HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-24, Page 8AGE EIGHT HENSALL. 1tr, McCarty, of Toronto, is visit- ing for isit-ing-for a few.weeks with :firs. 5. W, Peck and •:Vfr. and Mrs, Sidney Mc- Arthur. A bazaar and chicken supper will 'be held in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 26th, commencing at three o'clock under the auspices of the IMlies of the United Church. There will be fancy work, aprons, towels,,;eandy and :home-made cook - ng in ie booths, also a country store with a special attraction termed, 'Touch and Take," 'Supper . will be served from 5 to 8. Mrs, J. McKenzie is visiting with her sons at Kippers. The Odd Fellows of Hensall Lodge have displayed a stained glass sign, and brightly illuminated, with, the words, 'Hensel; 'Lodge No. 223, I. 0.0.F." The Mission Band of the United Church held an entertainment in the basement on Friday evening. The pro- gramme was excellent and a good crowd was present. The Women's Guild of St. Paul's Anglican church held 'a bazaar in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon . last. The basement was nicely decorated for the occasion.. There were booths for home-made cooking, fancy work, towels and candy and a surprise °booth, A 25c supper was served and a large crowd was present. erpleas- . Dorothy lioskina -r p ?itis., antly entertained a number of her girl friends. ,m Thursday evening in honor of. her 17th birthday. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The first part of the evening was .spent in games, music and contests, followed by a dainty lunch, During the evening lfiss Hos- kins received many beautiful gifts. Miss Grace Fairbairn, of Kippers, visited for a few days with Muss Eleanor Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McDoneli, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas McDnnell, Miss Matheson, of Goderich. visit- ed over the week -end with Miss Minnie Reid. Next Sunday h Carmel Presbyter ia.a Church the pastor, Rev. Jas. Mc- Ilroy at the morning service will Preach 00 -Why by am I Presbyterian,'" and at the ever n;; service, "Why are we Presbyterians." Everyone is cord- ially invire1 to attend these services. MesaMesars. Owen Geiger and Harry llow t 1 attended the stock show in Toronto last week. Mrs. treat. Boot' i •tiro has b en visiting in Detroit for the past three weelcs, returned home on Saturday. Mies Margaret Sias iest!. n 1oee- day for London. w?rece ., s. spen:i some tame. gr. Wm. Simi.' -•n:. tcc.o:li;taoie'1 by his mother and stater, of Detroit, vls- ited over the week -end with reiati=.•es fti 'own. Miss Ida Slavin is visiting friends l ondon and %Va' a_eborg this week. The services In the Unite,; Church ten Sunday last were largely attended.' Rev. Mr. Sinclair preacbee excellent sermons at both services. Special pasts el the anthems were taken by M:, t`.. Li,.cnfieil and. Mr• W. 0. t:.r dw n Mr. i Mrs. Cummings, of De-, woe. visited over the week -end with Mrs H Little and family. Mrs. Thee.Sirnpseit eisited rela- tives in London last week. The meetingof the L ,rig People's Leatme of the United Church was held on Monday teeming with a large attendance present, The meeting was in charge ;;t 3.L.Ss Fiera Higgins and presirlerl aver by Miss Dorothy Hef- fernan. and was epene 1 with a hymn and the Lent's prayer. The minutes of the Mat meeting were read by the Secretary, fl'liowed by a hymn. The Seriptiese lesson, Psalm I,. was read It. \Cs,. Gladys Luker. A reading by Ray Patterson, solo by Mrs. Lee Hed- den and an instrumental ^Met by Miss Jessie 13uchcnau and Miss 'Avis Lind- en 1eid were all well rendered. Mrs. Hugh h McEs au gave to interesting topic on"The Small Thinssa •.d Lite,' which wae greatly enjoyed by the League. The meeting was closed by the singing of e hymn after which all repeated the Mizpah benediction, Mr. N. Horton and son Bert are visiting relatives in Detroit for a couple ,.,f weeks. Inspector Tom ,n Gnderich, was in town Tuesday inspecting the work in the public school. Mrs. Chas. Cooper, of Kippen, vis- ited friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Dougall and daughter Cassis left 1Vednesday morning for Chicago, where they will spend the winter. Mrs, Chas. Jinks spent the first part of the week with relatives in Exeter. Mrs. T. W. Palmer is confined to her romn thrangh illness. Mee. 