HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-24, Page 4rE FOUR
i IY.G�. a.tt-f .1+ U.LI'1'k1 ` NEWS
Snowdon \Bros., Publishers.
L+, w . 1'.uteween,'rafo r nett neva materiels
matte ea til resseastee prlees U.rtnue owe,:.
geattntt'e, spin street,seatortl,"
The twelfth and thirteenth entices -
sines of McKillop met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Tont, Storey on Fri-
day night at a reception in. honor of
their wedding, •ill
Mr. William Toll is seriously ,
and his ' many friends wish hint a
speedy recovery,
ti r Tnhn. Balfour was called upon
on . i
to see Itis moth via lives near Dt'
lin,She is 'er.ons y i ,
��' bell ' the wedding The tinkle of c
They v
heard thruugl>ut the land it y
likely ring twice. before long.
Mr. Joseph Dennis let. his gander
out for the summer and in the fall, the
gander came back, lccr;mpanied by
hie yoeng geese.
iii iss Eva Scarlett is taking care of
a Persian cat for the winter.
Cranbury beef. ring is over for this
year and' the meeting was held on
Monday night.
• tt . Swallow received a deer
Df r. \A a, tr ...walk a
at he station, -shipped from his
bother in Algoma.
\[r. "rhos. Clark, Mrs. Bokart, and
son, of \\Maniere, \iuskoka, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bokart. of St, Thomas, vis-
ited at Mr. \Vm. Clark's, and with
other relatives during the week,
Mr: and Mr.. Harvey Fludie visited'
friends in Goderich tp. on Sunday.
Miss Campbell, of Winthrop, visits.
B. Humphreys over the week-'
ed Mrs. 1, H 1 P S
• Mr Higley. of Heidelburg, visited
her . • .,ht Mrs. Sellers, on Sunday,
nau� e ,
Mr. W. Huy, of Ethel, visited his
miter and mother. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hey. on Sunday,
Miss Grace Somerville.visited with.
MissFlora Harris over the week -end.
cfn Friday evening last, Mr. and
firs rhos Storey were quite pleas-
;ntic surprised when the neighbors
gathered at their home• and presented
chem with a purse •f twenty dollars
and the following address: "Dear Mr.
find Mrs. Storey.- We. your friends
and neighbors, hare assembled here,
this evening, with a twofold purpose.
First, to express our heartiest con-
gratulations and best wishes to you,
Tbn., \\'e have been watching your
.,rbits of courtship for a number of
years and had decided several times
',hat the crisis was close at hand. How
;ver, we were always misled until
Nov. 5th.. when the good pews was
.uinounced. Secondly we are here to
eelcome and ice initiate you, ;Vies.
BL'YTH, field; R. S. Jones, Gerrie, L. C. Har !
rison, Clinton; W. FaSchaffter, Wing
United 'Y,F,S.-"-The weekly meet- hath' J N FL Mills Godettch; Thos.' The Literary Society held a meet -i The many friends of Mrs, J. C, :Nice
inn yf the United Y.P.S. was held. in
St. Andrew's -Church. The president,
Miss .Fawcett, opened the "meeting
with hymns 53$ and 770, which were
led by Mr, Bisbee. The lesson, from
was read by Miss Fawcett, STANLEY.
followed by'- a dlscussiou of the Bible!
passage given by Miss Margaret The funeral took place opt Thurs-
lr vkins, Prayer was in the form of day afternoon last of Mr. Samuel
sentence prayers from some of the Johnston, who passed away suddenly
members .and repeating the Lords on November lSth while loading bags
10 unison, After ,another of chop an his wagon at .the mill in
prayer moBrucefi.eld. The funeral was under
hymn, Dr, Barnlpy spoke -for aGehgAt�
of time on the temperance.topi ,
;ohol and the family," revealing the
mother, ` b- various evils of alcohol to each • in -
1 •11 dividual in the family. 'Hymn 594
was sung together, after which a few
I .
to business,
ntomeuts were devoted
chiding reports front. the treasurers,
and reading of last week's minutes.
