HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-17, Page 8MW EIG'Il FIENSALL. Report for October -Sr, IV, Bob Houston, 1vlabel VV'orkinan, Irene Dat- ers, Howard Heniphidl, Mac Kenning, Grace Brock, Ed. Little, .Eleanor Skinner, Beryl Drtunntond, Jr. IV.- Marion aMcKay, Gladys Fassmore, Florence McDonald, Hazel Hudson, Alice Higgins, Irene eloggarth, Will Drummond, Sr. III, -Harold Foster, Eleanor Bell, Isobel Smale, John Mc- Kay, Ray Paterson, Will Nicol, Nor- man McKay, Lorne Elder, Roy Brock, Harold Appleton, Viola aIilde- brand,Emma \Vurin, Helen Glean, IIarold 'Sherritt, Alden Appleton. Wm, McKay, Teacher, Report for September and October. ---Sr. IIL ikabta Fee 75, Kornelis Faber 73, John Farquhar 71, Mary Hemphill 66Robert Passmore 62, Lloyd Linde .field 00, Edith Wolff 59, Stewart .Bell 54,- *Harvey 35. Jr. IIT. -•Norman Sinclair 78, Mildred Poi- lick 67, Dorothy Drummond 63, Irene Smale 60, Harold Higgins 59, Kath ry'n Drysdale 58, *Margaret Kennings 53, Olive Brock 52, *Tom 'Smile 36, *Minnie Sangster 36, Ross 'Mei-troy 34, Sr. 'Ii, - Kenneth Manns 70, Mary Lit`t'ie 64, Dorothy McQueen•61, *Billy Glenn 58, Harold Boitthron 56, *Myrna Hudson 56, Nellie Fee 42, "Edgar Wurn( 36, Nena Deters 34. (Percentage is given. *Asterisk stands for missed exams;) \L.. Ellis, h Teacher. Report or (cmhar, primary room. Jr. 11. --. Ronald Peek 274, Mary Wolff 269, rLeonard "Hogarth 263. Jean Foster 259, Loretta Bell 258, Alvin Lindettfieid .247, Ruth Bell 22o. Grace 1Vurm 206, R dbert Drysdale 198. First --Herbert Drummond 172, Lloyd firnck 167. Ivan hipter 156, Agnes Fairbairn 154. 'Margaret Shepherd 143, David Sangster 139, Erma Kipfer 115. Sr. }'ringer --•Brice Berry 180, Mary stcKay 160, Keith Buchanan 165, Kenneth Passmore 164 Max Hudson 163, Edith V\'ures ion, Jack Simmons 159, Herman \\ sail 156, Alvin Bees wax 148. Jr. Primer -Ray Foster 159, Douglas Sangster (absent.) Jessie Buchman, Teacher. M. and Mrs. J. Wilson, of Torous to. visited over the week -enol with Mr. an,1 Mrs. Geo. Brown. Mr. aii,3 Mrs. Neil Sparks and little 1Je 1):t visited e ve - the a%seek-and a i \l, Alex. Spark - 111• 1., e ad \ - aetl at,tt daughter vsiteti on Sunray :riot relative'; int oder,ca. Mr. end Mre. israel Litidetuiel,i, of Leedom td s r ,he ae,k n ells relatives, in town. 1l tttlti,-.t, : r nt :5 :as i fo .. :e y days witla ner par. :Its, P,l: and Mrs. Rt Cudnx re. Nit. told ?ilrs Garnet ca, v 1,1 t ew days with r_,. arse nolo The seretees te a.: r ec enurdliee ,.'s :a' were - -y attended ,' excellent.-ermons were deF.vered ?t:I els • e.. tete ahthems. Cooper -Robertson. A ye 4 • • .re i.. t1 • <+1ti deo a, l'.1 R. -a itechurch at _ clock .n y\.s'^.3necday af- ;v'.nen :ver. lir, Sinclair -Miss 1.1orenceRes pit � b v l riztee et Mr fir. in 4 1 e; is s +)pC1 dee! ;an of ..i.: a.pee. 'f li.1,ppen. The leelet 1 7harming in a gow t .,f i etaegtat, err taut .a with shoes a tl' and eaeried Hove - e rs They took :he afteendon tri e Sea . ih f.nr Ro oto. Niagara, 1,hlis and l.e tea, ,..a•1 on their return w:lf rt shi (m. tiac grain's fine 'arse! eve 2nti eon,. "T•,ackerstn:th. The 1Y -un Band .1 tete Unites :I t li arc giving a concert- in the h3eCi!-tui tate church ilia Friday eveaage Nov.Itch. Besides play. there will l e e readings, .115110', 9:atnt.l ,.iin•1 s '1' •[ tear,(, will he left no a two months' hunting trip in the Sudbury district, has had to tnul- ergo' an operation for appendicitis, hut is ,doing as well as can be `ex- pected, Mr, anti airs,' F,t•°c I(.ent,edy 'Lila von Ross, of Ford City, vis%ted over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Owen Geiger, Fred Berry, who has been ill' M the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Consitt, is still confined to his bed with weights attached from bis knee which is and has been for several months causing high trouble, bat