HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-12-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS, Snowdon Bros„ Publishers,. I W ALTON. Wheatley-Tomlinson°,—A quiet wed- ding took place on Wednesday even- ing, .Nov, 30th, at 7 p.m., at the Manse at Walton, wheu Sadie Elite - beth, daughter of Mr. 'Harry Totnlda- son, of McKillop, became the bride of Harold H, 'Wheatley, sae of Mr. and Mrs, Jnseplt Wheatley, of Clinton and formerly of .Hellett, Rev, W, J Maines officiated, The bride was charming in a dress of bink georgette and blonde shoes and tstockings. Miss GraceSomerville, the bridesmaid wore black velvet and peach tafetta The groom was supported .by Mr Harold Tomlinson, Following th ceremony a reception, was held at th bride's home. Mr, and Mrs, Wheat . ley will make their home In Stratford and carry with them to that fair tit the best wishes of their many friend in this: community. Wilbur and Mrs, Turnbull took it the Royal 'Winter Fair at Torout 'set week. Wedding belle arc ringing in thi orality: Mr. and Mrs. Orval Habkirk an hildren spent Sunday with Roy an Mrs. Bennett, The person or person; setting wol .raps please be careful where they ar pat as two dogs have already^ beet :aught in them. The play to be held Friday nigh Dec 3rd, }las been .cancelled owing t ,iincss of some of the actors, Mies Fiera Harris visited her sister Mrs. Harold Sellers last week. eliss Grace Somerville has returne moue after relieving in the Farmer' Club Store, Walton. owing to Mis Shortre d's absence. Thy many friends of Mrs, Olive Harri,. are sorry to learn she is no enjoying good health at present. Mise Marjorie Reid took charge o the t::hristian Endeavor meeting o Sunday evening, Next Sunday, Dec. 4th, the Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper will be ab served in the United 'Church here. Mrs. T. McMichael, Clinton, ha been visiting her daughter, Mrs. %I 13. Kirkby, for a few weeks. Plans are under way for a Christ eras tree entertainment to he held r the S.S. room of Duff's church, on th +wetting of Dec. 23rd. Engagement: --Mr. and Mrs. Joh Shortreed, \l'aiton. aneunce the en gagement of their eldest daughter, Es ther D.. In Mr. Le elie J. Johnston youngest son ,,f Robert Johnston Blyth. the marriage to take plat quietly early in December, err. John Leeming, ..e1 S1cKil1<,;1, .n the hospital with an absces& efr. and Mrs. H. Shannon attended the funeral of \in•. Shannoffs aunt, Mrs. ,\. Hende:.,m. of McKillop. on Friday. Mr. a t 1 !1Ir, t;e:,t'ilfe.rwood, of Waterdeett. ,pout the week -end with ge, and \1r.. 1. 1"!Iorntnu. Me. W. iv dues hnuce was mull urne.l last I'her dei. Willing hand quickly gathered and e-+,tinguished th ire l'h e tire - ,a inystere as Mf. 111,,hies lin(d me been in ,he haus from 'i"i edav ,earning. Mr. and Mrs. Netherb3- and Mt tat k ,:isited Mr. and \'Irs, \V. Hoy. Mrs, Mary Shn. treed and Mrs t , , ' returned home from Ta it •-at 1 clay. 'MI W. Clark. of Stratford, visiteal p,:rents on Sunday. Miss Al nguerite Finnigan, =,f EY t1 ,.Ile, 'pent `•uu.iay ,.. ,= Ennis TIARLOCI£. Death of WAIL Toll.— A peetninent farmer' and cattle tbuyer of this district passed away on Friday night, Novem- ber 25t an Minces of about a a h t iter month, in the persoil:::of•Mr. ''tlV'illiaut Tolle aged 61 years. Born an the 1st line of Morris, sin of the late ,Fred- erick To11, he lived the greater part oo his 'life du East Wawanosb, ntovirig Huilett 44 years ago. He was mar- ried to Miss Ida Anderson of Wawa - nosh about 34 years ago, and she pre- deceased hits 8 years, Four sons and two daughters survive, Ira, of Strut= ford; Herbert, of eeBuchanen, Sask„ Lorne and Ernie, of Ildtillett; and Ella and. Ruby,': of Toronto; also two bra thcrs • and a sister, Fred. and fleury Toll, of E. \Vawanosh, and Mrs, Geo. Kellerman, of +Aashwood. The: fun- eral took place 'Wednesday afternoon to Union cemetery; Blyth, the ser- vice being conducted by Rev., James Ahery,`Londesboro,'and the four sons acted as tiallbeerers. ' BLYT"H, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Fear and fam- ily, of Morris, spent Friday evening at the home, of