HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-22, Page 3:I1 Naming the Baby Step Which May affect. Child's Future I never considered, in bachelor days, howgirls obtained their names., I imagined that, in some obscure sort of way they were born with Ahern; that they all started off properly la- London—Dates are anathema to belled Mazy or Hannah or Clementine, you do not, 'a serious breakdown ir1 most school bays and girls, but it can and that that was the enol of the buss- y safely be sale that most British, boys almost suss to result. In nearly all ness, oases this condition, which doctors and girls know "Battle of Roarings;, It never seriously occurred to mousually describe as,geuexal debility, 1086." Recently representatives of and I dont suppose it occurs to any is due to poor blood—blood filet is Oro 00 IIas�tinge' oldest public bodies thoughtless bachelor—that_; parentsis in red corpuscles. When the marched In processioxi These were blood is thin and weak your whole the Barons of the Cinque Ports on. system suffers. Yon lose: appetite, their way to the Court of Brotherhood have no energy` your nerves trouble and Goes.tling. The history of Hast - RUN DOWN I HEALTH Why Many Men and Women Are Badly Handicapped. When you are so run down in health that 1t impairs the efecieucy 'of your work as well of yourpowerto enjoy your leisure hours, or obtain rest, 1t is time you looked to the cause, 11 Pageant at Hastings Recalls Antiquity Barons of Cinque Ports March to Court of Broth- erhood and. Guest - ling have the infinitely difficult task of .giving their •children names. A small daughter having arrived at day faced with this disturbingand you and you feel restless. Inge doubtless goes back further than very important problem—what shall we call her What Christian name or names shall we bestow upon this tiny atom ' helpless humanity? You will soon notice the difference in chels,ea, the last two having been 80 - In tray it is like a very difficult your health by a -better appetite and ded to the original five. Mayors and sett of'loliday contest ov competition increased vigor. The reason is .that delegates came from these seven. 'hut—the answer must be found. Ever the new blood created) by or. Wil- 'ancient tbwns and from the minor neil}'or looms the day when the State, 118)1))' Pink Pills stirnulates all the branct,es of.: Deal, Ramsgate, raver - in the --person of the relentless regis- organs of the body to healthy activity sham, Margate, Lydd and Tenterden. tl r •:will demand to know, in the and -so the system gains nourishment It, was a great and gliterintg Pro• Mune of the law, what we are going to and't3trengih. 10 you are weak or not cession, for the Lord Warden ofthe call her, and strength, If you aro weak or out Cinque Ports, Lord Beauchamp, was As yet,' although ws have thought of of sorts, begin gaining new strength thorn, wearing the star and ribbon of of these Scottish girls who sailed from Scotland recently for Canada, They dozens of pretty names a -td have, of to -day by ' taking Dr. Williams' Pink the Garter; the Lord Mayors were in were included in a large group of household workers recruited in Glasgow to course, received d numerous suggestions pills.' e1 was iu a badly run down con- scarlet, crimson, fur, and chains or be placed in homes throughout the Dominion. They were all smiles over the front relatives and friend::, we are anion," says Mrs. J. Potter, of Wittig- office, Lack bad his attendant mace- !prospects of their new homes and in anticipation of many experiences that etiil perfectly undecided about it. fred, .Alta., "when I began using Wil- bearer andmace, while the lesser would befall their in the country across the Atlantic of which, they had heard ;u. our house a fortnight age we are.to What you need is help to build up 1066, for it is one of • the famous Your blood and you should begin at Cinque (pronounced "sink") •ports once to make your blood rlch and reel ,which include Hastings, Sandwich, by taking Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills. Dover, Romney, Hythe, Rye, and Win Merry Party For Canadian Homes Waving good bye to their native shores did not seem to depress the spirits e t` upon There aunts who liars p • - cousins who are . ), iG�_. h these are e s otutc ;leer 1•td she shall be Mary; there wend this reedfaine to all weak Deo- and rufdles and crhusou velvet cloaks. i..a fr:•encls who say she roust and shall ple." Altogether a bright array in the Octo- be cane 1 Penelope. