HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-10, Page 1WHOLE S'ERIES, VOL, 49, No. 45. atoameimerantottmonstotsw tY- eoTt CHOCOLATES o�llrs The best that money can bn:Y. See our window display of toll 1i1oir's lines This in MVlc>ir's week ei{,ynpi Confectionery and Restaurant Hutchisoi's Crockery Slaughter 333 1-3 per cent off Japanese Band Painted 96 piece Dinner Sets These- are from the best pottery in Ja- pan— apan— the one that manufac- tures for the Mikado are really too bigb class for a small town and at prices quoted are mach below cost Regular $48,00 for $32.00 2'55 per cent on' Pine 97 piece Semi -porcelain Dinner Sets from two of the best English potteries Crown Derby and Paisley patterns. as regular $30.00 for S22.50 Regular $22.00 for .; .$16.50 Look for other lines next week ,5cr Soap Plaices, 4 lbs. fo i These were first classflakes at 2 lbs. for 25c butg of wet accidentally, The water was drained off and we shall clear « up the remainder of barrel at half price. FANCY VASES, one half doz„ were $2,00 each, for . . . ........ . .. $1,00 COLORED CUPS & SAUCERS, as- sorted sizes, colors and shapes. Special,' per cup and saucer, 15c, CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church --Pastor, Rcv, W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, Nov, '13th.--+11he worship. worship. Subject, 'The Set, of the Stars Against Evil. 2.30 pari.-'SeS. and Bible - classes. 7 '10.m.--„e�ublie worship. Subject. "The Man orthe Other Spirit. REFORM NEEDED. Toronto singing masters give their pupils experience in public perform- ance by holding concerts at the Jail Farm. Evidently torturing prisoners is still in vogue, A WORK OF ART. "Most men's finer feelings are situ- ated close to their pocket hooks,” says a contemporary. This proves that the $1.09 -a -year card in The News Office window is a work of art. AN OLD GAME. :\ highly respected lady from an Ontario town "hooked" a man at' To- ronto, exhibition this yea. match to his 'surpri c, and hers also, Rain threatening, she had borrowed a child's umbrella with a small crook handle. 'While edging her way through the crowd with •the umbrella under her arm, she felt a tug and wAS"astounded to hear a ma$emltne voice behind, mildly admonishing her: "Excuse the, madam, but you are taking me with: you." The unfortun- ate his :etc "mere 'malt". had tr em collar and tie 'before the umbrella Handle -could be dislodged. Many a poor fish can :t get tuthooked so easily. T CHa I S N Phone Phor Phood ':t6t3 j Send` us the names of your visitors. MIMIIMMONIMMININUMMIMITeetintaimn Three WND Specials Ladies' Patent Tie erz • Cuban Heel.., Ladies' 1 Strap (Cuban Nee! .. • r Ladies'Patent 1 Strap 3 79 Med, Spike � M Heel_ . , Ilsolse Shoos. are regular $5,00 and $5,50 lines WI3t x 1 1300TS and SHOES nagosams Euchre.. and.. office G, W. V. A. CLUB ROOMS Friday November I8th 9 Auspices of Seaforth Highlanders Band Euchre 8:15-11:Q0. Dancing 11:30-2:00. AO O d Band is an asset to the town and should recti'. the � support of every true citizen: Be sure to be there. Good prizes will be given. SUPPORT YOUR BAND. Note: -11. lucky ticket will be drawn from the i'rst Fifty tickets solei and a gond prize given. Ti: will pay you to come early. THE HA3 OliCliRA will supply alemusic ADMISSION 50c E. D. Reid, Pres. W. E. Smith, Sec,-Treas, • • SEA1+OR'TH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927._ COLLEGIATE EXAMINATION RESULTS: The results of the examinations: held at the `Collegiate institute during the latter part of October are given below. The Haute's in each grade ap- pear }u order of merit. 