HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-01, Page 8GE EMIT.'
Mr, Clarenee Munn, of - Bay City,
Mich., visited over the week -end with
his parents, Mr, " and Mrs, Alex.
Miss Flossie 'Foss, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
David Foss.
Mr, Archie Sparks, of Detroit, vis-
ited over the week -end with his father
Mr, Lee .Heiden, who has spent the
past month hunting in the North, re-
turned home 'Saturday evening.
Mr, Win, 'Simpson, of Detroit, visit-
ed over the week -end with relatives in
Mr. Mervyn Brown, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ;Brown.
The bazaar and 'chicken supper held
in the Town Hall on Saturday after-
noon under the auspices of the Ladies'
.Aid of the United Church was a great
success, The proceeds amounted to
over $450.
Miss Gladys Garton, of White-
church, has accepted a position in the
home of Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Swan and . -little
child are visiting in town for a few
.A number from 'Hensell are attend-
ing the special services in Chiselhurst
United Church, which are conducted
by Rev. A. Sinclair.
Mrs. L. Peppier is visiting For e few
days with relatives in Hanover, •
Mrs. Archer, of Millbrook, is visit-
ing for a few weeks with her sister, Mr.' N. Tllker has been transferred
here from the Standard Bank at
Mr. Harold Brandon moved into
his new home last week.
Mre. Weir returned to her home at
London on Saturday.
Miss Jean Hogarth has returned to
her home at Bright for the winter,
Mrs. H. A. Stott and Mr. J. 0.
Goldthorpe left on Monday to spend
the winter in the States.
A Girls' Branch of the W.A. was
organized on Saturday last at the
Rectory. The meeting was addressed
6y Mrs. Bice. the Girls' Diocesan
Secretary -Treasurer, of London. It:
was a very enthusiastic meeting and
Port _ uron, the girls decided to bus at once.
f iftssk'n Band of the united The following officers were elected:
church held their meeting in the hese_President. Lucy Woods; Secretary, of the ehitreh on Sunday after- .lent, Edna Sanderson; Secreta An-
nett/ v tit a g,- l attendance present.
':ie McLeod;;Dorcas' Treasurer, t sicloy Ed
West -
The nee .n wee opened by the 'ng hard Secretary, Susie ng of a hymn, h;eynor Skinner call- lake Literature Secretary, Ella Mc -
ed the roll.. A duet was given by Ka- wasKay; Advisor, Mrs. F. H. Paull. It
the the Drysdale and Mary Hem hi . a agreed that the girls would hold
rad Miss Morrison read the .turfy. tea and sale of Christmas gifts er
The collection was cal by Norman
the Rectory on Saturday, December
Sinclair and the meet _ S, soli by a the tenth, from three to six o'clock,
hymn and p=oyer. 11 : Will Cameron returned home
A specie: netrung the stage ?r m 'Toronto on Friday,
council was held on ' r t :y evening.
Reeve Geige and Couneil„es Hrggfns
and Priest being present. A pennon HiLLSGREEN.
Mr,:'Mellray spoke on, `(Why I aux a
Presbyterian," and at the evening Ser-
vice, Why are we Presbyterians i".
The Sunday schools of the local
churches- are now busy praetising for
the Christmas coeerts to be held in
the near future.
The annual meeting of the Farmers'
Club was held in the Commercial hot-
el on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, E Jackson visited re-
latives in Mitchell on Monday.
Our merchants report business as
being very good.
A number from i Iensall attended
the funeral of Mrs. 'James McLean at
Kippen on Tuesday afternoon.
The many friends of Hr, Thos.
Kyle, of the London road north, will
be sorry to learn that he took a stroke
on Saturday and is lying at his home
in a serious condition.
Miss Gladys Slay, of 'Sarnia, is vis-
iting for a few days with Miss Greta
Mr, E. T. Brown was in the village
on Tuesday. .Ernie, who for over
two years has been teller in the. Stan-
dard Bank here was moved to Or-
angeville `last week, He has a large
circle of frieds here and will be,very
much missed.
