HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-17, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one essential, 'however, in
making an ideal dish of it. The
pork must give it :the right
flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply
just the right cut for the purpose.
'Fry it once, You'll want it often.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Your Butcher.
Red ite
ehain Stores
Our Specials ®r° -o" e
week from date.
Japan Green Tea, new pickings
a lovely tea ' Ib. 49c
IVMatehes, 3 boxes for 220
Gum, any '.flavor, 3 pkga, 1.00
French Peas, very cheap, tiu 1413;
Palm Olive Soap, Sery-us
4 cakes for 25c
Jelly Poa`vder's, Sherriff's 3 23e.
and 1 Tumbler free
Butcher's Pepper, specially
ground lb, 43e
S " J Sproat Phone_8
W Ai; Stewart
Phone 77,
New Christrnas fruits arriving
every day
The Dairy Farmer is assured of good markets the
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac-
count. They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
ereatn to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Create Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal,
Seaford] Creamery Co, Seaford], Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
• W1 i, Web' &i' Son
Motor or horse Equipment
W, J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D. H. McInnes
Of Winghant, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Di -eases of all kinds success-
fully treated,
Electricity used.
.Among the finest gifts anyone can
give are the Fuller Bets packed in
holly boxes—Fuller Vanity Cases
Dresser Sets, Men's Sets, a Little
Lady's Toilet Set and dozens of others
Fuller Brushes
You select Fuller gifts in the com-
fort of your own house, The day
you want them delivered f bring them
nicely wrapped in holly boxes ready
or sending or mailing.
For special Christmas demonstratio
write me. No obligation.
The Fuller Service Man
13os 1350 Seaforth, Ont,
Reduced Prices
.Ladies' and Gentlemen's
haircuts now
All the latest bobs now 35c
at the
Dennison & Pullman
Barber Shop
phone 125.
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50e
Pianos 'Punned
leaned and
Chas, A, l.towey
Residence --James St.
Telephone service is not produced
for delivery in bulk, or in stan-
dard packages over the counter.
Every call is turned out "to
order" — a custom service de-
signed to meet personal needs, at
a moment's notice.
Your telephone operator is a mul-
tiple personality. She sits al;
the switchboard local, long
tance with signal linea to her
sisters " at the other end" ready
to select the track for any
journey you select,
To her, your call means more
than just a combination of switch-
board manipulations. It is a cal:
for personal service, tr be answer-
ed completed and supervised as
your personal clerk or secretary
would handle it,
Drives Asthma Before ft The
smoke or vapor 'trout 1Dr, J. D, Het -
log's Asthma !Remedy gives :asthma
no chance to linger. It eradicates the
cause. Our experience with the relief-
giving remedy shows how actual and
positive is the succor it gives. t2t is
the result of long study and experi-
ment and was not submitted to the
public until its makers knew it would
do its work well.
Mr. Thos. .'flroome intends going
back to his 225 -acre farm at 'Win-
throp and has four tractors and one!
teams of horses busy " plowing.
13.5 acres of crop will be sown next
Mrs. George Sparks left this week
to spend several months itt London
with her sister, Mrs, McAsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Muir, df Osh-
awa, were week -end visitors with Mrs.
Edgar. Mr. Bill Edgar, of Oshawa,
also visited at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Balfour, of Osh-
awa, were week -end visitors here.
Mr. Jake Wuirm is improving after.
his operation for blood poison.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Wilbee were Sun-
day visitors at Brussels.
Mrs. Robert Webb has returned to
Toronto after spending the summer
with r'e'latives here
QYir, and Mrs. Thos. Rands and
Miss AMaybell e Rands .returned_ on
Friday after .''"' ' a couple of months
at Willow City, North Dakota.
Mrs. 'Wm MelMichael returned
home Friday after visiting at Arden,
Man„ for the past two months.
Mr. Elroy Brownlee, of London,
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and' Mrs,: George Brownlee,
Mr. John Lamiman, leader of the
Seaforth Highlanders Band, has
opened a furniture repairing business,
at the rear of F. lBarlow''s shoe re-
pair store, Mr. Lamiman having
made excellent progress with the
Band during his two season's leader-
ship and being himself a cornet solo-
ist of talent, the members of the
Band hope he will receive sufficient
patronage to warrant his remaining in
Mr. Homer Hunt spent the week-
end in Toronto.
The ladies of St, Thomas' Church
are holding their annual bazaar and
supper on \Vednesday, Nov. 30th. 1
Miss Eleanor Clark, of London,
visited her cousin, Miss Wilson, at
Seaforth hospital.
