HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-10-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr,` Jack Carmichael of Detroit vis-
ited over the week end at his home,
.dr. Wm.. Stone of Detroit visited
for a few days with his father and
teeter' here., ..
Mr,' Laird J'ayee of Western Uni-
versity spent the week end at home.
'Mr. and Airs, A, J•. Sweitzer and
little daughter Lois of Detroit visited
over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Higgins and family.
Death of Rev, Dr. Fletcher, -There
passed away at his home in Hensel'
on, Friday evening, Ret. Dr, Cohn
Fletcher in his 84th year. De, Flet-
cher was born in Scotland and ca}ne.
to Canada as, a young man and was
in charge of the Thames Road and
Kirkton Presbyterian churches for
some 43 years. On retiring from the
mhsjstry two or three years ago he
came to Hensall and has since lived
here. -He was elected Moderator of
the Presbyterian Chttreh some tee
years ago, and has tilled many offices
of responsibility in Presbytery and
Synod. Mrs. Fletcher died, a number
of years ago and the Doctor has since
made his home with his mother-in-
law, Mrs.' Agur, and her daughter.
The funeral was held on Tuesday af-
ternoon. A short service was held
M his late home at 12.45, after which
elle funer•tl, proceeded 'to Thames
Road United :Church where he served
so well and faithfully for over 40
years, where a public service was
held, after which the body was taken
to hirkton cemetery for interment,
Mrs. Fletcher being burieei at Kirk-
Messr:. Lee Heddeu, Robt. Robert-
son and David Beeswax left en Mon-
day meaning for the Sudbury district
where they intend hunting and
trapping for the winter.
Our Council are this week having
several large water tanks constructed
to different parts of :he town for fire
protection purposes. Geo. Hudson
has the contract for the excavating,
and Alf. Taylor for the cement work.
Mise Mattie Etiis is having a sale
of her household effects an Saturday
,ftereu+ou of this week. Miss Ellis
cently sold her home to W. L. Mc-
Laren, of Cromarty, who takes pos-
seseieu Nov, 1st. Her eieter, Mrs
i "cd a ntahacotnhe, of Guelph, .; liere
helping her get ready for the .aie
A :timber from Hensel', attende",
the -fowl supper at Thames Road on
Monday evening.
The meeting oi the Young People's
League is the United Church was
held on Monday evening with 150
present. The tneetiug was in charge
of and presided s ter by the President,
•Jr. Knapp, and was ,>pene i by sing-
ing hymn 384, after uhtch all repeat-
epeate i' the Lord's prayer, I ate :pone
?recon was read hw Mr. ! h„ Pass
more, after which Mr. Simelair le:: in
prayer. iltmn 12 was then sung
+ llowert b • a well rendered solo by
air Sane Rennie entitled I Love a
a::_.c.' i violip selection was given
by Mr. Thos, Murdoch, accompanied
by Me l red Hess cut the pian,,. Mt
Mt .ltiav was called on _ and gave an
ldrese to "Education," w h est was
greatly enjoyed by the audience. A
male t,tta' e.ttc els • •'i soelwin, H.
l'hiie, l i s ss e, r Kaci ten f o!!ick.
Air \its r ,tk fevered Site league
ogee; with a vi ! st selection, aecom
s -! bv Me. hese It tons moved
by .3lr. i noir, sec: rid by Mr.
'+,t Jterlanththanking the ten for the
splendid programme fitey had given
end the nit . ,g was closed by sing
Mg hymn 154, after which all repeat
el the ,nizpah benediction, The exe-
xecu ive me at the close of the men
"1'et titing amounted to $8.16.
Th ervi es in the United Church
on Sunday .eat were largely attended.
Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached at the
morning service. Mrs. Woods, of
Breekville, rendered a very pleasing
solo. in the evening, Rev. Mr. Drier,
oa the Zurich Evangelical ctanr.ds and
he choir. ,-. netted the service. Ret
Mr. Sinelair, pastor of the unite i
Church, r„ the sihoir, motored to
Zurich : Sunda, evening and eon
ducted the service ie the Evangelical
Attired:, lite rle:>ir rendered two an -
theme. s-,;, by yfr, Sam Rennie,
cruet by Mrs. Lee Hedden and Mr.
1V, O, Godwin. and a violin whet
ors let Miss Greta Larnmie,
Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Buchanan, of
'London, visited for a few •!ays wi h
Mr. and Mrs. ,flex Buchanan,
Mr. Wm. Sangster is improving the
eppearaeee a his tante i>y 'staving,
new verandah built.
The maty friends r,f Mr. Geo.
Thompson will 'u pleatied to hear
that he le able he .sr:oui:d again
eller his receet +' e . -s;
Mr, Andrew hast m e, Detroit, vis-
ited for a Sew lays with telativee in.
Mrs Andrew Donna and dough
ter. \lis;, Cassie D,ngall, have return -
e' holm e titer sp# t fel g seri ai ,reeks
'u ith relatives i \f,nlr,on.
1 'of vier was l•e ie at thehomene ,sirs. 3 W. Skinner on Wed-
41.e,5,13N 0,ttnitig :ast nttl twin largely
atter -1 di
Mi-tore. Erneet Shadd_ek and Herb
Hoggarth are this wveck painting Mr.
Laird \Ii lilt :s new t. i.e.
Mr, Jahn Passntcct was in London.
r t ee' av is bnsir,e s.
Mr. Henry Pybus is improving the
•appearance of his hose Icy having it
Hirth' painted.
M i o:a Simpson, of Detroit, wn
sue tett A't,T1.7 here Vig,itirlg with
her ;:ereefe tale and ills, Robe Bon -
throe. reter'aed to Detroit on Sunday.
Mr. J•,. W. Ortwein wes wasLindon
Satin clay on business.
if ss I e:e Sparks, of L'ractfvr,l, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. t parks,
Mr. Samuel Merrier has received
his new c retia separator and is busy
again threshing,
Mr. John Fisher is also improving
the appeerence of his home by hav-
ing it painted.
The fowl supper and concert given
by the ladies of the Presbyterian
church was largely attended. Supper
was served inthe basement of the
church frier, 5 to 9, when some 700
enjoyed the good things provided by
the ladies. The concert was given in
the Town Hall by the Brunswick trio
of London,the hall being crowded to
the doors,
A number from Hensall motored to
Thames Road church on Tuesday aY to
attend the funeral of the late Dr. C.
Fletcher. Jordan afternoon to Cromarty eeme-
ery, the service being conducted by
Some from this vicinity are looking
forward to the plowing match to be
held at Mr. Luther's farm near
'Thames Road on Friday; October 28,
This match is under the auspices of
the Exeter Plowmen's Association,
Mrs. C. .5. Hudson and sister, Mrs,
R. Patterson, have returned home af-
ter apleasant visit inLondon and
Niagara Falls,
Mrs, Dave ,Beeswax and family debt
on Monday for Ravenswood, where
they will remain for a time,
Mrs, Anna McDonald is spending a
number of weeks in Goderich nursing
Mrs. Orville Twechtell,
Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn received word
ou Monday that' her sister, Miss Ruth
Green, of Grand Bent, was taken ser-
iously ill with appendicitis and was
taken to a London hospital, where an
operation was performed. Her many
friends will be pleased to leant that
she is getting along nicely.
The following announcement refers
to Miss Edna McDonald, daughter of
the fate Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon-
ald, formerly of. Hensall ,having lived
here all her life 'until a few years ago;
,when she secured' a position in the
bank at London, where she has re-
sided since.