Mr. R. J. Howard, of Montreal, paid
a flying visit to the village last week.
Miss Ethel Fowlie is visiting her
sister Mrs. G. Koehler, at
Mrs. Jas. Sangster.
Miss Pearl Churchill. of Clinton,
visited over the week -end with friends
in town.
Miss Grata Laramie visited for a
few days with relatives in 'Hamilton,
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last were very largely at-
tended. Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching
excellent sermons at both services.
Miss Clete Pepper, of 'Brucefield,
has taken a position as clerk in the.
Hensall bakery.
Miss. Evelyn Heffernan is visiting
fcr a few days with friends near Sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Llrurns are visit
• for a few days with relatives in agety
P Fl
was presented to the Comte,. aeking
For a retnetit i 'f- W dna
mond etreet, frdnn Miss Swan's gate- net t.ty r. •r fort ,Moron.
-way to the Sherritt property. The pe- Mr. -and Mrs. Wilfred Hudson and
titivin yeas signed by the . property lir, Thomas Hudson of Marlette,
owners concerned, \Vns. Dougall and Slirh,. were calling on friends in this
Thos. Sherritt. It was moved by v (:ditty during the week.
d.onncillor -Higgins and secrrnded• by di it rates around etork has ng couple
Cosuse lees Priest that the request ofvicinity
thr petition be granted. The property couple e't weeks, leaving a young
ridge to Mr, McLean and they farmed
in Tnrckersntith until `18` years ago'
when they retired to Kippen. Her
husband passed away five years ago
last August, Mrs, McLean was a life-
long member of St. Andrew's United
Church, Kipper, and was always'
ready and willingto do her share in
any work for tite furtherance of God's
Kingdom, She leaves to mourn one
son and three daughters, William Mc-
Lean, of the 2nd ofTuckersmtih; Mrs.
William McDonald, of Kippen; Mrs.
William Hay, Niagara Falls, Ont,;
and Miss Jean, at home. One son
died 33 years ago,.She also leaves
four sisters, Mrs.' R. B. McLean, Kip-
peu; Mrs. Annie Wilson, of Winni-
peg; Miss Jean Kerr, of 'Hensel", and
Mrs. Maggie McGregor, -Detroit. The
funeral was held front St, Andrew's
United Church on Tuesday afternoon,
the service being conducted by Rev.
R. R. Conner, assisted by Rev. R. A.
Lundy, of Nile, and interment took
place in Ross' cemetery, Brucefield.
The pallbearers were_ Messrs, Henry.
Horton, Hugh McGregor, T. N. For-
sythe, Isaac Jarrott, Andrew Bell and
Dr. Moir, The large attendance at the
funeral, together with the many beau-
tiful Rowers, were ample tribute to the
fine qualities and noble life of the de-
Miss Laidlaw, of 'Blyth, is at pres-
ent visiting her " sister, Mrs, W. J.
Tough, of the Bronson line.
Mr. Clifford Talbot has just com-
pleted the assembly and installation of
a fine radlo,set,
Mr. David Tough,.of Brucefield,
visited friends'and relatives in the vi-
cinity of his old home during the past
•. Motor Accident, -On Saturday as
.14r. Tyndall,, of_'Clinton, was proceed-
ing north on the Bronson line en route
from Dashwood to'Goderich, and in
trying; to make the steep grade known
as the Eleventh 'Hili, `stepped on the
accelerator with the result that the
car skidded in the loose sand at the.
foot of the hill, plunged' through the
railing, completely overturning and
pinning Mr: Tyndall under the wreck.