'Hugh McDonald is visiting for. a couple of weeks with relatives in Tneonto. MIr. Donald Hoggarth and Mr. Ger-1 aid Farquhar. who have been in the West for the past two n'e,nths, have returned home. Mr. Fred Hess and Mr. 5. Pass -I more are on a hunting trip this week., Special services are being held int C"h.selhurst United church this week and next week. On Nov. 21st, Rev.' Isle Sinclair will take for his sermon, 'AVMs can be saved"; Nov, 22 Ese- ctises; Nov. 23, Neglect; Nov. 24, God is Live; Nov. 25, Obstacles in Hill's Pathway; Nov. 28, What shall it pro- fit; Nov, 29, The fear of man; Nov. 30. The saddest words of Jesus; Dee. 1, The only refuge; Dec. 2, The cost of not being a Christian. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these ser- vices, ervices, Mrs. Doherty, of London, has been visiting fir a few days with friends in Hensel;. 'The Family Physician. --The good doctor is always worth itis. fee, But it is not always possible to get a doctor just when, you want him. In such cases, common sense suggests the itse of reliable home remedies, such - as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which effective in easingin- fs wonderfully e O Y • .flammatory pains attd healing cuts, scratches 'bruises and sprains The BAYFIELD. A meeting will be held at the -ret- trry on Saturday at 2 o'eloclt when a branch of the. Girls' Auxiliary will be organized, Mrs. Bice of London will address the meeting. Rey, F. I-1. Paull and Mr. S. Wid combo attended the banquet of the Laymen's Association of Huron dean- ery held at Exeter on Monday. . Messrs. W. Wallis and Doti Mc- Kenzie o-Kenzie returned hone from the West on Wednesday last. The .annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held oil Sunday evening last in the Anglican Church, but sorry to say there was not as large a congregation as there aright have been. Rev. R. M. Gale of St. Andrew's United Church gave . a very interesting address on. the work of the Bible Society, taking for his text Isaiah 55:11. He referred to the history of the local Society, it •being organized here in 1855. The .following officers were elected: President, F. A. Edwards,secretary-treasurer, ' Mrs. Seotchnter. The collectors will_ be nut this week and it is to be hoped they will be met with liberal contri- butions. • Air. and Mrs. 1. W, Jowett returned last week from a six weeks' trip to. Minnesota and other points in the West, The Blue Water Boys have complet- ed . the season and have accepted a winter engagement in Florida. The Y.P.S. met in the St. Andrew''s United Church basement on Friday lase when an interesting debate was given, "Resolved that money has more influence in this world than brains. The affiramtive was taken by Misses Marie Grainger and Sarah Reid, while Misses M., Davison and E. McKay upheld the negative. The affirmative side won. The fudges were Miss C. McLeod. Revs. R. M. Gale and F. 1-1. Paull, This was followed by a lecture ,ti "Fractures." by Dr. A. Newton- tirady, after which community sing- ing and games were indulged in. Mfrs. M. Ferguson left on Saturday to spend the winter with her son in London. Mrs. 5. W. Tippet returned home •,n Monday after visiting her daugh- ter for two weeks in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis returned •„ reronto on Monday having visited fora week with Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mrs. J. Crawford, who has been vis- iting her mother. Mrs. J. Sterling, re- turned to her home at Pickering. Mich., last Wednesday. Mr. W. J. Stinson visited in Tor- onto last weak. \fts. Weir of London is the guest l ,,ter. Mfrs. 5. W. Tippet. VARNA. l a i\r.. M. S. of Varna United ,.:*.torch will hold a bazaar in the Tp. hall on Thursday. Dec. lst. Doors ,;pea at 3 o'clock. -11 kinds of sew - fancy work and other articles. Supper Sail to 8. Musical programme will he given also. Don't forget the ;tate. Come and get your Christmas, .hopping done. HILLSGREEN. Mrs. Georg:- 'Coleman and daughter (lady, spent the week -end with friends ;n Clinton. Mrs. John Jarrott, Sr., is still very w. tut we all hope for a change for 'wear e'rn. i if t 1 erre Charlie Farquhar. oil t l r ice fie..;.: pent Sunday with) Mr. and Mrs. Rebs. McAllister. The Voting People's meeting of :fit e e : will l bit held in the batte- n -tem ase- ir 1 re the church an Friday evening, N. 25th, at which we hope there .will be a large attendance. They are having a debate, "Resolved that •reading good h:"oks is much better time geeing te the movies." Mfr. Ed. Shave,- has returned to her le n,e. in Hensel;, after spending a :week with Mrs, Tohn Jarrott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Park, of Blake. spent Sunday •with her par- ents. ar-ent . Mr, a +d Mrs. Thomas Consitt. presence of this remedy in the family medicine chest saves many a fee. EGMONDVILLE. The e.gular :weekly meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society was held 00 Monday evening with Vice Presid- ent Jean Smith in the chair, who took the topic and spoke on "Tenni Work." Mics Helen McKercher rendered a pleasing Selo. Miss Margaret Fergu- ,,,n delighted her audience, with a ionic reading and there was an alpha- betical contest, Bill. Barber and Billy Chesney winning, The business and minutes were then discussed and the meeting closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. THE ; SEAFORTH NEWS. AU CYTON. SALE Or 120 .Pigs, Mr. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 35, Con. 4, Logan Twp Monday, 'Nov. 38th, at 1:30 P.M .; 60 "pigs from 60 to 1110 tb; 60 young pigs 6 to 7 weeks old; 1 large brood sow due to litter D'ec. 4th; 1 pedigreed -Berk- 'Berk- shire. boar, 2 yrs. old, Terms of Sale: 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. 6 p.c.per an- num allowed off for cash. No reserve, '\rhos. VOods, BPrown,roprietor, Auctioneer. Patrick CONSTANCE. Mr, -Ben. Riley and nephews, Frank and Charlie iRiley, spent Friday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Grim- oldby. The Ladies' Aid will meet this Thursday afternoon. Quite a number around here are at- tending, the winter fair at Toronto. Among them are. Messrs. Leo Steph- enspn and Ross McGregor. Mr. Chas, McGregor shipped hogs, sheep and calves to Toronto on Sat urday to Toronto, • Mr. C. Carter and Miss Frances,. of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Ander- son. Messrs.Hugh Dunlop, W. Dale, R. McGregor and Leo Stephenson, at- tended the Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. Robt. Jamieson has purchased a fide team of horses from J. H. Gal- braith, of Brussels. Mr. Hugh Dun- lop has purchased a fine big three- year-old from Mr. Jamieson, Mr. Jas. .Leiper is still on his rounds with the threshing machine, being busy this week working along the ICinburn line. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Carter were Sun- day guests of Mr. and -Mrs, Geo. Dale. MANLEY. Messrs, Pete McLaughlin and A. Siemon returned home last week from the western harvest fields. Someone has a wrong impression of our 'Manley correspondent.. when he blames the Manley boys for all the wrong that was done on Hallowe'en. The Manley correspondent did not mention where the boys were from and the one who seems to have taken up the wrong' view, the cap must fit hits, as the saying is. -Probably he is one who -was in the fray and as far as the pine stumps are concerned, those who find fault with thein love to get some of the summer heat in zero weather. We still claim boys will be boys, but let them stay away from those who can't share in innocent amusement without doing damage to. personal property, it doesn't matter whether they are from the north, south, east or west. Now I hope that' the ones who find fault with our cor- r e sp.. t,dent will take it in the spirit' given, peace and goodwill alway first, i The marry friends of Mr. Martin, Purcell are pleased to learn that he is: rapidly improving from his late illness, Messrs. Con and J. M. Eckart were visitors in our burg last Sunday. lfr, Jerry Ragen and his daughter from Logan called on friends here last Sunday. Miss Mary Eckart and Fergus Ho- ran motored to Stratford on Sunday to answer as sponsors for Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney's infant son. - Business With ifJs Manitoba Flour Per Cwt. 90 Pound Rolled , Oats. Good $3'99 $4.19 Buy Your Underwear, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in Egmondville We Are Paying 65c Per Dozen For New Laid Eggs You Save When You Deal With J. Finnic! Earn D ifle n uroo hivestots Lid. STOCK BROKERS and BOND DEALERS Private Wire Service—TORONTO, MONTREAL, N E W YORK, CHICAGO, WINNIPEG. We beg to announce that we will open a branch office int'Seaforth located in the Commercial Hotel Building on Monday,' Oct. 17th, under the management of Mr. Ben Johnson. .A. complete service will be maintained daily, peeping investors in close 'ouch with tli;e markets at Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chi- cago and Winnipeg from over our own private wire. You are invited to visit our office, where quotations will be supplied with several changes daily. COUNCIL MEETING. McKillop Council will meet- at the A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1927, at the hour of ten o'- clock in the forenoon, Mr. Geo. Mc- Kee, Tax Collector,'will be at meet- ing to receive taxes. 