HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-22, Page 1evi/OLE SERIES, VOL. 49, No. 51.
Christxras. Mixed Candies
Chocolates, Caramels arid
Creams mixed 35ca lb,
Fahey ;Boxes froiia 25e up
Extra I+"aney Baskets
Sugar Canes Erid other
See our window display
Confectionery and 1 est aura t
This seems like an awful .cut in prise.
A glance at the beautiful China
and Glassware on which we offer
this reduction, will convince that.
it is an awful cut, and at just
the time when most needed ,et
Christmas. The lot comprises
Cups and Saucers,` Nappies, Fruit
Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Sugar
Bowls, Plates, etc, All at HALF
J�Catcaroni, 3 lbs.. for 25e
French Peas, per tin 15e
JELLY POWDERS. --Pure Gold .re-
gular 10c at ..........4 for 25c
RAISINS. -We have Seeded, Puffed,
'Turkish, Sultanas, Smyrna Sul-
tanas, Australian 'Bleached Sul -
w tanas, Select Vaiencias, Double
Selects, Australian Lexias and
Table Clusters.
Cross & Blackwell's Peels, Emperor
Grapes and Seedless Navel Or-
eles and Fea-
thers taken in ed xchange for goods
Phone Phor Phood 166
• The report on overtures was intro-
duced by Rev. A, 'Mac
overture to restore the status of
ministers on the General Assembly's
Board of Administration to accord'
with the long constituted usage of
Church, of equal numbers of clergy
and laity, was approved. An over-
ture that the General Assembly meet
biennially instead of annually, and.
that the powers of Synods be enlarg-
ed, was disapproved. An ,overture
that the word "sincerely" be included
as qualifying the word "'believe" in
the formula to be signed at the•ordin-
ation, or induction, or reteptio of a
minister, was approved.
The report of the treasurer was
presented by Mr. F. G. 'Weir, of
Goderich, and the Auditor's report by
Mr. 'Henry Strang, of Usborne. The
books showed a balance over the ex-
penditures of bhe year of $35.37.
The allocations for the Presbytery,
Synod and General Assembly Fund
were adopted to accord with those of
the past year.
Rev. R. C. McDermid laid the bud-
get report before Presbytery and
showed the encouraging progress and
response upon the part of all congre-
gations toward reaching a reasonable
Budget amount of $7,000, and cam
plimented a number of the congrega-
tions upon their splendid record its
giving to the schemes. In adopting
the report the members of Presby-
tery expressed their praise of Knox
Church, Goderich, and its esteemed
minister, for having attained an hon -
arable position among even the larg-
est congregations of the Church' in
budget contributions.
Some time was given to the discus-
sion of the Ministers' Widows', and
Orphans' Fund, which is being plac-
laned upon an actuary bis by
the Gen-
eral Assembly by which
who contributes according to his
rates will receive a retiring allowance
of $1,000 per annum at the end of 40
years of service, and a Minister's
widow will receive $500 per annum.
The Fund is being reorganized and
endowed, and will be known as the
Pension Fund of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada. The discussion of
the plan in its details was left over, to
a later meeting. Authority was given
Rev. A, Macfarlane, interim modera-
tor, to organize a Session in Bruce -
field congregation. The Presbytery
adjourned. to meet in Clinton on the
3rd Tuesday of Feb. at 10.30 a.m.
The Presbytery of Huron held its
regular December meeting in the.
Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on
Tuesday, the 1311: inst. The Moder-
ator, Rev. R. C. McDermid, of Gode-
rich, presided. The Rev, '3, W.