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by bet %unahine. Nevee before have I realized that all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 This Court of Brotherhood and there are so many charming feminine cents a box from The Dr, 'Williams' Guestling meets every two year's to names, "Names of ladies!" sighs 1Vledicino Co., Brockville, Ont. i consider problems affecting the ports. Richard Fer:erol. during the Magnetic This year thle very real trouble of Age; ' IIU;v they sweeten their Where the Blacksmith Shoes overfishing by steam tra\clers was names!" their and it was decided to take Quite 1, but olid romantic Richard Oxen joint action. eel* _r c tliee that, after 'all, 'these In the little village of Hope Corner, beau :Mel maims were bestowed by. eee„ is a blacksmith shop consider. Amazing Scenes Follow ollow ordirar y fie, 1 and blood parents and ably more than 100 years old. Part Peranorafiance of Ancient not 1 t i ,els? of its equipment is a stall for shoeing i Indian Rites of Suttee Sora i. a I suppose, decide upon' oxen, something to be found in few a nain ,v ih int the slightest worry or New England blacltsmith shops to- ihowslit. The baby is christened Jane day; yet years ago most smiths shod or Mashie or Rebecca justbecause'as ,many oxen as they died horses. The 0n1e cr.1 menTer of the family pose' methods, however, are vary different, Si.l8003 thri,r p•u t:eular names.. But; A horse will standpatiently on: will tbr\ f new little girl? Will three lege, permitting the smith to 113 1 tetliy beeerne a sedate sort of pick up the other and fit a shoe, while Jane '. 1 a rather giddy Daphne or a' an ex will thrash and kick. Hence isles und •tritely Rebecca? the shoeing stall, consisting ot a To tete mind that is the great re- framework into which the animal is h re- eebes their wayto Hams' Pink Pills and they fully barons were arrayed in knee bis so much about. The photograph was taken as the group were on the Canadian Pacific liner 1dontelare. stored my health. I ,strongly recom- with white satinfiowerod walateoats- board the Landon,—Thousands of Hindus fought to obtain fragments of the charred clothing of a Hindu woman who suffered fatal burns recently at- tempting to perform the ancient Tito of the suttee—self immolation of a widow with the body of her husband— says a news despatch to the EVellitg News from Allahabad. The widow who was rescued by the police from ,Le:ribillty of parents in bestowing driven. Its head to shut into a the funeral pyre of her husband, sub - 1i 1(1ea p, t. c'ilarly girls' names. stanchion, then it broad belt or leath- sequently died of her burns and her AOne may call a boy Tom or Jack or er or stout canvas is, passed' under the body was thrown into the sacred George and Po on without it muttering body. hopes or chains made fast to Ganges near Patna, very much one way or the other. the free ends of the belt are then con- Hundreds of rupees were paid for A girl's name, however, is of first nectod to windlasses on either side possession of her garments which are class inwortance-it play, later on, of the pen, .•egarded as sacred by thousands of materially aife;t her future, may in- Two or three turns on these and the Hindus. Fully 15,000 Hindus fought Wetly make her sunny or serious, smith raises tile ox off its feet. Next to obtain fragments of her clothing. 1, or grave, throughout her life. he lifts the foot he wishes to work on Although the suttee has been for - The problem, therefore, of naming and straps it to .timbers arranged fee bidden in India since 1829, the Hindu our baby girl, trivial as it may seem that purpose out either side of the woman decided to perform it and ti the outside world, is quite a serious stall. Owners of- oxen in distant mounted her husband's.. funeral pyre, ane,towns bring their animals to Hope held his body in her arms and lay It has, of course, its humorous side., Corner for shoeing. burning on top of the pyre while a Following out our theory that a child' crowd of fully 5,000 Hindus applaud - should )oak its name we have gazed .Tis better to see a job through ed excitedly, said despatches. at our baby's features for inspiration At -length, unable to bear the tor- ° and the only name that seems to fit than to try to sec through a job. ture, the woman rolled toward the her at the moment is Judyl river clutching her husband's body, She has the placid but comical ex- which disappeared in the current. De- pression of a Judy. Judy seems to fit spite the hostility of the crowd the her, but will she like being a Judy police rescued her. The widow still \tifien, say, she is seventeen or when ; refused to leave the funeral pyre and. she is forty? I think not. Itnglnrarl g, trio police were tenable to take her 3 : Mechanics, Llnetrl p She Then there are all these other cW lgulnon, t u away because of the onlookers. tv Welding y s re names of dowers and re- f* laythere for two days while thousands nam_.., the p ISXroorta 11 noose \�' .cions stones, and the names of the : wtring. >i y g '� !of Hindus, who felt she had gained months. The name, say, of April or and rlasteringj also ? great religious merit by her act, flock - June is charming, but suet a child sf ° ed to pay her homage. Eventually life, G $ r• jji� 1 police