The Seaforth News, 1927-10-13, Page 8AGE EIGHT
:School report for •September, --.Sr. I heifers, 4 calves, Pigs --S chunks
Mr. uxl Mrs. 3, iV\'ilsou, of Strat-
lune visited •over the week -end ',with.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo: Brown. '
Mr. and +.Mrs. Lloyd 'Redden and
babe, cr1 'St. Catharines. 'visited over
the week -cud with relatives in town.
Mrs. 'Redden and babe are visiting,
for a couple of weeks 'with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennings,
Me: and Mrs. 'Choi. Essey, o'f Buf-
falo, 'visited
Buf-falo,'visited for a few days with rela-
tives in and around Hensel!.
The services in the (United 'Church
on ;Sendey last were 'largely attended.
A young people's choir af. 30 voices
furnished the music at the music at
the evening service.. Rev. Me Sin-
clair delivered an excellent sermon
for the occasion.
The \\':Nf-`;. of ,th e c United
IHensall, met in the school -room of
•the Church on Thursday afternoon,
October .6'th, with 22 members pres-
ent, and the president, Mrs: Mc-
Donnell in the chair. The meeting
'was opened by singing.a hymn, after.
which Mrs. 'Henry led a prayer. The
subject of the afternoon was along the
line of the Confederation 'Jubilee,
coupled with "The Study of Canada
and the progress of the' W.M.S." The
following mentioned ladies all ac-
ceptably took
c-ceptably'took their part in the meet
Mg, all reading papers: Mrs, Steacy,
Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. M. 'Drysdale,
Miss J. Moir, Mrs. Donald, Mrs.
Seruton, Mrs, Hobkirk, Miss Consitt,
Mrs. 'Hemphill, Mrs. Dougall, Mrs,
McQueen. A hymn was sung, fol-
lowed ,hy. a prayer by Mrs, Wm.
'Buchanan, Arrangements were made
flu a quilting, which will be held in
the near future. The 'fleeting, was
closed by prayer by Mrs. Laramie.
'le -Mowing the meeting, the 'Ladies'
Aid met and discussed several busi-
ness matters and the next shower,
which will be held for the bazaar, for
which the ladies are making arrange-
ments, will be held at the home of
Mrs, J. W. Skinner.
The meeting of the Young People's
League of the United Church was
geld on Monday evening* with a large
Il',--t1o'h. 'Houston,. Mabel Workman;
Brent Deters, Eleanor Skinner, Grace
Brock, :IHbtvard �Slemphill," I+.cL Little,
May .Kenning, Beryl- Denten-wad,
Jr. 1V.—Florence McDonald, Irene
'Ho arth, Alice Higgins, Marian Me -
Kay, Gladys $Passmore; Hazel Had -
y, y
son,- Will Drummond.
Sr. 'I1I.—Iflarold !Foster, Norman
McKay, 'Will Nicol, Emma Worm,
Isobel 'Smaie, Allan Appleton, Roy
'Brock, John 'McKay, Helen Glenn,,
Lorne Elder, 'Reye Patterson,. Harold
Appleton, Viola Hildebrand, Eleanor
!Bell, 'Wm, McKay, Teacher.
A "special meeting of the Village
Council was held on Tuesday even-
ing of this week to open the tenders
Inc digging the new water tanks for
tire protection purposes, Two tend
ere were received, one from Levi
Rands. Inc $36,00 a tank, and the other
from Geo. Hudson for $22.50 a tank.
The tender ,of Mr. Hudson being low-
er, was accepted. The work will be-
gin an Monday morning. The court-
eil are putting in a number of new
water' tanks at different points
through the village. where there' is
not at present any water for fire'pro-
Messrs. George and William Kamp
mann of Kitchener visited relatives
and friends en 'Bronson and Sauble
lines and at Zurich during the past
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
George Campbell Jr,. who has been
quite ill, is able to be np again, al-
though .still unable to attend ' her
household tasks. Her mother, Mrs.
Robt, Turner, of the Sauble line, has
been taking care of her.
`Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan of. Tucker
smith, with their little daughter, Bet-
ty, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs,
J. A. Carnie on Sabbath afternoon,
Mr. Ivan Stcckle is at present en-
gaged at silo -filling. Generally, the
cern crop is a disappointment this
season. That of the Misses Snowden,
however, is the exception to the rule,
attendance present. The meeting being quite up to average and pro-
wae he charge and presided ''ver by pounced by the cora-borer inspector
Miss J. Johnson and was opened by to be the• best and cleanest in this
singing hymn .109,' alter which Lulu eeighborhood.
Lindenfield, Scott Welsh and Mildred Mr^ and Mrs. '3. Love and fancily
Sennett led a prayer. The minutes s.sited with relatives at Centralia on
c,; the hist meeting were rent} by. the Sunday.
The - Qttt;e a number of families from
script re 'Mies. Flora r,, 10th. T
scripture ,eat by 1st. Cur., Eider.
chap -s 'ter ices ttiaGothN nitedtChurch
t,-, was real Pearl $idrr.\ifss services at the
•+,uglas' Sunday school class present- •"' Sunday,
t•dthe pageant "The Kingdom Di- LONDESBORO
vided rcprt entitag the Sunday
.erre t., -•n, Sete. lint. The sir , +net err
te.pie was given t a vert able manner
lee Dr. R. P. 1. Doug.tlb on "Tice Tuesday with Iond'n friends. Iampe, dishes, fruit gems,. galvanized
Drug Traffic n t'an.,da 0.i :, Gretta Mr. and Mrs. M. MdCool were tub, Step ladder. stove pipes, garden
Latnntie favored the audience With a- Seaforth visitors on Tuesday. oke &c., Vic. Term:; of sale of fur-
L:.lin-election, +.. ,m ,l"ie:i by. \Drs^ Mr. \frill Fa r,ervice left on Friday) Metre, cash.
Hogearth s .its piano. The of- 'set -for Belmont. Man. Mr. Fair- For further terns and rantlitinns
C. tering and -systematic givingamount- service ha; property 'there and takes f 'sale, apply to:
- -1 to •,49+. Mr.Sinclair clsed the t' yearly rip to the West, BEST &BEST, Seaforth, Ont.
meeting with p ayr".. Next Monday - \l J'lt u Armstrong returned ',elicit:+.^5 for Administrator.
aria n< Me men will Put .,n tete pro `stn last Thursday. after a week's Dated Oct t 5th. 1927.
tat with her sister at \\aterdawn. • Thos, Brown, Auctioneer, 42
w.itnt and ter ,hhatt,c lin- lire. Robe Sot' stent Thursday in •
i. n:pi 1 ,•rt , .> 4 1a'.y in- r
intended for last week.)
R. Vodden spent
about 100 ib., 3 chunks,. about 75.tine
1 sow with 9 pigs, 1 fat sow ' Fowl—
Rbnut 50 yearling' hens, about 40 pul-
lets bred -to -lay Rocks, pair Emden
geese. Implements --Binder, 5 -ft.
mower, rake, disc drill, cultivator,, all
above are Massey-Siarris net discs,
manure spreader, steel roller, 5 -sec-
tion harrows, scuffler, wagon, wheel-
barrow, gravel box light wagon,
steel tire buggy, fanning'mill, cutting
box, cutter, 2 sets work harness,
set work harness, 2 sets buggy har-
ness, collars, Massey-lIarris cream)
separator, set of new sling ropes,
steel pig troughs,,feed hopper. for
chickens, buck saw, cross cut saw,
forks, shovels, axes, 2 crow bans, a
Ford car, about ten loads hay. House-
hold Effects — Quebec cook stove,
new; Quebec heater, new; small heat-
er, new 3- burner oil stove with oven,
washing machine, wringer, several
pails, about 150 fruit jars, barrel
churn, small churn, incubator and
brooder, 2 kitchen tables, 3 beds,
parlor suite, walnut; °serving machine
kitchen chairs, glass cupboard, wash-
stand. The `farm also will be offered
for sale. Terms -A11 sums of $l0 and
ander, cash; over that' amount, 12
months' credit shall be given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes, land
owners as security. Five per cent, off
for cash on credit amounts. Thos,
Brown, auct.; J. C. Ward, proprietor.
