HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-11-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
B. W. Jtatetnua,Tailor Your neat wacenele
mode up at reasennblo prices: upstairs aver
-Katmag's, stein .street, 6eaterttr.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Cuthill on Oct. 211st,, when they
celebrated their 31st anniversary, and
also gave a reception in honor of their
son Oscar C., and his bride, About
80 guests were present for occasion,
some coming from Stretford, Mitch-
ell, Granton , Russetdale, Cromarty.
and S'eaforth, The bride and groom
received some very pretty and costly
presents; and Mr, and Mrs: Cuthill
were the recipients of a very useful
and pretty gift from the family, a box
of silver tea knives and forks and
berry spoon. Danciug attd other
amusements were kept up till 12
o'clock, when a dainty lunch was
served. .Dancing commenced again
,and with the good music furnished by
Messrs. Dodds,, Neitans, and Mrs. M.
Lamb on the violin,.and Mrs. E. Toll,
Mrs. J. Hagg and Miss E, Dodds at
the organ. things weut pretty lively
till half past two, when all dispersed
•to their homes, thanking Mr, and,Mrs.
Cuthill for the sociable evening they
had spent with thein.
Mr. and Mrs. R. French, of Mea-
foed, are visiting the latter's sister,
Mrs, Thos. Clark. They carne by
Misses -'Ida and. Margaree Driscoll
have returned from a visit with their
sister. Mrs. Boyle, and other friends
hart 99, Scott Kerr 59, C:us Johtisott' weather was perfect and the auditor
57. Sr, Pr,—Sylvester Johnson 57. ium was filled to its utmost capacity
Jr. Pr. -Beth Shantxon and George 'both morning and eveixing. The con-
MoL,ure 80 (equal) ;' Ross 'Gordon 71, gregation was glad to welcome Rev.
The highest mark in arithmetic was W. D, McIntosh and family. Mr, Me-
obtained by Olive Eberhart, 100; in Intoah preached two impressive ser -
spelling, Olive Eberhert, 100; and in mons, 'He said that he and Mrs, Mc-
rea(ling,.Barbara Eberhert, 48: Intosh could recall many pleasant
. G. R. Way, Teacher. memories of the years spent in
tRe ott for September and October,field. 'But one thing they would never
forget was the little grave in yonder
of S.S. No. 12, MaTtihop: V. Class— g
sack Habkirk 80, Arthur Alexander cetneter'y. ;Special mention 'should be70. Sr, IV,—Mary Dodds 83, :Sato made of the music of the day. The
McSpadden 811. Jr, IV, --Jack Hui- choir udder the leadership of Miss
ley 72,John Adams 67. Sr. I'18.• Jean Murdoch, gave several selections
r tulle v 79,Agnes Dodds 76, which were well rendered and much
J eU >g S
Jr, TOL—Elizabeth McFarlane 79, appreciated. The offering was a most
Agnes Case 74. fie I1, -Tillie Hulley liberal,cue, amounting to $560.
83,g The concert which was held on
Bert MtGcSp int e.n 60, Arthur Mc` Mondayeveningunder the auspices of
Clure 46. Primer.—Margaa'et Hab
kirk 81, George Habkirk 77.' the choir was well attended and the
Annie E. Strong,Teacher, e:ccellent program was certainly en -
The folilowins' is the port of S.S, joyed by the audience. Mr. McGee, of
No. 2, McKillop, for September attd Auburn, and Miss Shaw, of ,Bluevale,
October. Names of pupils who were are good entertainers. Special piano
absent ate marked with an asterisk, and violin music was furnished by the
Sr. IV.-iRuth Scott 81 p.c., Sam Mc- ;Boyce orchestra and Miss' Eleanor
Clure 73, Arnold Scott*: Jr. 1V.— Snydec, Mr. Jarvis Eortou and Misses
Mary' Macdonald 86, Mack McFall- 'Leila and. Eva Stackhouse. Proceeds,
ave 84, Margaret. Storey 66, James were 565,00, .
