HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-01, Page 6Perfectly 1loincced -&an'
e1142 2 a fn v011ra
Sir Charles Abingdon engages Paul
Eel ecy, criminal investigator, to find
out. why Sir Charles is kept under
sarveilrnnce by persons unknown to
hint. Harley dines at the Abingdon
hone. Sir Charles falls from his
chair in a dying state. Abingdon's
lest words are "Nicol Brinn" and
"Fire- 01111. U04"
Harley asks Brinn the meaning of
"Fire -tongue," but Brinn refuses to
enlighten him.
Far1e1• investigates the life of
(Irnnw rase, friend of Phil Abing-
don d n eater of Sir Charles. Nelda,
le, oriental, calls at the home of Nicol
"Yrs, air," was the reply. "If you
2' new las o••hi11 rood 071 the other
side of ,1:'• Ptation until you come to
the JL. .r Park—yep will see the
gat .s-- re ' then branch off t tl
r,ebt, tn'�l» ' the road facing the
rat, 1 ,e' ---that's the name of
the hn se- le about a quarter of a
n+ire :Ilene."e'
Di n., inning to fall and, al-
tl•r, r 11 i t ., at Ire of his proposed op-
P:;•' t anaed seeress", he_reeog
tie.: t -n y lour was previous.are see,- h. walked immediately
t .. ,rc' ttt which he had left
-," ' _ollowillg the porter's
•^; o over the line at the
','t'c' c • ;r:tmediately beyond the
teetrn :• eleteeded up a tree -lined
1"'a^1 t b•• r�.und himself skirting
fee1 tt of an extensive tract of
r;,,,, Iwo!
Frt u" v ',eery gates appeared in
ti i' p 1t .. to the right, another
lane in wh•e'e tto growing dusk paint-
ed runny s•hr? we, He determined to
drive . n meal he should find a suit-
able hidinlr i'tr"e. And at a spot, as
1 ' Presently learned. not hundred
ya"ds from Hillside, he discovered an
•rlane to the hedge which divided
he road r e a tilled field. Into this,
wi#1 t et t tle.n, he turned the
re -e l rt.n'; in, in order that he
eerie. be rea•?y for a flying start in
lase o;' •g rney, Once more he set
cutull fet.
Ile P e c e eyed with caution, walking
toftty c , to ti c sal- of the road, and
frequent le 1 8 i0 ng 1, listen. Advane-
tug in t!1 $ fa: h!,;',1, l,e found himself
1tanding ere Int.?: .:e"1 -e an open.
gateway, and ,'•:min ; along a chive
whtc h p'reented a vista of utter
i.;aa•kneos. A faint s:iund reached his
(ere -the di,ts 1: deem of a powerful
coigne. A big ens tree mounting the
Elope front 1,ery .r ('laybury Station.
o re
Net Ira Harley came within sight
r f the house. a low. rambling Jacobean
building;, did he attempt to take cover.
He scrarnhled up n tree and got astride
of a wall. A swift survey by his elect•
Tic torch 1.2 the grmml on the other
ride revealed a jungle of weeds in
either direction.
Suddenly came an idea that was
horn of ewrreency. Swarming up the'
tree to where its dense foliage began,;
he perched upon a stout hough until
Three minutes Inter canto a blaze of
light through 11 e trathrring darkness.
and the ear, which he bad last seen at
the Satcly, was turned into the drive,'
and presently glided smoothly past
hits below.
The interior lights were extinguish- 1
ed, •so that he wee unable to discern
the nctupants, The house itself was
also unllluminated. And when the car
gulled up before the porch, less than
ten yards frntn his ohservation post,
he could not }awe recognized the per-
sons who descended rid entered Hill-
ill•r de. Indeed, Only by the sound of the
cl(z;]ne door did he en:,w that they
hid gine in. Bet two figures wore
easily discernible, and as judged thein
to be those of Ormuz Kiran and hie
secretary. He waited patiently, as
ere long the limousine was turned in
the little courtyard before the porch
and driven out into the lane again,
Ile did not fail to note that, the la11;e
regained, the ehauH'c:'r headedt no
toward Lower Claybury, but away
from it.
He retained his position until the
hum of the 'motor grew dim Ip the
distance, and was about to descend
when ho detected the sound of a sec-
ond approaching earl
This was another limousine, its
ISSUE Nos 48-.'27 ~
taxa, as • Nit R_• U,u sesta--
most notable characteristic being that
the blinds were drawn in all the win-
On this occasion, when the chauffeur
stepped around and opened the door,
only one passenger alighted.
