HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-01, Page 7Ruled by.. the Spirit I.
of Revolting ':apt le
Scientists Sojourning in Dutch
Guiana Find Djuka Bush-
men Revere Supernatural
Elements 'Attributed to Boa'
Constritor Alligator and
Cottonwood. Tree
On the edge of the northeastern
side of South America three is •a
!unique civilization little known to the
white men of this continent. We
know of the strange life of the Congo,
of 'the fascinating customs and the
Over -present danger of the, African
jungles because adventurers and ex-
piorers by the hundreds have brought
m the Eastern tropics the eutranc-
'ing facts of their experience..
h Negro or Djuka of
But 0E the bila
of them and their
'•3otch Guiana . t to
craftsmanship, of their customs and
iie .their medicine, little .has been tolct.
These black men of Surinam are
not native to tibia hemisphere. They
are a transplanted people. Brought
to South America as slavos in the
days of buccaneering and traffic in
human flesh, they revolted successful-
ly in the middle eighteenth century
and have Since retained their free
The Negroes of the north sloughed
47 off•nearly overgthiug that,was native
and .African, . completely yielding to
the influence. of .Caucasian civilization
and eager to imitate its customs and
emulate its' standards, but the Djukas
'of the Dutch Guiana' bush hold fast to
the primitive habits of their African
At the American Museum of Na
tural History ie a collection consisting
mostly of carved wood implemouts re-
cently brought by Dr. Morton C. Kahn
et New Yoi'lc City who, accompanied
by Howard A. Baugh, went to Dutch
Guiana in the interest of the Ameri-
can Museum of Natural History and
the Cornell Medical College, with
which latter institution Dr. Kahn is
Are Artists.
"The Djukas decorate Practically
everything," said Dr. Kahn, "Even
their paddles for stirring pots are
finely shaped and delicately engraved
with designs handed clown from those
known among their African ante;tors.
They aro a fiery artistic race, and a
Djuka artist gets mere consideration
as a prospective husband than a mem-
berof the tribe who is a less compat
ent wood-carver.
"0f course, the first consideration
is, can he hunt, fish and provide sue-
cessfully for. a family as well as hini-
selC But having determined that, his
bride and her fancily want
to .know what kind' of a craftsman he
is in the working of wood, for art in
that country is considered manly.
Women Control Children.,
"The Nuke woman stands higher in
the Social seleam° than in many sav-
age tribes, as those Negroes have a
matriarchal system of descent. She
has greater coutrbl over her children
than her husband,'and her parents
and the maternal uncle of the Child-
ron also have a hand in the upbring-
ing or the young,
and river yield sustenance for two
An exceptionally rapid and oompet-
ent craftsman an da successful hunter
may maintain two wives, It .soains
probable that the artistic instinct has
been cultivated by the social organi-
zation which requires the men to
please the women with the carvingof
elegant domestic .tools --and utensils.
"A man can't get a wife by show-
ing prowess with the bow and gun
and tho carving knife and then lay
down on the job and expect to keep.
her. Ito also has to keep up produc-
ing beautiful wood carvings for the
use and edification of his wife, and if
he gets lazy in providing tood and in-
competent in carving he is apt to lose
her. • She ran got a divorce from her.
indolent partner by proving to the
council of the tribe that 'bee, husband
has deteriorated as a provider and as
an artist,"
Descent Traced Through Mother.
While the descent ie traced through
the mother and the headship of the
village p+uses to the gran-xnan's sis-
ter's male child, yet the society does
not discriminate against tho man who
has the rapacity to make the jungle
Spoons and ljot-stirrets may take day
of, patient carving and accomplish
their purpose as household tools no
bettor than a plain stick, but still the
men work ou and not only carve but
inlay some of the 'things with' hard-
Value Ar$.
"The curious fact about the Djukas,"
said Dr. Kahn, "is that while they con
eider au article of utility nearly worth.
less without having been submitted
to the 'skill of the wood-carver, they
Pay little attention to the wooden re-
presentation of their gods.