Of House and Lot and Furniture in
The Administrator of the estate of
Richard Pinder, deceased, will offer
for sale 'by public auction on the
premises just South East of Victoria
Park. Seaforth, on Saturday, Oct,
22nd, at two o'clock peau., the follow-
ing property:—Lots numbers 101 and
102 in Gouinlock's survey in the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Huron. There is on the premises a
good comfortable seven room frame
house in a good 'state 'of repair with
a cement foundation and good cellar.
Terns of Sale—Ten per cent. of
the purchase money on the day of
sale and the )balance within three
weeks. At the same time and place
there will be offered for sale the fol-
lowing furniture and effects: Dining -
room table, 9 dining room chairs, 7
kitchen chairs, glass cupboard, side-
board, dresser, wash -stand, 2 rocking
chairs, 3 bedsteads and mattresses,
cook stove, coal 'heater, coal nil stove
(3 burners with aver), sewing mach-
ine (nearly new), clothes rack, wring-
er, grindstone, linoleum (10' x I6'),
oilcloth, mats, curtains, pictures,
d I t r t' OR'S SALE
ttt-d .,..,u 1 :hese meetings. \\Pham.
i \ anti Mrs Geo Beatty of In -
Miss t , Johnsen ttiSs Mary ,. .
,Stewart attended :hr. High School• -e 's a guests of the latter's
Cea. her .'e'tttetitr.,u at 1. l „n:., en sister. 'Mrs. W. 1', Brunsdon.
'`-ache and Sa urday last. Mrs. John Harvey returned home -
mise e,la lye l.ultee underwent an ;t Sunday after a pleasant visit with
t t•e he removal of: her tem- ' c t •Norman,
di \f Patterson' i.,spital on \fr t \fr D, D Roberton 'pent.
`•: i e an., is get tin g 1 as, Itiee$. J at
Mr, and Mr,. Jas. Smith. ,: Wind Ladies' cf Knox
visited er the nick-ctl wive eekl `.nthh meeting tee the
ni f \[,•c. John Harvey, when
Mr. and \l t\"nt. C.xttaitt, •tiey quilted a quilt,
:i1 R ', lr;ycktnMich..
of Flint, c t ,
coley t 1..r .. t days with relatives. t>. c Mee rc. ,,f Tnrante. is
a i an. -lit t ,alt. spending a eouple of weeks with her.
Mr. Mlt•,u Urtweiu, I.,f London.: r ,.t.i. l4.- t 135C',a1.
visited over uc week semi with his t\ 'n thtr tore know the 'dr"
lir. and Mrs. I. \\ Brae. n..
Mr., las• Ntenol, t'te Standard tote of MotherC, avis' Worm Fxter•
Rank Staff, meetreee :.,,end' s, ht _ttnat,'or ahtass have it at hand, her
holidays. with his parent, els. atm cause r. Proves ns value.
Mr, 1i Nichol.
What t .night ,;t,•r het the ;, ,e ✓n e
accident occurred in littsall :in Suer AUCTION SALE.
day inciting. when a ear driven by Oi Land, 13aii,1 igs and Maehittery.
Verne Henden and a L,ttlor.-owned ---, nder instructions from the owner,
ear ran into one. another at the corner i till ell by auction on the premises
<' Srot ib Ricltm end end Albert ee Railway Street its .the Town of
streets. The isos '1:,,naged, Seetorth, ,n Saturday, Oct. 15th, at
0c, one Was herr, s - two Deck :n the afternoon: Lot 69,
Mete. Jolla Zutht is visiting with] Jarvis Survey, Town of Setifortli, 66'
her daughter, \ir \V. R. Belt and 'x 132',ott which is said to be erected
Mr. Bel', at Winiser. l atwo-story frame varehoitse, 38' 6"
Mr.\\ m. knees. e,, who has been cross; e rao' r•e, and a unr-story frame •office
fedel his him through illness, Is 1 f?tt+:tiing 17' 3" x 20'. Lot 70, Jarvis
,rmt eeprevmg sheet',.Survey. Town of Seaforth, 66' x 132',
The many r enie dere .of Mrs^ , „tt which is eaid to be erected a twa-
SSincla;r, wife of Rev. Arthur Stnelaie. .;tory fins mill, 72' x 36' of frame eon-
• ,if 'the United Church, will he pleased Areesieeemetaeelade with metal roof,
to hear that she is recovering *OM. and a corrugated iron boiler house.
