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The Seaforth News, 1927-11-03, Page 5
THURSDAY,, NOVEMBER 3, 1927. PORK AND. BEANS as an appetizing dish,' even for those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor and we pride ourselves that we know how to supply just'the right cut for the purpose. Try it once. Yount ll want Seaforth.e. Phone 58 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. .PAGE FIVE Red & White ehain Stores Cent Rear R..t1 Week 3 lbs Seedless Raisins 39e STEWART t� R �e w Your Butcher, 3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins 39c 6 pkgs. MacLaren's Jelly Pow- ders .390 9 bars P. and G. Soap 3 tins Soup, any flavor 39c 39a 1 tin -Sexy -us Floor Wax 39e' 1 large pkg. Quick Quaker Oats ago (Witt:. China Premiiaum),:' These prices are special 'until Nov. 10th only Ross J. Sproat Phones Ross ' W. Ilii Stewart phone77 The Dairy Fanner is assured of good markets the wholeY ear for his Dairy Products. Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac- count, They will not fail you, Produce onlycream of the best quality„ and send your. cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct, We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. Cream Separator see the NEW. When you need a new p Y MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal. S eatorth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. W.g Walker & Son UNDERTAXING --and- EMBALMING Motor or horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. .001,111ROMPOWEIRWAIMEMSMIRMODYMOSOMMIniMailighatall D. H. McInnes chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons iiseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. P teasssaananeemeatesesseatemensteetesen teeseweetem _ SMAS GIFTS k & R EVE 1"Y rM A mong the finest gifts anyone can give are the Fuller Setspocked in holly boxee-Fuller Vanity Oases, Dresser Sets, Mena Sete, a Little Lady'sSet and doaers of others Fuller Brushes You eelout Fuller gilte in the com- fort of your own home. The day yore -want them delivered 1 bring them nicely wrapped in holly boxes ready or sending or mailing, For special Christmas dentonstretio write me NO obligation. JOHN HOOFER The Fuller Service Man Box 850 Seuforth, Ont, Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chase A. llowey Residence --,)::ones St. TOWN TOPICS A number from this district left on Tuesday morning for points south of Sudbury to hunt. The following went -Tony Phillips, town; Hugh Carnp- bell, T. W. McMillan, Archie Lamont, of IvlcKiltop, and Mr, Lamont of near Brussels, They left for Pakesley. Mr, Sam Jackson moved his equip- ment to.Seaforth and opened his pho- tographing .business this week, Mr, Jay, Jackson, Toronto, .Mr and Mrs. Will Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs, Tudor Jacksons and iamily and Mr. Munn of Ripley sailed on Miss .Jackson, Egmonttv'le over :he week end. , Mrs. Geo. Hend see and .11t -s. L. T DelLacey cave .h; latter hart of the week for l'orente to spend the winker. Mr, and Mrs. George Ferguson, Jean and Russell of Toronto motored up and spent Sunday with Mrs, John Millsom Mrs. Bowar1' Barker of `itratfard spent Wedn.s:;a+' with her cousin, Mrs. Hugh Wrinht. Mr. Ross McGonigle of Kitchener spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGonigle. ' • Mr, and Mrs. W, 'Stevens and fam- ily of Kitchener' were week end guests with Miss Belle Jackson. Misses Alice Thompson and Violet Tyndall spent. the week end with the Misses Erma and Dorothy'Broadfoot, Mill road. Mr. J. H. McLaren is visiting his son,' Mr. Alex.'McLaren, Cromarty. Mrs. DeLacey and Mrs. Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs, Will Counter, in Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Neil is visiting friends in Toronto for a week. Mr..and Mrs. John Wilson are lea- ving shortly to spend some time at Leamington at the home of Mrs: Mill - son's sister, Mrs. Will howler, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pollard spent Tues- day in Brussels. Miss Betty Houston is visiting with friends in Detroit this week. Master Serle Flannery; young son of Mr, John Flannery, underwent a very serious operation in the hospital on Sunday last, He is aiag as well as can be expected. Airs. George Brownlee spent a few days last week visiting her son,. Ed- gar, in Windsor, Mr; Geo. Brownlee of Severn Bridge and Mr, Elroy Brownlee of London were weekend visitors in town. Miss Lavada Rising of Toronto spent several clays at the home of Mr and Mrs. Johd Webster, returning with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Routledge, Mr. Chas. Routledge and Miss Belle Sproat were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Belgrave. The choir of )gntondville church presented their pageant at .Brussels on Monday night. On their way over the fire at Rion Bros.' barn, Leadbury, added to the excitement. Mrs, Anderson of Verdun, Man.,. was a guest at the home of Mr. 3, H. Reid. Miss Anderson of Clinton also spent a few days here before they leave for the West on Thursday, Mr. and l rs. Finlay YIcCei cher Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Henderson and Miss Rnby aioRae were in Toronto attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Hugh McIntosh Mrs, Alex. McGavin and babe and her mother, Mrs. Twiss, returned this week from a three months' visit at Regina and Saskatoon, They also maed a short visit at Banff, Alta. Mr, and Mrs. Sat. Hannah were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys in Stanley, Special Armistice, Day service will be held in St. Thomas' Church next Sunday evening at 7 p.tn., to which all are invited. Miss Margaret Geddes of Rmbro spent the week end with Rev, and Met. W. P. Lane. Rev, and Mrs W. D McIntosh, for- merly of Bruceficld, visited on Mon- day with Rev and Mrs, W. 1'. Lane. Messrs. Gordon Hays and Lonis Brall and Misses Lucy Eckart and Jean McConnell of Detroit spent the week end with their parents and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. Con, Eckert and Miss Brail who will remain in Detroit for a attentlt, AA•, James' Purcell is having a bath room installed in his home. Miss Margaret Purcell visited with Dublin friends on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond :;itiske alydLaugh-:.. J i . ,. .-1 heee from Detroit Friday evening and re- turned Sunday, taking Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat with them, where they will stay for some time, visiting their sons and daughters. Mrs. tAntta •Gibson, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs, Robert Stew- art, returned to her home at Echo Bay, Algoma. fir, Hugh Wright, Detroit, motored °tree and spent Sunday at his home. here: Mr. Neil Grande, Detroit, also was a guest with 'friends on Sunday. Justice.W. E. Raney is presiding at the Fall Assizes of the .Supreme Court of Ontario which opened at Godericb. Teem—lay. There are no criminal cases. Reduced Prices Ladies' and gentlemen's Haircuts now 35e All thelatest bobs at the ow 350 Dennison Pullman Barber Shop Just around the corner Bank Building ]10TY17.I1i0]3 �'.. Phone . 125 When YOUR . hell rings —a pe rsor al service t t When. the p.a,l cr your' telephone uI ,.n.teh.ni„ Sas a pereonul see- se f„r sou It n:r u,a drat eieeune t making u::,: vt L pet -sows/ ccitupt,, xt Much eta have, p rev .t d, and Ciat he bus .cured eouneetion with the per. su,ai egadptitc•nt reaching you. More than this, he has secured tot, ,;ursuasul stye of the necessary connecting equipment. 10 a eenteal ef f tee and the personal services at one or more telephone astern - toes. When you ere talking with-himi you are using hundreds or even thousttndrt of dollars' worth of telephone equipment. And in order that tins equipment may always be ready for your personal watch- ed, use, it is closely w ed, tested, checked, It's a personal service. ;Ai Wetproof : o Shoes MEN'S WETI'ROOF WORK SHOES made o£ a soft, pliable oil -tan leather, with . Paneo soles and rubber heels, plain toe, Black or Brown $3.65,. other Work Shoos, $2.95 and $3.45 EASILY THE 'BEST VALUES IN TOWN The Store that brought • down the price of shoes in Seaforth ECONOMY BOOT STORE -.Directly Opposite Commercial Hotel --Illeitaleselauguelwasawatarmaimmaleitammaimenmensonatanutrensosramamemaauermaytaaamoutogmu - FARM FIRES. Since tlf8 following editorial from the "Ontario Farmer" was handed in -for ,publicationlast week, there has been one barn burned in the neigh- borhood and another had a close Call: "The office of the Ontario Fire Marshal reports that the loss from barn fires' has been exceptionally heavy this year. In the month of August alone, the number of barn fires in the Province mounted to the high total of 125 with h0areesutfatnloss s that month of $335,000a ito rs of the Province. Constant care and. watchfulness is required to keep fire away from the farmstead, The Fire Marshal lists in order of their import-. afice the following seven chief causes of ifartin fire's: lightning;, defective chimneys and heating apparatus; matches and smoking; combustible roofs, spontaneous ignition from im- properly cured hay or other rough- age; gasoline and kerosene; electricity (defective wiring). "The farmer may feel that he cannot at the present af- ford to install lightning rods or re- place old shingle roofs with non-com- bustfble roofings. He cats at least have his chimneys sound. He can stop •uca-smoking about the barns; Special Optical Offer. Heavy weight gold -;filled spectacles and eye glasses with best fat•.spheri- cal lenses for only $4,00. All other styles of frames and lenses at reason- able .prices. Eyes examined by our Well kno'wai •acrd !painstaking specialist, Mr. $3ttghson, 18 years,00ming to.Sea ,for'th, You are assured .the best optical work to be obtained and at most mod- erate cost. Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov 1'5, 16. Seattic's Fair, Seaforth. alt ' e grand success. Ret. &Ir. Holmes, Ate can cure his !ray thoroughly m t seasons and when it must g in Clinton, gave two instructive and h p can scatter salt powerful sermons. At the morning services he took as this subject, "There go the ships to their desired haven." At the evening service his subject. "In the beginning was the word and the word was God," The music by the choir was much ap- preciated. The church was filled be- yond capacity in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tebbutt, of Tuckersmith, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt, Rogerson. There will be no service on Sunday next as it is anniversary_ Sunday in Londesboro. One of our farmer young ladies smith -east of the village s to he mar- ried shortly. HARLOCK. Pioneer of Manchester Passes --One of the early pioneers in East Wawa - nosh and :11anchester, at present Au- burn,f Mrs.Jas. 'n aperson v died a th 7 l -lar risan, at the home of her daugh- ter,Mrs. '\l'm Howatt, 14th con., of Hullett, on Saturday night, October 29th. She had celebrated her 84th guest of vlrs. Roy MicCullach. birthday in August, hating been born Miss Olive Spenre, of 'i'uronto, who at Yorkville, now Toronto, the eldest spent the past two weeks here, 1eft metnber of a family of 12, of Mr. and Sunda' for Toronto. Her mother Mrs. Thos. Hoare, who had just come I'odison, of Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gardiner, Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr._and Mrs. 11. B. Stephenson. +Miss Edith Riley visited at her hone here on Sunday. Mrs. Tom, Riley, of Clinton, 'has been sick for the past week. -hisses Ida Stalker and Mary Tier - nay, of Blyth, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stephenson ton Tuesday. Several attended the Masquerade Dance in Blyth Friday night, Mr. Leo Stephenson won first prize for best comic dressed roan, and fir, Har- vey Taylor and partner first prize for best couple dancing. Those spending Thanksgiving at their homes: Blanche Wheatley, Myrtle Lawson, Mildred and Clif- ford Britton, Rena Carter, Thelma Dale and Florence Knox. Air. Peter Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Ferguson, Lambtott county; Airs. Wynne and daughter Helen, of Forest, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Wm. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. McKellar, of Sea - forth, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Dale. Anniversary services held in Con- stance United Church proved to be a mos' , o not in the best •s a ,4,' in the mow, using from three to ten pounds to a ton of hay. He can treat gasoline and kerosene with care, stor- ing supplies in a shed separate front the other buildings, and put, a stop to running the tractor or autornobile'tnto the barn driveway. He can' see that the electric wiring in :louse and stable is sound, that connections are se- cure, and that nothing is rubbing the ;vires bare of insulation. He can af- ford to have a few fire extinguishers conveniently placed in stable, house and barn, He can make a round of the farmstead at night and lock up securely against vagrants and petty thieves. We have heard all this be- fore 3 True, but Ontario farmers have lost a sunt estimated at $871,- 200 in the ,first eight months of 1927 through farm 'fires. 'When the losses drop to an inconsiderable sum it twill. be time to neglect warnings and hints on protection against fire." CROMA.RTY, bliss McTavish. of Toronto. is the LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. 'Burt `Nott spent Wednesday with Wroxeter friends. Two loads of Masonic men motor- ed to Teesweter on Wednesday even- ing to hear an addr'ess by the Rev: G. McGuire. - Mr. Carman Moon returned hone last Sunday after a two weeks' - visit at Vineland and St,. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ross returned to their home last Sunday after a two weeks' visit with friends here. A very pleasant time' was spent in the Community hall last Friday night when the Masons entertained their friends to progressive euchre ` and dancing. Mr. and Mrs•"H. Riley and family spent Sunday at Wroxeter. Quite a: number from here motored over to Constance on Sunday to at- tend anniversary services being held there, Miss Emily Little, of Clinton, spent the week -end at her hone here. Mrs. Sphul and Miss Minnie spent the week -end at the home of Alf, Geo. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs, 5, Carter spent Sun- day with Winghani friends. Mrs. Bars Bransdnn and son, of Yorkton, Sask., are visiting friends here. Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Watt, of To- ronto, who have 'been visiting at the Manse. returned n, Toronto last week, 'The Ladies'. Aid of Knox Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Archie Webster on Tuesday last. The monthly meeting of the W.I. will be held in the Community hall on Thursday. Nnv, 3rd. All ladies are invited. on accompanied her and will stay tat To- ronto for flu winter. Mrs. Tuftord and Miss Currie, nurses in the Home for Incurables in Toronto, are visiting ht the village. Mrs. A. C. Russell and son George. „f Carlingford, spent Sunday with BAYFIELD. Mr, Will Cameron of Detroit arriv- ed on Monday to visit his father, Mr, Alex. Cameron, Mrs. J.dB. Wright of Detroit i$ visit- ing her brothers, John and Louis 'Mc- Leod. Miss Louise McLeod who has spent several weeks visiting her `sister in Detroit, returned home with Miss T.oia Elliott and Mr, J. Miney Friday. Mrs. A. Currie who has •been visit- ing her daughter at Hamilton for the past six weeks returned .home Monday lit'. Norman Totes of Detroit is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Toms. out from England two years hefort at the time of 'their marriage. They moved to Act -nn surae years later, coating 73 years age to Auburn, where Mr. Hoare teas aa:2gon maker, as well as a farmer on ape 150 acres of crown laud which they cleared. She Air, and Mrs. Ernie Graham• obtained public training in the village lillraith °i 1)itrh uu 1! school at Auburn and in company calleeds. ottJno+o,u. lit•cofa heti redattivcs r I with several other girls, got their Sunday.' higher education among themselves, oftee studying while doing work by MANLEY. log firelight They stalked to Goder- What might have been a sac. accid- ( ieh to successfully write their Model ent occurred last Thursday on the School examinations. Her first school Provincial highway west of faf DJublin scsi astS•S. thNo, 1",tbtI cctn,IE. o- when Stephen rMurray, Murray, was driving hose with hes :cheat. Fie. i year', she had taught ' *} °g team about half past five in the even-. the characteristic pioneer school its ing and cmc ni Stillman's trucke ran which there were no summer hili - into his wagon from behind, throwing days, bd.