Goodwill, B.A., formerly of Cobourg,
who was recently inducted into the
pastoral charge of Blyth and Auburn,
was introduced to the court by the
�legIm moderator, Rev. Alfred Mac-
-/dr a'ne, of Clinton, Mr. Goodwill
begins his ministry in his new charge
with a people who have won front
Presbytery the finest expressions of
praise for their courage, loyalty and
+may„^ ,4340232 _-•^3•i3isaia - =.SIDa*1...'�.f"'• .+ "" otaVI
CHOOL. I3vdson 336, Alex. 'Butler 335, Keith
Buek 332, Dorothy Fraser 316,' Chars
Elsie Drover 64, Mary Reid .601
Eileen Chapman 577,,, Bessie Edgar
577, Betty Southgate. 576, John Card]
no 560, Velma Quail 554 (rec.), S'e=
wart Cudmore . 539, Helen Rankin
537 (rec.), Edwin Hawkins 515, Elva
Oke 513, Blanche Crowell 463,
Grace Free 518, Helen Sclater 593, Grieve, Floyd Pinkney,. Mary Sgrgrist,
Pearl Reeves 499, Arthur Golding Helen Chamberlain, Jrntntie }'Veleh,
476, Billie Flctt 453, •. Evan .Rennie Mao Hodgson,' Alex. .Baker, Gene -
443, Charlie ]cinder 407, Kenneth vieve Hawkins.
Beattie 403, Billie Cudmore 400, Cor- Pass. -Viola Dolmage, Roy
rine Habitant 400, Jack Stevens. 394, Eileen Utley, Charlie Woods,
Iva Crowell 366, Edith Ferguson 346, Seierist, Belem Fraises; Evelyn
Dorothy Dodds 273, George Hays
E. R. Crawford, Principal.
lie Bateman 313, Donna. Mole 310,
Millie Walmsley and Helen Edler 291,
:Madeline Smillie 260,:. Harold Free
224 Bobby Barlow 207, Allan I3o1-
.mage 198, ;Jack McNab "1.43.
E. H, .Elder, Teacher.
JFc>tiors aHeleYt. Cheoros, Dorothy
Peterson and Jean Dungey equal,
David Stewart, Alastair Wigg, David
(Total 500, honors 375, 60 per
cent -300.)
1Winnifred' Savauge 453, Jimmie
Scott 443, Harry Sheffer 409, Leo
Joynt 387, Jack Wright 381, Grace
Kramer 366, Irene Aberhart 347, Lulu
Hart 333, Ross Rennie 327, Edna
Bateman 311, *Maxie Hudson 301,
Jack Hothain 275, Charlie Cudmore
254; Patsy Southgate and Jeannette
Joynt (equal) 245; *Vera Mole 235,
Dorothy Davis 233, Eleanor Hender-
son 231, Helen 'RolP h 190,Ross Mc
Nab 185,Elizabeth Stepenson 175
*Frank Grieve 144, *Lila Wiltse 117,
*Roydon Hawkins 11.6.
Those marked * missed one or two
examinations. The following missed
more than two examinations -Ian
Mac'Tavish, Fred Barlow and Mary
M. W. Mackay, Teacher.
('Honors 625; pass 4S5.)
Keith Sharp 765, Stewart Plant 751,
Helen McLean 729, Mildred Cudmore
729, Dorothy Drover 728, Edna Smith
718, Douglas H. Stewart 680, •jean
Pinder 655, Conrad Crawford 638,
Douglas M. Stewart 633, Stanley Dor-
ranee 625, Leona Box 614, Dorothy
Parke 612, Florence Knight 596, La-
belle Hawkins 594, Ross Allen 593,
Dorothy Hudson 589, Helen Peterson
577. Garnet Free 544,. Blanche Wiltse
540, Howard Seigrist 524, Marths
Wi;he 521, Gordon McKellar 487,
Gladys Holmes 477, Claire Buck 476,
Gordon Welsh. 471, Craig Blick 431.
Missed part of the examination,
Jean Pearson, Ethel Hoggarth, Jack
Dorrance, Robert Venus, Gordon Mc-
Kellar, Claire Buck.
Maude Hartry, Teacher.
On Friday , December 16th, John
Horan died at his home, following a
short illness.
The funeral was held on Monday
morning at 9:15 at St. James' Church,
where Requiem Mass was sung by
Rev. E, F, Goetz, thence to St. James'
cemetery, where interment was made.
He leaves to mourn his loss ,Itis
wife, two sons and three daughters:
John of Vancouver, Louis of Seattle.
Mrs, C. R. Hall, Toronto; Cecilia of
Queen's University, Kingston, and
Marguerite at home.
