HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-15, Page 8MENSALL,
Council Meeting. The regular
monthly meeting of the •Village Cotnt-
ell was held on Montlay evening of
this week, with' all the members pres-
ent and the reeve. u the chair, The 1
minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted on Onetime of Cam-
eron and Consitt, Mr. J.• W. Ort-
wein and Mr. 'Win. Jones were pres-
ent atthe meeting interviewed the
Council as to the Council taking over
the former Methodist church stied and
making it a community shed. Mr.
Ortwein stated that the trustees of
the United 'Church had met and talk-
ed the matter over. Mr. Ortwein said
that the shed was getting out of re-
pair and also needing lighting and
police supervision and offered to have
the shed property transferred to -the
town to be used as a community
shed. The different members .of the
'Council discussed the matter with
Mr. Jones and Mr. Ortwein . and.
Councillor Higgins moved that the
Council accept the offer of the trus-
tees, and that iReeve Geiger and
Councillors Cameron and Consitt be
a committee to meeta committee. of.
the United Churchtrustees to ar-
rrange the details of the transfer, This
motion was seconded by Councillor
Priest•and carried, A communicas
tion was received from. Mrs. Alice
Joynt, asking that her dog tax be re-
funded, her dog having died in July.
As she had the dog for at least half of
this year, no "action was taken. A
communication from Libby- 11MeNei1
,dLibby of Chatham asking for a re-
fund on taxes on their plant which
was moved away early in the sum-
mer. It was decided by. the Council
to accept half of this year's taxes for
a settlement. A communication from
Miss Kate McEwan was read as to
water from the Thos. Welsh drain
flooding her land and asking for re-
lief. The reeve promised to discuss
the matter with Mr. Welsh. The clerk
said he had notified Tuckersmith Tp.
council as to costs of the 'Hensen
fire department, and put in a bill for
$30 for chemicals and other expenses
incurred, The clerk stated that he
had received no reply, the township
council of Tuckersmith not being
eourtedus enough even to reply to
the communication. The council de-
cided to take 00 further action in the
matter and it is very probable that
in the future that the people of the
south end of Tuckersmith will be
allowed to fight their own fires. A
communication from the fire depart-
ment stating they intend holding a
cont,nunity'Christmas tree in front of
the Town Hall, on Friday afternoon,
Dec. 23rd.. and as they intend leaving
the tree up for several days they ask-
ed the Council for lighting privileges.
The request was granted, Councillor
Priest being appointed to arrange for
the lighting. A. numbers c,1 accounts
were passed. Councillors Higgins and
.Priest who were appointed a commit-
tee to took after the laying of the
sidewalk to Dr. I)otigall's horse on
South Richmond street. were a'ked
to have the sidewalk finished it pos-
sible this year. The Council then ad-
journed • meet again on Thursday,
Dee. Hill. for their final meeting.
A ties hid s1s ing match took
place en the peek grounds ai, Dec. 9
and was largely attended despite the
severity ef ihe weather. Joseph Hilt
of 'foronlo won the silver cup. Pols
tossing is the ore -Slot at 45, Sam.
Vance 43, F. Kerr 40, Jas. Vance 37.
IL Ketclunan 3h, Dr, Ili;,e 35, W.
Hodge. 33, J. Quick 24; ,het at 25, Joe
Hill 23; shot at 35, R. Day. 22; shot at
25. T. T-illnran i; shet. at 10. Jno. Belt
6, S. Dougall 6.
:Hiss Marie foster. who as been
working in Kitchener for the past
few months, returned home on Mon-
day, where she will stay for a couple
of weeks.
Miss Hattie Sutherland risited in
1.,tn.lon this week.
Mr. 'Wm. Stone of Detroit visited
i i town this week.
Mr, Wilson McLean of Kentucky
visited over the week end with his
another, :firs. Wm. McLean.