1st class is above 75 p.c,, 2nd class 66-74, 3rd class 60-45, and credit 50-59. Parents are requested to read the paragraph on the backs of the report forms which are being sent out this 'week. If you are not satisfied with the pro- gress your child is making the prin- cipal or any member' of the staff would be pleased to confer with you in an effort to correct the trouble. FOIRM I. BIOYS..lst class --E. Gillespie 80,7 p.c., J. McKenzie, I. McLean, F. Devereaux, R. MoDonald. 2nd class --F. ,Kling, 1., Purcell, E. Duncan. 3rd class -C. Archibald, G. Rays, H. Peterson, H. Hyde, L Hagan, D, Sills, A. Calder, T. Nash Credit -G. Crich, T. Brintnell, O. Holmes, E. Whitmore, R. Nott, C, MdDonald, F. Case, C. McNay, F. Dundas. Below $0--M Dale, A. Ferguson R. Allen W. Murdoch, 110'RM I GIRLS.--lst class, -E. Evans 90 .8, Ml. 'Barber, E. Golding, D. 'Wilson, M. Thompson, E. )Rice, Bessie Rice, 2nd class -A. Wallace, E. 'Rolph, M. Ross, V. Nolan, G. Butson, J. Frost, M. 'Watson, K, Ste- wart, G. Broadfoot, B. MdCowan O. Nicholls. 3rd class, -M. McLennan, D, Driscoll, M. Kerr, M. Haigh, H. Thompson, E. Jamieson. Credit. -V. MacGregor, H. Mixon, 3. Mc'Lachan, B. 'Stephenson, K. Webster, J. Gem- mell, rt, Mason, M. Kling. Below 50 13roadfoot, M. Cudmore, B. Dorran,e_13. Murdock. M. Strong, E. 'Walter, E. Millen, FORM l 1, --1st class ---J, Archibald 85, H. .\nient,. M. Drover. M. Mc- Donald 2ud class M. Archibald, M. McKellar, 1. Nott, li. Bateman, E. Workman 3,]. 'Cardin', A. Finlayson W. I, -me F. Ryan. 3rd class -Or. Tyndall, N. Ilahlch•k, I. Wankel. M. Beattie, 1. Dundas, C. Dickson, I. Forres B. Aherhart. Credit --M. Keys. M. Reid. I. O''Leary. E. Ross, G, 'Rennie, G. 'Gemmel), R. ?Lberhart, M. Crich, V. 'Carter, G. Matthews, G. Parke, H. Mel.cod, M. Hotham, E. Cluff, \, Bolton. 11, Wright. 'Be- low 50- A. Edmonds, 1,. McDonald, N. iRoltnn, E. Kerslake. N. Cardin". FORM 111 .41st class trace :Scott 90.1, .1. Hanna, J. Webster, E. Bur- rows, J Pinder, Z -E. Wolsh, 1-1, For- rest. W. McDonald, S. 'Sheffer. F. Souter. V. Gardiner. 39. Patrick, F. Wheatley. 3rd class ---31. 'Shinen, A. Nigh, M. Ralph, G. Mason, Credit - R.. Patrick, T. Chat7. iBelow 50-413. Merrier. A. McNaugltlnn, Iona Wal- lace, '(.. Way. FORM 'II D. 'liurlson 410.7. D. Farquhar. 2nd class -H -.^"Tine, M. Hoggarth, N, Jefferson, 1:. 'White, E. Broadfoot. 3rd class -'F. Hogg, G. Daly, 1i. Calder T. Finlayson. Credit -%I, Purcell, T. Nolan, J. McDonald, M. Ferguson, M. Daig, F.. McLean, L. Jackson, II 31eKcreher, B. Dun- can. Below 50-tC. Trott. C. Stewart, 'G. \Vright, G. Black, J. l'urcell, T. Govenlocic. FOiRM. V.• -1st class .1. Archibald 83.8, 13. Simpson, F. Oliver. 2nd class-- C, Strung, If. Armstrong. M. McMillan. 13. Grieve, L. McMillan. 3rd class --M, Turnbptl, N. -Stewart, E. Nott, A. .McLean. Credit -A. Ryan, E. Wheatley„T. Ferguson. M. Sill s. G. McGonagle, A, Edmonds, F . Willis. Below 50--J, Frost, L. Brown, E. Peterson, C. Lowery. ROUGH HALLOWE'EN STUFF The Goderich Sgna1 says: "A score or so of h,ty s and going sten. of Colborne township are being sum- monsed to appear before Magistrate Reid to explain their conduct on Mons Reid to explain their conduct on Oct. i Hallow- e'en 31, when, it is alleged, in their Fl t o e'en zeal they visited the home of Wartl Alin, 4th concession of Col- borne, and nearly wrecked the place. It is charged that they entered the house forcibly, tearing off door -knobs t e g and latches in doing so. Stones. rails and itoatds it is said, were thrown into the house, wuulows broken, the chimney