The 'meeting was brought, to a close
with a hymn, and repeating the Miv.-
Mr. J. T. McCaughey has installed
radio. in his home.
Mr, Jos. Blake called on Blyth
friends Sunday.
Miss • Aileen Carbert, of Clinton,
called on Blyth friends on Sunday.
Mrs. John McCaughey, Frank and
lois, visited Mr.. and Mrs. J, T, Mc-
Caughey over the week -end.
T. McCaughey had a'quilt-
lirs. J. g Y
ing, bee' and tea for her lady friends
Mr. and Mrs. 1?. J. Kelly called on
friends in Goderieh during the week-
Call Extended. At the congrega-
••,nal meeting of St. Andrew's Unit -
,.1 Church, a call was extended Theo
1..t-. 1. W. Stewart, of Aylmer.
fart' allotted was $1,800. It was also
•pounced that Rev, W. D. Me-
l).dud 1. of the Egntondville United
church, would conduct the ,services
next Sunday in Si.. Andrew's, and -
•.o that anniversary services would
hehl on Sunday, Dec. 4th.
Mr. A. Elliott, of the bank staff,
isxeter, spent ower Sunday at 'his
.mc here.
\fir. Georg,. McCall has returned
`tome after spending the last three
-n ,nths out West,
Mr, and Mrs. \\'iiliatn Brown and
n spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
\^chic Young.
On Tuesday at London, Miss Lena
1'latzeur of Blyth, was united in the
I ods of lily matrimony to Mr.
\ ca Bryans, of Belgrave. After a
su . lt,meyninon they will reside on
the groom's fine farm cast of the via-
Mr. James Cutt is moving this
scat to Mrs. \Vm. Bell's house.
Storey. as .me of the homemaker, of Milne Barr has been seriously i1l
our community While you are prac- situ pneumonia. He is improving
neatly a stranger as yet, our wish i5 ''elY-
t•', become better acquainted and hope Aire. Geo, Collinson is not enjoying
von will find your neighbors congen-
ia! in every respect. Judging from
-lie sentiments expressed by the
church workers of you" community
we conclude that you are regarded
vith high esteem, au: undoubtedly
their loss ail! become our gain, so as
: n expres : „f good will, please an-
ept this -.mall token with the hope
.hat you h. tit may he spared to enjoy
ant years of happiness and pros -
;eerily. Signed on behalf of the neigh-
oorc t'has l mel, Torrance Dundas.
Jones, Hensall;.\Vaster Jones, Exeter, nip last 'Friday evening for the elec Lean will be sorry .to' know that she
still continues to be very poorly.
Mr. Fulton of- Streetsville called on�
nany of his friends here during the,
veeic end and went on 'Monday to.'
spend the winter with his daughter,
Mrs. Lundy of Nile.
The ICippen W,M,'S. held their an-
tuai autumn tbankotfering.on Sunday.
last: Miss Govenlock, a returned,
missionary of Japan was the speaker
and delivered a very interesting ed
The Sunday school under the lead-
ership of Rev and Mrs. Conner are to
start practising for the -Christmas en-
tertainment this week. 'Thee date will
be made known later.'
, Wesle.'s
-Messrs., .Harry Norris, Y
'French and R, D. Bell have returned
from a two weeks' limiting expedi-
tion around Huntsville, each bringing
Roane a fine deer,
'Miss Grace Cooper has returned
home after an extended visit to Tor-
' Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas. Cooper are get-
ting nicely settled in their new home
which they .purchased from'" John
The Young Peo'ple's Society met on
Friday night. Rev. Mr. Connor acted
as: chairman. After the devotional
period a debate was held Resolved
that .a l00 -acre farm Is better than a
$2000 salary in the city." After the
judges had been studying thedebate
Inc nearly one hour, decided the
to neg-
'ttive won by one point, The next
neeting will be held. on Friday, Dec-
ember 2nd. -Come and enjoy the
spiritual and social evening,
Mrs; James McClymont is spending
a few days with her daughter. Mrs. R.
R. Geoghegan of London.
Mr, W.. W. Cooper arrived home on
Monday after spending a few months
in the West.
