The Seaforth News, 1927-12-15, Page 4WALTON.
The following item refers to a dau-
ghter of a former Waltonite: H
reere 3ouit•—On Sate Dec. •lOth, a't
11 o'clock a very pretty wadding took
place at the briele's home la 'Goderich
when AnnietLuella.jH'offman, daugh-
ter of John and Mrs. Hoffman,'God-
•erich, became the bride of William
-Alexandria Boult, 'of Collingwood,
Rev, R, C. McDermid officiating.
The. bride entered the drawing room
'on the arm of her father, where the
groom awaited.her, before a .prettily
decorated arch.. • Miss Lois Profi!ey
acted as bridesmaid and •Floyd Boult,
brother of the. groom, as groomsman,
The bride was prettily gowned in,a
dress of rose -beige _,georgette with
stockings to match rind''black satin
slippers, and carried a bouquet of
'pink roses and maidenhair fern. The
bridesmaid wore a dress of black
georgette; and carried red roses and
maidenhair fern. After the wedding
ceremony the guests repaired to the
dining room; •which was prettily ,'dec- pink, and white, where a
sumptuous wedding dinner was serv-
ed. The groom's gift to the bride
was 'a rope of pearls, to the brides=
maid a bar -pin set with diamonds and
to the groomsman an onyx tie -pin
diamond: set. The bride and groom
left amid showers of confetti for To-
roth. and other points east. The
bride's travelling costume was 0 fawn
coat trimmed with oppossuin fur and
black aviator hat. On their return
Mr. .tnrl Mrs. 130111t will reside in
Coiling -wood. Best wishes go with
them to their new home.
Will wedding bells soon ring un the
boundary ?
The wind storm did quite a bit of
lamage in the eurrcnutdtng district,
Mr. Jas. Campbell has shoved the
Orange Hall to his own farm and in -
ten's to have it made into a dwelling
Geo. Hadley has been tinder the
weather with tonsilitis.
The bazaar held on Saturday was
very well patronized. Owing'eo the
.torn' on Thursday it had to be post -
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit of Au-
burn visited Mr, and •Mrs. Thos. Gras
by Sunday evening.
Messrs, Joseph and Tont Storey of
Seafortlt visited Nelson Nicholson.
on. ISatutaday,
Mr. and Mrs. Jtto, Grasby, Chas.
sad Mks. Nicholson, spent Sunday
with, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Bradshaw,.
The December session of .the .Hur-
on County Council opened on Tues-
day' afternoon, Dec. 6th, with all the.
members with the exception of Mr.
Ballantyne present.
rThe county council has made 'two
iu portant appointments. Mr. Gordon
Young,,ex-(Reeve of 'Colborne, town-.
ship, is the new county treasurer,
succeeding-. Mr. 'William Lane, who
has-been in the service of the county
for 36'years, first as clerk and latterly
as treasurer. Me, J. M. Govenlock,
Seafortlt, former M.P.P. for Centre
Huron, was appointed Inspector of
'the County House of Refuge; at Clin-
ton. This, position is being vacated
by' Mr. John Torrance, of Clinton,
owing ;to failing health.
Mr. Young as treasurer will re-
ceive a salary of $1,500 a year, and
the position of Inspector of the House
of Refuge has a salary of $300.
The appointments were made by
ballot at a caucus or committee meet-
ing of the council last Thursday af-
ternoon. There were 18 applicants
for treasurer and ten for the other
position. 'Only one ballot was re-
quired for each appointment each
receiving a majority of the entire vote
hut the selection by ballot not being
a formal appointment, resolutions
were introduced at the evening ses—
sion, and were adopted unanimously,
malting the appointments, and were
confirmed by bylaw before the close
.,If the session,
The question was raised whether
;L•. Young, being one of the county
'uutaars this year,: could legally be ap-
pointed treasurer, but the difficulty
was solved when Mr. Young's resign -
polled. There was 0 splendid show- atiott as auditor was submitted and
mg of fancy work The proceeds was formally accepted by the council,
,t -ere over $170.00. The following is the list of ap-
Mrs. J. Johnston visited with Mr. olie:utts for the positions
:utd Mrs. e, 1: nr 1 usd recently. For Inspector of the County Home:
Mise Rita Campbell" spent' the week -AV. H. Lobb, ex -Reeve of Goderich
end with Mr. and. Mrs W. J. Hum to unship; George Turner, treasurer
iltries. f Tuekersmith, who has now moved
Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Carter, of Wat- to. Clinton; Jas. A. Ford, Clinton, a
erdawn, spent the week -end with Mr.1 former member of, the county council
Carter's father, Mr, Jas. Carter. I and chairman of the House of Re-
Master Rae Carter, of Vsatertlown,!,fuge committee; \'m L. Mair, (Un-
spent Sunday with his parents. Mr, i ton Lorne Tyndall, Cltuton; Herbert
Anil Mrs. Joseph Carter, i titch ex -Reeve :,f Tuekersmith: R.
