HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-15, Page 5CHAIN
Our Stores are chucked hill of good things
Mixed Candy including Out Rook, Gumdrops,
Creams, etc. per Ib, 15c
Mixed Nuts, all new goods 2 lbs, for
Fresh Roasted ;Peanuts, .lb.
Creams, Chocolates ete. a dandy mix lb.
Peanut Butter in 5 ib. tins, each
Teab Canister, a oodgi1t$1.14)
li�idge'cvtays in (i �'
Cortie and Choose, oui goods will please and prioes deligh t
Ross Sproat
W. Stewart
Viae IV�lo.�to
Phone 8
Phone 77
Seven deliveries all over ba Aro ovary thy.
The Dairy Farther is assured
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy herd and enlarge your bank at
c iunt, They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direot. We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal.
Seaforth Creamery Clot Seaforth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Prop,
of goad
narkets the'
We Walker 86 Sen
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and. license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D. H, McInnes
Of \'Vringltam, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
How often have you wished you
could always get the highest quality
products without paying any more
than you are at the present time?
Cressy's Service will fulfill your need.
It has proved a revelation to thou-
sands of Canadian women who are
now buying the Cressy way. They
stave learned of a new standard of
quality and value. The complete line
consists of 150 articles: Toilet pre-
parations, Household Specialties, Pia-
roring Extracts, Family Remedies,
Perfumes, Food Products, Teas, Cof-
fees and Spices.
]represented by—
The Fuller Service Man
Box 360 5entorth, Ont
Reduced Prices
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
haircuts now
All the latest bobs now 35c
at the
Dennison & Pullman
l' Shop
Phone 125,
Pianos Tined
deaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Residence—James St.
work they do. .We also do some wel-
fare work, in fact there's nothing that
we shirk. Last week Christmas par-
cels we sent forth to school cars tra-
velling in the North. Our carol sing-
ers will sweetly' sing 10 Christmas
week to those Out in. So come and
join and have your say, only a quar-
ter you have to pay.
--With apologies to Ask,
In Seaforth there is a new orga ti-
zation, called the Home and School
Association, Our President ,is areal
go-getter; for Secretary, could they
do better? Our Treasurer is a canny
Scot, please pay your sub, right on
the dot. And we have three Presidents
Vice; just as gust as little mice! But
each in turn will do her bit, just now
they're qualifying for it, 'For peppy
programmes our programme commit-
tee are absolutely hi And the Look-
out •Committee too, a lot of phoney
Miss Muriel Wankel; who has spent
the past three
years in
returned on Saturday to visit her par-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel, for a'
couple of months.
To correct a misunderstanding that
exists among the girls anti boys of
the town, the Seaforth Agricultural
Society wish to inform the public the
short course from Jan. 3 to Feb, 3 is
open to everybody—adults are wel-
come. The Society however must
know in advance how many seats to
provide, 'The course practically brings'
the Ontario Agricultural 'College., to
Seatorth for the month,
Dre Davis,. of Mindemoya, Mani-
toulin Island,who was ntentioped in
despatches in Monday's papers, as
having attended members of the crew
of the Agawa after their rescue and
having taken one who was seriously
ill to his hospital at Mindemoya; is a
son of Mrs: Margaret Davis of Sea -
forth, and is wd'li known in this vi-
Mr. and Mrs. fames I,: Johnston
have taken rooms at London for the
winter. Mr. Johnston' is interested in
the London Silver Black Fox Ranch
at that city."
The many friends of Mrs, John
Nolan, Huron road east, are - pleased
to learn she is able " to be around
Miss B. foreman is at present the
guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Consitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Talbot and
.children Mabel and Ernest, of Stan-
ley, were week -end visitors with Mr.
,and Mrs. W. L. Keys.
Mr. and Mrs: Beit. 'Williams, Strat-
ford, spent Sunday, with Mrs. S.
Boyd; High street.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Cat!lile, Hills -
green, spent Tuesday of this week
with Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt.
The L.O.B.A, spent a very enjoy-
able social evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baxter an Tues-
day. A boxfor the John •Ross Ro-
bertson orphan's home was prepared.
Mr, Harold Coates, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Coates.
Rev, and Mrs, E. F, Irwin, along
with their two sats, spent the week-
end with Rev. and Mrs, W. P. Lane.
