15e 450 19e Mired Nath, all new goods 2 lbs. for Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 1b, Creams, Chocolates etc. ;a dandy mix lb. 29e Peanut. Butter in 5 ib. tins, each - Ridgewey's Tea in 1 lb. Canister, a goodgift$1.19 Come and Choose, our goods will please and prices delight Ross J.{} pro W. a Ma �Y 'teoK1Y Phone 8 Phone 77 Seven deliveries all o var 1 own every day, vAlmt "t; ler" eie The Dairy Farmer " is assured of good markets the whole year for his Dairy Products. Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream of the best quality and send your cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. We 1 Walker 8b Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment'diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. 1 111 McInnes chiropractor Of-Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. CRESSY'S GUARANTEED PRODUCTS. How often have you wished you could always get the highest quality products without paying any more than you are at the present time? Cressy'sService will fulfill your need. It has proved a revelation to thou- sands of. Canadian women who are now .buying the' Cressy way. They have learned of a new standard of quality and value, The complete line. consists of 150 articles; Toilet pre- , parations, Household Specialties, Fla- voring ing Extracts, Family Remedies, Perfumes, Food Products, Teas, Cof- fees and Spices. Represented by— JOHN H DOPER Bos 35 r Seaforth, Ont Heduced Pricos Ladies' and Gentlemen's haircuts now All the latest bobs now 35e at the Dennison St Pullman Barber Shop Phone 125. Pianos Tinned ;leaned and Repaired Chas. A. Uowey Residence—Jaynes St. Want and For Sale ads, 3 times '50c Your PERSONAL Operator h x"Ye1' e `-S''rC Tel:phone eeeviee. le not produced for delivere in bulk, or in stan- dard packages es over• the counter. i.lvery call is turned out "to order" — u custom service. de- signed to meet personal needs, at ft moment's notice. Your telepbone operator' is a. Mal- t* peu'sonality. She sit, at theaaztehbalocal, , oa' � - long dis- tance . •is tance — with signal line,. to her sisters " at the other end" ready to select the track for any journey you select. To her, your • coil means trove than just a combination of switch- board xnanipulnticas. It is n call forpersona." service, tr be answer- ed completed auel a pervised as Your icrsv;Ical clerk or secretary would handle it, 351 TOWN TOPICS Mr. Geo. Smale, of Mitchell, visit- ed at the home of Mr. Thos, Steele, Centre street, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sans. Hanna were guests of the latter't sister, Mrs. Louis Anderson, Goderich township, the past week, Mr. and Mrs, Artie Keys, of Stant ley, were guests of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, L. Keys, on Friday. Special Christmas services will be held in St. Thomas' Church nn Sun- day next. Miss Emily Deem, of Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr. Wm. Deem. Mrs. R. Scarlett and Marion spent the past week with : Miss Grace Scarlett' in Burgessville and attended theopening of the new Continuation School in that place, where Miss Grace is Principal. Miss Jennie McBride returned home Saturday nightafter spending four months in Hamilton with her aunt, and also spent a few weeks in Dunnville. A heavy fall of snow over the week end has practically ended long-dis- tance motor traffic, but the weather has remiittrd mild, Mr. j. Q, Grieve is visiting his son, Mr. Wnr. T. Grieve, in Detroit, Miss Olive Laidlaw, of Natick, Boston, Mass., is spending the holi- clay with her mother, Mrs. J, C. Laidlaw. The. Christmas entertainment of the Presbyterian Sunday school was held in the basement an Wednesday evening, Dec. 21, Mr, Wm. Brine, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with his sisters, the Misses Brine. Miss Maude Laidlaw is visiting her sister Florence, in Toronto, this week. Miss Rena Johnston, of Stratford, spent a couple of days this week with her aunt, Mrs. R. S. Evans. Dr, and Mrs. Glenfield, of Wallace - town, are visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Elcoat this week -end. Miss Mary McCowan, of Toronto, is spending the holiday's with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCowan, Roxboro. The Mail and Empire on Saturday contained a splendid article on the work of Prof. Parkin and Mr. w.