The Seaforth News, 1927-11-10, Page 4PAGE FOUR
sill Wt. Tour own itatetia is
nettle 11C, nL Iw'aVlhlbIV purls, t; unt,ulrh Ivor
Mr. Joseph P,' Moylan of St, M.ic}r-
eel's College, 'Toronto, spent Tlian%s-
cuttnc unar,.t,seaanrtp. giving at itis Monte here.
Reception' -\n event long to be ie- Miss \4argtre't McGrath, of Dun-
meititbeted took place at the hone of dos, spent the week -end with her par -
Mr. and Mr.s. D. !Crawford, 14th cob- ents, Mr, and Mrs. P: A. McGrath.
e elfin McKillop, Wednesday even- Miss Annie McQuaid, of Central
nig. Noe. 2nd, when about 17'5 friends l esiness Coliege; Stratford, spent
and neighbors gathered in honor of Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr,:
\Mr. and Mrs, Rae .Crawford•. The and Mrs. F„ J. McQuaid, McKillop.
bride and groom were the recipients Mr. Charles Malone, of Windsor,
Of: many beautiful and useful gifts. spent the holiday at the home of his
Dancing continued throughout the parents, Mr. and Mr's; Jno. Malone.
night until the small hours of the Mr, Thomas 'Lane, of Toronto,
morning when the gathering broke spent Thanksgiving'with his mother,
np. wishing Mr, and Mrs. Crawford Mrs. John Lane, McKillop,
much happiness. Miss Gertrude McGrath, of ,Guelph,
Mr, and Nora. John'Watson and J. was a week -end visitor it tits home
N. olid Mrs. Campbell spun Sunday of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. V.
with 'Stadia friends, McGrath, '
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rands, of Mr, Thomas McQuaid, of Windsor,
Grey, spent 'Sunday at Mr, Geo, W. spent the holiday at the home of his
Jackson's. parents, Mr. 'Slid Mrs. Jos. McQuaid.
Mrs. F. A. llambly, Vera and 1-Iar- Miss Helena 'Flannery, of Linwood,
vey r,i Staha, and 'Miss Frorenee Coo- .spent the'week-end at the home- 'of
per of 'Scaforth, spent Thanksgiving her parents here,
at J. N. Campbell's. Mr. James McQuaid, 'of Detroit is
Vr. and \Its, 1', k. (iaritiner of visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, F.
Blyth visited With \•lr. and Mrs. 1'. J. Mermaid,
II. Gardiner one lay last week. • MIs Mildred McGra}1•b, of Tees
Mr. and \firs. ('. Iringland attended water, spent the weekend and holt-
a' wedding in Clinton on Saturday. In with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Gerrie Miller visited friends l'. \'. McGrath,
of Mitchell over ,the week end. Mr. and -Mrs. Earl .O'Halloran and
.1t' time ;if writing Mr, wen. Neil,' \lass Mary °Vild, of Toronto, were
Sr.. is wt^•t- low and little -'hope of re- Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P.
' -\. O'Sullivan
Quite a number irrnn-the village at. Ml. Martin \tr Qlta id,. of Toronto,.
tended the reeeptirnr !tend a: MCr. D. spent Thanksgiving with his brothers,
Craiefe•>I'> ,,n •\\rt„'',tit rrening \dr. and Mrs. F. McQuaid and Mr.
Mr-. NV hitt', Deaf. rtih, visited with
Mrs. wild Sde ]Alex one day last.
President in charge: The.. Standard
Training School ;in 'Clinton was dis- (
cussed during the business period.'
The meeting closed with hymn 1R3
artcl the iiMizpah benediction.
t1, W, Bateman, 'inner. Yourotvn nmtorhnls
weds tip at reaseu+tlie prices Upstairs ever
Keatittg'a,, state sire@t, swarth,
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S.
meeting held in the hofne of Mrs. H.
Blanchard was well attended. With
the President, Mrs,; 'C, Eines, in the
chair, the meeting opened by singing
Hyams 450. The 'Scripture lesson was ”
taken by Miss F. Saunders from the
92nd P'salm, followed 'by -'a moment's
silent prayer for 'Mrs. Gauld.. The
roll call and reports from 'L.A. and
\14M.S. treasurers and the minutes of
the last meeting were read and ap-
proved, and were followed by Mes-
senger prayer by 'Mrs, R, MacFarl-
ane, and -Hymn 389. A reading on
the W.M.S. convention in Edmonton
was given by Miss (Bessie Blanchard,
After several business items were dis i
cussed the meeting closed by singing
HimHyinu 606 and repeating the Lord's
prayer in unison,
Mr, W. 'C, (Bennett, Mrs. Joseph
Bennett, Mrs. -Nelson Gavenlock and
Mr,. Lloyd Porter .motored to Detroit
last week and spent a few days with
Jack Frost made his appearance
soon after the -mild spell and he cer-
tainly made it snappy while here,
Thero grey ive euchre and dance
P b s
held by the Orangemen in the Hall
and lits. J. McQuaid. Friday night was a great success, a
Miss \iargaret Nagle, of Kitchener, large crowd turtling out to enjoy, a the Fredericton paper: "Rev. Ge,;:
is visiting at the home of Mr. and social evening together. Those win- Telford and Mrs. 'Alford were at
e,, toes n;
lire. Thos, Moylan, McKillop... ring .prizes were: Ladies, most. games, home yesterday afternoon and : Mast
ale. ,bid St. t;cc- ,:es Church Mies Theresa O'Reilly :spent OA Mrs,,George Eaton, pair large candle y
l ,
cure,! .k,..: 1•-r their annual bazaar in trek -un., at the 1tn'me :Iter brother. - c i t ck; and holders; for lone hands, evening for thefirst time since taking
,heir residence at Si, Paul's. manse.