Fortunately a little girl happened to
he passing that way shortly after, and
seeing Mr, Tyndall's predicament, ran
for help to the nearest house."With
considerable difficulty Mr. Tyndall
was extricated from his extremely
painful position and found to be badly.
bruised and shaken up, but fortunate
indeed to escape with his life,
Mrs. John Sparkl has been quite ill,
and unable to attend her household
duties. We'hope she will soon be able
to be about again and in her usual
ersun left to LVed- BRUCEFIELD.
sidevvaik on south peen
hci its pay 60 per cent. and t. a town
40 ;Cr cent. of the cast. Centtcfilors
Priest anti Higgins were -appointed a
mmittee to look atter the work. i y in L.:dnu durfn the past week
Some d :satisfaction ilia' expressed by
residents of Queen street west, that a c' iib sing bn,utess with pleasure.
street light lead been moved from the • 'ei,7n Banti was held on Sunday
centre of the block and had been plan. ,�1e ee ag bent(, opened with a hymn.
cd near Monre Bros.' machine "hop to a file led in prayer, The :dis-
h was m,vel by Priest, seconded by sem Tiy..party
ccs invited to attend the
Higgins, that the Light be put back in D, li been -1:4y s•'sf W.M.S.the .on Sat.,
its former place, and that a new light ta;,,,;,t by 'rte n iii W.M.S. areto enter -Carlile
be placed in front of MooreRros. had the Scripture reading, 7 chapter
Atop, as this• was the intet:tton of the Llan 7-20. After the business part of
• C.=unci( The Connell then adjourned.
The meeting of the Young Pe p'e'g the meet. they 'eparated, Mr. Car -
League of the United Curvet*- vas lilt the senior girls, Mrs. Connor the
held _t Monday evening, Therots a fe It s. The (fleeting was dosed by
int; wee °n charge - Ifs .s t, ally temeating
herLb brothers i sistes rstofl1Mr.tson.
Luker and presided over by lefiee Dor 'i Wilson Carlile gathered at their
f,thv Hefrernau, and w s opened by h•.int en Saturday evening itt honor
the singing -:f hymn 328 and the ,f their twenty-fifth anniversary of
Lord's prayer. rhe tnunttcs 7t h . the r veddistg. After partaking of a
last mss ti tr; were then read,titer no f t ,tipper the evening was spent
which, Mss 1 , Morrison read the e in ial chat :and all returned to their
oin int , sa t 1'r,,t r "lit the fire s hone- wishing. Mr.usid Mrs, Carlile'btti falSawtd by hymn 8l. :was.. ,
daughter at Ile home of Mr, and Ivies.
Lln. Richert and is young sou at the
home 'i Mr. and Mrs, Otto Stephen.
Lir Wilson Carlile spent a couple of
\vt. 1:tdeisfseld favored the league ?Sang in.re tapas year, of married
with an instrumental. The topic was hfe. The trill tat.. r beautiful and
the lives .;r three fatnans• women of en"tly.
the flits t I can, Rachael attd Asenath;
• •list•pn wife: M.eah and Rachael were
takes nv Mss Mary ifeKaig. and' KIPPEN.
Asena h Joseph's wife, by. Miss Alma' •
Scru on d were greatly enjoyed.' I In 1 P.Swi''l hold their regular
The memo -de was -closed by ein*ingIute.ttng this. Friday night in St.. An-.
liy:n n 1'tt ;iii vhieh all repeated t he 'lr, w r, Church. Everyone who can
M opal benediction. tion. •attend le urged to be present. Meet -
Mt Ed. ford, who has been visitine ings are bright and 'interesting. 45
few a few weeks with relatives here,w'rt present at the last meeting. Five
'leas r ear u . s t -his home in the States. i dell ares are appointed to attend the
ltMis, Madeline Streets, of CI neon, l Y'1 ""ee at Rxefer. on Tues•y
visited over the week -end with viies', day
night. Rev. Fraytic Langfot-d willIvii'd ed 3fcDonell. ; be tore .epee i speai er. A. banquet
Mr, at.d - Mrs. liftman. .t ,St,1 will be held et 6 p.m.