,Watch for the announcement next
week of the hone cooking sale and
tea of the Philathea class of North-
side United Church.
On Friday last, Mr. Sam. Mayo, of
McKillop, was unfortunate in fractur-
ing his hip as a result of a fall. He
was brought to the hospital, where he
is progressing favorably,
Mrs. Mitchell, of Bay City, return-
ed Saturday, after a two weeks' visit.
with her brother, Mr. Sam. McGeoch.
'Rev. W. D. McDonald is at the
home of his father, Mr. Wm. McDon-
ald, Riverdale, owing to the latter's
Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Jackson have
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fair,
of Calgary, Alia.
Mrs. J. Hall, of Atwood, visited
Rev. and \Ira, W. D. McDonald, in
Egntondville, on Sunday,
The News is indebted to Mr. Geo,
A. Sills for a choice piece of venison,
Mr. Sills, Mr. C. P. Silas and Mr. 0.
Neil having returned from a success-
ful twelve -day hunting trip in Lake -
of -Says district, near Huntsville. They
were accompanied by a party from
Ingersoll headed by W, R. Veale, for-
merly of Seaforth.
Mr. and .Mrs. Neil Gillespie and
Miss Annie McTaggart are attending
the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto.
'Messrs. Gordon Kerr an& Thomas
Gillespie, of Toronto, spent a couple
of days in town this week. Mr. Gil-
lespie, Who has been in Chicago for
several years, recently took a position
in Toronto.
The many friends of Mrs. lulu!
Kerr regret to know that on Wed-
nesday "tib showed no improvement
over 'her serious condition of the pre-
vious day.
'Mrs. John MdMlllan spent a week
at tate home of Mr. 'Pafford, in De-
Mr. and Mrs, \Vm. Grieve, of De-
tt oit, spent several days at the home
of Mr, John G. 'Grieve, who is serious-
ly ill. Mrs. Rae Holmes accompan-
ied them on the trip.
'Miss Murchie, of Hullett, is visit-
ing with Miss Mc'Derrid, Goderich
Mrs, Ed, Davis, Tillsonburg, was a
week -end visitor at the home of 'Mrs.
Dave Stewart and Mrs. Davidson.
Dr, and Mrs, McArter and tittle
daughter Peggy, of Guelph. were
week -end guests of her grandmother,
Mrs. J. FL Broadfoot.
iMrs. D. Grassick, Heimall, visited
at the Monte of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Keys, on 1 uesday.
Mrs. .Sun hl. an e, .t. •
Mary spent Saturday and Sunday last
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Artie
Keys, of Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry \Vebb, of Cro-
marty, were guests on Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Sant. Hanna.
Mr. Matthew Bates, . of Goderich,
was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. L.
Keys on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. John McClure, Wal-
ton, spent Sunday with ML'. and Mrs,
Alex. 'Broadfoot, Mill road.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Archibald, of
Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. McKay,
Mrs. W. Weston, .Porter's Hitt,re-
turned last week after spending the
past five weeks with Mr, and Mrs. W.
J Bickell.
Mrs. Wm, Sclater returned home on.
Sunday atfer spending some time with
her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Lawson,
Mr. and Mrs.Thornton,Misses
Lyle and Willa Thornton nd
Peffer, all of Preston, were week -end
guests of Mr. and Mrs, :Sant. Jeffrey.
Mr. Ed. Jarman spent this week
with his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Carter,
il-Turon road west.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharpe and
family were !(eek -end visitors with
\ir. Alex. McKenzie, Parkli.ilh
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hppper visited
Mr, and Mrs. John Hopper, Wing -
ham, over the week -end.
Mrs, Alex. Stobie, who has spent
several weeks with Mrs, Geo. Man-
ners in Brussels, returned house on
Mr. and Mrs. Ilantilton and daugh-
ter Irene, of Henfryn, anti Mr. and
Tit's. Albert 'Cook, Lttckuow, were
Sunday ,visitors with "Mr. and Mrs.
Jcdhn \Webster,
Mc, \Wnt, Hssrtry went Wednesday
to Toronto to attend the Royal Win:
ter Fah•:
Mrs. John Sherritt and son Aat•on,
, A� ASO Y
Heavy Rubbers—Fine Rubbers
All styles for every member of the fancily
We bought ,thorn right!
We'll .sell thein right!
---Directly Opposite Cornrnercial Hotel --
R t4nttter011
. S..Acrw
PL eoredy in 3 mets.
nd eharaeteristtcrsketch or rural lira' Tull of character
nndrelined tun
will be presented in
-SI. James' Parish I -Nal!
