HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR 7
----Th-e-weather has turned ao-MeWhat M1,4r7IY.I'Car9vraisli. farake, cat'hlee'SPie
WALTON, land on Friday a last week,
woo=iii up at ressonsete poets, up•tair8 aver warmer since Saturday.
li, Tailor lons ins n,atci b
Keating's, sliaiu
The regularmeeting of the , DUBLIN',
Of 'Duff's United Church, Walton, was w, Saloum), Pinot, \i'oar own materials
held in the basement 01: the church made ap st 091000 510 poem upstairs over
on Nov. 9th. Mrs, Campbell presided. Kesuati a gate Rua, Soaleith,
The Scripture reading, 103rd Psahn, The -following Is the report of the
was given by Mrs. Shaw aad Mrs. Dublin Continuation School for Sept. -
Berry led in prayer. The SuPPIY Oct. Students obtaining 75 per cent.
See. reported 41113.45 sent in to Supply and over ave listed Class I.; bhose ob-
See, at Clinton tor clot ling ft
eland of 2 year. The topic, "Women
working together in. orgamizations of
one kind and another itt India and
Persia" was given by MrsaDrager,
and Mrs, Beckley read a cl-tittater on
"Chinese .Wonien -Woeking aogether
Waning 66-74 per cent. Class II.; 60-65,
Class III.; 5049, C. Below .50, failed.
Names are in order of merit.
Form ---
111,laterature, Class I. John
McGrath. IL, Margaret Jordaa, Rose
0"Connor, Joseph '01:Rourke; C, Ver-
onica Dill, Rose Krauskopf, Marion
during the Revolution, ,
this hong Dill, Evelyn Melady; below 50, Ken-
neth Dill Helen KratiskoPa, Annie
Ryan, Frank McGrath, Florence
Smith, Bridget.' O'Loughlin, Wm,
laantzer, Bernice McGrath.
Eng. Composition, 1, Margaret Jar -
+lam Bernice McGrath, Dorothy O's
Rourke, Evelyn Melady; 2, John ;Mc-
Grath, Joseph O'Rourke, Rose Kraus -
1, Prank McGrath; +C, Florence
Smith, Kenneth Dill, Wm. Dantzer,
Annie Ryan, ;Marion Dill, Helen
'Br. History, I., Rose O'Connor, Mar-
,aret OfRourke, Veroaica Dill, Jos.
Lit.. See.. alias Rosa' aunpson, iss. O'Rourke; 2, Marlon Dill, Margaret
Sec., Mr-. Ramsay; Orgaidst, Mrs. Jordan, Florence. Smith, Bridget 0'-
eaanswir meeting \\04 closed with Loughlin, Frank McGrath, Annie Ry -
the. annual meeting for the election of
•. officers, the following: were elected Inc
the 'coining year: d•Ion.• Pres., Mrs.
Mainea and Mrs. Berry; Pres:, Miss
.1 Simpson: Ist ' Vice- Pres., Mrs.
• Rryans; and Vice la•es.,' airs. Badley;
. 3rd • Vice Pres., Mrs, Shaw 'Trees:.
Mrs, DaVidSon; See,. ..Mrs. J.
Me -
Donald Supply Sec.. Mrs. Dickson;
Strangers' See., alra Burry;Ausist-
ant 5. S.. Mr's.'•BrYans .Mrs. 'Bruce,
rs, T. renting andMis. Shannon;
Hotrie• Helpersf. sec., Mrs. L Leem-
Mg; Pi•eas Sec,, Mrs: Kirkby; aad
prayer by Mit. .
air. Mid Mrs. flias. Riley spent
ruesday ai the amine of John and
Mrs, Shortreed.
NieGavin. fecal U. F. shipper,
seas in 'reranto over the week -end
wiali a ear of eattle and a car of hogs.
George Sholdite, one of the re-
an,C, Kenneth Dill, Wnt. Dantzer,
John McGrath,
Ancient History, 1, 'Margaret ri'-
le,,urke, Margarea 3,irdan, Rose Kraus.
kopi; 2, John isacCirath, Bridget 0'-
1.0tig-lilin; 3, •Dorothy O'Rourke; C,
Evelyn NIelaily, Helea Krauskopf,
Florence Smith, Frank McGrath. Be -
Donnelly, Kathryn Byres, John Mc,'
Iva; 2, Pat McCorinell, Helen Mura
ray, Veronica Molyneaux, Wm Ryan,
Jos. O'Reilly, Zack Ryan; 3, Loretto
Delaney, Donald Benninger, C, Mary
Coyne, Nora NIeGrath, Sarah Coyne,
Clarenee Looby, Francis Stapleton,
+Form I,---+Engs Lit., 1, Angela Mul-
ligan, Mary °Reilly, Margaret Drake
laraucis Ryan, Harold Pethick; 2, Te-
resa Connelly, Frank Doyle, Harold
Feeney, Elmer Feeeey (equal) Mary
Brennan, Carrie Krauskopf (equal),
Sarah Coyne, Mary Coyee. 3, Dan O'-
Rourke, Francis KrauskoPf, Marie
Krauskopf, C, Hubert Feeney, Louis
Eng. Comp., 1,, Mary Brennan, M.