with( continued rest a while. longer,, he will be somewhat Unproved and his many fr'ends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. Consitt, who has been eluate poorly for some time, is stow some- what improved and . during the past weeks was visited by. several of her sons and members of their family aid other relatives and friends, Mr. G. G Petty has completed a nice garage on his property, the work being done by Mr. Ed. Sheffer, 'While assisting in threshing beans at the farm of Mr. David Thirray, about a mile and half south of Han- sen, Earl Dick, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Dick, of Hay township, was so seriously injured'that part of his left erns had to be amputated: The yoirth, who is 18 years' of age, was eat - played by George Armstrong, thresh- er In some manner the Belt slipped off and Earl was endeavoring to re- place it, when, by some means, his clothing becafne caught and he was drawn into the machine, and his arm was so badly squashed it had to be amputated below the elbow. At date of writing Earl is getting along as well as can be expected. BAYFXELD. 1 -ire. A. Biggart left on Wednesday to spend the winter with her that'll - ter, ifrs, A. Welsh, in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. 15. P. 'Lewis of Tor- onto arrived on Saturday to spend e e eek with Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mrs, J. Buchan who has been visiting at Dunnville and Toronto for the past : v , months returned With them. NIrs.'A. Newton -Brady left on Tues- day to visit her mother. 1frs, 1), 'Mc- tt 1 d THE SEAFORTH NEWS, VARNA:,. S. t9 nntenutu, Tnilnr. Yonr owe, anvteriats load=, neat res,.mintle pelves, - upstairs 'e rer Yen tine's ytntn 5treet, neaterth, Mr, M. Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, The reopening of the United Church was held on Sunday. The day was everything one could wish • for and the church was £idled to its utmost at r both services. 'Hee, •Ivir. Hogg of Clinton delivered two able addresses' and on Monday a concert was given in the hall, which was well filled. Sunday's collections and receipts of the concert amounted to over $200. Mr, Elliott of Dauphin, Man„ is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Miss Logan. The community was shocked at hearing of the sudden death of. Mr. Sant Johnston, Although not in the best of 'health for some time, yet he was always about and doing his seve- ral duties and on Tuesday took a Load of grain to the chopping mill at Bruce - field and while there suddenly passed away while in the act of handling a bag of grain. The sympathy of the community is- extended to the .sor- row -stricken relatives, Mr, and, Mrs, W. McAsh, of Lon- don spent Sunday with relatives. The W.A. of St: John's Church niet at elle home of Mrs, M. Elliott last week. Thee wedding. of Lewis Jas, McAsh of lie le C s onlyson of Dr and` Mr S. Y, M plan ' john ilcAsh Tara to Miss Mille Mc- Gee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McGee, Lakeside, took place last week at Lakeside. The groom is a cousin of. Mr. McAsh of Varna. and is - well known here. The wedding music was played by his sister, Miss Marion McAsh and Miss Army` Luckhant of- London f London was bridesnnaid asci grooms- man a cousin,. Mr, Bruce Armstrong. They will reside at Chesley on their return from Buffalo, STANLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Stephenson spent a day at Goderich last week. Mr. Roy Keys has been doing some ploughing with his tractor for Mr. Davidson. The anniversary services held in the Varna United Church werre largely a on c I),naid at Sarnia. Mrs. J. A. MacDonald, of Dundas, \f-. F. '\\ . Baker. wht, was employ- :; at present visiting her sister, Mrs. • ed of i,oderich rhe past summer, re- J A Carrie, of the Bronson Line, , 1111.013 to his bonne on Saturday. Miss Hazel 'Sparks, of Harriette - '\t and Mr F. G. Neelfn and )Jr, E A. :tee .t left on Wednesday for t5eaf ':..t %.r a few =lays before going. t S?uth. Opening of Grace United Church, Porter's Hill. ---Grace United Church Porter's 11111 was duh opened and de- �i ass : on Sunday, Nov. 13th, 1927. 