Tuesday Evening, November 2253d
under the Auspices of the Catholic Woolen's League.
Doors Open 7.30
Play commences 8.15 sharp
Adults 35c
Admission ---
of Granton, visited her cousin, Mr. W.
L Heys this week, while returning
from 'the funeral of Mr. Wm, Neal,
Mr, John 71. Henderson, Egmond-
villc, has sold his residence to Mr. i.
T. Bartram, of near Parkhill, Mr.
,Bartram will not get possession till
nest April
A disastrous lire occurred about
10.30 Friday night when all the build-
ings, consisting of a large bank barn,
implement house, chicken house and
frame dwelling, on the old Gib'bings
farm at Alma corner, recently pur-
chased by Mr. Wes. Nott, were com-
pletely destroyed. The cause of the
fire is unknown as the barn was burn-
ing fiercely Inside and fire ready to
burst out when noticed by Mr. Frank
Glew, who was the first to reach it.
A strong south wind was blowing
which made useless any attempt to
save the other buildings. There was
no stock in the barn, as the cattle
had been breaking into the roots
stored in the barn during the after-
noon, so had been turned out to
pasture as the night was warns.
About 50 tons of hay and two days'
threshing of grain were lost, besides a
binder and other implements. The
house was unoccupied, but Mr, Nott
had recently secured a hired mail
who was to move in shortly. The loss
is partly covered by insurance.
Mrs, Herb, Fowler received tate sad
news of the sudden death of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Donnelly, at Pine Creek,
3lau.. on Nov. 1st. Her maiden name
was Isabella ''Brown, being a daugh-
ter of Neil Brown, of Tuckersmith,
and she weut to the West about thir-
ty years ago, where she was later
married. Besides her husband, she
leaves eight children, also one brother
and seven sisters, Angus Brown, of
i uckersm th; Mrs. McDonald, Dau-
phin Man.; Mrs. McKinnon, Mather,
Man.; Mrs. McKinnon, Walkerton;
Mrs. Grant; \'ictot'r-a, B.C.; Mrs.
Muir, Portage Is, Prairie; Mrs. Up
shall, Gilroy. Sask.; .Ml's. Fowler
I\Jtss Jessie Johnston, of Heasali
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Ma'
Murtrie Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. henry Triton and
Miss Jean visited Mr, and Mrs. R.
Torrance, of Goderich township, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnstnu Sun-
A number from Kippen attended
the school concert in No. 2, Tucker -
smith, and all who were not there
missed a real treat.
Mrs, las, McClyutont has returned
home after visiting with friends in
London for a few days.
Mrs. B D. Field spent a few days
with relatives in Princeton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. 13utt and \ir.
and Mrs, T. W. Butt visited their
parents in Seaforth over the week-etid,
The Young People's meeting will
be held on Friday evening and every-
body is cordially welcome.
Death of Mr. James Logan. — Thr
deceased was born in Stanley town -
.hip in the year 1875, being a son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. William Logan,
Moose Jaw Sask. in the year 1902
he was married to Annie Hudson,
daughter of Mrs. Jos. Hudson, and
the late Joseph Hudson, of Stanley
township. After their marriage they
made their home lit Forest for a few
years, where he was engaged in bar-
bering, From there they moved,
Goderich, and later to Windsor,
where they had lived Inc souse 13
years, They had spent the winter
months in Florida Inc She benefit of
Mr. Logan's health at5d after return-
ing home from Florida in June they
motored up to the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Harvey and spent the
summer with them. .Some two weeks
ago kf.r. Logan, not improving fn
health, deckled to go to Toronto for
medical treatment iu the General hos-
pital, where the best of care had been
given hint, but in spite of good care
and medical attention, he gradually
grew weaker and passed away on
Monday morning at 4 a.m. The re-
mains were brought to Seaforth on
the' evening train, and removed to
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert
Harvey, Kippen. The funeral was
held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. The
Masonic brethren of Goderich, assisS-
ed by the brother Masons of TTensaTi,
took charge of the service, He was a
32nd •degree Mason; also a member
of the I:0!0,F. and I:O,F. Mr. Lo-
gan is survived by his sorrowing
widow and two sisters, Mrs, Royal
Maynard, of Moose Jaw, and Mrs.
Children 25c
Frank Maynard, of Regina. The fun-
eral was largely attended and the
floral tributes were many and beauti-
ful. 'Those attending the funeral front
a distance were; Mr, and Mrs. John
'Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beck,
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Hudson, Me.
and Mrs, Stanley Russet, Mr. Thos.