The engagement is announce.tl of
Edna C. onlydaughter of the°late
Hugh J, g
and the late Mrs, McDon-
ald, of Hensall to Kenneth S. King,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. King, of
Dresden, the marriage to take place
quietly ip November:
Miss Margaret Hopkirk who has
spent a number of weeks visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hop-
kirk, has left for Detroit where she
has secured a position,
Miss Gladys Saldan of Rapid City,
Man. visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C
The many friends of Mrs, John.
Consitt will be sorry to learn that she
is quite poorly again, but hope for a
epcedy recovery.
The baseball club intend holding a
euchre and dance in the town hall on
Friday evening, 'Nov. 11.
Mr. Spencer, who has rented the
"ectory recently occupied by Rev, and
• Mrs. Naylor, intends moving into
,own shortly with Itis wife and fans-
it: r
M and Mrs. J. Wilson of Strat-•
'•act visited over the week end with
ale and Mrs, Geo. Brown,
Mr. Orville Smith, while attending
the fowl supper at the Presbyterian
Memel: on Friday evening last. was
eu.ldcnly taken ill, and has been con-
fined to his bed since.
Miss Maud McLaren, of Chisel
'mese, visited over the week -end with
! tt. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell.
-lir. amt Mrs. Robt Wood, of
totockvd.e. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mor-
rison and daughter Violet of Ciin-
Rev, Mr, ,Bennie, cif 'Mitchell, assisted
by Mr. Deunys. The pallbearers were
,her 'three sons and three sons-in-law,
Mrs. C. A, Harrigan, of Chatham, a
granddaughter :of Mrs. Cairns, and
Mr. Harrigan, were visitors on Sun-
WVetiding bells are tinging so loud
on the second line of Hibbert that the
fourth line of McKillop can hear
them, Don't worry, JaL., we have
given orders for a fine day for the
coming occasion.
A number of men from this district
have been hauling gravel during the
last week, improving the road on the
boundary between Hibbert and
Tucicers:nith,.- from :IfcCann's corner,
south to Mr. Thos. Williams'. Those
who assisted in this very necessary'
work were Messrs. August Ducharme,
Hibbert; 1
er S sine Flinn '
Chesney andYMat, Haney, y, Tucker -
smith. Instructions were given by
Reeve R. Kennedy, .Tuckersmith, Mr,
Sam McGeocli, Tuckersmith, supplied
the gravel,
Mrs. John Walsh, McKillop, visited
on Friday last at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nigh, of
Mrs, C. Molyneaux, ,of Dublin, is
endi e
s n afwatthe dayshomesof
F g
her sisters, Mrs. M. Doyle, and Mrs.
P. Morris, 'Hibbert,
Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Hess and ,their
little san, Master Bobby, were the
guests of Mr. and :Mrs. 3. A. Carnie
on Friday evening last. Mr. Hess,
who has been in 'business - for some
years in Biggar, Sask., intends taking
up the jewelry and watch repairing
business with his father, Mr. F. W.
Hess, at iHensa'l),
We are sorry to learn that Miss M.
Cornish, teacher in S.'S. No. 4, was on
Thursday of last week taken ill` with
pneumonia and is at present under the
doctor's earn, At present .she is do-
ing quite nicely, and her physician
hopes that in the course of a few
days she will be sufficiently recover-
ed to be moved to her home at Elim-
ville. Miss Roe. of Exeter, is at pres-
ent teaching in her place.
Mr, Lorne Manson visited at the
home of Mr. J. A. Carrie the end of
last week.
Mr, Lloyd Scotchmer, of the Bron-
son line. is at present harvesting a
splendid crop of apples, which are
selling at quite good prices, Mr.
Scotchmer uses up-to-date equipment
in the care of his orchard and this
year 1t ineans all the difference be-
tween almost no crop and a real good
crop of choice fruit.