O'Reilly (equal), 2, Carrie Krauskopi,
Harold Pethick (equal), 3, Angela
Niutligan; C, Margaret Drake, Dan,
O'Rourke, Mary Coyne,. Teresa Con-
nelly, Elmer -Feeney,' Marie Kraus-
kopf, Harry Feeney, Hubert Feeney,
Francis Ryan Sarah Coyne Francis
Krauskopf, Frank Doyle, Louis Mor -
Eng. Gram., 1, Mary Claellly, Ma-
rie Krauskopf, Angela Mulligan; 2,
Margaret Drake, Sarah Coyne, Frank
Doyle, Carrie Kratiskonf, Elmer Fee-
ney; 3; Frank Ryan, Tereaa Connelly;
Mary Coyne, C, Mary Brennan, Har-
old Pethick, Harry Feeney, Dan O'-
Rourke; failed, Frank Krauskopf,
Louis Morris, Hubert Feeney.
Algebra, 1, Francis Ryan, Marvis
Drake. 'Joseph O'Reilly, Mary O'-
Reilly, 2, Marie Krauskopf, Angela
NIulligan, Harold l'ethick. William
Ryan: 3, Margaret Drake, NI, Coyne,
Dan O'Rourke, Teresa Conuelly, C,
Sarah Coyne, Elnier Feeney, ANrilfred
Krauskopf, Catherine Donnelly, F.
neving agents on the spen - low 50, Veronica Dill.
Mg a few dioss at hie home this week. -
Algebra, Ijos. O'Rourke, John Mc- Krauskopf, Harry Feeney, Frank
feith, :Medea Dill, 2, Kenn
-Air. George Patterson, of West eth DW, Doyle/ failed, Mary Brennan. Carrie
Boundary, is seriously ill with Paws- 1-1 a +-lee Sinn; C, Win. Dantzer. Be_ Krauskopf, Hubert Feeney, Isaias Mo-
:mode aud pleurisy. w .o 50, Frank McGrath.
Mrs. tV. j. Shertreed and Mary are lieoneory. Class I. Margaret Oal Can.itusi., 1, Francis Ryan, Harold
aoenaina a few days itt Toronto thisRose 'Cn
onor, Florence l'etbick, Harry Feeney, Francis
week. Smith; .t, o
, .Margaret. Jordan, Veronica' Krauskopf, Marvis Drake, 2, Hubert
Mr. and NIre. Sohier and Mrs. Dill: C. Bridge,- 015mghlin, Dorothy Feeney, Nfarie Krattakopf, Teresa
H. Shannim epent ruesday itt Stmt. ' VRoarlse; haeos 50, Annie Ryan, tnemelly, Dan O'Rourke. Margaret
ford. Rose Krauskopf, Jos. O'Rourke, Mar- Drake, Angela Mulligan, Frank Doyle,
, . . 4 , m-rs R 1:1-ena, R„.;,. tyomm„, Rose ()Mealy, Elmer Feeney. Mary Bren-
nan, Carrie Krauskopf, Mary Coyne
Geography, I, Mary O'Reilly, Marie
Krauskopf, Francis Ryan (equal), F.
Krauskopf, Margaret Drake, Angela
Mulligan (equal), 2, Harry Feeney,
Dan. O'Rourke, Frank Doyle, Har-
old Pethick; 3, Elmer Feeney. Hubert
Feeney, Louis Morris, C, Carrie Kraus
skopf, Teresa Connelly, Mary Bren-
Botany, 1, Francis Ryan, Margaret
Drake, Francis Krauskopf, Marie
Krimakopf, Mary O'Reilly; 2, Harold
Pethick, Mary Brennan; 3, Angela
Mulligan, Harry Feeney, Teresa Con-
neily, Carrie Krauskopf, Elmer Feen-
e); C. Frank Doyle, Dan O'Rourke,
Latta Morris; failed, Hubert Feeney,
Latin, 1, Margaret Drake, MarVis
Drake (equal), Angela Molligan, Ca-
therine Donnelly, Harry Feeney Wm.
Rama Carrie Krauskorif, Marie Kratt-
stoma Francia Ryan, Elmer Feeney,
Mary °Reilly, Mary Coyne, Harold
Pethick, Sarah Coyne, Francia Kraus-
kopf, Teresa Connelly; 2, Mary Bren-
nan, Louis Morris; C. Dan O'Rourke,
Frank Doyle, Hubert Feeney.
French, 1, Angela Mulligan, Marg-
aret Drake, Mary O'Reilly. Harold
Pethick, Mary Brennan, Francis Ry-
an, Sarah Coyne, Mary Coyne, Harry
Finmey, Carrie Krauskopf, Teresa
C+++111ellY, Elmer Feeney, Marie Kratt-
...knpr, Frank Doyle, Dan O'Rourke,
failed, Hubert Feeney, Louis Morris,
Francie Krauskupf.
'Mrs. Jas. Sullivan is visiting with
her father, Nfr. Frank Gallagher, for a
•3, Sarah Coyne, Louis Morris; C M
.john Shannon has returned or Dill, 1. Frank , M.
m i,th 6
Harriston, of Montreal. He also vis- IK)istatuskoPt, Joe, O'Rourke, Marion
ited Torome and Streets_ Dila Bernice McGrath: 3, Veronica
ita Adam Dodds. iif Myth, and ;Lati
Nn. I. Rose Krauskopf, Rose Cr-
aliae Cent Campbell, of lIcKillop, aonnor, Margaret O'Rourke, Joseph
spent Sunday with Mr. and lefts. W. O'Rourke, Dorothy O'Rourke; 3, Ma-
+ lonlaill; C, Flernice McGrath,
Dhysics, 1, Margaret O'Rourke,
Dorothy O'Rourke, Kenneth Dill; 2,
Veronica Dill, John McGrath; 3, F.