"This is not accidental or"duoto
religious indifference. They see a
spirit in.nearly everything that lives
or is. Rocks, trees, animals—all have
a supernatural element within them,
but the Djugas haveno fear that the
god will be displeased le he is clot
treated to an elaborate image. They
have a firm conviction that religion is
a quality that comes from within and
is not stimulated by exterior objects.
"Each village has its god, and they
hold as semi -sacred the "boa-coustrict-
er, the alligator and the cottonwood
tree, which they call the 'con -con
dice.' Over algid above this world of
spirits they believe in an overruling
god of the universe."
The Djukas revolted in 1750. They
developed military leaders and an un-
canny knowledge of the swamps and
tracks of trio jungle which trapped
and decimated their white masters.
The Dutch and .their British allies
found it impossible to make headway
against them because the jungle swal-
lowed up almost every force which at-
tempted to . penetrate the camps of
the Melees.
.A. truce was made and friendly re-
lations established, but the Djukas,
177 years after this colonial war in a
hemisphere where the whites overran•
subdued and wiped out Incas, Aztecs
and other Indian tribes, still retain
their independence and occupy some
of the main waterways into the in-
terior of the country. •
Proud of Independence.
"The Djukas are very proud of their
independence;" says Dr. Kahn. "They
have no feeling of inferiority in re-
spect to the whites. The white man
has nothing that they cannot do with-
out and they trade or not, as they
"Tho hush Negro may use a shot-
gun, buy some trade brass for brace-
lets around his wife's arms or lege,.
make au exchange for lengths of
cloth and axes, but the white pan'
does not control the Negro's necessi-
ties. He likes a bit of candy and uses
tobacco by soaking the leaves in
water, using the liquid for suiting up
the nose, but otherwise he lives on
what he grows in the way of crops
and the game of the jungle and tiro
river fish.
"111 tho Surinam jungle the Negro,
unlike some of his African brothers,
has not succumbed to the white man's
vices. The Djuka is pure black and is
proud of his furan and his kinky hair.
Ido tolerates no race admixture and
the Negro of the busk looks down up-
on the black men who live in tite
Dutch towns. They have an approbri-
ous term which they apply to the
town black, "bucicrashlaft' — buckra
meaning white num and Weide mean-
ing slave.
Control Hinterland.
"The Negroes still control the high-
er parts of tho river roads into the ire
tor'ior, the Upper. Surinam, the Kara-
mecca- and the Marowyne, aped their
villages are chiefly above tlto' catar-
acts of these three streams, There is
no other way to enter the interior,
and those who travel and trade do so
because the inhabitants tolerate
While the African colored man
works under the law of a white mas-
ter an dtho unrestricted exploitation
ter, and the unrestricted exploitation
scandals of Putamayo and Kimberley
and current charges of peonage in
Kenya, in Surinam the bush .Negro
trades or works as he wills.
"The white man obtains ,from the
Negro only what ' he is willing to
give," says Dr. Kahn. "There is no
conflict between the Dutch and the
Djukas The Dutch control is most
considerate and tolerant. Each side
realizes that the present situation is
a satisfactory ono and the Dutch
make no attempt to impose upon the
`Besides the protection given them
by;.htaturo, the Djukas' feeling of su-
nperiority is based upon the word-of-
mouth literature of the successful re-
Maintain Saga of bends.
