The Seaforth News, 1927-10-13, Page 4• . ,y
Y • } OL ,
&OL t+CPL k3
., l -
- cksou and BRVCE}?IELD. EGMONAVILLPu. ,
• t; , . ti, and lCrs. Ca, \i, Ja CONSTANCE. ' The 'kl'ortictfltural Society' had;the PAY FOR STORAGE,
' \{''!§IX Tit13. ti a s Ia clic absence E .Rev. W. A. &3sent-
' friends rn.S't, bk t} Prince of Wa1es'Peauies planted on The decision arrived at 'by the obeli- 1lie reglle monthly meeting of
"t' r`siia even- .t`etnreth visited I anniversary ser- The bazaar hail fit the•:horestei's f tt ''Me- a 'meet of the Ontario 'Grain Pool L knondville W. Nl, h, was ltelct ltk
I>lesenfatton, .0 ,i, l l u Y, ,, lrc- week -arid. ner, who conducted an } Y , gc t, g
. , . • • . _ is_ >ovt t 4al last Thursday 'Londa m the flawet beds o t e 1 er :t rovrde •,.for Ontario edn sda Oct• 12
rat last about 7'S peopl ftoiu this d .race Cuntnirm r11 motored vices tri Gtacc United Church, S.. 1 y evening Was welt moiler Ball.. n order o„ P the chureh;ota w e Ye tit
Fc and \2t. L out e 6 ctRev.. _ attend'ed - .. . ,. tt n r a '. :mitieh' as s
-psis t'tct. gathered"at the home of Mr,.a - Tholuas; the :D.'Carswell octtttp and .all report an enjoyable :Mi+s. Soni C>iciicy and Miss 'Pearl nnllers, s• Opened followed
1 6 to London ort Tuesday,
•• � r Pili . to resent - ,. i�<i hhi^. - pulpit of Brueefield United t:venng, The ,ills lag of needlework "; hwedding'"of Miss possible of 'the 'Onkarto'tivheak..crop,- p votionnl a•
l4lis; Jas, FI. McLatg v P Messrs. Ed.. an ',Michael Rowland p p , P Utdley attended the
i. the 116,st alld hostess and
hlLeen with " r t i su led d r-. and home coakui was of 'the us al n ifter means that ou wheat Held back by hY Prayer., '' 9)e oxe c1SCs
v -!sated •this �wevk wiktt Mr, tiiar•i•ey !C,hurclt, Mr. Ca suet. pp I u g c u Evelyn Bt.rt near" Landon o S followed Utrs h'1o111lllatt And Mrs
,, s' of their esteem stili of to Mr, Bremner'sholidays last [Aug- high:standard and netted lad'igs a rpa. , members for delivery in 'November a
f.atu sign LuidsaY, of 5 g Y'
e residents _ substantial sun . 4Sr'tl a f t to ner t f; one cent a 'bushel, In s'd- Robert Nolo McKenzie rear! Chi The New
- - - their regret in Sosing veli d c t rs, Thos. a1t'clubald and ust and the, people; of the con a t,, fill few- witty Ivtrs, Harvkuts sang a .solo at Uatt ,i , yt t o . _
eu lti, enc M
x eek for th n hi back. remarks, :Rev, IB. [Strati introduced ,the r tks ivin rdihon to the ,announced initial pay fitudy boob; AISej Aisi;s (71ia'i'terS [rain
t, are leaving ne t w _ u vis ted Mr, tion were glad to welcome m I noluut olid evening Tl a[ g g >
as they Y. T �lr, and i\2is. Jos. lRya.
ton near St, Thorn- On `hursd Oct• 0 h the. Tha k- tnosat, intelestiti feature of the ba- I L g' h i' lican'church meat ort vheaf, will be crude •to cover the Leaflet; ttelo,' : New Iaths for
g ncv} home at Dut l ,diem I' St. Matys on Sunday. ay, t n g services m St. I au s Ang }
le of Walton, i (term tiieetln of the \ _, M S, and zaar, 'a fine auto rah quilt and su -g stora c in tilt grower's: granary, On
O'!d Purposes:' Mectnirg was closed
As, I -George lied y 41tss +jean ClI ke, of Toronto, •spe 1t o g g t \ g P 4 g al Clinton au Sunday. g „.