1 nc pastor, Rev. 11 11. Gale, presided ng gravelled under the supervision of Hold 1 ort sac t the dedicatory services Mr. Ed. Talbot. Repairs have also d Rev E 1 1,tan of Clinton : been trade to the eastern extension 1 v. -cached ;) morning and evening. -of this sideline past Menno Steckle's, a c nes based his sermon so that it is now passable for light os he words J.,e ,te to Peter. John't,r;tffic. -1-14% Sinton sun of Jonas, tovest , Miss Margaret .Sparks, of the t u i me." .':acing specie. emphasis Bronson line, is going this week to t a. 1 we trnly love our Lord, we will Toronto to spend the winter. e t tilt iacel and be active in all The sound of the threshing machine good vc.r1. 1., the evening, he spoke Is still once more. After harvesting frete \1 tt ;:40. "Inasmuch as ye a erop which promised to engage _4..r unto the least of these, threshers n e until Christmas at least, in,e one it unto Me." At bothithe first half of November is not past v is itis ntessages -were most ap-1 mull everything threshabie is stored b t .' ilel:vered m a most ap-i' and threshed. The unprecedentally c. s .tar. The choir was ably as -i fine harvest and ost-have o ba the help and special render- • P r st weather counts for this. etl ottartcttes, one in the ____ _ ., e s t g f e North St. Church, Go- CONSTANCE,� 't and :t the evening the Lobb :qrs. Archie McLarry, of Sandwich, ', •. there C :tit. g ,t .h.tt�n. The church was, was ,t guest last week at the home of last both services, many in' the; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson. ag havhtg to remain outside, On) At the afternoon service in the 1fi a laY evening a fowl supper and United Church, Hiss Bernice Nott I en:ertain;nen was greatly enjoyed by sang beautifully the solo entitled, _ ,. v art.+. audience in spite of the V\'hat will you do with Jesus." 'Mr. and - Mrs. B. B. Stephenson spent Sunday with friends at Cen- tralia. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mansfield and family, of Lam'bton County, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Britton. Sir. and Mrs, T, C. Wilkinson, of Lamhtan (_ounty, are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. \'tent 'P,rit- viIle, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Sparks. lies. W. 'Madge, • who is snaking her home with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, has been quite . ill with bronchitis. The sideline, known as Campbell's and Slacks sideroad, is at present be- t sett TI:e ! essi ? ,^isc'n e and dance i,e: i in the. tow.: hall an Friday even - rag last :vas. ' a great success Miss Elva Bolton, of K .muter, vis- ited a few lays with her parents vast of the village Mr, and M 'has tirawley, ut iaitchener, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs \\err. Beaver. ti ite meetis e of the Young People's League of the United Church was held Monday evenieg in •harge of Miss hazel. Sm31ae.. Mr. Sinclair sed in ,,syr, asgI the minutes of last meeting were eat by the Secretary, fo:lr we.i br the St.ripttire lesson which was rear' c .1a ,very and led by Mildred Serie.et. Miss Pear Fid - ...r. ...s N... •. weather The crowd was ereht that +rte church shed had to used to make s,s fi.tient roam. The r_ar t nitint4tat (Tarr of a varied charae- tt Titr 5.'ec.al entertainers were the 1 1aid (irf, e`Suilbeam 'Trio," cansist- 1 Miss Gladys Slay, sr,heist and r. •, ser from Sarnia; Miss Greta Lam- ' u c ,'in - IlensaIl and Miss Ca- t the in. !self ri.tnist of Loudon. They gar, a very high'ciass and delightful 115. br grana. Mrs II. F. Kennedy