-McClure' 66.r. II'L-Rbbert McMil- Miss .Shaw, of Bluevale; was the
can 82, Verna) McFarlane 76, Edna .guest of Miss Helen Tough this week,
14•lsedonald 75, jean Macdonald 70, Mrs. Walter Stevens and her sister,
Nelson :vloClure 60. Sr. II.—Eddie Miss Jessie Tough, returued home last
Storey' 70. Ir. H.—Margaret Mc- week after speeding four months vis-
Clure 88,,Orville Store 77, Edith iting friends in the 'West and at the
y Coast,
M1cM.iha75: Primer. Isabel Aad-
erson, Elmer Scott, Charlie Storey, Rev. W. A. Brentuer visited friends
Arthur Anderson, 'Bert McClure. in ILondon this week.
'Number on: roll, 21. Average attend- • Mr. John McGregor, of Harrisville,
once, 20. Mich., spent the week -end at the home
Olive V. Medd, Teacher. of his'brother, Hugh McGregor, and
in 'CThe services at Duff's Church on. other friends in the vicinity.
'ornnto. Sundsy were conducted by Rev, Mr.The many friends of Mr. Frank
Mir. and Mrs. G. Badley and was lean spent Sunday in Goderieh. C ars ell of Toronto' ,lilceultead, who underwent an opera-
pera-1he young Peoples Society of
tion in Clinton hos
Quite a number from the village at lluft, t.hurch held their regular be glad to hear htfp
ital last week, will
is improving,
e society.
tended the reception' of Mr. and Mrs.; • meeting, Sunday evening, October 3D, Y R S. ---The social committee of
Ray Crawford at the home of .the for -1 Misses Tillie Storey, Jean Alexand- the Y.P.S. planned and carried out a
tner 5 father, Mr. D. Crawford, very successful !Hallowe'en social on
Friday: last. The basement of the
church was tastefully decorated for
the occasion and in the early part of
the evening dimly lighted. This gave
opportunity tunity for the ghosts, etc., to
worse off souse of their jokes. After
the lights were fully turned on a 'par-
adc. of the masquerade was conducted
and prizes for the best costumes
awarded to the following: Clete Pep -
tier, Elwood Stackhouse, Cliff Broad -
foot, Clarence Armstrong. The even-
was then pleasantly spent in con-
tests, etc, A splendid lunch was served
and all dispersed Inc house, assuring
each other it was the best social•yet.
On Teesday_evening we held our
devotional meeting. The leader, Miss'
Edna Bremner, hacl arranged a splen-
did program The topic was ably
taken by Janet Aikeuhead
!Re v. W. D. McIntosh, of Elnbro,
was the week -end guest of Me. D.
llr. and Mrs. Thos, Campbell have
ire tied themselves to a piano.
\U•. and Mrs. John Graham spent
Sunday with relatives in Clinton.
Mr. Jack McEwan is sporting a
new Ford coupe.
Mrs. \Vin. Collins, who has been on
the sick list, is tot improving as
quickly as her friends would like to
see her.
Mr. Lorne Pepper ;pelt Sunday
tvitlt friends in Staffs.
astethab, Tester, ].,�ra •tt mntetiale
mate up attva+ou ,tie prigs, t't'.utirs over
Ke tttra e, Molts Street, A.:aturtis,
The usual W. M. S. meeting.. in
Queen Street ;Church on Tuesday,
Nov. 1st, was net held owing to the
death of Mrs. James Harrison, of
Hallett, The ladies will meet next
The Ladies' Aid of Queen street
Chhld a sucessful ar a
•upperurch iteMletttoriacl Hall onbazSaturday
last, Proceeds were well above $100.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in
t he en street. United Church at 10.30
a.m. on Stanley. The annual Thanks-
giving services at the evening services
conducted by Rev. R. H. 'Barttaiy.
Miss Etta MfcBrien, of Clinton, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McElroy.
Mr. Leslie, ,f Preelton, is at the
Matte of his son, Mr. Sidney Leslie.
wit" has been ill for several weeks.
Miee Mary Spafford, of Wood-
stock, is at the home of her parents.
egp with scarlet fever. Mrs.
Spafford, who has been in London
s.suing, returned Monday.
•\Vhi,e Mr, James Denholm was
leading a cow on Friday one of his
tingers,,,was caught in the rope as
tlu' aminal totted and the end of the
finger was torn off, :,1r. Denholm is
nureing a very sore hand this week.
Literary Society.—The Literary So -
of •the Continuation School met
for their first meeting oil Friday, Oct.
28th, front .3 ta 4 p.m. The President,
Mies Vivian McElroy, opened the
meeting with a short introductory ad
ltc-s. Dr. Ross, a Vice -President,
gave an instructive talk on health.