and a club bag was a he Kell • Auxiliary, will be theft at 'nested that .the"most 'handsome ratannd o£ Denver •wheat held until sDecemUcr the star by hymn and a few ries, es silent
( read the address t the week-encl at her borne an the l } Y, IvTr, H. Bobolt Mr1LC
i presented to A4r, McLaughlin, an $ o'clock !n the evening. Miss Mit- present should be auctioneer. This ,Colorado, is visiting his sisters, the age fee added to the first payment prayer for the missionaries,
P es gravel road. .
ivory set to Ivirs, McLaughlin and a Guild of Sit, George's Church chell, 'W.M.S, field secretary for Eas- honor'fell'upon 1\ r, Chas, McGregor •Misses [McLelland, will he two cents a bushel, 'Whether
manicure set to Eileen. 'A right folly the home of Mrs- Wlttr'Stewart tern Canada, will address lite meet and "after some lively bidding Mrs, Mr,' and Mrs, Clarence Clarke of or not a paynienl of mare than two .
incl at e
Time: was spent, with the Allen arch- � ,silo of this 'week, ing. Miss 3litchell is an inspiring Moore became .the proud owner of Listowel visited relatives here over cents will be made on wheat held Rod and Gun.
music,. "1 o Ala•, and ` n rsC F t Mt. For- speaker and,a Marge eongrekation will the 'quilt, Mrs; Ephr'iant 'Clarke, who the week end. _ later than 'December depends ori con featured by alt exceptionally at-
estra supplying, 11fs. C. lsitgland went o h
=Pilot and Eileen. Dear .'it the trial be out to Frear 'her. The public !s president of the 'Telles' A'id, and A. J Radford let Thursday ditians Ili Ontario ntUls, and rtu the tri live cover design the first o a
Mrs. Mcl�aug, _- ,est ag 4tvhur'daY. She taoLc part r Y P ,. 14rs.. S. R d ,t - c � , f -
friends, `4\re regret that the time is t art of the anniversary ser- is cordially invited to be present. all those who so generously contiibut- last to spend a week with friends at farms, at that time.
r at hand when you will be mcv music -ill 1 1 "iluda in' the The sacrautent, of "the Lord's Su ed are to 'be congratulated "oil the p series of outdoor paintings from .the
I neo vices held there oil } P Detroit, -- —T'-, brush of the well known Canadian or
•• from our neighborhood. 'Before . , t,cr will be observed in Bruce�ield success of them project. From the y y tilt, Ma or Allan +Brooks, 'the Octa er
6 United Church, kir. trail \'Ins, Les Fear,and faintly >Altva s '•Read and tReha4ile, j i;
u leave we desire ,to express 'our ,, invested Ili a' new United Church 'atetct Sunday, Oct. ratrtograph quilt $39 was realized and were among those who:atiended,the Practically all pains arising flora in issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian
Yo I3, 5hai111p11 ,has i
,our regret At .your leaving and to offer 16th at. the morning service. 'Prepare- ;the Proceeds of .the bazaar amounted, ,,Brussels fair on Friday, flantnt:ition tali be removed with :Dr, [Silver 'Fox News has just _-been �pub-
t g ear.
our best wishes ,for your future. Dur- t were well tory ervice will be held ori Friday to over $60, Miss Annie Richmond'has returned Phomas' Eclect'ric Oil. 'Simply rub it Rshed. The issue contains many in•,
Harvest 1 hush on avenin ,.•O t, 14th,:at 8 o'•clack, home from spending a few days at on the sore s' of and itis quickly all, ing the atony ,r'ear's you 'have trued t .nded !n 'St. George's C g Mr. Peter Dunlop returned Home
a to . - oil 'Saturday after spending • h g - - P , 4; Y lei do w 'articles. g a stones having'.