At the meeting of 11u: Coun-
ty counciI last week, Mr. Gordou
Young, of Colborne, was appointed
treasurer of the County, Mr. Wm
Lane, the present treasurer. having
resigned. Robt. Higgins, of 'Hen
sail, and Alex. Porterfield, clerk of
the tp. of E. Wawanosh, will audit
the county books the first week in
January before the new treasurer
takes hold of the position.
The Young I'eople of the Hensel!
Anglican Church entertained the Ex-
eter Anglican church league .,n Mon-
day evening, the young people of Ex-
eter league giving a delightful pro-
gram, Afterward a dainty lunch was
provided hy the Hensall League.
lage,•are going to leave on Friday ifor
Toronto to spend the Winter. They
think it is too cold Isere and go south
for winter but are always glad to re-
turn in the spring.
Mr, and Mrs. James Mc'Clymont
spent the week end with their daugh-
ter, Mr, and Mrs. Terryberry of north
Mss Mabel Whiteman left the past
week to spend a few weeks in .Cor -
The last meeting of the Y.P,S, of
the year will be held on Friday even-
ing, December 16th, : in the Sunday
school room. These meetings are very
interesting and wish more of the
young people would attend:
The annual meeting elf L.O.L. No,
1035, was held last Thursday night,
Dec. 1st., when the election of officers
took place, and resulted as. follows:
Wor. M., Bro, J. W. Johnston; Dep.
M., 'Wan, a. Stephenson; Chaplain,
Chas, Stephenson; IRec. Sec„ Melvin
E. Clarke; Fin, Sec., Percy Johnston;
Treasurer, George Johnston; 1st
Lect., Roy' Keys; 2nd Lect. Russel'
.Erratt; Dir. of C., Elmer' Webster;
First Coni„ Chas, C. Pilgrim; Com-
mittee, Bros. •George Clarke; Nelson
Reid, Robert Webster, I-Iarry :Hayter;
Sick con., Geo. Clarke, J. B. Rath -
well, Chas. Stephenson; Tylers, Ell-
wood Epps, Watson Webster; care-
taker, Albert Robertson, The .offic-
ers were duly installed by R. Wor.
County Master J. B. Rathweil. The
lecture was repeated by Bros. Roy
Keys and Russel Erratt.
The many friends of Lir. T. Stin-
son, Jr., will be sorry to know he is
at present in Seaforth hospital and
we hope soon to see hint home again.
Mr. and Mrs, McAsh of London
spent the week end with friends here.
Mrs. C. Weekes returned with them
to spend the winter in the city.
Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty of
London also spent Sunday at their
home here,
Mr. W. Taylor made a shipment of
cattle to Buffalo last week.
Mr. M. Elliott shipped live stock to
Toronto Saturday.
Note.—:Owing to Dec. 20th being
the date of concert in Hillsgreen,
the Varna Anglican Church people
have changed . their date from Dec.
20 to Wed„ Dec. 21st, so don't forget
the date. We do not have so many
entertainments that two must come.
ea the same night, so be sure to note
the change in date and come on Wed.,
Dee. 21st and enjoy a 35c laugh.
The annual meeting of .L.O.L. No.
813 was held in their lodge room at
Winthrop on Dec. 7th. The election
and inetallatinn of officers was con-
ducted by Pat Master Bro. W. 1.
Kinney. The reeult of the election
is: as follows, \\'.M., Bro. Adrian.
,'nogg D.M„ Bro. Irwin Trewartha;
Chaplain, Bro, John 'Pethick; Rec.
Sec-,.Bro. Percy Little; Fin. Sec„ Bro.
i S. 'Shannon: Treas., Bro. W. J.
Kinney; 1st Leet, Bro. Ferg. Bullard;
2nd Lect. tiro. John Campbell; Dir.
f Ce Lr,'. John Ballard: 1st Cotn.,
eine t re t Sia le t, land, Bro. W. J..
sn:i >,,00..3i 1, fio. George Eaton;
4th, Bro. Hiram Shannon; 5th, 'Bro.
Neil Montgomery; Auditors, Bros.
Neil 'Montgomery and Percy Little.
