HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-10-27, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927. THE SEAFORTH NEWS, PORK AND BEANS is an appetizing dish, even for those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor and'we pride ourselves' e that we know how to supply just the right cut for the purpose, Try it once.. You'll want it often. Phone 58 Seaforth, Da H. STEWART Your. Butcher. Red & White 'Chain Stores Quality Riways higher than Price Old Dutch t1eanser, 3 tins 27c Canned Now Spinach 14c CannedGrapeFruitPortions 330 (Equal to 3 large Grape Fruit) French Mushrooms, tin33c. Clark's Chicken Soup 14c New Natural Figs, Ib. Oe Don't Miss This One Fresh gtound Coffee regular price 60c. Our price for one week 49e Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W. M Stewart Phone 77 The Dairy Farmer is assured of , good markets the whole year for his Dairy Products. Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream of the best quality and sent your create to us either through our Agents or deliver direct, We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. When you need a new Crean Separator see the NEW MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A.13ARBER, Prop. imagaraaassmsasisim W, !, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. 5. WALKER, holder of 'Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. H, Mcinnes twhiropractor Of Wingham, 'will he at the .. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth; Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1)'oases of all kinds success- fully treated. • Electricity used. Why Puller Gifts? What are the most acceptable' Christ- mas gilts? They are, those whose value the recipient recognises at once. it other words, they are goods of known value That means advertised goods. Fuller Brushes are goods of known value --advertised. Therefore, they are the most aceeptablo Christ- mas gilts Because everybody knows about Fuller Brushes is the very rea- son you can feel absolutely confident in giving them for Christmas pre- sents. You will never have to think "1 wonder if Aunt Mary would like this Fuller Nair Brush'' You know tont Aunt Mary will like any' Fuller item because it is an article of known value A post pard request will. bring me to your home with sampiee, .11011N HO9OPER The Fuller Service Man Box 850 Seaforth, Ont, lolazonaestarsairsiMeWmateminsiy ReducedPrices Ladies' and gentlemen's haircuts now e.f, 5c All thelttest 'bobs now 350 at the Dennison &Pulpa Barber Shop Just around the corner in Dominion Itanik Building Phone 125 Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A, 1iawey Residence—James St. • We both aim at a PERSONAL Service Protupt and reliable telephone ertioe i, what you most want. That's where you put the empha- sis most of the time. And that's where we pet it! But service utenns more than that to yon; as it does to us. You want close, helpful attention to year personal needs when you sell or visit the Business office. You want your' bills to show clearly what you are charged for, You want the installer or repair man who visits your premises to do his work quickly, and with as little tticonvenience to you as pos- sible. '''hese and other details you want well handled And on these, we, too, put emphasis. What we are trying to do is to bring ttio best efforts of a capable male/rem to bear on every feat- ure of your service—to put our- selves at your personal disposal in your every contact with this company. (51 Miller's Worm ,Powclers will clear the stmnach and bowels of worms, so that the child wilt no more be trou- bled with .their ravages. The powd- ers are sweet to the taste and no child will object to taking them. They are Aon -injurious in their com- positiotl„and while in some cases they may cause vomiting, that must not be taken as a sigh that they are nauseat- ing, but as en indication of their ef- lectivc work. TOWN TOPICS Mr. Louis 'Hildebraudt is confined to his home with an attack of quinsy,' Mrs, 11. Melf.ay and fancily visited Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Hill in Luck - now, on Sundry. Mr..H, A. McIntosh and Miss Jen- kins, of London, were guests of 'Mr. and ,Mrs. J. M, Henderson on Sun- day. Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. 