HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-08, Page 2Sunday School Lesson • December 11. , Lese>n X1—!salah Counsels Rulers, I,mleh 37: 6.11 14-20. Golden Text --Thou wilt keep him inperfect peace, whose mind Is stayed an thee; because ho trusteth In thee,—Isalah 26: 3. ANALYSIS. 7. Ails a AND THE sYlto ±n-1P;LI'rE IN- 7ASION, ch. 7. IUSUPICIAII AND THE .EGYPTIAN ALLI- LAN CL, ch, 31. ITT; Tim ASSYRIAN CRisrs, chs. 36 and 87. INTnonGcrune—Isaiah was a keen observer of the events of his time. It was with deep insight into God's ways that he looked upon the tragic events of his age, the fall of Damascus in 732, the fall of Samaria in 721, and the siege of jerusa)em in B.C. 701. I, A}IAU ANTI 7612 $YaO-ISRAELITE IN- 'YASION, ch. 7, In 736 the king of Damaseas (or rather of Syria), hard pressed by the growing power of Assyria on .the east, formed an alliance with the king of Israel against Assyria, and these two endeavoredfirst: to persuade and then to farce 'Judah to join with them. Abaz, king of Judah in Jerusalem, preferred to ally his little kingdom with Assyria and thus made himself and his people vassals of and, tribut- ary to that proud and powerful em- pire. Chapter 7 tells us how these two potty kings, to strengthen their defensive league against Assyria, in- vaded Judah intending to take Jeru- salem, depose King Ahaz, and put upon the throne of Judah a man of their own showing, and how in Jeru- salem; king and people were stricken with terror (vs. 1.2 c.f., i", 6, and 2 Kings 16:5-8). Isaiah then compar- atively a young man, brought to the king a message of comfort and cheer. Ile counseled watchfulness and cairn confidence in the protecting care of Jehovah, and predicted the speedy overthrow of the invading kings. He seems to have opposed the dependence upon Assyria's help (2 Kings 16:7), but Aha.z rejected his advice. It was. at this juncture that he foretold to Aha% the coming ofa nether andgreat- er ki n ._ on to be born, whose siR' mft- cant name would be Immanuel, "God with us," who would grow up during the i erhed of trouble and distress which was, speedily coming. His very name in itself gave assurance of ulti- mate deliverance, and he, succeeding tr, i.he throne of David, would estab- lish a kingdom which should endure forever, rtes also 9:1-7. Ahem seems to have profited not at all by Isaiah's message, but went his own foolish way of fatal alliance with and hence subiretion to Assyria. The prediction of Isaiah was not fulfilled in his time, as he apparently expected, but it was the first declaration of Israel's hope of a coming sting and Saviour, anti was taken up by other prophets after him and handed down through the fnl- irrvint; centuries until its fulfillment in the birth and ministry and spiritual ltirig'I.••nh of our Lord Josue Christ. Ceerr,;n•e 11 :1-111 and Acts 13:22-33. fl. nee -elven AND Tite: k:YI'TIAN ALLI- ANCE, t'tl..".1. ea of hrael c'nme to an end with the ,ell of Samaria in B.C. 721, ami the cat rying off of many of its 1 pie. into captivity. Assyrian arm: a net appear to have entered Judah until D.C. 701. It was four; vtar, I r ire that date that Sargon,' or.'. gr ,test of the Assyrian, warn 1 in, died. At his death then,ems lrl; Hien in tnany parts of , his ' h t empire, front Persia to the bort-re of Egynt. mealiest the (pyres - siva leirdevis which Isis rule had isn- 5 poser I lbeel n reeolted and was sub -1 jaded 1 s 1 rrii i.. r eni'imrent•. by his vaeceeee , Sennacherib, Tlezekiah,' son if Aha;, king of Judah. with the Philistinee and ether neighboring states, also threw o:T the Assyrian yoko, induced by promises of help from Egypt, pt, Isaiah, now old in years and in expeiieuce, had no confidence in Egyetrnn promises and denounced this regyetian alliance. He would have king and peoph: put their dependence first and before all on (ic:d, who holds his ps'ople fast even as a lion holds his prey agamat the shepherds (v. 4), or as biro I flying over guard the nests which hold their young, v. 5. Com- pare 30;1.6. III. THE ASSYRIAN CRISIS, chs. 36 and 37 - The Assyrian armies entered Pales- tine in P.C. 701. See the story of their coming as told in 2 Kings, chs. 18 and 19, and in our lesson. There is also an Assyrian record of this inva- sion which has high historical value. Many of the cities and strongholds of Judah were taken and Jerusalem was besieged by a detachment from the main army at Lachish, under the com- mand of one of the king's chief offi- cers. The Otory of this officer's meet- ing with Hewell ah's two ministers