the \ 1),I':\\', hie- ,un Thursday, De- Lotus, and her mother, Mrs. M. 0'- Mrs, Fergus Bullard, a console bowl; ;\boat 200 led and extended a"we?-
ccn•.ber ;Silt. \, rains have been spar Reilly, of Ifibbert. . -consolation prize went to Mrs. A. come: The hoose waswdecorated
eel :,, 'ry :MAI make :his 'ts good a sue. Mss Mary Vs mld, of Toronto, visit- Dolmage, a novelty pencil.: Men, for throughout with potted ls and cu,
res., a- in. protium, rears. An kinds ed at the home of her.uncles, lir.:P.. most games, lir..Wm. Dodds and Mr, p
A. O'Sullivan and \f r. James O' Charles Riley were tied and had to Flowers, yellow "mums" being naed in
,f fast) work suitable for Christmas ,the diningrope, Th- affair was ;1
gifts, quilts, homemade baking and Sullivan. Crft, Mr. Dodds winning th•e l maze a deli fitful one. Those wit,' assisted
many other articles will Inc offered for Miss Annie Bart. of \Windsor, visit- pair of ebony hair brushes and comb; g
trace the presidents re the different
..iii,.., li:,n't f'naea thr loie. dohs e<1 .,vest 'I'lianlcsgicing with Mr. and most lone baud;, Mr. James Hogg, ,a ,
lam at 2 o'clock, , Mrs. Freak kfeQuail. of McKillop. cigarette holler; enusolatinn trent to societies.'
"+ ' :oven; •r frosts and .he v • snow- Arthur `Henderson a novelty en il. f Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Wallace motpr-
\Ir- ant et r, itir.'ra^ ,lohnstan, I.x ,rte t t, a a y L p c ed front Stratford and spent Thanks-
. mime :v ,„ :tit, \Ir. ante !all has halted farming operations in After the games a grand lunch was icing with relatives.
Mrs. t Geo. `MrTaggart. 1 ec•ncraf throughout this district, and served, which was 'brought 'by the 1 g Miss Hanel Petts of 1lrflt Liam spent
Miss Effie 11;,:lour has taken a pr, _, ',Lally have .had their apple crop ladies. Mr. Bullard made the coffee theholiday with her parents, lir. aril
�•tren on the trees. and was all that could be desiend.l 1 y p e
wit.n \l r. \\ t11 Di n}a r, R i., After lunch they all enjoyed them- Mrs. Jno, Petts,
es. - t sines r c y' '1r, Harry Bake• has returned to
Misses dila and Hinla Tomlinson EGMONDVILLE, lancing till morning. The ,,•
music• was furnished bylocal talent. 1 iinceth after spending Thanksgis
nr their
l Far l n -nem Sunday Very successful anniversary f sot- ung with Mr, and Mrs. E. Bender.
troch the:. h•, the. Fred in London. :ices were held at Egmondville on 31 r. Armand [ds in
spent tlu Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Barr and Miss An-
heliday with friends in Blyth. uie visited gwithm l�Ir. an•d l'lrs. Bob
Mr. Elton Hatst, of Toronto, spent \tint of \Vin haon Monday
the week -end with friends tin the se,- Miss May Fowler is visiting with
St. Andrew's
"Which t t volt:Ur
United aurcIl,
c•elcht'ntctl its 1)jtttnond ,Jubilee;
Carl 1 Ilolnte of \f: v,.rtun was Sunday Last. Despite the unfavorable
wt :•,« + ay. { e,.nd 'n :'1 roads and weather, the
\Ifs• Nellie H,':nne n d \irs.; 't lurch was em -ell -filled at the morning
Harris ,n Mitchell last week. The : service and ti'led,te capacity at night.
y=ter ch;rpere;a •.•n..- esti- ,;'; The morning service was conducted
have had no badeffects, tv Rev. R. S. Longley, of the West
\I:. f t e Jeffery spent :he week •n :ling mission staff. Mr, Longley
• n.1 with Mr. an.l \l-,. \Vin. F,l'.intt ! ve a very- vivid description of con
oral F r : t a. 1 ion at China and the Impact of the emir Mr. and Mrs, A. Stone.
i Foltutt in * :s elle.:e:liou! re )ort of
Nits r'e> \1-.r:,.;.., sett. this'aocsr on the res: of mankind and 6 I
\Ir 1. ,a loo#se a very strong appeal fur those
-kn•tet what Christ can do Inc a
\l" au' ;Mr-. 31 le tia.tiXt to slake Him known in that
e "t:t • i•la . nd of vast pnsstbilities.
with Mr. . 1 tc .,. The evening service ;vas enndur:etl
31 an } e., .\:..
c.,u.,nc: Irs. \\-rn , !ty Dr. J. H. :\roup, of Toronto. a> -
age. Mr, and Mrs. Rola Wallace, Strafford
\I!ss hens Patteson spent a few Mrs, E. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs.
days with Mw, 11'. C. Bennett. 1r•vine Wallace visited Mr. and Mfrs.