Mr, Ross Chapman has . purchased'
a Chevrolet touring car.
Mrs. Jos. Desjarme, who has been
convalescing at the home of her sister;
Mrs, Warren Schilbe, since her ope-
ration for appendicitis in Seaforth
hospital, has returned to her home in
Detroit accompanied by her husband.
and little daughter.
\Vm, Townshend, Bervie and A, F. tion of officers Inc the conning set
Traverse, Lucknow. -on, The new officers are as -follows:
Hon. President, Rev. -3. Mentzer, P.P.;
President, John Coyne; Vice 'Presid-
ent, Joseph Hart; , Secretary, Lucy
Burke; Treasurer, S; Queenan; Edit-
or, Florence McQuaid;'Assistant, Ed-
itor, Joseph Melady; Committee, Rose
A[cQuaid, Mary Williams; .Joseph
Shea, Joseph / alotye, William Mc-
se, Miss ' Johanna' Cronin, of ,Detroit,
the auspices of Varna L.O:L, of "which spent the week -end at the home of
he had been a member, the service iter sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton,
being conducted by his pastor, Rev, 1-libbert,
Messrs. Charles Malone, Windsor,
George Malone, Detroit, and J. Haz
week -end" at
m v Detroit, �spent. the
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mal-
one, McKillop. They were home to
W A. Bremner of tBrtacefield, assist-
ed by an old friend of the deceased,
Rev. jamas Foote of Exeter, and
Rev. Mr, Penrose of Varna.
The pallbearers were Messrs. John
I' -Reid, J. W, Johnston, Frank attend the Malone -Dalton marriage
.V ',ekes, Wm. Logan. John Rath -well, en Monday.
Miss Gertrude McGrath,. of Guelph,.
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, P.
V. McGrath, on Saturday.
Mr, Con, Dalton, of M'ilwaukec,
\Vis., spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Dalton,
Hilbert. He came to attend the mar-
riage of his sister Minnie, to John L.
Malone, on Monday'
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Matthews, Dub-
lin, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Jz Johnston,
McKillop, were Sunday visitors at
Mr. and ,Mrs. O. Harts, St. Colum -
'Nies. " W. J. Cleary, Mrs, Daniel
Cronin and Niiss .Mary Cronin were
Stratford visitors on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack, who
were visiting, friends in this vicinity,
returned to their hone in Rochester,
N. Y.
Miss Mary O'Sullivan has returned
hone after a week's visit With Toron-
to friends.
Miss Annie Dalton, of Detroit, was
homefor the marriage of her. sister,
Miss Minnie Dalton, to John. L. Mal-
one, on Monday.
Mies Minnie Dalton was the recip-
ientof a miscellaneousshower from
her girl friends on the eve of her mar-
riage to Mr, John L. Malone. Miss
Anna McGrath Was the hostess to this
function at her home, Huron road
west. The presents were many and
beautiful and useful.
eery good health at present,
The regular monthly -meeting of the
Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church will
b,_- held Thursday afternoon at Mrs
S inson's.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Stothere are vis
rte. their !laughter, Mrs. 'MacNeill in
S.t. pia this week
Mr. Bell of New York, -formerly of
u th, is t'eitewittg old acquaintances
nt wan.
Mr. Jas. Cott is moving into the
Ionise on corner of Mill street lately
Mr. storey ci d his appreeia- "sated big Stanley. Sibthorpe.
inn • f the Liminess show and gave Mr. Wallace Potter.—While chop
helm permis,tott to play anleg an9 1 -ter wood on Thursday evening, Mr.