Mr. Wi11 Brown, of 1T'uilett. are sorry n report iU r. Wm. We ..try .,t ep I McElroy is not enjoying good health.: Miss Alberta Richmond spent the week -end al her home here. :\ deer was seen on the -farm of Mr. :les. Smith last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear, of Clinton, visited at the hone of the former's brother, Mr, 'Leslie Fear, last week. Mrs. Henry Richmond, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Cameron, in Goderich, has returned home. eir, John Scott, his sister, Mrs. Radford, and Miss Norma Caldwell, stint Saturday evening at the house of :Ir. John Yeo. Mir. and Mrs, Leslie Fear and fam- ily etre guest, at the home of the former's brother. Mr. Ray Fear, of Clinton, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wallace„ of Stratford, spent the week -end with re- latives in Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. ileo. Jackson, of Clinton, were guests of lfr. and Mrs. Geo. Potter on Sunday. Mrs. F. Watson, who has been quite ill, ie. slowly improving. 31r. Cliff Johnston, of Galt, was the guest of hie uncle, Mr. Geo. Potter, last week. Mrs. Jas. Richmond was called t n the hone of her sister, Mrs. 33;; e Mason, near Seaforth, last week, ow ing to the illness of their father, M e 11 c Julut Brigham,Brigham,The Fredericton Gleaner says: "Rev. George T'elford, pastor of S Paul's united chin=ch, was the speaker at the Gyro Club luncheon at The Palms. 01an Thompson.was chairman." United Y, P. S. --The regular week dy- meeting of the United Y.P.S., hel t. he d :u St. Andrew's United Church. Blyth was opened by Miss Worse!! wit hymns 592 aud595. The Bible les son taken from Luke was read, fol lowed by Slinging hymn 590 togethe Prayer was offered in the forte o j uttenee prayers by four of the ntem ✓ bees. During the business period, del sJegates for the \.l'. Institute at Minn el tem, an Thursday, December 1, wer •nominated in the persons of Miss G el Fawcett, friss K. McElroy and ibis Steinhoff. Dr. Ross demonstrated t •1 us the principles of "First Aid," whlc was indeed, very interesting and i13 •tractive. A. tete of thanks, througl the society, was offered to Dr. 'Ros tor Itis splendid address. A much ap nrettoted solo was given by efis Mize Leslie. The meeting close with hymn 643, and Dr. Barnby dis i nr,.ed with a few words of prayer. Mr. anti Mrs. Russel Bradshaw and Harvey, ,f Jamestown, spent a few days with the tatter's parents, eito s d Mr israsby. Mr. and Mrs;. Chas, Nicholsnle and td,,3I petit Sunday with eft. and , \1. r Jake Broom, of t M3ICillop. Mr. and etre. Simon liana/tan spent n S onlay a tin hntwilit:.1f Jas. Marshall - 31 r. an' \Ir . lou Riley. of James - tem], 01 guests , f Mr. ani Mrs no. t. ra by on Sunday. Mr. 0, 1 31r, ,lne McN3chol, Mr. 11,1 Mrs. lno. Grashy. Chas. and Mrs. h e • s 0 h a s d LONDESBORO. \!I'. I euro a nt"o'd 7•l,IIn' l liorat. trom '•.,: 1\ -t „n I f. rsda rt \I tad M rs. Chas. 1osling ntr n 3 u cd s t n n t friends o - ..� n tt a e Thur 11, ve 1 r1t; taut All re r' 't -.; e I 113 „1313 \f i M0s. Inn Net Alit ash ft r Ilittr.stlay. Them n_e11 ut tit rr t.e. ii' Ilea's held in cin v tttit: tt.n :r til on Thursday, Ito: .A r i terayeeotion .t London 1 i,. given, also a reading t,a Mr,..1. Sltohr,ok. Solo by Miss A. \l fo i_I it mnsic 1e 33' G. Mx t i ,ad at e:eltnge• t hl Li:aqiii ft,i1 exceed fifteen rents. will he conducted by. Mrs. H. ,eu-1 311s. S. t"arter,..F1ostesse , S1 . 11, tNete Mts. J Radford, Mrs. D. Ewan.' Mrs. ;\S efouutain Mrs. Mee, e' Mee 1. else.., I J1iee Laur., Perdue, ,of '13r1£,..0 e, '4'. u 1e;i to li13 rine ,v `I"ursil ty .111,•t pleasant visit with her uncle. Rnh. McCrea. • M Pleasant 1etnl }. was spent :at 1'1 i1.., 1 a f till ,n.r 1 . t, Wm, ,,,ray 1a_Tt Friday:, when the t omlbere of the 141). rani s.si ,n beet sling 1101,1 art oys- ter supper. • We are sorry :o hear tri Mr. l'raith t:atte being- 60 ill but hope to hear „ t speedy eCovery soon. Mr, T. I airservice held an auction 1, of stock and implements at ;h l enapti•anrc house on Tuesday HIBBERT. He Found His Pipe. -1 remember eomctiltle ago when I was younger than ant today, I attended a small sociable wedding, and I was appoint- ed superintendent of the home while 111e wedding party went to 'church. I hind of thought to myself' that I was of some importance. I decorated and put 00 great flourishes, suitable for the occasion. Cut I was iirrored With hawing au old gentleman around, toss - 'ng and tumbling atld upsetting every- thing I had fixe.,{ s nicely. Much nicer than .I felt just :tbout that time myself. f said to hon, "What are you fool ung for 1" Ile said, "I aha looking for my pipe.