her severe illness, She is at t,Yreseut Lot 71, Jarvis -Survey, Town of Sea=
Seaforth hospit• 1. •forth tit''x 132' an which is said to
Mr. J. W. Skinner has sold his b< erected aone-story frame barn,
mercantile tt twines, to W. J. White, 40' e 24'. Part of -Lot 72. Jarvis sur -
of )near Owen •Sound, who takes pos- ,.,.a• Vacant land. And the following
sesstt,u the. first of November. Mr. equipment. 1 horizontal tube boiler,
and Mrs. Skinner have hien valued 42" x- 10', 1 smoke stack. 40'. 1 wa-
reeidents of l•Iensalt and their many g tt scale, capacity 5 tons, 1 floor
friends here will be glad 'to hear that • stales, 42 it 40 platform. 1 Westing -
they intend 16 stay in 1Trneall at least hoose motor and starter '25 h.p. 1
Inc a tons.
Mr. and Mfrs. J. McNeil, -of \
St. •.'Yeti in:;h'atsc motet 3 h.p. 1 40
Blower Fan", with galvanized pipe
Themes, visited far a few days with. system: 1 flax tow shaker machine,
- 'Mrs. D. McLean, 1 battery ,'f 9 flax scotching knives
Mr, Arthur Coleman and little child eel boxes. 2 flax tow target• knives
- of 1.nndon, visited Inc - a - few days
with relative, its town.
Brintnell-Fairbairn. --A quiet wed-
cling was solemnized at the United
church manse, Ilensall, nn Wednes-
• day, Oct.Stlt, whets Rev. A. Sinclair
united in marriage 'Miss Hannah Mae
Fairbairn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Ger,. Fairbairn, to Clifford Brintnell,
son of Mr. and Mrs, ,batt, Brinttell.
The bride was charming in a gown of
maize georgette, with head trimming
and pleating around the hnttom, and
wore black satin pump; with hose to
match the dress, Miss Mae •Brintnell,
sister „f the groom, .who acted as
bririesmaicl, was gowned in a dress of
black georgette with Velvet trimmings
with shoes and hose to match. Mr.
Fred Fairbairn, brother of the bride,
was groomsman, 'Following the cere-
and b.Jar... 1 clipper seed cleaning
machine. 2 flax threshing machines,
whippers, table., benches, 1 ;'e" pipe,
radiators, tools. etc etc. Cum litinns
of Sale: Land and P,uildings will be
offered en bloc, subject to a reserve
bid. If unsold. they will then be of-
fered separately. Equipment will be
offered item by item. Terms --All
-tans of ten dollars and under, cash;
over that amount, ten per cent. cash,
balance six months' credit on approve
ed joint notes with interest at 6 p.c.
Deed, to land delivered. on comple-
tion of payments. The Sovereign
Production Corporation Ltd., Owner.
Geo. II, Elliott, Auctioneer. 41
Of Farm, Stock. Implements and
Household Effects. -Thomas Brawn,
moray, the happy young couple left by Auctioneer,' has received instructions
motor for Toronto, Niagara Falls and From Mr. 3. C. Ward to sell by pub-
other paints east, The bride's travel lie auction at lot 9, con. 5, Tucker-
;iig costntne was a navy, blue seer- snit, on :Vfonday, October 17th,
gette dress, with silver trimming. Her 1927, at 1, the following: Hordes
coat was of pinpoint with gray fur --1 Percheron mare, 4 years old,
trimming with hat to match. A wed- about 1400 lbs.; 1 mare ahottt 1300 lb,;
ding dinner was served' at the hone 1 mare about 1200 ib., all bred to Vic -
of the bride's parents on 'Friday even- tor; 1 hay driving mare, 1 yearling
Ing. colt, 1 sorel horse, 1300 lbs. Cattle—
Mr. and
Cattle-Mr.and Mrs. Win. Penhale, of Ex- 2 cows due in Mar., 1 cow due in .Feb.,
eter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, 1 cow due in May, 2 Jersey cows due
Higgins on Tuesday. 1 in March, 1 farrow cow, 2 yearling
Of Dwelling House and Household
fohn t'. Laing, Executor of estate
Margaret 'Cuthill, deceased, has
authorized Thomas Brown, Esq.,
auctioneer, to offer for sale at public
auction, on the premises, James
trees, Seaforth, on Wednesday, the
19th October, 1927, at two o'clock in
the afternoon, the dwelling house
lately occupied by the deceased and
the household goads and furniture,
uttnieting of the following; 1 walnut
dining table, 5 dining room chairs, 1
arm chair, 1 walnut glass cupboard,
4 rocking chairs, 1 drop leaf cherry
table, 2 small tables 1 couch, 1 sofa,
2 bedroom suites, 2 bedsteads, 1 cher-
ry bureau, 1 washstand, spring and
mattresses, 1 coal heater, 1 kitchen
stiite, 1 twee burner coal oil stove and
en, 1 kitchen table, 5 kitchen chairs,
2 sets dishes, a quantity Of preserved
fruit, 1 organ, 1 sewing machine, 1
thirty gallon milk can, 244 ib. scale,
carpets, garden tools, and other
articles too numerous to mention, The
h. tiseheld fureittu•e will be sold with-
out reserve. 'Terms cash,
'The dwelling house is frame with.
