HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-10-13, Page 7Ole Olerem, Dade -walker, was sup -I
pined to be testifying after a bad
headon cellieien.
"You eay," thundeeed the attorney,
"at ten that night you were walking I
up toward Seveu-Milo Crossing and
saw Number 8 coming down the track I ,
at GO miles ae, hour?"
"And when you looked behind yoe,
• ,
You caveNo. 5 coming up the track at1
60 miles an hoer ?"
"Yah," said Ole.
"Well, what 41,1, j -au d, than?"
''Aye got the track."
"Wer,, buf, thee, vehat ahl You .do?",
teen, aye ray to minoself, Dis bane
of a way to run a railroad'," I •
The schneider THIN, WATERY BLOOD' Cot, RattraY Head
Cup Race ALVIAYS DANEROUS" Soldiers 'Board
Manitoba Provinthal , POhee
If Not COrreeted SeriouS Re8UIt21 Officer Succeeds Major
All Cenadians interested in aviation
will be enthusiastic over the feat of
the rlritish in whining the Schneider
Cup at Venice. The average speed of
more thee 2:81 mike an hour of Lieut.'
ebstee ould be compared with the
haat time in pravious contests: 44,7
mike an hour in 1913, 117.4 in 1921,
146 in 1922, 177.33 in 1923, 232,57 in
1925 and 246,40 in 1926. The NM rge
is 217 mike with turns, British ti)
for the whole distance was 46 minutee
20.08 ezeoncls. Therefore it took lees
than thirtece seconds to fly a mile.
W hile Lieut. Kinleead did not finish,
be at one time reached a maximum
epeed of 289.75 mke ian hour Tee one:
lap, the greatest ever recorded.. The'
Italians had engine trouble. it was
day of glory for British flying men
and British engines,
This year the Borg Aix Force leek
over from private hands control of
participation in the contest
The machines uved at Venice were
designed by the Air 'Minietry. Six
,were rent to Italy and a, cruiser took
in state the five,officers of the team
to Venice. They were a smart -looking
lot. The machines finishing first and
D eemed at Venice were very zonal]rnonopiane,
monoplanes, They were not so large
es the leteth type. They' were fitted
pentcens., being seaplanes, -which
makes the meced-breaking sliced per
mile the mane extraordinary. The
fluselage ie metal. The engine is
described tie "twelve cylinder, fan
eheme, in three hicelis of four cylin-
ders each." For rush a little engine
the power develemed was •kapreesive.
Seri:mules...a care ira the hall -mark
of Napier WOTIC, and it is the care
and crafteetarethip in manufacture,
the cereirrial striving after perfec-
tion, combine.] with genius of design,
wheel has enabled this l3ritish engin-
eering firm to product such -a fine
Theee ie no reaeon to doubt that
designers will nem turn out an engine
capable of driving a light plane NO
miles an house This was the aim of
the British. Nothing is told us of the
mental condition of their fliers daring
the race. Se it is quite likely that
the theory tham
t en flying 300 miles
an hour could net stand the strain
and would kee their senses is wrong.
Qualifications of Advertising
A free employment agency has re-
ported to "The Editor and Publisher"
that it i3 placing about two people a
day in advertising positions. In the
nine years of it eedeteace it has got
about 5,000 men and Women the var-
ioue jobs connected with the advertis-
ing business, from "ownership of an
ageney to third assistant dwelcing
clerk." This expeolonee gives weight
as well es interest to the conclusions
drawn by the secretary.
Many applicants "don't know what
it is all about." They think it would
bo nice to be in the advertising heel-
nees, but they have no experience and
no particular Smalifikations. Among
those for whom the agency has found
lucrative work are these with Especial
training, with experience in news-
paper reporting, with a college educa-
tion or with poetical gifts.
It is not the poet's imagination
which is used in advertising, though
the inexperienced seem to think that
a freak idea or two is all they need
in order to make $15,000 a year. "Be-
cause they are Schooled in condensa-
tion and precision, poets usually
write beautiful advertising copy." A
number of well known poets have ob-
tained jobs through this agency. For
E01110 years college graduates caused
considerable trouble. They expected
to do important national advertising
as their first work. Tice agency got
in touch with college Faculties, and
now the boys and girls approach lure
humbly, They get the preferente, be-
cause "college is gooti training fos
-e kind of work."