The pall -bearers were Messrs, Wm,
Golding, Geo. Sills, Thos. Purcell,
Albert Filler, James Purcell and
R. G. Parke.
--•a>swamxr, ,.. noels nranarmm,m s,yw, r '.AsmZA- -` +a' C
We have the usual splendid range of Christmas Slippers.
in Slipper er tit r�
'[31tie Sutt .� , U0
Sec the Black, Bose and 1. p
Another line in ,American Beauty and Oopen $1.50
Slippers at $1.00, $3.37 in leather and felt for ladies
A full range of Hlockey Shoes at low prices
Club Tangs, Suit Cases, Hat Boxes male splendid gifts,
Visit our Slipper Booth and malt() early selections and
have diem put away
Missed exams. -Iris Deem,
Mactavish, Donald Mactavish, 1Mar-
garet Barlow,'
G. McPhee, Teacher.
The Yule -tide spirit is never just
quite, the same without a real get-
together, full of enjoyment. Anticipat-
ing this and feeling that the people,of
Seaforth and yicinity demand some-
thing, at this holiday season, of .the
best class, the Lions Club are giving
a Christmas Ball an Monday eve.,
Dec. 26th, at $ 30 p.m. in the G.W.
Club. Over two months ago
they engaged the Orpheus Orchestra
of London far this occasion. This is
without doubt the premier orchestra
of Western Ontario. Invitations have
been sent out and if inadverkently
your name, or visitor's, has been miss-
ed, just mention it to any member of
the Lions Club or still better come
along anyway, as all are welcome. So
just remember the date, Monday eve.,
Dec. 26th, and make this a real
Christmas reunion.
Honors 489, pass 390. Jack Ran-
kin 576, Dorothy Golding 573, Mary
Johnstone 570, Jack Cheoros 550,
'Marjorie Wigg 537, Martha Story 519,
Ted Southgate 504, Jessie Archibald
501, Lillian Reeves 496, Van Bell 483,
Jimmie Cluff 478, Billy Box 467, Glen
Pinkney 455, Hughie Oke 447, George
Welsh 444, Helen Crich 439, Dora
Welch 434, George Pender 418, Char-
lie Peterson 394, Rollie Stewart 348,
Mary Dolmage 293, Janet Baker 270,
Carl Knight 248. Absent, Nellie
Reeves, Mary Howes,.•- Kenneth Ad-
J. R. Hays, Teacher.
Total 400. Mary Holmes 393, Jim-
mie Elliott 392, Alice Hudson 378,
Howard Carroll 377, Merle Keating
and Barry Spencer 376, Edna Plant
367, Roy Oke 365, Geraldine Utley
361, Leone Hotham 358, Mac South-
gate 350, Jack Drover 345, Muriel
Ow Saturday, Dec. 17th, Mr, Thos.
E. Hays received the felicitations of
his many friends from far end near,,
it being the occasion of his 89th
$1,.A YEAR,
"Then came the merry -makers in
And carols roared with blithesome din
If.unmelodioes was the song
It was a hearty note and strong.
Who lists may in.their mumming see
Paces of ancient mystery."
(Sir Walter Scott).
It has been the privilege of the Eg-
mondviile choir this year to revive the
old, old custom of carol -singing, a
custom, the "ancient mystery" ' of
which should ,in some measure at
least, prove an antidote to the com-
mercialism of the Christmas festival.
So on two glorious Canadian winter
nights this week, they turned them-
selves into a band of "waits" and ser-
enaded the shut-ins of the Egntond-
vi11e congregation and other friends.
Fifteen utiles or more were covered
in their itinerary, but two good stout
teams of horses soon covered this
distance, and the fun increased the
further the party went. From the
welcome , received everywhere me-
thinks the good folk did not find that
"unmeiodious was the song" and if
1 they enjoyed it half as much as the
carollers did themselves, then the
latter will feel well repaid.
North Side llnto
REV. W. P. LANE, Minister, C. A. HOWEY, Director & Organist
Special Christmas Services
It A,M. Public Worship. -Organ , "Joy to the .'World," (Handel)
Anthem, "Christian Awake, Salute the Happy Morn," ("Maunder)
soloists, Mrs. Westcott end 'Mr. Sillery. Anthem, "0 Colne All Ye
"Faithful" (Novello) soloist, Mrs. Hopper, Organ, "Noel, Ecossais"
(Guilrnant), Christmas carol in the Scotch style.