Three Literary Giants
"Big Wigs" of letters fall to ogres. "Do We Agree?" was the somewhat: inappropriate title of a debate
betwee i George. BernardShaw (left) and GSibert.K. Chesterton (right), which took place in London the other
night. Hilaire Deiloc (centre) acted as chairman,
in his pocket and ,ordered another and good-natured if someone ales gets
Djukas have • eon—, forgotten Premier
' ruses: Some time later.they were cup of tea around. Shortly thereafter through first, You'll need a' referee
ja A �A�;1�t'TP ������ again united, and they vreie.the whole to decide who first finishes correctly.
everything about .msely s before the party broke up with Mr. Churchill;
their transportation o Dutch rebel- metal 9 History
of Canada, with ' an moved.
arrangement giving Lady Houston a paternal pat' The 'other children Ahead: follow
Their history begins with the rebel- � �� m �� ®�, whereby the capital mvedaround
lion and they know nothing of Africa.
"The Djukas respect themselves
Hist a ry's Most Holiday Gamma
Ell .pe .sive Party For the Kiddies
Exclusive "Tea -for -Three" A NEW MOTHER GOOSE
Costs Lady Houston CAME
I'or this game ask Mother or some-
One wild t'emembsre Mother Goose
to _write tile trust line of a number of
rhymes ou separate slips of paper and
Chancellor Maintained the to number the Slips, petty, please
Right to Tax Estate of hand one to every child and we shall
Late Husband Tho child' who hag Number Ono
Loudon—The most expansive tea= must stand up and call silt his line,
for -three in history—with Lady lions- holding his slip of paper above his
teat, widow of Sir Robert Houston, head. Tho ehl1al or ,children who can ,
multi-milelonaire shipbuilder; Chan- fiuieh it must jump' up qulekIy repeat
seller Of the Hogg, :liar Churalio and mg the remainder of the rhyme. e to
Sir Douglas Hogg, ;chin legal oillcer one who knishes first and says it cors
for the Crown, ,discussing high Tina rectly takes the slip of paper from
nee over the cups -e -rias enriched the thehand of Number One, Many
Government by $7,500,000. times several children' are finishing
After the third cup of tea Lady tlW rhyme and trying to grasp the
Houtonwroto the Chancellor of the
paper at tho
ams time,
and t
Exchequer a cheque for seven and. a makes it. very exciting. Of course,
11a1f mJildon. The Cllaucollor put it'we shall remember to .be very polite
on the back, with their lines and the one holding
from one town to another. It was on-
Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie
King at Women's Cana-
dian Club
situation,the proposal was
The huge payment represented a the most slips at the end wing the
y after the Parltament Building had compromise figure between the $12, game.
been burned in Montreal that the -0:-- .
Med those who visit them. Their pride 000,000 which the Government said
does not sptl over into arrogance. and Capital was established in Otteeva-
uld 1 This remained so until the 60's Sir Robert's $35,000,000 estate owed A New Dish, for Late Suppers
are as courteous as one wo in inheritance tax, and wbatever -re- An excellent dish for the late sup
expect to- strangers in whom they when, after several rapid disorganized
es of duction Lady Houston 'could negoti-per en cold winter evenings when
have no great curiosity or especial in-. government Iced disorganized 'the
something Hearty is not unwelcome is
forest. political Sir Robert, who left hie entire for- reccfmmended by a writer,in the
brought forward, that instead of leav-
Must Have Good Will. brought to the wife he married late in Homo Institute of the December
"You cannot travel far in that coup- d a life, had one great hobby, --'to escape. "Delineator." ' The die. is cold pork
oto a little batx sen em
try without their good will. Alone, a F h 1 1 t th n a British the inheritance tax, A Sew' years pie. ,
white man would be helpless in the they should bo !nv rod j e
e A rapid review of Canada's history,
aa a land of mystery first, sought by ing the Maritime provinces to negoti-
explorers an • adventures, as unionthemselves
French colony later, e i to cin' foto
colony, and finally a cotifeclorateit with Quebec and Ontario; in forming a
mn nion playing aCanada.
the community .of Brills. nations, The famous conference fat Quebec was
constitutedthe ma n' partof-
dress delivered by Right Hon- W. L.