Mr, Jas, Carter ti,. ,;nn, 1.. Water- R. duan. Goderich township; J. M.
down, to spend the hui day., with h.s I t,oxenlock, Seaforth,a former mem-
am. \Ir. John Carter. ber the county e ,uneil: T. R. Wig-
ilr, Myers, the assistant in the gingtoo, Clinton: and I), C. Doran of
(lank of Commerce, hat. been moved : ;he II Ouse of Refuge,
to Simcoe. Mr. l)esereauxof the F. Treasurer—E. Douglas Brown
Scaforth branch, aie take hie place :C-;eleric1t chemist with the 'Western
stere Canada Flom. 'Mills Co. Geo. S. How -
Bolton R.B. eat. CIe •tect the tied Exeter, school principal; Mrs, I.
offi,-r for ltt24 W.P.Sir .Hetherington. clerk of the township
Knight l'ii,•bar i W. 1I > , D.P. B i,o rrut Gordon Young, Col-
Trewarrlia Chaplain, \\'m, Bollard: e.o.m.: efrs- Effie a Glen Hoggarth, Los
Regatrar, l-,s,uh Hamilton: Treace loge lee. Cal., sister i,f Mrs. Win.
neer, 1itt.d 1D, y$ lane Herbert Dvx- Jewell. of Colborne Thos. G. Shit -
r; f ectttrer. Alvin Crawford and ere—law, of Seafortlt, George Diech-
1 :e, t •ff; t,. i el i'latn 1 on aro of Zurich; Paul Coates, of Exe-
. l A. Barr: Standard B., D. Craw- ter t.- F. Chapman, of Goderich:
tor,1 and 11. Jail sera; furs, 1. Wel- 1 Mex Porterfield, clerk of East Wa-
t •e; Tyler, e Ch. Rcilli rhe commit—e a sh Peter Gardiner, ex -treasurer
te ie as i,,tatted and a few shirt 'd ! y 1 John E. /farewell , clerk of
dresses made, alter which lodge was eittaey township; Miss Edrie Tye,
loeee. and a dainty lunch was served hook—keeper in the County Engineer's
hick tart enjoyed by nil office and assistant to Mr. 1.ine;
\1: e n. F„ons spent sn,rday with Th-, . McNabb. 'Braeels: Alfred la
A letter from 1'. A. Huznl)hries, in fairs they had had lafb Ofmsuccess `grautiils thatthere was not sufficient
specter of legal offices, as to improve- and lots of adverse criticism, Fif- room or provision for. filing, that
meets needed ,fn lie sheriff's offiee, teen ott•t of 119 of the school fairs there was no vault and that there
also blue picots and estimated cost •showed. much better and more nuttier -eras no private office apart from the
of the same: also an' application ous exhibits Lthan ever before. Some public room used tot—the court. The
from the .sheriff for ae new typewrite of the fairs were in sections which premises next The Signal. office
ing -machine of the large t14 -inch oere did not include enough schools to 'would be more suitable, as there was
iety for the office,.. make thein successiful, as it was ti private office, vault and more room
Tlie following stateineht was made found' that about ten schools were for a court roots, The present office
by the clerk regarding the Mothers' necessary to snake a good fair. Mr, over the Royal ..Boole is used by Mr.Allowance payments for the past ten Paterson' said the first stock judg- Reid, police magistrate and judge of
months: ing competltioe had been held this the juvenile court, and Mr. G. M. El -
January, 5i1 mothers received $875 year, 19boystaking part, and he also liott, County agent of the Children's
IFehrttary 5318835referred to the fine trip of ten Aid Society. The following motfpnsMarchr 5 F ” "8�'7 bays to Toronto, which it was in- show the action •the council toots: in.60c another chin a of otlCees:April 54tended would be- repeatedthe matter of a g
May 53 " $877 year; for another• ten boys, Moved by Mr. Coulter, seconded.