•11. Coates, B.A.Sc., of Toronto, in the modern testing building for the con- struction and navigation of aircraft, and on methods of aerodynamic re- search, Mr. Coates is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates, of town, Among the many students and teachers front Seaforth and neigh- borhood, the following ones from a distance arrived home by this week- end to spend the Christmas holidays here: Malcolm Armstrong of Queen's University, Kingston; Fred Archi- bald, HallviIle; Geo. Eberhart, Lon- don; Janet Govenlock, Weston Col- legiate; Grace Kerr, Port Burwelll Geo. Kerr, Toronto; Lance Norris, Toronto University; Mae Eberhart, London; Louise Allen, Hamilton; Robert Willis, Toronto University; Hazel Elcoat, Toronto; Mary Jack- son, Toronto Normal; Mabel Turn- bull, Huntsville; Arnold Turnbull, Toronto; Gwen Snowdon, Toronto University; Ethel McKay, Thedford; R. S. Mc•ICercher, Guelph; Ria Hills,. Oshawa; ;Mary Laing, Milverton; Grace Knechtel, Caledonia; Alice Knechtel, Kilbride; Percy Hoag, Hagersville; Cora Sherwood, Toron- to; Charles Sherwood, Toronto Uni- versity; Lillian Wankel, Toronto; Alvin Oke, Elgin. Mrs. W. H. Bullard, who was stricken with a heart attack last Fri- day, and has been seriously_, ill since then , on Wednesday evening was. somewhat improved. Among the many ways of dispens- ing Christmas cheer, the ;Miasioa Band League of the United Church are sending to Miss Black, of the All - People's Mission, Windsor, a box of clothing, books and toys valued at $20. Mr. Thos. Gillespie, of Toronto, ar- rived Wednesday to spend the holi- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • Mr. Leslie Kerr, of Toronto Uni- versity, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. SANTA CLAUS' VISIT. n "I didn't know there e e were so many youngsters in the distric„ w tile • Bennett and Tim Eaton motored to ten.ark of ore. :nr, ::;,re •.c-. '.,, ;h•, Toronto on Monday with two truck large gathering to greet Santa Claus loads of dressed fowl, and receive presents on -Tuesday al- Don't forget the Christmas supper ternoon, 'The Christmas tree which and entertainment to be held in Cavan has stood•'between the Postoflice and Church tonight. bank the past few days, presents a A dance will be held in the hall on very pretty appearance decorated Friday night, Dec. 30thl,Ludwig's or - with colored electric lights and heavy chests snpplydng the' music. Lunch laden with snow. The Lions Club served. community :Christmas tree has added The horses and cutlets are taking to the spirit of Christmas in a great measure, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Beattie Bargains Late Shipment of "Best English Crockery --- is your Chance _-- Heavy Block handled Cup and Saucer 12c Odd Cups 2 for 15c Dinner. Plates 2 for 25e " Tea Plates 3 for 25c and all white -warn reduced Specials in Dinner Sets -ALSO- All the Toys — All the time—for all the ksddies Come` p_, Buy Save China •— Post Cards -- Novelties MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL BEATTIE BROS. "'0 ' ' HURON OLD BOYS' As.. Wishing you and yours SOCIATION OF TORONTO. a Merry er hristrnas and The annual Euchre and Bridge err- -tertainznent of t11e Huron Old Boys' , Happy and ,rosper$ Association of Toronto was held in GGA New Year Ilygeia Hall, Elm st., on Monday ev'g, Dec, 5th, when Huronites turn- ed out in surprisingly large numbers, ESJ N 4p ld9 thane aate nany previous fu cti n of r'the r Better Shoos for Less Money same kind. Everybody was in 'good DirectlyOpposite Commercial Christmas humor, and consequently, pp the programme went along with a Hotel rush, Twenty tables were devoted to Bride, while 45 -tabes were required for the Euchre players. As previously announced, the Stokes Family orchestra 'made. the'r' first appearance before a Huron aud- ience. and needless to say, they met with a very enthusiastic , reception. Their music was of the highest order, and every number was very heartily ann'a'ded. There are six members of the family in the company, and each one of them, including the little. six-year-old tot, executed their parts wonderfully well. At the conclusion of the card and' bridge games, refreshments were served in a manner that could not but entirely satisfy the most fastidious. Dancing followed until 12 o'clock, when the meeting broke , up with "Auld Lang Syne." The following were some of the large number present:— . Mr. R. C. King and Miss King; Mr, and Mrs. T. A. McLaren; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McCreath and Mrs., W. MoCreath; Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Floody; Mr. and Mrs. H. 13, Stowe; Mr, H. I. Morris and the Misses Morrish; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Vanstone; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle; Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchanan; Mr. and Mrs. W. Proudfoot; Mr. and Mrs. N. T3 'Cobbledick • nd Miss Cobbledick, Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Cracknell; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cantelon; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simmons; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Duff; Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson; Mr. and Mrs. W. Donert Mr. and Mra. A. W. Wise, Miss Wise and Miss Case; Mr, G. A. Newton and Miss Newton; Mfr. and Mrs. J. W, Strait- on; Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Floody; Mr. and Mrs. H. McHardy; Mr, and Mrs. J. Dunlop; Mr. and '.1frs. T. H. Stokes; Dr, and Mrs. H. J, Hod- gdns and Mrs. DeLacey (Seaforth); McKILLOP. Mrs. Alexander Gordon, Eliza McLeod, widow of the late Alexand- er Gordon, passed away at the home of her son, Mr. Hugh Gordon, lot 21, concession 6, McKillop, on Wednes- day morning, Dec. 21, after an illness that had lasted since early in the sum- mer. Mrs. 'Gordon, a native of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, was barn eighty-two and a half years ago, daughter of the late Murdo and Mrs. McLeod, The family moved to On- tario while she was quite young, set- tling in McKillop on the 6th con- cession. On Wednesday, Dec, 29th, 1869, she was united in marriage to Alexander Gordon, also of McKillop. There remains one daughter, Mrs. John Little, McKillop, and three sons, Angus in Toronto, Hugh and John, 6th concession, McKillop. The fune- ral will be held from the residence of Mr. Hugh. Gordon on Friday, Dec. 2Srd at. 2 p.m, to Maitlandbank cem- etery. Report of U.S.S. No. 1, McKillop— For December. Jr. TV., Catherine Lane 83 per cent., Arnold Murray 64, William Nish 63, :Sr. III., Mabel Nigh 71. Jr. III., Frances Fortune 95, Dor- ene Nigh 77, Peter Murray 72, Ade- laide Murray 65, Jr, T., Ambrose Nigh 71, Jack For- tune 69. Sr. Pr., Margaret Murray 64. Jr. Pr., Angeline Murray 70, Ro- bert Devereaux and Florence Murray 67. No. on roll 15, average attendance 14 M. C. Reynolds, Teacher, A Christmas entertainment and box social will be held at S.S. No. 2, Mc- Killop, Friday evening, December 23. Entertainment to commence at 8 o'- clock. A good programme will be 17r. and 'sirs, W. Cruikshank; Mr. provided. Admission 25e. Ladies and Mrs. J. Lanionby; Mr. and Mrs. bringing boxes admitted free. L. Carrell; Mr. John Robertson; Mr. Olive V. Medd, Teacher. R. 'Si Sheppard; Mr. H. M. Jack- son; Dr. G. F. Belden; Mr. Carl Belden; Mr, W. K. Tinning; Mr. WINTHROP. Frank Cook; Mr, R. Leiper; Mr. C. "A Merry Christmas to All." C. Church (Oshawa) Mr, T.Mas- "A Glee Club met at the home of son (Pickering); Mrs J.S. Timmins; Mrs. James Simpson last week and lairs. Joseph Beck and the Misses spent a very enjoyable evening in Beck, Mrs. S L. Scutt; Mrs. J. progressive euchre. The first prize Sanderson; Mrs. G. C. Young; Miss of a half dozen sherbet glasses was Lily Paterson; Miss Fannie Paterson; won by Miss Almira Shannon. The Muss Grace Stirling; Miss Irene consolation, a pair of salt and pepper Abell Miss Florence Knox; Miss shakers, went to Mrs. Johns Pethick. May