Mrs. G. Freckleton, of Exeter, was
:smiting her sister, Mrs. George
t'atnpbeli, last week.
tit,. vi -ed over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. R bt, Morrison andKIPPEN.
alias Emily Morrison, The Y. 1:'. S. of St. Andrew's Unit.
ed Church was organized on Friday,
even ng, 35 being present. The fol-
lowing officers were elected:
President --Harvey McClymont.
Vice -President -Mary Thomson.
Secretary --Helen Dinsdale.
Treasurer -William Bell.
Programme ram. -- Sinclair,
Margaret Elgie, John Sinclair, An-
drew Bell.
The Rev. Waldemar Williams, M.
1., of Aylmer, gave an interesting ad-
dress an Young People's work, Miss
Mary MacDonald and Miss Marjorie
.lckert favored with piano solos. A
debate will be the main feature of the
next meeting, to be held Friday, Nov.
4th, at 8 p.m.
Rev. Waldemar and Mrs. Williams
and the two sons, of Aylmer, 'visited
at the Manse for a few days.
Rev. Longley, a returned mission-
ary, will conduct the services at Hills -
greets on Sunday, Nov. 6th, at 2.30
pen. Mr. Longley is well worth hear-
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCowan, of
Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. jos. McClymont, on Sunday
Mr. Alex. McKenzie motored' to
Blyth with 'Rey. Mr. Conner to spend
rite day with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. B. D. Field motored
to Part Burwell, to spend the week-
en:l with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison are
spending a few weeks visiting friends
in Toronto.
Everybody is now looking for
apples to pick. They will have to
stop, look and listen before they will
find many.
Miss Helen Dinsdale had her ton-
sils removed on Monday but is im-
proving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon-
don, visited with his nephew, Mr.
Herbert Jones a few days in the past
wvc -k
Mcssrs, Bili Ferguson and Hugh
Ferran. Miss Brent and Miss M'-
Ntilly and Mrs. Peter Ferguson, all
t Watford. were week -end guests of
Mr. attri Mrs, \Vm, Britton. The lot-
tee is ape:Ming, the week here:
.lr, Cecil Farnham, of Kitchener
,:cce ea. is ecilli week at
p ga
.las McGreg,or's aitd also in Clin-
Quite ;lumber sfroth this district
m i i anniversary services in Sea-
, e United 1 Church.
Mr- Cogan and Kathleen. of
ly ¢h ere visitors :aver the week -
n1 with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephen-
"rit, 'otnctsy, Oct, 23rd, to Mr
r : 1 Mrs. •liven Dale, Hallett. a
t i1er.
Owing, to the fact that the minis -
e ir.>tn (c lerich Will be tenable to
:end, Rev. Mr. 13nlmes, of Clinton,
vhill take the anniver.ary services in
n.'a c' Church an Sunday at 11
and 7 p.nt. Don't forget the
supper at 6 p.m. .en Tuesday,
t l 1 ,end the concert afterwards,
11+•, Be:: Riley had a big marigold,
which weighed 15?4 11). Who can.
'e.at that ?
Died In Kansas - Following item
from a Topeka paper has been receiv-
id n c ttndc"'Margaret Mary
u . t
daughter t Charles and•
1 re •ainger w t, born in Huron
t t' Ontario 'anada, Feb. 7,
tele, ee e3 _. I speka. Kan., Oct.
15, le27. l>27.She :pent most of her life
ie t>n ar , ,i •anada, coming here
titenit Three tea e ago to make her
Mem, Funeral ery ices were held at
u tale, +_,r: !,:gsr Milne at 2 o'clock
+ afternoon, emilueted by Rev. S.
! Si;:t f the First Presbyterian
elmeelt l;,erial :oak place in the family
lot in She man ecmetery." Miss
Graitiger left- Huron county 35 years
c.. tied resided at Sault Ste. Marie.
Tier b. .lite. Mr. John Grainger,
in ti:,acs above. is the only surviv-
+ rg member r.f the family.