Mrs. J. Richardson
The W.M.S. are holding their De -
lir:. Hastings and children, of Bel-
grave, have been visiting at the home
of her another, Mrs. Janet Ross, dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. Earle Carter, of Detroit, visited
friends here this week.
Mrs. J, Jamieson returned last week
after spending a few weeps visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Fowler, Owen
Sound, who has been ill.
The fiftieth Jubilee Anniversary of
the W.M.S. will be held in the Sunday
School room of the United Church on
Wednesday, Dec. 7tlt, at 2:30. A cor-
dial invitation is extended to the mein -
hers of the Kelly :luxiliary, the Mar-
len Oliver Circle, the Home Helpers
and :he women of the congregation,
also the former members of the Kelly
Auxiliary and W.MS. A light lunch
till be served and a social hour spent.
Friends of Mr. John Souter are
pleased that he. is improving nicely at
the home of his parents on the Mill
Road, We hope to see Jack soon as
spry as ever,
Miss Helen Thompson visited at
the home of her friend, Miss Dorothy
Btoadfoot, over the week -end.
Miss Anna Pearl Douglas is visit-
ing her cousin, Miss Marjory Mc-
Intosh, and tether friends, in London,
this week.
A little girl has come to gladden
the hone of Mr. and Mrs, i''red Rath -
\fr. Chas, Reid visited his daughter
.end tither relatives in Toronto last
Mrs. Haugh spent a few days with
her -ister, Mrs. G. S. Howard, in Ex-
The play, "Robert and Mary," a
missionary romance put on by the
Marion Oliver Circle on Friday, Nov.
Wanted, Eggs at 05e per do ;'Trade
Cash and C!ar Prices for Friday and
al � d y
aturday Only
Manitoba Flour... $3,99'
Rolled Oats . , , , ..... $4.1.9
Oyster Shells.. , :... , , , ;$'.1.50
10 Bars P and G Soap 43e
10 Bars Somme Soap.. 43e
10 Bars Castile Soap ., :43e
it Pays to Buy From
Wo Jo Finhician
1iIIFOfl Iovestffle nis Ltd.
Private Wire Service—TORONTO, MONTREAL, N E W YORK, -
We beg to announle that we will open a branch office in Seaforth
located in the Commercial Hotel Building on Monday, Oct, 17th,
under the -management of Mr. Ben Johnson. ._
A complete service will be maintained daily, keeping investors in
close 'ouch with the markets at Toronto, . Montreal, New York, Chi-
cago and Winnipeg from over our own private wire. .
You are invited to visitour office, where quotations will be supplied
with several changes daily.
The President and Directors
of the
desire to give expression to their appreciation
of the generous patronage which the public
have extended the sixth "Royal" -a -fitting
tribute to Canadian Agriculture in this Jubilee
Year, and for the Fair an unparalleled, success.
improvement on those held formerly,
Several new features have been intro-
duced and are appreciated, as is evi-
dent by the increased attendance.
However, seating capacity is not
crowded to its utmost yet and we be-
lieve we can seat at least a dozen more.
Why not make the resolve now to
attend next week's meeting.
Miss Kathleen Snider has been sel-
ected as a member of the Citizenship
dept. of the Huron county Y.P. exe-
Awful Asthma Attacks, Is there a
member of your family who is in the
power of this distressing trouble
No service you can render him will
equal the bringing to his attention of
Dr. J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy.
This rentarkable.retnedy rests its rep-
utationupon what it has done 'for
others. It has a truly wonderful
record, covering years and years of
success in almost every part of this
continent and even beyond the seas.