Hamilton; Miss E Hanna; Miss Alter the games were over a dainty R. Reid; Miss E. RekI; Arise R. lunch was served by the hostess. t-I;sseS; Miss B. Joyce and many Miss Muriel Farquharson of Wal- others, ton spent the week end with Miss Notes. Jean Holland. President R. C. King is a live wire The dance held in the hall last Fri- an xd 1111 up-to-date presiding ledteofficer. day was well attended. gentle- Messrs. George Stewart, Kenaie men's 151 prize in Bridge, while Mrs. Buchanan won the ladies' let prize. High class playing and a lucky name. That big hearted Honorary Presid- ent, J. A, 'McLaren, doneted the cof- fee and it was real • coffee, Nearly. everybody went 'back for two more 0005. Harry Stowe won the lst•prize in progressive euchre and Harry is some player to beat that bunch. Mrs D, Thompson and her tom. the place of cars these days as the mittee deserve special mention for the snow has.niade it impassible for cars. very sympathetic and satisfactory Old Dobbin CM always be relied u,aniter in whir h the 'refreshmentswere served. Not a hitch and every- upon. We are glad to hear that Mr. John body welt served. Mrs, Thompson Boyd is improving, could easily give some pointers to Mr. Harvey Rutley spent 'Sunday some of aur high class city caterers. at she diems of 1.7%, and Mrs. Bell, Secretary Floody met one of his bloncrielf, pupils of Tipperary school forty years Mrs, A. Halley returned home Sat- ago, and it was some meeting and a-rclay after visiting for three weeks some greeting. with her daughter, Mrs. R. Munn,Mr, D. D, Wf'lson and Mrs, II. 13. Guelph. Stowe supervised the card games, while Hon, President Bert itcCreath kept everything moving. The music was good and everybody DUBLIN. appreciated it to their hearts' content. Mr, and Mrs. Stokes must have been. 1 proud of 'their family, and well they a ., night. because it is a rare occurrence to have six born musicians in one fatndly, Much sympathy was expressed for Mrs. King, wife of our president, and Mrs. H. L Morrish, who were both de- tained at ltotne on account of illness, They were both very much missed, Gar, Vanstone, 'formerly mayor of Wingham, but now prominent busi- ness man of Toronto, was. one .of the busiest men on the job. "Gar" is a genuine hustler when 'there is any work to he. done. - The annual At Home of ,the As- sociation, "The Big Meet'," will be field in the Foresters' Temple, corner of :Bay and Richmond sts. on Thurs- day evening, January 26th, 1928, The proceedings will be broadcast by 'CFCA, and the programme will be of ST. COLUMBAN. 'Mr. Joseph Morris, who has been visiting at the hone of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Morris, return- ed to Detroit this week. Mr. Thomas Lane, of Toronto, is a visitor at the .home of his mother, Mrs, John 'Lane, McKillop, Mrs, John Gallagher who has been a visitor with her brother, Mr. John Delaney, returned to her home in Strathroy on Monday. Mtr, Frank McQuaid, lfcleillop, is confined to home with an attack of bronchitis; under the doctor's care he is improving. The Literary Society put on a very good programme at their meeting last Friday night, The ladies of the IG iW:L. ,are hold- ing a social and dance in the Parish Hall, St, Colum'ban, on the night of Monday, ,Dec. 26th. Music by the' Ste wart•Harntonef Boys of Seaforth. Miller's Worm Powders willpurge the stomach and intestines of worms so effectively and so easily and pain- lessly ° that the ntost delicate stomach. will not feel any inconvenience from their action. They recommend them- selves to mothers as a preparation that will restore strength and vigor to their children and protect them from the ,debilitating effects which result from the depredations of worms. Mr. Gerald Jordan is spending is few weeks' vacation at his home here. The annual meeting of the Ladies Guild of St. Marys Anglican Church was held at the home: of Mrs. Archie Forbes Thursday afternoon, Dec. 15. Business part of the meeting consist- ed of electing of officers which .re- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. Ar- chie Forbes; vice