er, who ve, in E. \\ awanosh
fiance fo•. tiny reec of tote evening. nt.le west ,ai Blyth, suffered a fatal
of heart trouble. The sudden
.asoli of .so highly and universally re-
TIIBBERT. retr.i ,, man came as a great shock
h • community. Mr. Potter was
r6 r the 'women aiuuttd I ;to ,'ea s 8 inonths and 15 days of age,
tan,. :i -ten ct .tun nn -bee at the aeing born in Brampton. son of the
eate of Mrs. > t,',,: 1 n last Friday
%tie Mr. anti .lir. Jatitis Potter, Sixty
Mr, Harold Coleman and Miss eye.years ago the family moved to
\[, :u't1 Colirnizn were si tear a.t !,- t„,,,he h arc•i r,n ever since
•he home ,f Mr. George Coleman last ; ;y awe ag.s he was married to
_Sun ! r Id.e }.illy R Nichol. Mr. Potter was
v ix. r 1, • iter eeoua Pere , n n•b :h. \nglieatt clnn'ch
: raising al its home of Mr. r t r daughters tike .•eve. Mrs, Rims
{e c 1. eel anew „ti' Wednesday, ?Prat, 'Morris; MI -S. Chas. Parr, of
We .re 0,r that Airs. , 't, and \l :e. Maitland 13ell of Go
1\ kn Al ' tr r rin nlco}y,1 1
hai.i, }l t' _ •t. I t- situ; and three broth
euttre,.l. is.t it vitt.: Mr .loam .fahnston
Malone Damon. aolumban
.ttire:i was the See/4 .ri an exceed-
ly i- t ld'±tg mi Monday at
he is, -nr , t y \luutlei .Loretta
Dalton, ilan,thier of Mr. and Mr -s,
1,hn, J. Dentoe, ned o..n. Hibbert, be.
came tile bride t",}tI tF,\froar
W..01 of :its Mrs. i,ln: M•il rte,
4th Nf, I li!;op. Rev- Faille,.
Robert Webster.
The late Mr. Johnston was forty-
eight' years of age, being born on • the
farm on the Bayfield' road where he
spent his life son of Alexander John-
ston, In December, 1911, he was
united in marriage to Annie Elgie,
daughter, of the late' George Elgie,
w ho survives together with one child,
Olive Mildred, also one brother, John
A. Johnston, who had always worked
in partnership with him, and four
sisters, Mrs._. Robertson Woods, - St.
Helens; Mrs. J. Metcalf, London;
Mrs, Thos, Campbell, Brucefield, and
Miss Charlotte Johnston, St. Helens,
Mr. Johnston had always been ofa
bright and cheerful disposition, and
although he had been in poor health
the past four years, bore his burden
without complaint and went around
attending to his work unflinchingly,
The many beautiful floral wreathes
testified to the esteem in which he
was held in the community. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Elgie, of North 'Bay, as
tell as his sisters, cane from a dis-
tance to attend the funeral,
.Mrs, W. J. Tough, of the Bronson
Line. has returned home after visit-
ing her sister in Blyth.
Miss Margaret Sparks has gone to
epend the winter with her sisters in
Mrs. (.arts. Johnston of Salmon
tail George, E. \\ nvatt,,h, John
Meth. f)r. William, Galt Iowa. 1
ler, Illoolas, died. , year ago last
,0..e ,et Sault Sic:. Mare. The fune-
ae t:i eoediteted '>y Rev. W. B
'linins and: ntstni.'n1 was made in
Colkni cemetery. rm. pallbearer
\le s, 11. i end Towan, Jas
I)an zee ri The hr ct who Wi35,4i, tt1-:,. Calwcll, J. "i'iernay,
was given v t•,y her father,was 1..1.1. Watson and Win, Fear. 'thea
:harming n tte Iran t grey ass , large attendance at the funeral
,,.r',; 114t Anil tae, to 13th 1 .1).1.. n63 intend to }toll
n t+ r A 1 st ira,• trounntet of yel- :,._r annual box social in the utetnot.
l: n :• u ! r„u t n :u.•- ants •: 1 ;,,,n un friday. -December 30th.
11!. 1 gyea, inseffect The Ido an [ Mrs. Robert T aidlaty of
u rlsistcr, Miss Annie Dalton, tt ban visited \L. anti Mrs. 1r
wore ..a daitits, with -unto Mee s_' +r” Wallace last week.
1• rierI d, are pleased to -see that Miss
t., tip,lt td of Woodstock who Inas
-1 ,utsos t , her home here- with
i, able to be around again.