stuffed, and apples and pears that were in the house thrown about indiscriminately, Mr, 'Allan being hit Ythe s eral tines b flying fruit and evy g his housekeeper, 'Mrs. Evans; struck by a board. Some of the visitors had blackened •faces or were otherwise disguised, but Mr. Allis was able to identify n good many .if them, A similar case is reported front the township Of 3:lc'lZillop, near :Seaforth, nearly forty persons being involved, and still another case is under in. yestit:odin0 at illrucefielel," SAVED THE CASH. On Sunday evening, in a blinding snowstorm, burglars crashed through the door of the 13, A. Mitchell drug store in Lohdon, and nbtaiued a targe amount of silver, along with some narcotic drugs. Mr. Elroy Brown- lee, a 'former local young man, and son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brownlee, upon returning to reopen the store, was unable to intercept the marauders, hut is comtnen'dcd upon his forethought in having removed the major portion, in paper money, front the cash register before leaving the store. Mr. Brownlee promptly notified the police 'and investigated the loss. Fortunately, his return was before his usual trine, as an attempt had 'been made to rifle the safe, in which the proceeds of a sale amount- ing to over $900 were placed, (Detectives believe the marauders to be drug addicts, but some clues ,pint' to them being the perpetrators of the London & Port Stanley railway rob- bery on the following evening, THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL HONOR WARDEN AND MRS, KLOPP, Tuesday evening, Novpelrltber 1st, 1927, was the date fixed upon to j'ttr- ney to Zurich, the capital of Hay tp,, and paysuitablerespect to 'Warden and Mrs. I{lope, who had recently joined hands and deserted the ranks of single blessedness. Accordingly a large number of the county councillors, their wives and friends, to the number of about sixty, assembled at the beautiful hone of: Mi:. and 'Mrs.. Klopp and tookpos- session without let or hindrance. Shortly after the guests! had all gathered, 'Reeve Coultes of East Was wanosh (who by the way hat a splen- did command df- the King's English arid snakes an excellent chairman) took change' of the .proceedings and asked Mr, and Mrs. Klopp to assume their position under the arch, in this ease not the proverbial wedding arch, but the arch between the hall and the spacious living room, and Reeve Beat- tie of Seaforth read a very nicely worded address expressive of the ap- preciation held for the Warden and his bride, and (Reeve McQuaid, of 3ilc- Killop, presented them 'with. a hand- some Westminster chime clock: The Warden made a lSry appropri- ate reply, thanking his fellow -council - I rs and friends for this beautiful testimony of friendship and apprecia- tion. Thi= pleasant duty having been per- formed, Reeve Sanders of Exeter and Mrs. Sanders were then coinrnanded by Chairman Coultes to "stand up" and Reeve 'I•Iayes of Stephen and Reeve Hennelberg of Wroxeter per- formed erformed a similar duty, ppeacnting 'hero with a beautiful umbrella stand. {r. Sanders thanked the donors for the beautiful gift. 'County Clerk -dolman being called 1 said he also had a duty to', perform in the gift line; and prodrided three Miniature china brides which were banded to Councillors Beattie, Hayes and T4enneherg, as reminders of a duty; to which they must soon give at- tention. especially when the good ex- ample had been set by Messrs. Klopp and Sanders. After the presentation had been rotupleted all repaired, led ht the `Warden, to the town hall, where an additional program of music, song, speeches slid dancing was carried nut, with \Ir, ,Coultes again in the chair. The County Council Imperial Quar- tette. Ex -Warden Irwin, 'Warden Klopp and .Councillors Hayes and Sanders, delighted those assembled with several selections and parodies, Mrs. 