Smith, Win. Dantzer; C, Annie. Ryan,
Bridget O'Loughlin; below 50. F.
Mr. Wes. Clark. who is barbering in
Stratford, spent Sunday at his home
in McKillop.
Dr. and Mrs. F. Neal, who were
here attending the funeral of Dr,
.Neera father, have returned tot mid MeltratIl• Ilrt-IYII Melady. .
i Chemistry, Margaret O'Rourke, F.
: home in Peterhoro,
Nira. Day, of Presem, who wee here Smith, M. Jordan, jos. O'Rourke; 2,
attendiag, the fttnera • ,i her node,. Mai 'Rose O'Coanor.. "Wan Dantzer, Dor-
- W. Neal. returned 1,.. ..1Ur home Sumd ofhy 0,Rourke, Helen Krauskopf, F.
,lay. . 1 oGrath, . John McGrath; 3, Marion
Wm. Neal, Sr, --On Thursday even.] Dia, C Rose Krauskopf, K-enneth Dill,
helaw 50. Bernice McGrath.
ing. Nov. 10th, there paased. away at.
hmWalton,,18 is hoe in Walto, n old realdenti ,Yrne' D'n"I4 Benninger. Veronica
.'1.?°I'm It's -Eng. Lite 1, Kathryn
in the person of .N1r. William .
Neal 1 'tolyneaux, Loretto Delaney, Cathe-
Air. Neal was in hie WI year and; M
rine Donnelly, Nora .McGrath, Helen
Murray; 2, Wm. Ryan, John McIver,
Marvis Drake, Zack Ryan; 3, Jos. 0'.
1 eine, Francia Stapletoa JoS. Doyle,-
east hm
e, in poor health ioi sotm...
time. He was born in Adeithorpe,
LinedInshi•re, England, in 1842. and.
cam,. to Ibis 0oll1110- when 3 P--41,11-1 Teresa McCormick; C, Pat. AnCon-
!Tian .of sereateen Years, 'ac."mPall'''' 'nen. Clarence Looby, Albert Green-
i.y Mr. Chaa. Sherriff, who laise Iny i,wow ..
i 'Oa Wm. Smith.
earne hi, -partner in business. El 1 ''
Eng..Comp. 1. Loretto Delaney, N.
li\ ed first around Orono and °show°, McGrath, Jos. O'Reilly, Pat McCall -
late,. moving ta, Binevale, where ite veil Kathryn Byrne, V. Molyneaux,
etir•i in the milling business f
„ i'v Catherine Donnelly, Zack Ryan, John
-erfa-ral a rare. They tater purenaseeLa Ileleer, Helen allures., Francis Step -
tura 'r, Biaissele, forliterty o.wm.....,1 aq Icz.011. 11111 Ryan. 2, Donald Benninger,
Mr. 'in.:a o-:'. whioh a,'" rlTia.ce" 01. 'reresa McCarmick, Wm. Smith, Mar-
sh,' st a+if., mill which still etands. els Drake, James .Doyle, Albert Gortn-
flie ' - '+'itii+.1 tbere until ISM seismal ,:
C. Wilfred Krauskopf.
a aa.... ts _
eCrii.,, to '1'.10 ie,ith of Mr• Shet#1. Algebra, 1, Ii, Benninger; A, Katits.
Naar:, rialiefilth, this Imaineee• po„rut7„ m,,,13.7neaux, Nora Itc.
eats alven !...-0, :t!',1 Mr. Neal moved . Grath, Oat McConnell, Zack Ryan,
W -flaw a a 19)s fannir awl arlabl''''A" Bernice McGrath; 3, Helen Kraus -
..1 if,ic Int,,,ni,..,,,, li..,.!11 1«, itiri ini. .4.,ii , 0, 'i. 1., Diu, margaret Jordan; (7,
ha vt. ..i...10 riot in -.9 ,,1100.0,sitt113 "ve' clareece
,Lotaby. Evelyn
Mobil, t.o.
shie41,a- alo e,tre• •• •.!ilttey, :ruieStaRlet;, Jos.
‘ . ,,,I.491,.h,,0•,D‘il,,rt1;.iyldsy,ier,,:Ie.
0,1„•11 1--.1-., .Mks 6.a hritt. 1,,,titk. belu450.
R1; Krauskopf.
A lls, ...l.il SUlr'-i1e, HA: also Lave, 11,,,, aemoo.„,. ),,im aeasa.aa, 11000, 11'.' \l, , i ;. Neal, ..)t. %N. -Alton, smith.
e •:..11..ts Cite -10•4411c'-r ''''.- C.:dn.-try I %thee+ Gormley; 2, D.
taldishe 1 ',A and 1.rank 7actc 10,ar; 3,
Neal, The 14111:I041 1-03' _Pa,. NleConnell, rause MeCermick,
held ••0 ,iftertfoon font: math...1th. 1..rant15 0taplet4m.
Chr, t • ihe t 1 10 .1 Meher. Clarence Luilby, Ver.
tery. The des 18 's'll•lar440,,,, '111-",t Molyneaux, jos. f Kath -
Rosa IN a, Ntaliers, assiated :Oa n Lovett , DelatleY, Helen
R. A. Lamle, af Nile, a former past -r w •;, I • I -4- • ')
And 2, p,„atn- mr. and Mra. I:rank Evans spent
. :11.e" s4Sislelli 4r1 ..n.„ 1.1,,s,7„, pat. xte„.0111. s
+ the -• ermuritv. rhr 1,"a11, fa ilt-rniee McGrath, Nfarvis • 'il•dav at thy t'f jnini
„alma...are, a,•ea rasa Young, !i7-ako, Helen 31tirray. Win. Smith, C.