suceceded in taking her must look the part. Tater an in 1 , the aren't such Christian names a little o1v we .s n ' ' away. Expert luau u�t a, Y tl 1 absurd? France Devehps Speedy Air pail 'lutes to Sty : th America. Paris—Growth of the French air French government its plan for the nail service on a 4,000 -mile route South American service and ten years from here to ,Senegal, on the west later, experts are sure, it will have coast of Africa, promises epeotly de- became a reality. velopmeut of the mail service to Christmas Day, 1015, the Toulouse - South America. Barcelona route was established. Four The flight from Dakar to Pernam- months later it reacher to Casablanca. buco by Costes and LeBrlx in early Two years ago mail was being ear October was the spectacular first tied by air to Dakar, half way from jump over tha Atlantic westward to Poria to Buenos Ayres, During theh pave the way for regular trips. nine years the number• 0f letters y Mail that now takes twenty days to. airplane has jumped from 9,000 to 7, - go from Parts to Buenos Ayres is ex- 000,000. This commercial, receipts petted to be ddelivered in five days have increased likewise. within a year or two. It will go In seven days within a few months. Two months before the war was over the Latecoere Company gave the agreements, Argentina and 'Uruguay have signed eontiacts for the air mail service and Brazil and Chile are negotiating FORGET THE "BLUES"! LEARN ') Auto batt- ery n t- ery or o ot. ri•dtln in Barbering and ,adlcs'Ealr Oras' ag. Earn 6 to $$1'0 Per Day o weeks required to learn. r ur me cn Training. Big Dentinal. ?tort NOW for bigger pay and a bright future. Write or call for Special Offer and 1?i'ee Books. Hemphill Trade Schools 1.811 king Street west, Toronto Miss June or Miss April, even if she is fifty or so can't help being slightly kittenish. She still believes she is a gay creature of spring. I On the other hand serious -sounding' names such as Caroline, Emmeline and so on are often apt to have a sobering effect upon their possessors. Little girls with such names often have an old-fashioned outlook; such children a century ago would be say- ing, "Mamma, please may I go out with my sampler? I don't want to go play I" It will be seen that the more one thinks over this baby -naming problem the more difficult it becomes. In the meantime our baby goes on looking more and more like Judy. She seems to be saying, "0f course Pm Judy, you silliest Why worry about any other name?" G'rsnan-British Passport Visas To Be Abolished London,—Yet another post-war bar- rier to international communioattons disappears with the official annou ne- aten!: published here -to day o1 the reef- sa1 abolition of passport visas be -I u .eon Great Britain and Germany-. Notes giving this effect from Jan: 1 317e80 exchanged between the Tiritish and. Garman governments, The Brit -I js'hwtan already visit France, Bele 1=m, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Lax-. embourg, Austria, Norway, Swe-itsn and Denmark withO-It the inconven- ience •caused by passports having to be revised for every journey. It is hoped here that thfk present extension of this ee;lsit ;;; arrange hent may the, f' Brunner of others, leading to;lv0.tt the Manchester Guar- dian tt itibes as' a "return to the old traditions of confidence and common ReIlse," Although the new Ford ear has not hi r hv•a Y been eocommonlymouly se e9 0 n the g 't as yet, indirectly it Sas been reopen- sible of late for quite a fsw t.,arti.c.� yams, . "Behind the clouds the sun still 'shines" may yet be used as a slogan to mance t0nrlstH to travel by air. routes. 68,000 Tons of New C.P.R. Line Ships London—The official announcement of the placing mf a contract with Vickers for a large passenger liner for the Orient Line states that the vessel Is to be a 22,000•ton ship, or the largest the Orient Lino have ever ordered and, lncidentally,tb'e largest of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin ship built at Barrow A ship of this Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que„ writes:— "Baby's Own. Tablets aro a wonderful medicine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach high+ class passenger tonnage build- and bowels, and make him plump and Ing, although here and there some of well. I always keep a box of the Tab - the shipping lines have interesting lets in the house and would advise all programs in hand. mothers to do likewise." Most of the For example, on the Clyde ,one of ordinary ailments of childhood arise the most interesting programs Is that in the stomach and bowels, and can of the Canadian Pacific, who have be quickly banished by Baby's Own most of their ships in the water, and Tablets, These Tablets relieve con - time in a few weeks' time will have 00 stipation and indigestion,break u p less than 08,000 ,tons 051 the slipways• colds and simple fevers, expel worms, At