1'iltlrugh crus. purchased three
head of Hereford cattle at Bright,
Ont.. tide reek, and Mr. Howard
Armatreine, also purchased one ani-
mal. They arrived en Tuesday and
,are tine specimens. •
Death of Mrs. Cairns, -On Friday,
October 21st, there.passedaway at
'ie, It me iii Ilihi>art, Jane Oliver, re-
lict of the ;ate John Cairns, in her
Silt yc'tr, She had been confined to
bed for the past five years with heart
:rouble, during. which time she had
narne her affliction with,she uttnrst
"atienee and fortitude. Brn at -Bur-
cord. Ont„ on June 28th, 1843, daugh-
+c -r e'i the late Thomas Oliver, the
'amity moved to iiibbert when she
vas 12 years of age. Sixty-one years
ego she was united in marriage to her
'ate Isushand and came to the home
;n the fifth concession where site had
ince lived, aiid where her kindliness
end thoughtfulness for others had
von for her the love and esteem of all
-ho knew her. Three sons and three
'aughters survive, Jennie and
enemas, at home; Mrs. Gen. Vipond
Elizabeth), Mrs. Geo. Vivian (Kate)
nd John 'Cairns, Hibbert, and Will
aims, Mitchell. Another daughte
'frs. Jantes Wallace, predeceased
er, and also a son died when six
ears old. Miss Catherine Oliver
ho lived with her, is a sister, and
Ir, William Oliver, Egmondville, a
',other. The funeral. took place
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Butt visited at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. P. Sales, of
the Thames Road, on Sunday.
The trustees of S. S. No. 14. Hay,
have secured as their teacher Miss
May, of 5t. Marys, her duties to
irammence Nov. 1st.. ..
It is with nntelt regret that the par-
ents of S. S. No, 14, Hay, are los:rg
as their teacher Miss Mac McGregor,
who has labored so faithfully in this
school, for her fifth term.
Mr, John Cochrane was called to
Gowganda, owing to the serious ill-
nesserof his daughter, Mrs, Lorne S.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott and
'hildren and Mrs. G. Anderson and
laughter, Miss Anderson, of Centra-
ia, visited with Mr. and Mrs, John
Cochrane on Sunday.
Miss Elva Anderson, of Londor
\rocmal school, visited her parents
\fr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, recently.
Master Donald Daymon, who ha-
seen suffering with a gathering in hi'
•ar, is improving, we are glad to hear
Rev. Dr. D. and Mrs. McGregor
.rcompanicd by Miss Clara Bailey
isited at the home of Mr, and Mrs
'hos. Dayman on Saturday last,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dearman and
augh ter 'Beatrice attended the
"halms, Road church on Sunday
here anniversary services' were be
ng held, .and also the fowl slipper or
.Jonday evening,
Mrs. Robs, Elgin has 'left for a fey
ialidays, Her friends hope that she
'as a -pleasant time and a safe return,
Miss Sarah Dayman is visiting a
resent with relatives in Toronto.
Messrs. Fred, Peter and Con, Eck.
art and Misses Agnes and J. Eckart
'Williams Shoes,
elwm Shoes
If Better Shoes at Lower Prices Count Buy
, your Shoes
in Egn'eondville
Poultry and Naw Laid Eggs Wanted Top Y ob lied Ott the I'tie,eb
It lrV'ill Pay 'You to .!Jeal With.
W. J. Finnigan
Huron Investments- Ltd.
Private Wire Service -TORONTO, MONTREAL, N E W YORK,
We beg to announce that we will open a branch office in Seaforth.
located in the Commercial Hotel Building on, Monday, Oct. 17th,
under the management of Mr. Ben Johnson.
A complete service will be maintained daily, keeping investors in
close touch with the markets at Toronto, Montreal, ld'ew York, Chi-
cago and Winnipeg from over our own private wire..
You are invited to visit our office, where quotations will be, supplied,
with several changes daily.
spent Sunday in Kitchener, visiting
their ,brother, Rev. J. M. Eckert.