Presently the second car was driven
away, pursuing the salve direction as
the first. Hot upon its departure carne
the drone of a third. The windows of
the third car also exhibited drawn
'blinds. As it passed beneath him he
stifled an exclamation of triumph.
Vaguely, nebulously, the secret of this
dread thing Fire -Tongue, which had
uplifted its head in England, appeared
before his mind's eye. It was only
necessary for him to assure hinlself
that the latest visitor had been ad-
mitted to the house before the next
move became passible. Accordingly
he changed his position, settling hint-
self more coanfortably upon the bough,
And now he watedlod the three cars.
perform each two journeys to some
spot or spots unlenow n, and, rstutn-
ing, deposit their passenger's before
the porch of Hillside. The 11ucuslne'
used by Ormuz Khan, upon its second!
appearance had partaken of the same
peculiarity as the others: there were
blinds drawn inside the windows.
Paul Harley believed that he under -
steed precisely what this •signified', and
when. after listening intently in the
stillness of the night, he failed to de -
- tarn
r 1 r�tultr,'.
He drew his automatic swiftly from
Ids pocket.
feet sounds of any other approach, he
descended to the path and stole toward
the dark house.
Passing gently fmm window to win -
dew, his quest ultimately earned its
reward. Through a crack in One of
the shutters a dint light shone out.
At first he could (fear nothing, but, his
investigation being aided by the still-
ness of the night, he presently became
aware that a voice was speaking
/within the room—deliberately, music-
ally. The beating of his heart seemed
to make his body throb to the very
finger tips. He had recognized the
voice to he the voice of Ormuz Khan!
Now, his sense of hearing becoming
attuned to the muffled tones, he began
to make out syllables, words, and,
finally, sentences.
"My God!" he whispered. Ile drew
his automatic- swiftly from his pocket,
and, pressed against the wall beside
the window, looked about hint as a man
looks who finde himself surrounded by
Paul Marley retreated stop by step
to the butches. He held the pistol tight-
s/ clenched in his right hand.
He had heard his own death sen.-
tence pronounced and he knew that it
was likely to be executed.
He regained the eurve of t11e drive
without meeting any opposition.
There, slipping the pistol into his
pocket, he climbed rapidly up the tree
frcep which he had watched the ar-
rival of the three ears, climbed over
the wall, and dropped into the weed.
jungle beyond, He crept- stealthily
forward to the gap where he had con-
cealed the racer, drawing nearer and
nearer to the bushes lining the lane.
His car had disappearecil 0
Peeling his way into the lane, l;e
set out running for the highroad, 1110
faetsteps ringing out sharply upon
the dusty way. The highroad gained,
he turned, not to the left, but to the
right, ran up the 1110111 and threw him-
self flatly down upon it,. lyinle close
to the hedge and watching the en-
trance to
n -trance -to the lane,
A faint sound, so faint that only a
man in deadly peril could have detect-
ed it, brought him up sharply. He
crouched back against the hedge, look- ,
ing behind him. For. a long time he
failed to observe anything. Then,'
against the comparatively high tone
of the dusty road, he saw a silhouette
—the head and shoulders of someone
who peered out cautiously.
As Paul Harley had prayed would
be the case, his pursuers evidently be -
Mrs. Laura Knight,
lieved that he had turned in the &Tec- The first. woman `associate of the
tion of Lower .Claybury. A vague, Royal Academy of England since its
phantom figure; Harley saw the man fonnilatioot . inr 1769. Front orphaned
wave his aril whereupon a poverty to artistic success,
Radio Attracts
P second
man joined him—a'third—and, finally,
a fourth.
