HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-03, Page 8GE EIGI THE SEAFORTH NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927, 33ENSALL, Miss Tana Rennie, of Detroit, visit- ed, over the week -end with her par- etits,3 tr. and' Uri, -E. Rennie. A number from Hensall attended the fowl supper at Zurich last Wed- nesday Miss Nellie Boyle, of London, visit - s:1 on Sunday at her home here. The services in the United Church on Sunday last were largely attended,. it being automobile Sunday. Rev. Mr, ,Sinclair delivered excellent ser mous both morning and evening. At the morning service the choir rend- ered. an anthem. -A very pleasing ladies' quartette was rendered by Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Lee Redden, Mrs. H..Phile and Mrg, Ed. !Linden- field anda male quartette was given at the evening service composed of Messrs. W. O. 'Goodwin, H. Phile, Geo. Follick and J. Passmore, Isfrs. Beverly Beaton, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr and. Mrs, Jonas Green east of the village. The baseball club are holding a euchre and dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov. llth. Miss Flora :Sherrit, of !California, is visiting for a few weeks with .relatives and friends' in town: Mrs. Mew, of Goderich; visited dur- ing the past week with her niece, Miss Mattie Ellis. The Young People's League of the United Church held a Hallowe'en so- •ial in the basement of the church on Monday evening, the basement be- ing nicely decorated for the occasion. The program was in charge of Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. Alf, Smith, with Mrs. Smith presiding. The meeting was opened by singing hymn e ret{ arepeated the chill e 146, after v P Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secret- ary, :Mss Mora Higgins, after which the Scripture lesson was read respon- sively, hying Psalm 19, and was led by Miss Dorothy Welsh. A violin sel- ection was given by Scott Welsh. ac- companied by Miss Dorothy Welsh on the piano, Itathryne Drysdale gave a reading in her usual manner. A very Interesting topic on "Hallow - than' was given by Harry took, after f which Miss Mildred Smillie gave an in:rumen:a% A masquerade chorus. was given by five girls of the League after which airs. Lee Iledden sang a very pleasing sols,, and then half an hour was pent in contests A dainty; lunch :. sandwiches, cakes, pie and l candy was served at the close of the! nneet;ntg. Dr. Gorton Knapp has ,oil hia dental practice to Dr. M^Taggari Toronto. +Dr. Russell Melaiv, ,t 10,int., . visiting his parents, Mr. and M Wm. McKay. Mr. I Jones, of Lsaniota visited ror a few days with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Win. Jones. '1:he household effects of Miss Mat. t:. I it acre sold by public auction ., t fat rallies god prices arle , n. ! s: Ii Elliot: was fa tnl er. ',e ti Wr it Huron religt: as •Ines to i3+33kre1113,31 t,iii be held at the i .lite°".1 Charea. Kippen a Thursday. Nov. 3rd1 i:t the afternoonti even- ing. A vary ii ter. st t.t; programme vt :1 be given, Supper will he served is C,t` as e ent of the chu sell Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shamans visited for a few .l..,s with relative. in Ian - don. ,lir. arid Mr,. Bawaett ae I ion Don aid and Mrs. John Blatch -d, of Tal botrille.visited over the week -end with Mrs. J.riut Murdoch and other relatives and friends in town. The atiasion Band of the United} Church lied t teir meeting in the base. mens on S u ay afternoon with a good ,-t tcnnat' e present. The meet ng, opened by dnging a myna:old sent ence prayers. 1' lea lir Skinner then I oalie,l the tail. 'lis, See ptnt c lesson was read by Marg,art•r il, nn ugs, afs ter wh rt le -into Sinclair clan t.tk up the cs 'A, c,. Katherine Drysdale then favored the bard with a solo, aes eampatti< 1 by Heanor Skinner- on the Mario. The study was very ably giv- en by Miss Morrison. The meeting was closed with a atytne and the Lord's pratie:. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn and children visited on Sunday with Urs Fairbairn's sister, Mies Ruth Green, who is in a Lenin host t 1. Miss Green is getting along as well as can be expected. Miss Beatrice Madge left on Mon- da7 for London where she will visit for a time. Archdeacon W. J. Doherty will in- duct the Rev. T. W. Jones as rector of the parish et Hensall and Staffa at St. Paul. Church, Hens.at?, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 9th, at 8 p,nn. Rev. W. Jones, of Exeter, will preach the ser- mon. 11rr. and Mrs. Brandon, of St, Marya visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs anal Mann. Mr, \\ n W&fe of '.e, hngville,. visited ova at week -mai with Mr. t \.i