Powerful Air Lines Are
Predicted by Byrd
Now York.—Itivalry between air-
planes and dirigibles as commercial
passenger and freight carriers is
forecast by Commatider Richard E.
Byrd, writing for the October World's
Commander Byrd expressed the be-
t "lief that an airplane aimed 'of 500
miles an hour 11 in sight. Ho Pic-
tured the air liner of to -morrow as a
multi -engined ship with an aerody.
gamic balance that will keep It
steady even in a heavy gale, among
numerous other factors,
Ole Was Puzzied.
ciela Ole.
In 00 trouble tb delay or neglect
More dangeroee than in tome/Ma—
llen, watery blooce It is very com-
mon in young .girle and in poesone
who aro overworked or eoniined with.
in deem It makes rte approach in
so stealthy a manlier that it is Often
well developed believe the trouble is
re cognized.
But thlzen in time the tonic treat-
ment , through the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills is as certain as any-
thing eau bo, Mise. Tenets HealieY,
Dunravere Qua isono of the many
anaemic sufferers who ham found now
health through the uSo of this medi-
cine. She says: -1 cannot express
too warmly my thanks for what Dr.
Williams'. Pink Pills have deem for
me. I was suffering from a badly
run-down, condition, I was very ner-
vous, had little desire for food, and
would feel tired out at the least exer-
eon. in this 'condition I began taking
Dr, Plnk Pills, and before
ueeing them very , long found my
health gradually improving, and un-
der their continued use" was com.
pletely restored. Por this reason I
earnestly advise all weak girls to
take those pills, feeling euro that
thoY will do for others what they did
for me."
Send your name and address to Tho
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,
Ont., and they will mail you
free a useful little book on "Buildieg
Up the Blood." The pills can bo ob-
tained through any druggist or by
mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Basis of Marriage
Westminster Gazette (Ind. Lib.):
Women are somistimee beeline. tro
scorn the need for protection, and the
independence of modern woman may
have given en enormous impetus to
this attitude. The. basis of marriage
in companionship may, too, have been
affected a little by the fact that we
aro presented with an increasing num-
ber of substitutes for social life. But
the mao who says that a motor -car
el a better investment than a Wife,
and a woman who professes to believe
that a business post offers a safer
protection than a husband, are usually
the first to contradict their views by
their actions, Marriage romaine tbe
best of man's inventions, however
many people believe the inventor to
have been a woman.
The Young Seamp.
Manufacturer --"How did my son'
carry on the business while 1 Wile
Manager—"Oh, he carried on all
right, but he forgot the business."
The better the quality of
the tea you use the more
important it is that the con-
tainer should be the very,
best. By careful tests it has
been proven that Aluminum
is the best container yet
found for tea—and Red Rose
Tea is packed only in Alumi-
num—the finest package ever
used for tea. Er
Ottawa.—Col. J. 0. Rattray, of
Winnipeg, Man., former head of the
114auitebo, Provincial Pollee, has been
appointee head of the Soldierze Sot -
Cornet -a I3oard, hilieg tho vacancy
calmed by the resignation of Major
John Barnett, 'Phe Board now oper-
ates in connection with the Land Sot
tleinent Branch a the Immigration
Department, and, apart from aeminis-
terIne the Soldiers' Land System, al-
so has considerable to do with tho
locution of immigrants -ender the Em-
pire Settlement plan.
Istar--Sbark Hunter
"Shark-ielle„stecl seas." . To the
ordinary man tho words have an cm-
in,ons soand, 'but to Dr. Ehrenreich,
the man who has equipped the yacht
Istar far the strange trade of shark
hunting, they mean oil, glue, isinglass,
leathor, pagments, a silky fibre which
is said to he stronger than silk, the
strongest of all poisons, Poison 0, and
numerous other products.
Dr. Ehroureich carries on bis ship
a whole staff of chemists, who treat
the fish so that a few hours after the
catch the by-products, are all ready
for marketing and the skin is dried,
tanned, dyed and turned into leather.
Hitherto, according to the doctor, it
has been found impossible to make
leather except in the form of elm -
green from the shark's rough skin
because of the grains or denture with
which it is encrusted, but new he has
solved the problem of removing them
and making a beautiful, pliable and
useful leather. Ti fact, he has found
a *ay of turning every bit of the
catch except the hard seeks to some
practical purpose,
At present the Istar—she Iles in the
Thames—does not appear too ready
to part with all her vecrets, but when
tho methods used aboard this first
floating shark factory become more
widely knewn others will doubtless
join the chum Already eve foresee
the doom of the hound of the sea.
