HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-24, Page 7•
Cantonese Will
Suppress Piracy
New Regime Will Act Inde-,
pendently of Nanking
Authorities .
Shangbaf—Suppresseon oe piracy at
Bias Bay, notorious lair of Chinese
pirates who long have defied every
authority, is the first job that the new
Cantonese goveireement has set for
itself. I
Foreign dispatebes from Clanton re-
cently stated that the Canton group.
of Natiolealists which started a few
dare ago to establish a new Can-
tonese' government independent of
all other nationalist regimes, is pre-
paring its plans rapidly and is taking.
an active hand in Cantonese adminis-
s an indication of 'the group's M-
of operating independently of
ts; erstwhile colleagu at 'Wanking,
.t-was announced tlijt the 90,000 Can-
tonese soldiers now proceeding to-
ward Hankow to aid the Nanking re-
gime in throwing out Gen. Tang Seng -
Chi, will be called bac t to Canton.
The first fob that the major por-
tion of Canton's army will be order-
ed to uneertake is the suppression of
' piracy along the south China' coasts
centering on Bias Bay, the notorious
and picturesque pirate centre against
which the British-. authorities at Hong
)tong have more than once sent puni-
tive expeditions.
The latest Bias Bay incident was
the. ,capture of the Chinese steamer
Irene on Oct. 19, by a group of pirates,
who were driven off by a British sub-
marine. The Irene subsequentee
sankas a result of the -submarine's
.sire. '
The new Cantonese leaders foe/
that these piracies have long retarded
the commercial development of the
Canton territory and that therefore'
they must be stopped. Plans to gar-
rison the shores of Bias Bay, which
is just outside the British sphere at
Hong Hong, have been announced.
Developments In the Yangtse Val-
ley in the fighting between the Han-
1:ow and Nanking governments are
virtually unknown here, reports from
the scene being most conflicting. The
Nanking farces, however, are declar-
ed to be moving steadily on Hankow
where heavy concentrations of Han-
kow troops are In progress.
The Hankow forces are stated to
be virtually leaderless and foreigners
are in fear of a renewal of outbreaks •
and general lawlessness in the area.
No Basis Left
British Economist Thinks
Labor Unions Will Be-
come Extinct
New York --Bertram Austin, British
economist, who has just completed a
month's study in the United Stake
or co-operation between labor and
capital, believes labor unions aeon
will become antiquated because labor
will have nothing left to flight for.
Austin, who Bailed recently for Lon-
ondon, his home, made a sensation in
England last year with the book he
wrote with W. Francis Lloyd, "The
Secret or High Wages." The two
eo yoting Bridal). economists studied for
Some time in American factories and
Industries and teen told the British
that the Americans had a better sys•
tent 03 co-operation between capital
and labor.
During the past month Austin plea
ed the Mitten management in Pbila-
(lelphia and the Street oar railroad in
Buffalo. Both the Mitten plant and
rho Buffalo organization aro owned
,partially by the workers in the street
car companies.
"When the ideal conditions exist
between capital and Iabor there is no
need for a third party to intervene,"
said Austin. "Therefore whorl co-
operation between capital and labor
reaches a high point and it Is making
progress in both this country and in
leugland, it will not be necessary for
'workers to organize into labor
unions, in time I believe the
unions will pass out from lack of use.
This has happened largely in the Mit-
ten organization. There the men set-
tle tbeir trouble directly with, the
He said the unions were organized
as a combative unit and as the co- -
operation between capital and labor
increased there was less and less
need for conflict,
The Church Endangered).
Leeds "Yorkshire ` Post (Cons.) : At
the very moment when unity and the
power to set a visible example of love
and fellowship is demanded' of the
Alb Church, not for her own sake only,
MI the Modernists and the Catholics be-
come not only embroiled but publicly
embattled --over what? Over a dog-
ma. But a vital dogma, say the pro'-
?' tagonists. True, the dogma is,yital;
„hut it le vital to the individual. .