Mackenzie King, Premier of Canada,
before the Women's Canadian Club at
Montreal recently.°
History of Yesterday
The, history of yesterday was al -
asp he made his legal residence in The recipe for this English dish is
jungle; he cannot live without the D i 1 ging u important role in Jersey, Channel Islands, where there, as follows:
help of the. Djukas and they are so solid united Dominion of
is 0o inhere ante tax. But the acv 8 lbs, lean pork, 14 teaspoon cayen-
competent to look after themselves in i the ad of Engt mai0tained he waa a resident e, 1 -teaspoon salt, 1 onion, chopped,
called, the Dominion of Canada was 1 tablespoon bho
that environment that they. regard the formed, and was formally both on of, Pruwattclpiled parsley, Ye pint
helpless white man as a weaker crea- Jul 1,1867. It was a posthumous strobe of water, 14 teaspoon pepper, ge tea•
tura because of his inability to cope y irony, therefore, which gave the Gov- spoon sage.
with the conditions of life in the jun- Canada was Hien a Dominion of ernment $7,600,0•00.' Cut the pork in very small pieces:
tour provinces, for Prince Edward Is- <The idea of negotiating with, Mr, Add seasoning and water. Line a
"News of one's arrival is sent up the laud did not come into the union and Churchill my own settlement of the deep dish with short pastry, pour in
river by the beating of the drums, the other Maritimes had to deal with tax came to me spontaneously," Lady the meat, cover with pastry and bairn
There is a tom-tom code and this drum days so recent that no one every i mttc. interior opposition to the deal. Houston said, in a moderately hot even two .ours.
wireless anticipates the arrival of a knew much about !t, Mr. King said, These communities at this time It might be added, In this mimeo- 'When cold, this becomes nicely lel-
visitor, IP you have made a bad lin- and this was particularly true of the were still only small colonies. They tion, that the Government impounded lied. Any bones from the meat may
art is wall .history of Canada. Only during the =were united by the Si. Lawrence river
her $2,000,000 yacht in which she be covered with water' and allowed
pression, tiny h.nsawrn in btihad moat Confederation celebrations known throughout the community and only a.a a means of transportation. likes to ride the seven seas. to simmer slowly to make a stock to
Yon will find that they do not care to Canadians become fully aware of the Few people realized how recent mod-
tr d ith or assist you
greatness and rapidity of Canada's t •ern means of transportation were
"I sent a telegram to Mr. Churchill use in place of the water,
Government my share of the tax as "Meet the Wife"
not find them anxious to trade any Every nation likes to clave a his- of the Brat businesses dealt with was
a e w you saying that I wished to present to the
In the Upper Surinam River I did development, When the first paitament met, one
'They have maintained from genera-
tion to generation a sort of saga in
which the names of the loaders, the
stories of the big battles, the anec-
dotes of magic protection against
white mon's bullets and the incidents
of individual heroism and cleverness
have been preserved. The history is
told in a literary or ceremonial lang-
uage which is compose dlargely Of
modified African words. It le noble
speech or "cleepoe-talltee,' which
means what it: sounds like—deep-talk,
while the commonespeecjt is ielkeo-
talltoe, a mixture of African, Dutch,
French and English.
Captain R. H. McIntosh "Clue of my guides who wee from
Who, out to establish 1+1nglish bong the 'town and spoke 'talkee-taliroe'
ristauce re^ord in fl ight to India, 18 could not understand 'deoPee-talitoe,
140W reign -tad lost. 1 "It is an interesting rot that the
way - I had the assistance of 11, W. toric background, and people natural-
Rogan', chief forester; Alexander ly dig back to remote days in search
Wolff and W. M. Strang, men of muck of their national origin People some -
experience in the country, and • the times said Canada's history went
whole -hearted co-operation of the back 400 years to the discoveries of
Dutch authorities, • and the natives j Jean Cabot. It was not until a eon -
only sold mo stuff as a favor and bo- i tury later, however, with the settle -
cause my guide explained that I had went of Champlain in 1608, that
come a long way and greatly admired :authority began to be established 1n
the products of their handvieraft, They !Canada and Canadian history began.
the repurchase of lands given pr•evi- 1au acs oc grecs. A delicious bit of exalted writing by
ouster to the Hudson's Bay Company. "The Chancellor invited mo to tea the "enraptured reporter" 1s found in
Thus in 1870 the province of Madat the Treasury in Whitehall. the world's account, recently, of
Douglas was there," 3110 added.
toba was formed. "We Dwight Morrow's reply to the Meal -
1 diacuased settlement of the tea ?'