'Barker, of Brus- sels, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman on Sunday. Mr. A. O'Leary, Huron road east, has erected a fine new driving shed, Mr. Clarence Parkes, Blake; Mr, and Mrs, Robin McAllister .and Mr. Thos. Consitt, Hillsgreen, were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs, John Consitt. • The Barbara Kirkman Thankoffer- ing will be held on Tuesday, Novem- ber 1st, at 8 pen. ovem-ber1st,at8p.in. Mrs. Peter Scott, of Brussels, is visiting' the Misses Brine. Mrs. Hollingsworth, Joint street, who has spent the past two weeks al Brockville, has returned' home, .Mrs. William Sclater is spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs .Edgar Lawson, Auburn, Rev. Dr,.Ohown, the special preach. er at the Golden Jubilee services of North Side United Church, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Lane while id town, The ladies of St, Thomas' Anglican. Church are holding their annual ba- zaar and supper on Wednesday, Nov.. 30th. Mr..and Mrs, Thomas Ferguson and Edith attended anniversary services at Thames Road church on Sunday. Those' from Seaforth who attended the septi -annual meeting of the Wo- man's Auxiliary of Huron diocese, in St. James' Church, Stratford, on Wed- nesday, were, Mrs. 3. H. Best, Mrs. T. H. Brown, Mrs Pethick, Mrs R G. Parke and Mrs. J. J. Merrier. On Sunady, November 6th, at 7 p. m., special Armistice Day service will be held in St, Thomas' Church to which all are invited. Miss Mitchell, travelling secretary of the Women's Missionary Society of.the United Church of Canada, while in town addressing the autumn thank - offering meeting in North Side Unit- ed Church, visited with Rev. and Mrs, W. P. Lane, 21r, and Mrs. F, G. Neelin returned Wednesdey and will remain in town for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Stratford visited Mrs: H. J. Gibson over the week end, . Miss Etoile Sharpe spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Agnes Wright, in Mullett. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggard spent a few days last week in Detroit with Kathleen and Frank Rankin. Mrs. Alex. Stobie is visiting Mrs. Manners, in Brussels, this week. Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Hannah have just returned from Yellowgrass, Sask, They were given a wonderful recep- tion on their return to the West and Seaforth extends theta an equal wet.' come as they are permanently mak- ing their home here. Mr, and Mrs. G. C. Daie and Miss Anona and Mrs. John Sproat were at Dashwood Tuesday afternoon attend- ing the funerat of a friend. Mr. and Mrs, William Hopper vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Hopper, in Wingham on Friday and the latter re- turned for the week end with then!. We are sorry to report that Mr. John Govenlock is not in the best of health at present. Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Finlayson, of :Wellesley, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. 13.' Weiland, Miss Mae Wallace, of Windsor, spent the week -end at her home in Tuckersmith. Mr. A, O'Leary has erected a fine, large chickeit house ou his farm, Efnron road east. Norma Hablcirk, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Habkirk, George St., took suddenly i11 Sunday after attend- ing Sunday school and was rushed to the hospital here and an operation performed for appendicitis that even- ing. She is now doing as well as cert be mepected. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Jeffry and Mrs. Somers motored to Brussels Sunday to visit Mrs. Adam Sorter's, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays and Mus. Eliza- beth McLean motored to Paisley Monday and spent tite day there. Mrs. Rebeeea kcliy, wh., ha. l,0e,1 10 Windsor ar,l i.iclruftseine time. visiting her sons, has returned hone. Miss Lillie Faulkner is spending a few weeks in Hatniiton. Mr, Alex, Campbell is on the stead, having been able to he up this week, his ntany, friends are glad to know. "Mr. John Consitt was in Hensall for a couple of days this week on ac- count of his mother's serious illness. Mrs. Con. EckarL is visiting her daughters in Detroit. Mr. James Purcell, George street, is remodelling his house, Mrs. Gordon Webster is visiting at the hoarse of her parents, elle and Mrs. G. B. Dorranee, McKillop. Mrs. Arch. Tanney, of Blyth, was a• week -end guest al tite home of her niece, Mrs. Sylvester Allen. Mrs. Wm. Consitt of Hensall visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. John Consitt this week. Ids, and Mrs, Jas. Plant, of Acton, returned Sunday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Plant. Mr. Gordon Webster is spending the latter part of tate week in town. Mrs. Salm. Sorters, of (Detroit, is re- newing old acquaintances itt town and, is the guest of _lir, and Mrs. Sam.. Jeffry. Miss Jeanie MoBride, ,who has been visiting friends near Hamilton the Past few weeks, returned oe Monday evening.. Miss 13e11 