HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-15, Page 3Soviet Dreads War
Traveler Asserts
But Russia is More Gom-.
znunistic Than 4 Years
Ago, Says J. , 'G.
"Nb Danger of Party Split"
Russia in some respects is more
communistic than It was tour years.
ago, and the Communists are "still
masters in their own (house," said
James G. McDonald, of New York,
chairman of the National Executive
Board of the Foreign Policy. Associa-
tion, recently. i�?�
Tis Communist Party is really a A CURE F R GOSSIP
lit i
the same whether we hold a lynchinti
party or sit in at a ladies' r,ewing'
circle. In either cage wo are satiety -
Ing a desire to Millet suffering.
"Of (tonne, there are other grail-,
ilcationsin gossip, Meet of. us like
to be the Brat to tell 0 bit of news,
The gossip enjeya that feeling, But
more especially he enjoys the sense
of tearing down sone one' else. If he
can lower th standing of some one
more important than laimselt be thus
tends' to elovate lite own relative lin-
portan:ce. So-and-so in no better than
he is,
"That 'No man is a hero to lits valet'
is very true, but little understood
psychologically; It is not'beeaussethe.
roan is not a hero but because the
valet is a valet, In other words,, the
I valet prefects his own failings into
iris roaster and thus persuades him-
self that he is as good a man as his
"Tho same thing that accouuts for
tate popularity of gossip may also ex-
plain the -popularity of the so-called
new biography, namely, the sense of
enjoyment that comes totheinferior
S'yc. o'L7js1ss a Inferiority . iu tearing down and belittling ...the
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religious sect, clanger 0f a split n q
which is being grossly exaggerated IS NOT YET FOUND
chi:oa' , said Mr. McDonald: '3 had
tit t Lberuling otasses in ,Russia.
alk •, only politics. I found them e pegs ls. Not Satisfactory to
t Y i iti German Proposal to Exile Tale B a
1� 7L
.Coat, (n d 1rlttt:h more about file 1'a- P' h I t Th Complex as
it na ,•'0 soil expansion of Indus
the Root Of the Evil great one, Ido not suggest
"'ha tee Promising Result {
It is written that in the days when (one may assume) in which life would modern biographer fe insincere in his
Idle i tot true picture of Level Headed
c uta -c promising resell of the • i n 4k- Tan trod the side he duller. _,, it is vera it not for c
l4[lst ess A n a his Subject, but fire many who read The Kiug of Basket C'u•rters, "Sim,'
..,• 1. n; ,•.? end almost (lever re- Grintje Van Sateen — for reasons psychologists hold, is necessarily tlres4 new hues of great men must the champion hasket•earrior of Co
-in1' i 1 that high i v riles of old NewAmsterdam tattle. And though all gossip,so the
fInd. there the same sort of gratifica- vent Carden, England, practising fer
Lion that comes to the gossip. . In the forthcoming basket -carrying co n-
nr•r a --!tui reb'rth:of' Individualism. known only to herself -,spread there- harmful to some one, it does not fol
pondering the frailties of the great petition.
7.oilOy of the Soviet port that In crossing the .street on a low that the harm done is serious or
they feel that their own stetus in the
nsiominuted by the de-• muddy cloy Mietress Anneke had a permanent or that the originator of a
community is raised."
attempts present 0 rt1 l
❑ „Ossa :c a w s ,' st4r am one 'a
siree, -.!ntain peace. The Soviet way of lifting her skirts in "an nn- false rumor deserves to be treated as
tau' Snow t' at nothing would seemly and 'extreme fashion." 111.. as enemy of society; -
so r ••lv wreck their program of count Lilo charges were "proved to be nvoryboay, it would seem, enjoys
How Gossip Evolves.
e<h• , :lou, on which they Pin false though by- just vvhat process gossip in varying degrees cant Gossip, as the psychologists view it,
their d;ar"st hopes, as would an to. of law 18 not made math, Annette strengths, When a practice fa admit- 10 somewhat short of aasinple matter
for the law to handle, ' At Teachers
r ai, ,.,,, Wei'. It is because they J'an.# name was duly cleared, and Mia tedly so prevalent it may he regarded
'r eves from a con- tress Ortetje Van Saloon went forth as doubtful wisdom to pass laws
filet of arms that they are convinced disgraced as "the worst woman in against it. This at least is the
0. , :01011n1nel to procip- New Netherland." But whether or payehelogiet's view. As Dr. Bernard
j : r etc), r conflict. not the gossip she set going thereafter Glueck described the proposed Gel' -
1,,, ,le• rn:leavors or e';e ]Russian ceased is a point which the lletorians man law, it is 'like shooting at a spar- story of some historical import. The
Get 'cum ' fo eon vie. e tho world overlook.
row with a cannon." Dr. Giusti(, who child will then be invited to tell the
of t ! nc=:ul intentions are. Tromp- That perennial thorn iu the Iteali is a psychiatrist, recently spent some story to his nearest classmate, who in
1 - (110 activities of of all small communities, the town time in Germany. IIe says he was turn repeats it to his neighbor. The
11 ' (aurmuns+ Party un'll gossip, has been dealt with in vara- unable to discover any signs Of an story thus goes the round of tho class.
1 .'.:coal. neither of epidemic of gossiping there. Its resemblance to the original, of
ons ways in all ages, but it has re- p
mained for the presentcourse ,is extremely remote.
thief, the .Government has pow :r to Republic of The thing that mattes ns all like to
• 'nt 'ntornational Inas Germany to pisco trim (or her) in the gossip is our old nevi friend, the In A good deal of gevol, the psy'chol•
no; .. - program of world i'e- criminal class. Among the reforms feriority Complex. Psychologists (nay °gists believe, thus evolves. Its origin
, '1"-si:'n Communist that the _Rei :Using Judiciary Commit- differ among themselves as_to the is often doubtful. It is assumed that
Prise has not and tv'tl not disavow tee has prepared for submission this appropria eners of that term—some all gossip is harmful there seems to
1 eP chat program."\Vinter Is one tii01 would: make gossip- us° it Sparingly—but in any considers be no evidence that people indulge in
T +ct; 's recent expulsion Ing an offense punishable, in extreme tion of the psychology of gossip the a»Y other hind. But this oftentimes
._]s2 0 -, h
i t P^ t3 `aid to. (.0505, 1by111 f l t f h 1 f ity complex Seems to be ad- may be due to the natural human ten -
an `"'°t -the part-' is strong man who hereafter cannot, hold her sessing a good inferiority complex Professor Robert S.
Woodworth, load
et 11: 11 en'• 1, :tiler or group of lend- tongue runs the risk of being perempt- mako the het ros1ipera. By spread- o Ubee department of psychology at
,•'v? 1 1•1.e is se great orily Invited to leave town. One of ing reports disparaging to others they Columbia University, • lays 0onsider-
College, for instance, in a favorite ex-
periment tried an the children in a
history class, the teacher will tales
one pupil aside and tel him a simple
3:amienrang the 1001- nOS'mC
'''r' "0 goal denimsof inanity. Tho Cale -bearing German wit- milted by acclamation. Persons pos- dency to make a good story better.
nee rf men whn seri- the framers of the new German code, somehow le;e:ell the sense of their
ou e'en"d the unity of the Jedge Schaiffer, is quoted as saying ox'n inferiority.
* organization." 'that just es there aro prisons for A Case of "Projection;'
Plot Influenced :