Mese S. Shannon and \{i s Rath- Frank );ell over Thanksgiving.
sten spent the week -end in Norwich Mrs. Wm. Bray of Dungannon ltas
been spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. J. Garatess:
Mrs. E: Locicyer and daughter Pa-
tricia are spending a few weeks at
the home of Mrs. Fawcett. Blyth.
Miss Melda 'McElroy, who is at-
tending university in London, spent
the week end with- her mother. Mrs.
J. R Bell.
We are pleased to see that Mrs. C.
Grasby who had the misfortune to
fold and hurt iter back, is able to be
S. S. No. '10. McKillop, for September
art October. Those marked with an
:•sten nk were absent for more than
',a't the examinations. Sr, I\r.-1i'i1-
s. a. Little 87.2. Jr, IV. --Roy
+nat,r. " 1, Margaret Montgomery 50.3,
nems•. a trees , 'sista , :ate secretary ,'i Purciglt \tiaPnns1 Rais•eli Dolnrage 80.3. Harold Petit -
F:, church r ick i9.a, \\'ikon Cam hell 62 \\ilii.
::a C n•:ed C.t,trch „i Canada. I)r;' P * f c
I . \ telt ,his weed,. suss cubes f,r'.ti, test the familiar' 1)oimage 57.3. °Villin Campbell
i 111. .1, , l t • e;.
• \t.- It t t !i res. t s,,,t Moses and the • burutng .obs.„parl-
l. \I c g e 1)rsy t ', ial.t e ret one of .the most ing 79• Blanche Pethl k 78, Elva about again.
et cer:,:t•:, 'vent sermons ete•t• heard !n Ea-e!test. rv.., .Leslie D°41',3111g'.4.•e rs Jr•+ Sacrament was observed in Queen
!11 I' TI
Mr. and Mrs. Floyrrl Schell and
little son of Detroit, Mich„ spent the
week encl and holiday at the home of
Mrs. Schell's parents; Mr. and Mrs.
.\lfred Austin, adsa Mrs. J. J, Ward.
of Elmira paid theta a flying visit on
Thanksgiving clay.
Albert Redmond, Marlette, Mich.,
;pent a few days with Mrs. Janes
11r('Ivrttrot and Miss Annie Keys,
Miss Rena Johnston, Mr, Witt, Mc-
flriele and Mrs. Rennie, all of Strat-
ford were visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mre, Wellington Johnston,
11r. and Mrs. J. Semi and family.
Cromarty. and Mr. and Mrs, 'Geo.
Dalrymple ,pent SLtnrltny at Carling-
Sirs. 1'. Mitchell 1. visiting her son,
Mr, J. Mitchell.
Mrs, Laura Latta and Miss Erma
Brintucll have returned horse after
spending a few months in the West,
Miss Lillian Dalrymple has return-
ed home after spending two weeks in
Mr. Robe. Lawson and :Vex.
Leitch attended the funeral of Thos.
Clarke on Tuesday at Pickering, near
Toronto. Mr. Clarke was an uncle to,
Mr. Lawson and Mrs. Leitch.
\Jr. and Mrs. W. C. Clarke of Lis-
towel spent Monday With llr, and
Mrs. Robt, Clarke.
Mr. Fred Armstrong purchased a
line load of cattle in Auburn Friday.
'bits, ti wart, Ml and \Its. Wm
11 .1,
se t rth were ,Monday vis-
itors with Mr, and M -s. Roy Law -
-> v ,.a: - "n ani 1l :sirs •e church. rim memo', wall �emtet� int es .. r• ret C*Hired Church on Sttnrlav \1,-. 1 1 Leslie of Toronto spent
p..,,,,,,,!:c,.: \fcls'', r _';t ! t)!Wr Price r9,(i, flltti P.reee 74:4, p
ayt.t. ; ; •, cirri ;it; -n ail who! morning, while Thanksgiving service tine week eel at tate home of lir and
I' a• r 1 • \Ltu.,:e -' nrlfn>*. 11. g
a •A •v':. t their �i::. .e-.. ' tike it ;osis with God !, IL---311cu 1
a I awl; c was heal at the evening service. Rev. lir,. Geu. \\'nettle .