president, Mrs. Juo. Darling, secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Joe Moore, Logan; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Alex. Darting. Flow- ers to the sick, Mrs. F. Moore and. Mrs. L. Moore of Hibbert. The la- dies regret very much that Mrs. Wnt. Hills, who proved 'a very efficient sec- retary the' lest two years, has resign- ed owing to the serious illness of her daughter. whose early recovery the Ladies' Guild hopes for. Want and For Sale ads, 3 tithes Sec PAGE FIVE the highest order. It is expected that i._� _R a a large number of visitors from ` the 016 County will be presentat this, big annual gathering of the clans, Charlie -Simmons danced around like a sixteen -year-old, as he thought of the good old days in Goderich Town. WINTHROP HALL There seems to be a great longing for the old time square dance with the old time "Caller off" and the feeling is 'that this should be a feature at our. annual At 'Home in January. DANCE ALMA. Mrs. (Dr.) James Fowler. --A sad death occurred in Owen. Sound on Monday, Dec. 12th, in the passing of Mrs. (Dr,) James Fowler, formerly Mary ,Stevens, of Alma Corner, Hui. - lett township. Mrs, Fowler was born 77 years ago, daughter of the late 'Wm and Mrs, Stevens, Alma: Until her marriage 55 years ago to Dr• Fowler, also of Hullett, she lived at Alma, Dr. and ;Mrs. Fowler made their home at Owen Sound son after their mar- riage. 'There survives, her husband, one daughter, Ida, at home and four sons, Albert, William, Edwin and :Charles in :Saskatchewan, also five sisters, Mrs. Alex. Jamieson and 'Mrs, George Brock of Brucefield, Mrs. Biggar, ,Port McNichol, Mrs. Wm,. Bennett, West Branch, Mich., Mrs. Frank Taylor, Bear, Mich.; andone brother, hir. VVnr.. Stevens, Detroit. Mrs. Brock, Brucefield, and Mrs. 13iggar, Port McNichol, attended the funeral, which took place on Friday, Dec. 16th. BIRTHS.. SMLTH—At Hensall, on Monday, December 19, to Dr. G. L. and Mrs. Smiths, of St. Marys, a son (George Petty). The Many -Purpose Oil.—Both in the hoose anti stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thnmas' Electric Oil. 1.?se it for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, the pains of rhetrratism and sciatica sore throat and chest. Horses arc li- able very largely to similar ailments and mishaps as afflict mankind, and are equally amenable to the healing influence of this fine old remedy which has made thousands of firm friends during the past fifty years. OLD TIME DANCE BRUCEFIELD WALKER'S HILL Thursday Dec. 29th Best music. Admission. 75c Ladies free • Music by s. LUDWIG SERE+ NADERS of Blyth Friday, December 30th Admission $1,00 Lunch Served. J. LAMINIAN FURNITURE REPAIRS No job too big to handle or too small to do. Phone 303J and I will call for your work. Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP. w A. D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. ana�•mms�renaa-a,..mmrsrc�,:a„�crosaear�. rl PORK AND BEANS is an appetizing dish, .even for those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor and we pride ourselves that we know how to supply just the right cut for the purpose. Try it once. You'll want it often. D. 11. STEWART Phone 58 Your Butcher, Seaforth, The Svecial Milverton Flour We have it—Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings Chop of A11 Kinds C. G. TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 ourAuto Needs GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on all makes. A good line of New and Used Parts. A FEW USED CARS LISTED Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with License .Ford Touring 1918 $75.00 with License Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new• ..$375 with License Re ierGl'araqe PHONE 167W IMINMIWITESSeSHOSIMIRS901102.t mnma■aanms h NO MATTER HOW DELICATE MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence; The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time to study and achieve. Ladies' and ' Gent's Felt Hats cleaned It only a dollar and will tool{ like new. SE1 FORTr- ( RMEtwr ePtRE (t, = COMMERCIAL BLOCK, �i S den 'p Proprietor PT1ONE 2.17 or 210