Rev. W. 13. Hawkins, with a few re-
marks, presented the medals to the
f''Itossing champions of Sports Day:
5r, girls, Vivian McElroy; Jr.girls,
Marjorie "Baintoet; Boy's, Jimmie
Sims Books were presented to the
runlets up: Sr„ Edna Bell; Jr., Mary
Denholm; Boys, Kenneth Cowan,
Members and friends of Trinity
Sewing Club were entertained at the
Rectory on Friday evening. The
hostess, Mrs. (Rev) W. B. Hawkins,
and Miss Pearl Gidiey, served a
bounteous dinner at 6.30. Following
dinner a really pleasant cis cial evening
was passed in music and games.
Prizes were won by Miss Gidley and
Dr. McIntyre. The house was most
tastefully. decorated. The guests
cache in costume. To the charming
hostesses the Circle exite.nd thanks for
the success of the evening,
Miss Mildred McGrath, teacher of
Teessvater, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Kelly.
Mr. John Thotnpson, of Clifton
called on Blyth friends on Sunday.
Mrs. Jos.' Feeney and baby are
visiting her mother, Miss M, H. Kelly
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCaughey
have returned home alter a motor trip
through the States.
•\frs John Heffroti and Miss Ross
arch at present visiting friends in To-
Miss M. Pollock is visiting relative%
in Windsor and Detroit this week,
Mr. and Mrs, Art'Croeyh, of Wind-
sor, left fo rthat place after spending
a few days with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Forbes have
returned from an enjoyable visit with
the :tormer's daughter, Mrs. Gow
land, .if Fergus.
Mr. John Shorlreed. -59th cpn. Mor- (•tctoher. 'Those marked with an as -
•.1s. lost'quite a fete 'chickens last terisk have been absent for one or
week, Wes. Searle, r,f the 8th, arrived morCerts examination. ation. Sr, IV.• -.Reg,' Lit -
home from Brussels the other night tle, Heiman B_urmann, Jr. IV.-
in time to catch one of the thieves
Mary Duffy, Harvie Iiillctt, Louis
leaving his hen house •ted a second Duffy_, Marion Little. 'Sr. I1I,-Es-
.,nc was already down the lane lead -
titer Duffy, Brenton Godlcin, Ivan
Mg to the iderotd, as Mfr. Searle has MacNabb*, Muriel' Finnigan, Orval
two lanes, being on the corner. Get-
-ng his gun from the house, he made
:hent strike a fast retreat to their car.
Not only chickens, brit grain. has
been disappearing in this district.
A Hallowe'en social on Friday
-light to But .rte :oboe' n the Bth
line, Morris droved ;he w rth of so-
: al- evening its a Tinge section melt as 1
this is \\hen it comes o talent,.
er, Bessie Hilden and Ida Medd, of
the Stratford Normal 'school, spent
the week -end at their houses here.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 6 McKillop, for September and
Bettrmantoe Jr. III:—Iola Beurmann,
Norirte Little, Gordon Elliott*, Reg-
gie I rt ce. Sr. II.—Evelyn' Hoegy.
Jr. IIVera Daffy, Alma Finnigan,
Helen Elliott, Glen Bryce. Pr, --Rita
Duffy. Gerald O'Hara and Leslie
Price sequel). Number on roll. 23.
.e cera e attendance, 21.05,
\lona Dale, Teacher.
was sitpp ie,l i't plenty for tn_ pro-'
gram, you cntitdn t beat the i+t=t ,:n, ,f t Entertain Yourself DUBLINand friends for
.Morrie. but hand lee et.,eleitii.--..te' the winter evenings with a Westing-
th uul 8thor ippiyirtg the re-
house Radio, batteryless or with bat-
freshments, hecaa c they have thee ;_ries. Drop in for demonstration at
Miner's art t.- s scieltce, The mat -
r 'aC tins year s Christmas enter-
ritim'nt was liacuseed and date set
_,r dare. 22nd. Last year $40 was
made 't thus event `\e lwpe to have
store or we will give you a week's free
trial at your home.—T. J. Molyneaux,
agent, Dublin, Ont,
MIr, Tos. Klinkha.umer spent • the
.ti t'c o, u. -e .plc..*levenings<,t,teveningsut week ettd with his family here. i
be !mitre..
