HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-01, Page 5la
Our Prices on a fear items for one week
Brooms, well made, green, polished handles, each 39c
p . 15c ..;
Sweet Apple Cider, per quart , . ,
Mince Meat a dandy brand, Tb. , . ; , . , 18e
Dorn, Peas or Tomatoes, all new pack, 2 tins .. 25c
Sliced Pineapple, regular size, per, tin . .... 15e
Sauer -kraut, - perp ...,, 5e .... auer-kraut, in bulk, pound
Preserved Ginger, Imported, in pound this , ::: 55c
Clover Raney, in 10 lb. 'pails, po°xtid.... 12Ac
Ross J. Sproat
W. Me Stewart
Phone 8
Phone 77
Seven deliveries all over town every day.
itq always hi j1ier�
The Dairy Farmer is assured of good markets -the,
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy 1-lerd and: enlarge your bank ac-
t. aunt. They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal.
Seaforth.CrealneryY Cu. Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W, Walker & Soo
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
'vernment diploma and license, -
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67. 1
D. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success -
hilly treated.
Electricity used.
5 Gift. Out of
The Ordinary—
When you select the Fuller Hair
Brush and Comb Set, you give some-
thing different from the usual present
If makes es beautiful a Christmas
gift as can be found,
Only one of the dozens of Fuller
Christmas Sets 1 arrange tor Tori
when 1 visit your home When
-see you I'll show you the new way to
do Christmas shopping (For special'
demonetretien write tae) ..
The Fuller Service Man
Box 850 Seaforth, Ont,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
haircuts now
II the latest hobs now 35c
at the
Dennison & Pullman
Phone 125•
Want end. For Sale ads, a. times 50c
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Fowey
Residence—James St.
Mr. Will Bryant and family of
Blyth spent Sunday with Mr. C. Ste-
Mr. W. Fairservice and Herbert re-
turned Monday from the West,
The young people of SS. No, 4
spent a very pleasant time Friday ev-
ening at the home of Mr. C. Josling,
where they started to practice a couple
of dialogues for their Christmas en-
Mr E. Cartwright is at present in
Clinton hospital. His friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mr. Elgin Josling returned after
spending the fall in the West.
The Junior Farmers and Junior In-
stitute of Blyth have challenged Lon-
desboro Young People to a debate,
"That the Life of the Farmer is Pre-
ferable to that of the City Man who
works. for a Salary," to be debated in
Londesboro community hall, Wednes-
day evening at 8 o'clock, December 7,
A social time is being prepared. Ladies
are asked to provide, No admission
charged. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all the young people of the
community, Come and enjoy the ev-
Mr. Humphrey Snell, of Hallett,
won many awards at the International
Stock Show at Chicago, bringing
honor to himself and the county. Mr.
Snell made his strongest showing in
the fat Leicester division, a type of
sheep to which he gives most of his
attention and In the breeding of which
he is recognized as one of the most
successful on the continent. He also
captured both the championship and
the reserve championship of the Lei-
cester breed, the first with a yearl-
ing and the second with a Iamb. Mr.
Snell also had a strong entry in the
grade and cross -breed sheep division,
one of his yearlings winning premier
honors as the bestlong-haired
of the breed.
The congregation of Cromarty
Church has called Rev. John Elder, a
minister of ',the Presbyterian church
in the United 'States Mr. Scott, Mr.
and lIrs. MdLeitan .-Mr. and Mrs.
OIiVer and Miss Hotrghton attended
a meeting of Stratford Presbytery
held in that city on Wednesday, at
which the call was approved Mr.
Elder will be granted four weeks'
vacation each year. He was present
al the meeting and accepted the call.
The indtied on will be held at 2:15 p.
nt., on Thur slay, Dec, 8th. The mod-
erator, Ret. GC'trge Rowland, will
preside, as fisted by Rev, 0, Lloyd
Griffiths,. Rev. IT. L. ilennic Rev. G.
P Duncan and Rey \\: „T,„
Send us the names of your visitors.
Mr, '1',' J:' Webster " has returned
home from the hospital after his re-
cent serious illness.
