HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-10, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 PORK AND BEANS is an appetizing dish, even for those who are not hungry.There is one essential, however, in malting an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor andwe pride ourselves that we know how to supply'. just the right cutfor the purpose. Try it once. You'll want it often. Phone 58 Seaforth. H. STEWART Your Butcher: Red hire lehain Stores Cent Real t Week 3 lbs Seedless Raisins 30c 3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins 39c 6 pkgs. MacLaron's Jelly Pow- ders 39c 9 bars I', and Gt.:Soap 39c tins Soup, any flavor 39e 1 tin Sery-us Floor Wax 39c 1 large pkg. Quick Quaker. Oats 390 (With Chintz Prelninuhl)' These pricesare special until Nov. 17th only Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 , W. M. Stewart Phone 77 eRt t: The Dairy Farther is assured of good markets the whole for his Dairy yearProd Products. Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream Of the best quality and send your cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct, We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. When you need a new Cream -Separator see the NEW MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal, Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W J. Walker 81, Son UNDERTAKING —and— EIVII3ALMING • Motor or Horse Equipment W. 5, WALKER, holder of 'Go- ceritment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial 'Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used, .1[h'1RS GIFTS F R EVERYOIsle Among the finest gifts anyone can give are the .Fuller Sete packed in holly boxes -Fuller Vanity Gases, Dresser Sete, Men's Sets, a Little Lady'N 'toilet Bet and dozens of others Fuller Brushes You select Fuller gifts in the com- fort of your own hone. The day you want them delivered 1 bring them nicely wrapped in holly boxes ready or sending or mailing. For apeeial Christmas demnustratio write rue No obligation. HOOFER The Puller Service Mian Box 880 Seaforth, Ont. Reduod Prices Ladies' and gentlemen's haircuts now. 35c la est bobs no 3 Al]. the �. t w Fit, at lie Dennison & Pullman Barber Shop ;Just aground the corner - in Dominion Bank- x Building Phone '125 5 Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. Towey Hesidonce—Jatltes St, Your Telephone Patrol —a PERSONAL Service 'Your service depends on more t:teen just the way your own in- rrurnent and line. are- working. Any moment you may cell for connection with a telephone two, ten, a hundred or a thousanoi 1•iiles away. Your call may follow one of t+e •coat long distance highways, or gad oft along some winding pole i'ne into the next county, slut, whichever it may be, your .:rviee is constantly patrolled, in rucks and ears and afoot, along two mullion miles of wire in Onta- -10 and. Quebec - to see that storm and ,sleet, wind and flood ;ire out -manoeuvred -ti see that the track is quicldy cleared for roarcall. when the elements get the upper hand. These men are servir,g you i'mr. sonally. With thein it's not just a 'clay's work, but a job in Your interest. cs t { ,5l, . FA7 Miller's Worn Powders will drive worms from ,the system without in- jury to the child. 'The powders are so easy to take that the most delicate stomach can assimilate them ,and wel- colne„'thena as speedy easers of pain, because 'they promptly remove . the worms that cause. the -pain and thus the suffering of the child is relieved, \Vitls so sterling a remedy at hand no dolt should suffer an hour from W rams. THE SEAFORTH NEWS, TOWN TOPICS Miss Edna Jamieson and. Mr. Arnold Jamieson spent Thanksgiving in Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Mrs, Burch, ' Mrs, Marshall, Miss Mc1B'eath and Miss W'alker, of Lon- don, were week -end visitors with Miss Jacksoitr% - Mr. and Mrs. A L. Porteous spent the holiday week -end in Brantford visiting Mrs. Porteouss' sister, Mrs; J. H. 