Harley clenched his teeth grimly,
and as the ominous quartet began to
move toward the left, he resumed his
slow retreat to the right—going ever
farther away, of necessity, from the Even Silo Dealers Adding Line
V ,: >ried I�
only centre with which ' ho eves ac-
quainted and from which' he could
hope to summon asistance, Finally,
he reached the milestone resting al-
most against the railings of the Manor
Drawing a deep breath, he sprang
upon the milestone, succeeded in grasp -survey of radio stocks just compiled
I ing the top of the high iron railings, by the electric equipment division of
and hauled himself up bodily. the Commerce Department, Fifty-
Praying that the tuff might be soft, eight varieties of radio dealers were ,
he jumped. Fit though he was, and indicated, Coal dealers•, farm imple-'
hardened by physical exercise, the im-
pact almost stunned him. stores, animal pet shops, and printer
In less than a minute he was on all sell radia
his feet again and looking alertly Innumerable combinations such as
about h•im. Striking into the park, furniture and hardware, sporting i
land, turning to the left, and parallel- goods and music worn found; in such
ing the highroad, he presntly came out cases the s#ores were listed under
upon the roadway, along which, under each classification Involved. It Is
shelter of a straggling hedge, he be-Ipossibl8, in 80m0 communities, for a
gan to double back. In sight of the man to go into a plumber's shop and
road dipping down to Lower Claybury;get his radio wants filled, while an
he erased; forcing his way through a
other titan in another town can have
second hedge thickly sown with thorns.; his furnace fixed or buy a five -tube I
Badly torn, but careless of such set at the same olnee,
minor ies from
injuries, s
e he plunged1 3546 dealers j heavily)els indicated
through a turnip field, and, bearing their main business activities out of
always to the left, eagle out finally , a total of 7713 received. Stores spe
upon the road leading to the station, etalieing in single' lines totaled 2903,
and only some fifty yeards from the I the remaining 640. carrying two or
bottom of the declivity !more lines Of those L 111 g
of Equipment -Electrical
Shops Lead"
Washington—Even silo e deaIere and -
candy stores aro retailing radio
equipment nowadays, according to an
analysis of. returns made in a,recent 1
Vie m After Ten
! Willie Soviet Russia is oalebrating
its tenth anniversary as a Cotnlnitniet
siato the city of Vienna is entering
„ upon its tenth year under Socialist
rule. It world be easy to carry the
8nalogy between Russia •atter Vienus
Loo far, bat' it' is interesting to note
that, while the former is. the only
, great country govorned according to
the principes of eommenism, the
latter 1s the only great city of the
world in Which the Socialist expert-
Ment has been •conducted aver a
period long enough for any. estimate
to be made' of its practical value.
Socialism was Vienna's answer• ,,to
the oases into which the proud capital
of the_Austro-Hungarian Empire was
• Plunged by the World Wal:. Ten
years 0.50 the city ,was starting.
With the conclusion of pea08 the tiny
Austrian state faced econoinlo 'dis-
aster. Only the direct ietorvention
of the Allied ewers, acting through
the ,League 02 Nations, saved it from
collapse, Vienna, , mice gay and,
prosperous, had to fight" for Its very
life;' for the Austria 0f. welch it was
once tile hub: and center• had 00 shrunk
that it could not supply the needs of
a great urban community, while the
manufacturing interests of the capital
bad lost their markets. For Vienna.
something like Socialism, which
would. draw upch whatever wealth re-
mained to its eititens for the re-
sources to save: its great' working
population, was probably the only
thing which could 'have craved R.
To that extent at least the Socialist
experiment has been successful,
Vienna is still In existence and in
many projects, such, as its solution
of the postwar. housing 'problem, the
city's Socialist administration has
done admirable worlr. It Is 'putting
up a vigorous fight against most unfav-
orable economic conditions, and while
all as not entirely well; as the Arita
last summer 'showed, the situation
in Vienna to -day Is cheerful es C0131 -
Pared with that of some seven years
Oa the larger problem of Vienna's
economic future both the Socialist
government of the city and the Gov-
ernment of Austria are almost power-
less. Vienna as a great city has lost
kte, raison d'etre. It seems doomed.
As seat of the Government of the old.
empire, as focal point for the econ-
omic activities of the extensive ter-
ritories controlled by the Hapsburgs,
there were many reasons why It
should be the great city it was. To-
day It remains a capital without a
country, slowly but surely being forc-
ed to adapt itself to new and tragic
stores se n
A moment he paused, questioning, radio to -day, electrical supply -drops, •
the silence. He was unwilling to be- with 26 per cent., load the list to the
Iieve.that he had outwitted his pur-: survey; followed by radio stores, with
suers, Therefore, pistol in hand again,'7709, or 20 per cent, and hardware
he descended to the foot of the hill 1 stores with 482 or 13 per cent The
Now came the hardest blow of a11.1 vert 10 in order are musical inatru-
The station was closed for the night.'ments, 8.6 per cent.; automobiles, 6,a
Nor was there any light in the signal per cent'; batteries and ignition sup
box, Evidently no other train was plies, 6.6; tires and tire repairs, 4.4;
true upon that branch line until some drugs, 4.1; garages, 4; furniture 8.6;
time in the early morning. The level general and department stores 3.3;
crossing gate was open, but before service stations 1,3, and automobile
breaking cover he paused a while to i accessories 1 per Dent.
consider what he should do.
He made up his mind, and, darting!
Park Poets
out into the road, he ren across the I like to sit in Washington Sahara
line, turned sbarply, and did not pause
until he stood before the station mas-
ter's window. Then his quick wits
Watching the gents with great long
Writing their lofty and lyrical rhymes
were put to their ultimate test. For The World and Tho Tribune, The
(To be continued.) Sun and The Times;
Writing of nightingales, robins and
Friend: When it comes to fish.