Mrs, Jos. Eckert has fully recover-
ed from her late illness, and Miss
Catherine O'Connor has returned to
her home in Hibbert,
Mr. and Mrs. James 1, Johnston are
moving to London this week, where
Mr.' Johnston will take charge of a
The name of Miss Gladys Holland
was inadvertently omitted from, the
report handed in of a social evening
of the Bible Class of the United
Church held at the home of Mr. Her-
old. Lawrence, appearing in last
week's paper. Miss Holland gave an
excellent reading,
' The Misses Chuff, Centre street, re-
ceived word of the death of their
brother-in-law, Mr. Richard Benson,
of Toronto, last: week: He is survived
by a grown»tip son and daughter, His
wife, formerly Mary Ann Cluff, dau-
ghter of the late Richard Cluff, of Mc-
Killop,'predeceased him by a number
of years.
. Mr, Sandy Campbell's many friends
were delighted to recognize his 'famil-
iar, hearty voice on the street again
after his recent serious illness.
iSunday visitors' at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. McLaren were Mr, and
Mrs. Alex, McLaren, Miss Herron
and. Mr. John " McDougall, Chisel-
hurste Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hoggarth
and Miss Rena McLaren, 'Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs, John Stewart, Mrs.
S. !Boyd and 'Mrs. L. G. VanEgmond
were Sunday visitors in Stratford.
'Mrs. L. T,. DeLacey,. of Toronto,
attended the funeral of the late. Mrs.
Andrew Henderson.
1lrs. James Mullen is the guest of
her. brother, Dr. McFaut, Toronto.
Mrs. T. Swan Smith has returned
from'a visit with Toronto friends.
Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie were
week -end visitors in London.
Mr. Norman Henderson, of Toron-
to, attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Andrew Henderson.
Miss Downey of the Hospital staff,
attended the Morris -McGrath wed-
ding in St. Columban on Saturday.
Mr. Jake Wurm is able to be out
again after his bad attack of blood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fletcher, of
Lumsden, Sask., arrived •on Saturday
to 'make their home with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Robert 'Ritchie. They are
former residents of Seaforth. Mr.
Adapt Fletcher and children, Doris
and' Robbie, accompanied them on the
trip, but will return to the West in a
short time,
Mr. Fred Cowan, of Huntington,
P.Q., left' on Tuesday for St. Marys
after spending a week visiting his
cousin, Mr. W. W. Cowan, and Mrs.
Cowan. Mr. Cowan, who is a breed-
er of purebred cattle, 'attended the
Royal 'Winter 'Fair. Toronto, and was
in this part of Ontario to purchase
Holstein cows.
Mr. J. L. Kerr, editor of The 'Bras-
sels Post was a visitor in town on
Friday. His friends are glad to see
hint able to be ottt again after being
confined to bed seven, weeks with
Mr. F. J. Kerslake visited his dau-
ghter, Mrs. -D.-T. Hill, of 'W'aterford,
this week.
Messrs, 'Ostwald and. 'Gerald Snow-
don spent Saturday in Toronto,
Miss Margaret Waugh has returned
from a visit with friends in London.
Miss Nell MacDougall left on Mon -i
day to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles
Stewart, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Wnt. and Mrs. Gentrnell, of
Stratford, were town visitors during
the past week.
Mrs. Thompson Scott and little
daughter Shirley, of ,Detroit, were
week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
T. G, Scott,
Miss Helen McDougall left on Mon-
day to spend the winter with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Chas. 'Stewart, of Portland,
Oregon, for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris and
Lila, of Cromarty, visited with 'Mrs.
Hugh Wright, 'Tuesday.
Mr. John McPherson, who lives
with Itis daughter, Mrs. Hugh Wright,
is not as well as his friends would
Mrs, H. J. Gibson is visiting her
sister, Mrs. B. Williams, Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Max. Raynard and
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Mullen, of Lucknow, visited Mr,
and Afrs. John 'Webster, this week-
Mr. I'obt. Smillie is in :Torontn, this
week to undergo trenttnent.
Mr. Alex. Butler was very unfort-
uuate'Iast week to have the end of a
finger an his left hand lacerated by a
sausage machine in Di H. Stewart's
butcher shop,
Mrs. .Roy MieGeoch and Lloyd
Allen, Egntondvitle, left Friday on a
trip to Cochrane to visit her father,
Mr, John Taman, and her brothers,
for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, William Stevens and
family, of Kitchener, spent Sunday
with Miss Belle Jackson,
Miss Margaret McNay spent Sun -
clay with Miss Evalena Nott.