C. Clifford folntston of Guelph 01-
. a 1e.1 the. funeral .;1 his uncle, the
..te • Wallace Potter, -
John Fainservice attended the
uutcral of Mrs. 1',',T, Kelly in"Godes
:soh on Monday,
\ir. John Fait-seci it,e' is in Torottt-,
business this week.
,We are pleased to say Mr. Leslie,
- uis confined toallis bed under the
care, improving nicely.
The \\ M a. Queen street church
eta packing, a bale of clothing t.i. be
',pit to Toronto, -
\lr. William Emigh. of Grand Val -
•s attended the funeral of the late
Wallace Potter: -
\f ss _Margaret Brown has been
11e Inc ih • past week owing lo scar-
f •ver eases in her .school at James-
Ur. 3.. G, Risc attended the Pune-
1 01 his father last week. Dr• Ross'
:thee is visiting hint at present.
Air. and \firs. Chas. Nicholson Mal
Gordon spent Sunday with Miss Jes-
r l:irktonnell of Walton.
M1, and Mrs, Chris. Rogerson and
children ldren were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
leek Speir of Wessels on Sunday,
The Augliemi ministers of the dead
iy of Huron held it Quiet Day on
Wednesday, Nov. 16th in Trinity
Church,. Blyth. Those attending were
the: Venerable. Archdeacon Jones
itateman, t oderich; Rev, Rural Dean
Hawkins, Blyth, Reverends, Thos,
liroWtt. Seaf.,rfh; F. 11. Paull, Bay -
est l tis ar. d:arc e'. pink "mums."
The r ,,.m a brpther, \1r. George
Mtl>nt acted. zs it. groomsman. De-
lightful s.dos Wt`7,''. 11.1erNI during
The. ceremony \" is, lertar DowIntey
mid Messrs. Gerald Ft jte aver[ Maur-
ice Dalton "Me tt.l e were .Loma
McGrath and Ger;.10 D,rRe, The
atronm's gift ,, the bride was a hand -
sante set of silver. 10 the bridesmaid
•a pearl ring, to the groomsman a pair
of geld cuff Bilks. The bride was the
recipient of a number of gratifying
•cheques and presents. Foltow•mg the
wedding the party partook of se bount-
eous dinner at the bride's parental
home 11,i! spent as afternoon and
evening iii carts, games and dans ng.
There were about 60 guests those
front a distance being the bride's bro-
ther Conrad, of Milwaukee, Wis.;
her cousin Rev. Father Hussey, Kin -
kora; Miss Nan Dalton, .Miss Cronin.
Mr. Lias, Malone, Mr, George Mal-
one, lir, Hazen, from Detroit; and.
Mr. 'Clarence IVindle, of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Malone will now reside
on their large farm on the 4th con-
cession of McKillop, and take with
them a heap of good wishes for pros-
perity from the community.
A miscellaneous shower - forthe
bride took place during the week at
the home of Miss Annie :vfcGrath,
Cards were enjoyed, in which ]tick
looked with favor upon the bride-
to -be as she carried otic forst prize, a
box of stationery, but it looked CO3
often un. Miss Mary •Akins, who yuan
the tier ernes a bottle ea fig:fume.
A dainty !once
Torch to.
Miss :ti. Cornish, of S. S. No. 4
Se,nth, has resigned her duties after
several weeks' illness. Miss Rowe,
who has been teaching in her place,
has returned to her home in Exeter.
On Saturday last the western half
:his township was treated to a
t,weive inch fall of snow, which made
very good sleighing over Sunday.
A number of atttoists, however,
were caught unprepared by the storm
and had to be helped nut of ditches,
tip 10115 and so on.
Ferris -Bewley. -" A quiet marriage
Was solemnized at the-Aiatnse, Lon -
dc shorn on Satarday, November 19th,
t 1'] ;30 a.tu., when Miss Sadie Woods
(Genie) Ferris, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferris, became the bride
of Mr. Josepli \V, Bewley, of Morris.
Phe cerernony.was conducted by' Rev.