and his insolent speech in which he de- ananded the surrender of the city is. fully told in ch. 36. In the negotia- tions fol the Egyptian alliance, Isa- iah's 'counsel had been uegglected, but in this crisis he was 'consulted and he sent to Hezekia'ls in reply an assuring and comforting message, eh. 37:5-7, Either at this time or earlier haze- kiah had endeavored to buy off the invaders by payment of a very large sena in money and `treasure, 2 King's 18;14.16. For this or some other rea- son, the singe wan lifted, but later the Assyrians returned with a second de- mand o-mand for the city, ch. 37:9-14. The mention of Tirhakah here (v. 9) is puzzling, as Egyptian records shoal that he did not reign until ten years later. The prayer of Hezekiah in has deep disteess, and the message of Isa- iah, breathing defiance to the foes and confidence in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, are too well known to need further comment. In some' myster- ious and awful way, ')by plague` or other eau se (v; " 36), the Assyrian army on the borders of Egypt was destroed, the siege of Jerusalem w'a's consequently abandoned, and the king- dom of Judah was saved from extinc- tion for another hundred years. / lef f :. 1330, THE COMIPANIONABLE SMOCK There was a time not long ago when the snivels was identified as the work- ing costume of an artist, but of late it has been adopted as offhee uniform, douse frock, and for every type of practical wear, Women find them more convenient to elip on and off, and they are very becoming, besides lend int; themselves to a variety of designs in cotton washable. fabrics. The smock presented here is voted one of the at- tractive models. It is fashioned in cotton broadcloth in plain color, with collar, revers and large pockets of printed cretonne in a becoming design.' There aro gathers over the bust, and it has long set-in sleeves. No. 1330 is in adzes 84, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust size. Size 36 bust requires 3 yards 86 -inch plain material, and 11/, yards figured. Price 20c the pattern.' Many styles of smart apparel may be found in our new Fashion 13oolt Our designers originate their patterns. in the heart • of the style centres, and their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the means of the average woman, Price of the book 10c the copy. HOW" TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in etanhps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ade - "Why do they always lipid cham- plonsllip fights in the larger cities?" "So they can keep the ringside seats within the city limits." Daughter (watching Father having difficulty in finding Itis sea legs)- "Look, Mummy—Daddy's eventing fun- ny, like Ise did last Christmas!" "Diamonds" For The Picking The cooling lava of tile`latest overflow of Kilauea, Hawaii, forms green•isra translucent stones that takes .a fine palish ansi tnalce beautiful gems. A couple of "Jack-knife diamond miners" getting stones. Farrn Notes • same time while the three-year-old mattes his gain by putting on fat alone. The younger steer, however, needs' a s•omeivhat more nutritious ration than the older one, the latter making' the best use of coarse rough- age: Storage of Seed Potatoes Good seod potatoes- are essential for the prod:Jetfoil of good crops, and it has bean clearly proven that Nso seed potatoes certified under the rules and regulations of the Dominion De- partulont of Agriculture- can he de- pended upon to give high ylelds.of ex- °ellent quality. But securing certi- fied seed is not enough. - According to a new: pamphlet on Oertiilcd Seed. I Potatoes ,distributed by the Publics tions Branch, Department of Agricul lure, Ottawa, the care of the potatoes in storage before seeding time is highly important. Potatoes, no mat- : ter tow perfect, cannot stand rough , handling, high temperatures, or wet conditions. !Atter having gone to the trouble of producing a crop of certified seed pe-- : tatoes or of obtaining them from a dealer, it would be foolish to allow ;them to deteriorat0, 011 account 0f. im+ proper storage. The proper tem- perature at which potatoes should be stored is 37 degrees P. It is absolute 1 e that Y ase ti 1 u a the potatoes be kept as dr as_ q si 1 s Uo and ,b Yn t best a means t 1 1 0 obtain this result would be to store them 1n crates, providing means for the free circulation of air nmoug the crates throughout the en - tiro storage period. Bag storage is a Safe method only if the potatoes can he kept dry. If bin storage is Iesnr'ted