Ing you don't seem to know where
to draw the line.
Amateur Fisherman: Oh, yes, i
do—ae aeon tie l feel a bite,
Minard's L!nlmetnfor Chilblains.
Of dandies and derelicts, gansters
and 'bos;
Writing of women, of song and of
Some of it foolish and some of it tine,
Some of it tragic and some of it tough,
Some of It strange and superfluous
For many a poet. is wont to abuse
Th b
e su tle weird farrt:ies and mends
of the muse.
—Harvey Mckenzie, New 'Rork.
"Would you be good enough to look
after my ear?' "Sir! 1 am the mayor
of this town!" "That doesn't matter.
You look honest enough!"
Floods in Old England
There havebeen great gales and floods h1 the Old Land. A street 11 Fleet-
wood, Lancashire letter the great storm of early November,
"When a girl appears shy at the
mention of her age she generally
le—from five to ten years.
Paris Capital: Atter. long 110501 la -
tions, following repeated requests by
Spain, in 1923 we weakly agreed to
modify the Tangier statute to our.
own disadvantage and to the dlsad-.
'Vantage of our ally, the Sultan:
Britain slut Spain, exultant that they
had scored over us, put their slgna•
tures at the bottom of this 1923 agree-
ment. 'Thereupon, as a direct con-
sequence of the dangerous policy fol-
lowed 131 the 311E by Spahr, Abdel
Timm attached us. We were compel-
led to matin, both In 1925 and in 1926,
great expenditure of man power and
material 1.0 overcome it. We acoom-
plisbed our task and, thanks to our
blood and our gold, 511ab1 knew what
it waS to have peace in a region
where silo had been fighting and los-
ing for 400 years. And then an Un-
expected developtnent! 'Po thank us
for leaving done the work whichshe
had -notbeen able to finish off until
1926, she asked us in 1927 to hand
over Tangier and its zoite entirely to
her, , , , She Is playing the game of
Italy, who is always on the look -out
for a chance to intervene in Morocco,
and tbe game of Germany, wbo wants
to reopen the whole question of the
colonial mandates,
Mlnard's Liniment for Neuritis.
Everywoman's n }f
Aletd of ah -violin
1 1 l't ; td t.11I
Wilson Publishing Company
The smart windbreaker pictured
hero is a comfortable and easily fa-
shioned style: The lower edge is
gathered toes wide band and the collar
may be worn open or buttoned snugly
at the neck. There are two useful
patch-pocltetsewith laps and tho long•
sleeves aro gathered to wrist=bands.
No. 1674 is -in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
years, Size 10 requires 2?a yards 27
inch, or 1% yardu 36 -inch material.
(Price 20 cents the pattern.)
Tho secret of distinctive dress lies
in good taste rather than a lavish ex-
penditure of money. Every woman
should want to make: her own clothes,.
and the home dreesmakor will find `i he
designs illustrated in our new Pasliion
l3ook to be practical and simple, yet
maintaining the spirit of the mode of
the moment. Price of the book 100
the copy.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such..
patterns ns you want, Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Patter' Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-
laide St„ Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail.
The Soviets and Britain
Moscow lzvestia: (J. C. T. Vaugll•'
en, British Minister at Riga, warned
Latvia with regard to the Soviet -Lat-
vian Treaty,) This statement mean
a direct indication to Latvia that she
has the right to conclude only those
treaties which suit England. The
press ofthe world is never tired of
crying out about the alleged interfer
cite of the U. 5. S. R. an the internal.
affairs of foreign States; but never
and nowhere could it adduce any acts
of the Tl. S. S. R. ever so remotely
akin to itir. Vaughan's action,
Ile hacl been trying all the evening
to summon the coinage to tell her,
1t was a thing that really required a
great deal of intrepidity. She was itis
ideal. Slim; brown -eyed, beautiful
golden hair. As he gazed at her he
finally made up his mind. "Darling,"
he said, "I love you. 11 I asked you to
he my wage what would bo the out-
come?' "It depends," came the re -
pup, 'very much on the income."
Wo Offer You Our
Services to
Uavernrent9 Municipal
Corporation Bonds
to yield from
41/2% to 7%
Listed Stocks
References: imperial Bank of Canada,
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you are not obligated In any way when
you write to u0.
Robert Cameron & Co.
