HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-08, Page 8-PAGE HENSALL. Miss Nellie Boyle, of London, vis- ited over theweek-end at her horse here, Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Switzer and little daughter Lois and Miss Irma Higgins, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and family. Miss Flora Hig- gnis accompanied them back to De- troit where she will visit for a few weeks, The services in all our churches were well attended on Sunday last, said excellent sermons were deliver- ed, white the service of praise was well in keeping. Mr. Alex. Sparks is yisiting for a few weeks with relatives in Detroit. .The Sunbeam trio gave a number of concerts around Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and little child, of ;London, visited for a few days with relatives in town, Mr. 'White and Mr. J. W. Skinner Were in London Thursday on business A number from Hensall attended the hockey snatch at Stratford onFri- day evening. A preparatory service will be held in the basement of the United church on Friday evening. The members of Zurich Lodge, No. 224, A.F. & A.M., of Hensall, held a very interesting meeting on Monday evening, the occasion being the of- ficial visit of the D.D.G.M. from God- erich. A good crowd was present and a social hour was spent at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Mossop, of St. Marys, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs, John Wilson, The sportsmen of the village are looking forward to the shoot to be held in the near future. A communion service will be held in the United Church next Sunday .morning. Everyone is urged to be present, Mr. Jas. Bonthrnn is improving the appearance of his home by putting in hardwood floor, and making other improvements. Reeve Geiger is in Goderich .his week attending the meeting of the: County Council. Mr. and Mrs. Alien McDonald of Detroit, wh,h have been visiting at the home ,,f Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mc- Donald vee? to London on Monday. The nieot+.ug ..f the Young Peoples League was he'vi ort Monday evening with Miss 'Pear' Elder presiding and Miss Dorothea Heffernan acting as secretary. The meeting was opened 'by singing hymn 38, followed by a:: repeating the Li rd'.s prayer. The Scripture iessott was real responsive- ly, The minutes were read and ad- apted, after which Mies Johnson gave an account of the Young People's convention at Exeter. Hymn 268 was then sung, and Mr. Sinclair led in prayer. Threegiris then gave a very Ceasing tri,', rollowed by a sato by Mrs, Joynt. Mr. Ortw•ein pronoun4 e: tits benedicti:en. The W.M.S. net :n the Sunday school ronin Thursday afte iron with the President in the Melia the meeting opened by singing hymn 95, Airs \£rl)onatd gave a reading, fol- lowed by a hymn. The Scripture les- son was read by Mrs. C. McDonald and Mre. :a. Hemphill read the de- votional leaflet. The roll call found , g teen members present. The of- tering ,las then taken up. The visit- Mg is ti ng committee reported they had vis- ited IS sick and shut-ins It was de- cided to send fr,ut and quilts to the Deacon Hr.tne iii Tarouto. The study b auk was ;.ea,1 by Mrs. Maniere f otto:wcd Shy the e e .tion of officers Hymen 31 was sung, after which :des. Fouts:i closed in prayer. Tuckey -Moir,- A quiet hut pretty wedding was solemnized at the Pres- byterian e,h terian Manse, tic kali n Sat tr• :ay, Dec. 2n4 at 2 p.m., when :Anna Mary. second da.