In our nvdst you'hate ,been true net Oct, Sud. ',Rev, Mt•, 'Townsend,. tBer The evening service next Sunday, J P g a couple, Westfield with her, friend, -Miss Elsie sarUecl, by the stir. Its hearing Powerto do with hunting and ,fishing trips
hbors to old of us, We have been ie ' r Impressive " sermon, Oct.. 16th, is withdrawn in 'Brucefield of months in the West.' ` Stonehouse, is conveyed to the inflamed tissue in various parts -of 'Canada, whfIg the
g to to to ori, home at an tlnte ,vie, gave a very P
11 free y ), birch was made Ibeautifu•I with Church to afford the ,congregation an Quite a number from here took in 'M'rs. John Yeo, ivIlsses. Ruth and which is quickly soothed, This dine regular departments on an g,
The c Doreen. Lew- opportuuify to attend the jubilee ser Y Y• " Miniile. Yeo were guests at, the home "old remedy is, also a specific for all 'shooting, Outdoor Tolle, kennal rad
of trouble for syntPa'lhy, nl time of flowers and frill. Miss Burns anniversar on Sunda
need for help, ,and in times of happi- , oto 'while the of vices at Kippen. 'Mrs. Logan and Katbleent of Blyth of Mr. Fred Austin, Hullett,' on. Mon- manner of cuts, scratches, bruises acid trapping' contain much useful �fnfor
ai' to have a social:: chat together in Played 't violins
ne_• F lira wa; 1pcing taken, which was Mrs. Jas, Moodie and blip and 1[i•s. sPen.t Saturday with tier.. daughter, rh1y, sprains. 3Ceep a bottle handy always. mation on the 'latest development in "
and rvc have beet' delighted ,to have t g Doreen is an ac- Jas, AfrQticen were in Goderich on A1rs. Leo Stephenson. Mrs. Fred Toll and daughter, bliss
racy vvclt rendered,
Tile s ,vice at Constance vvas'with- returned h n "+from send- The Oil their respective branches. A co
; at an'i'1for '[he Atli a e. -In rubbing verbatim report '
yon .drop in at our hi)rne, Y w1up1lshrd musician, Thursday. .\Ibc, havea te, p l t u g plasia vet at ep of the plroceed-
hour of the day or night knowing r Th rsda was very Miss Greta :Mustard; of Toronto, "draw[," on Sunday on account of the ing a few weeks with friends out flown trite athlete will'' ind ;Dr. Thom- .ings of the annual meeting of the iCa-
"take its as you found The tended p„ u Y Hilt visited for 'the past week at the 'home anniversary at Burns' Church, West. as' Eclect'ric Oil an excellent article, na i n National Silver 'Fox Bre r
would Hell attended. the autograph q p
Mas: act: ;Riley olid sons, of Brus , uc n fa- Lt render the Pilose] and sinews lf- d aincluded it : ede s
that }oyrMr. and Mrs. P. Gtbba and es a s evvs p Associdtlon !s , t this months
its and flunk uoNtlrtg of it, if you y cuts,; i�Trt alld Nlrs; Alex. , J
realized the suiu'o£ uear'1 �1:1'2.00r iif i?er par
foetid us in a fins -rap with airs work. then is so "fine now that .the Mustard. She was accompanied by sets, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. idly of W'inghakn called oil Blyth able, takes, the soreness out of •fitem issue of 'Canadian (Silver 'Fox News,
Then when we went out together on The wee Ben d strep
•� termer: are getting fall work clinic in her cousin, Miss Margaret .Brown. r Riley,3', friends ori their way to dish Seafarth strengthens them for strains that 'Lt addition there. are several splendid
social. occasion&, - in groups large of* - - Airs. arnd Mrs. John. B, -Mustard and rVv e. are glad to say Stirs. Ben Riles friends, - may be Put Upon. theI1 . T•t stands articles on various points of the ra
ni:tll, you have always taken the gout' bine. p
famil ' spent tite week -end at their is improving. vlr, 'D. Crawford of. Toronto cellae Pre-eminent for this
Y 1 1e purpose and idly. growing industry, g12od and Gun
greatest of interest, have borne your ---- I—. • ttunner cottage at.Inverhuron, Mr, and Mrs. Johnny Riley and son oil Blyth friends during the week and, athletes who. for years ., have been and Canadian :5i'lver Fox News is
full .hare tit. the cxnett;e involved and Brucefield Y. P; S. -,The Y. P. mis- of Tuckersnkith spent Sunday in the, Born. -To" Mr. and Mrs, Louis For using !t can 4estiN to its value as a published. monthly by W. J. 'Taylor,
have added ut the fun by your char BAYFIELD. ,iouary meeting was well attended oil village. lubricant. r
g' tune, a son, 'Louis ,Gerald. -]:.!failed, Woodstock,. Ont.