June 54 ' "' $87L�,S0 Mr. C, A, •Reid, police magistrate by Mr. Henderson. that the cleric be
July 54 845 and juvenile court judge, made the instructed to communicate with the
Aug. 5'2,e . general re the occupancy of
r t following retort:" 3132 cases- of in- attorney g ,
g 1
840occupier.' d
Siat reser
t occ t
5rooms P
Sept, 3 7'2 54 ':fractions of site statutes and 53 juv- one of the oo sP
- Oct. 5 enile court cases tried by him during by the judge as a judge's 'apartment
the year ending Nova 30, with $6, and that we interview the judge be -
657,'50 fines collected. Of this sunt forericotatting the step indicated.--Car-
Moved by Mr. (Beattie, seconded by
Mr. McNabb, that Mr. G. M. Elliott,
superintendent of the Children's !Shel-
ter be instructed to stove his office in
the Children's 'S'helter building. --
Total ' $$,664,00.
or an average of$ 866.40 each month,
the Province paying a like amount.
The resignations. pi Mr. Lane as
county !treasurer• and that of Mr.
Torranceas inspector of the •House
of Refuge were read. • Mr. Lane has
held the position 'of treasurer for ten
years and previous to that held the
position of clerk for 26 years. . Mr.
Torrance has been inspector for 23
Moved by J, Jr Hays, seconded by
F, J, 11IcQuaid, that the county coun
cil accept, with much. regret the re-
signatiort of County Treasurer (Lane,
who owing to failing health, feels
unable -10 cintinue the duties, • having.
this year completed 36 years of ser-
vice as cllerk and, treasurer:
.loved by W, D. Sanders, seconded
by R. A. Goetz, that we accept the
resignation of Mr. John Torrance,
who has filled the office of inspector
of the House of :Refuge with credit
to himself and 'satisfaction to the
county council for the past 23 years.
Both these resolution were, as a
'natter of courtesy and an expression
of genuine regret on the part of the
cumtcil, passed by the 00110011 stand-
ing in silence.
Before adjournment Mr. McQuaid
with a burst of his old time vigor and
eloquence, and with much feeling ex
pt es;cel his thanks to the county
council and officiatls for the beautiful
Christian spirit manifested by them
during his recent very severe illness,
eir Hugh Hill, on behalf of the
council, very suitably expressed the
great pleasure and satisfaction felt
by all at seeing Mr. McQuaid in his
accustomed place at the council board
and voiced the hope of all that he
would soon be restored to his old
time health and vigor,
At the second session of the coun-
cil, Wednesday morning, the clerk
announced that reports from the Pol-
ice Magistrate and the secretary of
the Children's Aid Society would be
submitted during the session. Print-
ed reports of the Children's Aid were
•nhsequentty distributed.
Several appeals for charity were
referred to the executive committee.
Mr. T. R. Patterson, the county en-
gineer, made a verbal report regard-
ing the work of Isis department dur-
ing the past year. dealing particular-
articularly with the financial expenditures and
the work dune and the state of the
roads. The widening of many of the
roads aid the construction of guard
fence -4 had much improved the safety
of the traffic. The Provincial I-Iigh-
way Department was extending the
system its the county materially this
year and this was co-ordinating the
work of these roads, Several applf-
tt,rr•ttts. Mr. and Mee. T '3 ing l;rett 13 of d a former --ts rden nn' cations had been made for increasing
e e , tori : T. W. C u tell,. Clinton;theProvincial ,Highways in the Coen-
BLYTH. 1.:+, Higgins. Hen all, a former (ty', notably the Blue 'Water FIighway,
t ;t et/gammon i- a!innitnce t •. , e•tm tt auditor: and Jos. Forrest, R. i and ;1r. Patterson said he thought
Heleit \fe use e cut, e t daughter R." \,B t, Seaford'. tlteee made would eventually be ad-
' r to 1 \iw i ep 5., her f \a
ttog the cnrr,•:,,< tde eacwhich 1 opted nd lunch eaten'lettthereby 'Provincial system
3 t, f'sloe 'Ern,:•t Mag. C 1 ',vas laid bet re the .,,.loci were the Replying to a question by Mr. ;So-
\ mi r rgi a f Ree t u •.,l u1' 1t
\l K.;;;;;,; + I t ,,. ,•,attic. hl: r c'ti. ; 1' 'r io the c rrk ,,f the united cowl- i ',jutted lir Patterson said the cost of
tc 'tit. tat,, 1 itis,'tttt.:e th•centl e, i \ortho tberland and Durham, I tattelcing gravel- was about 24 cents
t l . io 1,••iii/11111.011 id the county ; 1,et yard, Several of thediscussion
11i t tnu tl vA tt ( rt service t c ,, r t 1 .a 1 t ?i c recent 3 hauge took part in further discussion of the
r„i115 , cel [ n to i , to c 1 e•1, i c ft.!, }r winch . ilei .ic 11 of pat in Pts metier. \1r. Ittslcs said that a very
irld , " ncfat 3.531 rep Dee. ltith i t,.a1, f,,c Indigents is made `its s factory arrangement had been
;lr 1 sive Wallace ati •lou 1, •, ,t B ;,'lino v ;than 3 ' huie ,a, t'sid her the h t the t road and he
ter sterol s•1 t 5r 'lay w tit 1 .,, ,t i t tc i i e,.11te r n from the! said he thought the last had been
't in Mies Mary Cartwright. gin, municipalitt a, the local mune heard rrd for some time as to this vexing
Ilse1 adie, trurt 1 of Trinity 1 311it hat a better knowledge e of> question.