Thanksgiving dance. in 4:C),U.\v
'tall. K v 4 -Redmond orchestra,
Miss Marguerite -and Carson Hoy. Amor t•itenr met at the high echoed
ni \feC:•lw, visited R. iloy's on Sat-) end had a mnc: enjoyable gtflne,Dur-
nlay'. log Inctafternoon Misses Drucilla enc;
Mr. D. ;:tris and Mr. D. Barman re- Betty Camp leavingbell who areto
mined home from Saskatchewan
nuke their home in Toronto were
where they have spent the last two
- t -telt: tresented with a prayer bank and box
\1'' W'('lard: is pant✓ aft" 'ithandkerchiefs. :1 short musical
l tris'*rant was enjoyed after which a
t t r+ h - ten al Seaf.'r:1t. ' uti peon was served and all returned
Mi t st l,n Ml in
has returned' n'Inc in high spirits.
1) .;r Si Telt.. inp ! tg his • Miss Ruth Dillon of Toronte. s a nt
,, mothcr' i t -week with her tercets, Mr. and 1frs,
C :, :=ta M11 hlunsay ;,t.^.t cae=:,t:. Dillon, I•Iibliert. -
• teh•viri it. 1Tamliten. "Mr. h. McConnell. has engaged a
Mt, and \L•;. ()liver Harris and cC t su i
\ir. ,tail \Is-, t'aks..al! of Mitchel: 1 unthcrof anon :' heiress lis large
earl r.ntple :4 lays :vitlt Jr,lsn and
...rap .,f turnips.
i Mr.
T1 Shea held a %tea succ,• stn!
\t Hairs ale ;a tock on Wednesday,
1.,..:„.1 Tut. ,t i irc.t ._n 15 ,tt1 School Report. Sr- IV. - 'Ma
l 1 'Miley Dit-
�i roan -+r•, - r .i'.n, I,t...;c C::tmpli:!i, Mary Dories-
\i r, nn f Mir.. Ha. rely Ho ,ver _{,t,, ,.,.
tinily, :J M . .spent- ,u•l:r' 1 , *help t) Its art ,rtuir. s. Dan
It . :Jed Sholdha t ea • ,•t i ✓rens 1 K t•t<i: Frances
Ta all Mf T i ilea hat t: ke:,
its theft a v, , :. �i,l to . vi :tt:.t,, r len Isabel Jordan, i lettev leve
M . utd \l 1', e 1 ',,t liner ,,e: alsCertlia, Gordon Dill III
weal se, ,.,.e...t `h, ,t: mi.,. ,uw•s 't ummings, I ert!,e DiR,n, Q
l t t Graham. Acne:.
'. 1`t t •�cr,•w, 1 itaries g,clti:. -Math•
Ihr ' . � .nd :1n MelJott.tl,. ' i.iale,rer'1yn, Francis Donnelly, Jr.
„ j 3.tn
4rtlttn .,,rby, Jeu_ McKLev-
1\ a :,
>_, ha.. =l
� a rrc .+, . .rt r 1-.. i, .
Messrs.• M. in
.i. t Bent aget and Itv'm.
Curtin have installed hydro in their
residences o 1 Matilda street,
-()It Tuesday the tnem'bers of the
:rel it mists ieleroved aepeseettiee.
5. l,ttr.ten:1n epic::: w111.1 ct :
n tt•'•-t t ,u: week.
,Mise t rtoa `:.mtreed visited her
id Ce eat, Ml•Arthit., ft:' t
w .,lays t e week.
Miss Reties. Siseitreed _petit a few
eat, at the hone of Willitin and "Mrs.-
11,tch t ,..t was ,le,tr.it'ect by
iire MI„n sat evening. Horses al
stile •,iy ted •hin same pig were
file eau>r :,:- the fire 1.17
h Ie. Kn. men, ra'•t -:•ur u4 trNt.
tial t riiiitonIMP pet.," r, fair, 01,r
gating'+, Main Ste,',...e
The foliceiles i, the report 'f C
:e.S. No. 1. Mlnhllion and Logan. The
hantee min irh ;'a do ,t merit. rhos.,
narked with (i1 Wert: Absent for on
,r more te.aniination. Sr. I Li le.3
both Carl t Leda hyih. it
Irene O'Rotrl•r 1114 l,.lut O Re-!ly
Calista Bets Edith Kranskopf, An-
nn e Ryan (U Angela Imran (a). Sr.