The husband, brother and sisters,
and nephew of the late Mrs, Andrew
Henderson wish to express their
heartfelt thanks for the kindness and
sympathy of their friends and neigh-
bors, and also for the beautiful floral
25t1a, was a great success. Miss Hazellofferings,
Haugh as Robert, and Miss Janet'
Aikenitead as Mary, deserve tom-
Snend,ation for thew ability, Other
Members of the Circle also contribut-
ed to the success of the evening by
vocal and violin selections. Proceeds
amounted to about $26, which goes to
ariri f tm i5, f Zurich, and Mia Mur- ce:n'aer tneenng in St, Andrew's The friends of Mrs. W. Chapman,
iel Carlile, of Ili[kgreen, and :vie. end Cherrh.. {;enrol business -' and elec-1 e,f .Con. 2, will he sorry to hear she :is
)lits. O i ries and daughter Dorothy,' i'it'll `of officers will take place, fol -1 confined to bed with rheumatism.
of luri:b, visited on Sunday with Mel •'wed by a soda' period. All ,mem- Mr, T. Wheeler met with a painful
and Mrs.,Atf. Smith. hers and hone helpers are expected to mishap last week. While repairing his
The ,\ Y. 1'.:i. of the Anglican' ,"', Present: engine some hot substance he was
r t ".' it very enjoyable evening' The sympathy of the entire com- using, burned his eye. At present it
s i•.i e , eti ::, tt f the church �r.' !inanity is extended to the family of is notch better.
Monday evening iq w ith a large attendid- Jas. McLean in the death of their Seven delegates . are attending the
r:sscet p. ;sent. itfr, Peppier presided mother which took place last Saturday Young People's Conference in Exeter
ester the i ::'e ng and Mr. Goodwin night. Mrs. 'McLean had been a Iife- this week.
acted as 'Ser<_,+,cry. Rev, Mr. long member of St. Andrew's United Rev. Mr. Bremner is preaching . an
o ru:ns l til, :r t nm with prayer, of -(Char ch. interesting series of sermons on the
ler tvlr::h ., aasnbcr of hymns +yerc i Miss Elva Anderson, of London life of Christ.
sung. which trek the place of the i Normal, was home with her parents, Miss Edna Bremner favored the
lisp for the evening, and were fnl-IMr. and Mrs. •A. Anderson, over the congregation with a pleasing solo,
lover i by an to erecting programme, week -end. 'Beneath the Cross of Jesus," on Sun.
cou-'. of readings by ,lira. pep- A very pleasant day was spent at day morning,
pier and, Mrs. Emma Johnson, which. the home of Miss Mabel Whiteman Mrs, D. Rauatt visited friends in
were very antuh enjoyed. Solos werelrecently when the ladies of the choir Kirkton last week,
given by Mrti. Lee //cadet,. teccom-1,of St. Andrew's United Church met Mr. and Mrs, Basil O'Rourke are
ponied lay Miss Eleanor Fisher on the{
and with the assistance of several attending Mrs. O'Rourke's mother's
organ,f lio;veri by a number of old , other Ladies, four quilts were quilted; funeral at Mount Carmel.
time sung('. a`ter which a contest was "'ne for the Mission Band, one for the Nurse Rhea Rouatt, of London, vis -
indulged in, the prize being captured Christmas bale and two of them were iter at her home in the village last
by Mrs. 1'epp ler and Mrs. Jas. Situp-, sold. week.
son Mr. Andrew Slater still continues Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan spent Sun-
iv ',awl Mr'. Wilson, of Stratf„ rd, i '" improve, we are pleased to learn, day at Stratford: all contain most useful information
i ited on Sunda with Mr. and Mrs ,Death of Mrs. J, C. McLean. -0n' The Citizenship meeting of the Y. with re and to their special fields, Ca-
vs y
A good frame house and a quarter
of an acre of land on easy terms,
Apply to MRS. W. D. MANSON,
Egmondville. 49
Six rooms over D. H. Stewart's
store. Well ventilated, electric lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. Apply to E. Is, BOX, Seaforth,
Rod and Gun.