•' I said, "Look in your tumult. And ii you can't See it, there is the looking glass,' He saw It. Later on he looked out through the window and shouted "Oh, here they come. • And if my old sight is any good, that couple is sittieg closer together cont- ent in than they 'lid gaping out," I said, `Sure linof ,rstural. Don't you realize they ,3 ' ' ,.hturl1 ,!cc spliced,,, Veno,son, also Mr. and Mrs. Russel iteelehasv, ,,f Jamestown, spent Satter- ''.0 tiro lin.; 33111 Mr. and Mrs. 'Clar- J lan.t zrt. Miss Margaret Brown has resumed her duties as teacher at Jamestown, i.ter being- home ',+r the pasttwo volts. The t,.e;lerich Signal refers ,ts vl, lous t. 1 brother of Mrs, James Gib- Ors place: Otte of the oldest resideto—of Godo ch, in the person .i Ja1111' Mat:t'act a, passed away ;,,n Sunday, November 20th, in his ninety. tr st year. 'Tl1e deceased was 311 for my ten days and previous to his ill- ness he 'oas remarkably active, being :dolor teen stairs, every day, Ile was h,:rn in the township of Reach, C)u- trio e utnty, being a son of the late 1r, and Mrs. James McCracken At in early age he moved to the County of Huron, where he fanned for many soars in Grey, Colborne and West 311,11an2,1) townships. About thirty- c'ght years ago removed to Goderich, erhetet he cntitiuued to reside until his death His wife predeceased him folteen years. He is survived by one n, Mr, 3330105 :McCracken of Godes stele and two sisters and one brother, Mrs. jellies Gibson, of Blyth; Mrs. Ellett Kearney. of Brussels, and Mr. 1 rauk McCracken of Saskatchewan, in religious tuatters Mr. McCra'ckeu 8111ered to the Brethren. and the fun- eral service at the home of his sou, \Ir. James McCracken, Victoria street, n Tuesday afternoon was conducted by a member of that society, Mr. \latihea Lcarmnnt, of FIamilton. in- terment was in Colborne cemetery and ;151 pallbearers were Mayor H. J, A. teletw'au, John Cutt, Matthew Bates, Peter Cantelon, W. H. Ball and Wee :gunning:, Those present at the fu- neral from a distance included Mrs, idles Gibson and daughter Ella, Mr:, Vim Gibson, Mr. Jos. Taman of Blyth; Mrs. Minnfe McCrwcken' and son of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Forlcr of Preston; Mr. and Mrs.. Forret of Kitchener. It is expected that Rev, J. H. Ed- nrisou, of Toronto, Secretary of Home Missions for the United Church of Canada, will take the anniversary ser- vices 'in ,5t. Andrew's Church, next Sunday: THE SEAFORTH ,NEWS DUBLIN. Mr. Thos. Murphy, of Toronto, is 1 visiting with los mother, Mr's. Marg- aret Murphy, . Michael Dol lHlb ``rt vii- Mrs c el ye, of, trot iced with her `sisters, Mrs, P. lvl'orri,s.. and Mrs. C. Molyneaux. Mr, Robert Burns, of Detroit, at- tended. the Morris -McGrath wedding' on Saturday. tF Mrs, 1'. McConeetl is busy with many" teams loading his crop of tee - :nips for shipment. Mr, Win♦ Cook has gone to visit his' relatives lo iiolland,it.being sixteen years since he last saw them, Miss Theresa Carpenter, of Cayuga, attended the Morris -McGrath • wed- ding on Saturday. Miss Lizzie Ryan; of (Seaforth, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs., P. Ryan, of Hibbert. • Mrs. J. Ryan and family; of Strat- fortl visited with her mother, Mrs. T. Maloney,, Miss.:Dess Holmes called on friends here during the past week. Misses Bridget and Annie McGrath, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. James Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey visit- ed on Sunday, at the„ honte'of,Mr. and Mrs. John Kline. Miss Marie Reisinger, who is teach- ing eaching in Mildmay, spent the week -end at. the home of her parents," Mr, and Mrs, Michael Beringer. Miss Alice Murphy of Cayuga, at- tended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Catherine' McGrath, of St, Col Il niban. Mr. Robert Byrne of Detroit, re- turned back to Detroit after' spending a few holilays. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Byrne. Mr. Frank McConnell shipped two loads of turnips to the States this week. Mr. 31nd Mrs. Mac Feeney' had a telephone installed in their home last week. Miss Theresa Carpenter spent Sun- day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. of Dublin. Sties Catherine Kenny is visiting ncith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kenny, of McKillop, We are sorry to }tear that Miss Mary Krauskopf is on the sick list; hitt we hope to hear of her speedy re- covery. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jordan spent Sunday al the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Sloan, McKillop. Mr, and Mrs, John Cook, of Chi- cago, are visiting at the home of the Letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kenny. Miss Mary Krauskopf underwent an operation for appendicitis in St. Jos- eph's hospital, London, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Krauskopf and J,rseph Klinkhanter spent Sunday in London. Mr. Pat. Woods held a successful sale on Monday. The 'Altar Society are holding a dance h the Parish Hall, Friday, Dec, 2nd Stuart's orchestra in attendance. bit. Andrew Dantzer is attending hnsiness college in Stratford. (Too late for last week.) Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Jr., and family have returned to their home after spending a pleasant visit with friends there. gr. and Mrs. Peter Krauskopf have returned from their honeymoon trip. Mrs. Jerry Ryant attended the wed- ding of her brother, Mr. John S. Maloney. who was married to Miss Agnes Laura McCormick on Nov, 14, in Buffalo. ear. and Mrs. Johnnie Evans and family and Miss Lizzie Ryan, spent Sunday at the home of the lather's mother, Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Sr. eft alai Mrs, Thomas Williams CONSTANCE. I McI£ILLOP. IND-. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and Mr, Lorne 1-1011ey has purchased,: Mr. -Bert Stephenson spent Monday the 100 -acre farm of Mr, Edward J. Box, on the L1th concession, getting,. possession tntntediately,, S, „. No. 4 '(''IJuff s ;School), wilt' 11o1d a Christmas entertainment o:t the everiehg of Wednesday, Dec. 21st;' The' regular meeting of Duff's Young People's Society was 'held on Sunday evening, November 27th, The services at Duff's and Caven 'Churches on Sunday Mast were con- ducted by Rev, Mr. Smith, of Moles- worth. tRev. Mr. Weir will supply,for the tcoming Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and family visited friends in Winghant on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,d1{c•Farlaite spent the week -end with friends in Kincardine, 1n London. Mrand Mrs,"Ta rRflec of C1' . ton, spent `Sunday with triclinia' iltt the village. Mr, and ;Mrs. Robert Grimoldby re- turned from Teeswater last week where lir, 'Grimoldey has been em- ployed for over three months with his brother threshing. Mr,, and 'Mrs. George .Riley and dau- ghter visited relatives in Brussels on Sunday. Mr. Oliver ,'\ttdersoe, Mr, Ephriatn Clark, Mr. Joseph Riley,, Mr. B. B. Stephenson and ' Mr. Leo Stephenson attended the banquet given by the,. Canadian" Order of Foresters in Kit- chener, on Friday evening. Mrs. Peter Chadsa' attd Mrs, Ed. Britton 'spent the week -end with friends 3t Walton, Mrs, Anna McLean returned from the 'West after visiting her brothers, Fred and Charles Milison, The Ladies' Aid met in the base- ment of Che 'Church on Thursday last. The president, Mrs. E. Clarke was in the chair. After singing a hymn and prayer the reports were given by the secretary and treasurer.. The treasur- er's report showed the Aid in good standing having a balance - of $197. Theladies voted $100 to the running expenses of the church. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn af- ter which lunch was served, Miss Mabel. Livigstone entert iced at a few of her friends'on Friday night. The W.3L$, will. meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Lawson on Thursday of this week, when the election of offi- cers will 'tale place. Mrs, Matthew Armstrong is laid up at present with blood poisoning. Her many friends hope for a speedy re- covery. (Intended for last week.) Messrs, Ross McGregor, Will Dale, and Leo Stephenson were visitors at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Mr. Andrew Snell spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Andrew Sloan of Grey township. The S.S. executive meet this Thurs- day afternoon to arrange for the Christmas tree. The Constance "'Golden Links” Mission Band held their monthly meeting on Saturday last for the el- ection of officers for the coming year. President, Miss Donalda Adams; ,sec rotary, Phyllis Medd:: treasurer, Hel- en Britton; Watch Tower, Elma Leitch, Doris Lawson, Edith Britton, Isabel Jamieson, ,Hazel Jamieson, Eth- el Dexter, Ella Dexter, Bernard Riley, A short programme followed with a reading by Donalda Adams entitled, "Gingerbread or Missions." A read- ing entitled, "Sunny Jim," by Isabel Jamieson; Phyllis Medd told a story, "If I were an African Girl." The meeting was closed by singing the hymn, "Father 'Sic Thank Thee," and the Band prayer. ELIMVILLE. Mrs. Peter Whitlock is spending a feu days with relatives in ;5t. Thomas and London, Mr. Walter Johns of 'Western Uni- versity, London, spent the week end al itis home here• Mr. Wellington ,Bell and sister, Miss Jliidrerh Bell. of Detroit. spent the week end at the home of their parents, J•ir, and- Mrs. Thos. Bell. Quite a number from this neigh- borhood went to London last week te eve "Ben Hur" at the Capitol theatre, bliss N. 'Medd 1f Exeter was the guest of Mrs. 'Wellington Skinner on Sunday last. ,nen. Tuesday 30 Stratford. VARNA Mr. and Mrs, John McAsh and their •---•—•--•---.— .sons, Willie and Floyd, spent Sunday 1 t with Mrs,E. McAsh, of Exeter. WINTHROP, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Erratt, of elle Glee Chan met at the. home of Stanley, were visitors iti Seaforth on Mrs, Geo. Eaton last weep and spent Friday last. a few hour, in progressive euchre. Mr. Will Logan and sister, Miss E. Logan, ' 'Mrs Percy Little won first prize for ut, of Stanley tp., visited Mr. and tray: ladies for 111003 ,games,"a serving bit 1S • L. 'keys. in Seaforth, nn Tuesday. The, consolation was a tie between Jlrs. Montgomery and Miss A[mira Mr. and Mrs.Seaforth, were SundaRobert nley, of McKinley, Shannon. Miss Shannon drew the y` visitors with lucky card and got a salad, spoon and JIt',• W. Clark, of Varna. fork, after which lunch was served by Ithe hostess. I Don't forget the dance to be held in the Flail this Friday night, Dec. 2nd, Musk by Ludwig'e orchestra and Monett served, Mr, and Mrs, Dawson Smith, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. 0.31.1 Mrs. Samuel Smith. Miss Edna Campbell, of UUetitnilkie, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Campbell. Mr. and lits. Sul. Barwick gave a reception in honor of. their sole Willis and his bride, of Owen Sound Tues- day evening. A large crowd gathered and .epelrt a very enjoyable evening. 1'ho=bride and groom received many trice presents. We wish the couple many years of happiness and prosper - The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. will hold their annual meeting in the church on Wednesday afternoon, Dec, 7th. Everyone is requested to be pre- sent as there is a tot of business to be done, •Mr. and Mrs. William ,:Kelly and son Jimmie and Mr. Cook, of Blyth, spent Tuesday with Mr, and nes."W, C. Bennett. Mr. Jatnes S. Smith attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last week, also the unveiling of the por- trait of his brother, Dr, G, A. Smith, 13.A., :UL:D. This life-size portrait was presented to the Board of the Parkdale Collegiate by his ex -pupils and it will hang in tete main hall of the new Collegiate, Fri'sh '.oiitpplies iu Demand. Wher- ever Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil has beet' introduced increased suplies have been ordered showing that wherever it goes this excellent •Oii impresses its power on, . the people. N0.matter in what latitude it may be found its patency is never unpaired, It is put up' in most portable shape in bottle and .can be carried without fear of breakage. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. and it is excellent for driving worms froitn .the ;y;tem. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS,' For week ending .Nor, 24th. 13rtrcefield--Total 55, select Macon 10, thick smooth 37, heavaee 7, extra 11311310.0 1. Walton—Total 85, select ▪ '11ac,nt te, thick smooth 66, - Huron Couttty—Total 2,042, select bacon 602, thiole stno,n11 1,289, heavies 76, extra heavies 2, shop hags- 24, lights and feeders 13. elitler's '\Vo,13n Powders not only exterminate .intestinal and other a=-orms, hut they are a remedy for many ailments of .children, They strengthen the young stomach against biliousness and are Pullen' in their ef- fects wherethechild suffers from loss of appetite. In feverish conditions they will be round useful and they will. serve to allay pain, and griping in the stomach, from which children so often suffer. 1927 Christmas Seals Tho 19II7 C h r 1 s t rias seals, In aid or t 11 e Muskotta a n d Toronto Hospitals f o 1' 4; onsttmptivos, have just been issued'. These handsome Seals, hearing' t h e detoble- barred I. e d Cross, carry a hope to those whoere message witty consumption. Every dollar received through their sale Is used for the maintenance of patients. The National .Sant tartuni Associa- tion Is in needof funds to carry on the work of its hospitals at Mirskolta and at Weston. Why not buy, these Seals in licit of others? Not only will ybu get good valud in return, but your money will serve a greater end for It willgo to he1p someone: in distress. Look for the double barred Cross on every paoket. None u'1e,ir2 are genuine, Por sale by school children -1114 beaks, or direct from the Xmas Son!, Department, Cage institute,., ,Toron- to I, Ontario, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, The annual meeting of the Ch•ild- ren's Aid Society of Huron county was held in MacKay hall, _Goderilch, on Nov, 115th, the president, Rev Ford, in the chair. The county sup- critrtendent; Mr. G. M. Elliott, pre- sented a report of the year's work un- der his direction, giving some details of the phases of the work which is carried on by Ole Society. One para- graph from the report is as follows: "The Children's Aid Society is tate only organization officially respon- sible in every locality of the Proviuce forall neglected child en Our r re- cords show that during the past six teen years thousands of children have been brought toethe attention of Hu- ron County' Society and their cases investigated and the necessary action taken. One hundred and ninety-eight of these weremade wards and placed under the supervision of the Society; an average of twelve each year. One hundred and two were girls and nine- ty-six boys. Many of these have` -been released from guardianship. for ,diffe- rent reasons: thirty got harrie(19 girls and -.11. boys); three girls and two boys died. Since 1921 thirty-seven girls and eighteen boys have been le- gally adopted. Some of these were not wards, but adoption was secured by the Society. Ten wards have reached their majority this year; three of these have bank accounts, amount- ing to $553, One of our boys has$600 in his bank account and 'le getting $350 for this year. One of the boys called on October 6th, which was his twenty-first birthday. We had the pleasure of giving him a cheque for $296, the amount held in trust for him, He thanked the Society for what they had done for him and went back to his work happy. He has made good $i every way. It is very_eueouraging to find many of our wards taking pro- minent places in the community in which they live, as' school teachers, batik clerks, hospital nurses: etc., while quite a number have established homes of their own." The Children's Shelter is an im- portant adjunct of the operations of the Society, a' -home where neglected children may he taken and kept un- til they can be