to, care should be taken to avoid piling the tubers against the wall or directly on the door, as this practice does not permit or sufficient ventilation, especially When the quantity is large. A false wall of slats, close enough together to retain the potatoes and about 6 inches from the main wall should bei constructed. A temporary floor should be laid down about 6 inches above the permanent floor, with circulation .space between tee boards to allow free c1roulatlon of air under and around the pile. In the ease of large piles, ventilators math+ of wooden slats should be Placed at regular intervals, both vert!, catty and horizontally, throughout the pile. Roughage Ground or Fed Whole Weed Seeds In Send Grain Every farmerle aware of tae trou- ble and loss Caused by weeds yet many farmers use poorly cleaned seed grain which le, responsible for the introduc- tion• of new weeds,and the increase of those already hi -the land, The Do- minion. Seed Branch has conducted, an inquiry into this, source of the spread of weeds and the results are summed up in a bulletin on Weeds and Weed Seeds, The inquiry elicited the fact that about 75 per cent. of Canadian fanners grow their own seed grain. Most of the grain purchased for seed is secured from neighboring farmers, but considerable quantities are ob- tained from graln dealers and seed merdnants.. Analysis of samples col- lected shows that most of the grain sold for seed contains large numbers of different kinds of weed seeds. Weed seeds are also prevalent in home grown seed. It Is therefore ob- vious tisat great care should be exer- cised in selections and cleaning. Some weed seeds are difficult to separate but most of them may bo removed by a properly equipped and well operated fanning mill, When the fanning null ie poorly equipped or badly operated little good is done by Its use. The in- qu1lyeven shewedthot a consider- able c ns1der- abse percentage ofgrain is sown direct from the thresher, with n0 cleaning whatever. The bulletin, which contains descriptions and methods of control of a large num- ber of weeds, may be obtained from the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The Superiority of Certified Seed Potatoes It has been clearly shown during re- cent years that the seed potatoes certified by the inspectors of tate Do- mini= Department of Agriculture are much superior to the general run or common stock. The rules and regul- ations .governing the production and inspection of thiscertified seed are given in a new pamphlet en Cana- dian Certified Seed Potatoes, distri- buted by the Publication Branch, De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, Tho standards set for certification are high and the results frown the use of certifies seed have been correspond- ingly ,favorable. Whether potatoes' are grown for seed purposes or table stock, it is essential that the very best seed be used, since good found- ation stock is the basis or good craps and profitable markets. Commercial potato -growers whose stock Is badly infested with diseases or contains mixed var'ie'ties will find it decidedly advantageous to secure certified seed. The use of each seed would double) the yields now being obtained on many farms Age of Steers to Feed In selecting steer's for feeding work, the age of the animate is an import-, ant coneideration, All things consid- ered the average feeder would be web advised to feed two -year-olds, in the opinion of the authors of an Experi- mental Farms bulletin oa the Winter Feeding of Beef Cattle in Ontario. The bulletin gives an account of ex- periments xperiments in feeding steers of differ - eat ages•: Over a six years period the two-year•oids made the greatest gains, but the yearlings were a'close second and the three -year -Glee were not far behind. The younger steers bad the advantage in the cost per 'pound gain, as the cost increases with age. The lower feeding coot of the younger steer is due to the fact that he is growing and putting on fat at the The results of an investigation into the advantages and economy or grind- ing roughages for dairy cows, con- ducted at the Central Experimental Farm. et ow that the grinding of the rough feed dill not aid materially, If at all, to its feeding value. The de- tails of the investigation are given in tho latest report of the Dominion Aninsal Husbandman. Among other things it was demonstrated that cut corn fodder is not of as high value for milk production as corn silage. When corn fodder and mixed hay were both cut and ground and fed in comparison