Jas. :Macey. • The bride's niece, Miss
Lydia Bell, was ring -bearer and: Miss
Edna Driver and :lir. Reece Ferris
were present at the ceremony, The
bride wore beige satin crepe with hat
, match and French sell coat. Mr.
and Mrs. Bewley left by,mntor for
(Hamilton, Toronto- and other .points.
(7n their return they. will reside on
the groom's farm in Morris.
Miss Edna Driver spent the week-
end at the home of her aunt, Mrs:
T-lobert Ferris.
\-Ir, James tVtttt returned home n
Wednesday, after spending the fall
eseiths in the \\'est..
Nurse Merryman, of Blyth, ,vas a
guest at the home of Mr. James Watt
car the week -end,
Mr. James Watt and his sister, Mrs,
Gibson, and son, of Wroxeter, _visited
at the home of Mr. Leo Watt, Thurs-
day !ail.
\rr. and Mrs. I'sase Rapson and
Alt -.s Mark Rapson visited at the
home of Mr. Win. (Ross and family
less 7'luusday evening.
_Mrs. Alex. McEwiug and Mrs,
David Reid visited their aunt, Mrs.
Ruben ke:d, of Walton, one day last
Miss Isab.l Reid is visiting at the
home of Jos, Campbell, of near \Vat-
rn, this week.
Mr. Sturdy and llarry of Anbnrtt,
called at the h utes of Alex, NrcEw-
nig awl \\'nt. Toll, on Saturday. They
e<rt in the market to July a horse,
\'t ire very :carry to hear that :Mr,
\Vint. 'loll is very poorly at present,
We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrand Mrs ' Norman Sheppard
and 'Wilma attended the funeral of
'\fir. Sheppard's cousin, Mrs, McEwen,
which to,,k place - in Clinton Sunday
\fr. and Mrs, Peter Taylor attended
the Royal Winter flair at Toronto
part of last week.'
The W. M, S. of Burns utd•Londes-
lege United Church held their No-
vember meeting at .\L'. Bert. Aiferts
Friday last. There was a good at-
tettdance, The afternoon was greatly
enjoyed by all.
Miss Marjorie Bickell, teacher of
Idarlock school, underwent • an opera-
tion Monday morning for appendici-
tis, We are glad -to hear she is re-
covering, and trust she wwill -be re
stored to good health. • Airs. E. Toll
is filling her place as teacher,
Mr, and Mrs. John Francis, of Lon,
,ton, visited in the vicinity on Mon-
day of this week.
,Mr. Fred Wright is making con-
siderable improvement to his store by
repainting and remodelling it inside.
The W,M:S. held a very good meet-
ing on Wednesday last when Zion
W.M.S. was entertained in the church
here. A splendid program was given
by both \ ' MJS, Mrs, Mollard, of Ex-
eter, gave a very interesting address,.
as well. Lunch was served in the
basement at the close by the F,liattvihe
:St. Mary's. Anglican Guild held a
splendid social on Thursday after-
noon, Many coining long distances for
the event. Mrs. Forbes, president of
the society, ,assisted Airs. John Darl-
ing at whose home the event was
held, in receiving the guests. A short
} prrtgi•amtne was given by Miss Mabel
Jewel, Mrs, Joseph Nagle and Miss
Roberta Rite. A sale of aprons and
a splendid luncheon followed, A
large sum was realized by the Guild.
Mr. Carl Stapleton, of Detroit, vis-
ited with his brother, William, dur-
ing the past week.
The Police Trustees are adding ,a
umber of street lights vhieh will
stake our village one of the best light-
ed in Western Ontario.
1dr. Jas. Klinkhammer, of Detroit
is spendiuga few days with his family
Mr. Jo. Carpenter is erecting an
up-to-date cement garage.
Mr. and Airs. Wm, O'Rourke enter-
tained a number of friends to pro-
gressive euchre on Nov. 20th.
Mrs, James Longworth is spending
the winter months with her daughter
in Detroit.
i,frs, T. J. Molyneaux has returned
from a two weeks' visit with friends
in Detroit.
large crowd attended the C.'\V.L
dates on Friday night and report an
enjoyable time,
The Altar Society are holding a
progressive euchre Friday evening
and are awarding good prizes,
Leave your order for a Westing-
estinghouse Radio before the Xmas rush
Demonstrations each evening at T. J
Molynetu x s.