Now, on the west of coast of Northcan tousel
s speech of greeting at
America was a British community between sips of good tea. Laredo:
only to be reached by sailing round; Vitally I borrowed Mr. phurchiIt's ",Now it might have been expected
Cape Horn, and they opened negotia- pen and signed a cheque for one and .it would have been natural enough
bans to get into union with the Can- a hall million pounds -without miss- that a man, a banker by prnfes,sian,
oda of the east. All they wanteC lag a °1p. c 1 cheque unaccustomed to speech on Pubile or-
twaa a' "Absolutely, signing of the c q cations, in a foreign land, speaking to
like candy, but will not accept itin i Ever since then, the story of Can- in the way of ti
feeling that it should be thrown ada had been that of the develop waggon road, but the Government de- ^ dill not spoil my tea. We parted hap- a forelge Mind nue character, would
trade, gpYly, Sir Douglas with bis books, ee +.iff, e t 1 1 '1n 1. lt:d in
in as a bonus." ment of immigration and govern- aided to give them a railroad. The WITChurchill with my cheque :ted I with Tho collection of household articles, ment, , first effort ata railroad attempted by!q Ti Tia"rot yea. mere leas 1 f•
implements, drums, etc,,f Then, 150 years again, with the the Government itse:l was not vct • t:s Pat on int lack," int} o. d me t tee to con ii him. p
w1,1,.1t Dr, Kahn brought here is one 1 change of national government from ;ucoessful but It was followed by the 1
+:W,t ahem eittelee until be had talked
of the nest of its kind in the country. French to British rule, came the great dovelopmeet of the Caeadtan yst.S That ! 08g •
with 13 Pr :;i 1 iF l,s.', . b i 1 to
Ile paid fur it mostly is tobacco c in oP another era And GO years Pacific Rlilway. 1 aukt"cl i+ r i t t " i.ui h.., worde. leave d 1
nP.n g 11 ..
s an candy. ago when Confederation came to be, That brought Canada's iristor7 rd I:1 spite ul better pavements, tide-' Pr i ii: .
African. Pashton. Canada had advanced to be a group of dowu to 1871. vlllc• floors •and stairtaye the per IC nasi very kind of v;stt , i'. a
�snrallcnlonies. To -day that grouping
"'Che women and some of the men � 1
volas Ito rin them to
'rowing ec3 :in
l i - - .i e t Elth:e 10 t•nmz. he.l t'1 l nt t -e
Rapid Settlement
beautify ypreserved
ry d that it was possible
cent bli of ae luolite cl ..i :,blip .t•, n1° h''' . scud. 'I think 71.11 v''''':t.1 ,
P themselves b raising Sear
so Prase e th re was still a small corn -
tripping or foes of ba! tern �Iay 111re:•.,1it Yen to Mrs, eleri use '
and face," he said. • to visualize the origin of Canada's Then e to steadily gouhg up, Tho gal , .•,t.,,; In ether wnrrls, filo Aniba �.a hr,,
"issue on the body
"This fashion of embossing the body i eivization and the development to-: munity outside of the Dominion, err the part of the victim is the >x- summoning curry mental r- teurr .if
cutting the flesh in pat- ward Confederation. :Prince Edward Island and in the
Planation given by the Stain Aidtu;-
tanone shortby t -the beneer and dip1(1100, €aiu re the
ht linos and then -While one thought of Quebec as the 'nearer wast Thera was a wide unset- trial ('nmmissianer, Employers !n xbeniean official. j11001t the wife." --
terns g straight Me
rubbing charcoal into the cuts. These oldest part of Canada, there were, on tied territory on which Indians and Caw York State paid rli,>ia0dt0o in flier New 'York livening Post.