The t a t1r,' Aid and W. M. S. regu
ar r 1 , ammo! a m.o! meeting and election
f officers sae held last week in the
'011501110 of the church with Mrs. C.
hiller presiding. The meeting open-
pened ho singing Hymn 752. The Scrip -
;ere ,essmi from the 67th psalm wee
teed by Mrs Alexander. After tate
r'Il all, reports from treasurers of
Ladies' Aid and W.M.S., the minutes
were read and adopted, followed by
liyin n 388. A reading was given by
Miss Bessie Illanaltar,i, followed by
\;esseuger pryer by Mrs. Ii. "Ilan-
!' chard. After -everal business items,
ihe election of officers t,,ok place as
..odtows: President, Mrs. J. Simpson;
1st Vice, Mre. A. Cuthill; 2nd Vice,
{ilii, R. McFarlane; L.A. ']'reds., Mrs.
R. Campbeil Sec„ Mee. C. Hiller;
hill; u -
lye See.` Mrs.`Al xander;s. utTreas Sex-
petue fund, Mrs. R. McFarlane; Or-
ganist. Miss 13. Blanchard; visiting
:nuntittee, Mrs, W. Trewartha an:I
I Miss McNeil. The meeting closed by
mgiitg - hymn 579 and the Lord's
r lyer Its unison. Tlte-atntirersary services held in
V area Church last Sabbath were well
\\ e. are sorry to hear that Mr. It'.
‘vin Trewartha is eenflned to his bed
I and ander the doctor's tare. We hope
sen him nit. again soon.
['he "Glee Club' met at the home
of :,ars Percy Little last week. The
i evening w1, titient its progressive
euchre. - Perewinners were: For
utast games, Miss .lean. Holland a
hand -painted cream and sugar set.
The corer lata n, a dower vase, went
to Mfrs J- Smith. After the games a
dainty iimclt was served by the
hostess. •
Don't f.,rg t the. ; lauee to be held
in the hall this Friday night. Music
by Ludwig Serenulers.
A Cltristnia, tun•e-rt and chicken
simper will be held in the church on
Thursday evening, Dee. 22, Come
with tern crowd.
A'fr. I Jarrett manager of the Kip-
pen eleent r, had the misfortune one
day ri centle get caught in the
macuin,.ry and helve nig arm broken
and was badly ,e e. tken up. \Ve all wish
Ikea eiteely recovery.
Mr. awl lire. James tMeDonald arid`
daughter, Margaret, intend leaving
shortly on a two months' visit with
friends at the I a. itic Coast.
Miss Grace McGregor or has retstroed
from a very pleasant visit with friends
Kippr r bee ring held its annual
tneetin„..on Monday .evening hast and
made arrangements for the comisig
The funeral of the late Thomas
Kyle was held en Monday last from
St. Andrew's Church and was one of
the largest ever seen in this vicinity,
Interment was made hi Baird's ceme-
tery.Mr. Kyle had a very wide ac•
quaintance and was popular through-
out the community, many coning a
distance, Rev. Mr. Conner, assisted
by Rev. Mr. McElroy of Hensel'
conducted the services. Mrs. Kyle
and .sons have the sympathy of the
entire community.
Mr. W. Butt of Seaforth is visiting
with his two sons, Edgar and Thomas
of the village.
Mrs. Anderson 'left on Monday to
spend a few weeks with her daugh-
ter in London,
Miss Olive Anderson spentaa d y in
London',during the past week. STAFFA.
Mrs. W. Hays of Niagara Falls is Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien, of 7ur-
spending a few days with her sister
here. 'h, and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivison of the vtl- visited Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien on
Mr. and Mr Cecil Oke and iau-
s;hter Carrie, r ,,ted at the hos of
Mr. Harry C,nleman on Sunday.
Miss Agnes Cochrane, of Clinton.
's visiting her :;inter. Mfrs. Harry
Christmas practicing is the order
of the they now. Miss Welsh is pre-
paring for a real treat to the com-
munity to be held in the school room
'on the evening of December 22nd.