Walker and Mr. Hamilton, all of Mar -
tette, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Lawton
Simpson, Mr. and Mra Innis, of De-
troit, '_tft•. and Mrs. Wilson and Mrs.
Connor, of Windsor.
Mrs. A. McLellan and Mrs. Robt,
Barbour attended the Women's Insti-
tute Convention -in London last week.
Dir. and :airs, 1, Golding, Stratford,
visited with the fortner's parents, Mr.-
Mr.and Mrs. H. Golding on Sunday,
Mr. Cameron Vivian and Mr. Jas.
Wallace, Seaforth, spent the week -end
-in Chathain.
Mr. Harold O'Brien, of London,
and Mr. .and Mrs, Wilfred •O'Brien,
of Owen Sound, spent the week -end
with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. F.
Mir. George Butson, while working
arhtind his threshing engine 00 Friday
morning, met with a panifiti accident,
breaking his kg below the knee. The
fracture was reduced by Drs. Traynor
and Mackay.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien visited in
London on Sunday.
The Y,P,S. met in the church on
Sunday evening. The topic on Korea
was taken by Miss Vera Leary. Next
Sunday everting will be in charge of
Mr. Russell \Norden. Interesting pro-
grammes are hemp arranged for the
winter months.
A concert wilt be given on Friday,
Nov. 25th, under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid. Farther notice later.
Much sympathy is expressed for
Mrs. C. 'Tuffin its the death of her
father, \4r, John Shute, of Usborne,
who died Nov lith, after two clay,'
illness He was 73 years of ags His
barn was t •uck by lightning a numb
ae,,r and ue,Aroycd with the season's
tr,O. and sir. Shute had beets •.err
busy making preparations for the
erection of a new building. Besides
his widow, he hares one son and tw'o
daughters, ,Reber, at stone; Mrs. H.
Stewart, Fullatton, and SL's. 1'tttim
Interment was made at Kirka, cente-
(TOO late Inc last week.)
\Ir. Wnt, Ilastings and son Joe at
tended the plowing match at Avon-
tun au Friday last.
7tr, and Mrs. Ed. Sadler and daugh-
ter, of Hamilton, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Sadler,
\ir Howard Teary, of London,
pt•nt lte
holiday with his parents.
Mrs. F.-TIanthley, Miss Vera and
Mr. Harvey Hambley visited in 1Wai-
ton Ott the holiday,
Miss Marzette Sadler, - of \\'ha!en,
.pent the week end at her home here.
Mr. Harold O'Brien, of the Medieat
College, London, spent the Week -end
under the parental roof.
\Irs, It Norris and sister, Miss
Nancy McCurdy, returned last week
front a three ntotiths' visit with rela-
tires in the 'West.
Mr. and Mrs. Sant, Ennnerson att•i
son and Mr. Walter Remnant, ,tf
Galt; Mr. and. Mrs. R. McKay, of
t'reston; Mrs. Remnant and Mr. las.
Remnant, of :Thames. Roast, spent the
week -end with .71r, and Mrs, Harry
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Koehler, who
!vent to Sasltatoheteaw three months
ago to visit 'their daughters, returned
hone on Monday. They report that
the weather hbeen t• n
earl cr a, tet and the
crops not any too good arotnid Rice -
ton. There was some rust in places
and considerable wheat was (eft un-
cut as it would not repay the expense
of cutting it.
Mrs. Charles Regele received a let-
ter from her sister, Mrs. Jas. Camp-
bell, from near Elbow, Sask„ sayittg
that they had GO acres of wheat to
thresh yet and all the oats, but
everything was covered with snow on
Nov. 4th. While the crop looked nice
at one time, it was not touch good on
account of the frost attd rust, which
spoiled the quality.
+lir, Geo. Regele, son of Mr, Charles
Regele, tvho was operated on in Strat-
ford hospital last week, is home again
touch improved.
Mr, and .Mrs. Fred Koehler and
Mr, and Mrs. \Vin, Kbcltler and chil-
dren took a motor trip to Monktott
on Sunday last, visiting the'foi'nter's
slaughter, ITt's, 'Herman Made!.
Mr, Bert Beacom, also Wm. Tre-
win, arrived home on Saturday after
spending over two months near El-
bow, Sask. They liked the country and
say there were good crops and gond
IMr, Joseph, Pearson, of Ethel, ac-
companied by his father, and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pearson, also his
sister Ethel', also of Ethel, motored
over and spent .Sunday at the home of
\'.Lr, A, W. and Mrs. Beacons.
Miss Isabelle Reid entertained a
numberof girl friends last Friday af-
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Knox entertain-
ed friends. on Sunday afternoon.