On Sunday morning Rev. E. F.
Irwin''of French Indo -Chita, preach-
ed in Egntondville United Church and
in the evening to a large congrega-
tion in North Side United Church.
Mr. Robert Charters, who has been
3 New Styles
Just Arrived
for the Christmas
trade—would make
an Ideal. Gift!
A Ladies' Black Kid. Pump—
with Buckle—Cuban.95 Flexible Soles
A Ladies' Patent Leather Pump
with Buckle —Round Toe--
oe-Cuban Heels—flexible Soles-
at 495'
A Ladies' Satin One Strap—
Made of Skinner's Satin—
Louis Heels—Flexible Soles—
at 4.95
The first two Styles may be
converted into it two ]tole tie.
Better Shoes for Less Money
Directly Opposite Commercial
, .Motel
The annual meeting of the
was held .in the church on Wednes-
day afternoon, Dec. 14. A hymn and
prayer were the opening numbers.
The first leaflet was taken: by Mrs.
Stewart and the 'Scripture lesson by
Mrs. Jas. Brown, Miss McTavish
read frofn the devotional leaflet. Mrs.
:P,rowe very ably acted as leader,
the 2nd part was taken bar Mrs. 'Robe.
McKenzie, the 3rd by Miss Margaret
Charters and the 4th by Mrs. W, F.
McMillan..Following the reading of
the minutes a very favorable and
prosperous annual report was read
by Mrs. 'Stewart. 'The election of of-
ficers resulted as follows: Hon. Pres.,
iefiss McTavish; Pres., 'x\4rs, W. F.
'McMillan; 1st Vice, Miss Thom, 2nd
Vice, Mrs. 'Chesney; 3rd Vice, Mrs.
Allen Sec., Mrs. Stewart; Assistant,
Mrs. It McKenzie; Treas., Mrs. 5.
'Brown; 'Hone Helpers sec., Miss A.
G. Gemnieil; Missionary Sec., Miss
in 'Greiifel 'district 'Sask for several McTavish; 'Strangers' Sec. Mrs, A.
Years' is visiting at the honie of his eoutledge; Assistant, Mrs, R. Mc -
The bazaar and fowl supper held in
St, Janes' Church on Tuesday after-
noon and evening was very success-
ful, The wet weather prevented many
front attending and the balance will
be sold Friday evening when a euchre
will also be ltelcl. There wss a very
large crowd at the supper and every
person who sat dawn at the bountiful-
ly supplied tables was more than sat-
isfied will the excellent stepper,
winners of the drawing contest
were: Cwt. sugar donated by J. J.
Cleary, Thos. Dally, Windsor; $5.00
gold piece donated by Mrs, Jno, Me-
Maun, Mr. J. J. Goetz, Fort William,
brother of Rev. Father Goetz; cut
glass water set donated by Mrs. Mary
McMillan, little Mary Evans, daugh-
ter of Mr, John Evans; pair fancy
hand -embroidered pillow cases, don-
ated by, Mrs. Leonard Bolton, Allan
!Reid; hand worked bed -spread wet
by Mr. C, Stewart.
parents, ilfr. and Mrs, H. Charters.
Mr. W, D. Manson sold the house
he owned on 'East Bayfield st„ Eg-
mondville, to Mr. Andrew Moore,
Mill road, Mr. Moore will move the
house to his property to add to the
quite large chicken house he built this
Messrs. Jas. Hays and Sam. Gotts-
chalk were called to serve on the jury
at Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. Hays
was appointed foreman, Messrs.
Sltoldice-and Broadfoot, of Tucker -
smith, were also called.
Mr. Jas, 'Scott- Thornton Hall,
Frank 'Grieve, son of James Grieve,
and Mr, Sant. Scott, Roxboro, under-
went operations an Tuesday for ap-
pendicitis and are all three progress-
ing very favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, Lis-
towel, attended the funeral of Rob-
ert'Broadfoot on Wednesday,
Mfrs, Jas. McKay, Toronto. visited
with Egmondville friends on Satur-
day, `
The last ,meeting of the W.M.S. for
the year was held in the school -room
of the United Church Thursday, Dec,
Stat,. Owing to the very stormy day;,
the number was not as large as
usual, but nevertheless was very
good. The usual business part was
taken by the President, •Mrs. Lane,
after which the meeting was in charge
of Miss iG. Il3olland, captain of Circle
No,3. The following programme was
given: Bible reading, 'Mrs. Chapinee,
based on the Christmas story 'found
in Luke 2:8-20; prayer, Miss IG. Hol-
land; Mrs. iHefburn gave a paper on
the third chapter of the study book;
solo, Mrs. Lane. After 'the pro-
gramme the election of officers took
place which 'were as follows: Tres.,
Mrs, Lane; 'l'st Vice Pres., Mrs, R.