Flarland Rc Wolf et Belfast estab allay teething pains and promote lishmeut three aro Nelsen liners, Ring healthful sleep. They are guaranteed liners, a large ss Hite Star liner and to bo free from injurious drugs and a 2''2,000 -ton Union Castle linos. aII are safe even for the youngest and Many At iho re- most delicate child. The Tablets aro MADE HER B r� Y AND WELL PLS Nothing mattes a mother more grate- ful than a benefit conferred upon her mild, Mothers everywhere who have used _Baby's Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusiastic terms character employs about 1,400 nlen for 20 working months. Nowhere in the Brltislf Isles is there enough of this THE ONLY TIAIa TBDTIRD 13Ar. T 0 81 SS A,(' I1 iDlt' .0 Say it with the very latest The Gift That Wise Men V7 Select elect for their Family. � am.S Let your choice be the Rogers Batteryless which has three years of Proven Performance as proof of satis- faction and success. e I3on t Take 'any ChChances—Buy A Rogers, g , and Be Sure! Prices from $215 upward. Convenient Terms. Ask your Rogers dealer for Free Demonstration or write to the Q.R.S. Music Co. Canada Ltd., Toronto. Exclusive Distributors, tastern Canada. Music Week Shows Talent At Brisbane these being motet\snrps. sold by medieine dealers or by mail at muffling sh4pyard in Belfast, that. of 25c. a box from The Dr, Williams' Workman Clark es Co. the completion Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, of the Furness Wallyn10torshtp Der- mnda for the New York -West Indies passenger trade leaves this large ship- - yard almost empty. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible In the Order in Which They Are. Received ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • • APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invarlably Given the Preference Fann Help Supplier The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Deportment of Agriculture for Ontario wile have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Married! Couples Without Children— also Single Men. Farmer. roaulrins help will In, Woll advised to mato only application to Geo." A. •Elliot biretta nt Colonization Porllam1nt emu. Toronto, Ont. File Your Application at Once All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART"- yy I.1 Q�U L3 with ti'^ approval of the Minister of Education. a• DAY AND EVENING GLASSE8 may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given In various trades. The schools and cl'acces are under the direction of Alt ADVISORY COMMITTEE. i•cattcn tar attendance should be trade • to the Principal of tha App) school, COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL ',TRAINING, I-IOUSEHOLD 6QIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High a Departments. Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational nal Schools and bepart , Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education 'nay be obtained irom the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Genius is Weighed on The Scales Browning's question, "What per - ridge had: John Beats?" has been taken up in Franco by physicians, physiologists and authors In an ani- mated dlsoussion of the relationship between genius and corpulency, and especially the effect of good eating upon intellectual activity and acute- ness. The discussion was started by a woman physician, who said that corp- ulent people, as a mile, were mentally dull and eluggishl. This, was sharply challenged, and thus far the contrary seems to have the bettor of it, It is pointed out that Honore de Balzac wee- almost a `emountain of flesh" and that Dumas, Sainte-l3euve, Victor Hugo and Roseint ware well fed and corpulent. Zola is said to have done his best work under the inspiration' of rich and plentiful food, At the present time Mr. Chesterton, Is named as an example of well-fed genius, ttznugh the opposing eeohool points to George Bernard Shaw as 11 contrary ' l ,etanpis 1 C Wood Buffalo are ThA'?"palig i The woad lnl?.fflil-, In their natural habitat in, W"od Buffalo park near F9g1 mdth, N.W.T., continue 'to thrive and multiply. The buffalo in the southern range within Alhcrta are intermixing with those, of tic+ plains' dripped during successive seasons slnee 192'6 from Wainwright Park, Ar;teue.ta. Minard's Liniment for Cohis. Wiley: You told me 5 could drive the ear all over. Hubby; Yes, but you drive it ail over sidewalks apd everything.; Where Talc is Mined The centre of the talc ruining in- dustry in Canada is Madoc,'in Hast- ings county, Ontario, though smaller amounts of talc and soapstone have also boon produced from deposits in the Eastern. Townships, Quebec; in Leeds county am on Eagle Lake, On- tario; in British Columbia; and: in Neve Scotia. 