We are pleased 'to see Mr. Jas
Sproat out again after his recent seri-
ous illness.
Mr. Adatn Fletcher„ . of Regina,
Sask., who has been visiting`his 'sister,
s Ritchie to here
,left Tuesda • to visit
relatives in Stratford. l s1
We are sorry to report that Miss
Eunice Leafherlend is under the do' -
tor's care at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Wsn. Finlayson, of
Wellesley, spent 'Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Weiland,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland spent last
week in Wellesley with Wm. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs, Wnt, Govenlook, of
Chicago, who spent a few clays last
week visiting their parents, Mr, and
Mrs: J. R. Govenlock, motored to
Loudon Sunday afternoon, on their
Way hgnie.
Mr. Ross Fowler, of Leamington,
visited itis uncle, Mr. Aclant Hays.
Mr. Ranalii Reinke is visiting in Des
troit with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grieve,
Mr, and Mrs, Nathan Peck and two
grandchildren, Ronald and Eileen, of
1•fensall, were the guests of Mr. anti
L..,I4e;yy on Sunday last:
and Mrs, Artie Keys and their
three sons; Bernard, John and Arnold,
Save Money:
Your .Winter Footwear
Buy your Winter Footwear
here, and you'll get the Best
Values in this town, Absolutely
Better Shoes for Less Money
Directly Opposite Commercial
formerly with
Commercial Hotel
Thurs., Dec. 15th
Advice ou the Scalp
Makers of Patent Structure
Ryrie -'Birks Building,
Yonge, & 'Temperance, Toronte
Grand Bazaar and
Fowl Supper in aid of
St. James' Church
in the Parish Hail
Tuesday, Dec. 13
PP tit+Ftlis"ic➢1'IiJ clrt srlltir
Anniversary Services
will be conducted by
Reit'. R. R epiNNER
in Devon Chui'eh, Winthrop on
Sunday, Dec, l l tui
at 1] a. in. and 7.30 p. int
Special music will be rendered
by the choir
were the guests of Mrs: Annie Reid,
on Saturday last.
Airs. G D. C. Harp, of Toronto. is
spending a few days in towns.
Miss Annie Brodie, teacher near
Brussels, was home over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale have
mover) into the house on North Main
street vacated by Mr. Thos. Beattie,
who has moved to the apartment in
the pnstoffce.
Miss Jessie Bethune returnees on
Wednesday from Vernon, B. C., after
visiting her sister..
Hisses Elinor Burrows and Helen
Lane spent the week -end in London
with Miss Kathleen Burrows,
Messrs. ('rank and Neil Sntale, of
Detroit Mich., spent Sunday with
their parents. Mr, and ivf,rs. Thos.
Miss Margaret Martin, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with Mr: and
Mrs. A. A. McLennan.
Mr, Martin Purcell, accompanied by
his son, Thomas, motored to 'Detroit
this week to receive treatment for his
late illness and his many friends hope
to ,see hint return . in the near future
in his usual health.
i t
The many friends of Mr. Jerry O'-
Hara are pleased to see hint around
Messrs, John Nolan and C. Eckert
called an friends in our burg last
The swamp fire north of here is still
smouldering and the road to the C.
P. R. station is stilt in a delapidated
Air. Peter -Eckert attended • the fat
stock show in Toronto last week,
Mr. Lorne Messerschinidt and 'Les-
lie'\Veiterson motored home from De-
troit and are returning at an early date
to resume their duties..
The Friend of All ;Sufferers. Dr,
Thomas' Ectectric Oil is a valuable
Remedy to all those who suffer pain.
It holds out hope to everyone'and
realize, it by stilling suffering every-
where. 21 is a liniment that;has the
blessing ''of half a continent,' It 'is on
sale everywhere and can be found
wherever enquired for.
Mr. Stuart Knox,. of Flint, who, has
been. home for two ` weeks, ,returned'
Monday last,
Mr: B, Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Pearson and daughter, of Goderieh
township, were Sunday visitors at the
]tome of Mr, and Mrs, B. Bick.
Airs. Alex, Boy`s left Wednesday
for Detroit, where she .will join her
husband and spend a week visiting
Messrs. Sam, and E. McBurney, of
Wingham, called on Mr. and Mrs. A,
Nicholson Thursday last.