To Bishop Barnes We would say,
"There Is -a time to keep silence mule,
time to speak." To his opponents,.
who feel that his attacks upon dog-
ainas winch they, hold sacred and,es-
sential must .be resisted, we would
say, "Let alt things be done il9oently
and in order," Tells ip not ,ilio Ube to
divide the Churcie on a point of doe-
trinai interpretation."
Meenistet- "Sandy, Sandy! Playing
the pipes on tho Sawbath DaDy, Mon,
I wonder at ye --dao ye no' ken the
Ten Commandments?" Sandy—"No,
I dinna ken them. But just whustle
the tune an' I'll nae a shot at them,"
lTblie Great Adventure!
There's something' about the rich
hand-colured effect of this Radio
speaker which Immediately attracts
the eye arid creates a desire to own
one, The Vitelitone "Conqueror"
model shown above appeals to those
who want something "Distinotively
Hear this Vitalitone at your local
Radio Store, Priced at only $21.50,
or write direct to the
310 Spading Avenue, Toronto 2.
Other Climes,
Other Trolb1es
Costa Rica Banana Plantations
Raided by Savage Leopards
T lgres—the local name for the
great leopards of South and Coutral
America -are causing such an exces-
sive loss of human life anti live stock
on the banana plantations of Costa
Rica that an active campaign is now
being waged against them.
In a recent issue of the Dialio de.
Costa Rica a fruit company inserted
the following advertisement: "Hunt-
ers tape notice: We will pay $62.50
for every leopard killed on the lands
of our plantations at Banano in the
Pacuare region. We willfurnish food
and lodging to the hunters during
their stay."
Costa Rican leopards are extreme-
ly ferocious, and often weigh from
300 to 900 pounds. Their method 01
attack is to conceal themselves in the
branches of trees above a road and
then leap clown on their passing vic-
tims. They have ea terrified the resi-
dents of rural districts that visiting
after dark has been suspended unless
under an escort of several armed
men, and with dogs to run ahead.
Poisonous serpents also form a con-
stant menace to Costa. Rican agrieul-
turailabor'ers. The deadly coral snake
and others almost as venomous lurk
in the banana plants. Being almost
tho color of the foliage, they are seen
with difficulty. Should the laborer be
bitten in tbo band or foot, the usual
remedy Is to slash off tho wounded
member with his machete, and the
sight of mutilated natives of the la-
boring class is not unconlmoif Re-
cently the frust companies operating
In Costa Inca have obtained snake
bite serum from Brazil, and it is ex-
pected that by its prompt injection
many lives will in the future be
saved. --
Aluminum, the modern
metal, has uses alrmaost with.
out number, a chief one be-.
ing as a container for good
tea, the best of all packages.
All Red Rose Tea is now
packed in Aluminum and
we have so much faith in
both the tea and the pack -
ago that your money will be
refunded if you are not com-
pletely satisfied. ZIT
ave ' young girls leaving Liverpool for Canada. on board the Cunard
ele 'liner Aurania. They wero among the first to take advantage of the
new eaocean fare scheme from Britain to Canada. - These five new
Canadian citizens are full of enthoein•sm for the dubare.
Nothing makes a mother more grate-
ful than a benefit conferred upon her
child. Mothers everywhere Who have
used Baby's Own Tablets for their
children speak in enthusiastic terms
of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin
Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., w:-ites:—
"Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful^
medicine for little ones. They never
fail to regulate' the baby's stomach
and bowels, and make him plump and
well. 1 always keep a box of the Tab-
lets in the house anti would advise all
mothers to do likewise." Most of the
ordinary ailments of childhood arise
in the stomach and bowels, and can
be quickly banished by Baby's Own
Tablets. Those Tablets relieve con-
stipation and indigestion, break up
colds and simple fevers, expel worms,
allay teething pains and promote
healthful sleep. They are guaranteed
:to be free from injurious drugs and
are safe even for the youngest and
most delicate child. The Tablets aro
sold by medicine dealers or by .mail
at 25c. a box from Tho Dr, Williams'
! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"My gal saw a mouse yesterday,"
announced Cactus Joe. 'She's power-
ful afeard of them."