4.1edst.m tolin McDonald, l'ete.": ;,,,„„1.,..„ Rasa Kro,tok,,,,,f, Donald Ben.
. , Mager, reresa To'. 0'-
, .
at eafarth, Friday, Nov. 25th
iu G.W.V.A. HALL. Those; attending Will
be well plenSed With their high cies tansic,
Gents. $1 (tax included). Ladies free
Mrs. Hugh IVIcGregor is visiting
friends in Windsor and .Detnnit.
1friends in Detroit this Week. '
'Mrs. Holstead of Goderich is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, john Jo'hns-
ton, this Week.
Mrs. Stevens visited in Varna over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Berry spent
Sunday in Wingham.
Mr, and afrs. Jas. Andrews, Evelyn,
and Mr. aad Mrs,.Ernest Putnam and
daughter of London spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. J. McDonald.
;Miss Annie Whiteman of Westfield
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Stackhouse.
Death of ' Sam. Jobnstona-aWith
startling suddenness death came to
a, fine resident Of the community on
Tuesday when Mr. Samuel Johnston.
expired while loading chop at the mill
in Bruectield after dinner, Mr, Corn-
ish had given him a bag of chop and
gone back for another. On his return
he found Mi. Johnston had collapsed.
He is survived by his widow, who was
formerly Miss Annie Elgie,. and- one
child, Olive; also one brother and
four sisters, John, who lived with him,
Mrs, J, Metcalf of London, Mrs, Ro-
bertson Woods, Mrs. Thos. Canapbell,
2nil concession o'f Staeley, and ss
Charlotte Johnston. The funeral 11
take place Thursday afternoon roto
Ole late residence, Bayfield road, to
Baird's cemetery.
E. W. Batman, Tailor, YUUT OW11 troilalialli
made up at roanonatilo prices. Upstairs ever
Mr, told Mrs. Will Gorier, Mrs, E. Nesting's, mato Etreoet,saeuttiticivrtalin., oi Toarami...
BLYTH. home of Mr. James Richinond during
the week end. • her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 0'-
to,MsigntNitohleliewaeek-end at the home of
Lyon and Miss Esther visited at 'the
itEreeable weather, the regular meet- from' visiting friends and *relatives at S• ullifirNT.n.,foseph Murphy, of Stratford,
United Y. P. S. - Owing to the dis- Miss Minnie Yea has returned home
lig of the United Y.P.S. held in St. Goderich, Heltnesville and Clinton. was a week -end visitor at the home of
Andrew s church on Monday evening, Mrs. Henry Richmond is visiting at Mr. and Mrs, Peter H. McGrath,
sence of Miss A. Garrett, •Miss Wor- rich Hibbert,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack, of RIO -
id) presided, opening the meeting Mr. and Mrs. J. &fickle and famOY chester, N.Y,, visited over the week -
with hymn 552, followed by a ' few of Wallace spent the week end at the end with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Con-
mints of prayer by Dr. Barnby. Af- lioine of' Mrs. Mickle's parents, Mr. nor, Hibbert, and Mr. ,atial Mrs. Peter
son. taken front Matthew 25:31.40, Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson Nicholson tend Eckert, McKillop,
Miss Mary O'Sullivan •was a Toron-
ter the next hymn, the Scripture les- and afrs, E. Laundy.
by read the Bible reading explanation. on Sunday. to visitor during this week.
Mr. Peter Moloney ° has mor0. than
was read responsively. Miss R. Barns' family visited Mr. George Nicholson
This evening being one devoted in 34,.. and Mrs. Juo, Grasby were the an extra broad smile coining these
missionary work, the topic, "Triui- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley jers days, The reason of it all is his good
did going au School and to Church," myn, Jamestown, Sunday. wife has presented hint with a fine
was given in an interesting manner by Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Iona
Mies Pearl Williams. A _ pleasing are spending a week with relatives ba'by girl.
The following is the report for the
musical fleet was given by Mrs. Mc- ai Jamestown. first term of S.S. No, 3, St. Columban.
Elroy and Miss Gidley. After it few 31r. and Mrs, Chas. Nicholson spent The names are in order of merit, Stu -
minutes of business, the meeting was Sunday with Lorne and Mrs. Roe in deota obtainitus- 75 per cent. and up
hronght to a close by singing hymn McKillop. are entitled to First Class Honors;
63, and repeating the Lord's prayer Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit of Au- 66-74 inclusive, to Second Class Hon -
in unison, burn were guests on Sunday of Mr. oars; 60-65, Third: Class Honours; 50 -
Queen St. W.M.S.--The President, and Mrs. Thos. Grasby. 59, to a credit: 50 per cent. is a pass.
Mrs. flarnby, occupied the chair at 'Miss V+ina Wyatt spent Sunday This applies to the Continuation work
the monthly meeting on Tuesday, with her cousin, Mrs. Lorne Roe.
Nov. 8th. Mrs. E. Bender gave an (Too late for last week) °11Krin 11. -French, Agnes McGrath
exceedingly helpful reading from the Mrs. Clarence Johnston visited her 70, Clarence Malone 74, Joseph Was
devotional leaflet, "Our Responsive- aunt Mrs. Thos. Shoebottorn of Bel-
ness to Human Need." The President grave nn WednasdaY, hams 73, Francis Williams 70.