pas- \lr. Ge, Carter is spending a week ter v ts, rendered very fine solo ' Walton under thearental roof. s r t 'g,, s" Rev. Mr.Hogg of Clinton Miss Delores Laithwaite, of Godes ,r arht greetings of Huron Presby- rich, is spending the week -end with nese and Revs. H. F. Kennedy and Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Carter, r.) an gave addresses. The pastor, Ills Gale, presided and Messrs. Herb Coo and Fred Elliott expressed on behali f the church the appreciation due to ail those who in any way eon- teibuted ni making the occasion the ep endid suec4 , it had been and in interesthig topic on "Mary Reid" (The Mother f the; Leopard), was given by Mtss Etnei Murdock. An instrumental given by Miss Irene Douglas seri a reading by Miss Elva S1,ad 1 . eis ,vs:,' well rendered. The meeting was closed by singing hymn 94, after which ail repeated the Miz- pah benediction. Next Mos'day even- ing Miss Flora I%;ggt„ wi':i have charge of the meeting. \fr. and 'vf s J, D. Buchanan, of L'.: ,.) g, visited ,or. - a few days svith .Mr. sucl Mrs. A:4.,. Buchanan, Mr. Archie Sparks, of Detroit. vis -1 ,ted over the week -end with his fath- er, e Al 1I . r Alex. Sparks. t arks. 1 hr \Nome. n - Guild of St. Paul's Anglican church are holding 'a bazaar and sale of home-made cooking in the basement of the church on Satur- day afternoon, Nov. 19th. .A 25e supper will In served and the doors will he (pen at 4 o'clock. M+ :Phos. Luker, exf Cuxtoesl, Sask,, is visiting his brother,, Mr. Wm. Luker. The Mission hand of Carmel l'res- byterian Chnrch held a social evening in the basement of the church on Monday evening last. A short play was gives( by the band, after which contests were indulged in. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. Mrs, Hugh McDonald has returned hone after spending several weeks with Mrs. Orville Twitchell, at Gotle- rich. The following were winners at the euchre party in the Town Hall Fri- day evening: Mrs. Wasman won first prize for ladies, a beautiful vase; and Ferne McLean won the prize for men, a smoking set. The consolation prizes were: Ladies', Dorothy Kyle, a toy piano; and men's, a doll dressed as a fireman,was won by Wm. Sangster. Mr. Roy Robertson, who recently The W.M.S. held an old fashioned afternoon tea at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 11. B. Stephenson on Thursday last and spent a very pleasant after - noose, the old fashioned dress causing much mirth. The afternoon was spent in songs and readings. bringing to t e >mpretion the erection The Foresters held a very success - e r the rine eltureh. special reference ful At Home in their hall here on Fri- . nt; ma, h he• vvark *.f the can-' day evening, a very fine crowd of tragi, ,r, Mr. 1)tsthnlm. The proceeds young people being present. Euchre amounted to over $675. was played until 11 o'clock, after Mns. Arthur Wright who was visit- which lunch was served and dancing in,, her bro+her, Mr. W. J. Mcleod was indulged in. The ladies' prizes returned t, her home at Detroit last' for euchre were carried off by Mrs. week. Gco. Dale and Miss T. Flynn, while Aderman and Mrs. H. Rhodes Mr. J, Ferguson and Mr, Taylor cap- tured aptured the gents trophies-. Mr. and Mrs. J II Snell and :Beat - eke, of Tuckersmith, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Oliver And- erson's, Mr. Leu Stephenson intends leav- ing on Friday with Mr. Bert. Allan, for New Ontario, in quest of venison. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby and daughter spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley, Brnvn, whc' were guests last week w si Mrs. A. S. Atkinson, left Mon- day' on their return trip to York, Eng, Mr. Brown was formerly Lord Mayor of Yorle. fhc annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in Tinny Church on Sunday evening at 7 ,cluck. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Rev. R. M. Gale. MN' r;3adys Davison, Mlr. T. )bal- let of London, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Mr. andMrs, Roy Barnett of To - Kerr, Mr. O. Bright of Walkerton, Tonto spent Sunday with their brother were guests with the fornter's moth. Robe, (irilnoldby, ei, Mrs. J. Davison,on Sunday. The Young Peoples i'ociety will meet in the basement of St. Andrew's Church on Friday evetunn, 8.15. Part airs, McQueen and nephew, Jack McQueen, spent the holidays with the farmer's sister Mrs, 1V. Cameron. Mr, 'W, Wilson and sister, Mrs, of the programme will consist of a le- Stewart, spent Monday with the lat- bate, "Resolved that money has more ter's slaughter, Mrs, Ray Lawson. influence in tills world than brains. Quarterly meeting was held on The affirmative will be taken by the Sunday afternoon, Misses Maria Grainger and Sarah Master Harold.Glazier, of Clinton, Reid, while Misses M. Davison and spent Sunday with his friend, Charles E. McKay will uphold the negative, Wakefield. This meeting will be open to the pub - Ilia, CHISELHURST. Rev. and Mrs, H. F. Kennedy visit- Mfrs. William Vettr rned ed friends in the village on Tuesday, home after spending afew a�days uwith leaving come from 00 City to be friends in Parkhill present at Grace United Church on Mr, J. Traquair and Mr. Stanley Monday, Mitchell returned home Friday night Mr, and Mrs, W. IvIeDonald, who from the West. have visited with, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston for the past two weeks left HIBBERT.� this aa'eek for their home at Detroit, Krauskopf-Gallagher,---At • St, - Pat - Master Bibby Vail, who spent the rick's church, Dublin, on Tuesday, summer here with his grandmother, Nov. 15th, at the hour of 9 a.m. a Mrs. 1-1 Weston, returned with them. quiet, pretty wedding was solemnized when Catherine, daughter of Mr, THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 17, 1927, (1Oc iF. Trade for your ISIe`Ar ,.Laid Eggs F f•D S" "9 -� RD, y NL.Y ltd 7�.$' and ,�'! iJ �$ b Manitoba Flour Rolled Oats . Oyster Shell Gunn's'Tarikage $3.99 $4.25 $1.50 3 65 Cash Cash Cash Cash We have Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Money Saving Prices When You Deal in Egrnondvilie We Save You Money hr Finnigan i Ecimondvillie orilingeariewarmaimemsomemin visgratiocommammoussmaxammmigoommolaime Hurou Investments Ltd, STOCK BROKERS and BOND DEALERS Private Wire Service -TORONTO, MONTREAL, NE W " YORK; CHICAGO, WINNIPEG. We beg to announce that we will open a branch office is Seaforth located in the Commercial Hotel Building on Monday, Oct. 17th, tinder the management of Mr. Ben Johnson. A complete service will be maintained daily, keeping investors' in close 'ouch with the markets at Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chi- cago and Winnipeg from over our own private wire. You are invited to visit our, office, where quotations will be supplied with several changes daily. AUCTION SALE t TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES In the Town of Seafortls in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof may be had in my office, and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem- ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that in default of payment of the taxes, the lands will be sold for taxes on 'Tues- day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town Hall, Seaforth. JNO. A. WILSON, Treasurer, 4 Town of Seaforth. ORGAN FOR SALE. ti -octave piano -cased organ, in first- class condition, 'Cheap for quick sale. Apply at The News Office, 46 FOR SALE, Newfotindland puppies and grown dogs, male or female. The noble breed for home and children. Geo. R. Thomson, box 466, Ingersoll, Ont. 46 Of Farm and Farm Stock. Mr. Er- nest Townshend has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Connell's sale