Mt E. 13. Tyers spent Tuesday in
Nfr. Robert Byrne, from Detroit,
is visiting his parents in this village;
fun a c,,eple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. O'Connor spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs
Len Murray. '
'We are very sorry to report that
Miss Mary Krauskapf has been con-
fined to hed from an attack of ap ,
Aar, and Mrs. Jas, Carter and Mr.
acid Mrs. Herb. Fowlerspent
w a very
enjoyable evening last Friday at the
hutve of lir. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch,
Mics Jean Mc'Lareu. of Cromarty,
is visiting at W. M. Sproat's this
Air, and Mrs. Wm, Sproat and Mr.
Nelsons Govcnlock, Winthrop, were in
Toronto last week at the Winter Fair.
Mr, Geo. McCartney was on the
sick list for a few days last week,
Air. and Mrs. Dave McLean and
family spent Sunday_ at tate .home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Blake.
Mr. Wm, Irvine was very sick for
a few days.
Messrs, Sam Broadfoot and Lorne:
Finlayson have returned (tome from
the West,
Mr, Ross Broadfoot attended the
Toronto Royal Winter Fair.
Mr. Jack Souter, of Detroit, is vis-.
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Souter, for a week
Miss Isabel Cameron, of town,
spent Sunday ,under the parental roof,
N•ir, John McGee is under the
Mr, R. E[gie, of Sudbury, who was.
home attending tate funeral of his bro.
therein -tett-, Mr, Sam. Johnston, visit-
ed at the home of Misses B. and 'M.
Forest for a while.
Mr, John Jiaech'ler will have a sale
o: farm stock and "implements on the
29th of this month,
,Mr: Allan Steckle took a trip' to
Want and. ForSale -ads, 3 tames 50c (;nrteri }t on A4ond'ay,
Mr, and Mrs, O. R. Francis and
family, of Bright. spent Sunday with
Mss. Edgar Allen.
Messrs. 'Calder bicKaig, Neil La -
mond, Cordon Hoggarth, Nelson
Howe, Miss Jean McLaren and Mr,
and lits. Richard McGill arrived
home front the West last week.
Mr. John Robertson, of Saskatche-
wan, has come to spend the winter
with his mother, Mrs. A, Robertson,
of the village,
The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian Church intend hold-
ing their sale of work on Friday even-
ing, Dec. 2nd.
Your Hume Medicine Chest.— A-
mong the standard 'household reme-
dies that should always be on hand
in your home medicine chest, none is
more important than Di'. Thomas'
Eclectnrc Oil Its manifold useful-
ness ,.t relies -mg pain and healing
sickness is known by many thousands
throughout the land, Always use Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil for relieving
rheumatic and sciatic pains, treating
sore throats and chests, coughs,
burns, scalds, cuts. bruises and
sprains. Items of news always welcome.
'.1211.Utcovca a, AI
afor:th Gift Shop.
-- Bu -- Save',
i'tS priced
�t ��ot
Wonderful 1�ssoirtllne'
from 50c to $2:00
Post Card in endless Y • st; va,elet. •--China—St+ktionr ry.--Books
Toys—Games and Dolls •
The Store that makes a `Specialty' of Christmas
>. t
Mr. and Mrs, R. McGill and Lorne
have 'returned Koine from a three
mo tths' visit with relatives in the
Mr, and Mrs, W. Copp, London,
ealled on Mr. Geo, Batson on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Smale and
family spent Sunday ' in Mitchell with
the lady's sister, Mrs.: W. Elliott.
Miss Sylvia Tuffin'is around again
after being confined to the house for
six weeks with whooping cough.
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McKellar, of
Cromarty, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Golding.
Mrs.' Ino, Leary is spending some
holidays with her sister in Atwood.
'Commencing Sunday, services will
be held every Sunday morning in the
United Church,
The Ladies' Aid have secured Lon-
don talent for their concert on Friday
evening, in ; the Church.. A splendid
programme is promised.