u: u
heel l , it ,nppel1 Sat e: , Mrect Oswald Gver, corn borer in-
kty atte t o,it item 5 - •s. tit,;, A resolution from he clerk of the u 'pec,tor, made a verbal report of the
t'tt,xt , _d - er $,0, 1 "n •,•,f t „ mit f Pt escolt and Rue- I `t rl performed in this department,
''Ir. and \l Frank Bell is t 3 m;; h Province ovince of Ontario! ;I t 'part gave instances of the rav-
Iaugh' Addie spent Sunday la Ni!!!u 113,- :tit 31 u 1 e f ProVmCla1 I zy particularly in other counties
\Ir. and \i- l 1arew gat. 11',, s :,: a a asking the co -opera- l colter' he ltacl gone to observe the
\4i. MI t tr , yler Newark, `v 5 ,,n , tnr Huron county council in
u1 o 1 pliicsaealingwith
who it beet. t ug acre rr.t n, c matter. ieeducwork had been done
nB te. u. 1;',....„0 \Tl int loge, mitette in distributing literature regarding
combatting the destructive corn bor-
_• 1. ;. a .- 1 w .o nanling alteu er. Owing to weather conditions and
joint tl rt, cut has toes :toll t :1,0,1 g some new t, p rt. I .other circumstances, great difficulty
1 too: girt+ stoic. , atbl , be a r, : c counts, registry office. I a was experienced ie carrying out pre -
\+ u e from the ,Highways Depart- j cautionary measures, The worm
I ht annual { itBic• tie et ty :service mom }n, the Lunen road is ter i y
wets held on St 11'lay-..n '1' tinily iron as Clinton was assumed at .worked from within and for this rca-.
3'imre'. There was : tvd attend- 1',., `, son spraying was not effective, The
. ;. g+. y neral Highway noon on .epi
area•. Rev. Mrsmith of London 14,1, P427.
ice the address. 12eut lh. \McMichael releasing
Miss Margaret ifteakins lee Co, , rutty of further obligation re
r., h" t , tr> ,n,. ,. Tttu tc : t , i:,. 11.' of Refuge account,
_neer the week unci. From W. :\. Galbraith , the clerk
I.'it, ChristineLiterary meeting of ti Wingnaus. enclosing a request
B C,ti to le, e .Irl on Dec. 22. Thie signed by Dr. Milne as chairman and
Lit" w ll h.' do open nteetiag, eintseif a, secretary, asking .,the co --
The Sunday School of `('rimy pee:item of the county council in an
Church are Suing to hold their Christ- ,.ttenipt to secure the adoption by
liras tree on Dec '19th, he Highways Department of the
\lt'. Robert M McKay was, fn' lain- Lindon Road north of Clinton a; a
atm on Tuesday Provincial Highway.
Blyth Sewing Club b. Id their meet- IFIrmn the treasurer of .the Gude-
otg at the home of Miss ;Mary Milne rich Hospital enclosing the financial
Asn Tuesday evening. s.atement'for the past year,
Miss Gladys. Fawcett left for (-'leve- Frtnt the: Deputy Minister of Edo -
land on Saturday and Mrs. Fawcett cation giving a statement of the
left ott Wednesday to visit: her laughe grants to the PIigh Schools in the
ter for the winter. r.unty bar the year 1927 as follows:
\1r. and Mrs. Chris. Rogerson of •\\'in It wow :$1515; Clinton, $1963.30;
:Morrie spent Monday. with Mr, and Seat nth, $1574.50; Exeter, $1.491.48;Mfrs, \\e, leechnie of \Vawaneelt Goderich, $1532:50,
,United Y.P.S.—Thi, regular weekly Resolution of the .Norfold county
meeting wa, held in Queen Street Un 'uuncil nskittg the Province to as-
iied Church with a poor attendance. sumo- all the cost of Provincial .High -
Miss Cowan presided and opened the ways and soliciting the co-operation
meeting with the use of hymns 220 of the Boron County Council.