'Long. 'Mr. and Mrs, Will Spark, of Kin- cardine, spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mrs. Sparks' brother, Mr, Ed. Mole,' and Mrs, Mole, James street. M.r, and Mrs. John Dobie, of Maas ford, spent Thanksgiving Day with 'She Misses,McT.ennan. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beckett,.' of Strathroy,' spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs.,H. C. BBox.' Mr. and Mrs. Minnett, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs.' W. T. Box, and Mrs. Box returned to To- ronto 'with them to spend a couple, of `. tnontlts, Mr. 'Jas. Wilkinson spent theholi- day at his home in (Brampton. MIr. and Mrs. Stanley Grey, Strat- ford;. and Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Burdge, Hamilton, were holiday visitors with Mr. and rM. s, 'P7, T McMillan. Mr. Leslie McKay. Kitchener, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKay, Miss Gladys.S'hillinglaw, Toronto, MS a week -end guest with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, T. G. 'Shillinglaw, Mr. Earl Webster, of the OA,C., Guelph, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. ansi Mrs. T. J. Webster, Mrs. Brosdfootand two sons, of L'rucefield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Mitch- ell, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. Mr. Thos .Walker and Mr. Hamil- ton, of Marlette, • Mich., were the Shoe BARGAINS Friday and Saturday Women's Cushion Sole Shoes $2.93 a pr, 20 Pairs Only—Lace Shoes -8" top—Vivi Kid Leather— Heavy Flexible Soles—Rubber' Heels --Cushion Soles Sold in most Shoe Stores for $5.00 and up Sale Price $2.95 Women's ;'strap Slippers $2.245 34 Pairs Only—Women's Patent Leather Strap Slippers few Velvet --Cuban and Louis Heels --values lip l e $3,15 Sale Price $2.45 mew's Box Kip Blucher's $2.95 Box Nip Bluchers mode on a comfortable fitting Inst. with Panoo Solo and Rubber Heels Sizes fi to 10 -Sale Price $2 95 Boys' Sizes 1 to 5—Sale Price $2.46 Rubbers --- Rubbers — Rubber's All Shapes---A11-Sizes -Lowest Prices Here, you pay Less for Better Shoes EC!fNOY BO1i STUE ---Directly Opposite Commercial Hotel --- at., left Wed. morning for -California, accompanied by Mrs. -Hunter and \MissJcan Grant, of Clinton. Mr.and 'Mrs. Frank Thomson, of C Drum - guests of an and Mrs. John Iarnbro, and airs. Ladwick, of Drum - n oasttt bo,were guests of Bess and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Keys the W. P Lane on Sunday. past week. Mr. and Mr. Emerson Fisher, postmaster of Mrs. Arthur licit and little son Bruce, of Toronto, visited tinder Drayton, spent Thanksgiving at MIr, the parental roof for the holiday. John McDowell's, where' Mrs. 'Fish - Mrs. John Consitt and Mrs. .Jas, er and little daughter Jean have been Troyer received word on Friday that visiting for the past few weeks. their sister-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Hud- Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toron- son, Marlette', Mich., had suffered a to, spent the week -end with hes- troth- p e stroke, They left for Marlette on erin town. Friday and on Saturday word carne .Miss Marjory Brown,'of Toronto, Home and 'School Assn. in his past that she had died that day. bits, visited her parents, Rev, anis Mrs. T. experience and felicitated iSeafnrth Consitt and Mrs, Troyer. attended the H Brown, over'tlne holiday;, upon the 'formation of a branch. The funeral on Sunday, Misses Eleanor Hudgins and Flor- next meeting will be held on Friday, Rev. J. Melvin and Mrs. Keys and once Dinney, of London, were holi-, Nor ,25th, at eight o'clock in the daughter :Mildred, of Niagara Falls, day guests with Mr. and Sirs. E. H. evening in the Collegiate Institute N.Y. are spending the weelr with re- 'Close. Assembly Hall. The members of the lata es in town and in' Stanley. Miss McDernzid'has returned to Miss Bessie Grieve visited her bro- her home on' Goderich street after ther in 'Windsor over the holiday. fisitin chee trtorots er Mac, in Cf-fu'llett. Mrs. :Harry Grieve and 'baby returned Hiss Hart, of Windsor, is visiting with her for a couple of weeks' visit, Mrs: Thomas McQuaid, Goderich st., Mrs. McLeod, who has been quite for the winter. ill at the home of her sister, Mrs, Mrs. Sloan, of Toronto, is visiting Charters, Mill road, was ante to re-- her brother, Mr. Robt. F, Jones. Tuesday.turn to her home iu lsgmnndyil9c, on Mrs. DeLacey and Mrs, Henderson Mrs. has. Brodie has been i11 for a wort to. Toronto with Dr. Hodgins on few clays. Sunday to spend the winter. Mr, .lir, and Mrs. Lorne Hutchison and and Mrs. Russell Sorties have moved Master "Peter Hutchison, of .Toronto,, 'iii' Mrs. Henderson's house, Miss 'Dorothy Hutchison, St, Cath-' Mrs, W. R. Smith, who has spent crines, and Mr. George Hutchison, of two week in Toronto, returned with London, were week-en'd visitors with-•_Tir. and Mrs, Milton Chesney, who Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Hutchison. canoe up for the holiday. Miss Janet Govenlock, Weston Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Hildebrandt teaching staff, spent the holiday with and children spent the week -and at Mfr, and Mrs. 5. R. tGov»enlock, Kitchener. Mrs, Annie Reiil and daughter Miss Irene Hildebrandt ,i'eft Mon - Mary visited Mr. and Mlrs. Melvin day morning to take a position in Talbot, !Stanley. hitchener. A play by the young people of St. Mrs. Victor Smith, of Toronto,is Janes' Parish will be presented under visiting her another, Mrs. Dalton, for HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB. The regular monthly ntltl S -meeting Y t g o the ,Seaforth Monte and School As sociatinn was held on ;Wednesday of tcrnooa at 4 p,n„ Nov. 2nd, in Sea for Public School. Mrs, F, Js. Bur rows read a most excellent ane thought producing paper entitled The Web of 'Education." 'Mrs. Mc- Lean then gave a talk on parliament- ary procedure, and followed it up by cleverly arranged illustrations. Mr. 'Crawford. Principal of the .School, in the course of a brief address,sol of the gond work accomplished by the BLAKE, Ii. Steekle and sons have now con pleted their threshing season, Max Eberhat•t is spending a sho visit in 'Kitchener this week. Miss Freda Talbot and Mr, ,Roy Scotchtner were married on Saturday at 'BayEfield. Mr. and Mfrs, John S'teckle are vis iting with friends in Waterloo, Mrs, Brooks, of Thedford, is visit- ing at the home of. Mr, and Mrs, John Flohner, PAGE FIVE Monday visitors with the latter's siss 1- tor, MIr,. Geo.:Mcl'aggaf-t in Seforth. Messrs henry and Ernest Sander - rt, son and Miss. Tena Lamont spent Monday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. ,L Dickson Seaforth. School report: 'Sr. IV ._ Leslie Beattie 742, Olive Knox 69. Jr. IV: - - I Gladys Leiper 72, John Rapson 69, Al- vin :Stevens 64. III --+Helen McGregor 81, Jack McEvrIng 72, Margaret Beattie 67. II --Marry Rapson 79, May Lycliatt 77, I: -Willie Taylor 83,, Irla Leiper 78, Watson Reid 61. Pr. - -Jimmy McE'wiug 75. Marjorie Bickel!, Teacher. Don't forget the HARLOCK, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matin, of Alma, visited at the home of David Reid and family an Sunday, 'Dr, and Mrs. 