A nu'rber oftoting people from .the
12th and 13th attended the At Horne
and dance put on by the Forrester§
in the Forrester§ Hall at Klnburn' on
Friday night. They report having a
good time;
Mrs, Chas, Riley and sots Jint re-
turned Wednesday evening after •visit: -
tug her son Charles, near Moose Jaw,
Mrs.' Jackson and family, of Ar.
Icona, are nicely settled on the farm
recently vacated by Mr. John Hay.
Alderman Brown, formerly Lord
Mayor of York, Eng., was the guest
.at the home of Mr. P.M. Chesney,
Roscoe Farm, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie and fam-
ily visited a't the home of Mr. and
Mrs, John McLachlan on Friday
evening, '
Miss Betty Houston returned home
last week after visiting with friends
in Detroit.
\9 r. Leslie Belle' and Miss ' Mary
Unwin returned to Detroit last week,
atter spending a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, George Bell,:
Mr. William Andrews spent Stn -
day with his brother, Mr. Edward
Miss iHilda Kennedy was visiting
:fibs Vera Smith has returned borne at the home of kir. and Mrs. A.
after spending a few weeks visiting--
eltarme last wt:ek,
friends in 'SI. Thomas, Kitchener and Mt;. and Mrs. Morris lirbe, of Kit --
London. cions :r, spent Sunday at .'tile horse of
Mr. and Mrs, •\\'iison Carlile, Mrs. Mr, aand Mrs. John McLachlan.'
Jas. Jarrott and au Eldon, motored Mrs. AlexBoyes and little son
to Marlette, •Mich., oti Monday- last Billy, were visitors at the home of
and attended the funeral' of their Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyes, for the
,inter -in-law, Diss. Thomas Hudson. past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin McAllister Mr. J. Allen and 7'liss Louise Attest
have returned home alter spending
three months in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Papple motored
have returners home` atter spending a
few • days visiting friends in Port
Huron and Detroit.
Miss :Mary Forrest is not improving to St. Thomas Sunday last 'and spent
as fast as her many friends wish to a few days visiting relatives there.,
see iter. Mr and Mrs. 'Wrn. Manson, •Miss
Mrs. Webster Turner spent the Mary Kling and Frank Kling called
past two weeks visiting friends in on Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall Sunday last.
Detroit and Marlette. Mich.
7li's Rena Stephenson has returned
home after spending a week with her
brother George at Walkerton.
The many friends of Mrs. John iatniiy were visoors at the home of
Jarrott, Sr.. will be sorry to hear ahs !hair brother, Mr. Bill. Riley, and
is very ill at present. Miss Mabel Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffatt, of near airs. Elliott \\'alter 1, at present
Brucefceld, spent Sunday at Mr. „ti th'e sick list.
James .Love's.
Mr. and Mrs. Sander:. of Lonloe,
spent Sunday with Iter .mother, Mfrs.
John Jarrett, Sr.
.Miss Grace ,Coleman is spending a
few days in Clinton at tate home of
Mr, John Turner.
Miss Muriel Carlile is spending a
few weeks at the home of Mr. Lloyd
Keys, Varna.
Miss Gladys Stephenson spent Sun-
day with her friend, Miss Shirley
Dowson, Varna.
Every careful and observant mother
when ( hill f' from A
\\`e are sorry to hear" that the Infant
SOU of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Armstrong
i • seriously ill.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Bert Hoggart and
No job too big to handle or too small
to do, Phone 303 J and I will call
for your work,
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
worts. She alsoknows that if some P SUTHERLAND
remedy be not speedily applied much GENERAL INSURANCE
harm will result to the infant. Att ex- AGENCY
cellent preparation for this purpose Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
is Miller's Worm Powders. They and investments
drive worms from the system and set Phone 152
up stimulating and soothing effects,
so that the chill's progress thereafter Seaforth, Ontario.
is painless and satisfying.
Th Sveciakik ilverton
We have it—Give it a Trial.
Grain Screenings
. 6 i
Chop of All Kinds
Pi-IONE 25
Your F uto Nee
Repairs and charging on all snake.
A good lime of New and Used Part's,
Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with License
Ford Touring 1918, . $75.00 with l.icettse
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, tike nett , .$.375 ,tit!, t icettse
egier's G
We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be
entrusted to us Inc cleaning with perfect confidence.
'rhe cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time to study
and achieve.
Ladies' and Gent's Felt 'Fiats cleaned. It only costs a
dollar and will loot: like new.
Sydne ' u a Proprietor
li I.,OCK. PHONE "237 or 210
,,,, aaixa,,,,. aatrnorawrswsxeaaomxan