'Holman ably presiding, at the piano, iBri ht adclresses were ave i by Ex- Wardens x- C. i e s C.A Robertson, afar not.rtson, ,.1.P:, of Colborne, aril B. W. F. Beavers ,.f Eeeter and Councillors McNabb of Grey and Lee of Goderich. councillor Hayes then took charge ,f tit • program of dances e n to the. Weaver \f \l r. eaver incl dangle. ter with violin and piano. ('his part of the procrcditige was brei ti,t to a close by all forming the circle of concord and singing "Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," then all returned to the home, where Mrs. Klapp had pro- vided a splendid 'lunch of coffee, cake, sandwiches and pie which were much enjoyed and appreciated, and shortly after midnight the last car had left on the return tutrtay, some to homes ae far as fatty miles away. During the proceedings Chairman ()suites took occasion to congratu- late Reeve Frank McQuaid of ':vlcKl- Iop, on his being able to conte out af- ter his severe illness, Mr. :McQuaid feelingly replied thanking all far set kindly remembering him during his tat„e,Ce 'Besides those mentioned the follow- ing numbers of council present and past and other friends were present: Messrs. Backer, Turner, Cox, Man- son Johnston. Goetz, iietutedy, Hen- derson, W. T Coats T na s of 7sho t _t rte, Fran i )' bra ullnitlntle of Exeter eter and County Engineer Patterson. most of whom were accompanied bar their wives or slaughters. The following is a ropy of the ad- dress presented to tits •\Virden and Mrs, Klapp: The Address '1'„ the Warden and Mrs, Ivlopp, Dear Friends, -The members of Huron county council and officials have taken forcible possession of your home tonight not for the purpose of arresting you or doing you bodily harm for any crime you have commit- ted in conspiring together for your own mutual trust and goodwill or in forming a new relationship which we hope and trust will bring you match happiness; but we have broken into the quietness of your home -life rather to congratulate .van 'both and join you in the ld-fashioned custom of "hang- ing the cr:ute in your new Karoo, ".anal to do et little toward giving you a send-off in life together. W c wish also to pay our respects at this time to you, Mr, Klopp, and to express our appreciation nI your ser- vices as our 'Warden, the duties of which office you have so efficiently discharged with credit to yourself andf honor to our county. The office of 'Warden at :present, With so many activities claiming your attention, is nu' sinecure, but, on the contrary, the position carries with it much responsibility, firmness of char- acter. good.judgntettt and executive ;ability, all of which qualities you have exemplified in a marked degree that has brought honor and dignity to the position. As a slight taloa of our good wish- es and esteem. we ask you and Mfrs. Kopp is accept this clock,' which we trtn,t will not only prove an ornament I and a useful article ofhouse furnish- `t tog, but that as you listen to tin• • music OI its iliimei;, proclaiming, so so milli wily the passing of time, you will alvi at i be reminded of the pleasant associations that have so signally marked our relations in the discharge of our several duties and the 'narking of the hours so musically and pleas- antly will always be typical of e life holding