Cr Wolfe, 's Mr. aid pies. J. Grieve and sots Taaral a t t Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Sa ifurth visaed. nn Sunday last with lift. and Mrs. W ,. Ilydc. Mrs Effie 'Carrick and daughter \ ietta ani Mr. Cecil Ryan, of Godes rich, visited efn Sunday with Mr. and Idrs. Chas. Wolfe. Mrs. Bertha Bell visited for a few days with her sister and brother-in- law, 1)r, and Mrs. Cawthorpe, in Tavistock. Fina regular monthly meeting of the corral was held on Tuesday evening, Nov, 1. All members present, with the reeve In the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted an motion of Cameron and Higgins. The reeve reported that he had received a letter front Miss Kate McEwan ccomplaining that the water from"the Welsh dram was running on her land and asked the council to take steps', to have the drain repaired. Councillor Higgins reported that he had got the water tanks started and one of then nearly through, but ow- atig to the shortage of cement it would be several days before ;much would be done. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Cameron and Priest. Councillor Higgins was requested to look after the supplying of the cement and other material for the consenting of water tanks, Considerable discussion took place ars to letting the fire engine go out of town for outside fires. Since the new engine was received two fires have taken place in the township f Tuckersmith and the fire engine went to their assistance, As there is con- siderable expense in running the fire engine at a fire, the cleric was instruc- ted J:o write to the township of Tuck- erstttth and see what they intended to clo about paying the expenses of the engine at a 'fire in their township,. The clerk notified the Tuckersmith coun- cil at the time cf the Wm. Green fire but received no reply front that coun- cil.' The opinion of the Hensall council is that the Township of Tuck- ersmith will have to take notice and pay at least the expenses of a fire, if our department is called on for help by some citizen af their municipality. If they do not do so,.•the people of. Hensel( cannot pay for fire protection for Tuckersmith township, bf the citizens of Tuckersrinith want the pro- tection of the Herman Fire Depart: ment, surely their council should be willing to pay for it. The council then adjourned to meet again at the call of the Reeve, Mr. Wm. L. McLaren and family, of near Cromarty, are moving into their new hone this ,week, which they recently purchased from Miss M. Ellis. When an automobile driven by Mr. Webster, of Exeter, struck the wagon of Conrad .Miser here on. Saturday evening, it veered across the road and collided with a car coming from the opposite direction driven by "Robt. Keys, who was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker, living east of Mensal!. Mrs. Parker was rendered unconscious for some later was able to proceed to but titre u her home. The same evening, near Kippen, a wagon driven by James B. McLean was struck by a motor car, but no one was injured, although the team ran away. Mr. and Mrs. White, of near Owen Sound, who recently purchased the business of Mr, J. W. Skinner, are moving this week to town, and will be in business shortly. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison have re - ma tied home after spending a few seeks in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. McClyntunt entertained -ler Sunday school class and also Mr. Worms, however generated, are French's class. After a number of 1 found in the digestive tracts where they set up disturbances detrimental to the health of the child. There can he no comfort for the little ones until the hurtful intruders have 'been ex- pelled. An excellent preparation for. this purpose can be had in Miller's Worm 'Powders, They will immedi- ately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorable to been always willing to take folks at sauctratassamseatassamsasatestam their real value, always emphasizing that which would tend to leave a good and lasting inrpression. You have been a 'favorite with the pupils- and have had the greatest respect from the parents and friends. Sometimes in the-lunndrtumof life we fail to re- cogniz0 the value of an efficient teach- er and seldom ever voice our appreci- ation, but at the bottom of one hearts we, as parents, are and have been, very grateful for all that has been done,by you in the formation of char- acter in our children, We regret your departure from our midst but feel that wherever you go yon a 111 perform your duty just as 'faithfully and haat- estly as you have here. You have been a most capableand competent teach- er. It is impossible to.put into words our feelings 