Mr. Geo. Coleman spent the week-
end in Toronto, combining business
with pleasure,
Don't forget the Christmas enter-
tainment to he held in Hillsgrceni
church on Tuesday evening, Dec. 20.
Program consisting of recitations.
monologue, singing and also the
"Christmas Guest” will be presented
and a dialogue entitled "An Old
'ashiatted Quilting Party." Be sure
to come.
,We are sorry to report :that Mrs,
H. 1 olding has been cogfined to her
bed through illness,
The Sunday school entertainment
will be, held on Christmas night
( Monday), in the church, A play will
be given by the Young People, also
drills and recitations by the children.
The annual meeting of the W.M.S,
fret on Tuesday afternoon at tate
home of Mrs, Jno, 'Leary. ; An inter-
esting feature of the afternoon was
the presentation of a life membership
certificate to Mrs. I -I, Sntale from the
Society, The election results were:
President, Nit's. H. Corrie; Vice Pres„
Airs, L. Butson; Recording Sec„ Mrs.
3, Leary; Corresponding Sc.,e+ Miss
Vera Hambley; Literature Sec,, Mrs.
G. Vivian; Associate Helpers Sec.,
Miss Vera Leary; Strangers' Sec.,
Mrs, F. O'Brien; Sec. of Stewardship,
Mrs, J. E. Jones; Birthday Sec,, Mrs.
F. I:Iantbley; Mite Box Sec., Mrs. H.
Smale; Pianists, 'Misses Vera Hamb-
ley and Vera Leary,
Mrs, +Geo. Moon is visiting friends
at Exeter.
Miss Nelllie Xlornibrook left for her
home in Ireland on. Friday where she
will spend Christmas on the old sod,
The Missionary Society of Knox
and Burns churches met at the home
of Mrs, John Nott last Friday. Owing
to bad weather the attendance was
not as large as usual.
Mr. Tom Moon of Princeton spent
Sunday the guest of his. sister, Mrs
Jim McCool.
Much sympathy is extended to Mr.
H. Adams and family in the death of
Mrs. Adams.
Mr. John Cunningham of Windsor
called on friends in the village on Sat-
Miss Emily Little of Clinton spent
the week end at her home here,
Mr, Fred Johnston, painter for the
C.N.R., spent Sunday at his home in
the village.
Mrs. D. D. Roberton spent a couple
of days in London last week.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church
will hold a ten -cent tea at the home
of Mrs. Fred, Johnston on Tuesday,
Dec, 13th.
Miss Olive Lyon of Chatham spent
Sunday with friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Nott and family call-
ed on Auburn friends on Sunday.
Mr. Thos. Purcell and his ;father
arrived home from Detroit last week
where Mr. Martin Purcell has been
taking treatment from a specialist.
He is much improved but still in a
weak condition.
'Messrs. Joe and J. M. Eckert were
visitors in our burg this week.
The late rains have caused the frost
to come out of the ground and have
left the road, in'a bad condition and
has filled the pine swamp with water.
'Phe wind and storm last Thursday
caused considerale damage. Thomas
McKay got a surprise when one of
Ids large windows was taken out of
Isis residence and the furniture was
turned tnpsy turvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster, also
Mrs. 'Coleman, of Varna. Miss Kate
Sheppard and Mrs. Steepe, of Clin-
ton, visited at the house of Mr. A. W.
Beacom on Monday" afternoon last.
Mr. James Leiper and his brother,
Mr. Wm. Leiper. also Guy Leiper,
lfare i.1 and Bert Beacom, Wm. Ham-
ilton and \\'m. Knox visited the
s;uelph Winter Fair last Wednesday.
Mice Margaret Hawkins, of Blyth,
spent the week -end with her friends,
Misses s Amy and Ena Parsons.
Miss Jean Twyford, of 'Clinton, vis-
ited with :Miss Marjorie McEwing
..ver the week -end.