Featuring several splendid stories of
outdoor life as well as numerous in-
teresting articles on sporting subjects,
December issue of Rod and Gun and
Canadian Silver Fox News, Canadian
sporting magazine, has just been pub-
lished. Among the well told stories of
hunting trips is an especially good one
of a trip in the Rocky Mountains af-
ter big horn sheep and goat by George
H, Charls, In addition to the full list
of other articles, the regular depart-
ments on guns and ammunition by C.
S. Landis, Fishing Notes, edited by
W. C. Motley, Kennel Notes by C. G.
Hnpton and Dr, L. E. L. Taylor and
Along the Trap Line by M. U. Bates,
Geo. Brown. , Saturday night, November 26th, there P.S. was held on Nov, 21. Miss Kath- nadian Silver Fox News section also
Mrs. JohnlRichardson, who ban! massed away at her home, Mrs. James leen Snider presided. After the de- captains valuable material with re-
spending some weeks visiting m i McLean in her 77th year. 'fns. gird to the growing industry and in-
is spending -a few days with! McLean bed been in failing health all formative articles. Rod and Gun and
her friends in town. ' summer but was not confined to her h Home," This followed a: Canadian Silver Fox News is publish -
instil about five weeks ago. She
The services in Carmel Presbyter- , ed monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited,
vas born in Hay township,her maid-
ian Church on Sunday tact were large- i y Woodstock, 'Ont,
ly', attended, the church being! n name being Elizabeth Kerr, dough -
filled to eapscity both morning aniler of William and Mrs. Kerr. Fifty -
evening. At the morning service Rev, . tvvo years ago she.. was united in mar-
period, Viola Wheeler gave
an interesting topic on "Alcohol and
the ome, was o1 owed by
somewhat livelydiscussion. The
1 d
meeting t hen a (purred for i
a brief
eecial period, gathering afterward for
the closing hymn and dismissal, The
meetings' lately seem to be a great
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c.
Annual Meeting.
The annual ,meeting of the Seaforth
Turf Association will be held in the
Carnegie Library, on Thursday even-
ing, December lst, at 8 o'clock. Busi-.
ness, receiving financial report for the
past year and election pf officers for
the coming year,
48 President
20 Barred Rock pullets of good
laying strain for sale. Apply to S.
LEYBURN, con. 4, Tuckersmith, or
phone 136 r 24. 49
Premier Pathescope, Almost new.
Electrically operated. Cheap for cash,
Apply: -St, Patrick's Rectory, Dub-
lin, _ Ont. Phone 16. 49.
Ennis Piano, Fine condition, Cheap
for cash. Apply St, Patrick's 'Rectory,
Dublin, Ont. Phone 16. 49.
1' rubber -tired top'Buggy, 1 top
Cutter nearly new, 1 set single har-
ness, Phone 240 ring 15, Apply George
Eaton, Winthrop. 48
In the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron.
Notice is -hereby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been prepared and that copies
thereof may be had in my office, and
that the list is being published in the
Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem-
ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that
in default of payment of the taxes, the
lands will be sold for taxes on Tues-
day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth,
4 JNO. A. WILSON, Treasurer,
Town of Seaforth, .
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to the Statutes in that behalf, that all
persons having claims against the
estate of Richard Pinder, late of Sea-
forth, Ontario, who died on or about
the 11th day of March, 1927, are re-
quired to forward their claims, duly
proven, to the undersigned Solicitors,
on or before' the 7th day of Decent -
ben 1927, after which date the Adntin-
istrator will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard only to and be-
ing res onsible for the claims of
whip only
ch ha sltail 'then have had notice.
.Dated at Seaforth, Ont., the 16th
day of November, 1927.
Solicitors for Administrator.
On hand at the ,warehouseat the
station. Also a small Massey -Harris
cutting machine, power or hand pow-
er, Phone 44-W, Seaforth. ANDREW
A quantity of second hand brick,
Orders filled as received, HENRY
\'VORDEN, Egmondville.