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M 'i I ons in , Russ. b caste the inde of Oaear Dwight Tuckey eon <tf Me. ;incl ills. Chas, Tue? try 't tamer. er Rev. James Me - limy officiated. The bride was pret- ty gowned it! eoae taffeta with black ik velvet trimmings and gold broc- ade hat After the eerentesny Mr. and Me.. Tuckey :eft by instar on a short honeymoon, the bride's travelling dress be -ng black satin trimmed with sand crepe. On their return they will reside ..in the groan's farm near 'Exeter. The A. Y. P.A. of the .ngiiean r h arch held a neat rig yn. Monday evening The meeting was apenel by singing hymn 517, after which T. W. Jones led in prayer. The ,ninutes of the last meeting were read 'furl adopted. The business was then dis- n else+.l. The lapis, "Important Per- s, ns in History," was given. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs. S. T. Peppier and Mate M. Drummond each gave inter- esting readings on important charac- ters. The meeting was closed by singing hymn 516. Toe Misson Band of the Presby- ter an church met in the basement of the church on Sunday afternoon with .a geed a tendance The meeting was opened by singing hymn 721, after which all repeated the Tad's pray- er. Irene Hogarth read the minutes of t'.te last raeetina.The roll call was taken by E 4'w 1 Smith. Hymn 491 then s' o . Memory worse w:es re. v e vn l Short stories of the i_. he were read, Beryl Pcaff leading the rat. The coneluding hymn, No. 416, wa= ft,lr•we I lay all repeating the lelizpah benedic i ie. Owing to Reeve Geiger being in Goderich this week the council meet lee was po:etnc,ned. Mr. and Mrs. David Christie, of Iiib'e•rt, visited Mr. W. T. McLaren an Monday, \l ss Edna Gill has taken a position be Mr. Pa.esmore's hardware shag, Mies Ruby McLaren visited this week with her sister, Mrs. Wes, Venner, from near Chisenluust. Scheel Revert for No •ember, •-Sr. TV.--Bsb..ii„itsto,l, Mabel Work- man, Howard 'Hemphill. Elea t r Skinner, ,Irene Deters, Grace 13rock. r Award , Mary Kennings, Beryl Drummond. Jr. TV. --Marian M:eKay, Glacly.. Passmore , Irene Iloggarth, Alice Idingins, Hazel Hudson. Florence McDonald, Will Drummond, Marvin Spencer Sr. IIT, --Eleanor Bell, Harold. Fns ter, Harold Sherritt, Alden Appleton, Isobel Smale, Helen Glenn, Ito llirock, Will Nichol, John McKay Ray Paterson, Lorne Elder, Emm Warm, Norman McKay, Harold AP piston, Viola Hildebrandt. y HILLSGREEN. I Miss Hazel Wucnoebster of L k w ..spent :a'day last.:weelc with her con- sul, :h'trs,Frank Coleman, Parr line, Mrs. Robe „ Green. and.. daughter,. Wilma, of Hensall, spent Saturdayat the home of Mr. W. Carlile`s, •14i1lsgreen Sunday school are "busy practising for their Christmas enter-, tainnnent which is to be held on Tuesel day evening, Dec. 20th. The young people meeting will be held this Friday evening,at 8 o'clock, Mr. W. Carlile attended the Pres- bytery res- b ter ; held at Londesborough on Tuesday of this week, Mrs. R2cMurtttie, of Hensel), spent the past week -visiting at the home of Mr, Jas. Love's. THE SEAJ+ORTH NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER= 8, 1927:' -BAYFIELD, Rev. Mr. Harrison of 'Clinton will conduct the service in Trinity Church on Sunday evening. Ninian Heard arrived hone toil Thursday from Kindersley, Sask., where he has spent the past three months. Fred Heard and Charlie Scotchmer also were at the saline place and returned home on Saturday. They remaitned far a couple of -days with their uncle, Alfred Scotehmer at Craig, Sask, Messrs. Laverence and Fred Fowlic' of London spent Sunday at their hone, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weston and Miss E. Weston west to Detroit last week to spend the winter months with members of their family, Mrs. A, Trethewey left last Thurs- day to visit her daughter et St. Tho - MRS. The St, Andrew's United ,Church Sunday school are preparing for a Christmas !entertainment which is to be given Tuesday, December 20th. The Girls' Auxiliary is holding an afternoon tea and gift sale at the rec- tory on Saturday, December 10th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Mas Carrie le ofCoderitaddressed e l the women's meeting in 'Trinity Church on St. Andrew's Day, at the. close of which a branch of the Wo- man's Auxiliary was organized with the following officers: President, Mrs, F. H. Paull, vice president, Miss E. Cameron; secretary, Mrs. W. 