Miss Laura and Mr. Harold Bea-
com left Saturday to spend a few days
w .tl, relatives in Grey township.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watt visited
at the home of the latter's mother
and hither, Mr. and MIs, Angus 'Reid
on Sunday.
Miss Isabel and Les. Reid visited
a; the house of Mr. Alex, McEwing
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid visited
Jim Campbell, +11 Winthrop on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mies Marjorie Colson visited her
friend, Miss label Reid, on Sunday
Burns S. S. held their annual
C'hri.tmas tree at Burns church on
Friday evening, Dec. 9th. A good
programme consisting of dialogues,
leets, recitations, etc„ was given, the
opening .and closing numbers being
choruses hy, the Sunday school chil-
lit d Claus pleased the kids by
telirn+ eoree stories, after which the
rias were distributed from the Christ-
mas tree and a splendid hunch was
Burns 5, S. and church intend to
hell .r series et these gatherings dur-
ing the winter, from house to house,
ii the -weather keeps favnrabte,
\fids Vera - Dunlop has returned
home after :spending :a week with
Mrs. A. Radford, of .Blyth.
.',. Dale and Mr. P. Dunlop are
hits' cutting wood.
The farmers armiud the village
who attended the Guelph hair last
week, report a good day.
,tr. and Airs. T. H. Snell and Bea-
trice visited at Mr. and "Mrs. Wns,
e.'1, lay's on Sunday.
A number frum here attended the
anniversary at Caven Church on Sun-
Mr. and ,Mrs, A. Nicholson visited
Mr, and Mrs. Rnbt. Campbell, of
Winthrop, on Sunday, and also at -
.'ended the anniversary at the church.
Mfr. Thomas Pollard left last Wed-
nesday for treatment at the London
hospital. Mr•. Prllard's many friends
hone for a speedy recovery,
Mrs. Ernest Ellwood and little date
;liter are at present visiting her sis-
ier, Mrs, ,Joseph Riley.
Mrs. Howard Armstrong and datt-
•hter snetit Sunday rvhh her parent -
\f". and Mrs. Wm. Clarke,
Aire. Benj. Riley spent a day with
`ier daughter, Mfrs. John Manns.
Mr. Charles WiPaletd has beer:
isit+ng- friends in Clinton.
Mr, and Mrs, John Scott and fan
ly attended the funeral of his bro-
Out Rock Candy lb. , . . . 15c
Special Mixed Candy ib. 15c
Chocolate Candy Ib. 20c
Cream Candy lb. 20e
Fresh: Mixed Nuts lb... 20e
Manitoba ]Flour $3,19
Big Sixty Beef Meal $4.79
Guru's Tankage 60 per cent$3.69
Gunn's Oyster Shell $1.50
Redpath Sugar $6.69
It will pay you to buy from
t4 91
ther, Mr. R'obt. Scott , of Brussels,
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glazier and
son Will, and Mr, and Mrs. Elwyn
Pickard, of Clinton, paid a flying visit
to the village on Sunday.
Mr. Thos. Livingstone attended the
U.F.O. convention it Toronto last.
Mrs. Ed. Britton spent a few days
with her sister Mrs Ivy Henderson,
of Egmondville, over the week -end.
Messrs. Andrew and Benj. Snell;
Geo. Wheatley and Mr. Peter Dodds
attended the funeral of the late Rob-
ert Scott, of Morris, last week. Mr,
Scott was a brother of John Scott, of
Hallett and had been in ill health for
some time.
The Sunday school ,intend holding
their Christmas tree on Friday even-
ing, Dec. 23rd,
Mrs. Fred Miller, of the 10th con
Logan, has purchased the house and
lot front Mrs. Wm. Drager in the vil-
lage and will take her aged parents,
who reside in Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Puchilburg, to stay with her.
Mr, Wm. Koehler lost a valuable
cow on Monday. Dr. Honze of Mit-
chell, opened the carcase and found a
big abscess to be the cause.
Mr, and Mrs. John Keihne from
near Rostock called on the latter's
mother, Mrs. Christian Regele, on
Monday last.