'Latin, Agnes McGrath 82, Joseph
and Mrs. Sibthorpe and Mrs. Lyon Mr, and afrs. Henry Pierce gave a Williams 74, Clarence Malone 52,
took the first chapter of the new dance to their many friends on Thurs.
story book, "New Paths for Old day• night. Every 011.C. reported Francie Williams 22.
Physiography, Agnea :McGrath 60„
Purposes," Mrs. Gidley conducted a having a good time. Joseph Williams 65, Francis Williams
very impressive exeecise with the life Mr. and 'Mrs. Russell Bradshaw and 54, Camilla Coyne 44, Clarence Ma..
ineinbers of the Auxiliary. About 25 and Harney spent the week -end with
members were present. It was tie- the former's brother and parents Mr. lone absent.
'Botany, Agnes McGrath 71, Camila
decided to make the December meet- and Mrs. John Green', •
ing a social one, Mrs. Marshal is spendiag a week la Coyne 63, Joseph Williams 62,
St Andrew's W.M.S.-The month- with her daughter Mrs. 0. Hicks of iFornaenc513s. WilliamS" 53, Clarence irks -
Church W.M.S. vas held ott Tuesday, 'The tax. eP:lector, Win. Bryclgea of nes McGrath 69, Francis Williams (a-,
'Can. Hist., Joseph Williams 89, :fp_
ly meeting of St. Andrew's United CentraPa•
November 15th, with a good attend- Belgrave, is Making his annual call
mice tif members. The Bible lesson these da)ta 55.
Clarence Malone 62, Camilla Coyne
was taken by Mrs. Latimer. The nee , Mrs. ,1,...e. Phelan, has returned .Arithinetic, Agnes McGrath 76, CI,
study book was introduced +by Mrs. twine after spending a week with her tnilla Coyne 70, Joseph Williams 69,
Pete, Gardiner. Mrs. Gardiner gave sister, Miss. Eillen Carbert of Clinton.
a splendid discussion on the subject. Francis Williams. 56, Clarence Ma-
lone 50.
The meeting closed by repeating the HuLLETT. Algebra, Dennis Feeney 90, Agnes
Lord's prayer in natant'. iNliss Gibson, of Blyth, spent the McGrath 85, Frank Moylan 72, Mary
Mr, Norman Sanderson has been weleilrt:enEddtlyviitnh Mcarsr.waliogohnt. rournai O'Connor 69. James Atkinson 63,
Saturday after ;pearling a cooPle of Charles Miles 60, Joseph Williams
returned home cm Saturday.
Mr. I,. .Seeds. of Detroit, spent the
holiday at his home here.
1.3. King, who spent the past
t wo weeks visiting her daughters at
Elms -ale and Toronto, motored home
with her sou, F. King, 00 Friday.
Miss Anna Faliott, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with her aunt, 'Mrs,
J. Fraser, and her parents, Mr. and
'Mrs. 1'. Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. j, L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon, uf Galt, spent the
holiday week -end with their daugh-
ter, Mre. F. H. Paull, at the Rectory.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord and Miss
Gladys :Davison and Mr. T. Mallen,
nf laindon, spent the holiday with
31 rs. J. Davison.
The well known evangelist", Cross-
ley and Leonard, have mat complet-
ed a ten day campaign at St. Andrew's
United Churcli under the pastorate of
Rev. R. M. Gale. The meetings were
all well attended and the sermon
messages of Dr. Crossley touched all
hearts deeply and the song service of
Mr. Leonard was greatly enjoyed.
Some thirty-five or forty were led to
make a definite confession of their
faith in Christ and others to renewed
Excellent for +Croupy Children. -
When a child is suffering with croup
it is a good plan to use Dr, Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. It reduces the inflam-
mation and loosens 'the phlegm giving
apeetly relief to the rheumatic pains,
cuts. bruises and sprains. Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil i$ regarded by
inany thousands as an indispensable
of the family medicine chest.
Mr, and Mrs, E, A.IcAsh and daugh-
ter Niarjorie and son Arthur, of Lon-
don, formerly of Calgary, visited the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas
and Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie over
the Week end. Mrs. George Sparks
of Seaforth;. sister of Mrs. 3./IcAsh,
accompanied 'them to their home.
Mr, and Mrs, R. N. Douglas and
daeghters Gladys and .Margaret, vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R..
Allan nit Sunday.
Miss Hazel Haugh attended the C.-
G.I.T, banquet at North Side Church,
Seaforth, on Friday evening last,
A joint meeting of the U.F.O. and
named as the third man of the local
53, John Miles 53, Clarence Malone 52,
months in the West. Jnlin Shea 46. Camilla Coyne 46, Fran-
IMr. Wm. Hopper. of Seaforth, has cis \Villiama 40. Absent, Leo O'Sul-
'been busy around these parts with his liven and Norman Miles,
tin's and Mr Thus. Little's both on Mr, and Mra. Wm. Dow on Frlday meGrath 70, John Shea 70, Char;kes
well -drilling outfit at Mr. Fred Ans- will be held at the home of! Composition and Spelling, Agnes
the 12th, and Mr. Richard S'anderson, evenings
on the 14th of Hullett. Mr, Stewart Knox of Toronto visit -
Friends of Mrs. li. Adains wish ed at the home of his grandmother,
her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Wilson, during the past week.