'Scotch- Ener; treasurer, Miss R. Snowden; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. J. Pollock; Literature Secretary, Miss 5. Parke. Help for Asthma. Neglect gives asthma a great advantage. The trou- ble, once it has secured a foothold, fastens its grip on the bronchial pas- sages tenaciously. Dr. J. 0. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy is daily bene- fiting ene- h ing cases of asthma of long stand- ing. Years of suffering, however, might have been prevented had the remedy been used when the trouble was to its first stages. Do not neg- lect asthma, hot use this preparation a once. WEST BRODRAGEN, Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scharbarth and Children epent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele. Mr. Martin Purcell left for Detroit art NOV. 28th. itt company with his e. Thema-.. We trust Mr. Purcell gi11 have regained his health when he 'cturns. Last Friday night the young people ,f West P.reelhagen gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. \\'m. Jacob to give Miss Enema Jacob, sister of Mr. Jane b, a kitchen shower prior to her ,wedding to Mr. Bauer, son of Mr. A. Dauer, of Detroit, on Nov 30th. They will reside in Detroit after their rear- iat;e Mr ha ec• Regete is kept busy ielling pine! stumps en Canada Co. • MANLEY, 1:i .,ai burg is busy harvesting pine :sumps to get a fuel supply for the om;ng year. W ' 1 was received from Mr. Thos. I urs eii in Detroit that Mr. Martin Purcell is progressing nicely under the parr of a epecialiet in the city. Mr. C. F kat spent a few days this vert, with leis daughttns, Mrs. Thos. 17ck.y and Mrs. W. Manley. The fine frecty weather has made the roads in excellent condition, and the ., r Iter so tar looks as it it might A, short. enc, - Everybody would :yen; a, he delighted if it remains. DUBLIN. Mrs, iohn C. Gailagleer, of Strath- roy, 'visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. James Delaney. Mr. Barry Brauer has returned to Spokane, Mr, •and • Mrs. Frank Evans spent Sunday. at the home. of Mr. John \lurrat. Mrs. James Delaney spent Sunday with her brother. Mr, Frank Mc- Quaid. Mr. Andrew Dantzer, of Stratford, spent Sunday at his home here, KIPPEN. Mrs. Henry Ivison is leaving for Toronto this week to visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) McKibbon. Mrs, John H. Cochrane spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bright - more, of London. Mr. Wm. Cochrane left Monday for Cochrane. The community party of the town line is being held at the home of Mr, Norman Jones this .week. Mrs, Lorne Eller, of Tonopah, Gowganda, and two children, are vis- iting at the home of Mrs. Hugh Mc- \Iurtrie.; ELIMVILLE. The churches at Zion, 'Whalen and Elimville were closed last Sunday on accountofthe smallpox cases near Zion. The schools were also tclosed for a few days. Dr. Graham, of'Ex- eter, M,O,H., was at the schools on Monday vaccinating a large number of pupils. The disease seems to be of a very mild type and at time of writing only two cases have been re- ported in Usborne. ST. COLUMBAN, Mr. W. J. Cleary was a Stratford visitor on Saturday. \Ir. Charles Malone, of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Malone. Mies Edith Riles, of Stratford Normal 'School, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miles. Mrs. John Gallagher, of Strathroy, accompanied by her sister, Mary Cor- nelius, of Niagara Falls, are visiting at the hone of their brother, Mr, and Mrs. John Delaney. Mr. Frank McQuaid was in Toron- to on business and returned home on Saturday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. John Dalton visited •1t the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Mal' nc, .McKillop. Mr. and .firs. Tom. Morris have returned from their honeymoon and have taken up housekeeping on the •room's farts on the seventh conces- sion. Hibbert. STANLEY. Miss Selina Steckle, who has been visiting her sister and other relatives near Kitchener for the past two months, has returned home, 3fr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie visited the former's sister, Mrs. J, 112, Tough, of lllayfield. on Saturday last, Mr, Wm. Douglas and Mr. D, Tough, of Brucefield, paid a flying visit to friends on the Bronson Line last Friday afternoon. Miss Idfarybei Carnie, who is at- tending Continuation school at Hen - salt, spent the week -end under the parental roof. Miss M. Cornish, teacher of S. S. No 4, spent the week -end at her home in T:limville, BEECHWOOD. The following is the report of Beechwood school for the month of November. Nantes in order of merit. :Sr. IV.—Leota 'Ryan, Elizabeth Carlin (a). Jr. TV, --Irene O'Rourke, John 0' Reilly, Annie Ryan (a), Calista Kelly, Edith Iirauskopf, Angela Horan. Sr III.—Joseph Downey, Mary Maloney, Marie Burns (a), ilubert O'Reilly (a), Bazil .Kelly. Jr. IIT.—Mary Downey, Albert hranskopf (a), Clarence Ryan, Loret- to O'Rourke, Michael Walsh, Peter Austin (a). IL- aaary Walsh, Clarence O'Reilly Billie Flanagan, Richard Downey,'. Clement Kranslcopf, Barbara Carlin (a). T --Cecelia Krauskopf, Margaret, Walsh, Dorothy Nolan, Joseph Burns, ,erild A Promise More Than Kept.' C \Vhcn the publishers of the Family 'Herald and Weekly Star of STnntreal two years ago announced that the owner of the paper wished them to reduce the sn b,eription price from two dollars to one dollar a year, they , romised that not a single feature of the paper would be eliminated,. but eco Iva tares wools- be ad!ed, and .the xnrr trade stere valuable than crer. It is frankly ,udnnitted by their mil - len readers that their pron.itic, 1:a3 i„ aro nese than fnlfhiled, aen 1 today. •he Family Herald and Werkly Star At one dollar a year is the marvel of `be newspaper world. No honne in Canada would regret this investment. rust think of a great hig, 72 page pub - 1 yeti, nat less than two cents per week, anti every page of it alone Earth the money. No wonder tine Family I-Terakl and Weekly Star has over a million readers. It deserves :hem all, and more too. In all infantile complaints that are he result of the depredations of ^Ems in the stomach andintestines Tiller's \Dorm Powders will he fouund an effective remedy. They attack the. cause of these troubles, and by ex :selling tate worms from the nrgans enure an orderly working of the sys- rm, without which the child cannot n•eintain its strength or thrive. These]j aowders mean health and improve.1 meat. Want and For Sale. ads, 3 times 50e !! Sr. Pr.- -Torn Flanagan, Anne Dow- ney, Jr. Pr.—Harold Ryan, Mary Givlin, and Margaret I;raaskopf (equal), Denis Nolan, •Joseph Givlin, Lorne Burns. , S: Queenan, Teacher, WINTHROP, .Anniversary services will be held in Caven Church this Sunday, Dec, 11th, RCN'. R. R. Conner, of Kippen, will have charge. A chicken supper and Christmas en- ter ,ai ntnent will be held in Caven Church Thursday evening, Dec. 22n1. •' good programme is being prepar- ed for hath old and young. Santa ('laws will be there with his pack. Come and enjoy a night with the children. A hig crowd attended the dance here Friday night, \l and Mrs. Fergus Bullard were in Pel,=rave Tuesday attending the fuaneral of Mrs.P,ullard's grand- nither, Mrs. T.eichman. Mrs: Frank Johnston spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bolger, of Walton. A dance will be held in Winthrop hall Friday, Dec. 16th. Ludwig's Ser- enaders will furnish tine music, Spot e4 ,��� �' wa :# t �•: fir,. i. .. t! as'vest Brand eanned Goods Large Tin Tins�1 ; 5 2 � Pumpkin . , . , . l,+J¢ 2 Tins Peas 25c 2 Tins Corn . , , , , , . 25e 2 Tins Tomatoes :