Mr. Wm, Hoegy had a gang of wo-
men engaged last Monday -killing
geese and dressing same for market.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gross and son
Harold, from Hallett, were visiting
with the latter's parents on Sunday
Mr. H. D. Steckle has just complet-
ed a new up-to-date poultry house.
During the recent gale of Thursday
morning last Mr. F. Watson's silo was
blown down. Owing to the failure of
the corn crop the silo was empty and
fell an easy prey to the devastating
The pupils of S.S. No. 7 are busy
practising for a little Christmas en.
tertainment to be held in the school
hoose Thursday afternoon, Dec. 22.
'Butchering is the order of the day
on the Parr line.
Miss Opal Foster, who has been
nursing at Windsor, was sick, but we
are glad to hear that she, is improving.
Mr. Ruesel Coleman, accompanied
by Mr, and Mrs. Ephriant Clarke of
Constance, and Mrs. Geo. Johnston
of Varna, motored to London las+
Monday and attended the funeral of
Mr. Smith, Mrs. Russel Coleman's
Turner united Church are having
their anneal Christtnas tree and en-
tertainment on Friday ev'g, Dec, 23.
Mr. J. E. Bafl spent last week in
Detroit visiting relatives.
Mrs. R. Fear met with an accident
on Tuesday afternoon. While she
and her daughter were returning from
Clinton, on the London Road, they
met an auto which crowded them off
the road into the ditch, upsetting
tltettt in the ditch. However they es-
caped with a few bruises and a severe
shaking -up. The buggy had a shaft
broken and the top damaged. The
car did not stop as they were run-
ning' without lights, but the buggy
carried a light.
A Christmas entertainment and Lox
,c clad will be -held at S.S. No. 2, Me-
Killop, Friday evening, December 23.
Entertainment to commence at 8 o'-
clock. A good programme will be
provided. Admissions 25c. Ladies
bringing, boxes admitted free,
. Olive V. Medd, Teacher,
01 Farm Stock and Implements. --
1 he
mplements.-1'lte undersigned auctioneer has re-
eeaved instructions from Messrs. Her-
bert and Lorne Toll, administrators
of the estate of William Toll, deceas-
ed, to sell by public. auction on lot 3,
con, 13, ITnllett, commencing at one
p.m., on Tuesday, December 20th,
1927, the following, that is to say:
Harems,—Mare 8 years old, in foal;
mare 8 years old; driving mare 9 yrs.
old, in foal; mare 10 years old; 3 -year
-nisi gelding, 2 -year-old gelding,
s> -Mg colt.
Cattle. ---Cow 3 years old, due in
April, farrow cow 4 years old; cow
three years old due in Feb.; 2 yearling
heifers; 17 yearling steers-
Tings.-2 sows due in Jan.; 9 shoats.
Fowl,--Abotat 30 hens, 11 purebred
Emden geese.
Implements.—•1925 'Ford touring
•ar, No 4 Massey Harris spreader,
vag0n and hay rack, 17 -tooth cultiva-
'nr, set sleighs, rubber -tired buggy..
\felotte cream separator, 3000 lb.
•+•ales, fanning mill, 2 walking plows,.
"11 sap pails and kettles, hav fork and
-ones. 2 buggy poles. grindstone, sen
1) ' harnees, set single harness, 10
,yrs for wood.
Tlnnsehnld Effects --Organ (6 oe-
e), Doherty rupee (high oven),
neer sewing mach oe, rug 4x5 yds.,
hes stores, bedsteads and springs
P gs.
et cushion chairs, couch, title board,
The `More That Sates
You Money Always
Will Save YoulYI ion
"Xmas Gifts" If You Give
Pay Cash—Pay Less
Directly Oi osite Colmruerci l
P a
tables, glass cupboard, dressers and
stands, white enamel sink, churn; vin-
egar barrel, panel doors and other ar-
ticles too numerous to mention.