Mr. Martin Purcell is still in a seri-
ous condition in St. Joseph's hospital,
London, as they found .his trouble
more serious than anticipated.
Threshing operations are complet-
ed and the grain is a good sample, al-
though it did not yield according to
the amount of straw.
Of Household Effects, at the pre-
mises on Friday, October 28th, of 1.30
p.m. Terms cash. Proprietor, Leslie
Scott, Main street. T. Brown, Auc-
tioneer. 43
Of Building Material. The follow-
ing building material will be sold by
public auction on the corner of Main
and Goderich streets, Seaforth, ort
Saturday, Nov. 5th, at 2 p.m.; Win-
dow frames and sash with casings;
door frames and doors with casings;
flooring: 2x4 scantling, joists all sizes
in various lengths, siding and sheet-
inA number of.7" and 10 inch steel
girders, 12 and 13 ft. long.
6 only 20 -inch I -beams 41' 6" long;
also 5 slate slabs containing 128 sq.
ft., 2 inche, thick.
This material is ie first-class shape
and is suitable for any building pur-
Terms, cash,
Thos, 'Brown, auctioneer; Jos. Too-
hey, proprietor.
Of Choice Purebred Holstein .Cows
and Heifers and entire dairy equip-
ment, six utiles southeast of Gode-
rich, en Con. 6, Lot 19, Goderich
township, an' Wednesday, Nov. 2nd,
sale to commence at 1 o'clock!
Mechthihle Jewel 'No, 45397, 11
years old, freshened 'Sept. 22nd; 1 it
lion Ormsby Caradoc, No. 31790, 13
years old, due July 10th; Walker
Pontiac Dekol No. 105154, 5 years old
farrow; Pauline Alcartra :Ormsby No.
105157„ 5 yrs, old, due Jan. 12th;
Winnie Mennen Deka], No. 99845. 5
yrs. old, clue Feb. 24th; May Sylvia
Walker, No. 132489, 3 yrs. old, due
Feb, 24th; Nellie Porsh Sylvia, No.
132490, 3 yrs, due Nov. 25th; Sylvia
Pontiac \'eeman, No. 132488, 3 yrs.
old, due Dec,, 25th; Helen Echo
T'eake, No. 132487, 3 yrs. old due
Jan. 9th; Pansy Ormsby Abbekerk,
No. 160415, 2 yrs.' old, due May 28th:
Tena Abbekerk Echo, No. 146866, 2
yrs., due April 14th;; Saidie Ormsby,
Echo, No. 161663, 1 year old; Hilda,
`;chuilhig Echo, No. 105157, 2 yrs.'
,ld, freshen at time of sale; 3 Pure-
bred heifer calves about 8 months old, DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE.
registration papers will be on hand at Nice quiet driving horse, harness
sale. 1 grade cow, 4 yrs. old due Feb, and buggy. For quick sale will be
7th; '1 grade heifer, rising 3 yrs., dtse sold cheap. MRS. W. J. HACKETT,
March 25th; 1 grade heifer, rising 3 Phone 170r22, 43
yrs, clue March 11th; 2 grade heifer
calves about 4 months old, Every in-
dividual offered is right in every quar-
ter and quiet,
1 black driver, 12 yrs. old, quiet; 10
3 -year-old Leicester ewes; 1 young
sow, due Jan, 30th; '13 pigs, 10 weeks
old; 9 pigs, 175 lb; 25 barred rock
cockerels kitchenrang; o t
ng, 4btle
Babcock tester; 5 ten-ggallon milk
cans; 2 twenty -gallon milk cans; Mc-
Cartney milking • machine, working
perfectly; Melotte cream separator,
power or ]land, 650 tb capacity, near-
ly new; power churn, Na, 4; Deer-
ing corn binder, excellent shape; disc
harrow; Oliver corn scuffler and bean
harvester; No. 21 Fleury walking
plow; No. 21 Premier riding plow;
one -row turnip drill; Massey -Harris
root:ppiper; a quantity of alfalfa hay,
sheaf corn and 200 bushels of oats;
buggy pole.