Archibald; 2nd Vice, Miss !A. Lawr-
ence; Secretary, Mrs. a3. Tyerman;
Cor. Sec., Mrs. Tinlayson„ 'Treas.,
Mrs. Iitttchison; Strangers Sec,,
Mrs. Consitt and ,Mrs. Finlayson;
Supply Sec,, Mrs, ,Hinchley, Mrs.
Black, Mrs. Cluff; Home Helpers'
Sec., Mrs. Frost; Christian Steward-
ship, Mrs. McIntosh; Press 'Sec,, Mrs.
Porteous; IL ihrary Sec., Mrs. Bur-
rows;Mlissiottary Monthly 'Sec., Miss
J. Robb and Mrs. A. McGurn; Mis-
sion Band League leaders, Mrs. Mc-
Intosh attd Miss 14. Robb; Piattist,
Mrs. C. Barber; Finance 'Com., Mrs.
McIntosh, .Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Crich and
the Treasurer.
Seaforth hospital, nn
Wednesday, .Dec, 7, 1927, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Kale, lSt. Cdlum-
ban, a.' daughter,
Kenzie; Library and ',Supply, Mrs,
Nott; Christian Stewardship, Mrs.
McMillan; Pianist, Mrs. McKenzie;
Assistants, Mrs. H. Moore, Mrs.
Joynt; Press Sec„ M. Charters; Mis-
sion Band leader, Evalena Nott. The
meeting closed with a hymn and
prayer by Mrs, McDonald.
The Young People's Society was
conducted by tate boys on Monday
evening with Vice President Jas. Wil-
kinson in the chair, The meeting was
opened by the singing of a hymn,
after which Mr. McDonald led in
prayer. 'Frank Case :lead the Scrip-
ture lesson and Rev. W. P. Lane
spoke on the League of .Nations, Iv1;r.
McDonald sang a solo, after which
there was a few minutes intermission,
Jeanette Finnigan's group winning In
the contest. The minutes were read
and the business discussed, after
which the meeting closed with the
lfizpalt benediction.
Miss Ross 1'atriek was a week -end; y P,S,—Monday evening, Dec. 12,
guest with •Mis Margaret Forrest, 1 the Y.P.S. met in the basement of the
Mr. John Currie, Torotun, Spent church for their missionary meeting.
he week -end at the hontc (it 51r.
Pearson Chesney.
Miss 'Bertha .Chesney, who has
spent the past few ,weeks in Cleveland
and 'Rochester, was home for the
wreck -end and left on Tuesday to.
,mend the winter. in Florida.
Mrs. W. C. Govenlock is recovering
nicely after her recent operation for i ing.
The pupils of S.S. No. 3 were wear -
The topic, bearing on 'Trinidad, was
taken by .\nnic :Mustard, followecl by
considerable discussion. A letter front
Mise Ruby Taylor, a former teacher
in S.S. No. 3, was read, giving an in-
sight into the life in New Ontario. A
special offering for the M. and E.
Fond is asked for at the next meet-
We are pleased to see Miss Belle
lacksan out again after her recent
Mrs. 3, R. Archibald n,.,t leader,
(,11 behalf of the choir of St. Th ,mea'
Church, presented Mise Beatrice Mer -
int, a broad smile last week as they
were lucky enough to get a holiday
while the school was being repaired.
'Mr. and Mrs, George Armstrong
have the sympathy of the community
itt the loss of their eight ninth old
oft friends in • this vicinity one fine
evening last week. •
On Wednesday last the W.M,S. of
Brucsdleld United 'Church celebrated'
the Golden Jubilee . of their organiza-
tion, A'la'rge number of members
and some former members were pre-
sent to participatein what proved to
be a most interesting and profitable
meeting, The members of the Kelly
Aux. and the ,Marion Oliver 'Circle
were also present in almost Mull at-
tendance. The meting' opened with
prayer and scripture reading by Mrs.'