acteristic good nature. lit busilies., d \'Ins. H, .Lord'af London Saturday evening. Jesse freeman, Miss Ida Stalker
of Silyth spent the Misses Delia and Loretto Fltzpa- __.
you have been capable, straight- . �e i•. h �, Mrs. 110, laisslonar•y convener, .occupied the week end. with Mr. and Mrs. Leo.. Ste- trick of Detroit Spent last week. at the `.� .... .. __._._.... ......._..._.._._...� .._...__..�..... ..10 _
y -,peat the week end with firs J
forward dull h`11 cable; su that we Davison tine occasion being a Sur- chair throughout. Wallace Haugh PhensOn.' (tome of Mr, and, Mrs. Peter T ea7y,
have always had respect for your ,rise ai.E td celebrate Mrs. 'Davi- gave in interesting address on Tout- -Mr. Jas, Armstrong, who. has been Mr, and Mrs, C. Rogerson spent
,on', Uirthda Those present were: , ' p , of a barber at Little'Curreut, 'Manitoulin y g a
judgment and confidence in your p y } lad and its People," fret cloth a Frida with Win ham friends.
wird. Through all your lir: you llrs. Stuthers, , and Mrs: Toni ladie quartette sang. A report of Island, arrhed home on Thursday. He
have shown ,before. the neighborhov4 the last executive meeting \vas given intends 'to take up farming. Miss Nellie .'Hetlron is visiting at,
I , Mr. Thos. ".Fl nn, son Of \4r, and home here,
\fallu, iltoses Cj. and' sL, Mallet,. itL•. g het
a high respect far all that is good, a f I. Mallet firs, Tardif, tSlss. Gladys `he chief stents being t11C launchut'g Y - - N (49 T I 0,,v, Eir 10 .
faithful attendance on your religious , 1 , Draycott of 'Lon- ;,,f a membership campaign and Nitro- Mrs. given Flynn, suffered a weak ATrs. Clarence. Johnston was the
!)av ion and. lit, H. uest of Mrs. Colin Pin land, Wal- luties, and a real trust in ,,our trod. diem the M. and E, envelopes. The >pell on\4onday She
after dinner, Wednesday last. g •
don, \lr. and Mrs. Will Kerr and Mr. S' iJov\ is th tiilto to Gausldor <r[ wallet is
Your lives have been a great ber- linrl (',)bright of Walkerton. campaign is causing considerable '!n He is Improving. 3
r The \\.k[,S. roasts 'at the home of .\Lr, olid Mrs. VJllfred. Cameron u'f
.•!cv to our comntnnity in affording u, Rrv. :tact llrs. 'Charles Gairdner of ,crest; each captain was busy at the needed for FnIls,nd Winter in ttie line of
j 11'rs. John Ferguson oil Thursday. Brussels spent Sunday with Mr. and
al' a greater joy nr liviiii a sleeper Rochester, S.Y., are 'guests with AIr. close aF the nteetiag and several nevv
true in our fellow sten, and a greater John Gairdner. members have been added already14iss Mary Cook of Goderich towns Mrs. ;fna AIoNlchol, loot 'tiSrorlr, 4i'c ht7Pe fl Price to Uptnj)Ci's'
faith fit the 'Higher Potter, While J R,v an<i lir:: \V, A. Townshend and we are looking for a crowded :ship, is visiuug Mrs. Jos. Riley Jr. Mr. .and Mrs, Jno. Grasby and Mr.
you are droving fi•tan our neighbor- have returned front a tri, to 'Toronto rneetaIg next Tuesday 'evening. "This The Larlics Aid of Constance and tics: Chas. Nicholson visited at ilLNil C)rdttla.
!toad, you will always be regarded as',t'1 t re ,•pendia the weer: in the vii- meeting will be under the leadership Church met. Tuesday evening in the the home of Jas. Mc 11chot of Me -
of vs all, loa .,rail a of the Citizenship committee and, a church. Kiliot on Sunda Men':s 131t1ok or Tarn vSlzoti, $3.95. 10 per
.•cry iiia friends ` ' l ge. •' P t Y•
carry with yuu our very highest re- \I -. E, A. Neelin of Toronto arriv- vizi! subject toill be presented, Re- The annual meeting of 'the beef Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
,aide, our very hyst tvlshes. oust a member the 'TIaliotve'en social and utas Held Tuesday evening in the Johnston cent old' for ealsh. This offer is good
� l ori Monday to yi,Tr his father, AIr, spent "the week' end at Mr, Andrew
Forester's hall.