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street, Two lots with, barn
suitable for garage, Immediate pos-
session. Best bargain in Seaforth.
Apply to W. G.- WILLIS, executor
of Robt, .Willis Estate. 51
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in
the Council chamber, 'Goderich, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 651a day of December, 1927. All
accounts against the County mast be
in the hands of the Clerk not later.
than Monday preceding the meeting
`of Council.
At this meeting of County Council
the appointment of a County Treas-
urer and also an Inspector for the
House of Refuge' will be made. ,Ap-
plications for the above positions to
be sent or delivered to the under-
signed Co. Clerk on or befored'Satur- a Dec1 2
y, 3rd,9 7.
County yClerk,
Goderich, Nov. 5th, 1927. 48
For sale, lot 7,1Con. 6, Stanley twp.,
containing 100 acres, On the premises
are a 11,4 story brick house with fur-
nace, and a frame kitchen' and wood-
shed. Hard and soft water at the
house; bank barn 80x52 with cement
floors all through; windmill and
water in the barn; drive shed and im-
plement house, 20x30. Land is all
cleared, well drained and well fenced
with wire, and in a good state of cul-
tivation. Seven miles from Hensall,
5 miles from. Kippen; sc1t of across
the road. Rural mail and phone. 'Will
be soldon reasonable 'terms. Apply'
on the premises or address Varna
post office. WILLIAM E. FOSTER,
Varna. 48
Mutual Fire Insurance to.
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. , McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec, -Treasurer,
Directors—Wm: Rinn, No, 2 Sea-
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M, Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Brioadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex, Leitch, r,r, I, Clin-
ton; - E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirousto effect insurance or trans-
act other business will he 'promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
D'R. H, HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. ` Late of London Hos-
pital, 'London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, 'carr,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
enbe behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone, 10+6.
DR. F. J. 'BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist iChggch, 'Cor-
oner for the 'County of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MAOKAY.—C, Mackay,
honor graduate ' of Trinity Univerg'=
ity and gold medallist of Trinity .
Medical College; member of the 'ad -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F, J :R, FO'RSTER--'-Eye, Ear,
Nose and :Throat, Graduate in Il& 4t-
cinee„University of Toronto 1897,'
Assistant New York Ophthalmic a
Aural -Institt't Moorefi
Institute, e1d's Eye, a�
Golden Square throat hospitals, st-
don, En -gland. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in ea"h month,
from I:1 a.m. to 3 p.m.
DR, W. C. 'SP"R'OAT.--AGraduate of
Faculty of 'Medicine, University ,' el
Western- Ontario, London, :Member
of 'College of Physicians and
geons of Ontario.Office in Aberharn
Drug Store, ,'Main St,,:_ Seaforth.
Phone 90,
Successor to Dr. R. R. Rosa, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, 111. Licentiate 'Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BEOHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W, R. Smith's
Grocery, Main 'street, Seaforth.
Phones, office 185W, residence 1853,
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at 'The Seaforth News. Charge*
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clasp
Wednesday, Nov. 30th.
Wheat, per bus, $1.23
Barley, per bus, ........,,,,,,,•73c
Oats, per bus. - 50c
Buckwheat, per. bus. ,.,73c
Shorts, per cwt. d .$175
Bran, per cwt, $1.65
Butter, per lb. 3ryc
Eggs, per doz. 55c
Potatoes, per bag 1,50
Hogs, per cwt., ..,..,,,, ,
y next
Suit or Overcoat
Practical Tailor
Main St.
..Seaforth •
Prices from $25M0 up.
Your own materials niade up
at reasonable rates
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Ice!` Ice! Icer From bankto bank the menace stirs!
Grinding, cracking! Stirring, tearing! Winter's last,
artillery before its mighty assault on its vistuns below.
Johnstone McCully"s novel of the lumber camps in the
Rockies now a Universal
ntvotsal 7.'icturo,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Laughing Stage Success
:. RIO.