'Whitfie'ld; and little Chester, of , Listowel, also Mrs. Maude .Sherbert, formerly a graduate nurse of Seaforth Hospital,. visited Mir. Isaac Raposn's on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held their Novem- ber meeting' 'Friday, the '4th, at the home of Mrs. David Reid. Although the day was not very tempting, there was s good attendance S f th p, Mrs. Dale of near Alma, and Mrs: John S1ian tion of McKillop. ,Muss' Marjorie Colson entertained a number of the Short course girls and Junin'- Farmers Friday evening. The first part of the evening was taken by business affairs, after which the re- mainder of the evening was spent in playing game.. having lunch and dancing. Mor. Thomas Colson and Arthur motored to Bracel,ridge Saturday to visit friends, also an a hunting expe- dition Mfiv, Margaret Mali, of Clinton, silent the week end with friends here.l Mfr. Albert Lydiatt had the f fortune to give his :left foot a bad gash with the he axe _ while chopping n tvoln • pp 8 wood one a la,. Week. IIc is able _ a t, he around- with crutches now. 'Mr. and .firs. John Morrison. of i 'Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs_ Bert Allen. Mr. Norman Shepherd has purehas I est tlzc tarart h:rn.e ,-.wned by Atex.. MrEwing on his property nn the 13:1 Mr, ;Shepherd 1 having it moved ac -1 ross the road to his farm to use as a' chicken house. Harry Riley. Londes-1 boro, is doing the moving. ! Edgar 'Hoss 'Howatt, son of Mfr: and Mrs I Wm Howatt is sporting the big nes 1 wheelbarrow which he won as prize for the youngest ploughman at the( Wroxeter match recently. He also won 35.00 for best teats and 88,00 for fourth prize in ploughing. How's tt that for bringing hoe the bacon? 1 Mr. Bob Young .and son Ivan of i Port Huron spent Thanksgiving with i his .daughter, Mrs. inc. Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Me\'itfe wers at.Bennewies' Hall, BRODHAGEN Some v c )urs visitor,- were Mrs. Thomas :Appleby Nov. 17 and children, of McKillop, M.rs Lions' Club who took part in the re- cent de'b'ate. "Resolved that the Par- ents of to -day are as good as the Parents of 30 years ago,' have kindly consented to repeat the debate for the benefit of the H. and S Assn. on that -evening, and Dr. Burrows, Medi- cal Officer of Health, will gine an ad- dress, I -low the 'Community can help the M.0.S . 'and the M.O.E. help tit, Community, This will he an open meeting. All interested, 'both men and woman are cordially invited t., attend. • REBEKAH AT-HOME. The Rebekah at -hone held in the 1. 0.0. F. lodge roosts On Thursday night was attended by a large gath- ering and a very pleasant evening spent in euchre, ,followed by an exce.- lent programme and lunch. The euchre prize -winners were: Men. games, ta \V. \Vigg; Inns• hand., •\V E..Srnitin consolation, 1. J. Huggard; the auspices of the Catholic Women's n', a couple of weeks. ladies, game, M i Hicks: ks; Ione hands, t Miss Edith McKayconsolation, Miss League on Tuesday evening, Nov. Helper. Mr. M. McKellar, the 22nd. Watch for particulars next FOUND OLD COIN. genial week, d)ne dayrecently while digging a chairman, called upon the Misses 'El- er fora piano duet which they ren -1 Mr. and \Irs. l: -. Umbaclt d of To-. grave in Harpurhey cemetery, Mr, tiered in linin style, followed by a' Tonto and Miss Erie Stewart, Kinch- John Nash found an English half- ,splendid vocal duet by Messrs, Ren- euet, spent the holiday with Mir. and penny coin, hearing the date of 1844, hie and 'Stewart. Mrs. Rennie being Mrs D,' H. Stewagt • ' f six or more feet down in the hard aecntnpanist. Miss Molly Helper cif Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart nut clay. The coin must have been there the Collegiate stall delighted the au - Mrs. -Stewart Sr., was in Stratford malty years to become so firmly em- dience with an instrumental nlitnher. Mrs.silty Spedding Thanksgiving witht 'bed e was locateddd. St ecalled this t an hly Then followed community singing, property, Mn. Rennie leadingand Mr.'Iiowey. Mrs, 11 J Gtbsu and Mrs. Boyd and possibly the cosi tt is a sanall seting as accompanist.uReit- spent the holiday with Mrs. B. M. boys Sunday school collection, of sandwiches and cake solved by the Williams, Stratford.......