I Limited
Investment Bankers
INorthern Ont, Bldg. . Toronto 2,
18 netr1L�-`tenet.'.a
w.''.:ts kir lr.ayr;i et: 3�.�. n1AF.;i ^sFS4h'EM - -
.4,4:414,111:d4,114.7 -1=V- .017J81, Gi'..,+x -tre! Et R, ,? hPANAr 41'•,L.,r1.,CsLli
City of 1009
Found irit Ger IIaany
Bronze -age Fortifications Near
Frankfort Probably Thra-
cian or Illyrian
Later Occupied By Slays
Berlin—Three thousand years and
more ago people from Southern Bur-.
0910 established a entitled settlement
near Frankfort -on -the Oder, only 56
miles from Bernie There is no re-
cord of this story 1n history, but ex-
cavations now going on... havo dis-
closed it, and are daily leading to now
Ands of the highest impoetauce for
Less than four miles .11081 Franke
fort lies the railroad station of Bus-
(111mu01e10, and• near it a hill. Some'>'
11me ago remains of an ancient Slav it
settlement were discovered there
when a cut was made for a new • rall--
road line, and excavations brought to
light typical shards of pottery and
other things indicating that Slays had
once occupied the hill for a consider-
able length of time, The settlement '
appears to have been at its height
about 600 A.D.
Systematic excavations were begun
'some menthe ago utter the direction
of the'head of the Prussian pthnolo-
gloal Museum and other rioted- archeo-
logists. Their astonishment was great
when getting below the 1200 -year-old
stratum an which the Slav settlement
had stood, the workmen's spades be -
gen to turn up finds of a quite differ-
ent character, and the sensational
fact we establishett that a non -
Slavic tribe had lived here in the later
Bronze.Age, 1000 years before. Christ,
or, perhaps, even earlier, The finds,
together with the fortification wall
was constructed, indicate that the ori-
ginal 'settlers were either' Threatens
or Illyrians.
The wall Is of a unique type. Its
builders filled boxes with earth, much
as aeocrete walls are constructed to,
day, piled them together and covered
the whole with a layer of earth. The
method of construction can still be
clearly seen, 3000 years after the wall
wee erected. Whe11 the Slays came,
probably 1600 years later, they found
the wall in such a state of preserve-
Oen that they were still able to eat.
ploy IL as a defense for their settle
I11 the middle of the settlement the
excavators have found a number of
shafts, some of them eighty feet deep, -r
containing the bones of men and ant-
mals which appear to bave been de-
liberately buried there. In one of
tlleso shafts the top of a human skull
was found in circumstances suggest
ing Truman sacrifice. Only a small
part or the settlement has as yet been
excavated, but it is already obvious
that Buschnluehle 1s destined to be-
come as important for tbe study of
the Bronze Age as is Dodogne for the
Stone age.
The finds establish for the flnst time
the presence of Tlacians or an allied
folk so far northward. Both Irhra-
ofans and Illyrians occupied the Bal-
kan peninsula before the ancient
Greeks appeared an history and they
may even have extended into Italy
Thrace still exists, but the Phracians
10ng ago disappeared. The remie
ants of the Illyrians have survived in
Albania. •
Goon Grammar
"It's Me" Perfectly Good Eng-
lish, London Paper
Answers Purists
Lond.—A challenge has been flung
into the faces of tate„ 222 American
puriets who are trying to make the
American people say "It is 1' when
they want to say'•It"s' me.'
"It's me," accor•dlilg to the London
Evening Standard, which prides it-
self. on its good English, is correct,
though it has beets the subject of a
very old controversy in England as
well as in the United States.
"There are two ways of defending
it," says the Standard's editorial. "One ere
is to point out that 'mo' here is not
the accusative 'me,'' but the equiva-
lent, and probably a survival of the
French 'mol; Just as the French do
not. say 'C'eat je' 03', in answer to a
question simply Ste!' we, unless w0
are ultra particular, do not say 'It's I'
or simply 'I!' We say 'It's tile' or
'Me!' and ive do it for tho same retie
sores and the gams justification. .1r
"The other way of defending it is
to remark that language preceded
grammarians anti still takes prece-
dence of them, '3118 busnoss 'or the
grammarian is to observe, perhaps' to
explain, accomplished facts. Dot the
facts themselves are outside his, -*
power, It is no more his business to
say that any form commonly used Is
'wreega than it isthobusiness ofthe
biologist to assail with moral anger
an un:expeeted mutation in a "species
of living things,"
Tito rest of the forty-five taboos
placed on incorrect expressions by
the jury appear to have the approval •
of English authorities.
"Younever saw a man wearing a
black. eye `because he minded his own,
business," remarks a Writer. IIow
about the prizefighter after a not 409 -
skin •111 the ring?
IThe firm that refuses to hire flap -
net's incl employs none hitt elderly
tvomo11 deserves to be congratulated
upon its ability to distinguish between
r� •