Jackson, who spent the last .few Months in 'Detroit, returned home last week. • Mrs, Jas. Cowan, of Brampton, is the guest of Mrs. Jas..Beattie and Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, Mr. F. S.:Savauge took the morn- ing service and (Rev. W. D. McDonald the evening service in Bruce'field United Church on Sunday owing to the illness of Rev. W. A. Bremner. THE BEST -i11— RUBBER Ia txCDO S Men! Let us show you the Best Rubber Boot in town. The "Special" Utility Boot—made of Red Rubber —Flexible Top with Strap White Rubber. Foxing Price $11.70 Sold in `!Bost stores at $5.50 and 46,00 Others with Red and White Soles $3.95 and $41.45 We oleo carry a complete line of Rubbers for every y mem. ger of the family and we Sell for Less of course, Thi Store that brought down the price of shoes in Seaforth ECO T STORE ---Directly Opposite Cotnmercial Motel --- Mrs, Robt. Webb, of Toronto, is. visiting friends -en town, Mr, Archie 'Gordon, of Manitoba, who has been bunting in Northern Ontario, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr,, Alex. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Charlesworth and fancily, of Toronto. spent the week -mid with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Govenlock. Miss 'Jeanette Flanigan is enter- taining her friends to a H'allowe'en party on Thursday evening. Mr. A. 13,. Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone, Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Stewart, N. Main street. Mr. James Sproat, who has been in the hospital the past six weeks, is anuch improved and returned home this week. Mrs. Thos. Coulter, Mrs. Bert Hor- ton and Shirley were London visitors on Wednesday. Miss Nellie McDougall visited her cousin, Mr. Elliott, Goderich tp., over the week -end. 1Ir. ,Wen. Stevens has purchased the house owned by the late Miss Cut- hill on James street. Mr. Stevens has obtained possession already. Miss Agnes Fowler, of Toronto, motored over and spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs. John Miltson. Miss Della McNah and her friend were guests of her grandmother, Mrs. Katherine ,MeNab, Mrs. John Nolan, who has been ser- iously ill in the hospital here, is able to be taken- home and is improving. 'Mr. and Mrs, William Stevens and family, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Miss Belle Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,_ Hills and Miss Rena Sintpsoei spent Saturday in London, Mr, and 7frs. Thomas Sharpe were visitors out Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, Walter Fee, Hensall, Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr, Don Kerslake of Toronto, were week end visitors here. Mrs. W. E. Kers- lake returned with them and ,will spend two weeps visiting in Toronto and vicinity. Miss Ethel Jackson left Monday for her home in Lethbridge. 'Miss Jackson accompanied her as far a Toronto. Week -end guests at the home of Mrs. Hugh Wright were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F'Iockings and little son Billie, and Miss Mary 'Robinson, of Cro- tnnrty, and lir. and Mrs. Arthur Kraemer. George, Harper and Marg- aret, of Mitchell. STAFFA. A great number from here atteud- ecl the plowing match on Tuesday af- ternoon east of Cromarty. Idrs. J. E. Ione and sorts are spending the week in London while )Ree. Mr, Jones is in Listowel conduct- ing a Standard Training school. Mrs. A. Newington and Raymond of Stratford, spent a few clays with Mrs. W.Fawcett. The Young People of the United. Church are planning to ,hold their or- gabizabion meeting of the V.P.S. ou Sunday morning. Mr. henry Golding :pont the eveek- end with his daughter, Mrs. 3. rum - bull, Si.Marys. Mrs. L. Ci,hoe and Miss H. Pol- lard spent the week -end with Norwich relatives. CROMARTY. Mfr. Dan, McKellar, of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of his father, Mr. Donald !McKellar. Messrs. John G. Scott and Dave Gardiner, who went 'West - on the Harvesters' Excursion, returned home last week. They report a very wet fall :in the West. ,We are pleased to report that the condition of Mr. Edgar Allen is fav- orable, although he will not be able to return home for some time. Mr. John Aidang'ton has 'treated his parents to a new radio, A nttneber from this vicinity at- tended the anniversary services, held at the Thanes Road on Sunday last, also the supper and concert on Man - day evening, which vias enjoyed by all, HARLOCK. `Thank -offering ' service in Burns church Friday. Mrs, Hogg, of Clinton, will speak, Mr. Dave Reid has purchased a new tractor in Seaforth. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wtn, Toll is very ill. ,Mr. Peter 'Taylor bas returned front the West. Mr, Bert Allen purchased a splen- did pore -bred Mersey from Dr, And- erson in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, Alex, McEwing and family visited at the home of Richard Armstrong, of near Brussels, Sunday. We are glad to hear that Mrs, Rob- ertson; Mrs. Sol. Shannon's mother, is -much batter. A number of Burns church congre- gation attended both services at Knox chureh, Londeslboro, last Sunday. DUBLIN. w an t+muet. 'eager. Yo"^ na^t 1nwterints Mad s up et resit:nudte prlee> 1, psteir, over aeauins's, Main dtreei, sSoafordi. Mt Matthew Williams, of Detroit, called on friends in Dublin during past week. Miss O'Meara. of St. Augustine, is visiting with friends in Dublin, Miss 'Lizzie Ryan, of 'Seaforth, vis- ited with her mother on Tuesday. Miss Marie Benninger, of Mildmay, spent the week -end with her parents here, Mr. S. Murray, who has been visit- ing friends here, left for hishome at SMonetville on Wednesday. Miss Marie Murray, of Manley, spent :4fonclay- with ,her sister, Mrs. F. Evans, A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Geary in Sea- forth on Saturday. We are pleased to set Mrs. Walter Carpenter ahlc to be around town again, \Ir, and Mrs. 1). Monahan and Mr. Matt. McCarthy, of Detroit, are visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs. McCarthy, of Logan, A number front here attended the plowing match held at Cromarty- on Tuesday. On visiting unr creamery, operated by Mt F. 13. Tycrs. we find added to his egnipncent an up-to-date ice machine, This dues away with the putting in of ice, and butter and cream can be ]sept at even tempera- ture. Mt'. Tyers is keeping up with many of our local creameries in the installation of modern equipment. This machine is up-to-date in every way and is driven by a five horse- power and a one horsepower electric motors. The output of tins creamery has so increased in the past two years as to demand the installation of this machine anci many up-to-date ap- pliances. Mr. Tyers is reaching out further each year and we are fortun- ate in having sueh an aggressive man at the head of the Dublin creamery, Mfr. Michael Jordan and family spent Sunday with Mr's. Peter Jor- dan. Mr. Jas. Shea is holding a sale of. cattle and horses at the stock yards next Wednesday. Mr. Joseph O'Connell, our garage neon, was married on Wednesday last. Miss Nora McGrath spent the week end with her cousin, elisti gne of St. Cohn/than. BRUCE -FIELD. ti, W. Bateman, Tailor. Your an n uesteriuta .toads uli al reawnnbte prices. Lpe-lairs -1.14•r teeming 5, Meir streat n, durtii, The outbreaks of scarlet fever in our midst, which have occurred at intent its Inc years, have caused spec- ulation as to their source. It is re- called that the outbreaks generally oecur at this time of the year and that practically every case has been a Pupil elf S.S. No, 3, Tuckersmith, none of the surrounding schools ha7- ing suffered. Mr, and Mrs. George Swan and Miss Bessie Watt, of Clinton, visited over the week -end at Norwich. Dr, Hugh Ross, of Clifford, visited the past week at the home of Mrs. Alex :Roar. of the village. We are very sorr yto say that Mr. Bremner has been confined to his bed for lite last week, Mr. Savauge, of Seaforth, took the morning service and Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Egutond- ville, the evening service an Sunday last. "Rev. W. D. McIntosh, of limbro, a former pastor, will conduct anniver- sary services here next Sabbath, mor- ning and evening. ,!Hiss Stonehouse spent the week- end with Miss Lillian Rlichardson, Mr. ,and Mrs. C, H. Haugh and fancily attended the Cuunington4Bend- er wedding at Dashwood on 'Tues- day, :\ concert will he held in the Unit- ed Church on Monday evening, Oct. 3lst, under the auspices of the choir•. 'Miss Ii, Shaw, of Bluevale, elocution- ist, and Mr. H. McGee, impersona- toe of Harry Lauder, assisted by local talent, well provide the program .Mrs, D. Tough spent the week -end with friends in Seaforth, Slee. G. Hill returned home this week miter spending a few weeks with friends iu Stratford, :t'f.r, and Mrs. Carlile, of Hiilsgreen, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Douglas last week. ,Mr, and Mrs. • Wme 'Hill and Mr, and Mrs. A, Caldwell spent Sunday with Mr. Hill's brother in Stratford. Miss Grace McCowan, of London, spent Sunday at her home here, Wedding hells are tinging in this v tetnity. Miss Thelma Eigie, of .Tucker - smith, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Sam Johnson, Taylor !Bros, and Jack Mc'Eaven were in Sarnia on business