\I tar<t1 i.:, \\':1 'r:. S nca s t His service, io t.1 bS. ,Fruiter --:\tulle Peth-1 g y
t.1:•,- e •:,: t - t sots •t 1'roc A. i:•e i Henderson. Dr, Barnby cemdu ted both services. Rev, .lir, Long of Tilsonburg called
a ,Mle. , ..c h.• n fhc. u n .t . tr ugh:tut rtes ai a 1 L'daa l me. and airs. Fred, Bowen returned eat lir, and. Mrs. Wm. Britton.on
F[,, s t -,1 t r w a h illi \ atiltg tit,• t.rtir y L. R. Teacher. to thea home in FIensall fitter spend Thank:iratng. He teas accompanied
re ii E!ran t; C .a k r Lotndon. I ing the holidays with the fortner's pa -by Harold Snell of Londesboro.
Mr e c ri, J e 1'. r:.,,,:.. -{ . ' 1 t t'y•.tliry \5,a;sh, cef Toronto, BLYTH, i rcttt.:. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen. The t' Fowl Supper provided by the•
'a -.!,' -it 1hte,1 the large 1' two nac•1aar Tfl r. 1'uttr ,luta aaaterfa1a 1 La'
� ` ,,. ” % \I':. Vivian McElroy has left Sot' lie+' or C''}lskanCP Church ,tt.
,,1., ",, t•t, e np nt rldi'.t hh' pn ani Cf^mire. r.rer�
1 . 1:. e....;"',1%.;.111t, tt 1 • m.. Miss Clark's numbers t.,ettm.i so luno Stree!-eatnrttl, a,; St. Thomas,where she will attend Al- Tnesrin' last ryas a tvmitlerful MI -
1:a:' . t • 'I tt 1 1e - ' i 1't• L:.1 1 s my Slit. philia" and Ree. L '°1', Stewart of ;\ tit win l •na 1 tllege, et ss. Orcr $ t?S' its realized
1e.., tv ,.a 11,-,n Sh ,r- +,,,t as 1 Am." \It: 11 adsit's num- . S,' y el tttt \irs, ohs telousher had the Mr. Fred Focht was 1 •o
tin h r +:cats ' •0.".',.. 'Ti'e 1'r,.1 inti"—t•eeita- seise „ ,1n:A, A sir Holmes, next Con J Sr., u 1 1 r 1,>r:u
:tv Rel, \ •\ H I C, iinSon,.' 1,.a. rune to fall dotal) the stairs to ow.- the holiday.
the cellar. breaking her leg. Her Miss 'McKeown and nephew Jack
c rt . -- t e n t t:, the ntt t1ttttl- The cote rrgational meeting of St '\'•any friends hope for her speedy re- eKeotvn of Toronto spent the week
1 ' ,t 1 :, i eerc a nreeentt. 1, •\a•iren's will one held on Tuesday. revery, end with lir. and 'lois. Wm. ('artto-
o •c , t •1l, ' ttm 1t i Nor it dt, ;n t., Nov. 2,2tid, intens th, While engaged in the erection of chaos
` 1 o ne_ . 1.., , . • .- . . , see had ten eleou- of a calsis hydro poles to Auburn, hits George ,\ 'shun e, :wilt he i+el,/ by the Forest.
. \t '' t to visit-. White e had his hand .badly crushed cc's in tlu• hail on •Friday night.
1 •!. Mks Jean Cab\, „i I rantiord R'
Moil ny night r splendid tt,1 ofriends herr on Sunday. •'e•tween two poles: Nit!. It :ward .1:•its•:•ong having,
i r glen. iii s Th., and lore, Arthur Nigh and lir. Leslie has returned m his joined the Ccreu.rd He i St•stent
9 .:':t / , \f• °1 tlsh rnct• mire ,,slue:• .,f Siratf,erd, visited her pa. !lame el Freeitun after spending a has had his stuck tested and his
it - t -c i the ::n i 11 ,, : -.SO -ants. lir. and Mrs, Ed. Latutdy. couple of weeks with his son, Nits S. +rotor- 1.1 ,ctvshcd and ,It inttrte�I
ie, c.,u111111 l' been Miss \da Laundy of 1lritt ham ( :;tie, who has been confined to hi;' ie pa t week.
1 1 sear ,u tth,ng tiller n ,; rt a :sty .1t1 37: with kir. and !ties I !',1 fist several weeks. \irs. Leo Stephenson visited \irs.
i '•• i .r,,.. # r - r.n 1!,i •oma ter T -stn' lied. acme -I,.. (Intended for last weck,1 1 ,:-n. .c- ,,f 1 gdatt over the week end.
a *i
e e t
Clarence r
encs t th n
t •xc
Me. s sec a
and .Nits. r e bore .ter.
1\ 7 l.a once o Ave n '
1e ,;• t t say Mrs. John Hef- J lutsiu h bee nn
\t• ti, veil rendered iter P•t-. 'siva it„t. y -n. tu• c nfi,te,1 to het( fee. one' -eel feint visited at the home of Earl It i i un ,1 -noon fn Kitchener cut
to xr> were ' \iv f addle lees 1 E'!",-,ti.,Bluevale, on Sunday. -'-'!:!!'''• a5:h.