cement foundation, 1% stories and
has 7 rooms and inside toilet, The
house and lot will be offered for sale.
subject to a reserved bid. Further
terms and conditions of sale will be
made known on the day of sale and
may be had hi the meantime from the
Dated at 'Seaforth, this 12th Octo-
ber, 1927.
1 hennae .Brown, Auctioneer.
JOHN C. LAING, Executor.
R. S. HAYS, his Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ont.
c•cmeut foundation and cement floors,
well stabled, new steel. driving 'shed
2.1x40 feet, hen house 18x24' feet.
There is a good,:comfortable 8 -room
1% storey 'brick house, This is a
most desirable property, well located,
being 'I% miles ,from I3rucefield and
5 miles from Clinton. 122'acres of fall
wheat tutcl fall plowing done. Teres
of sale: All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount, 12 months'
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes or a discount of 6
per cent, allowed for cash an credit
'amounts. Everything advertised to
be sold as proprietor is giving up
farming. Terms on 'farm: 10 per cent.
of purchase price paid down out day
of sale. 50 per cent. of purchase price
may remain on property at reasonable
rate of interest; balance in 30 days.
Frank ,Lane, prop.; 'G. H. Elliott,
auctioneer; 41
Of 70 "head of cattle, Mr. Ernest
Townshend has instructed the under-
signed to sell by public auction at his
farm, .lot 92, Huron Road, 254 miles
west of Holmesiflle, and 6 miles east
o'f'Goderich, on Tuesday, October 18,
at 1.30 sharp, the following: 7 choice
young Durham grade 'cows, clue to
freshen in Nov.; '5 Durham grade
cows due to freshen in Dec.; 10 for-
ward springers; 2 fresh cows with
calf at foot; 2 Hereford heifers, due
to freshen in Ocie Guernsey heifer
due to 'freshen its Dec,; 2 4 -year-old
cows, milking; 15 yearling steers and
'heifers; 6 2 -year-old steers and hell
era; 12 summer •calves; 1.0 young
calves. Also a quantity of inch lum-
ber, 2 -inch plank and 2 x 4 Rich scan-
tling. Terms: All sums' of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount, 6 mos.
credit will he given00 furnishing
bankable, paper or a discount of 6 per
cent. per annum allowed for cash on
credit .amounts. Ernest Townshend,
Proprietor; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
In the Estate of Alexander McBeath,
'NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of Alexander MciBeath, late of
the Township of Stanley, in the 'Coun-
ty of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who
died on or about the thirtieth day of
July, A.D. 11927, are required to de-
liver to John McEwen and Hugh
Aikenhead, the executors of the said
estate or their solicitor, out or before
the first day of November, A.D. 1927,
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments at Lot 21, London Road, 1%
miles north of Brucefield, on Thurs-
lay,'Oct. 20th,' at 1 sharp, con-
eisting of: Bay horse 6 years old;
brown horse, 7 years old; grey horse,
6 years old; aged driving horse, good
single or double; black driver, 7 years
old; bay driver, 7 years old; bay
horse. 8 years old, general purpose,
good reliable horse. Cattle—Holstein
cow, dee Nov. 5th; Durham cow, due
Nov. 10th; Durham cow, due Nov.