with silage and 011e same mixed hay, not cut or ground, the lat- ter action proved to be slightly the more efficient for milk production. These results indicate that grinding roughage does not improve it. On the other hand, the extra labor of cutting and grinding adds materially to the cost, It can safely be said, therefore, that under normal -condi- tions, it would not bo economical to grind rough feed, at feast for dairy cows, particularly cine there is no Blass of stook better adapted to grinding their awn feed. (Issued by the Director of Publicity, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa) l�ia � ttn �� ' urs the pelt and gently; pull the 'fur apart: 5b Very few hairs are cut by this method and a Mee clean edge is left for sew- ing;•. Not more than ono -eighth of an inch needs to be allowed for seams and If one makes jaddod or Crookes • edges these can be evened off again with a stroke of the knife. Never use seis0ors to trite. the pelt for it is like- ly to cut oft- the hairs of the fur and make it almost impossible to conceal seams or patches.- at Home There aro many wonlon to -clay who have handsome- coats and ensembles trimmed with fur which are still at- tractive and iii style, but tiie fur col- lars of which look shabby, Perhaps other' fur trimming on the same gar - menta is in good condition, not having received as hard wear as the collars aucl cuffs. What is to be done then? Tito writer has had some successful experiences to being her own furrier, From remodeling collars and mill's, she has learned several tricks of the trade, which she is glad to pass on to those who are skillful with the noodle, and have more patience and Persever- ance, perhaps, than dollars to payfor costly new' fur or expert remodeling, Laying In. Reserves. The first step is to decide what ma- terial is available for repairing or for malting entirely, new cuffs or collars. A little, -good fur' goes a long way and therefore it is better to have' one nice collar on a special coat than to have a number of partly -worn collars and cuffs or elaborate trimming of fur that is not in the best condition, For this reason when this amateur buys a gar- sent, . she nearly always removes from -it unnecessary panels of fur or extra pockets offair and keeps them for the next 'season's use. For 111. stance, a coat flet was purcllasecl had handsome collars and cuffs of fur and large panels running up the side seams from the hemline. These extra pieces were "removed and this season they made a handsome new collar and repaired worn places on the cuffs. Again, a suit that was trimmed with beaver had superfluous pockets of beaver and these were ripped off and this season they do duty as a lovely collar on a light -weight sports coat. So much for a reserve supply from each sources. Another source of fur Is from dis- carded garments, and the clever wo- man will salvage any good fur before disposing of garments no longer of use. Often fur that looks worn or faded on one garment, used with dis- will dressup another gar- cretion, mont. For example, a light green wool coat worn during one season was edged with imitation gray squirrel, and at the end of the summer this trimming looked decidedly passe. All the narrow strips were ripped off, therefore, and it was found that cer- tain sections of the banding were fresh. Immediately the experimenter thought oT one of those new seamsd fur collars that have been so much in vogue this year. Piecing one strip af- ter another, she soon had a smart col- lar for another gray coat that did not, because of its matching color, draw as much attention to the t'ur but blended prettily with it. Find the Direction of the Fur. Whatever the material on hand, the next consideration is the size of collar or cuffs that are to be made, If a col- lar is quite badly worn and there is new material, 1t is better to make an entire no wcollar and use the old col- lar for mending the cuffs wherever they are most worn. Laying out tine fur, one will notice that it "goes" a certain way and this must he careful- ly borne in mind when planning new collars or trimmings. Noticing how the old collar was arranged will help 0110, and in planning the new collar the o/d one can often be used for the right dimensions- ,,The fur' collar on any garment Is nearly always deeper in the back than the wool or shit that linos it, so the collar will roll easily and prettily when turned up about the neck, And 3t one uses the under collar or lining for a pattern, an extra inch or two must be allowed when