Miss Laura Ross, of Ford''City, has
been visiting her uncle, Mr. John
Reinke, for two weeks.
Miss Christena .Alen, of Egmond-
ville, is confined to her bed. •
Mr. and Mrs. Greib and family,
called on 4lrs, James McIntosh Mon-
day last .,
Mrs. Roy McGeocit is visiting her
father, Mr. J. Taman, of Cochrane, at
'Ladies' Aid No. 3 of Egmondville
United Church held its monthly meet-
ing at the home :of Mrs. John. Mc-
Lachlan out Tuesday afternoon.
•Mr..ancl Mrs, George Bell have pur-
chased a new radio,
Mrs. John McLachlan spent the
_week -end at the home of her another,
Mrs. William Elgie, who had the mis-
fortune to break her leg last week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. George Handley and
daughter of Londonspent' the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas
Mrs. John Love spent a few days
at the home of her son, James Love.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert and
family spent Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper,
Mr. Wellington and Miss :Mildred
Bell of Detroit visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Bell on Satur-
The Sunday school at Turner's
Church are preparing for their Christ-
mas tree and entertainment.
Miss Ila Ball, of Byron, spent the
week -end at her home here.
Mr. William Broadfoot spent a few
days at the Royal Winter fair, To-
- •Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Wise, of God-
crich township, visited relatives here
this week.
The following was taken from
The Marlette (Mich.) Leader, and
refers to a sister of Mrs. Thos. Cole-
man, Seaforth: "The death occurred
Sunday morning, Nov. 6th, of one of
our esteemed citizens in the person of
Mrs. 'Thos. Hudson, of Marlette,
Mich. Although she had not enjoyed
good health for the last four years,
site had been able to be around
until within a few days of her death,.
which came with suddenness of cere-
bral of the brain. The funeral was
held from the Presbyterian Church,
Marlette. A former pastor, Rev. Mr.
Brashier, of Vassar, conducted the
service, interment being made in Mar-
lette cemetery. The pallbearers were
her three sons and three grandsons.
Mrs. Hudson was born in 1861 and
was the fourth daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John '.Troyer' of the
township of Hay, Huron county, Ont.
and was married to Thos. Hudson in
March, 1878, and farmed one mile
south of Hillsgreen. In 1886 they
moved to Michigan and settled on a
farm a few miles east of Marlette,
then 15 years ago they sold the farm
and went to Marlette to 'live. She
was a member of the Presbyterian
Church and took an active part in the
W.M.S. and also a member of the
Dorcas Class. As she lived she died,
a true Christian. She is survived by
her husband and three sons, Melvin
and Stanley of Marlette, Joseph, of
Pontiac (and one daughter deceased)
and two brothers, Stephen Troyer, of
H,ay township, and John George of
Binsearth, Man., and two sisters, Mrs.
'rhos. ,Coleman of Seaforth, and Mrs.
M. A. Rice, Forest hook, Ont. Those
fr,nti a distance to the funeral were:
ivfr. ansi Mrs. Thos. Coleman, Sea -
forth: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rice, For-
est Nook, Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Carlile,
Mrs. J. Jarrott, John and Eldon, of
Hillsgreen, Mr. Jos. ,Hudson Sr., Mrs.
Al. Harvey, Mrs. Jas. Logan, ICippen,
Mrs.. \Vin. Douglas. Brucefield; Mrs.
Jas. Troyer and Mrs. John Consitt. of
It was with deep regret that friends
and neighbors learned of the sad
death of Mr. \Vat. Toll, which occurr-
ed early Friday evening. The Misses
Ella and Ruby Toll of Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Toll of Stratford, arriv-
ed home on !Friday owing to the seri-
ous illness of their father, 1Er. AVin.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid and the
Misses Lydia and Isabel Reid visited
at the home. of Mrs. Reid's brother,
Mr, Wilson Canipbell, near Seaforth,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Watt visited
at the home Of Alex. McEwing on
The Ladies' Aid tweeting is to be
held at the home of Mrs, Chas. Par-
sons, Thursday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bewley arrived
home from their honeymoon Thurs-
Miss Amy Parsons spent the week
end at her' cousin's, Mrs. Leo Watt.