The deer hunters, Messrs. W. CoI-
gtthoun, F. Calquhoun, F. Hambley,
13. Peart and C, Vivian returned last
week from Parry Sound district with
their deer,
Mr. Lloyd Elliott wears a broad
smile these days over the arrival of a
The Y.P.S. stet on Sunday night in
the church with Miss Vera Leary pre-
siding, . The topic was taken by Miss
Vera Httmbley. Plans are being made
tibold a social evening next Monday
Mr. and Mrs. J M. Worileu are vis-
iting relatives and friends in Toronto.
. Mrs. W. Gillespie, of Seaforth, vis-
ited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Butson last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie and family
spent the week -end in Galt.
Mr, Iidwin Woods returned after
being entertained at the Toronto
Royal Winter Fair.
Miss Routledge, of Auburn,is
spending a few days at Mrs. J. rm-
Miss Miller, of Brantford, is visit-
ing iter cousin, Mrs, J. Cartwright.
Miss Mary Moon, of 'Stratford,
spent the week -end at her home.
fi)ri FridayBReveningCEFIELD, of this weei to
Marion Oliver Mission Circlet, are
presenting -the play, "Robert" and
Mary" in the Sunday echool room of
the church on Friday evening at S.18?
This is a missionary romance, dealing
with, the pioneer missionaries in Af-
rica, A small admission -fee will be
0he Mission Band had the anhuat
thank -offering meeting last 'Saturday
afternoon. In spite of bad weather
there was a good attendance. Miss
Gladys Rolland, of 1Seaforth, was the
speaker for the afternoon" Her sub-
ject was "How to be a good Mission
Bander. Besides her address a djTa-
logue by Margaret and Janet Watson
and three songs - by, Six little girls
were also much enjoyed. Tea was
served by the ,members at the close
of the programme.
Mr, N. Sundercock is holding an
auction sale of farm stock and imple-
ments on Tuesday, Nov. 29th. Every-
thing will - be disposed of as Mr.
Sundercock ' has sold his farm, 4
miles northwest of Brucefield, to An-
drew. Price, of Zurich. Mr, Sunder -
cock has not yet decided just, where
he will reside.
Don't Submit to Asthma. If you
suffer without hope of breaking the
chains which bind you do not put off
another day the purchase of Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Remedy. A trial will drive
away all doubt as; to its efficiency.
The sure relief that dames will con-
vince you more than anythingthat
can lie written. When help is so sure,
why suffer ? This .matchless remedy
is sold by dealers everywhere.
A large '17
of line
cards :l'1 o'<)
$1.25 per dos, up, including
envelopes d printed p p ted name o'u'r
The Seaforth News
After November 3Oth
you will not be able to get a
without examination
After November 30th every applicant for a Motor Vehicle Operator's
License will be required topass an examination of fitness and ability
before an inspector of the Department of Highways. This examination
will take some time and will cost a fee of $1.00.
It will be assumed after the above date that every experienced and
capable driver will have heeded the law and secured a license,
If you have been careless in not applying for your Motor Vehicle
y era-
tor's License, you will save yourself inconvenience, time and money,by
making. application now. An application form can be secured aany
Licenses are now issued without examination to those who have driven
a car at least six months and for at least 500 miles, and also have no
physical or mental disability which may interfere with the operation of a
motor car, The fee for a license is $L00 and licenses now issued will
good until December 31st, 1928. �'
Licenses must be carried by drivers at all times. In case of
Highway accident
infraction of The Hi
g y Traffic Act, drivers without Motor'Vehicle
Operators' Licenses cannot be considered as experienced and competent.
$1Ooo Fine
Without a Motor Vehicle Operator's License you have no authority to
drive a car in Ontario. The penalty is a fine of $10.00. Production of
the Driver's License may be demanded at any time by any policeman or
traffic officer.
I£ you have not yet secured your license you are subject to fine at any
time, and if you wait till after November 30th to apply you will have to
undergo and pass the driver's examination.
Obey the law. Save yourself time, inconvenience and expense by
getting your Motor Vehicle Operator's License` without delay.
Ontario Department of Highways