barn, Clinton, on Saturday, November 19th, at 2 p.m ; Choice load of spring calves, Polled Angus, Durha`n and Hereford type, also five young cows. Terms -6 months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, or a discount of 6 per cent. per an- num allowed for cash. At the same time and place, lot 67, Bayfield line will be offered for sale. This farm consists of 9214 acres of good clay loam with comfortable frame house and outbuildings. This farm is in a high state of cultivation, well adapted for grazing or grain growing. Terms on Farm. 10 per cent, of pur- chase money paid down on day of sale, 20 per cent in 30 days, balance may remain on mortgage at rate of 514 per cent. Ernest Townshend, Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auction- eer. 46 Frank Gallagher, and the late Mrs. Gallagher, Hibbert, became the bride of Mr. Peter Krauskopf, son of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Krauskopf, Mc Killop. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Father Bricklin. The bride looked charming in a brown flat crepe dress, with blonde slip- pers and stockings to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Monica O'Sullivan, Toronto, niece of the bride, was very prettily attired. The groom's neph- ew, Lawrence Maloney, was best man. Two delightful solos were ren- dered by Miss Mary 'Beale. Following the wedding a trip was taken to Mitchell to allow the photographer to do his duty. The party returned to the bride's 'home, where dinner was served by her sisters, Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, Mrs. J. C. O'Sullivan and Mrs. Jas. Maloney: The bride travelled in a navy suit, navy coat of pioret twill hand em- broidered and fox furs. The young couple will reside in Hibbert Tp„ and be at home to their friends on 8th of December, The honeymoon will be spent in Detroit, Niagara Fails and Toronto. Mrs. Leo Fortune, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Shanahan, 'Sea - forth, motored to Windsor to visit Mr. and Mrs. Tierney and the form-: er's niece, Mrs. Byrnes, of Detroit. Mr. John R. Williams, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs, John 'Dorsey and fant- ily,-of Stratford, Miss Millie Wil- liams and Mrs. M. Williams, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Williams, Hibbert. Miss Monica O'Sullivan is visiting under the parental roof, Miss Mary Atkinson, who is at- tending Stratford Business College, spent the week -end at the home of her kinson, parents,Mr, and Mrs, Joseph At - A number` from here attended the euchre and dance in Seaforth on Thursday everting and all report a goad tittle, - Miss Catherine O'Connor is visiting in Beechwood. ' Miss Margaret 'Williams is visiting' friends in Stratford. The following is the report of -Hib- bert Separate school No. 4. •Names are in order of merit, based on work and examinations. Sr, IV. --Michael Coyne (absent). Jr. IV. - Agnes Coyne, Harry McIver, Vera O'Reilly, Rose O'Connor, Sr, III, .•=- Nellie Doyle, Joseph Morris, Fergus Feeney. Jr. III,-Eliwyn Morris, Joseph Mc- Iver, John -O'Connor, Marie Feeney, Catherine Williams, Mary Jordan, Joseph O'Reilly. IL -Margaret O'- Reilly, Mary ,Morris, Margaret Atkin- son, Marion :viclver, Anna Jordan, Mary Fitzpatrick. Pt. II. -Hanna Williams, Joseph O'Connor, Mona Feeney, 1st, -- Theresa Atkinson, Lewis 'McIver, Primer - Matthew Coyne. Best spellers for. the month -- Vera O'Reilly, Joseph Morris, john O'Connor, Marion McIver, Joseph O'Connor, Perfect attendance -'Ag nes Coyne, Nellie Doyle, Marie Feen- ey, Ellwyn Morris, Catherine 'Wfl- lfams, Margaret Atkinson, Mary Mor- ris, Marion McIver, Mona Feeney, Hanna Williams, 'Theresa Atkinson, Matthew Coyne. Lucy M. Burke, Teacher. FOR SALE. One (upright Doherty Piano, slightly used. Must be sold. Price $225.00. Apply Box 6, Dublin, Ont. 47 Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. FOR SALE. Yeo, Hoinilesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Ship Yom' Cream to the DUBLIN CaKEy�tEhl; '/I E R pY fB� We are makers of.Iligb LGrade Creamery Butter Highest Prices Paid for Churning Or'eam Give us a trial can E, B. TYERS, Prop. DUBLIN,-ON'l'. FOR SALE. Pure bred Berkshire pigs. Both sexes. Also young goats, Apply to OLIVER ANDERSON, Phone 5-250 FOR SALE. One International 6 h.p. engine and 1 grinder, 8 -inch plates. ROBT. CLARICE, r. r, 2, Seaforth, Phone 245r6. tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. ,DR H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and titnoat. Office and rend ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106. DR. F, J. IBURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderieh street, east of the Methodist Church. Cor- oner for 'the 'County of Huron, Tele- phone No, 40. DR. C. MAOKAY,-C, Mav,cay, honor graduate of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the 'Ooa lege of. Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.. DR. F. J R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear, and 'T Throat. Gradual Nosea h cmMedi- cine, University of Toronto 1897. Later,«�,� Assistant New York Ophthalmic and .i& Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, And. Golden 'Square throat hospitals, Lawn. don, England. At Commercial 'hotel, FOR SALE. Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in ea'ih nlo`nth. from 111 a.m. to 3 p.m, . A quantity of second ,hand brick. Orders - filled as received. HENRY WOR:DEN, Egmondville, FOR SERVICE. Thorobred !Berkshire hog. $1.50 at time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary; and if. booked, $2.00. OOLOLOUGH BROS., lot 4, con. 7, Hallett,_ 46 FARM FOR SALE. For sale, lot 7, Con, 6, Stanleytwp., containing 100 acres. On the premises are a 44 story brick house with fur- nace, and a frame kitchen and wood- shed. Hard and soft water at the house; bank barn 80x52 with cement floors all through; windmill and water in the barn; drive shed and im- plement house, 20x30. Land is all cleared, well drained and well fenced with wire, and in a good state of cul- tivation. Seven miles from Hensall, 5 miles front Kippen; school across the road. Rural .avail and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises or address Varna nest office. WILLIAM E. FOSTER, Varna, 48 FOR •SALE, • 1 rubber -tired buggy, 1 light wag- gon, second hand, HUMPHRIES & Co„ Walton. 46 THE: McKILLOP Mutual al Firelnsurauca Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 N L Y. INSURED Officers -James Connally, Goder- ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Becehwood; M. Mc- Ewen, James' Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray, Gibson, Brucefield, Agents -Alex. Leitch, r,r. 1, Clin- ton; E, Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. 1 rubber -tired top 'Buggy, 9 top Cutter nearly new, 1 set single har- ness. Phone 240 ring 15. Apply George Eaton, Winthrop. 48 NOTICE. 'Carload flour, 'bran, shorts, mid- dlings, oatmeal will be in this week. Carload kiln -dried corn next week, Stove coal. nut and coke on hand. Prices will suit you. Nothing but first- class goods handled.' Phone 123. R, J, MCMI'LLA'N. 46 COAL AND COKE On hand at the warehouse at the station. Also 'a small Massey -Harris cutting machine, power or hand pow- er. Phone 44-W, Seaforth. ANDREW ARCHIBALD. 