„ t "Illy My Roses .” lir. 'rhe Harmony :s LL.B. Lodge 45e- \I:, and Mrs. Jnr,. Riley and chit -
t of amestuw-u, sent Sunday
:e:,:. .n zoos e.:,t's>ti in the On a -t -r p
t t.. a Rtes,
St, nisi en , i1 : "There no Death."ix .he services last Sunday'
r .t
t a, nn tI
i- 11 + it:.:" -Bells Mc Sea." :,all •m Friday. h slob. and itis. Granby. lir. lice,, Hazzleseond sin the
tr 1",n Alone," "In an \t t t_rvs t. <nst;,n was ter-; lir and Mrs. C. Conley, of Wale t Cuiun !tospital, • His • m'tny friends
:3 T_ y'," farted tan& ll breaking h arm 'last Wed-' vaned lits and 'frs. Nelson
hope •:;, see ?rim anti to corns home
• the n I! ,, I Passed by !, \ t,.:s„n on Sunda'. soon,
while cranking- i1 -i; his car. 5
..y, tt:,t, \ .. t1 n'..t.. lir. 1.t'ti tCn • '•, N. and Mre. Thoe. Grasht Wert. \lis, glary- Jatuttsnn spent the
Thi; members t >cttrn circle ne t -t! -cud at her home here.
-Where ne hbh dt , \I 11- 1 h s b d ty ni. It gnosis i , t Sunday of .lifted ani Nits.
Stcrcy Flt lr i't l .. c int ore. t \t, ht,, of :)uburn. \1r, 1\-raNei• and \f,_. Gertrude Rn
, xt t \1tTn yes, nth,, ,
e tune 1 :nu a, part-, to,-wi v t';t t 1., and presented her \it. s: -s, George and Albert Skelton, bit ani motored up front Toronto on
1 •:i y Noe. ,• ,e, \[i -'1, ' name \1•;. Jean Smith and e 1 n! Tilos, t;raspy, spent \lon,lav at Saturday- and returned Tuesday,after.
t!' pleb- :t i • a l bowl as a :akin stalls •
!' +3;a• Il t e;,rye 'I 1 wury fine per it s z:tree;a fun. Tutotita. t, a visiting with the latter's
[ • 1 1 t'• t„ti r ' !!!!yal elI la r: and Arthtor Mrs. IX. fackeam has returned 11om '[r \1c\'ichoi, ,h,_,lzas been visit- mother, \[r=. \I. Ross.
t tnh t r cn• in tg the . ,ii ` i, • .” •rn "Ring ]c,hn •sitttt \ir- E, Geddes in London. hug her sot John, has gaits t,1 ,pend 'Mr , :flunking and children spent
bride at' Velma; S `th eances-'-'•!r,• 1, , •n a Peery beano;lmi •'a• •t; • Thanksgiving with \flys Mary 4pa&,.rd is much im ter with \[r. Duncan l.1' ? g t ith lir:• and Mrs.
11 e. e J.•,tt iii n gave
^Geraint proved from he, illness Nichol, of 11 i.iliop, Mac: McCool, •
1 • t-' 11e tiu:rp, 1 n 1 F:7"1... R v. 1. E. Hagg. of R'es- \1a•, stn! Mrs. S • Nits and )bit' oho \[cNichoi d Miss Gladys Grainger has Date tel
leo.. I. 1 Peel: ,,.. ,Willie i_;roc C:int.rl, chairm'�: \ ..(iib of London 7 an 1 g
eet-th c •rt ..,.•.a� Thanksgiving with 'firs, Geo. Af r• ani Airs. Cha.. Nicholson tverc. 'Toronto lo spend some time, -
'•',i. ;n•d g were - :•te P esbytrrv' "f Hur;,n, hrnngal <' ?1'nson and Miss \fa• • o ,.tests df lfr. James McNichol on 1 t Icy United •C]umch hCld their
1'ta einl d.lir ; • s Mary Collinson. , ,,. .. -loss... ..
Nissl 1 ti,nrcy' v'” - v.:.;. Presbytery and sits Mr. and Mrs. Larne Burling, \Ir.. Sunday. :muleer-aly xrvices here last Sun -
id tltc n's rt • , ea, tt tool att.d - congregational ;;rid Mrs. Jc,!tu ,Barnes, lir, Thos. lir, and Mrs. 1,'seph Johnston day imorning attd evening, the Rev.
i ea 1 t v ! 1 lilt :1 • t;;1t,. .lost. unlit Rey: W. P. Lane flames and Miss Brgivur a}I pi Tor >i!er: Sunday w!tit \I r, iDtitl, of Blue- Mfr, Long, of Tiiisolihttrg conducting
of their matt tris t i or a -tat inn! ' i tete u r for Northside, Both ,int.,, and \iiss kiegsnorth of Lon- tale. • bulb 'erw n. Ott Monday night a
-'tt wedded i, -e.. ,..t, spleirlid goose dinner was served in
-I ea t oeces in to felicitate (ort were week end visitors with Mr the cnmm.mity hall to a large crowd.
not 1'1 t the Splendid success and \Mrs, Cha Purling.
McIiILLOP, heiranniversary. Miss Flossie Jamieson Inas gone to
51s t rs with o t th Dr
and :,
3 t
ra _
w t
Y d -, is well r Detroit
t su a s a t
A c r , y otherwise, on < y';'
l r nY Srl visit.