111, Joseph Downey, Mary Mal-
oney. Hither: O'Reilly (a), Marie
Burn,. ns. Ba Kelly (al. Jr. HI. --Mary
Downey, .111,ert Kranskopf (a), Lor-
etto O'Rourke, Peter Austin, Michael
Welsh, Clarence .Ryan (a). Ii. --Bar-
bara 'Carlin (It), Clarence O'Reilly.
Mary W'aI h, Rutharil d Downey,
tnent Krau,k;rt,f, Billie Flanagan ta)
l t ( ce Iia Kranskopf (h) Marg-
aret Walsh, Joseph Burns, 'Dorothy
Nolan (a), Gerald Burns. Sr. Br... --
Tom Flanagan, Atute Downey. Jr..
i'r. _. Margaret Kranskopf, 'Harold
Ryan, Scary Gislin, Rita Ryan, Dettis
Nolan, Joseph (linin, ;Lorne Burns.
,The following is the report of S. S.
No 4, -McKillop, Tests were held itt
arithmetic ('mental and writtut1 spell-
ing, writing and reading, Sr TV. --
Helen Beattie 73 p.c. Jr. 1\•,—Freda
Webster 80, Barbara Eherhart 71,
David Shannon 68. Sr. III — Alec
Kerr 70, Jack Johnson 64, Archie
Smith 62, Angela Johnson 61. Jr, lI':I.
--Lloyd Yaui zic 80. Ruth Gordon 7.1;
Lulu Webster 51. ff. --Olive .rber-
iiia staples t 1Jnrothv Donnel-
, Amies Maloney. i-I,•lett 1tillon IT.
Crsula iflanagan, Genevieve
s ten Jack ileum let pool.
1 u ,
Dolisev, Fru - Brennan, Rath-
, • l'tuumitty . Joseph Donnelly:,
Charles Kranskopf, Alpert Dannelly.
n"itna y ,k'hn Maloney, Marcella
' h r..•u, Fergie, .Cummings. Primary --
i ones Curtin, 'hen Dorsey, Mtichael
Mrs. 1 s:tnri - Ryan, •,f Alberta, was
vieting with 'Mr. ,tn,i Mfrs.. James
Shea. of 'Dahlin,
\Ir, Matthew \\'illiatns l .zed lit
mid Mrs: -Patrick Ryan, Jr., of. Hib-
The many frit ods of 1fiss 'Ruth
O'Reilly are glad. to sec her able tai
le:, out again after- her operation for
'Sties Anna Palgs, of Kitchener, is
_seising with her sister, Mrs. Albert.
halge, and MIr. Beige. of McKillop.
Miss jean -MlcCentpellis visiting
ith her parer a, Mr. anti Mrs, David
Mrs, linin O'Rourke, of .Detroit, is
visiting with hes mother, Mrs. James
Burns, of Hibbert.
\\'e are sorry to that Mr. Thomas
Gormley is tinder the doctor's care at
present. -
Mir, and Mrs. Will McDermott and
\lis" Teresa Ryan spent Sunday, itt
Mr. '4 W. R.• Mills, of Wyoming visit
r.1 friends around the village this
Miss Margaret Aiken'head, o'f I.„m-
don, visited at home over Sunday.
Mrs. Martin, of Clinton, is visiting
at the home of Mr: Ttobt, Murdoch.
'1,Ve understand the :Ross and 'Hood
,lander case, which was to - have
come tip at Goderich this week, was•
settled Tuesday out of court Mr,
Stagbury front Exeter, was here, also'
Gnt,ee.r \lhitesidea from Goderich.
The anitircrsarz- services which
were hells in the "felted 'Church, last
Sunday via, a decided success. The
Misses May Grant and Margaret
Miller are the guests of Miss Marg-
aret Quinn.
-Friends will' be pfeased to hear that
Mrs, Chas. Grasby is now able to be
out again.
Mr. attd Mrs. Breckenridge, from
Bluevale, visited at the home •of Mr.
L, Fear,
Mr, ,and Mts. Rogerson and family,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.' C.
Law, of Brussels, visited Mr, Hedge
Roose Sunday.
Mr. R. 7. Powell has purchased a
new Ford roadster.