for you both music and hap- piness. in conclusion we join in wishing you God -speed' in life together, and; that you may prove to each`. other true helpmates in the ditties that fall to you in the future. Signed on behalf of the County. Council and officials: J WESLEY B'EATTIll, JOHN J HAYES, ROBERT COU,LTIS, A. C. BAEKER, THOMAS iNGLIS. Dated at Zurich. Nov. '1st, 1927. ENJOYABLE TRIP, Mr, and Mrs. George B. Do:rance returned house on Oct, 29th after an , extended motor trip under the direce tion of the Ontario Motor League.' Going 'first 'Toronto and visiting with their daughter, ,Hrs. Gordon Webster until Tuesday noon, left there for the Soo, calling first at Sturgeon Falls on Hiram 'Blanchard. brother of Melvin 'Blanchard, Win- throp: and were shown through the paper 'pills while there. Then called an Mr. Frank Schoals, formerly of Kt tburn, at McClellan, Algoma; then came to Mr, J'nhn Booth's, who used tc live in `lfarpurhey, at Echo Bay. spending over Sunday. I•Iad a great talk: he wanted to know all abottt the people living there. At the customs office at the 'Soo, a man came and introduced himself as Mr. Anderson, having .seen the name :if Seaforth on the car, and said he played ball in Seaforth 35 years ago with George Sills, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. of London, termer residents of Seaforth, were on a motor tour, passing through the Soo at the sante time. We journeyed on, camping at Lake 3d rlt tgamia. where they had ,e line camping ground: on through miles and miles of the Feud timber lands, having good gravel reads to travel on. We then atopned at Duluth. made camp at the Curling Club, which furnisher[ every aceommodntiott. Next day we passed a farm of pure bred Guernsey cattle. We then crowd from Minnesota to t Emerson, Mans through the customs office. en route to Winnipeg: spend- ing a day and night there vt faing a school -mate, .lir. Peter Dickson, a brother of Mr, Thomas Dickson. of Seaforth: We had n lovely visit with 1 them. Then on through Brandon, r Portage Cage la Prairie up to High View, Sask..visiting a cousin, J. A. Dor- ranee. :rt lr. ••hc •. :\^ ' \'otv: ta. _,asks, n t,a t , \ ,e ,r Daytnan, tvha a traveller, , a t op- tician, tician, and is a t' .iusin of i'crplt Day - man, r,f Seaforth, where he w-ettt to tchdul. The weather was very wet in Saskatchewan, during the harvest. Had to wait a week on account. of the Returning by way rrf Brandon, Alan., coming south to St. John, N. Dakota. to New Rockford, visited an- other school mate Mr. John Dodds, nn Cooper - town •'- t C.0 rm t Cc t.t .Coming1 g T then o I -Io e N. Dak.,vis- iting nitt t t wn a P 1 n c Buffalo Fargo, hest ac t \ alley City. where they met Mr. Wtu, Storey, wht-, leftMcKillop 40 yearn ago; and Petrel. N. 'Dale., visiting three sisters ofMn.Dors n4 e's Mrs. t iMr a Darra nee also visat ed her father tend � mother, sisters and brothers there, corning to lletroit Lakes anti visiting Mr. i)orrancc's sister, Mrs. John Alai a r. :\ hrothtr , Mr. l)nr- 'rance iamcs D:,rrtnce, keep, a simmer resort at Perham, with Tots of goad fishing, Then came cut to Minneapolis. vis- ited over night at a nephew's, then to Rtecheste Minn.: and stayed e week at Winona, tt pretty place noted for its 'or nery and blufTat. ti through , leaf r ,se ter Stevens Point, Wisconr sae, meeting alts. David Dorrance. There is wonderfully pretty scenery at all these places. Spent the night a \f ltvattkee, then on to Wheaton, UL,v,-ttin, tntts r , As:. George Scotto ;mei con George .and family, then to Chicago, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Dor