and 299, followed by a prayer by Dr. Front the Canadian National Pnsti
Barnby. A Christmas Bible passage lute for the Blind, Toronto, soliciting
:from Luke was read, The missionary an rn _reale of the county grant to
topic, concerning Trinidad, was given $300.
by Miss Cole. During the bussinese _\tt appeal from Sergt.-Major Mc -
period, the Pratt i ating committee ap Math, of Humboldt, Sask., addressed
pointed Mee G. t crth ae president in .o the sheriff of ':bit county of Huron
the absence of the former president as;i t- the county to reader him some
Miss Fawcett. A missionary offering t,'n..,;m or consideration for past ser
was collected and the meeting wag•
brought. to a chose with hymn 90 and. A. appeal from :Miss •T3aechler t,:,
by repeating th • L•,rd'e prayer ,in eni- recompense her' for the loss of a coat
son, injured during the centennial week.
Mr. and Vrs. 'Ciareuce lohnst:,n An appeal for a grant to the Mem•
spent Sunday' wit'' Jt-,. a t l erre, efee eriel Children's Hospital, London.
borer could only have been brought
into the county in the cob, not with
loose seed in the bag.
Moved by Messrs. Henderson and
MacEwan that, owing to the increas-
ed heavy traffic, the boundary road
between Morris and Turnbcrry from
lWiugltam to Bluevale, a distance of
about four -miles, is now worn out
and very badly in need of repairing,
we would request that this work be
dine as early next spring as possible.
At Wednesday afternoon's session
Mr. Paterson. the county agricultural
representative, made a verbal re-
port on the work of his department.
The first year Mr. Paterson was in
the office he said he addressed thirty
meetings, including about 1000 per-
ple; this year the addressed 67 meet-
ings, including about 3,000 people.
T'he office work was about the same
as in previous years.
As to senior work, that is work
with the adult farmers, Mr. Pater -
eon said he waited 'till requests for
information came to his office aid it
was 'surprising how many inquiries
he received as to the securing of seed
grain, fertilizer or stock, etc. One of
the big things of the year was the
putting across of the first hog fair,
at McGaw. This was one of the big
fairs of the Province and 29 men re-
-ceived prizes. There were a lot of
good apples raised in the county and
there could have been a lot more.
And those who made a success of ap-
ple growing invariably had used
spraying. Mr, Paterson spoke of the
results of short courses, Home gar- i
glen clubs, etc, -As to the school
$2t35 wentto the provincial treasur-
er, $3,265 to the .Ontario Government
re O. T. A, and L. C. A.; $1860 to the
Dominion Government; 475 to elle
Town of Goderich; $40' to the Village
of Hensall;; $40 to the' Town of .Sea -
forth; $482.50
Seaforth;-$482.50 to the County of Hur-
on; $'180' to the Town of Wingham
$10 to the Township of Tuckersmith;
$5 to the 'Township of Ashfield; $25
to the Village of Exeter;; $5 to the
Township of Morris; $5 to the Town-
ship of Howick, The cases tried
were 1-53 under the Criminal Code,
103 under the O,T.A. and Liquor
Control Act; 24 under Ontario, sta-
tutes; -36 under the Highways Traffic
Act; 5 under the InlandRevenueAct;
11 under county and municipal by-
laws, and 53 :juvenile • court cases.
Two cases under the Criminal Code
were sent up for trial at the defend-
ants' request. Formerly all criminal
cases were tried by the county judge,
with or without a jury, with the
expense borne by ,the county.
'Below we give the report of com-
mittees, which were adopted, and also
some of the motions which were car-
ried, showing what action the coun-
cil has taken,
The inspector of .legal offices re-
ported on the office of the police
magistrate as unsuitable on the
Other important Motions were as
Moved by Me. Geiger, seconded by
Mr. Coultes, that Treasurer .ff ane
continue' to hold office until the coun-
ty books are audited,' and that the
new appointee's duties ae treasurer
commence as soot' as the books are
audited, and that the salary be at'the
rate of $1;500 per year.—Carried,
Moved by Mr. Hackett, seconded
by Mr. Cameron, that, as the road
commission is desirous of obtaining
the right of way of the defunct Lake
Shore Railway in. the 'Y Township of
Ashfield we will sell our right of
sante at the same rate as the equaliz-
ed value of the Township of Ashfield,,
and that the county bears all ex-
penses connected therewith. Sent to,
the Good Roads Commission,
(Continued next week.)
Only the uninformed endure the
agony of corns. The knowing ones
apply Holloway's Corn Remover and
get rettef.
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