;The Y;'P.S. meeting on Monday
night in Queen st. Church was under
the direction of the Sociat and Literary
Dept, Program consisted` 6f games
and music. In their customary de-
lightful voice _Miss Mary Cole attd
Mrs, McElroy gave solos,
IWe are sorry to learn that Miss
Lena Plaatzer, of Dr. Milne's office,
has resigned to take another step in
life and ,will be succeeded by Miss
Luella Wilson, -
Mr. Leslie McElroy, of Detroit, was
a visitor with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W, H. McElroy :over, the week-
Messrs. Geo. and Albert Skelton,
Frank Bell and Thos. Grasby motor-
ed to Toronto an:Monday'to order a
car of cattle,
At thebeef ring slaughter -house at
Frank Bell's in Morris, on Monday, a
beast of Mt. Watt's while in splendid
condition, died of heart trouble •so
suddenly that the meat could not ,be
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Johnston m'o'tor-
ed to S'helbourne on Monday.
Rev, Dr. Tiartrby was present at
the laying of the cornerstone of Par-
ker St. United Church, Sarnia, on
Wednesday last. The former church is
still standing and will be used for
church purposes.
Mrs. R. N. Douglas and daughter,
Miss Gladys, visited friends on the,
Bronson on Tuesday last.
,Mrs. Wm. 'Carne spent Wednes.
day with ` Mrs. Robs. Scotehmer, of
Miss Margaret Sparks, of the Bron-
son Line, motored to Seaforth during
the past week and visited friends
The funeral of the late Mrs, John
Cowan, who died on Friday last after
a lingering illness, took place to Bay-
field cemetery on :Sabbath afternoon.
Miss Jessie Tough, who has been
visiting her sister and nieces in the
West for the past four months, has
returned hoose after, a most enjoyable
Mr, and Mrs, .C. Haugh, of Tuck-
erstnith, visited Mr. ' and Mrs, 7. A.
Gamic during the past •week. "
.Mr, attd Mrs. Will 'Cantle- visited
the former's sister, Mrs, J M. Tough,
of Bayfield, on Monday of this week..
Miss Howald, teacher at'S.S.'No..7, ,in-law, Mr. James Logan, who was in
treated her pupils
e'en the General
es Torwr
to, The
party lash 'Friday afternoon, Thcyli remains were brought home to Kip- -.
diad Jack -o -lanterns _ for decorations pen on Monday night, to 'Mr. A.
and part of the afternoon was spent Harvey's, for burial,
i i ,
in playing games,fter which lunch , IBcan threshing is now the order of
was served. All reported.a good the day.
Mr.s, muMide, 'S,, v 1 VARNA.
with herSadaughter,elcBr
Mrs, 'Crhas: isited Ste- i ` (Intended ;for last week.)
hltensoe, of the Parr Line, for a fesvi The many friends of little Wallie
days.•' Johnston will be pleased to know he
A number from the Parc Line at -1 has been able to get :home after two
tended the anniversary services held( weeks in Seaforth hospital, anti we
at Brucefield United "Church on Sun- hope soon to see him about again.
day. His younger brother, Aylmer, has
Mrs. Thos. !Robinson, of Goshen been confined to the house but is also
Litie, received word on' Thursday that able to be out again.
her mother, Mrs. Andrew -"Reid, of Miss `Easter, of 'Minneapolis, is
Flint, Mich., was seriously ill, having spending a 'short time with her sister
suffered e 'hemrnorllage. Mrs. Robin- :Mrs, A. 'McConnell.
son has .gone to Flint, but no further : Mr, Mossop, of London, called on
iWeedsk-endinour visitorsrg -wereonday. Mr, and
Mrs. W. •McAsh, Misses Gladys and
Emily 'Beatty and Tommy Chutes
wlio spent Sunday with • their many
friends here, - ,
There was a good turnbeili from
here who attended the fowl; upper
held in Zurich last Thursday and re -
rt "a real good tune.
word has been received so far.
Mr,r•Artie Keys, Babylon Line, at-
tended the dairy cattle sale of Mr,
Chas. D. Cox, 6th con., ,Goderioh tp,,
on 'Wednesday of this week.
A Hallowe'en social was held in
klillsgreen Church last Friday night,
at which all report a good time. P1
Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain and
f were visitors Unless worms be expelled frointtthe
of .Seaorth r
at tate home of Mr. and Mrs. Robin system, no child can be healthy, Mo-.