--...--___. ladies, and coffee poured by the Wren, Mrs. R. S. Evans and Eleanor 1 C. G, L T.concluded the very suece,.,fu, enett. were week -end visitors with ro':r itse',; \ vt'r•y pleasant evening was -en- ing, Varna. arena. ' taxed in Northside United Church on Wednesday evening of this week when the Marion Keith groups entertained the Presbyterian C. G. T. T. A very enjoyable and profitable program was ;given by the Presbyterian group and the remain- 'er Of the evening was spent in !Hal-. '.iwe'eu games prepared by the Mar- ion Keitli groups. At the close of the evening, relreshmetts were serv- ed and song • Were ,ung after which the-C..G.I.T. benediction was sugn and all adjourned. Mrs, 'Geo. Weir left Wednesday morning to spend the winter w 1r her daughter, \irs. Latimer at Anderson, North Carolina. Mr. John Br,nadfoot. 15th con„ Grey, was a Thanksgiving visitor with his sister, Mrs. j,1111 12: Ll Mrs. W. \t \f;'•. s,r•l ,arm,a, of !Burlington, spent the holiday with her father, Mr, 'Henry Edge. Miss Josephine Edge returners with her to Burlington. Mrs, J. J. Merner is visiting her sis- ter, Miss Graham, at Cleveland, who is very ill, Mr. J, J. Merner and Claire, Dr. and Mfrs. Ted Merner, of Windsor, and Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, of De- troit, spent the week -end at their lioine here. Mr. Lawrence 'We'bster, of Toron- to. spent Thanksgiving with his Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Webster, \Mss Helen Dickson, of Toronto,: spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Adam Dickson, Main street, Mr. W. IL (Coates- has accepted a position with Professor Parkin in aerodynamic laboratory at the Uni- versity of Toronto. The first snow fell last Friday, Nov. 4th. For the past two years the 'first snow carne about, the middle of Oc- tober. Miss G's'en "Snowdon, Toronto Uni- versity, spent the holiday at the home of 'Mrs. 5, F. Snowdon. 'Mfr. Jacle Hinclrley, Brantford, spent the holiday in tonin t Miss Lillian "Wankel, Toronto. vis- ited her parents, Mr, and Mira, August Wankel. Miss Ria Hills, 'Oshawa, spent the week -end with lir. and firs. Geo. Hills, •Egmonclville, Dr, and Mfrs, R. D. Lane and fanc- ily spent the Thanksgiving' week -end with his brother 'Rev. W, P, L'ano, and his sister, Mfrs, W. :D. McDonald, of Egmondeille. • Messrs. ;ionic Nichols, Robt, Beare and Miss''Ohne Daltons, pf Toro/no:- spent the holiday with Mrs. ;Dalton. 'Brigadier Burton, of London, will conduct services at the Salvation Army on :Sunday. Miss Nan 'Campbell, North Main WITH THE PLOWMEN. Those who competed from Seaforth and district in the Science Hill plow- iitg match at J, Dalrymple s, Hibbert, were; ISiglt -eat in. sod, 1. Robert Doig, 'Seaforth; 3. Alex. 'Russet Brus- sels. 'Best crown, Drug. Amateur in sod. 4. Wm. Dennis, \\Talton..Green- horns in stubble, 5, John Locking, Brussels. Tractor, Cordon ifeGavin, \Valtonn. Mr. MleGavin woe sweep- I,O,O.F. The anember•s and officer:. •Bis- sell Lodge elf Mitchell paid a visit 16 (Fidelity Lodge, Na. 55, 1.070:F., of Seafortit, at their regular meeting last 'Wednesday evening. Sharp a; $ o'clock • Bro. Ed. Mole, Noble Grand, opened ;Lodge. ,Sifter a fete introdue•tort' remarks the visiting brethren put on the initiatory degree n a splendid manner, after which speeches were tnade by Bros. Martin and .1, D. -Cameron, of Mitchell; Stewart, "Dr.