on 'Wed- nesday last. Miss Goldie Uttley spent Sunday at her haine-its Zurich. Miss. Myrtle Pearson spent a few days last week with her aunt, Miss Annlie McEwan, The many friends •of Mrs. Lyle Hill are glad she was able to return home Saturday last after undergoing an operation for appendicitis in Seaforth hospital. tNer cousin, Miss Ruth Caldwell, is spending the week with Iter We are glad to report that the pat- ients, Misses Ellen Scott and Grace Dalrymple, are improving ,and in a fair way to recovery. No, 3 school, Tuckersmith, is re -opened again this week. On .Monday evening when Geo.' McCartney'e silo filling outfit was proceeding north on the London road, having conte from Robert Alien's, it was ran into by a Iruek belonging to Oscar l'ebbut, of Holmesville. Lt passing another vehicle the truck diiiver failed to see the silo -filling out- fit in time to avoid a crash. The truck had to be towed to L. Forrest's gar- age for repairs, but the outfit was able to proceed .house, though somewhat damaged. TUCKERSMITH. Mr. Writ. Sproat has purchased the farm recently :owned by Mr. J. C. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ward and fatnily left for Lamont, Sask., on Thursday last. Sir. Edward B"yea, who went to the West nett the IIarresers' Excur- sion, has returned home. Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, of 'Toronto, is home visiting her daughter. Mrs. ,l. Love, and old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Cltas. and. family, of Chatham, called on Mrs. Jas. Allen, 'Sunday last. Mrs. Edgar Allen is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Turner, of Clin- ton, this week. Mr. Paul Doig has purchased Ford car. Threshing is now completed and the fanners are busy harvesting their roots and getting the fall plowing finished up. Fred Crich has built a large implement house. Mrs. Lee, of Wheatley, visited her parents. lir. and Mrs jos..Crich, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie King and Mr. King, Sr., of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alex. Simpson, of Tuckersmith. lir. and Mrs. Win. Elgie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hanna, of Mitchell, ,en Tuesday af- ternoon.' PAGE PINTI 'Mr. Edward Andrews visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Hod- gert on ,Sunday afternoon. Miss •Anna Love and Master •Stew- art Love visited at the home of Mrs. John McLachlan on ,Saturday. A Good Sale..--idaving disposed of his farm to Jackson Bros,, of Ar- Icosna, John Hay held a sale of his live stock and implements on Friday last. Mr, Thomas Brown, the veteran auc- tioneer of Seaforth, conducted the sale in a very _satisfactory manner, disposing of the entire offering, amounting to. $4,200, in a tittle over 4 !tours, or at the rate of $1,000 per hour, a record seldom made by Mr. Brown in his long career. Owing to the short time elapsing between the sale of the farm ;and the stock sale, there was no time for fitting and the stock were sold in 'their ordinary field condition. It must have been gratify- ing to the proprietor, who was al- ways a lover of quality in his live stock, to see the values put upon them thy discriminating 'buyers. The fol- lowing area few of the sales: 11 -year old mare, $1175; 2 -year-old gelding, $154; cow with calf at foot, $127; hair of yearling heifers; $140; pair of spring calves, $100; sow with litter at foot, $80; white Wyandotte hens at 5125 each. PINOT Eta' G. W. V. A. HALL SEA FORT Friday, Oct, 28th Night Hawk Orchestra REAL MUSIC LATEST HITS EXCELLENT HARMONY Orderly Conduct 1:ha t ughout the evening Commences at 8.:tn A DMISSI.ON--$1,00 at iottpk: Extra lady 50e Tax included A. O. SUTHERLAND General Insurance Agency Real Estate. Conveyancing, Bonds and lnvegttnenIs Phone 1i2 Seaforth. Ontario. eThe Si e tai Mile ' Flour \Ve have it -----Give it a 'Trial. Also Grain Screenings ton Chop of All Kinds C. G. TIIOMS GRAIN DEALER PI-IONE 25 Your Auto Needs GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on alt make,.. A geutcl line of New and Used Parts. A FEW USED CARS LISTED Chevrolet Touring. 1921 $75.00 .vitt' a.'t'ettse lrortl Touring 1918.. .. $75.00 with License Ford Coupe 1925. balloon tire?, likr tu,. ..$375 w'itit I:it•ense r Garage egier's 167W ESSES Nti °\MAT'rJE.R HOW DELICATE MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence. The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes tithe to study and achieve. Ladies' and Gent's Felt Hata Cleaned. It rule evs10 ,a dollar and look like new. SE 3PORT14 GARMENT BARE Sy ney Dungey, Proprietor COMMFRCIAI. BLOCK. PHONE 'yT or 210 MUM "m n"tea