McAllister nn 'Sunday. ther 'Graves 'Worm Exterminator is
blrs. Carlile received word Monday sit excellent Medicine to destroy
morning of the death of her brother worms,
A� -ten. ,;.
$29000.00 FO Y
Offers this tremendous Fortune to any Man, Woman or Child.
Find the WordsTHidden in therLetters of the Word
b6 C O i� S T A i"�T��, I F L E 99
'S E
There is nothing hard to do. And there is Two Thousand Dollars to
win. All you need is paper and pencil. It is easy to understand and play
this game. Just sit down and see how many words you can make from
the letters in the word Constantinople. You will find all sorts of words that can be made out of these letters.
For example, cat is one, pie is one, pant is another, and ant, etc, etc. It is as easy as that. It is a game for
the whole family. No expert knowledge is needed. All you have to do to win a fortune is to play the game
according to the -rules announced to -day. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY.
Prizes will be given for the 50 best lists of words submitted. The
largest and nearest correct list of words made out of the letters in the word
be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, etc.
Observe These Easy Piales
is )notna resident oda the City o who
and w odIs not
In the employ of The Mall and Empire may submit an
(2) Make as many words as possible from the letters in
the word Constantinople. You may use theletters over
and over agate In different words, but each word must
not contain a letter more times than it appears in the
word Conetantinople,. For example, you may use the
letter "a" Just once In each word, the tetter '•o" Just once
in each word and the letter"1" twice In each word.
(3) Write your words plainly on one side of the paper
and in alphabetical order, numbering them 1, 2, 3, etc.
Write your -full name and address on. each page in the
else use upper 0 separate sheet, If .you desire to write anything
(4) ffiDoe not use proper nouns, proper adjectives, preflres,
abbreviations, contraetioa,, foreign words,
obsolete words, combined fortes, scot or dialectic words.
Words spelled alike .but with different meanings will be
counted as one word, Words spelled differently but with
the same meaning will bo counted as separate words.
Both the cingula✓ and the plural may be used, and both
will be counted, provided both forme arc listed in the -
dictionary ,
(6) The Judges will use Wcistor's New internat+onai
Dictionary, the latest edition, as authority, and the largest
correct list of words made from the letters in Constants•
noel* will be awarded first prize,
(6) Ono correct word will be deducted for each nits•
spelled or incorrect woad.
(7) In the event of a tie for any prize offered, the full
amount of ouch prize will be awarded to each tied
(8) Only one prize will be awarded to Any one household
or group of persons. Every list must represent your own
effort, and must be prepared by the parson submitting it.
Lists submitted wliloh cause the Judges to believe that
they have been complied by one and the same person
will, be rejected.
(9) The largest correct list of words prepared according
to these rules will win first prize, The next largest
correct list will win second prize, and aoon until ee prize:,
have been awarded (subject to rule C).
(10) A cash prize of $50.00 will be awarded the first arm.
winner If no subscriptions to The Mail and Empire are
aent In. However, the first prize winner will rccsivo
61,000.00 instead of $50.00, provided one new or renewal
yearly -subscription to The Mall and Empire is sent in.
Better still. if TWO subscriptions to The Mall and Empire
(either one new and one renewal, or both now, at 53.00
Hamlitcn eat er llLoador oh) Dare per
F net rIn delivered
the by carrier
winner he ,r she will be awarded $6,000.00 Insteaprize or
(11) Renewal subscriptions vttl not be accepted that
extend any subscription beyond January let, 1931,
(12) All answers will receive the shine oenstderetaon.
regardlessof whether or not a su'ascription to The Hall
and Empire i3 sent In.
(13) Throe.prominent Toronto citizens, having no 00n.
neotlon with The Malt and. Empire,:: will be selected to
sot as Judger to decide the winners; and participants, by
sending In their answers,: agree to accept the decision of
the Judges as final and conclusive;
(14) prize winners In former contests conducted by The
Mail and Empire who have won $200,00 or more are not
eligible to participate in thio conteet,
(15) Lists of words must be mailed end postmarked on
or before midnight of Saturday, December 311, 1927.