0 The J!tene'd Arany is to wear olive, it Is to be hoped that this will soon lend to its carrying the olive branch (of peace, 1 Though prohibition and liquor are jpeles apart, the fence between them is soon going to be too narrow for ' the most agile politician to slay on. Adel 10 vanishing Canadians -111e' A ` snit h village e b lack g I Watnr-Powe. Sites in CEtnud' T}rc dt'vekprd and undeveluge1 wat8r-Poser e:tes of the dominion if C11n ut 11 tare e'-c.a:sled 1,1 have a rapltc'- itv of titt.197.0se -1 c r e power nine:• cntdttirns of cirtEnary minimum flow,r et- 18.11e.200 lir -1, 1yt r dej enua1,la g Crowds Sin Well Together at :tis: smonthimonthth 0) The year. Like Great Family— Women's Voices Notable Brisbane, Queensland- Briebene re- cently celebrated with notable ea cess its nrst Music s'l'eek on a large scale. Community singing In the lunch hour daily, at his )Iaieriy's Theatre, and band, orc.est-rat (11111 choral concerts every night at the Ex- hibition Hell, marked the program. After the first day or two all shylxi iiia21 nrir 11811.1'Y.1 rebtl up y, news was overcome, and the pcoPl telling sur unit Ni +:rll1 Ire1r. b, r.1n- joined their voices like one great bap- teen malty, rr. o -, .1 mart s. vr.. rat py family. The tone quality of the a11d hc�t warn") , Th."' g' , 'd Sn it tr Yon. Lf ,.. t S ui, In the- tlm1. 1\•rit0 T.l 108 1t1 t,rlil:R(5 (erns - Elutes. Mr 1N IRP 1 ,. Classified Advertisements >wtvsXCAT, zxrs,w'T vaur s �jTl.xl. 1'11U\lt WIASIU1t1u1E 313. r itJ eeltetlons 0115.11 r Sui,.no. Guar- anteed. Polaron. 580 dln,.nt-Royal East Montreal. ELECTn c A1 1. 11 f 01\ 111 .. I(5 I t F 1 1tt1efer . I..,1 t,,,, i •irnl , far ,..1n105 r 1 ,rl inr,n•t,lr• suss pilo:, 121.4 St. , ,...- .� Tt.rento. singing, for a crowd just brought fi from the street, was remarkably good. The gathering sang tunefully, with ex pression, and, when necessary. aban- don. The festival started with a grand concert at Wickham Park by the Ltit- lew Male choir of 80 voices, the tines: male chorus In Australia, and the Municipal 'Concert Ba '1. Every available seat in the huge park wets occupied, and hundreds stood 011 the top of the hill, Promiut:nt musc0! 118 from: the South called the singing here the best in Australia. alis The distinguishing feature has the ati ep tlonally pure tone of the r.c1121-1 ! voices 1) ) -1- LrT'1 IC? YTP•.i,, r,4 Ile na?- 1.S . r u r •: ;tn.!, guarantee eorripl,te < tt 1 , •• i t ti enc), trtosacten. S. -<1, 1:i^g Lantion, (mt. ti:: 11a,U 1.-0KutHl 1'r 1,1 r,f'r f`i„ra. Australian Strike Settled Melbourne, Aus.—The strike Australian dock 'workers which 0878:1' Friday, Dec. 2nd, has been settled. The waterside workers had refused to work overtime under the tetras of an arbi- tration award and Australian ship ping was at a standstill. Mines and; other industries were hampered and it was estimated that 50,000 workers were immediately affected, -- Keep Mlnard'e Liniment in the house. One does not have to be a financier to participate In the most worth- while kind of expansion of credit— crediting the other fellow or the other nation with decent motives. Bore is the latest fish story: Photo- graphers have been taking pictures of a new star—no, no, not at Holly- wood, but of one in the constellation ot Pisces! Dr. Henry van Dyke Says that free verve "Is not really free.” Well, you can't get something for nothing. Hold their edges longer in. hard service. Outwear other makes and are therefore much urorecconomical anclb cttcr. Orders foreither style shipped promptly'. SIMONI1O CANADA SAW CO- * Lvrr sod trepl Toronto ..ton Vanaourcr SI:. . jam 2-27 .........ae•-.—,.,* The sea, $°I'l1l'e1;al�n l` C,1511)..nl t 1Lar Lc:.. .111(1 i-'.. 1-r..-.c'S. MIMS AUL OVEN R0 Y Two More Cases of Feminine 111.1 I508S Relieved by Lydia F. Fisk , bam's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S.—"i had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side itches and patens all over my body. I would, have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work • for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place, I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, end then got a little book about itthrough the mail and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, and then we got More from the store. I ares feeling tine now and do all my worn and am able to so out around more: I tell my friends it isLyyydiaE. Pinkham's Veg- etable Comppoound that makes me feel so well. "--Mrs, V1CTO1t 121C1HARDSON,1 Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. -- "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham`s Vege-' table Compound and found gr at rhe', lief from the dull, heavy ps in email of my back and the weakness.; from which I suffered for live yearn after my bay was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkbaln s Sanative Wash y am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and. advise :my frier is'to take it. "—Mrs,F. JOntesoN, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. O 5.1—'27 !ASLIB No.