Mont Ida Lyon spent aunday with The Marion Oliver Mission Circle
are planning to PIA DI1 a play ou Fri -
they were also served to a fowl Alp... Nliss NI. Cartwright.
Mrs. Will NicLaughlin Liman is I BORN- bert and Mary," is a missionary ros
day evening, Nov. 25. The play
here. - Seaforth hospital, on mance. Any who have read the plaY,
visiting her mother and other friends
Wednesday, Nov. 9t11, 1927, to 'Mr, "The 'Moffatt's," will he quite famil-
Mr. Nelson Nicholson has perch:is- iiillidhhAeirrt.,.a‘Ndranui.ghlt'e.rMorris, con. 6, tar with the story.
ed a tractor. Mrs. W. Stackhouse has returned
Nfiss Loretto Healy has returned to
4elding committee Inc- - the Ontario
tew days. Wheat Pool. Mr. 'Chas. Josling awl
.N•frs. Patrick Ryan, Jr. and childreti , Mr. Russell .Richmond are the other
are spendiag a 'week with her parents' two members of the eommittee, -
in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Howatt spent
Mr. .John Williams. +.1 Chicago. the week end with their -daughter,
011 friends in his old 110lrle 011S'11.1, Air, Norman
011 Sunday. Mr. and Airs. John Young spent
Mrs, Edward Gormley is spending Sonday with Win. Skelton where they
O couple of weeks wit•li frieads in partook of a •fowl dinner and leaving
Beffalo. • there went to. Wm. Brown's where
:Me and Mrs. Lnuia Kranakopf vis-
ited at the home of Mr. Leo. Kraus-
Mr. Vete. Maloney oears a ensile.
It's - a girl.
Mr, 'Mils. .Pureell spent Sunday at
the: home. of Ids uncle. Mr. Frank
I; red 1<rauSkopf. • ' f l.''.Ated at the home ef Mr. Jas.
Misses Lacy Burke and Rose
,, • Delaney.
Loreato Delaney, -Annie Ryan,
.'f ,Fordwiae12.. Margaret Jordan. Helen Krauskopf;
-• fa- putt: nnline 50. Nora McGrath, Wilfred
aneell last emialay. I. he pastor,
Rev. Mr. Mainea. eenducted annivers
-ary fereices at laordwich.
alis and Mrs. jack Tranliuson
Pint, aliciar visited over the
,vveig-emi Mr. Henry Tomlinson.
Mr. Dan. Steiss has
arauskopf, Albert Gormley, Veron-
ica, Molyneanx, Veronica Dill, Francis
Sl4f)b."44ill, Catherine Donnelly, John
McIver, Wm. Ryan.
French, 1, Nora McGrath, John Ile'
rath, Evelyn Nfelarly, 'Kathryn Byrne
• --------------------------17011 Niolyneaux, Loretto Delan.
iv -luting trip in Muskoka. ,•y, Pal. MCG'il4Stli.1; 4, Catherine Don-
Csaa,tsflife. ot St, nrily. Helen .Kratiskopi, Annie Ryan,
seated Mr. h. Jael-‘00 imnday last.
Mr, and Mrs. 0. 5•4licr and par -
cuts, lir. and Mrs. '1'. Clark, moored
a+ Stratford on Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett are get-
ting. nicely settied in their new home.
Mrs. Hurley and children, of Heira
easing, arc a'. presmeting visiting her
laughter, Mrs. C. Sellers.
Mr. and Mr. James 1.4MS011 41111
daughter Lyla. visited at the home or
Mrs, •Charles Drager over Sunday.
At the ICE, meeting, the topic was
taken by D. Innis, Mr. Chandler gave
0 very interesting talk to the young
The Y:P. Society will hold a social
evening on Fri., the 18th.
Wallace Sholdiee, of Niagara Falls,
••pent 'Thanksgiving with friemis in
Mr. R. Reid Waii threehing on Mon-
Mr. 'rho,. (lark is ahle to be out
.Miss Graf:6 E. Somerville Visited
with 'alias Mors Harris over the
week -end.
W. .S110Idieu: 11.4S returned from the
West. He looks though the stow].
or. agered with him.
Mrs, J. Frye,: is on the sick list f•ar
the past two weeks. She has a very
bad cold and is centined to bed.
Mr. and Mrs 5 Johnston, of Bifth,
viaited with Mr. and Mrs, C. ring.
resa 31ot.orinick, Francis Staple -
•.,1S, Zach Ryan, Helen Mtyray; 3,
1,...mieth Dill, Clarence Looby: C, J.
John McIver, Wm Dantzer,
fos. O'Reilly, Albert Gormley: below
or Wm. Ryan. Wilfred Krauskopf, W.
Latin, 1, Nora McGrath, Veronica
Molyneaux, Loretto Delaney, John
McGrath, Clarence Looby, Pat Mc-
Connell, Helen Murray; 2, Evelyn Me -
lady, 'Helen Kranskonf, 'Fratleis Staple
ton, Albert Gormley, Kenneth Dill,
Kathryn Byrne, Zech Ryan; 3, Wm
Irantzer, J. Doyle, C, Teresa McCor-
mick, John _McIver; below 50. Win,
Zoology, 1, Donald Benninger, Ver -
mica Molyneaux, Francis Stapleton,
lawetto Delaney; 2, Kathryn Byrne,
Zack Ryan, 'Was. Smith, Catherine
Donnelly, Helen Murray, \Val. Ryan;
3, Clarence Lonby, Teresa afeCors
inick, Pat -McConnell; C, Nora Mc-
Grath, John McIver, Jos. O'Reilly, J.