'of gratitude, so as a tan- gible form of our appreciation we ask you to accept this gift. We trust that God's richest blessing will be yours. May yon accept this gift, with our very best: wishes for your happiness and success in the years to come." ST, COLUMBAN. ,Bliss Agnes Downey has returned to London after a few weeks spent in Seaforth and St. Columban, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hart visited friends in. St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. Martin Melady, of Detroit, vis- ited his father, Mr, Frank Melady, during the latter part of last week. Mrs. John Lane (spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. Klein, St. Marys. Miss Edith Miles, of Stratford Nor- mal school, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Miles. it , i cs. Mrs. James Hughes, of Seaforth, spent the week -end at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flannery, of McKillop. Mr. and Mrs, Peter O'Sullivan spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Miles McMillan, Hibbert, Miss S. Queenan visited Miss Lucy. Burke on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Maloney, of Dctroit, were visiting his ,mother, Mrs M. Maloney, McKillop. Miss Carmel Morris, of Detroit, is. a visitor at the home of her parents, 31r. and Mrs, James Morris, Hibbert, games and contests, the losers furn- ished a lovely lunch. The two new sides were chosen by two new cap- ! mins. This way 'of teaching the ,71ass hat proven very successful. I Mr. Thomas Butt is drawing beans :Ind grain to the elevators at Kipper .n1,1 Hensel. If anyone wants their bean- or grain drawn ant when the i,-ire is dropping, phone \V. E. Butt, their existence. alias Elva Ande rst>n, who is attend. ing the London X srnal school. spent RUDDY CANADIAN APPLESt the week -end at her home here. } i \.fr. and Mr. Cudmore Mid family, FOR OVERSEAS. I i Se trth. epent Sunday at the i me f lar. and Mrs. J Deitz. i -What tat shall I send the folks in the ; aaMr. and Mrs. Th„s. Butt, and Mr.I Old Country 1 is a query heard as the .•+l Mt Robert Dayman spent Sun- i Christmas season approaches, but if :,ry with relatives in Clinton. s the average Canadian realized how fM t ars m around herr: attended 1 much our big, juicy, red apples are I tha annisersary services an Sunday ; 'appreciated and enjoyed by people "..,.t ,n i cert on Monday evening. ( me rseas the problem would be im- ]t,. I Mr. Thos. Kyle brought his car mediately_ solved. I some from Lenrinn uta Saturday. Ita Canada's luscious rosy apples are 1 -asks like new. i relished by young and old alike, They I Spey ial Thanksgiving service will be: warm summer dayslize our ilbrilliant dsunehine and I v. ,•i in :at i S.tacl l music. slipper,! t:hristmasy and ceerful, Northern do look alma 6th, pedal music is being; renared by the choir. i Spies, McIntosh Reds and Baldwins At Hil sgreen. Rev. Longley, are -j are the best and most popular to ';.true t missionary, will be the special; earry your kind thoughts and good d i•eal a Mr. Longley is an elor;uent ,,tees and barrels across thesa of nchoicendard ..ted distinguished speaker, r .lay evening the young peoplepicked and hand packed fruit, Govern- si. id their regular meeting at the; nnnt inspected, are procurable at ::ne a ,tt :,f which there will he a i reasonable prices from any grocer .'le..t. Hallowe'en axial. 1 while the matter of shipment is as \i .Mss. 101s5, 1' the ho,.tr os, sbnple as the mailing of a card. \t m. Alexander. The Canadian National Express rs. 1i c IS av, ' i'ttekersmith, Stanley and I will call for your apples, transport a ,+at' Ilnron lac tielotis Education and deliver them by quick service to antall will be held Thursday. Nov.1alas'station in Great -Britain, Ireland i li, Kippen (ttnrch, aftrrttpon and, and most European countries. 1 rt•enan ,,,aantr. E Cling service wiii - The -transportation charge from especiallybe attractive to the public. Montreal and Quebec up to Novem- 11's. Inca Anderson of London ber 15th or from Saint John and spent ars..:vicek end at her'home here. Halifax thereafter, by direct steamer Mn Margaret.Johnston has gone to points in Great Britain, Ireland and to L to !.0 to take a position. the Channel Islands is $3,10 per stan- Mt Andrew Slater had a slight lard box and $6.20 per standard bar - stroke Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Johns• j rel, including refrigeration. tit are. taking care .:f him for the ; Fur rates to Canadian .ports, !present. through rates to Continental stations Mr.ani Mrs. H. Ivison and Miss! and other particulars . consult any ;,ata motored to Goderich township i Canadian National Express agent. Snn.teMy to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. Tor-� IN MEMORIAM. i. goss Iieleii Dinadale is snaking al In loving memory of Mrs. Ed. Bar - stood recovery since the removal of, nett, wit' died Oct. 25th, 1926. her tsils. 