Canadian Ice Cream Made for
West Indies
Halifax, M.S.—The marketing of ice
cream manufactured in Halifax, for
the consumption of people of the Bri-
tish West Indies, is one of the latest
developments of the Canada-Weet In-
dia trade, so It was learned here re-
cently. The ice cream is sent in
bricks to Bermuda, and is shipped In
liquid form as far south as British
For the latter market it is put in
tins, hermetkally sealed, and kept at
an even cool temperature In the cool-
ing rooms of the Canada -West India,
ships, particularly those of the Cana-
dian Government Merchant Marine.
It is believed there is almost an un-
limited market for such Nova Sco-
tian products in the British West In-
dies, and when developed, will be a
great aid to the development of the
dairy industry of Nova Scotia.
The aviators seem to have contri-
buted a new and moro uplifting mean-
ing toi the word "hops."
Your mind is your inint. What are
you coining?
-----16-0134Y0 \
1\13S. s ill. lr, ea ,
ivats° kes;
' !
First Ienut--11Whot would a net/on
be without woznen?" Second Ditto-- I ,
"A, stagnatioe, 1 guess."
m' the Vathroorn-
E DY:f1
avy Toilet Tiss c'
NAVY, TISSUE is soft and alisothent and,
like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under
the most exacting sanitary conditions.
Each roll of
"NAVY?* Tis-
sue is 'guar.
anteed to con-
tain7 00 sheets,
Ruality a n. a
-40afittil".las raeete ect
raVag' 47..0
'41414itc.rNiglic AZteN,Ald,' 1/4e.'!!;1°
WrYnvs Never
Apparently a paradox, nevertheless true; one of the wonders demonstrat- •
ed at the Radio World's Fair at the New Madison Square Garden, N.Y. A
radio wave passing through the ice caused the heat.
"Do you consider it a moral wrong
'to cheat a lawyer" asked Bellaraby,
who was always looking for a chance
to start a discussion. "No," replied
Wilkins, whose spedalty was worldly
'wisdom, "but I consider it an Impos-
Those Difficult Pronouns.
Child (after hearing a friend say
that she is going to Miami)—"Betty
10 going to Herami."
Mother—"No, dear, to MELVA."
Child, patiently—"Oh, all right then
—to Yourami."
Start Right In.
Tramp—"Can I cut your grass for
a meal, mum?"
Lady of the House—"Yes, my poor
man. But you needn't bother cutting
it; you may eat it right off the
A Queer Apology.
The teacher, turning around, found
two small sisters fighting.
Teacher—"Now, Vera, kiss Jessie
and apologize for hitting her."
Vera kissed her.
Teacher—"Now apolegize."
Vera (after a silence) --"I'm sorry
I had to kiss you."
It Looked Like One.
My sister teaches school in Crom-
well. She teaches the first and sec-
ond grades. One day one of her larst-
graders was reading aloud, and she
camo to this sentence: "Where are
You going?" Now she had never seen
a question mark before, so she said:
"Where are you going, little button-
A Gentle Rebuke.
While little Robert was visiting a
neighbor, a huckster called, trying to
sell her some apples. Although she
did not want to buy them, he insisted
on giving her one, As soon as the
man had gone, she gave Robert an
apple from a basket she already had.
He ate silently for a few minutes, and
; then he said, "Miss Brown, you're
just like me; I always keep the best
one for myself, too."
The 'Large Party..
The steamer was just leaving the
pier when a man rushed up and shout-
ed: "Hold, on a minute; there a party
of fifty coming aboard,"
The steamer backed in again and
the man walked on board and sat
down. After five minutes of -waiting
the captain event across to him and
asked if the party would bo much
"IiVliat party?" asked the man.
"The party of fifty you spoke
"Oh, I'm the party( I'm fifty to.
He'd Bo glad to Glye It Up!
Last winter Ur. and Mrs. Breve,
Were ill with "fit" in goparate rooms
One morning, hearing a conversation
going on between the colored meld
and Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown askedt4
maid when she entered her room if
Mr. Brown had any The uxogIhl
replied that she 41t pot /Keeley
Mrs. Brown theta said thi Maid;
"Go and ask Mr. Brown if lie as May
tenaporaturo this morning. Tell him
1 /aaven't any."