.nc , Barttbv acre, Misses )'era and _lean d
tua,ta teat r a 1. to pries rta,n.r. torn r A -a was all that . could -Barnby. Tottenham -Dorothy, Toron- lir, and Mrs. Gordon Hayter, of ringland-Chowen,—:i nus pr try
Hennes, x a,.. •,-r,!,,e!,1%,!', : -a;c h c. 9u,ped. Tile- -Board had +,• lir and Mrs. \\' Cade d \t' Hint, Michigan, -spent Thanksgiving welding was • solemnized in. Clinton
at the home of Mrs, 1-Iayter's mother, El .Saturday, November 5, when
:ors. Alfred 'Ross Elizabeth Dorothy, daughter of Mr,
of Tueitersmiti- onto Mrs. J G. Citowett, Clinton, be-
• M s. Herth Norris and :Mrs, Ara- •carne the hritie of Franklin Fingland,
old. 11'estiake spelt the .wreck -ctrl Toronto. son of 'bir. and }ors,
vith relatives •ie Stratford, John
A number of young people around Ftttglaud, Londesboro: The wedding
here spent a very merry time •in took place at 2 p,tn, at the bride's
:lancing last Friday night at the
parental n°IInggme trperformedtit}iCsaere-
hrlmc of Mr. John Hay. mottle assisted by Ret, Wnt, Fin
TitatlssgivMiss \•tt'nggarethe hbtne orf he spent land, Toronto, brother of the groom.
ter, Mrs. Thomas Laing. • e•d 1tstgr,n .ss Bridal March was play -
Mrs. Wm. 'Flannery, of Tucker- y [t•- wicks, Toronto, The
smith, left Inc Toronto on Saturday dress
wore a white, vat silk crepe
last to spend Thanksgiving with her dress and a bridal cell and carried'
daughter„ hiss Eileen, school teach- a beautttdi bouquet of sweetheart
er iu that city. • She will also visit roses The onto. iii td, '''inns '-er sister, Sister Florence of St. ethos Torous, had a pretty bon -
Joseph's Convent, here• quer of chrysanthemums. Grooms
Mr. and \trs.John \\%alsh and fam-man was • Mr, 'Stewart Scott, Clinton,
Ily, of Mc Mrs, , spam 'he evening: The house throe bout 'bore gala -dee- J
of Th•tnksgiving at the home of lir.- orations and autumn flowers. • The 1.
of Thanksgiving.
Wm. Nigh, t e homsmith, grooms gift to the bride was a steel -
The following item was sent to the fog sliver mesh )sag; to the pianist,
11'.1f 5. o. St. Andrew's Church from Items of nays always welcome. white gold shoulder pin:: ;et teth
The fohowing is the '.p . C ! e ! a an offering of S600.00 tot Ivy Gould, St, Marys, and Dr. and
S. N ,, 7 l cKil}eip. fr,tm September l 1 expenses in connection with the Mfrs. Barnby-, Rodney.
to Thanksgiving: Sr, I1..._Georg,•' 1 'cl'a t n of tcw.t tine new furnaces lir and lir-, E. Oshortte of Lon-
Taylee 88, 1,iteen \Ick nughlin 87 "I'Ie nt tt<ng offering amounted to on were recent visitors with Mr. and
Helen Somerville R3. trace Perdu i ,, .'l Tr08,00 which was augmented \irs. 0. M. 'Chambers.
75, Dorat`tt Shote,tiiie 65. Jr, IV, --i raleatt' 185x..011 by night. Such an Mrs, Archie Wells and -family of
e al:'. ce hann%n 70. Sr, 1'1I —\lel b typical of the genernus Toronto visited \irs. Knox this week:
vtlfe Shannon 81, ,Helen Tomlinson . n ,t u1 tin• Egmondville eon- ifr, and Mrs. Nathaniel Johnston,
60. Jr. 11.1. ---Everett Perdue 81, 'Wal nregation who have been in Sault Ste, Marie,
ter Somerville 52. Sr. IL-Born[•nn Tuesday evening, the Y.'P.S. of ,sited for a few days with Mr. and,
D iecoli 72Helen Jackson 70, TontI •mondv11e held their weekly meet -:Mrs. ios. Johnston, and his daughter,
Tlmrnton 64. -Sr. I.—Jimmy Balfour1 - The, chair was occupied by •\fr. hiss, 'nVill Armstrong,
84.Ivan Shtitutan 83, 'Priturr...1<a,11,1 1,,nwe oa \\ ilkins•on. The meeting open- Mr. and 'Sirs, Wm. Leith and fant-
1ee,r Leeming, Harold Hudie, ! :Oh tynl 100. after which Miss fly of Stratford visited lir. and Mss
,\.. i 'tu sn lit r:, Teacher. 1 t :•t• 1'l1 ney led in prayer. The tiro. Leith and lir. and lir>. Herb
__ _ t. "iptarc lesson was read by 'Mildred 'bi Elroy.
Fr, Rhanntatic Pafna. --The c 1\ }lila i e •nice.• Jesynt then favored tDr. and Mr,. McIntyre moved an
pafu, ! th :i vlp, actvinpanied by ,Billy 'F tesla
ell renes nt t atiea aryl rhe,matisn t u,-ne y to Clinton, 'Mr and Mrs
,• tt ell with Dr 1 1cma• i 3. lir. F q. Savauge, of Sen in Bnet-t•, are preparing to ocaupc
f c1 e C) i 1 he : , in,ug av,: ileal 1 :o'ktcharge o; a vigorous and the vacated house.