become raised like welts and few wo- the Atlantic shores, three British buffalo shared the land. After the last twelve months in cuinpeusating
men without a pattern of this kind' communities, now known as Nova building of the railway, came rapid 18.000 workers who fell, Only hail' ...-4
e on their face or body have Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince settlement and Alberta and Saskat-of that number were injured in like
aA Flashlight Trick
ny claims
any to beautytattire" Edward Island. At one time these chewan grew up and were constituted' manner in 1021. Ou attire the causes A new use for an ordinary flash
ed provinces thought 11 a good -thing to provinces in 100th which completed the for falling might have been etinrtn llglit is to make cut-out paper men
Therapy Develop et to ether and form themselves building of the Dominionas It is ated with a little more care. Catch -
g dance upon the wail in a dark room."
The occasional traveler coming out 'Into a province. Mr. Icing thought it 1a10vyn now. En that sense this year
of Surinam has reported that the !would not be a bad idea it they would was only really the 22nd birthday of
medicine men of the Djukas have de- carry that scheme out to -day. But Canada, for it was only 22 years ago
volopod a remarkable system of that then there was ,one largo proviuco that Cho Canada of to -day came to be. flash light apy and that they know how to cpm- known as Canada, and those three And this year Eor the first time in tables or other makeshifts used in the room.
bat the jungle fevers an dtho' venom settlements, which decided to become the history of any Dominion Canada trying to reach something account for Now hold the dancing mutt by his
of snakes. The anti -snake concoction In 1776 the whole of Outeri° bad'seen the t•epresentatives of the hundreds of accidents, Wet floors hat in one band and the flash Iight,
is said: to be so powerful that a per -
heel part of Quebec under one British Parliament and of the British were charged with 700 slips on level turned on the wall in the puler. In -
son who has rubbed it into a cut on had been
government with it And as amat- Crown coming to Canada in the per -surfaces sustained by restaurant side
lapel hg moue! of
enlarged the ll the
the skin or taken it internally turns ter of fact it was largely due to the 000 of the Prime minister and the workers and cleaners who should
away the snakes in his vicinity. How -
French settlement in Quebec that Prince of Wales, to congratulate Can- have been on guard against that con•- not, ae,ording to how near you stated
ever, Dr, Icahn says that there is lit -
se h to the wall, Now, by keeping the
Canada was to -day a British Domini oda on her fltbtloe• dittos. Many others fel while carry land holding the dancing man per -
real Proof of this. ion, for whop the United States Ail this should inspire Canadians ing trays, dishes or packager. Pesr-
"This snake medicine," said Dr. a from the Empire, if the with a great lasting pride in the vast sons who fell while walking on level fectly still, and moving the flash light
Karin "#s made by arranging a dead broke aw Y
nlmunity had been Hostile deVetoPmeOt olid wonderful Progreso surfaces outnumbered those inpnred up and down, the pian will chance in a
F eh co
ing the heel of the shoe anti nhis)udg' Mother or sister can easily cut out a
ing the step aro prominent in the ox- dancing man. Next, get Daddy's
planaiiors and turn out the lights in
Ladders that slipped, boxes, abatis,
snake's head with its tail thrust into ren
its mouth. This is slowly baked over to Britain, the British settlements Canada had made in so short a ti
a fire and the remains ground into a would undoubtedly have gone with It should also inspire a great respect
the rest. for the unity of the great British Era -
block powder.. I dirt not got an op- Commonwealth of nations,
portunity to investigate their system whit. pito or r made the progress
of therapy, but found upon inquiring
in the town that •the snake cure is
well thought of by some of the peo-
"I also learned that the ' Djukas
have a medical center up the river,
and sick men and women are often
taken up to this town, spelled Da-
homey but pronounced 'Mummy,
"As the bush is very thick, the Ne-
groes live along the river. They have
trails through which they hunt the
Peccary, the tapir and the ogoiti with
shotguns and sometimes they crash
for some distance through tho under-
growth, but the villages are all on or
near the waterways. The clearings
are one pr more miles apart and each
village. is governed by a captain or
gran -man.