Dow and •Mrs. Brock, Mrs. W. A.
Bremner, :president' of the 'W. M. 'S.,
occupied the chair andwith her on
the platform were Miss Mary Jane
McCully and Mrs. James McQueen,
the only two surviving charter mem-
hers of the society. Brief historical.
sketches were given by these two vette.
Bran workers who were present when
the society was organized in 1877:
A short history of the Kelly ,Circle
was outlined by Mrs. W. F. McMil-
lan, of Egmondville, the first presid-
ent, and by Miss Edith Bowey, the
present secretary, while Mrs. Neil
McGregor, the first Vice-president of
the Little Disciples Mission Band,
presented an interesting report of the
beginnings and growth of this society
among the juniors, The programme
included also a duet by Mrs. Alton
Tehnston':and Miss Jean Murdoch,
while Mrs. 3. Addison reported that a
few Circle, The Marion Oliver, nam-
ed for the late Miss Marion Oliver,
one of the missionaries to India, had
been organized during the present
year. Readings were given by Mrs.
Thos, Dayman and Mrs. R. P. Wat-
eon. Refreshments were served at
close of the meeting' the central plane
icing given to a large birth -clay cake
on which were fifty lighted candles to
mark the society's jubilee. The two
-]tarter members poured tea, The
pastor, Rev. W. A. Bremner, con -
'eyed congratulations and good
vielwe te the society from the ` --�
ion the Board of Managers lad :he
c ogre atinn,
Mr.' Everett Skinner's suffered bad -
y front the windstorm of last Thurs.
lay. Several other buildings around
were damaged, but not so seriously.
The Mission Circle Bazaar was
postponed on account of the cold
veather and will he held this Friday,
December 16th.
The attendance at school has not
been very large on account of the er-
ects of vaccination on many pupils.
per, prior to her leaving .Seaforth, see. whose death occurred at their
with.a hair of gloves and a compact,,{tome on Saturday. Funeral service
oil Sunday evening, following the ser-
vice. Bakke has been a valued
Member and soloist of the choir and
it s with regret that they lase ;ter.
an 'Monday was conducted by 'the-
Rcv. W. A. Bremner and interment
was made in Bayfield cemetery. Mr,
and Mrs. H, Zapfe and Mr. and Mrs,
13, Kaiser of })etraft. attended the fa -
1'0 the Editor of The News.
it is the intention of the Dept. of
Agriculture. to have a short course in
Seaforth during the month of Janu-
ary, Several of the courses have been
held in different parts of the county
in the past but this is the first to be
held in Seaforth and should be a val-
uable opportunity for the young peo-
ple, who have chosen the agricultural
profession as their life work, to im-
prove themselves. Practical subjects,
treating on -fain acttviiies, will be
taken up such as breeding, feeding•
and judging of live stock, care and
management of poultry, method of
testing soils, use and application of
fertilizers, 'farm accounting, special
lecture on marketing, the 'forming, and
carrying on of co-operative associa-
tons, a course of farm mechanics
and other 'subjects will be taken up
with the ]toys.
The girls will be taught the most
modern methods of carrying on and
beautifying the home, home nursing,
dressmaking, household science, etc.
'Instruction and practice will be
given to both classes .in pubiic speak-
ing and debating,
The time has come when farming,
to be profitable, must be carried on
on a business basis and there is no
calling that yields more to education
than .that of agriculture. At the con-
clusioat of these courses, Junior clubs
are formed which are ` excellent or-
ganizations for tree:Beg a community
spirit among rural young people and
help to counteract the exodus of Mir,
boys and girls to the towns and citief
These classes are free, with the
exception of one dollar which is col-
lected for_inciidental expenses. The.
young people of thisdistrict should
not miss the opportunity of attending
these classes.
—One \Vhn Is Interested.
On Sunday Drs. Forrester and Mac-
kay operated on Ella Mae Scott for
mastoids. We hope for speedy re-
covery. Ella Mac has recently re-
covered from scarlet fever.