(Sr nested &t,rtos and their for Canada,. Groat nrltnia
'ossesslonet mid her Pesseeslona,
is mems.. semi 1: nmtths
6 Months 4,01✓ a Months ' • $
. 1'bfonth l ascot) "" ,ao
Saturday Edition, '•, io Saturday Edition, �:"
15 Months 3.00 1'- Months epe
5(1,50 nir year by tarsier In London or Hamilton.
answer having the
Constantinople will
5900 $+.0 *00 in Cash Prizes
Here you are folks
Prize It Two
Pslzo It 025) subscriptions
1 Trite ti na net✓ or renewal are sent, ono
--the big cash. 00 (itiA`) PIt171GS auhsertpttont p,il,seriptidn or which meat
aWardg t I ore cent _I is .neat 1 Ue s new
Winning Answers First Prize $50.00 $1,000,00 $2,000.00
toiU receive cash Second Prize . , . , 25.00 500.00 1,000.00
according to Third Prize 15.00 350.00 700.00
the table here.
Fourth Prize , , , , 30:00 100.00 200.00
1 Firth Pr;ze 30.00 100.00 200.00
Remember-- { Sixelt Prez✓ 5.00 50.00 100.00
A fully qualified Sovcuth Prize 5.00 - 50.00 100.00
5.00 50.00 100.00
5.00 50.00 100.00
larger amounts Tenth Pr ••c 5.00 50.00 100.00
ansveer wins the , E',ipithiyPt ize
}h p Eleventh Pritie to
Aim for the Blg 50t1i Prise, its.
$Q;n jj ei elusive ,, , 2.00 5.00 10:.017
2 10 0 p,OB kind TOTA1. $215.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00
Irl the event. of a sic fur any prize offered the •tint ataonnt of each prize will be
paid to each tied participant,
l ow the $5,600 fi PrizesWilll Be Awarded
res greattst opportunity of your life Is what The Mall and Empire Is offering you In
this v.ord game, to ',play and learn" while earning a big cash prize.. You .cannot help but
enjoy the hunt for words In this game. All you need Is an observing eye, Let's all join
in and have a Jolty good time. Put alt the family in this game. Give Mary a pencil, and
Eobby a pencil. Both parents take. a pencil, and any other members of .the family.
alnico It a•game. See who can fntd the most words from the letters in the word Con-
stantincple. in halt an neer. You'll find it fun It Is easy to do. It's educational, and It
50 CASA PRIZES lo Be GivenAway
ea is game is a take p rtn a d you d n, have lty of THE• MAIL AND EMPIRE. It
costs nothing to take part, and you do not have to sand in a sWtaerlptlon. to win a prize.
If your list of words Is awarded first prize by the judges, you wits win 060.00, However,
vro are 'naking the following special offers, whereby you can win greater cash prizes by
sending in one or two yearly suescript'or•s.
Here's Hew the B j C sh Prizes Will Be Awarded
la e
Educational, and
Mighty y Profrteirble, Too:
instead u 431).vtt 5:11 Inc awarded to the answer winning first
prize, provided Two yearly subscriptions to The Mail and
1Innpiie have been sent in, one subscription of which nest be
nett•. Second prize, 91,000.00; -third prize, $700.00. (Sec
third 1
.do matt figures in prize list.):.
of $30,00 will he awarded to the Answer winning beret
prize; provided one yearly subscription has been sent in.
:jocund prize, $300.00i third, 8350.00, and so on.
Big Cash Prize Qualifying Blank
Leslie E. Monte, Puzzle liuoager, nooru 207, Malt and Empire, Toronto, Canada.
Enclosed 0115 4t , for whleii kindly send The Mall and Empire to
the following persons, Which will uatlf P
4 y the for the ]I! cash
Cohatantlnopte Ward ,;coos, B sllAwards !n 60,000,00.
kindly send The Mall
ADDRESS .....,,,,
Is this subeeriptton new or renewal?
To qualify Sot• highoot award thl0
subscription must bo new:
Remit by Mosey Order, Festal Note or. Cheque. .Do not 50111 I•a4lt'11nre
$200.00 Special
$ .00 w e a ed to the first prize of $2,000,00 if the sub.
scriptions to qualify the list winning First Prize are received
In The Mail and Empire office between November 1st and
midnight, Tuesday, November 15th, 1927.
$100.00 will be added to the First Prize of 52,00.0.00 if the
subscriptions to qualify the hist winning
First Prize are receiv-
ed in The Mail and Empire office between November 16th
and midnight, Nove mber 80th, 1927.