Doyle, Albert Gorsnley, Nfarvis Drake,
Physiography, I, Donald Benninger,
nide Ryan, Bernice McGrath, Zech
Ryan, Veronica Nfolyneaux, Marvis
Drake. Fralicis Stapleton: 2, Kathryn
fissile, Nora McGrath, Jos O'Reilly,
Catherine Donnelly, 'aVoi, Ryan; 3,
reresa McCormick, Clarence Looby,
Albert Gortnley, Sarah Coyne; C,
!obit McIver, Wm. Smith, Pat Mc-
Connell, Helen Murray, Loretto De-,
from Westfield where she has been
New Hamburg where she is teaching. .Powerful Medicine.-- The 'healing , visiting for to few days.
.. Miss Afary Healy has returned properties to in six essentialr
oils are 1 .M, Elwood .Stackhouse is attending
as`,.. and airs, j. Ts aresraugssay Thomas' Eclectric C)il, .formifig rine of oweek tai the Hama boys'• judging
Liman after visiting her parents here. concentrated every bottle of Dr., the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this
spent Sunday vng isitiClintou friends. the 111.fat beneficial liniments ever of- 'teatn.
lager' ta the uee fff man. •Niany can. Mra. W. 'Douglas has returned front
testify as to its power in allaying pain,31arletze, Mich., where she .11as bean
and many more can certify that theSti
owe their health to it. Its wouderfull 1) is Mary Woolley spent SW.10..S
power is not expressed by the' emalli With Miss Mildred Taylor of Tacker-
an d
Mrs. James Hill and lir.
end Mrs. Leith and family of Strat-
ford spent Stmclay at the bottle of atr,
A. Caldwell.
Mr. end Mrs. Harry Taylor spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Wal -
Mr. Harvey Radio has returnedi Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Kelly and Mrs
.01 wde here ho laoperats. Jar. Nally sPent the week end With
nig stealn roiler Inc the King Lon-
strue thin CLI.
Mrs. Campbell)an
.1 family have ;eft
to take up their lieW home in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Morris' are
onifirtably settled in tilde new hOnte
here. We .vviah them long life.
Mr. John Darling has installed a
WeStillgh011Se receiving set • iu
11, residence.
Mr. and 3Irs. Garfield Smith ilave
rettirlied from their honeymoon and
are "eenti-i,ing lir, Patrick Stapleton's
house, - -
Mr. Frank McConnell. is busily ens
gaged harvesting his large crop of
turnips. -
IWe are gettitt.". wonderful reception
froin - our Westinghouse Radio re-
ceivers,- Co.me• in fan demonstration,
T. ja Nfolyneaux, Dealer.
(Too late Inc last week).
lir. W. 'M. Doig 0114 Janet speut a
ay in Clinton recently.
'3,51 -go Mac Doig of Stratford visited
dth her friend, Janet Doig, over the
week end.
Mrs. 13,arbara MeGiven of Sault Ste
Marie, Minh., visited her cousin, 'Wm.
Ddig, Jr. and. ,ither friends.
Mr. A. M. Doig of Detroit recently
visited with his uncle, W. M. awl Nfrs.
the week end.
,Mr. Jim, C. Doig of this place, a gra-
duate of the Port Huron high school
and who attended the Port Huron
tiollege the past two years, is now
attending the Detroit College of Law.
‘Yhile attending Me Port Huron high
school and nollege he was one of their
debaters and received a lovely pin this
year Inc debating, on Which was in_
scribed the bust of Cicero.
On Wednesday last, Mr, W. M.
i-atortli friends.
Air. and Mrs. la J. Kelly called on
friends in Wingham. during the week..
Mrs. Jelin Heirron is improving
rtittely under the care f' Nur
oae Ross.
Sir, Earl Healy spent Ineeday in
Seaforth on busittess.
Mr. Jae, Phelan has purchased a
new Star coach, • •
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rogerson and fam-
SNLY.susile7nt Sunday at the home- of Wes.
Mr. Earl Healy and 311111 and Fergus
Kelly called on Whitebait -I friends ov-
er the week end.
Mr. Fergus Kelly left Monday for
Toronto where he has secured a good
Miss Monica Cronin of Detroit is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ar-
thur Cronin,
Mr. John Emigh held a very suc-
cessful sale of household furniture on
Saturday last. It is Mr. Emigh's in-
tention to live with his son, Will, in
Grand Valley.
The fowl eupper under the auspiees
of the Women's Institute held in Me-
morial hall nn 'Friday evening of liast
week was a decided success. The hall
was well filled and the Stratford or-
chestra put on a good entertainment,
The prds oceeamounted to well up to
Dr, and Mrs, McIntyre of Clinton
were 13lyth visitors on Friday last.
--afrs. Steve White who underavent a
very serious operation last week in
Wingham hospital, is iinproving nice -
Mr, and Mrs. Bert McElroy and
daughter Audrey and .Mr. and Mrs.
Earl McElroy of Detroit were week
-'54 visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H, McElroy,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brigham and
Degg, lawyer of Port Huron, erected daughter Isabell Hullett were
an addition to his 'barn here and did! guests at the home of Mr. Jainee
be frieg himself. Richmond op Sunday.
price at which it sells.
)Too late for last week.)
Mr. E, 'L. Brown spent the week-
end at laetruit.