cutting the fur, Most collars also have the fur going away from the neck, that Is with the brush or pile turning down. Sometimes the collar is seamed at the back, however, to have the fur go from the back toward the front, one oath side, as well as to tend In a downward direction. Most fur really has a very definite "way" which is easily recognized by stroking; a smooth and a rough way. • Look -Before Cutting. Certain that the fur will all "go" the sight way, the next step 1s cutting. For this purpose a tiny sharp pan - knife blade is ideal.. Tho fur should be laid fur downward, tied with Pen - oil or chalk one can mirk on the pelt where one wishes to cut. Then draw the knife with a down stroke across • After cutting qua piece of ftte, it wen to stop end try it on the garment and with other Dices, to be sure thee the fur is going the right way as well as to match' the color of the piecen. Color matching 1e"'indoed important, for a fur of one color will vary greatly in shades in various areas and most unhappy results are 'obtained melees tate is studied. For example, beaver, while easily seamed, often shadea front light tan td deep brown and it would be most startling to 500111 a col- lar atthe back, leaving light tan on one side of the seam and deep brown 011 the otaser. Yet there are exceptions to these rules and it is not as difficult as it may sound, sometimes, toachieve sense ,voly.. pretty effects with. odds and ends of fur. For instance, cara- cul can really be patched ie. all kinds of waye,.`vith fur going north, south, east and weal, and with light and dark mixed Hither and thither, The. writer had a caracul neckpiece, which Was a lovely quality of fur and a beautiful color but extremely out of style in design. She literally cut it to pieces to shape 1t into a modern coat collar, for the patched together 07 small pieces at various angles and in various,' ways. Yet when lintel -Led, it was remarked upon by several friends who did not know of its "seamy side! Patching and Seaming. In patching a small piece et fur into a larger one,as, for example, along a. lower cuff line, where the edge has become worn, it has been found much easier and better to patch in 'triangles of fur rather than squares, These triangles may even be inserted in a middle area where fur is worn, and by their shape they will hide success- fully among the fur that brushes over the seams. Seaming and `servinis g of great lin- portance. Seams must all be tight, but not drawn or puckered. A strong, sturdy sewing needle, of medium size, must be used, with No. 00 black thread for dark fur; and the stitch re- quired is a flue over -the -over one, made while holding the edges of fur together tightly, with the fur brushed away from the seam as much as pos- sible. Buttonhole stitch is excellent, too, resembling the machine stitch used by furriers. If stitches are taken loosely the fur will have parts which are most unbecoming to collars and , cuffs, but this can be remedied by re - sewing the seams, going in the oppo- site direction. Deep stitches are not as important as ones close together with tightly drawn thread. The outside edges of fur are usual- ly bound with tape or strips of black muslin, and this is simply done by sewing on tape or cloth, in an over - and -over stitch, then basting the tape la toward the pelt, ready to sew on the garment Padding. Padding is another item that helps to make collars and cuffs attractive when llnisllod. Tile padding removed from old pieces can be used again on new collars, or shoot padding can be laid against the pelt and tacked under the outer taping and here add there a nthe pelt, if necessary, or to the lining of the garment when the fur is sewed in place. Short stitches should be used to whip the fur to the garment, and those are easily -*taken because one can sew to tape instead of to the pelt, hiding the stitches un- der the fur that always out on tho edges of cuffs or collars. Whenever fur is caught under tlsa thread, it is well to pull it out carefully with the needle as one goo along, so the fur will not look Irregular in edge when done or have a "sewed tight" look that is sometimes the result of an A few light quick shakes of the fur will finif it up whodb one has finished the piece, and airing it for a few hours, In the fresh' bright sunshine, wil} improve its appearance, whether it is new fur or old fur or a combina- tion of both. — Christian Science Monitor. MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. The Recommendation Had Its Strong Point. -Mkt FINN SC-RI/ANT e-6 kICFF'S AIN'T w012r7i HIS SALT,: 'feu CAN wR>Te'BeerI 'YOUR NAME'' IN nee Deter •', JEFF, THAT Se2yaNr•YoV G8 FROM eItoeptitli .'6 at S G , tfg eAear'eps pia`e AN EGG; " i' es'`' AND IileN:tte ('t$CSSEs: iiZOV3Cfa5 me crteASs ` :ei fel STRAtaH,T Ole fh -- tl•L� cest(tc.fe Rai ` T.4 -,t. ,T"Tit YOvI ^' -' -', ;.,'To Wl•10iv;,1 ,'mt\y CONet RN ` (liG t4C,Aj 4`R,'oGo SG -tel', to ,..RO 8,051"•,.; [. e sal; 8,05 GtntMc- tHc- T11N )30q(Zt� .:•1- of }1QAL'Ri1 i, e '- ----1,(1-7-*{.