hearty invitation to vi,it our hones l:, t;, Seelia. don't fail to be at Tuesday's tnectin:g. Suints, of Mount Forest, Mrs. Colin until Oct, the loth 1927.
an time. We would ask you to ac- If th4 basement tt%n t hold -the crowd, 'Mrs. Frank G. 'Burrett of Toronto,
Y firs 1\`. H:. Lymata of \lopitreal, r led them.
and of Walton, also accompan-
• is visiting her sister sirs. Win. sept these gift- u• ar ,,.ght expres ,lir„ attended -lie" 34th annual meet- the church will. The. young people red them. 5t3e Ad. next tYOCIi: for 17r1eQ city Single
=ion of our reganl for you, ing of the Council of \\crimen of Can- ,lir reminded of the Y.P. convention Clarke. r. Mr. and \Tis. ohoJohnston, ant
Signed on belia'f of the neighbors, which will be herd in Queen street Miss \ u•a'Duulop visited friends at John J' p Harness .ntade to Order'.
ada, at Stratford last week, visited o 1\'aT•ton over the week end. the week end w°th -Alden Armstrong
Jos. Ryan, H. j. Manutng, Ed. Rowl. ,with her chicle, ,Mr. J. T. Gairdner, Church, Blyth on Friday. 21st lust. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Adams and at Shelburns. -
and, , er the week end. Mrs. W. F McMillan, of Egmond' n,Q •-sg
Miss _Mary \[Hinz •and rienct , „f vflle, was visiting her mother, Mrs. children .pent Sunday with friends at Mr. and Mrs. C. Nicholson and Mr, �e-�
t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook of Gode- g Staffa. Norman Nicholson attended 'Teeswa- s- 1� k ,� I '
Y,ranti ,rd , tc ct s fattier. \U a -:, - T. Burdge, ac tl
.h town hip, are guest,, with Mr. - g ,this week. ter fair Wednesday "last...,
. saes;. , over
it Mr, si:d ti^:. Alea i ; i ,1 lir.. A. W 1 td( -11 of London. \Tr. lay with his m after spending
Munn, over the' vitt incl. \fr, and \fr Ernest Callow of '+ fern clays with his mother, Mrs. Jas. ___ _. �_
Bethel Church ',;Haar alld 3uppvi r 1 casa••villt were guests last week tivdC, Mclu•tosh, returned in Toronto Uni- BLYTH. �� _
was very oucces,tul. If was well a \ir. anl \[rs, W. J Hahn,. verslty ort Afonday. Want and For Sale ads, 3 time; 50c
.ended and .he p levedl , ;veru over] 1Tis,e, Tretta \Icrner and Ethel Ctrs• J. Addison is entertaining the Miss Mary 1filue is visiting her sis- 1'
'200: Matron -Oliver Mission Circle at her ter, Mrs. \lurray Cole, in Toronto ^_,.--.— 1 .watt were braille from New Dundee this week.
\Tr, aur Mrs. D rve 11t line; and i ,r the week end. home on Thursday evening.
Poe visited Mr 4111 1lr.s. Levi lTr. P:, L. Cameron and Miss Eliza \I, sirs. Lorne Pepper and jfin The Blyth Choral Society appointed
Iiottnrs of H'ilul Mich, Kitchen; who Have-dkeen m the West, a colnmlttee, bliss E. Steinhoff, Mrs.
cth Cameron m tnrctl ht Kitchen, Leith and Mrs. W. B, ,Hawkins, to
Miss Go tri Mlle wa :, 1-114"n v:iitcd relatives on T1uus ia} have returne,l to their homes here, .
sltor on 1 ue sd'av Mrs. Ed, Boyce Is visitin friends present Miss -Pearl Gidley, able ac- T
Mr. and Mr,, W. Wightman whcr g
C)ir Friday l,ty t•ycn leg, i)tt. 14th. chi ,ave ;Pent thi i'r Godericy for a few clays. CantPanist 01 the 'Society, with a che- ,
Y.P.S.iare y exon ag illtts. 140i rill- t; past month at their y �j
smnme • tune, the property of the Mr. and Mrs. T. Campbell and dau- clue for X1100. The. informal address � � Y(� � �� ? i
An", it nt •"tI,, using the itiate t11,
i late firs. C'owic. here. which w•as Pur- ghter Jean spent Sunday with Mr. and presentation took place on Tues
tile- pn t it 1 'n• the .Missionai Rased last fall, left oil Wednesday anti .Mrs. J, 'A Elliott Iu the village. `',ay atterttoon.