The Farm will also be offered for
sale, terms and conditions of which
will be made known at that time:
Tertns,—A1l purchases of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount, six
months' credit on purchasers furnish-
ing approved joint notes. A discount
of 3 per cent. straight off for Bash on
credit amounts. Herbert and: Lorne
Tail, Administrators. Thos. Gundry,
Of Holstein Cows and Heifers, on
lot 5, coo. 4, Stanley, on Friday, De-
cember 16th, at 1:30 p.m. G. SI, El-
liott, Auctioneer:
1 cow, eight years old; 2 cows, 7
years old; 1 cow, 6 years old; 2 cows,
5 years old; 1 cow, 4 years old; 3
cows, 3 years old; 2 cows, 2 years old.
These cows are practically all fresh
and in full flow of milk.
1 cow, 10 yrs. old, due in April;
1 cow, 6 years old, due in March;
1 cow. 3 years old, due in March;
1 heifer 2 years old, due in March;
2 yearling heifers; 2 heifer calves.
Positively 510 reserve.
Terns of sale—Ten months' credit
on approved joint notes; 5 per cent.
off for cash, DAVID A. CAM-
ERON, prop. Phone 16 on 81, Hen -
:all. Varna P.O.
Of 35 head of dairy cows and heif-
ers at lot 19, Colborne Tp., 2 miles
north of Holmesville on Monday,
Dee. 19111, at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol-
lowing: Pure bred Holstein cow, 8
years old, due to freshen Mar, 11th;
grade 'Holstein cow, 8 years old, due
to freshen Jan. 1st; grade Holstein
cow, 4 years old, due to freshen May
7th; gradeHolstein cow, 6 years old,
due to freshen Mar. 1st; grade Hol-
stein cow, 5 years old, due to freshen
Mar. 14111; grade :Holstein cow 4
years old, due to -freshen' Feb. 2nd;
Durham grade cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh,
calf at foot; Durham • grade cow, 4
years aid, milking, due: May 10th;
cow, 7 years old, milking, due July
4th; heifer, 3 years old, due Apr. 1st:
3 three-year-old 'Holstein heifers, due
n Dec. and Jan.; 4 two-year-old Hol-
stein heifers, due in Dec. ,and Jan•;
8 iDurham and Polled -Angus heifers,
2 years old; 5 spring calves; 1 grade
Polled Angus bull. Termer• 11
months' credit will be given on fur-
nishing baitkakle paper or a discount
of 6 per cent, straight, allowed for
cash. G. tH. !Elliott, auctioneer. O.
R. Forster and S. R. McMath, pro-
Christmas Entertainment by St,
Thomas Church Sunday School, Fri-
day, Dec, 16, at 8 p.m. Admission 15c,
The Christmas concert of the Sal-
vation Army will be held on Thurs-
day, Dec. 22nd, in the Army Hall,
Main street, at 8.p.m, Admission 15c.'.
All le 51
Have metal weatherstrip applied by
Norman Nichol and John Mfodeland,
The annual meeting of the ratepay-
of the Township of McKillop will
be at the Winthrop Hall on
Monday, Dec. 26th, 1927.
Nominations for a Reeve and four
Councillors will be received from the
hours of one to two o'clock in the af-
ternoon. If more persons are ronin
ateil than are required to fill the sev-
eral offices, an election will be held
on Monday, Jan, 2nd, 1928, with polls
at the following places;
No. 1 -Jas. Carlin's house, lot 10,
con. 5. Jas. Evans, ,D.R.O.; Thos.
Moylan, P.C.
No. 2—Jos..H1's house,
g,prlot 25,
eon. 4. Jno. McDowell, D.R.O.; Mra,
Geo, Eaton, P.C,
No• 3—Jas. Smith's house, lot 10,
con, 12. John Leeming, D.R.O.; John
Murray P.C.
No. 4--Sehonl house No. 7, lot 26,
con. 12. John Balfour, D.R.O.; Willis
Dundas, P.C.
Polls open from 9 a.in, to 5 p.m.