No reserve, Everything must be
sold, as proprietor is going out of
Miry business on account of health,
Sale will bit conducted indoors if
veather is bad. Every cow offered
for sale is guaranteed to be with calf,
end if proved to be otherwise within
'0 clays after sale, 15 p.c. of purchase
honey wilt be refunded. Terms -All
'urns of $10 and under, cash; over
hat amount, ten montes' credit will
he given on furnishing approved joint
totes. A discount of 5 p.c. straight
l be allowed for cash me credit
.mounts. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer;
:has, D. Cox, Proprietor.
Both sexes, priced for quick
sale. Apply
Wm. Ische & Sons
5 miles east of Mitchell, 45
Ship Your Cream to the
We are makers of High
Grade Creamery Butter
Highest Prices Paid for
Churning Cream
Give us a trail can.
E, 13. TYERS, Prop.
,-mea. ...:_ ._: -:.•., ,,
C:otnfortable frame dwelling on
James street. Two lots with barn
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session. Best bargain in Seaforth.
ripply to W, G. WI'IJLI'S, executor
of Robt, Willis Estate. 44
Quantity of 2 -incl, oak plank, also
oak sctr2ttling; '2 buffalo robes, one a
black 'Galloway and the other a cow-
hide; also a set of 500 lb scales.
GEO. I•bILLS, Egmondville. 45
The usual meeting of the U. F. O.
will be held in Carnegie hall, ' Sea -
forth, on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. Mr.
\V. G. Medd, M.P.P., will address the
meeting. All are welcome. 43
A child's white iron crib with mat-
tress, both in good condition. May be
had reasonably by phoning 160 r 24.
Thorabred ;Berkshire hog, $1.50 at
tinteof service with the privilege of
returning if necessary; and if booked,
$2,00. OOLCLOUGH BROS., lot 4,
con, 7, Hulled. 46
Newly decorated, electric lights,
hard and soft water. Apply to .BEAT -
TIE BROS.,'Seaforth 43
Of Household Furniture, Mr. Thos.
Brown has been instructed to sell by
public auction on the premises of the
undersigned at 2 pain on Saturday,
Oct, 29111, the following ,household ef-
ferts: 1 cupboard, 2 icon beds, 1 mat-
tress, 2 parlor tables, 3 dining chairs,
6 kitchen chairs, 1 wheel chafe, 4
lamps, carpets and dishes, fruit jars,
stove pipes, 2 crosscut saws, 1 pair of
curtain poles, etc. Terms, cash. Eliza-
beth Torry„ proprietress; T. Brown,
Of Cattle and Horses at Dublin
stock yards on Wednesday, Nov, 2nd,
at .1 o'clock: 405steers 2 years old;
10 steers 1 year old; 50 heifers 'be-
tween 700 and 800 115; 3 Durban:
cows, due time of sale; 1 Holstein
heifer due time of sale; 2 Holstein
heifers due in January; 2, purebred
Jersey cows due end of Nov,; 7 sows
clue in November; 1 general purpose
mare 5 years old; quiet single and
double; 1 dark grey gelding, rising 2
years old. Terms -Cash, or 7 per
cent. added of n imonths' i n
six non, s time o
approved joint notes. James Shea,
proprietor; Win. Nairn, auctioneer.
9 young pigs,'7 weeks old, Apply .to
PETIVR.'REA'DMAN, N. Main street,
Seaforth. 43
One International 6 h.•p, engine and
1 grinder, 8 -inch plates. RO'BT.
CIJARIDE, r, r. 2, Seaforth. Phone
245r6, tf
Auto -Knitter, nearly new, for sale.