20th; cow, pure bred, good milker; 6
yearling steers; 6 yearling heifers.
Pigs---Ynrk sow. due in Nov.; 3 Tam-
worth sows bred 3 weeks; 18 pigs, 10
weeks old; 19 pigs: 9 weeks old; 10
pigs 12 weeks old. 40 hens one year
,Id. Implements. — Massey -Harris
ruttier, 7 ft, cut; Deering mower, 6 it,
i cut; Massey -Harris 17 -tooth cultiva-
tor, broad caster combined; 3 drum
land roller; hay rale; Adams wagon,
nearly new; wagon rack, hay and
tock combined, nearly new; gravel
box; 2 Fleury walking plows; 2 set
diamond harrows; 6 horse power In-
ternational engine, mounted; fanning
trill; 3 roller grain crusher; cutting
box, set scales; Portland cutter, light
wagon; rubber tire buggy; steel tire
top buggy; steel tire show buggy;
Meath cooker; stip pan; 50 sap pails;
set teams harness, nearly new: 2 set
plow harness; set single harness;
forks, chains, whiffletrees and nitric.",-
tes other articles. Fartxt ebttnt;ta of
100 acres, more or tees, a£ good clay
loam, web untlerdrained and in high
'nate of cultivation, quantity of hard
wood bush, batik been 74x40 feet with.
a full statement of their claims to
g titer with particulars thereof, anti'
the nature- of the securities, if ` any,
held by theta all duly verified by of
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said. last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed .'to distribute
the estate of the said deceased among-
st the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to such claims as they
shall have received dile :notice and m
accordance therewith.
DATED at 'Clinton, Ontario, this
fourth clay of October, A,D,, 1927.
W, 'BRYIDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Executors.
iHeintzman 'Cabinet Grand Piano,
upright, mahogany, excellent condi-
tion, will sacrifice for $250 cash. Eas-
ily worth $400. Music cabinet, 'Sing-
er sewing machine, chiffonier and oth-
er articles. Mso good Collie dog.
MHS. !CA'MPB'ELL, Dublin, Ont, 41
Eight Dollars on Saturday night,
between ;Beattie . Bros. and W. J.
ICieary's stores, ,Seaforth. Reward.
Apply at The News Office. 41
O f Household Effects, at the pre-
mises on Friday, October 28th, at 1.30
p.m, Terine cash, 'Proprietor, (Leslie
Scott, Main street. T. Brown, Auc-
tioneer: • 43
O n Friday, October 2lst, at 12.30
p.m., out lot 8, con. 9, Tuckersmith,
extensive auction sale of farm, farm
stock, implements and household
furniture. John Hay, Proprietor;
Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
Auto -Knitter, -nearly neav, for sale.
Apply at The News Office. 43
Wanted, to hear from owner good
fern 'for sale. Cash price, particulars..
1). F. ''BUS'H, Minneapohs;Minn. 46
Quebec heater and range combin-
ed, new, for sale. Apply to CON.
Earn $25 weekly up at home clip-
ping newspapers and addressing en-
velopes. No .canvassing. Everything
furnished. Spare or full time. Parti-
culars 'for stamp. GIIJLUSS MAIL-
ING SERVICE, Box 8, Sydney,
Nova Scotia. - 42
Williams Shoes, 3reb Shoes,
chum Shoes
it Better' Shoes tit Lower Prices Count, Buy your Shoes
in Egrnondville
Poultry and New laid Eggs Wanted aat the Top Prieec
It Will Pay You to Deal With
We Je Finnigan
Canadian Grown Trees, Shrubs,
Evergreens, loses, Vines, Per-
ennials in large variety,
Strong plants at lair prices.
Send for catalogue or advice on
garden planning
11 t€' S tun ui
Nol"strthheit and Florists.
Hamilton, Ontario,,
Choice 100 farm, Lot 1, Concession
4, iIullett, all tender cultivation, a new
frame hoose and bank barn, 4)4 miles
from Seaforth, For particulars appy
to ROBERT ,COATES, Seaforth,
104 acres, lots 27 and 28, Con. 14,
McKillop, 1r/a miles from the village
of Walton. On the farm is a good
house, two barns and other outbuild-.
ings. For price atid tern's write MRS.'