any ,1n,n 11 o. -his ramous remedy 0 tftn topic basad on "Better. Mr an', firs Wm. Grey of Port
, : cps,,,t,, ut Rv'1}a,,n ttt�1 the Albert were Thl.nt:•- 'ving visitor, ,t
h uta ec i assns>ttatad o f,' l r ilia." \Ve are sort se t
years. I1 t It also o in tromal.,ry y (Isere was nota the Rectory.
paints, cuts, scratches, bruises and irger 'ted:encs, A contest was sole-
' >d during }ntetmtssfon, after which
sprains, either inhumanbeings or thej th, meeting was resumed with the
lower' animals. 1
rhinestones and' beautiful gifts were ` ed parties would be well advised to
given to thee attendants: i
buffet lunch :was served following the
wedding. Many telegrams of conn•grh-
tulatiotts were received, Mr. attd
Mrs, Finglattcl left on; a short motor
trip before returning to their home,
St. 'Clair ave., Toronto, where the
groom is a barrister. A host o'f good
wishes accompany them. Among the
guests tvere; Mrs. Harry Gortrlie, of
Selby, Mrs; Robt. Bartlett, Toronto;
Mr, and Mrs. Allen lCanieron and
Dorothy, of Mitchell; 'Mrs. Babb,
of- Teeswater; Mrs. F. Metcalf, and
Miss Ella Metcalf, rBlyth; Mrs. ('Rev.)
Win, Fingland, Toronto, Miss Marge
aret Babb, London; Miss 13abh,
Misses Marie Beringer, Teresa ;Car-
penter and Annie McGrath spent the
holiday with their parents.
Miss Ruth Dillon of Toronto is vis-
iting with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs..
Joseph Dillon, Dublin.
Thomas Gormley, south of the vil-
lage, leaves on Tuesday for Buffalo
where Ile will spent) the winter with
his aunt who resides in that city,
Miss Anna Molyneaux of Kitchen-
er spent. Thanksgiving with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, 1'. J. NIplyneaux,
Hiss Mary O'Rourke • of Chatham
and Miss, Nellie O'Rourke of Toronto
spent 'thanksgiving at their home.
illiss Mamie McGrath of Galt mot-
ored home Inc the holiday.
Miss Anna Delaney spent 'Thanks-
giving with her friend, Mamie Mc-
lir. George Krttuskopf hens installed
a new radio.
'bir. and •bit's. Pat Woods and fanc-
ily spelt the weekend in Stratford.
\9r and Mrs. J. Gingericlr and, fa-
tnily of Bad Axe, Mich, spent tho
holiday with Mr. and Mrs, S. Cleave.
Mfr, and Mfrs, York of Toronto were
sn-eek end' guests of Mrs. lr, \\', Ba-
ker, 'the latter's mother.
'Miss Alma McKay of Toront, spelt
the holiday at her )tome.
Messrs. Ted Hart and Davis of
London were guest, at the Ritz on
'fisc McLaughlin and 'bir. Storey
.f Toronto were week end guests of
\Liss Elva Dewar.
Illiss Fisk Bryan spent Thanksgiv-
ing et her home in Harriston.
Miss -Phyllis Gray. was the guest of
Miss Ruth Hueston, who tvas home,
'irum London for the 'holiday.
Mir, Chris Parker and J. H. How-
itt returned from the West on Sat
\tics Mina Proctor of Toronto visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. G. King. over the
week end.
Miss Helen Gerrie spew Thanks-
giving at her home near Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. Cl. Koehler of Zurich
spent Monday with the latter''s par-
ents; Mt-. and Mrs: J. Fowlie.
lits Harold Stinson, who motored
to the west with Mr. A. Schrunan, re-
turned home last Friday,
Miss Grant who spent the stammer
1 l ft 'ons- Saturday to spend the
winter in California. She was ac-
contpanied by her sister, Mrs. Hunter
of {.limon.
f'iu• sheep ,population of Huron,
t. minty has depreciated to one-
gaarter what it was in 1900. A de-
sits,• from 92,000 head tb 23,000 head
at sins past ,27 years does not speak)
wall of the industry. Surely this con -
;201 is not altogether justified
at other
get in touch. with G, R, Paterson,
'Clinton, and arrange to have a full
outline of �t1lee'pian placed in their
There were six cases entered for
trial at the sitting's of the ;Supreme
Court of !Tlttrott County, last week, 3
fury -cases •and 3 for trial without a
jury: ,The lGoderitat 'Star gives, the
ollowing reports:
Mca:eod vs. (Stewart,—An action
for datnages to ear brought sty 'Wo fens,
J ;,MdLcod, of 13ayfiettl, owner of a
Ftit'd -sedan, which was driven by his
son, John, on the night of a Sept. '17'th
last Returning from 'Clinton to 'Bay-
field about midnight that night the
sort John came upon a number of ,(1
sheep 'belonging to 'the defendant on
the road, and striking' some of
thein, the ear was upset and wrecked..