Apply at The News 011fice. 43
For sale, 'lot 7, 'Con, 6, Stanley twp,,
containing 100 acres. On the premises
are a 1% story brick house with fur-
nace, and a frame kitchen and wood-
shed, Hard and soft water at .fhe
house; bank !barn 80x52 with •cement
floors all through; windmill and
water in the barn; drive shed and im-
plement house, 20x30, Land is all
cleared, ,well drained and well 'fenced
with wire, and in a good state of cul-
tivation, 'Sev'en miles from Hensel!,
5 miles 'from Kippen; school across
the road. 'Rural mail and phone. Will
be sold on reasonable 'terms. Apply
on the premises or address Varna
post office. WILLIAM A
M E.
Varna, 48
Choice 100 farm, Lot 1,Concession
4, Hulled, all under cultivation, a new
frame house and •bank barn, 4e/ miles
from Seaforth. For particulars appy
to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth.
THAT the next sittings of the SU-
and for the COUNTY '•OF HURON,
will be held at the Court House in the
Town of Goderich, in the County of
Huron, on TUESDAY, the •FIRST
at the hour of, TEN 'O'CLOCK in the
forenoon, of which circumstance, time
and place all Magistrates, Coroners,
Jailors and outer Peace Officers are
herebycommanded to take notice.
Sheriff, County of Huron.
Sheriff's Office,
Goderich, Ontario.
October 17th, 1927.
Mutual dire llisurauce Co.
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea-
forth, John 'Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, •Beechwood, M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r,r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holntesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
D.R. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London IEos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to- diseases of the eye, ear,
hose and thrlo'at. Office and reside
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No. 5; Residency Phone '106,
DR, IF. J. IBURiROWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist IChurch. Cor-
'oner for the County of Hunan. Tele-
phone No, 40.
LIR. C. MACS{AY,-C, Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers
ity; and: gold •medallist of Tri
Medical College; member of the id•
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR, F. J. rR: FO'RSTER--:Eye, Rar, N41111!�
Nose aiid 'Throat, Graduate in Med-•-
cine, University of Toronto 1897. t-aee
Assistant New York Ophthahnic end
Aural Institute, Moorefield'• Eye, and
Golden Square throat haspitaSs, Lou-
don, England, Art Commercial to ha
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in eae,h month,
from 111 aan. to 3 p.m,
DR. W. C .SPROAT.-Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London, Member
of 'Oo'llege of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhas+te
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth
Phone 90.
'Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal 'College of
Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto, Office •
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
'DR. F. J..B'EOHELY, gradaat,n
Royal . 'Col'lege of Dental Surgeonm,
Toronto, Office over W. R. Smitie°s
Grocery, Main street, Seaforthv.
Phones, office 185W, residence 18$J
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made fbr Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clams
Wednesday, Oct. 26th.
Wheat, per bus. n1.23
Barley, per bus.
Oats, per bus.
Buckwheat, per bus.
Shorts, per cwt $1.85
Bran, per cwt. $1,75
Butter, per lb. , 35c
Eggs, per doz. 40c -45c
Potatoes, .per !bag 1.75
Hogs, per cwt. .76S
104 acres, lots 27 and 28, Con. 14,
McKillop, 1% miles from the village
of Walton. On the farm is a good
house, two barns and other outbuild-
ings. For price and terms write MRS.
RALPH W. CONNOR, 10705 75th
ave., Strathcona, Alta. 43
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat.
made by
Practical Tailor
Main St.
Prices from $25.00 up.
Your own materials made up
at reasonable rates
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction !'
Friday and Saturday
riz sBound
Pararnount's now star in a new style Western. Gary
Cooper, handsome he -Pian screened with his splendid
steed Flash Whirlwind ricin' -Whirlwind ropin'-
Whirlwind romance
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday -
SOFT eus 'ems
A fourteenth century rogue with twentieth century idea
on 1110W to steal a Sultan's favorite beauty s
Also Fourth of