"What did aha do?" asked, Hash -
knife Pete.
"Picked up a rtcttlesuake and whip-
ped it to death,"
Don't be continually kicking about
the flapper. Think back to the hoop
skirts and bustle. Teowl
Mrs, Flanagan—"Was your old man
in comfortable circumstances When
he died?"
Mrs. llfurphy—"No; ho was half
way under a train."
Sue o, trade
v ..rails
outwear two
ordinary pair;
r in, the
s t
On the Beautiful
Mild, equable temperature; never too hot, never too cold. A lend of
history and romance. Beautiful foliage; inspiring water views. Out
door sports tinder perfect conditions. Modern, new hotels; also a art -
meets and cottages. The Pun -American, all -Pullman train of de axe
at10:20 Me -reaO n
Cin nazi dais Al
accommodations, loaves cin g
Gulf Coast pointe early' next morning. Other through trains -daily.
In Glorious
Never mora beautiful, neves more alluring than dila winter, Swint and fish In trapknl
watcraa play golf, tennis, polo andcnloy summereports Oacthrough. the winter, Every
form of delightful entertalnmbeit eweltewintcr Mahon. Splendid through train service
from Detroit and Ouch -Illation The Flamingo, and from Cincinnati en The Southland.
Write for (vee descriptiveliterature, or forinformation as to fares, or reservedons-
1.1, B.PORTER, Tray, Pass'r Agent - 0027—N
(Dept. "W L") 605 Transportation Building, Detroit, Michigan
Q. BY.
(Oa With Laughter)
1f television becomes practical a
telephone call will assure us of hav-
ing a speaking likeness of our friends,
No new dances are announced this
season,. The dance thing sort of got
mired 1n Black Bottom,
In Paris the ladies ars adopting the
fad of tinting their finger nails in
bands of three colors. As a patriotic
citizen, if the style is adopted in
Canada, we move that the colors be
red, white and blue.
The night was clear and frosty. TItie
two tramps sat in a manger. Sudden-
ly a gust of wind blow open the door,
"Old pard," remarked the other
tramp, "them that flakes is beginning
to fall."
There was n dead silence, Then the
other tramp spolce: "How I wlsht
they was cN Brakes!"
Some interesting advice on how to
care for a baby, as published in a
newspaper advertisement: "When the
baby is done drinking, it should be un-
screwed and laid in a cool place un-
der a tap. It the baby dons not thrive
on fresh milk it should be boiled."
In spite of radio, telephone, tele-
graph, movies and the fountain pen,
the printing press still holds its own
as the beet disseminator of news,
thought and advertising.
Rook—"Will anaoethetie make mo
Dootor--'No, I think not."
Book—"How long will it be before
I know, anything?"
Doctor—"Aren't you expecting too
much of an anaesthetic?"
In ye olden days after a man had
looked over the field of businees and
had decided that he was not fitted
for any particular trade or occupation
he took up knight-errantry; nowadays
he starts a magazine.
For the Kiddies
It rains alike upon the just
And on the unjust fellows,
But snore upon the just because
The unjust swipe umbrellas.
Beware when all men speak well of
you—or ill of you.
Box.office looms to be the biggest
thing about the boxing business
Moot of us try to put off everything
except. a good time. After all, there
is nothing unfair about a short skirt.
It gives every man an equal show.
Of all the pad habits a business man
'can got into, the worst 0110 is to coni
plain about business.
'The word "cheerfully" means cheer-
fully except in the phrase, "Money
cheerfully refunded."