Mrs. Id, Allen, who has been visit-
ing Mre. J. Toms and friends in the 1per, at Zurich.
village, returned to Pt. Dover on Nfiss Clete Pepper has accepted ;I
Tuesdays., i aosition as clerk at Smith's bakeslinp
Mrs. Jas. Reid and Mrs. J. Hensall,
Baker, who were visiting Miss M.1 Mr, Pltilip McKenzie is sporting a
Fc.rgitson returned to Detroit on' new Ferd sedan, so girls, look sharp.
Monday Mr. Thos. Wheeler is visiting with
Mr, nnti 'Mrs. Harold Ring and
Mr. \Valiant Parker, af Sarnia, spent
"rhanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Clia.s. Parker.
,Mrs. j. Heard is visiting her eon, . ,
Leonard Heard, at Clinton. Inc utuicil of the •Corporation ot
the County of Huron will meet in
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Snell, of De.,
troit, spent the holiday with the lat- the Couticil Chamber, Goderich, at 2
ter's mother, Mrs, ,H, Peck, o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday
of the 6th day of December, 1927. All
tMr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, iemihnn, spent Tha„hsgiehtg, with. accounts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday preceding the meeting
of Council.
At this meeting. of County Council
the appointment of a County Treas-
the aatter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Ruth .Higgins, of Lomlou, is
visiting her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. W.
Higg-i n s.
Miss Ann Dewar, of Toronto, spent urer and also an Inspector fer the
the Thanksgiving week -end with her ' House of Refuge will be made. Ap-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Dewar, plications Inc the above positions to
Messrs, Lawtence and Fred FoveaeI be sent or delivered to the under.
signed Co. Clerk on or be,fore Satur-
day, Dee. 3rd, 1927.
County Clerk.
Coderich, Nov, 5th, 1927. 48
nio man or woman should hobble
painfully about becatise of corns
when so certain a nine is at nand as
Holloway's Corn Remover.
of London, spent Thanksgiving with
her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, jas, Fowlie.
Air. and Mrs. j. McDonald, of De-
troit, were guests over the week -end
with ahe latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Weston.
.Rey. and Mrs, W. Townshend and
family and Miss Mary Elliott, of
Berrie, spent Thailksgiving day with
Mr. and .Mrs. Thai. Elliott.
Miss Maud Castle, who has been
visiting in Detroit 'for eeverai e•eeks,
Send tis the names of your visiters.
Miles 68, Joseph Williams 65, James
Atkinson 65, Frank Alnylan 61, Mary
O'Connor 00, Dennis1Feeney 5(t. Fran-
cia Williams 55, Camilla Coyne 53, J.
afiles 51, Abseil: Clarence Malone,
Leo O'Sullivan, Norman Miles,
Fe,rtt 11. aticl 1. rci,sfiteipaliti w,in
)3, Dettni,, Feeney 82, James Atkin-
son 75, Charles Miles 73, Mary O'-
Connor 73, john Shea 70, Francis
'Williams 67, Frank Moylan 67, John
Miles 53, Camilla Coyne 48. Absent:
Clarence Malone. Leo O'Sullivan, N.
Form la Iaennis Feeney 91,
Camilla Coyne 90, Charles Miles 86,
aatiik Moylan 85, alary O'Connor 80,
John Shea 70, James Atkinson 54, jno,
Milea 50. Absent: Leo O'Sullivan,
'French, Camilla Coyne 90, Frauk
Nioylan 80, Dennis Feeney 75, Mary
O'Connor 57, John Shea 55, babitselmoa-----'
Mace 55, Charles Miles 47, Absent:
Leo O'Sullivan and Norman Milos
Arithmetic, Dennis Feeney 90, Jno,
Shea 83, 'Prank Moylan 80, Mary 0' -
it or 66„Tanies Atkinson 57, Chas.
Miles 56, john Miles 50.
Physiography, Frank Nioylan 67,
Nlary O'Connor 62, James Atkinson
1+0, Dennis Feeney 57, Charlie Miles
37, John Shea 43, John Miles 33,
sent, Leo O'Sullivan, Norman Milest.
Botany. Frank Moylan 70, Mary
O'Connor 62, Dennis Feeney 61, John
Shea 61, Charles Miles 59, John Miles
52, James Atkinson 40.
Canadian History, attic's Atkinson
78, Frank Moylan 76, Mary 04
nor 68, Dennis Feeney 67, John SI
56, Charles Miles 55, John Miles 50.
Sr IV. (Entrance Class) John
FIolland 70, Mary Delaney 69, Bridget
Delaney 65. Alice Flannery 61.5, John
McQuaid 61, John Flannery 59.5. 4.
Jr. TV. --Catherine Flannery 05.5,
Rale Holland 63, Alphonse Cronin 50,
mi. ward afelady 58. ('Absent Inc
whole or part, Jas. O'Sullivan, Nor-
man McQuaid, john Hart, Mary
Sr, Has -Agnes Delaney, Loretta
Holland, Edward Hart, Hanna Cron-
in, Mary McQuaid, Mary Miles, Flor-
ence O'Sullivan,
Jr. II. --Mary Murphy, Mary
Sullivan, Fergus Melady, Edward O'-
11. - Tom hfelady, .Albert Hart,
Jack Cronin,
Sr, I. - Irene McQuaid, Inllian
Miles, Margaret, Murphy, Ella 'O'Sul-
livan, Benedict Hnllantl, JoSeph O'-
Pra-lafitry tHart, Lot:is OiRcilly,
Edward [Roach, Isabel Roach, Leek
Roach, Ralph Nfurray,