47 • F. J. McQUAID, Reeve. Miller's Wom Powders attack 1 worms in the stomach and intestines fat once, and no worm can come in contact with then and live. They also correct the unhealthy conditions in the digestive organs that invite and encourage worms, setting up re- actions that are most beneficial to the (growth of the child. They have at- tested their power ie hundreds of cases and at all times are thoroughly i rit•,twc'i'tlly. LONDESBORO. Mr. Murdock Ross moved into the village last week. Messrs. Mat. Bruce, Archie 'Web- ster and - Hugh Radford , returned home from the West on Friday last. Mrs. Tam Nott held a birthday party at her home on Tuesday in honor of her son Burt. The Presbyterian Church here starts their Christmas practice on Saturday first for their annual enter- tainment. • Mrs. Caldwell had a number of friends in to celebrate her mother's birthday on Tuesday last, Mrs. Moon is one of our early pioneers and we wilt her many more pleasant returns. • Mrs. Geo. Emmerton is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Roberton. Mr. Joseph Bewley, of Morris, and Miss Gertrude Ferris were . quietly married at the Manse here on Satur- day aturday last. Congratulations. The many friends of Mfr, Geo. Hazelwood are pleased to see him about again after being in the Clinton hospital for treatment. ' Miss Ruth Sheddick is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Moon and fam- ily spent Sunday the guests of Mr. aitd Mrs. Jas. McCool. i The Hydro men are busy wiring in the village. CHISELHURST. ;bliss Violet Gill, of London, visited ur Sunday. ' rt s in Chiselhurst st S friends Y visit - Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dalrymple ed friends in London Friday. BORN, BRALL.—In Detroit, on Monday, Nov. 14th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall, a 'son (Charles Louis Gordon). KLEIN,--On Wednesday, Nov. 16th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. John Klein, 3rd con., McKillop, a son (Michael John). Rod and Gun. Dealing with many aspects of out- door life and hunting and fishing, the November issue of Rod and Gun, which has just been published, con- tains a most interesting collection of stories and articles. Among them is a very good yarn on surveying the mouth of the Nelson River in Hud- son's Bay, by Robert James, stories frorn the Tabusintac River in New Brunswick by the well known writer Bonnycastle Dale, a stirring fiction story of the old days of the "fur lords" in the nnrth by Samuel A. White and a good trapping article by Raymond Thompson. The regular special departments dealing with fishing, shooting, trap- ping, outdoors and kennel, also con- tain very interesting material while the Silver Fax News section Contains the latest news of the industry, to - nether with interesting and helpful articles on the care and management of foxes. ' A Real Game of Patience Have you ever played a game called "Patience"? It whiles away an idle hour very pleasantly and of course, you can throw down the cards and quit any tune you please. There is a place, however, where they play another kind of "Patience," and they can't leave oft when they wish. George is at it.. -he is an inmate of the Toronto FIospital for Goasitinp- tivos at Weston—has been there for three years now. For s, chap who used to lead an active outdoor life this is hard, .a. months ago, his wife and horinather died leaving his little five•year-aid ,,on to the care of relatives. Flow George does wish he could got his health batik quicker so that he can look after his boy! It has been a long fight, but he believes he will win—and so do the kindly nurses and doetors who are helping him: Wouldn't you like to help in this kindo work "through your suhacrip- t3,m to thn Eiospital? Contributions tnay be sent to non. W' A. Charlton, President, 225 College Items of news always welcome ,treet, 'Toronto 2, Ontario. SEAFORTH TURF ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting. r The annual 'meeting of the Seaforth Turf Association will be held in the Carnegie Library, on Thursday even- ing, December 1st, at 8 o'clock. Bust•. ness, receiving financial report for the past year and election of officers for the coning year. GEORGE McCARTNEY, 48 President, IN MEMORIAM. CLUFF.—In loving memory of Noble T. Cluff, who departed this life Nov. 19th. 1926: He suffered lunch, with patience bore, Physicians were in vain, Till God above in His great love,, Released him from all pain, I -Ie did not fail to do his best, His heart was true and tender, He worked hard for those he left, That's something to remember. He bade no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were open, A loving voice said, "Come." —Sadly missed by wife and fatnily. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Parm Stock and Implements. 