2:30 P.M.,.S.S. and Bible Classes. -Christmas Program,
7 P.M. Public Worship, --The Choir will render
1, The Lord is Come. (Opening Chorus by the Choir)
Soloist 1fr. A. Sillery
2 Harps of Golti (Trio for Women's Voices)
Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Tyerman
.i. The Shepherds (Choir, Tenor Recitative, Women's Voices)
Mr. Bateman, 'Miss Johnsoo, Mrs. Lane, Miss Goveniock,
Mrs, Tyerman.
4. Eternal Kin,,- (Alto Solo, Bass Solo, Choir)
Mrs, Bechely, Mr. Chamberlain,
5. VI isms of Glory .. ....... (Soprano and Alto Duet, Choir)
Mrs. Lane and Mfrs, Tyerman,
6. Unto us a Child is Born . . (Choir)
7. The King is Born . , .. , , , .. , (Bass Solo) 'MrChamberlain
8. A Christmas Lullaby (Alto solo, Soprano and Alto duet, Trio,
Quartet) Miss Goventock, Mrs, Westcott, Mr, Bateman and Mr.
9. 'Christmas Bells (Choir).
,10. Night of Nights (Solo) Mr. ,Batcrttan
'11. All Hail (Choir)
12. God so T.ovest the World , .. , (Alto Solo and Choir) Mrs, Bechely
13. Arise, 'Shine (Choir)
is just around the corner calling you. And its call is surely one to be ready for after
all. We certainly cannot afford ,to let the great joy season of the year pass and fail to
be givers as well as partakers of the Christmas joys and so following the example of
the wise men of the first Christmas we give gifts. To aid you in your giving we have
prepared our Christmas gift goods in such a much larger and more varied way' than
ever e that we know you will -like this store better than ever todo
shopping in We simply cannot describe the volume and array of good gifts so we
just illustrate a few as suggestions and ask you to follow the trail to this "Gift Shop"
where large and varied selections, low prices and good values await you.
.Beautilnl 'Chime Clocks for
the home ..........,$45.00
Vanity Cases and
t'aa,pacts, $1.00 up
solid Gold. $7,00 up,
Emblem Rings
Silver Sandwich Plates and
Roll Trays ....... • . • • •14.00
Princess and Crest Diamond
Kings, absolutely guaranteed as
to quality and value, $25.00 up
141c Solid Gold Ilia and
Bar Pins, 020.00
Beautitul Wedding Rings
"Forget -me -nut" and "Orange
Blossom" $10.00 up
Gents' Wrist W-filland
15 jewel, guaranteed watcatch, h $1000 P
China Plates with silver
handles, special at 81.00
Waterman F'ouutaiti
$2.75 tap
Waterman or Wahl Pen and
Pencil Sets. $3.75 up
Lades' Wrist Watch, finest quality in
16 jewel, white or green gold,$15.00 up
Gold filled Knives for
Our Special Ladies' Watch, 15
gentlemen, $2.00 up jewel. green or white gold •$8.00
„Olt, s4,2÷::*,..
.71., �
Beautiful Si!:,'t• Butter Dish
with knife, 81.75
Irinest quality of Ladies' Pearl
Necklets, bcantifuliy boxed. al
$5.00 up
Gents' Sia tlot $, solid
i_,.cid, stony set, white or. green
gold $5,00 up
Out Special Gents' Pocket Watch 17 Jewels Gold Filled nls,riltittily guaranteed
makes au idt•ttl gift. Beautiful lvciris Toilet Ware in ''cirri tone. ColorsPearl
Blur', Bose.Ur,:y, Jlaize or Orchid colors is situply wonderful for 1 tett::+s. Every
articles Wet still i' positively guaranteed eta to quality :enc; Value, Tide 'ear the
dainty t:,.,es un.tli our jewelry and wittelres are exceedingly rtie'o. littltistvci
have :turf, t:sst'd 011 prc'viotts years. Fiira.11y we eordi ally invite ytnt tet visit this
store during the closing days of the Christmas SJeoppitt. 5c,0satn. Y iiia will be
well repaid ati.id you will enjoy it,
Phone 194.
Res. 10
A 8 _ Cwt 8
Jeweler and Optician
0 pposite Post Office
-ADO ft Shop,