�\.Gt,•1%• ,. 1. s, ...elate ' i a t �� w.a %� YC $,; NL i's`' A sun?, coots, am.;,.." MvTT..BUT \1, 1Y A V Itt*," • i' 'igSF,C :KNOW, ,q ,.p t r .8,k ,'lifkli A �� 'btu a cr iz o�¢ .r ',;,4 dC a.. 1aOMMi t ; . li1N , . _ : i2.tletle . '�4.( til FSIATLAND• x,.y -ti q. • tG:lvr . ,.3,, . 7: b",1 S 1<t1 r Te ,� 99b`w _ t r es al 1. I. y�.• v7• , Se?"1� 1.4 att. YIti i .�+°•M.- e . 1 vfs„ 1 ; X a .d, ;r; 'Srj ? 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"Look at her bobbed hair and short dresses." "Tire Tiger," looked at many of those qualities ote Armistice Day at Vendee But on that occasion he .did notseem to disapprove so violently. In fact he seemed quite happy to kiss all the bright-cheeked girls of Von - dee who came hie: way. As to his indictment of modern girls, however, Clemenceau admitted that most of 1110 evidence against them was based on hearsay.' "But I have seen many of the changes which have come Over the daughters of Vendee fishing families," he said. Had No Opinion At first the "Grand Old Man," sought to dodge behind his stock phrase: "No, I will give you no opt- nion; you know I have no opinion' on anything. And especially at .my age I do not dare adventure on a subject so dangerous as women." Later he warmed up to his subject, Forgetting his self-confessed lack of opinion, he went on: "I do not see young women frequently, but eonsi• dering what I hear young women of to -day are not what they used to be in my days. "For example, the beautiful lace bonnets are disappearing despite the fact that they are more attractive than modern !sats. What do they wear now? A little felt hat that you can put in your pocket. "I still remember my father's two housemaids, When I was a youngster they floated from room to room lilte birds, their starched lace i'aadplece "But to -day it would cot 40 franca Iifloating behind them. ($1,60) just to wash •and starch such a contraption. "You still see a few al Vendee, but 'r there they aro warn with the saute old-time wooden shoos and short pea.. sant skirts merely to ati.rant tuurts;s. "Oh! I know t:`ese Vendee girls." Was Frank Woman Clemenceau lifted his brows one searched his rnohn, He ensiled and continued: "You remember etallahle, that market woman who scili ml' vegetables and fish at Sablt-s lie 1, Olonte? "You knew, T am absolutely ,'in- v;nead that elle wears' a tang holm et just to keep Ivy trade .SLea n rrrutc woman, that Mathilde, e amuses me. "On my last visit to Vendee, site sales, 'You look tired AI'sieu Clemens- ceatt' "I replied: 'It is probable I am be. ginning to feel the weight of my wild oats. "'Go on,' Mathilde told me. 'Ae many as you could have sewn, they eertatnly were not no much es I sowed.' "But that ltd not prevent Mathilde from marrying," Clemenceau observ- ed. The Tiger's thoughts wander now- adays. Momentarily be forgot all about the modern woman and ex- plained that he was tired of doing hiss own arketing and arguing about prices,m "So T sent my faithful servant," ice sail, "I live as my fancy Presses, but it is right. I have paid dearly. for the privilege." Clemeneoan'a granddaughter breez- ed into the room at this momeet and* gave "The Tiger," a hug and a ties. "So you want a divorce in order to • come and marry me," Glamersceau said `winking "A11 right, I'm free." . 1 He laughed; the grand -daughter said Georges Clemenceau has spoken enough. He was wrapped in a blank- et and the interview ended. She—"I suppose, You are a lover of music?" He—"Oh, yes, but you can' go on playing just the game." ea wet •a'Ilfie bane rte s• an absolute stran- ger to me, but T hear he's been pride= ing my complexion to everyone he meets. Miss Keen—Perhaps he's the local agent for it, dear. , It was getting on towards the end of the term, and the class master was impressing on his boys the necessity or oelrn work to prepare for the final examination, The examination ilallere are now at the printer's" he said "Has anyone a question to ask?' Silence. Suddenly a voice from the back row jntiulsad—"Who's' tine printer?" ,