properly clothed and prepared Lor placing ina good family home. Since April 1st the Shelter has been under the management of Miss Jean Fraser as matron, her sister also making her home there and acting as helper. The treasurer's statement was pre- sented as follows: Receipts and expenditures from November 1st, 1926, to October 31st; 1927: Corns cause much suffering, but F1olloway's Corn ,Remover offer; speedy, sore, and satisfactory relief. THURSDAY, DEICEMBER ' 1, 1927, eafortli Gift Shop iW Come x Bn Salve a e' NEVER SUCH VARIETY—NEVER SUCH BARGAINS Wonderful Tissortme 1t of Gifts priced from 50c to $2.00 Post Cards in endless variety—China—Stationery—Books Toys—Games and ':polls The Store that makes a Specialty of Christmas P Y BEATTIE BROS•. Balance on hand Cash from Huron County . , . Cash from municipalities Cashfrom' societies .: . Cash from individual contri- butions -. Cash from .maintenance, acct,. Cash from Thos. Aasebrook Refund 2470 $3693.77 $289.92 :Bank charges . .2750.00 ;Prov, Association fee 15;00 270;00 Maintenance•16 0 98.15 Miseellanea n�� ts s ii PPlies... 25:83 Miscellaneous expenses 58.03 , 156.00 Balance . , . . 387 90 77.00 ,Estate 50.00 'Expenditures: Salaries: Localsuperintendent$1149.00 Matron ' 660.00 Groceries . 209.46 Fuel 307.08 Meat ... ... 47.03 Bread 73.50 Milk , 73.00 Clothing and shoes 79,27 Laundry and wages . , .... , .. 81.00 Ice . , . . 5,00 - Hardware 9,27 School supplies ...... 17.37 Water and light 30.22 Dentist, medical attention, etc4.11 Telephone ,., .., 33.43 Postage 37.03 Printing and office supplie„s37.88 Travelling expenses ... . , 220.05 Photos 4.00 Stenographer, , , , .. .. 12.00 $3'693.27 The chief address of the evening was given by Rev, G. Quintin War- ner of London, judge of the Juvenile Court du that city, . evho told of the work for the redemption of children that is done in the Juvenile Court and spoke. with (once and eloqueneeictppn the subject of child welfare. The address was heard .with great interest and appreciation:. The officers of the Society were re- elected for another' year: Honorary president, W. R. - Elliott, Centralia; president, Rev. J. E. Ford; vice-presi- dent, R. J. Acheson; county superin- tendent, G, M. Elliott; secretary, A. M. Robertson; treasurer, R. G. Rey- nolds. Representatives-Seaforth, A. D. Sutherland; Winghaem, Abner Cos ens; Clinton, A. T. Cooper; Blyth, E. Bender; Exeter, 13. W. F, Beavers'_ Brussels, James Fox. Advisory anti Juvenile Court committee,' Rev, J, E. Ford, A. M. Rober'tson, R. G. Rey. holds, R. J. Acheson, C. M. Robert- son. Chnstma,s Cards A large range of line cards from $'1.2,5 per dozen up, including:envelopes and p printed maze on card. Order your cards now when iihe selection is complete, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. IJGHT on your horse-drawn vehicle at night may AVEOU�r t 4,.LI E! Horse-drawn vehicles (as well as motor vehicles) on the' ST display high- way at night now MU p ay a light. This new .law is designed to prevent accident to occupants of horse-drawn vehicles as well as of motor cars. You will provide for your own safety byobeying i y ng this law. Drivers of fast-moving vehicles have become accustomed to looking for lights on ALL vehicles at night. The danger g of accident to horse-drawn vehicles without lights therefore is greater now than it was when lights were not compulsory. At this season, when nights are darker and longer, the hazard is increased. The light on a horse-drawn vehicle must be placed On the left side in a conspicuous position.It must show white to the front and red to the rear. It must be clearly visible at a distance of at least 200 feet. Where vehicles carry inflam mable materials or are structurally unsuitable for carrying lighted lamps the Department, by regulation, use of a reflector instead of a lamp. may permit the $5.00 Fine The penalty for failure to observe this law Motor traffic is all a of apprehend officers or city or town police will apprehend all wllo fail to comply. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Ontario Department of hwa s The HON. GEC), S, HENRY, Minister . K