On Monday, Mrs. George Brock re-
ceived word of her sister's death in
Owen Sound. Mrs. Brock left Tues-
day morning to attend the funeral,
'A little girl has come to brighten
the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wil-
Miss Edna Bremner was confined
to her bed the first of the week
The Sunday school entertainment
will be held on Friday evening, Dee,
Mr. Will M'elntosh has returned
home from Northern Ontario.
Miss 'Annie Mustard has returned
hone .after spending the past few
months at Barrie.
lir. Basil 01Roerlcc is suffering
from a very sore knee, having struck
it with a hammer. It is hoped it will
not hinter him from his work for
1• r.. and Mrs, Hegh Berry and Mr,
Elwood :Stackhouse spent Sunday
with Mrs. Berry's parents at Wing
Miss Reta- Taylor spent the week
end with Miss Jean (Campbell.
'Mr. jack Cornish, wife unci tinily,
spent Sunday with Mrs. IJill,
Messrs. Dan Munro and James Mc-
Donald are busy building a fine new
drive sheat for Mfr, Jacic McEwen,
!We are sorry to report that Mrs,.
Wm. Collins ie not improving as
quickty:as her many friends wish;
Messrs. i-Iugh Berry, Bert McKay
and H; Taylor attended the hoekey
game in Stratford Friday might.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moffatt and
daughter spent Sunday with her mo-
ther in Hensall.
Mr. S. Appleby of, Clinton called
A few of the _farmers.around here
attended the Royal Fair :it Gnelpn
last Wednesday.
A. number of people around here
attend the induction and fowl sup-
per at Cromarty last week.
Mr. and Mrs, I. More were visit-
ors at the home of Mir, Robert Lav-
ery last Sunday.
hfr. and Mrs, H. Leslie and Mr,
and Mrs. 'A, 'W\Vestiake visited at the
home of :lir, Hugh Norris last Sun-
Miss P. Thompson, teacher of S
S. No, 1 school, is busy practising for
a Christmas concert,
Mr, William H. Nigh, of the Basil-
ian Order. son of Mr. and Mrs, Wit
hate Nigh, Tuckersmitlt, will be or-
dained priest in Toronto on Dec. 21
and will celebrate his first Mass a
10:30 a. tn, Christmas day itt eerie
Miss Margaret Cleary, R.N., of Ro-
chester, N.Y.. is visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Cleary,
Mr. 'rhos. Cleary, of Dakota, is
visiting at the home of his brothel,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Cleary, Tucker -
smith, and other relatives in the dis-
Mr, and Mrs, John Walsh and sot
Michael, of Mchill.op, spent Sunday
es ening at the home of her parent,,
Mr. and Mfrs. \\'nt. Nigh, Tucker -
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Nolan and fame
By, of Egmondville, were guests oft
Steelay last at the home of their cou-
sins. Mr. and Mrs. Peter r Cleary, •
t• Tuekersmtrh
Altar Society dance, Dec. 281h, St.
Patrick', hall, Dublin.
A dance will be held in St. Patrick's
Halt, Dublin, on Jan. 3rd.
Mrs. Patrick Morris.—On Thurs-
day', Dec Sth, the community was
shocked on hearing of the death of
Mrs. Patrick Morris, who was Miss
Margaret Murphy before her mar-
riage. Mars. Morris had been ailing
for only about 3 month; from throat
trouble and had moved fMet 4 weeks
ago to their nen- home in Dubliu from
the farm cm the 7th con., Hibbert,
where she expected to enjoy a well-
earned rest. This shows the un-
certainty of life. When we prepare to
live, we prepare to die. She was bora
65 years ago, daughter of the late Mr,
and Mrs. Thos. Murphy, of Seaforth.
She was brought tip to womanhood
to their farm on the 4th con., Rib-
bert. In 1.889 she was united in mar-
riage to her now sorrowing husband,
living on the 7th con„ Ribbert • till 4
s one
weeks ago. There also rem
daughter, ,Mrs. Louis Dorsey, and
two sons, Thomas on the home farm
and Albert, of the Standard iBank.
Craven, 'Sask. Three sisters, bars, C.
Moiyneaux, Dublin; Mrs. M. Doyle„
Hibbert, and Mrs. Hannah Mulcahy,
Aruto,''Calif„ and one brother, Joseph
Murphy, of Grand Coulee, ,Alta. Mrs,
Morris was charitable in every way
and allwlao made her acquaiutance
were sure of a lifelong friend. The
funeral, which was one of the largest,
was held from St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, on Saturday, when Requiem
High Masts was sung by Rev. Fe.