-ire her marriage to James Stephen otit and turned the wagon Harrison, w•lm predeceased her. who turtle. The reach wash to en and ha1 front of Johnleen a Parrott,rtnter of 9thtlin,, Morris, is Miss Gertrude McGee, of. London, spent the. week end with her mother, Mrs. Bert Bick, Mrs, McLead, who ie still confuxetl to bedr at the -home of her sister, Mars. Robert Charters, is slowly improving, Mr, Jno..Nicholson attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. John Cowan, at Bayfield, Sunday last. The following is the school report of S.S.. Na. 6, Tttekersntitlt, for Oc- tober, based on examinations and the monthly wank of the pupils. Sr. IV. -Elmer Hugill 70 me. Jr. IV, --.Eve., dyn Nott 77, Isobel Ashton 72; Sr, III, --;Fletcher ,Whitmore 94, Warren Whitmore 90, Raymond Townsend 76. Jr, III, -Sarah Whitmore 87, Myrtle Ashton 78, 'Pearl Hugill'75, Verna Hugill 70, Harold .Hugill . 70 (absent' for examinations). Sr. II. - Leola Nott 72, Hazel Ashton 70, Jr, IL -Arnold Hugill' 75, Sr, I.--Fior• ence Whitmore 93,' Velma Ashton 84 Sr. Pr. Wesley Hugill 83. Jr. Pr,; Iona Hugill 76. The following pupils' have obtained their Star Memory certifi cates for memorizing "The Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, the Books of the Bible, the 'Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes" -Elsner Hugill, Evelyn Nott, Isabel Ashton, Fletcher Whitmore, Warren Whitmore, Pearl. Hugill, Myrtle Ashton, Sarah Whit more, Verna Hngili, Hazel Ashton, Florence Whitmore. Ni,, uu roll, 18. Average attendance, 16. Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. School report of S.S. N. 3, Tuck- ersntith. Names are in order of merit, Sr. -Carrie Oke, Elizabeth Broad - foot, Ella M. Scott, Bob McCartney, John Broadfoot, Clarence Taylor, Jr. IV. Janet Watson, Evelyn Wilson, Billie Calwill, Robt. Popple, Gordon Wright, Bruce Armstrong (absent). Sr. III. -Jean Watson, Willie Papple. Jr. 111. -•Arthur Wright, Howard Walter. Jr. IL --•W. D. Wilson, Beat- rice Arntetroatg, Earl Papple, Delbert Taylor, Bobby Dalrymple (absent). L --Annie Popple, Gertrude Walter, Alice \Vright Pr,-Maytne Watson, Mac Wilson, Donald McDonald, Iso•. bel Armstrong, Milton Taylor, Grace Dalrymple (absent). L. Boyce, Teacher. TUCKERSMITH, '_lir, John McLachlan returned home on Thursday evening after spending six weeks in the West visiting rela- tives. Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Simpson are visiting with friends in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan and family spent Sunday with friends in London. Air. and' Mrs, Thomas Hodgert vis- ited friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Hamilton returned home last week after spending a few days' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Love. Mr. and Mrs, George Greenwood of Detroit and family spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George. Bell. They were accompanied by Mr. Will Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gemmell are spending their holidays in Toronto. Miss Betty Houston is visiting with friends in Detroit We are sorry to know that Mr. Ed- gar Allen has been confined to bed for the past week. Rev. Wm. Bell of Carthage was vis- iting his sister, Mrs. James Allan, one clay this week. Mrs. Henry Peckelder ,f Grand Rapids, is home visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Char- ters, Time has Tested it, --Dr, Thomas' Eclectrie Oil has been on the market. upwards of fifty years and in that, time it hoe proved a blessing to thou- sands. It is in high favor throughout Canada and its excellence has carried its fame beyond tete seas. If it were double the price it would be a cheap liniment. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance Agency Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth. Ontario. fhe .1 1 R pecia '° i ver lour We have 'it—Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings n Chop of All Kinds C. G. TIIOS GRAIN DEALER FH©NF. 25 IDDragged Down by Asthma. The man or wanian who is continually subject to asthma is unfitted for his or her life's work, 'Strength departs and energy is taken away until 'life be- comes a dreary existence. And, yet this is -needless, Dr: 5, E. 'Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has brought n great change to an army of sufferers. It re- lieves the restricted air tubes and guards against future trouble' Try it, the team got away wet to the wagon. Mr, Murray escaped with anuc-tune pupil., aact several pupils a fractured rib and a severe shaking- of here are still living its E. Wawa,- ook 30 acres tn. crown Id hut h nothing serious. t r. afiieldrnear lauds near ett- mesh. the school, but later moved the, who wasw en hing do a the road when the accident re tithe Cronin nlow lives. They were about Petted, caught the team years in Mortis.. Mrs, Harrisonhorses hurt themselves. The truck 30 driver escaped injury. but the truck hand past uF theethtesc cotnintgifn \ray teas badly wrecked. to has in Mr, Louis Braii1clkart aoflDc- p t,llttr llc Lith.where \fes she L[arr oubeen had eYe Mary, and d Mice Lucy it trait, and Mfrs. C. Eckert, paid tis a family pf twelve; thane dill surviving :sit over the week -end are: Rnbt, of Vancnughuet and Mat- hw't f r, Peter Eckart has treated lihn ketal;'IMrw, Acthar Cooper t,\iiuri e), self to a new Ford sedan. 8raee:briclge; Mrs. Wm. Stonehouse -'--It "s" -� Sisk.; Mrs Bert For ,Catarrh„ -It is one of the chief (Maggie) D'Arcy, recommendations of selttt'Mrs. lltric0il satit can lied intern- Wm. Hotat,Jullett; Thomas,To- aly wish asmuch 55100055 as it can route and Lucy, :\ubttrn The foilow- otitwa dly. Sufferers from catarrh will inn' prerlcceased her Iles, Bart %fns find that the Oil when used accord on .Mrs. Alf. Cooper and tins. Thos, ing to directions will give prompt re- •lohuston. John and Mary Hoare, of lief. Many sufferers from this ail- Auburn; Col. +Hoare Clinton. and ament have foetid relief in the Oil and biMrsaBeitiu survivawgtb other afldtsis have sent testimonials, tees. The funeral on Tuesday after- noon WAS largely attended taking --------- place froth her daughter's, \Irs. How - CONSTANCE, aft, to Union cemetery, Blyth. Rev. bit. and llr;." 3. lungblut, of the Dr. I3arithy conducted the services. 8th ay conlastcessweeiok.n, were in Stratford one The pallbearers were Ben, Snell, E. clBender, Robt, Wightuxan, Earl Raith- IMr: Jos, Armstrong is barbering in ley, Bill Scott and :Robt. Harrison: the Londesborough shop two days blt. 1Z'ant, f\. W, \ic each weeweek.Dtvdngesses., K. McV.ittieBu,cnG: Brown and Mr,r. Leo Stephenson has stopped Ernest Sanderson attended, the Mas- ilrawiltg creast to \Vinglta s far this yeaerne meeting at 'Tecstvatet' lest \\red- resday evening; Engineer Rogers, of Mitchell, do- Air, and Mrs. ,David Reid and Tam- ing sttrvey work this week to con- ily. Air, and hies, Jos. Mann, of :\lino, . rection with the Kinburn Creek, Mr. Air, and Mrs. Bob Campbell and Fatu- Wm. Nlaore.having brought him. ily, of near Brussels, Misses Edna Mr, and Ivies. W m. Lagan and and ,t niy Parson and Olive Knox vis- Kathleen, Misses 'Mary Cole and iced at Alex. McEwing's on Sundae. Viola Fraser, of Blyth, and Alr, and Mr. Will, Keox is busy ploughing 'stirs. Frank. Kershaw and Jack spent for Mr. Tomlinson, of McKillop, Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leo cyte Miss Isabel Reid spent the week - Ste - end with Miss Marjorie Bickel], of Mr, .and Mrs. Albert Mitchell, Mil- Seaforth. Bred and Clifton and Mr. I•'Ierman Your Auto Needs GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging <nt all makes. A good line of New and Used Parts A FEW USED CARS LISTED t 2.icrcnsc Chevrolet Touring. l.I..t 'i $75.00 with 1 Ford Towing 191R.. .• • ...•.••••.•••.$75,00 with license Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires. like new ..$375 with license e ligahWiniewaretiontemseumermg Garage PHONE 167W 'DRESSES NO MATTER IIOW DELICATE', MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE We claim that tto dress is too dainty or expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence. The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes' time to study and achieve, 'Ladies' anti Gent's Felt Hats cleaned. Ir only costs a collar auci will look like new. SEP FeRTII GARMENT ' sRE g 8 Proprietor Sydney COMMERCIAL. BBL©CK. PHONE 2225 or 210