RALPH W, CO'NNOR, 10705 75th
ai c., Strathcona, Alta. 43
Lot 15, con. '14, McKillop, 134.
acres. The buildings alt in No. 1
shape. 10 -room brick house, with
furnace and cistern. Bank barn, 40x60,
and straw shed 36x45, Hen house
16x25. Driving shed and implement
house 25x35. Windmill, water in
stable. 5 acres hardwood 'bus'h. Place -
will be all fall •ploughed. Apply out the
premises, HENRY STIIMORE, Wal-
ton, r.r, 1. Phone 243r25. 41
Lost, 2 notes and two agreements.
$1 reward: if mailed to me, HENRY
HERRR/GGOTT, Mildti�ay, 'One, 41
!Building 15 by 18 ft., suitable for
stable or garage. Also buggy and
light wagon. Apply to MRS. JAMES
G, MARTIN, West William st., or
Box 192. 42
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street. Two lots with barn
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session.. Best bargain in Seaforth.
Apply to W. G. WILLIS,' executor
of Robt. Willis Estate. 44
DR. I -I. HUGH ROSS, Physician:
and Surgeon. Late of London Haw
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases bf the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office -
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106.
On East William street, Seaforth,
five roomed cottage, electric light,
hard and soft water inside, Garden on
property, Owner leaving town. MRS.
Good seven -room frame ,house with
woodshed, on James st., Seaforth.
Electric light and water in house.
Good hen house on property. 'Small
fruits. Apply at The News Office. 41
Mutual Firelosurance Co.
DIR. tF. J. IBURRIOWS, 'Seaforth,
Office and residence, Godericit street,
east of the Methodist 'Church, Orr
otter for the 'County of 'Huron. Tells--•
phone No, 40.
Officers James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex, Janes. Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -=Wm. Ricin, No, 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton;
'Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, 'Brucefield,
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r,r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, ,Seaforth; . J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties.
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will he promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
E. W.
DR. C. M+AOKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity.
Medical College; member of the !On#i-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons sat
DIR, F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, fir',
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897. Late/
Assistant New York Oph'thal'mic any.:
Aura' Institute, Ivioorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square 'throat hospitals, Lon-
don., England. At Commercial ftota!t
Seaforth, 3rd `Monday in ea' h tnwntit,
from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m.
DR. W. C. ISPRIQAT._Graduate Ali
Faculty of 'Medicine, University int`
Western Ontario, London. 'Member
of !College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aheritarr.a-
Drug Store, •Main St., Seafarer..
Phone 90.
DR. J. A. IML1Nit1
Successor to Dr. R. It Ross, gradu-
ate of ,Northwestern University, Chi --
ergo, 111, Licentiate Royal College of-
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Ofice•
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 161,
DR. F. J. B•I9OHFJLY, gradu'abs
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R, Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaford.
Phones, office 1851Wresidence lee.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron -
Arrangements can be 'made for Sate
Date at The Seaforth News. Chargee
moderate and satisfaction guarantceal.
(Successors to James 'Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed ' at lowest rates in First -Clue
Wednesday October 12t1t.
Wheat, per bus.... ... ..,......$1.23
Barley, per bus.
Oats, per bus; 50c
Buckwheat, per bus. 73c
Shorts, per cwt, $1.90
Bran> per. cwt $1.75
Butter, per lb. 35c
Eggs, per dos. 3'5c -45c50
Potatoes, per bag 35c -14.5
n .
Hogs,„ cwt:,.._ •+�S4•
100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Stanley,
good state of cultivation. Bank barn,
76x40, driving shed 40 x 24, cement
silo. Good brick mouse, 2 never -fall-
ing:' wells, N. SAUNDERCOCK,
Brucefield. Phone 621-r-31, Clinton
central. 42
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
invites you to look over
The New Fall Suitings
Upstairs Over
Keating's Drug Store
Specially secured to till dates of "Tho Winning of. Barbara
Worth” not available owing to film expected not arriving;
from New York,
Get in on 'the Biggest 3 Days IT'ilarit'y of the Seaton
Starting `: with extended runs in the biggest Theatres
"The Freshman" has been shown to more people than
any other production in which this peer of all comedians
has appeared.
hursday, Friday and Saturday
Matinees Thursday and Saturday
owaraminsrxa vernmsitururtmear ;