ance. Then homeward bound by way rf St. Joseph. Benton Harbour, Ann Arbor, to Detroit; Windsor, 'Tilbury, Chatham, 1 taunts vine London, Woodsqkk, Paris, Hamilton tend then Toronto. it was a very enjoyable trip fount tate roads splendid except in Saskatchewan and there they arc partly gravelled or under ' cons 'uction. • I'lte weather was ideal for camping and tourist •ac. comtnodatirnt dpletid5,1, and every one MIS ver} courteous. and obliging. - BOOKED FOR SEAFORTH, "Favorite Four" Entertainers, with Archie McCullouch, 'Ontario's Premier Baritone, Many of us have been living in Seaforth so long that we feel as much a part of the town as are the gravel stones in the back streets, or the great maple trees that shade the sidew'alles, or Cardno's Hall, the background of many a pleasant metnciry. Seaforth has changed touch through the pass- ing years. The streets are :becoming paved. the maples are larger grown. but the old rapers hall remains the `;tiv'rs^ $1 A YEAR, Have You Ever Blamed Your Eyes for Your Headache? Most headaches come on in the after- noon, after close work. Any one . of several eye muscles can cause an inten'.. headache. Attack your headache at its source. 1F'rllsworth solid told spectacles fitted with IYr llswarth Cruxtdr friar am- bito maximum com- fort and a Il.4,icy. Have Your Eyes Examined F ifl::D S. SAS' AUGE jeweller and t:)ptctntett'iet \1. Itis-.avauge, R. tt Eceeip hso , r:, ante- Just a, inch enjoyment 'nay be had in it 1),W, as was , btainahlc hack in hoyho,.•i's days. when we used t t tate planks in the hoard sidewalks trait topper -toed its in hoots, and .'a' 1, "Gosli. 11::7. 1 wish tlad'd take me to the Show to-' night,” and Bill would say, "I believe! to ei my old roan's go t' ;.. n,up. Everybody Tonged for somethings good to he put on iii 'Cardno', Flat. as soon as Autumns chill was in the air and the leaves hail turned both brown and sear. Human nature is the sante „-slat thio «uau, elrss a T aNiS S,ttate, . 1 it w'a, :lien. Realising tlti :Ind! , 1'rai, ganger ,sge saticei,. wanting to raise: loud, t,,: ,a most+ worthy ..arta,., the. Lions elute +ave i To Voters of Seaforth and Surround-. hooked London's Favorite Four, as ing District: starch by .1relt e Metulliuttcli, 'iu'': c Popular. %t eatile awl aco ntplisht t i hr ,u »tart re uta sir o. my , entertainer, t, give a concert in Card t ' nay •ii Hall. nesde T'e el \ °" i ode - ,'s 8".."i ,a trust , -Jfh, tieaf:n-t}t l.itns print tie that . the concert will be strictly first -crass. ' t rat '' ` '' ' to "„td - Now listen ist n 1 Every cent over and above necessary expense money will he used for Christmas Cheer gifts to make the hearts of many a tt.,y girl and elderly persist, iii tow„ real- ize front ,personal experience that the Lions are earnestly endeavoring to be a worthwhile community- factor. Anti :ley taking in the colleen you can be a Lints in spirit a1S . This will be the third time that the tdons Clue have raised funds for Christmas Cheer gtft Theappreciativettctne spirit in t s which t recipients receive th h pt:tat g causes the v t t I cis it nt•they could do rauicit more in the same• tray that Seems possible. ible Therefore on the evening of. Nov- ember -i .t a'n ,lvo r troubles s at the ticket office of 'Cardnn s Hall" and enjnv tr hour of t f o,ge fulness. of anodyne tnom pain, aspeedy flight from stern reality- You owe }f to yoursel9. you owe it to others and y on will be amply repaid by a picas ant mentors, ,of having done your bit at connection with the LionsChrist- -tit: (rift funds. sal , •i