The annual beef ring supper was
held on Friday evening at the home of
Mr. '\Villiath Grey. There was a good
attendance and all enjoyed a good
Mr. Thos, Cotsott and Arthur ar-
rived honte'.:Tuesday evening from
13racebridge, where they have been
visiting for the past three weeks. They
enjoyed their trip and Mr. Colson
brought home a fine deer.
Morris - McGrath. On Saturday,
November 26, a very pretty wedding
was solemnized at St. Colunnban
Church, when Catherine, second daus
ghtes of 'Mr, and Mrs. P. V. McGrath,
of St. Cnlutn•ban, became the bride of
Thomas Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Morris, St. ,Coltunban. Rev.
Fr. Dantzerofficiated. The bride,
who on the arnt'of ler father entered
the church to Lohengrin's wedding
march, was beautifully gowned itt
white georgette • trimmed with pearls
and rhinestones. trier veil was daint-
ily caught up ;with a Parisian bridal
wreath. She parried: a shower bolt
quet of Ophelia roses and sweetheart
buds. The bride was attended by her
two sisters, Miss Mildred McGrath,
of Teeswater, and Miss Gertrude Mc-
Grith, of 'Guelph. The former was
dressed in a peach taffeta .and geor-
gette and carried yellow chrysarithe-
mums;-the latter in pale blue taffeta
and carried a. bouquet of pink carna-
tions. - Both wore black 'picture hats.
The groom was ably supported by his
cousin, Mr. 'Gerald. Doyle. Miss
Marie -Flannery presided at the organ
and at the offertory a beautiful' hymn
was sung by Mr. 'Thos. Kelly, circle
of the bride. At the signing of the
register a trio was'. rendered by, Misses
Marie Flannery,' Grace Moylan :ted
Mr. Thos. .Kelly. The ushers were
Messrs. !Robert (Byrne and Morris
Melody, cousins of the bride and
groom. The groom's gift to the bride
was a handsome white ygold wrist
watch, to the attendants a green .gold
vanity case and an ivoris•' pearl clock,
to the groomsman -a pair of gold cuff
links, Following the wedding the
party motored to the home of the
bride's parents, where a bounteous
dinner was served. The bride • was
the recipient of a number of cheques
and beautiful presents.
A miscellaneous shower was given
to the bride-to-be on Thursday after-
noon at the bride's home by her girl
friends... 'The afternoon was spent in
games and amusements, after which a
dainty buffet lunch was served,
In the evening the members of the
St. Cohunban choir gathered at her
home to present her and her future
husband with a fernery as both were
faithful members of the choir. An
address was react by Mr. Gerald Doyle
and the presentation made by Miss
Marie Flannery, Mr. Morris thanked
the choir in a very fitting manner:
The ladies of the C.W.L. are hold-
ing a social in the Parish Hall, on
Monday evening, Dec. 26th. Good or
chestra in attendance.
Mrs. W. L. Fortune and baby of
Blyth are visiting at the home of 31r.
and Mrs. Michael Downey.
Miss Gertrude McGrath of Guelph•
was home over the week end 'attend-
ing the wedding of her sister, Miss
Catherine, which tools place on Satur-
Miss- Florence Coyne of Chatham
was a week end visitor at her home
Mr, Joseph Coytte of Detroit spent
the week end at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Coyne, Hibbert.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelly of Blyth,
were at St. Colunnban attending the
\[orris -McGrath wedding.
Miss Mildred McGrath of Teeswa••
er spent the week end here.
The Misses A. and B. McGrath of
Stratford visited at the home of their
brother, Mr. P. V. McGrath, attend-
ing the Morris -McGrath wedding.
items of hews always welcome.
Friday, Dec, 2nd
Lunch Served
No job too big to handle or too small
to do, Phone 303 J and I will call
for your work,
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
Real. Estate, Conveyancing, Bondy
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it. The
pork . must give it the right
flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to Supply
just the right cut for the purpose.
Try it once. You'll want it often.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The SneciaJl Milverton
We have it—Give it aTrial, Also
Grain Screenings
Chop of All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New anis Used Parts.
Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with License
Ford Touring 1918.. .. ...... $75.00 with License
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, liteenrw ..$375 with License
egier's Gar
We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive len be
entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence.
The cleaning of dresses is an art. which takes time to study
and achieve.
Ladies' <anif. Gent's Felt Hats cleaned. It only costs a
dollar acid will look like new.
nley5 Proprietor
PHO`NF. 227 or 2]