1 Ho norable and upright in all her Mr. Field, air. R. Cooper, Mr. H.! ways, Mc3fnrtric, lir. Jas. Bowey and Rev, I Loyal and true to the end of her Mr Conner motored to London on 1 days, ' Tuesday evening last to a Masonic always loving, good and kind, The first Community party of the) lei:. behind. season was hell at the home of Mr. 11114 Mrs. Ii. I"nss and was touch en -1 Rest in peace. thy cares are ended;joyed by the large crowd present. The Rest in peace, thy work is dobe; McBride c,rchestra supplied the mu- You arc gone where those who love sic.. you,. A. lt very pleasant social evening was Sooare coming, one by one.spent at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. * * * Wm. Alexander on Friday everting 'dice she has died for us, help us 10 'viten a large number of S.S. No. 14, trust thy grace, - Itayt gathered to do honor to their That Thou will take us up 'to thee, retiring teacher, bliss Mae McGregor, Where we shall see Thy face, The evening was spent in contest,, Whenthat angel will whisper a mes- instrutnrntals, apeiling match and a sage of love. reading, after wltieh an address was -«Sadly missed by Mr. William read by Mrs. H. McMurtrie and a Nash and family. presentation esentation of a handsome club bag anti leather hand bag by Mrs. Wm. AUCTION SALE \texander to Miss McGregoron be- Of Farm Stock and Implements. half of the section. Miss Mr.Gregor The undersigned auctioneer has re- very feelingly and fittingly replied, ceivcd instructions from Mrs, Annie thanking one and all, after which the Merritt, Administratrix of the estate ladies served a dainty lunch, of Benjamin Morritt, deceased, to sell Following is the address: "Dear by public auction on lot 19, con. 14, Miss McGregor, -L'i'e, the parents and }-Iullett, commencing at one pan„. on children of S.S. No. 14 and friends, Thursday, Nov. 10th, the following: have gathered here to -night to express Horses -1 Clyde horse 7 years old; 1 to you our appreciation of your faith- Clyde mare 6 years old; 1 colt just fttt service and your true friendship weaned, Cattle -1 cow due Feb. 22; during the years spent among us. For 1 cow due March 20; 1 cow due Mar. live years you have dutifully taught 20; 1 cow due April 4; 1 cow due May sagboys and girls and you have hits 15; 3 heifers 2 years old; 2 steers 2 printed upon their lives, not only the years old; I steer 1 year old; 3 heifers fundamental elements of education, 1 year old; 2 steer and 5 heifer calves. hut have ianpressed their lives with Fowl --Abort 3 dozen hens, 'Imp}e- the true greatness of being honour unents-1 Massey -Harris 6 foot cut able citizens of Canada. Education is hinder, 1 McCormick 5% foot cut not merely book learning, but that mower, 1 Massey -Harris hay rake, I broad and wide touch of a truly Chris- Massey -Harris hay loader; 1 Verity tian character and this we feel has • Walking plow; 1 new Quebec Verity been one of your attainments. Your sulky plow, 1 Cockshutt 2 -furrow life has been truly natural; you have plow; I Massey Harris cultivator; 1 meeting tl itat tnatal ut mennory you have Manitoba Flour l Y p I v 4110# iSD fez $4.00 "Big Sixty" n e Beef Meal O Gunu's Tankage $3.65 Gunn's Oyster ��y Shell .50 4.25 IOc Rolled Oats Lux, per pkg. It Pays to Pay Cosh. °inn � � �, 1.� A1y�y� 1 L fidvi le Huron InvesImeHts lid. STOCK BROKERS and BOND DEALERS R Private Wire Service -TORONTO, MONTREAL, N E w YORK, CHICAGO, WINNIPEG, We beg to announce that we will open a branch office in Seaforth located in the Commercial Hotel Building on Monday, Oct. 17th, under the management of Mr, Ben Johnson. A complete service will be maintained daily,keeping investors P g r , in closeouch with the markets at Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chi- cago and Winnipeg from over our own private wire. You are invited to visit our office, where quotations will be supplied with several changes daily. WARNIN t rrl• -- ::e,.e. CANADA 6 TO USERS OF RADIO All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty en summary conviction is a fine not exceeding $50.00 LICENSE FEZ $1.00 PER ANNUM Licenses, valid to 31st March, 1928, may be obtained from: Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa A, JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries set 4 -section harrows; I eleven -hoe drill; 1 land roller; 2 wagons; 1 roll- ing rack, 1 hay and stock rack, 1 fiat rack and log bunks; 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 rubber tired buggy, 1 steel tired buggy, 1 set 