t t1, In; t' a'- the meant t...,tn t I. T. pro_ t cacti „t ., urian he trade: lind another 'l'hat tate ,T sir Lea, Xe - tains be -e''t our auppor. i •-\ ' ,ter -c - ilii t ;p•r Parliament, .1. :Cart spot/deuce a t l' :reigta boys in ordte to learn .t-t„rris :in .l tlitir onintry, [ \ leader -hip ,••a iii'id' ,::alalia G;,•• :,ni•t;t Ilttrott. r t i rt i more •l'uws Tt Squares are and Trail Ranger x organiza- tions 7n^ ins in this e'eciona7 district. I will appreeitie A 01`T2 t tt :-t the pe. lin on Nov. ?tell.,'','j if elected, tett, 1 will repreaent tie, Itstr:ct; South Huron to .'ie 'ht>, 0: ori a bility. Thant,, \\ . C. 11.0 bets SCOTCHMER-TALBOT. One of the 1. t weddings of tinsseason tool. ttlesee.rt 0 a. -i-. 1.117 ur,l tt Nov. i •.t, , f re da S:14111'4;0-, Atli•. Talltat. datig,hter \\•nt. I-1 D, M. McINTOSH'S PLATFORM The following is the platform of 1). M. 'McIntosh. Brucefield • candi- date for the Ontario Older Boys s t• 1) That 1"tail Rangers be given a t :ce. in the Older Boys' Parliament by adding ttteh•e .cats in the House. t,t be oectipie' its dtuv &leeted 'Frail 12otgers. 121 Thin Mentors he nrged as ri• courage the right type of boy to train for the Christian ministry (3) That every Tuxis and Trail Ranger group be urged to study World Brotherhood :,std to gave up port to the Junior League of Na 'ions: (4). Thai our work :again he finalic ed by the Btnd-celltttg Campaign ant it be carried on as laid veal (.51 To encourageatl ;Sunday Sehool groups between iht ages „f twelve and twenty -cane to become or- ganized awl registered as '('rail Rang- er Camps or 'Texis Squares. e6' It .t County t'antp be promoted, that all bots 'between the ages of twelve and twenty-one wlto are mem- bers of an orgttat7etl Sun,lity Srhnc,l (Kass he rhethl,' 10 attend. OLDER BOYS' PARLIAMENT. The seventh session of the Older Boys' Parliament will be held .d'aring the Christmass holidays. The election will be held to Saturday, Nov. 2bth by secret ballot. Ail boys between the tgcs 12.21 uote provng hat .fry Knt eung t ttay a lvet istered Stouridi and Nins Mn,I atb, Lake road, S an`ey 1p.., was united in marriage t:' Roy S c ,ehn e, al.ti i ons of \Ir. and Iles folio Sctetmtr. Re t R. 31. elate h , i the r,e bride :v hratttiftilh g: wn d :n ai French ,'1 es. ,,f white c ••tett heavily t,;rtetl, with a deep st'.ai et -,sitar and sit'cis•- less, carried a banquet 7f "tu•mt.•” htitterflu s tool maidenhair ferns. hridnl ,e11 e. . silk. t_i net mitr„iii cry and, range blossoms The h:!.',. marl, \l,.-. X in,' is D,,w 't WI flowered chiffon georgette ilress. t car ,sweet pea and na:ulenti.cir fern !magnet. The groomsman was Lt r t d Talbot. Thegr j gift to ter Bride was :t eab'nct e>f s11"erware- The napery c.,nplc tuft lay motet for 1.)-; l' gya tvta' ate, a travelling„,stutn. •: rose -hind nt; crepe dress with painted trimmings.. 1I'cr C1111 stns r, ,.: rut and shaul colla,, and lirt ,t tit :ars ce ', n -ie. , twitch \:fr. Se :ch met• .ttt,,nte 1 Seaforth Coif : art :e int.,- yea', etrtat', ag, It•flelli!‘g,n Broad- fooi's ., h.,nl on he 3rd con. of Thele • ,•rsio11 anti! -Christmas when they will take el, their ra' i,icucr ort the groom's farm an the Lake gond rAhoir: 50 young h, apdc he'd a re- ception in honor of Mr. anti airs Roy Scott:hul€r iu the 10”, !tali, Mayfield, ,n Tuesday evening'. \tt address was read by Mr. Colin Camp. hell, to which the groom ably replied. The shower was 'miscellaneous. Dais., Mg and games were enjoyed. .Whether the corn :be Yof old new i*rnivt 1. itntttstyield r„ 1-1„ 1',., way's Corn Remover_ ii:rrw>:.