'The undersigned has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction at Lot 24, Con. 2, Stanley twp., 4 miles north- west of Brucefield, Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 1 o'clock sharp. Horses—Agricul- tural mare, 8 years old; agricultural mare, 6 years old; general purpose horse, 12 years old; an aged driver, quiet and reliable. Cattle. --Durham grade covet 7 years old, due Jan. 13; Durham grade cow, 6 yrs. old, .due Mar. 26; Durham grade cow, 6 yrs. due Mar. 28; Durham grade cow, aged, clue May 18; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 26; Durham grade cow, 9 yrs. old, bred Oct. 8; 2 heif- ers, rising 2 yrs.; 1 steer, rising 2 yrs.; 1 steer, rising 1 yr.; 2 heifers, rising 1 yr„ 4 spring calves. Pigs.—Fat sow, 10 store hogs. Poultry. --50 1 -yr. old hens; 50. pullets. Implements. ---Massey-flarris bind- er, 6 -ft, cat; Deering mower, 6-11, cut; hay rake; cultivator and broadcaster combined, Massey -Harris seed drill 11 -hoe, steel roller, set disc harrows, set diamond harrows, 2 walking ploughs, gang plough, Cockshutt rid- ing plough, gravel box, lumber wag- on, good hay rack, set steel trucks, Clinton fanning mill, scuffler, pulper, 2 steel tire buggies;. Portland cutter, set team breeching harness, set of plough harness, set of single harness, 3. horse blankets, 2 logging chains, several horse collars, buggy pole, tur- nip drill, wheel barrow, about 15 ton hay, quantity of ash and elm lumber, about 500 bue of turnips and man - golds, 2 sugar kettles, Daisy churn, Melotte cream separator, cook stove heating stove, quantity of household effects, whippletrees, forks, shovels, chains and other articles too numer- ous umerous to mention. Terms, All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amqunt 10 months' credit will he given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. straight allowed for cashon s n credit amounts. Everything to be sold as the proprietor has disposed of his faun. N. Sundercock, Proprietor; Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. PULLETS FOR SALE. 20 'Barred Rock pullets of good laying strain for sale. Apply. to S. LEYBURN, con. 4, Tuckersmith, or phone 136 r24. 49 U. F. 0. NOTICE Because the annual convention in Toronto comes early in December, we shall hold our annual club meeting on November 30th. JOS. FORREST. FOR SALE. Premier Pathescope. Almost new. Electrically operated. •Cheapfor cash. Apply: St. Patrick's Rectory, Dub- lin, Ont. Phone 16, 49. FOR SALE,. Ennis Piatto, Fine condition. Cheap for cash. Apply St. Patrick's Rectory, Dublin, Ont. Phone •1d, 49. FOR SALE. One upright Doherty Piano, slightly used. Must be sold. Price $225.00. Apply Box 6, Dublin, Ont. 47 FOR SALE. 1 rubber -tired top Buggy, 1 top Cutter nearly new, 1 set single har- ness. Phone 240 ring 15. Apply George Eaton, 'Winthrop. 48 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES In the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that the list. of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof may be had in my office, and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem- ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that in default of payment of the taxes, the lands will be sold for taxes on Tues- day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Hall, Seaforth, JNO, A. WILSON, Treasurer, 4 Town of Seaforth. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all persons having „claims against 'the estate of Richard Pinder, late of Sea - forth,. Ontario, who died on or about the lith day of March, 1927, arc re- quired to forward their claims, duly proven, to the undersigned Solicitors, on or before the 7th day of Decem- ber, 1927, after which date the Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to and be- ing responsible only for the claims of which he shall 'then have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, One,. the 16th day of November, 1927. BEST & BEST, Solicitors for Administrator. .48 MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation 0f the County of Huron will meet- in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1927, All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. At this meeting of County Council the appointment of a County Treas- urer and also an Inspector for the House of Refuge will be made. Ap- plications for the above positions to be sent or delivered to the under Zeckfor Satur- day, ped Co. C e on or before e Sa g day, Dec.. 3rd, 1927. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Gaoderich,Nov. 5th, 1927, 48 THURSDAY,_,'NOVZdMBER 24, 1929 Ship Your Cream. to tbct DUBLIN CREAMERY We: are makers of High Grade Creamery Butter iIighest Prices Paid for Churning Cream Givens a trial can. E. B. :J'Y] ]3.S, Prop. - DUBLIN, ONT. rAleaconstameznonowisnamianoll NOTICE. We are now chopping and rolling every day, •IC'RUSE 'BROS. 47 COAL AND COKE On hand at the warehouse at . the station. Also a small Massey -Harris cutting machine, power or hand pow- er. Phone 44-eW, Seaforth, ANDREW ARCH IBALD, 51 • FOR SATE. , A quantity of second hand brick. Orders filled as -received, HENRY' V'O.RI3E 'll 1 N E mondvi e. , g FARM FOR SALE, For sale, lot 7,'Con,'6, Stanley twp,, containing 100 acres. On the premises are a 134 story brick house with fur- nace, and a frame kitchen and wood- shed. Hard and soft water at the house; bank barn 80x52 with cement floors a'll through; windmill and water in the. barn; drive shed and im- plement house, 20x30. Land is all cleared, well drained and well fenced with wire, land in a good state of cul- tivation. Seven miles from Hensall, '5 miles from Kippen; school across the road. 'Rural' mail and phone. Will ,be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises or address Varna post office. WILLIAM . E. FOSTER, Varna. 48 THE McKILLOP Mutual Firs s iIISIIr once Co, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR, H. HUGH ROSS; Physician and Surgeon, Late of London Hot. pital, ''London, England. Special attention to -diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion. Bank, Office Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 106 DIR. F. J. iBURROWS, ;Seaforth. - Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist 'Church, Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; 0, F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rina, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God - evict); Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea- forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, o-Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, •Brucefield, Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, 'Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Hoinuesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenldek, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly. attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed; to their respective postofficcs. DR. C, MAOKAY,--C. Mackay, lioitor graduate of Trinity Univdcw- ity and gold medallist of 'Trinity Medical College; member of the Oef- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. of Ontario. DR. Fe J.'iR, FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi - eine, University of Toronto 1897. Leak., Assistant New York Ophthalmic snit; Antral Institute; Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon- don, England, At Commercial 'hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each mo'atlt. from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m, DR. W. C. 'SPROAT.—Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Member• of College of Physicians and Sur- geons eo s of Ontario. Office in Abe g rhari'a Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. w. Dental. DR. J. A. IMUN,N Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill, Licentiate Royal College of Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto, Office r ver Sills' hardware, Main street. Seaforth. Phone 151, DR. F. 5. B17OHEtLY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, office 185W, residence 1855. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed : Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to fames Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. �L. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Nov. 23rd. Wheat, per bus. .$123 Barley, per bus. ......... ......,73e Oats, per, bus.............. Sec Buckwheat, perbus. B72e s, percwt , $L75 1) Bran, per cwt. $1.65 >' Butter, per lb. 35c Eggs, per doz. 45e -52c Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Hogs, .per HOUSE FOR—SALE, — Comfortable frame dwelling on James street. Two lots with barn suitable for garage. Immediate pos- session. Best bargain in Seaforth. Apply to W. G. WILLIS, executor of Robt. Willis Estate. 51 Have your next Suit or Overcoat made by E. W a AT M . �f'13, Practical Tailor Main St. Seaforth Prices from $25.00 up. Your own materials made up at reasonable rates Try us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction Thursday, Friday and Saturday DRUMS OF THE DESE T Adapted from the novel "Desert Bound" n by ZANE GREY Oil deep down under an Indian Reservatio . . A tale of America's. true nomads and their fight to exist. "Drums of the Desert" shapes up as the. biggest Western since "The VanishingAmerican" 18" .at • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday THE SON " 111 T E N MODERN COM , COMMANDMENTS Also Sixth of TT -IE COLLEGIANS - EGIANS 1 xr,sx�a:wr,rtmm