2000 1b wagon scales, 1 root puiper, 1 gravel box, 1 cutter, 1 Clinton fanning mill, hay fork, car And ropes, 1 cutting box, 1 emery stone, 1 grind stone, 1 set team har- ness, 1 set single harness, grain bags, forks, shovels, chains and other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Household Effects -1 kitchen cabi- net, kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen table, 1 Treasure coal and wood range, 1 coal heater, 1 wood heater, 1 New Perfec- tion 3 -burner oil stove with oven,1 Standard cream separator, 5 -piece parlor suite, 2 parlor ta'b}es, 1 small table, 3 rocking -chairs, parlor rug, churn, butter howl, lamps, 2 'bed- steads, mattresses and springs, coal oil can, kitchen utensils and dishes. Terms -All purchases of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit on purchasers furnish- ing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Mrs. Annie Morrit, Admin- istratrix, Thos. Gundry, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of House and Household Furni- ture. Mr. Thos. 'Brown has been in, strutted to sell by public auction on the premises, on Saturday, November 12th, at 2 o'clock p,tn„• the following: 2 settees, 3 rocking chairs, 2 parlour arta chairs, 1 centre table, 3 small tables, 1 extension table, set of dining chairs, music cabinet, 1 buffet, 1 sofa. 2 hall racks, 1 davenport, brass bed and springs, iron bed and springs, wooden bed and springs, single iron beet, springs and mattress, 3 wash- stands, 3 dressers, 3 chamber sets, 3 mattresses, 2 kitchen tables, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 side -board, 3-burher Per- fection coal all stove and oven, 1 Moffat range, 1 vacuctte, seven kit- chen chairs, Davis sewing machine, washing machine,copper boiler, 3 floor mats, three 9x12 rugs, one 9x12 linoleum, stair carpet, six cushions, 1 Fuller wall brush, bedding, Hotpoint electric toaster, one 8 -day clock, pic- tures and frames, wheel -barrow, cross cut saw, lawn mower; step -ladder. Terns on household goods, cash. T house issituated on pt. lot 25 The ons st as ed McKillop,. being the property of the late Mrs. Thos. Geary. It is an eight roomed, modern red brick house, 2 storey, with bathroom complete, fur- nace, electric lights and hardwood floors. Terms on house -l0 p.c. of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale and balance within 15 days. J. M. Eckert and Joseph Dorsey, Executors. R S. Hays, their ,Solicitor, Thos. Brown, auctioneer. FOR SALE REGISTERED ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE Both sexes, priced for quick sale. Apply Wm. lsche St SOH R,R. 5, STRATFORD, Ont, 5 miles east of Mitchell. 45 PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Come and see what can be done to shabby chairs by an application of lacquer. Graves' Wallpaper Stpre. FOR SALEa. One International 6 h.p. engine and 1 grinder, 8 -inch plates. ROBT. CLARKE, r. r. 2, Seaforth, Phone 245 r 6. tf TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES In the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof may be had in my office, and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem- ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that in default of payment of the taxes, the lands will be soldfor taxes on Tues- day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Town all, Seaforth, JNO. A. WILSON, Treasurer, 4 Town of Seaforth. MONEY SAVERS. Some travellers' samples in wool- lens, sox, caps, sweaters, etc. Won- derful values but the supply is limited. Conte early. Graves' Wallpaper Store. Ship Your Cream to the DUBLIN CREAMERY We are makers of High Grade Creamery Butter Highest Prices Paid for Churning Cream Give us a trial can, E. I3. TYEBS, Prop. DUBLIN, ONT. AUCTION SALE Of Building Material, The follow- ing building material will be sold' by public auction on the corner of Main and Goderich streets, Seaforth, on Saturday, Nov. 5th, at 2 p.m.: Win- dow frames and sash with casings; door frames and doors with casings; flooring; 2x4 scantling, joists all sizes in various lengths, siding and sheet- ing. A number of 7" and 10 inch steel girders, 12 and 13 ft. long. 6 only 20 -inch I -breams 41' 6" long; also 5 slate slabs containing '128 • sq. ft., 2 inches -thick.: This material is in first-class shape and is suitable for any building pur- pose. I Terms, cash. Thos, Brown, auctioneer; Jos. Too- hey, proprietor. FOR SALE. Quantity of 2 -inch oak plank, also oak scantling; .2 buffalo robes, one a black Galloway and the other a cow- hide; also a set of 500 tb - scales, GEO. HaLps, Egmondville. _ 45 CHILD'S CRIB FOR SALE. A child's white iron crib with mat- tress, both in good condition. May be had reasonably by phoning 160 r 24. 