"Far up in the interior lives the
Icing o f the rivor—the gran -gran man
-and he is the lord and ruler of the
captains of. the villages. The. Djukas
plant quite some cassava, peanuts and
the like, and this, with hunting' and
eahing, provides for meet of their
Workmen in ancient Brittain are
said . to have been paid in salt. In
had to be li'oraI
Mose days a man 1 t.. y
worth his salt to hold his job.
me. by fella Froin elevations, hut their lively manner on the. wall.
falls were not 140 serious, As a teat-
ter of economy the employer is now A Christanas cad
trying to make his premises safe, but Ilnliow nut tiny rcn+'hut I) d',...:1,
the worker seems still tee entertain leaving 0 cup --•#111 with finely eh1p-
the idea that accident chooses its vic-
Separate Provinces and de -
Atter the revolution the Uuitecl'velupment of the British Dominions
possible. That unity was something
that would endure .and something of
which Canadians could well be proud.
A little girl was travelling in a
tramcar with her mother, a woman of
very slight build. Presently an ex-
tremely stout woman boarded the car,
and sat down opposite the little girl.
The train started off with a jerk, and
the child contemplated the woman op-
posite her for some minutes; then,
turning to her mother, inquired in a
loud voice: "Mother, is that all one
Looking teem her drawing -room
window, a lady saw, as she thought, a
poor wretch of a man 'shivering un-
der a lamp -post. 1u a moment 01 pity
she sent him a ten -shilling note wrap-
ped in paper, on which She wrotethe
words, "Never say diet" The next
night there camera knock at her door,
:i'he man who knocked was the one
she had seen under the lamp -post,
and in handing five peltnds ten shill-
Ings to the lady he remarked, "here's
HA110 ON THE PURSE your money, lady, £ever Say Die
"My, Out the girl you travel with 'von at ten to one, and you wore the
ale easy on the eyes." ,, only one who backed It, Happy to
"Very—but hard on the purse. oblige any time, remembelrl"' '
mpire Loyalists really founded (M-
ario, and after some years Ontario
and Quebec were made separate prove
time ar'.rording to their lurlc.
"Absolutely chic and obsoletely
@ s 't
less h cath
thick are Iia eitrgt!t tot en• . y an!
ped celery, previously marinated in a
highly seasoned dressing. Arrange a
few capers ,o er the top. bald drain,
cd horseradish into mayonnaise of
bolted i11t swing (about one tublespnnn
to 0 cup). Arrange two or more
beets to a serving depending, on their
sue and pour the oiayounaise around
and between them.
"Severe punishment in school
makes a permanent impression on the
Child mind, says a psychologist. The
Brand of Cane, as It ware.
"Mother goes to the Methodist,
Church," said a little girl to the new
neighbor, "And isn't your father cit_.
the state denomination, dear?" "1
don't kneW 1001111 what daddy is; he
don't go in antral. 10131 nhe illi.
'Miele Robert sold daddy 10051 be a
Seven Day Abeentlst,"
Theatrical agents so- m- etimes have
to be rather cruel One day a some-
what faded woman calledi to apply for
the position of chorus girl "Sorry,"
said the agent, tactfully, "you're too
lata." Tho applicant, knowing this
was not true. burst into a volume of
abuse, ending with, "I don't believe 'I'm
too late at all." "Olt,s yea
said the agent, "About 38 Stare,"