Be the maid left the rem, he loft
the door open, and Mre: Breve over -
hailed the following cVeyersatiou:
"Mr, Brown, Mrs. Brown say le you
get DAY temperature this morning?"
ittrotru replied, "I don't know
Whethei I have any or not, Lucy."
land the maid said, "Well, if you is
I got any, she wants some, cane° she
ain't got none this mornihg,"
Smell of ripened grapes OR the air
and rain -dampened crust, a eicada's
call and 'yellowing leaves, betoken
ror all palms--Minard's Liniment.
Once a mother has used Baby's
Own Tablets for her little Mies she
always keeps a supply on hand, for
the first trial convinces her there is
nothing to equal them in keeping
children well. The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach,
thus driving out constipation and in-
digestion, colds and simple fevers,
and making teething easier. Con-
cerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletier,
St. Dumas, Que., writes:—"I ha'l'o
used Baby's Own Tablets for the past
ten years and am never without them
in the ;armee. They have always
given the greatest satisfaction and
can gladly recommend them to
mothers of little onese" The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or direct
by mall at 2 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
"Hey Mister! Help!"
Rumania's Madcap Monarch
Nearly Carried into Sea
by His Monster Kite
Constanza, Rurnania.—While Rob-,
ert M. Patterson, Charge D'Affaires
of the American Legation in Ru -
Mania, was motoring along a smooth
beach on the Black Sea here he heard
cries for help from a email, half -
naked boy flying a huge kite which
was carried so high by the wind that
it threatened to pull the youngster
into the sea.
The frightened urchin was 5 -year-
old Ring Michael, who, despite his;
elevation to the throne, cares more
about kites than kingdoms.
Theenly ralreent the Juvenile sover-
eign wore was a pair of tiny trunks.,
"Hey, mister, help mel I'm losing
tny kite," oried the young king, like
any Canadian kiddie. "Come quick'
or I may be dragged into the water."
Mr. Patterson, who has known'
Ring Michael from babyhood, etopped
hie motor and rushed to rescue the
frightened lring and his kite. Taking!
the thick cord from the blistered,
hands of the barefooted, teueled-hair-i
ed monarch,, he pulled in the huge,
kite, which was twice -the Size of
Michael and required all his strength.!
"Don't tell my mother," admonish-,'
ed the inatious Michael. "She will kill,
mo. She doesn't know I'M out."
Mr. Patterson placed the "rnischiev-i
ous Mickey" in his automobile and1
drove to Princess Helen's house, De -1
positing the little king safety in the,
hands of hie English nurse, he whis-1
pored: "Ssill He's been out on the
heaeh again and he almost flew away
with his kite, Don't toll on him,"
Quick Lunch,
Mrs. Brown had tried hard to make
her boy refrain from taking seat
large mouthfuls. At last one clay, her
Patience exhausted, she exolaineed,
Vaelt, epee more bite like that and
Yoiell ken% the table!"
Anti 3"ack replied, "One more bite
like thott and 1'll bo through."
BECAUSE guaranteed to
cut 10% more timber in
same time, with less labor
than any other saw.
SIMONDS 008808...7,,,EALW CO.
. 4114
ISSU2 No. 41---'07
After long tests we are ea
vince,d Aiurninwi is the
best otntainer for tea.
Now packed only in Ala inara.
Song Eliminated
By Circus Clown
Skit on Mussolini Nearly
Causes Diplomatic
Saraievo, Botmla, Jugo Slavia--This
little town of fateful name nearly
witnessed a sudden diplomatic inci-
dent between Italy and Jugo Slavia
when a circus clown here, amidst up-
roarious laughter, sang a song ridicul-
ing Premier Mussolini.
The Italian Consul in the town lodg-
ed an indignant protest with the. Jugo
Slavlan authorities, declaring that if
the offending clown was not punished,
Italy would take ennoble measures to
insure the dignity of its Premier.
Alarmed at the vehemence of the
Italian °Molars complaint and fear -
big reverberations from Rome, the
local °Metals ordered the circus to
leave town immediately. It did so,
and the clown Is now singing in a
neighboring town, minus his skit on
11lnard's Liniment for Lumbago.