-Harbttrn and Mayor Golding of 'Seaforth, and a slumber of ,t els. A pleasant social time fol- lowed, closerl by singing the National \nthein. o Among u6 the 'Odd Fellows who at- tended a banquet in 'Clinton given 'hy Clinton and Brucefield lodges were Messrs. Aherhart, rC, Adams, E, Mole, Jno, Thompson and Mayor .Golding, t being the !fiftieth anniversary of stakes for best crown in field. Eyesight Specialist in Seaforth. We offer you the most complete ex- atnlnation ,possible, by a Government registered optometrist, combined with REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS the most modern and completely For week endingNov. 3rd: equipped optical parlours, constantly at your_ Secyiec, and ail lowest pox- Seaforth-"notal 134, select bacon sible prices, Ouay at first duality lenses 40, thick. smooth 67, heavies 1, shop used, Eves examined and glasses tips 23. fitted 'by M. 'Ross Savauge, R•0., 'at Savange's, Phone '194, Seaforth, SpecialOpticalOffer. Heavy eight old -,tilled spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spheri- cal lenses for only' $4.00. All other styles of frames and lenses et reason- able prices. Eyes'exafuined by our well known and ,painstaking specialist, Mfr.:Hughson, i•$ years coming to Sea- 'for'th. You are assured the best optical work to be obtained and; at most mod. er'ate cost. Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov.15, 16. •Beattie s Fair Seaforth. Many mothers have reason to hless 'NI nther 'Graves' (Worn 'Exterminator, because it has relieved the .little one, animals. Brucefield 'Lodge. tern. Bram, grand master of Ontario tend Brn, Brooks, grand secretary, were present, anti both gave very able addresses, commencing at 9 o'clock BEUE'R TA'N15 ORCHESTRAGents 65c. Ladies Free Lverybudy we/conte. Come and have a goodtime. J. LAM!) AN FURNITURE REPAIRS No .jolt too big to handle or too small' to do, Phone 30,E J. and I will vall for your work Work shop at rear o1' T3ARLOW,S SHOE REPAIR SHOP A. D. SUTHERLAND General insurance Agency Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bunds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. The SvecialliMilverton F lour \Ve have it --Give it a Trial, Aise'. Grain Screenings C56. GRAIN DEALER Chop of All Kinds TllOMSI'N PHONE 25 Your Auto eels GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PRES'r-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and t'ltarn ng_ nn all make-. .1 good line cif New and Used Parts. A FEW USED CARS LISTED Chevrolet 1(221 $775.0t) cvitd: License 17ord Touring 1915.. , $75.110 with License Po,rrl ('"urw 1'225, balloon tires, like ht's .3375 with l.i' .nc • ce .e Walton --Total 125, select bacon 54, thick smooth 5,1, heavies 3, shop hogs S n 5. Huron County --Total 1,941, select bacon 614, thick smooth 1,108, heavies 55, extra heavies 3, shop hogs 72, ;iglus and feeders 36. For Both (House and Stable --There r a good deal of similarity. physically speaking, between human beings and the lower animals. Both are subject to only ailments arising from inflam- mation and to all manner of outs and bruises, Dr. Thomas' 'Ecicctric Oil is an entirely reliable remedy for' such ailments, and mishaps in both human beings and the lower orders of of sttfn',riu; and .manse them healthy,' egier's yyyGarde : PHONE 167W NO MATTE ITC 555' IIELIC'A''1'is MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE We e claim that no dress is too nn dainty tr or expensive t,nstvt• entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence. The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes tinie to study and achieve. I-stdiesi and Gent's Felt Hats cies ed, Tt only costs a dollar and will look like new.' to be SERFORTF8 GFIRMENT CARE Sydney e9 Proprietor COMMERCIAL BLOCK ?HON 22 or 210 ~� .usmr.'�ca'uwaa,a�a