The defendant's sheep got out ou
the road without his 'lutowledge and,
in spite of his.liaving as he thought
macle the fence cheep -tight, The 'try
hada number of questions sob
to them by the judge and in an! were
them place" the responsibility for
the accident jointly on the plainti� s
son Inc fast driving and on the `.
fendant for his sheep being on the
roach They also 'found the value of
the car $3'50 'Che judge therefore re-
corded •n verdict for the plaintiff for
$17'5 attd .50 costs.
Kelly vs. :H•effron et al, was settled
between the parties, The plaintiff
was Ellen Kelly, of Morris, and the
defendants;. John C. IHeffron, butcher,.
of Blyth, and J. E. Taman, bailiff: of
the 12th division court, The action
was for wrongful seizure of The.
the bailiff' on behalf of his co-rlefi�itl-
• Russ et al. vs. Hood.—An .action''by
William. Wilfred and Walter Ross,
farmers of Stanley, against Jos.
Rood, assessor Inc!'Stanley, for dam-
ages for alleged slander. Settled be-
tween the parties. '
Ellis vs, Arnold and Son.-1An ac-
tion by John 11. Ellis, a farmer of
'tVawanosh, against 'J. E. Arnold and
Son, of Quebec, !breeders and pur-
chasers of horses, from whom the
plaintiff 'purchased a Pereheron for
breeding purposes \which he claimed
was unsuitable. The action was for
damages. -Adjourned to next court.
Reaciman vs. '-Carney.--An action
by Emma Reaclman, of Sea -forth,
against Mr. and Mrs: Kerney, execu-
tor and executrix of the ' -will of the
late Walter \Tiller, Inc service, Judge
went in teras of consent 'minutes,
the defendants agreeing to pay the
plaintiff X11050 -in addition to the belle -
fits conferred on her by the will of
the deceased, the plaintiff's sister to
receive alt the benefits conferred on.
her by the will, each pally to pay his.
or her own costs,
'DeCourcey vs. McIver,— The plait;`
tiff is Isabella DeCourcey and the
defendant Patrick McIver.. formerly
of Egmondville, but now .of Dublin.
The defendant, is the foster father of
the plaintiff. and nought a hoose int
Egmondville and the deed wes ma e.
.tt inname ofl>
out the e n, n c the
e a
the defendant or the c survfvo
plaintiff and the defendant lived in
the house. the plaintiff rendering the
defendant set t ices. :She has marrit"I
end had the house 'fixed np and di
defendant- apparently 'felt he was be-
ing clone out of his property and
left penniless. The action was for
'mine prnntiv;e,ry notes ,giVCil 'hy tit^
','fondant and for• services, attic was
eettied isv consent, the action to be
riismissed ou the defendant conveying
tate Egmondville property or his in -
h. :'est in it to.the•plaintiff,
Huron along.with m t •ww.`t.s. , s.m•^
cnm111(5 in Onta'in requires consider -1
ably more sheep on the farms if the:
profit, from live stock are to be main•
tained or increased and if the tweed
menace is tobe met satisfactorily. It
is true. no doubt, that there are Mae.DANCE
back,: to keeping sheep hut surely :
these are minor when we do find. .1,
many surcessfml sheep owners in the
County who apparently have at c r j
eome'the most of them.
With the idea in mind of not pale , ili *s
t'•t ,• r
r+, u c latiu t •t .
t he ua . r
l industry
.. 1
alst lending a helping.
n Ir t
hand to tltr
boys and girls on the farms, the Do -1
minion Department of Agriculture
has outlined a scehnte latown as the
`Sheep Club Policy for Boy and
Girls and Junior Fanner.!Last year
a start was made in !Middlesex. Tour
ce five clubs were forme' iii iron:
en o twenty buys ani) girl; each.,
fries of suitable breeds end grades
were b.:ught for the members and
distributed at coat. A grand t:un was
supplied free of charge and the re -
suits have led the Department t,, be-
lieve that the policy should he pur-
sued further.
Huron County, through il.:\grictti-
tnral'Reptesentative, has appiied for
same of those' clubs and it is. expected
that one Inc two will he formed in the
,...horn tutvushtps this ,fall. Interesteamommafframsrailexeslamsmsemarottawassomosoommor
ni �i
In. Nov, 11
tint•:tt.furel'tt Premier Otehea-
cetrtt trill supply the music
Adnti'5io)r 75c. Lndic,s d't'en
Non• is the time to consider what you
need £or 3l'tl,ll ttnll Winter in the line . of
We have ',vices to cotaigeto with
Mull :Orders,
firing y'tiut'harness to us for repo .it'itiri.
and oiling
,�.lL..,sr ff,.. � ISE•
BR(( '