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all Persons having claims against the estate of Richard Pinder, late of Sea - forth, Ontario, who died on or about the lith day of March, 1927, are re- quired to forward their claims, duly proven, to the. undersigned Solicitors, on or before the 7th day of Decem- ber, 1927, after which date the Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the estate having regard" only to and be- ing responsible only for the claims or which he shall thea have had notice, Dated at Seaforth, Ont., the 16t'h day of November, 1927. BEST & BEST, Solicitors for Administrator, .48 CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. James Logan desires to ex- press her appreciation of the kind- ness shown her in the loss of a lov- ing husband, and especially to thank the Rev. Mr, Foote, Rev. Mr. Conner, Rev. Mr, Mellroy, and all those who so kindly assisted in the service of praise, IN MEMORIAM. CLLUFF,---.IIs sad and loving memory of nay clear father, :Noble T. Cluff, who departed this life one year, ago, Nov. 19t1t, 1926, Peacehsl be thy :sleep, dear Father, It is sweet to breathe thy name. In life I loved yott dearly,. And in death 1' do the same. Often 1 -think of you, dear Father, And my heart is sad with pain, Oh, this work: would be a ,(leaven Could I hear your voice again. You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade; Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around the Grave where you are laid, -•Sadly missed by soil, A. E. Cluff, Buffalo, .N.Y. The cheapness. of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator' puts it within reach of all, s:pd it can to got at any druggist's Bornholm. James Kerr and John `Gaveniock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by appiir,ation to any of theabove named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. DR. W. C. SPROAT.-+Graduate of Faculty of 'Medicine, University sit y 4f Western Ontario Lodon. Member of 'College of Physicians and Sar geons of Ontario. Office in Aberbat''t'e. Drug Store, Maki St., Seaforth.. Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A.iMUNN Successor to Dr. R, R. Ross, gradu- ate of ,Northwestern University, Chi- cago, 111. Licentiate Royal College of Dental -Surgeons, Toronto. Office r ver Sills' hardware, Main street. Seaforth. Phone 1'51, DR, F. J, BEOHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaford!. Phones, office 185W, residence 185$. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT,.- Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sala Date at The Seaforth. News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, WATSON - AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clean Companies, SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Nov, 16th. Wheat, per bus. ...............$123 Barley, per -bus. 73e Oats, per bus. 50e. Buckwheat, per bus. 72c Shorts, per cwt, $1.75 Bran, per cwt. $L65 Butter, per ib. 3Se Eggs, per doz. 40c -50c Potatoes, per bag $1.50 Hogs, per cvvt., $8. - I(Oi)SE FOR SALE. Comfortable frame dwelling ea James . street. Two lots with barn suitable for garage. Immediate poo - session, Best bargain in Seaforth. Apply to W. G. WILLIS, execute of Robt, Willis Estate, St NOTICE. We are now chopping and rolling every day. KRUSE I3ROS. 47 Have your next V Suit or Overcoat made by Es Ws BATEMAN Practical Tailor Main St. Seafortti Prices from $25.00 up. You own materials made up at reasonable rates Try us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction rtam,ewmm+511ecmc11carrto,m,.zr.CIIeemm.wum„O651311.. THIS WEER. ENI) The � ming of 'T& a ork y the famous novel by HAROLD BETA, WRIGHT with LMVU-N Great, as a novel. Greater as a Motion Picture. Faithfully depicts the struggle of courageous groups of men who fought and suffered that vast desert wastes might be turned into a fertile kingdom. • Its bigness of theme; Its romance; The thrill of titanic hu- man combat; Tho gigantic flood episode makes it every where acclaimed ONE OF THE GREATEST PICTURES OF ALL TIME OPENS THURSDAY AFTERNOON THREE DAY RUN Also Saturday Matinee Evenings 150 and 25a Matinees 10c and 15c First Saturday Eve, show 7.30 p,ns. Other nights 8.15 p.m. COME EARLY 1 fassearaaceo vanisamasaectea na'aems>ma®r