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
Havana . Bars All Litter
Havana, Cuba, is probably the only
city in the world whose street clean-
ers appear tar work Wearing starch-
ed linen, neckties and gioves, and
with shoes luminously polished.
Six to eight man form the crew of
each garbage truck, and' they work on
the run, a gong being sounded when
the truck approaches each residence
as a signal for the garbage cans to
be set out, The law requires that
the cans must be returned immedi-
ately after being emptied, and woe ho -
tide the careless servant who over-
looks this obligation and leaves out
cans for flies to reach.
Not a scrap of paper is to be found
on the streets, for sweepers ` are al-
ways at work. Bach afternoon ,the
trees in the parks are sprayed and
after midnight great watering trucks
deluge the ,streets with such - force
that gall dust and dirt are washed
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have No
Equal for This Purpose.
Anaemia, or lack of good blood,
causes. not only pale faces and white
lips; it is the root of many pains and
miseries. It is tite cause of shattered
nerves, headaches and backaches, and
the always tired feeling from which
so many women and girls suffer. To
regain new health and strength the
blood 'should be enriched through the
tonic treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. This medicine has brought
new health and strength to thousands
of weak despondent people.
Among those who have found new
health through the use of this medi-
cine is Mrs. Gregory J, Murphy, nest
Ship Harbor, N, 5.., who says:—"i
bless the day I heard of Dr Williams' 1
Pink Pills. Before I began their use
I was in a run-down and very weak
condition. The least exertion would
Ieave me breathless and tired out.
Housework was a trial, and at times
I felt very despondent A friend ad-
vised me to try Dr Williams' Pink
Pills and I got six boxes. I had not
been taking the phis very long until
I began to improve in health, and con-
tinuing their use they restored me to
my former good health. I also gave
the pills to my daughter, who was
aenaeinic and run-down, with the
same good restilts. Now I always
have the pills M the house, and would
not like to be without them"
Get a box of Dr Williams' Pink Pills
from your druggist to -day, or send
50 cents to The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co„ Brockville, Ont., and a box
will be sent you post paid A little'
book, "Building Up the Blood," which
explains the treatment, will be sent
free on request.
Native! Practically all the women
et our town use clubs.
Visitor: What a savage lot they
must he,
Native: Oh, no—they're all club
members, I mean.
For all pales—Minard's Liniment.
Grown in the best garden .iri ,.
the Orient.
Blended . by men trained in the
world's greatest tea market.
Packed in the best packet yet
found for tea -A huravaur.
Lindbergh Airplane Wins ClassiPaed Adlvertiaetflents
World Market 'anal, ad xlvsxsvaaf zTTs, —"
San Diege, Califf• -Because of the TTLTISAPIiONSC GRAM:OPRONP•. 8
�J se]ectlons $160.50 ror $66.00 o':arq
international popularity of Col. antieed. Polson, 840 Mount -Royal Easfj,
Charles A. Lindbergh and his air
plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, orders B9eireeESs CryA'vr0ES
for duplicates of the Lindbergh craft 7( CRSNS AND IIARNPISS, tvRtTail
have been received by a local menu- for Harness Catalogue, The R %
facturer from Japan, Greece and pea tory, i0 Nelson Street, Toronto,
Brazil. Inquiries have also been re-
$2 from several British colonies, CrYrtL9 v T'U5T PIbi
Mexico, Columbia, Peru, and Uruguay. dimply sea so Sats or our 1 amlus
Christmas Seals for 101 a sat t1'hea
Greece has ordered lanes Tor the sold send v n
D s $8.00 and keep $2 0 we
use of the Ministries of War and trust you till Ymes. st. Ni1he say see)
Marine, while the five Latin -Amort- i Co.; Dept, 604WL, BrgoklYn, N.5 t".S.A
can countries will use them for pub- 1 "As I was sittingin the crnwdetl
lie' and air mail use,
car coming home to -night, sa'd War
tier at the dinner table, "a woman en.
tered .and stood almost ex: vile in
. y front of me." "And you got up and
gave her your seat?" gneriee his wife,
"No," replied \Warner,-"ano!hel fellow
got ahead of tae. But I had to wait
Jive minutes for him."