Ret, Officer,
Earn $25 weekly up at home ad-
dressing .,envelopes. No canvassing,
Everything furnished. Spare or full
time. Send -• stamped addressed en-
velope for particulars. Gillies Mail-
ing Service, Sox 9, Sydney, Nova
Six rooms over D. H. Stewart's
store. Well ventilated, electric lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth.
20 Barred Rock pullets of good.
laying strain for sale. Apply to S.
LEYBURN, son, 4, Tuckersmith, or
phone 136 r24. / 49
Premier Pathescope, Almost new.
Electrically operated.Cheap for cash.
Apply:—St. Patrick's Rectory, Dub-
lin, Ont, Phone 16. 49.
On hand at the warehouse at the
station. Also a small Massey -Harris
cutting machine, power or hand pow-
er. Phone 44-W, Seaforth. ANDREW
All books must be returned to the
Public Library on or before Satur-
day, December 24th,
50 •
Auantitsecond hand ty o f brisk.
Orders filled as received. HENRY
WORDEN, Egmondville.
In the Town of Seaforth- in the
County of Huron,
Notice is hereby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been prepared and that copies
thereof may be had in my office, and
that the list is being published in the
Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem-
ber 5, 12 and. 19, A.D. 1927, and that
in default of payment of the taxes, the
lands will be sold for taxes on Tues-
day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth.
JNO. A. WILSON, Treasurer,
4 Town of Seaforth.
Mutual Fire ulnsur
ai1ce Co
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harloek; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r,r. 1, Cffn-
ton;. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named otficers addressed
to their respective postofficcs.
D'R, H. HUGH ROSS, Physicians
and Surgeon, Late of London Hos-
pital, London, , England. Species
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth; ',.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist Church, Cor. -:
oner'for the 'County of Huron, 'Isla•
phone No, 40, -
DR. C. MAOKAY.—C, Mack;Jr,
honor graduate of Trinity. Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Tridfity
Medical College; .member of the 'Cosi-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F. 3.R. 'FORSTER. `Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medd-
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Lata-
Assistant New York Ophthalmia andnight
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, anti --
Golden Square ,throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England.. At Commercial 'hotel,
Seeforth, 3rd 'Monday in each month..
fr6m 1!1 a.m. to 3 p.m.
DR. W. C. 'SPROAT,—Graduate of
Faculty of 'Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-'
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhsree
Drug Store, 'Main St, Seaforth.
Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, grade -
ate of Northwestern University, 0Wie
sago, 111. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons,' Toronto, Office
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street.
Seaforth, Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BFJOHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto: Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth,
Phones, office- 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements: tan be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News, Charges,
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First Claaa
Wednesday, December 14th.
Wheat, per bus. $12.1
Barley, per bus.......... ........73,
Oats, per bus. 53c
455c -55c
Buckwheat, per bus.
Shorts, per cwt.
Bran, per cwt.
Butter, per lb,
Eggs, per doz.
Potatoes, per bag
Hogs, per cwt:
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street, Two lots with barn
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session. Best bargain in Seaforth.
Apply to W. G. WILLIS,. executor
of Robt, Willis Estate. 51
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
made � e b
.� f
Er i;
Practical Tailor
Main St.,
Prices from
$25,00 [Fp,
Your own materials trade up
at reasonable rates
Try us for Prompt Service
Stele and Satisfaction
T'hursclay, I ridav and Ss
tttn. ay
a t,
from the story by PETER B. iYNLK i,
A cowpuncher,' a millionaire bank ,tis.pn•nate
ni ,c , and a lovely
heiress—complications, atlons, intll,d ale, finance and cafe]
iitg—all woven into a gstory a faunal-
great3 that gallops at break-
neck speed.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
"Bright College Years!" The annual botitrace between
the Universities of Washington and California
a in the big
Janies OliverCurwood's story of tho origin
of the N.
W. Mounted Police
"THE FLAMINGFOBES7"' filmed in natural color
wraamsrummrx so ¢eaX:cnliVraam