Bricklin, Interment was made in St.
Columbau cemetery, Rev. Fr. ''Dant-
zer, conducting the service. Pall-
bearers were nephews, Thos. Murphy,
Gerald Doyle, Maurice 'Melady, Jos-
eph Morris and neighbors, John incl
Joseph Coyne, Mrs, Morris received
a large number of spiritual bouquets,
which, shows her many friends did
not forget her in death.
Mr. Michael McQuaid,'of Stratford,
attended the funeral of Mrs, P. Mor-
ris on Saturday.
Mrs. 1;. B. Tyers visited with
friends in Stratford during past week,
Mr. WM. Stapleton' made a business
trip to Toronto.
Mr. John'Evtuts and family, of.Sea
forth, visited with friends on Sunday,
Our creamery operated by Mr. E.
B. Tyers is still to the front, At lite
Royal Winter Fair, amongst a large
number of competitive creameries,
Mr. Tyers carried off one first, one
second and one third prize for pro-
ducts of this creamery. This speaks
well Inc the cream delivered to this
creamery and for tate making of it
into first-class butter.
Mr: Thos. Murphy, of Toronto, is
visiting with his mother,' Mrs,' Marge
aret Murphy,
Mr, 'Jos. Dalton, of Fairbanks, Al-
aska, visited his cousin, Mrs, T. J.
Molyneaux, on Tuesday,'
Mr. Stanley Bloodstvorth, of To-
ronto, visited at the home of Ed, and i
Mrs. G. 1)ei el, during the week,
Mr. and Mrs. \b'in. Finlayson; of
Wellesley, were guests ,of Mr. and •
Mrs, Alex, Darling onSunday,
The Ladies' Guild of. St. Mary's)
Church are holding their annual,meet-
ing this Thursday at the home of ,
Mrs, Archie Forbes. All the ladies,
are invited to attend at half` past two.,
Mrs. Coins and son Ed, and Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Wolf, of Logan, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Darling,
Miss Mary Krauskopf has returned
from St. Joseph' hospital.
Mrs, john C. Gallagher, who has
bees visiting her brother, vir. James
Delaney, Inc returned to her home in
Vaccination is the erdsr of the day.
Miss Rita O'Rourke epent 'Saturday
with her runt. Mrs. William O'-
Mr. and Mrs: Leo Kraustcopf ..spent
Sunday in London.
Mrs. Philip Kenny has been onthe
sick list,
Mr. Thomas Gormley has returned
to his home after spending the past
month with friends in Buffalo,
Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan spent
Tuesday at their (laughter's . home,
Mrs, Mae. Feeney.
Thursday Dec, 29th
Best- music.
Adntissio n751! ,Ladies freta -
will be held on
in the Town Hall.
Under the auspices of St. John's
Church. A gond program consisting
of Choruses, Contests, Costume
Songs, a 1 -act Comedy and recitations
Admission: Adults 35c
Children 20c
Mr. and .Mrs. John Judge,: of De-
troit, are visiting the, formet's Par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Judge.
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Hickey &peat
a atSeaford],
Sunday d5saf rtl
Messrs. James Ryan and famed
Carlin of Seaforth• •were Sttndayvisit-:
ors in Dublin,
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Kratiskopf
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William. Morris.:
Music by
of Blyth.
Friday, December i 6i
Admission. $1,00
Lunch Served.
No job too big to handle or too small
to do, Phone 303 J. and I will call
for your work.
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and "Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
is• an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. 'There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it. The
pork mist give it the right
flavor .end we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply
just the iglu cut for the purpose
Try it once. You'll want it often.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The veeizI Mile rt
We have it—Give it a Trial. Also
Grain Screenings
lir WOW �
Chop of All Kinds
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts,
Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with l.iceu;:t•
Ford Touring 1918. S75,00 with License
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tit c', like new $375 with License
•' Garage
We claim that no dress is too dainty or eiipensive to be
entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence,
The cleaning of dresses is an art, wliielt tales time to study
and achieve.
Ladies' and Gent's Felt ]fiats cleaned: lt; etnly costs a
dollar and will look like new.
C.0 J
dney n , Proprietor
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