Starting All Over.
Little Mary Ruth, age four, had
been trying to learn to tell time. Af-
ter worrying over it awhile she went
out in the yard to play. Soon a Dial
mate came to play with her.
"How old are you, Goldie?" she ask
"I'm twelve," was the reply.
"My goodness! Next year you will
have to be one again."
or id° hush els
of wheat—
!That's about all the trip
costs, and that's why thous-
ands of people go to the Old
Country for the Holidays—
an unforgettable pleasure.
Are you going?
The Anchor -Donaldson Steamer
lilLetitia" leaves Montreal for
Scotland on November 26th. The
Cunarder "Ausonia" leaves
IVIcatreal November 25th for the
Channel Ports.
Special Christmas failings from
Beef= for the second week in
December will enable you to
arrive 51 plenty of time for plum
puddings and haggis, bagpipes
and pantomimes.
Round Trip from 0.55.00 up;
everything included. Children
half fare, Your Steamship Agent
will make all arrangements.
,g ttor-Dwut
LINES. 81,
Cor- Bay &Wellington Streets. TORONTO
Classified Advertisements
'kJ seleCtions 0100.00 for *16.00. Una
anteed, Poisson, 840 Mount -Ito ala
t Ba
-x„,- A R T,7 S-11,1 A. C INE a HAN
leNITTINO—"Old Tyme,"
Wool," "S1119 and WOol," iltic a ponnd u
delivered. Samples free. E.,.nel9ing
Yarn Shops, Department E. Orillia On
E"a"$2 00 Given '11.-)"'V 1
GnenS a .TTT5aiilau
gihurliPsitirs 1 Rs: Iber!3(lo 70ortS 1 (t,i,.2 n,Ou0ret.1,ii.i,iguens
sold send us *1.00 and Juin) $2l) We
1 V.,siDent 1111 Xmas
8I7;.00t.yn11.1.,s11'''..!1..1' le.'/Z!
R.urveal 14,
j$‘ "Rub Back a Eels".
At An Druggists. Price 19',1.20
Folder about "DEAFNESS" en request. ,
I A. 0, 1805130, Inc, 70 01111 Are, Flew Volk
Fall Colds
Attack them at rho
Heat aril inhale Minard'e. Rub
on throat and chest.
'ff.IN er BIEN
Woman Suffered Nearly a Year.'
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable :
t Compound Brought Her Health1 • '
Moose Jaw, Sask. —"I am goingto
try to tell .you what Lydia E. Philo-
. ham's Vegetable Compound has daze .
for me. I suffered very badly witle
dragging -down -pains and inflanunies
tion, also pains m my right aide ov
ray hip and clown my whole Ode in
my leg. I had it nearly n year whe ,
1 event to a doctor and he said I, "
would have to have an operation. BO .
my mother said to talce Lydia E. .
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as It .
saved her life yes before. I too '
two bottles and. I found I was bettet. . •
so I kept on taking it and also used .„
Lydia E. Pinkhara's Sanative Wash. e
I have had two more children since ,
then and am perfectly well. I used . e
to have to lie down two or three r
times a day, and now I do all m.
housework 'without trouble. I a1
ways keep the Vegetable ('ompoun
in the house as I find a &we now an 7,x,
then helps me. I am willing for you *---
to use this letter any wayou see fit "
and I will answerletters. '1? 0 can help
any other woman I'd be only too glad -I'' 0
to try."—Mrs. Esrlien lloueliTow,
414 Morse Square, Moo.se Jaw, Sas-, y .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a dependable medicine 3,
for all women.
For sale by druggists everywhere.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fox;
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Asp:tin Is the trade marly (Ver,inoseeil In Canada) 2 TIityor Istatnitseture of liEsioneetle-
',Mester at SoloySeseill ( Ac**1 Auld, "A. b. 1,"). 'While It IS wen know
thst Aspirin *elms /layer matiOsolose, 14 assist ite public sitsimit iseltalloos. 11* Toilets
et Bayer tAnnpany wUl be stooped 0111 men. geueral (redo mark, Me "Bays, egons."
eF0-00,4"qceRt. .nnlY "Bayer"Icktg
which contains pro von directions.
Handy 'Bayer" Ilexes of 12 1 ablete
Also bettlee of 24 and 100,--Inuegisie,