45. FOR SERVICE. IThorobred Berkshire hog. $1.50 at time of service with the privilege of returning if 'necessary; and if hooked, $2.00. ,COLCLOUGIH BROS., lot 4, con. 7, Hallett. 46 AN OPPORTUNITY. We are offering some money saving goods for Fall. DraPperies Hosiery, and Wool Goods. Graves' Wallpaper Store, FARM FOR SALE. For sale, lot 7, ,Con.' 6, Stanley twp., containing 100 acres. On the premises are a 134 story brick house with fur- nace, and a frame kitchen and wood- shed. Hard and soft water at the house; bank barn 80x52 with cement floors all through; windmill and water in the barn; drive shed and im- plement house, 20x30. Land is all cleared, well drained and well fenced with wire, and in *good state of cul- tivation. Seven miles from Hensall, 5 miles from. Kipper; school across the road. Rural mail and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises or address Varna post office. +VWWILLIAM E. FOSTER, Varna. 48 THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rina, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, .Beechwood; M. Me- Ewen, James Connolly,'God- erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariocic;. George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holntesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm: James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named, officers addressed to their respective postoffices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician. and Surgeon. Late of London 'Hos- pital, London, England. Specie*. attention to diseases of th eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Ofdos Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106. 'DR, F. J, !BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderich Oran:, east of the Methodist (Church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron, Tele- phone No, 40. DR. C. MAOKAY.-C. Mackay, honor . graduate of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity :Medical College; e; member of the Cal - lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons a,f Ontario, DR. F. J R. FORSTER--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- RI cute, University of Toronto 1897, Late. ". Assistant New York Ophthalmic and. Astral Institttte,` Moorefield's Eye, atttvf. Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon- don, England. At Commercial 'holm!, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in tants molds, from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. W. r . D- RC,SPROAT. r G adnate of. Faculty of 'Medicine, University set Western Ontario, London. Member of 'College of Physicians and Sese- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhaurt'a Drug Store, ,Main St„ Seafordut, Phone 90. Dental. DR. J. A. IMUN•N, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, grade- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill, Licentiate Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office r ver Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth. Phone 151, DR. F. J.:BEOHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, ;office 185W, residence 185J. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made forSale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATsON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clams Companies. SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Wednesday, Nov, 2nd. Wheat, per bus. $1.23 Barley, per bus. 73c Oats, per bus. , . 50e Buckwheat, per bus. 73e Shorts, per cwt... $LBS Bran, per cwt Butter, per lb ,.,.,.. .., . 35e Eggs, per dos, 40c -45e Potatoes, per bag $1,75' Hogs, per cwt. $825 HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable frame dwelling oa James street. Two lots with barn suitable for garage. Immediate pos- session. s Best bargain in Seaforth. Apply to W. G. WILLIS, executor of Robt. Willis Estate. ' 44 Have your next Suit or Overcoat made by Eei W.AT ,MAN Practical Tailor Main St. Seaforth Prices from $25.00 sip, Your own materials made up at reasonable rates 'lark us for Prompt Service Style and Satisfaction Thursday, Friday and Saturday GEORGE SYDNEY GORDONVERA G The Jewish Half of ".The Cohen's and The Rellys in MILLIONAIRES When the' dollars rolled in sense walked out A. comic tragedy of sudden wealth SPECIA.I, HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Mary Roberts Reinhart's THE BAT Thegmysterypl? g ri in melodrama that has thrilled mil- lions as a stage play. Now being shown in pictures in an elaborate nine- reel presentation with a large cast of ideally selected players Opening with MATINEE MONDAY 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday booking EEtzem,mxemnavraall MIZna,a. r,9