/sir trahzt
'You really enter sunny Cali-
fornia the moment you step
aboard oneof thefivefamnous
Santa Fe cross -continent
The Chief --extra fare—is
the finest and fastest of the
Santa Fe California trains.
Only TWO business days;
on the way.
No extra fare on the four other
daily trains: The California Lim-
ited,hTavajo, ScoutandMissionary.
Fred Harvey dining -car and dine
ing-station service sets the standard
in the transportation world.
Enjoy out.of'doots this winter-
take your family. California hotel
rates arc reasonable.
ludieO-aletour•Grand canyon L1b
Itiay I tend you our !Astute folders?
V. T. ITendry, Gen. Agent, Santa Ile Si.
MI Transportation Daliz., Dot reit, Mich.
.4.._._ J'Bunut ltundullho73ti --._
Headaches may be swiftly and safely relieved by an Aspirin
tablet. A most efficient remedy, and there's no after effect; its
use avoids much needless suffering. Try it next time; see how
soon its soothing influence is felt. Just as helpful when you have
a cold; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. Just be certain
you get real Aspirin -the genuine has Bayer on the box, and
on. every tablet. All druggists; with proven directions.
Physicians prescribe Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the heart
Aspirin is Me trade mark (registered In Canada) indicating Hoyer Manufacture. While It
Se well known that. Aopirin means gayer manufacture, teassure the public agato4 tmlta-
Sdons, the Tablets will bo clanged with their. 'Barer. Cress'" trademark.
20 Pairs of Registered Silver
Black Fox Pups for Sale.
"Siineoe Lodge," Beaverton
And there are 40 doses in a
ig-cent bottle ! Pleasant to take.
and instant in action in every kind
of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis, Croup
and Whooping Cough. Prevents
"PM" and Pneumonia. Eases Irri-
tated throats. Buy "Buekiey's". 501,1
by all druggists and guaranteed.
W. A. Berkley, Limited,
145 Mutual St., Toronto 2
, LtE
Acts tike a flash—
\ s single Gipprpyas it St GM
Chapped Hands
i11tatd with kwt (t oil and am
plied often, Min-trd s a111 'heal.
moth and chapped,
OVER a.'-1 ODt c
Two More Cases of Feminine Ill
ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pieka5
1 ham's Vegetable Compound
Barrington, N. S I bad terril4
feelings, headaches, back and si
aches and pains all over my body,
would have to go to bed every mon
and nothing would do me good. Mg
husband and my father did my wolik
for me as I have two children and
we have -quits a big place. I read In
the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham'a'
Vegetable Compound, and then got a
little book about itthrough the ma%.
and my husband sent to Eaton's and
got me a bottle, and then we got,
more from the store. I ata feeling'
fine now and do all my work and eta i
able to go out around more: I tell my 'i
friends it is Lydia P1. Piinkham's Veg- j
etable Compound that makes ane feel l i
so Wella'—Mrs. V IC A CR IZICiiA tWSCNe J
Barrington, Nova Scotia.
Du11 Pains in Back
St. Thome,Ort "I. tools four''
bottlee of Lydia E. 1 irkham 4 e`cge-
table Compound and fooncl groat re-
lief from the dull, hc evy pains in the
small of my back and the n c akness
from Which I suffered for five years
after my boy was horn. After taking
the Veg�etable Compound and using
Lydia 2). Pinlcham e Sanative Wcsh
am feeling better 11100 T have. fet'the
past seven years, and advise my
friends to take it."— 1.1rs.I". Jos1NSOI$,
0 Moore Street, 5t. Thome; Ont m
- tad U'k Na. t.----,tr