Dvp 1 .. Key. Mr. Mainz f ,,r the r home in Dc colt. Thr itnu e Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Stackhouse were Eye Cut -Borden Cook had his eye .
at e. r>rc,i by Mr. \berg. r,r ;;as ))evil n ,ved back nu the ;rat and visiting in 1\ estfiield ,,it Sunday. badly cut on Tuesday afternoon tvlten
I mtlusst i ,:. will me rcoPunsbfe £r.r her ntln,,vt'ments are to be made. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnson spent he slipped off the steps in front of ,
\t and \fr.. C. Ef. Thal' .-Sunday with Mr. and .firs. 3I. CSrlch .\. S, Rad'ford's grocer store and � rt•
nC ,) ,i .uta. A '"fiver er,il.,*ti•pn will ear were Y y? , >L c.
x liken r tine sl,,,, 1e h c for a" uvl attended auniver;ary ,rrelce, ruck the ton ue of lits wa on, which
p , thy, i IIi t f.,: a ft•tr cltsrs thio" at g g .
,trbe a: yr since from the uoagrega eek ct r t:relr cottage for till• t'urner's Church, flew hack, the metal Handle striking + 4'��. ar 4,
t r Iii age the ,un Ileop"'. I .11r ('leve l: ochrane Itis treated him !n the left eye. He had the in- r
young i P - ,tiTito , liiniie•lf to a new Clir , c
t!n ,� n w grh se t the w•ark. 1 The Young People's Society anal on y: ! r ;elan. jtu•cd member dressed olid bandaged '�'-:, ,
t f n (ty etenmy r>f las= pveel s I:ri,lay last its the basement n•f St and was able to be around again. 3 r
\1r . �l. IT il.tea i, wltu Nae been
al tr ;ally w,t, Iteht gra tilt h vkit�ng her inter, Mrs 1, Joha;on, "Accidents will happen, say: Bor-
\u, ew I .sited +Church. The ilea a vN {- .
+t,..0 t t the ehmrii, hew, lir I:ondoa Road, has returned to Clin- +lett. a P r,
•a'r ver•, ;well attended a,nd citjoy- _
i,arnard tlxrikttet,le i •fi lie floint I,il: new officers appointed at the t''n Those from Blyth echo attended the
M n v, i ,. lw n laymen's bait
.en. -.t.., Inerutn' a .. i•aaal •itet,t,n, to ;tum- i,resldemt. _.. Hitr, y quer at Gadgriclt '.M1�_:
?, \Vvs ayr a very 'i 1pfu: ad _r, r t\psis; c s retzry. Ht it•u Ger- Mt Wednesday evening of this week
irvs-. ,.,ti if-., -work and , ntlined the -.t an 1 t ea?zurer, Harold Seotchmer, HILLSGREEN. in � . (corge's :1tlglicalt church, were
t \Far+'tvnattt wl Cxten„ion I til. apt„ i•r., i quite a number took in the arms- Messrs. John "\•'Jatsort. Harvey Ro- '
tl c rs ,c kf the: meeting. Mrs I•. biuson, J. B. Tierna', Geo. Potter. I �
t nit it r I. t t u;. Ili sc hall"'. i H. Paull took charge of the commun t c•rsary service; held ht Gnihen l y
,11 1,, a i, r arc r:tn 'rr,n,dad, de.j ;inq' while Harold Srotchnter ("lurch on ;Sunday evening. Laymen front nearly every parish at-
-archil 1 ,r% the.s• rail toi4 ••i the?-vuctered lrien'lici ;axaxhnne so? A, I' will be ua ;ervicva in Hills -tended. YIr, F, Douglas Drown pre-
ult •? t ,t t "y , ru itt y yea j cr•,iup-tniext +}ii the organ by Miss G. green Church n Sunday flex, owing ,Tided Alt'. F. W. Sutherland, of St.
nee ,t, : as ..:tr:ei ±rt list •li } ;sic. Ttv., infCresting and cauttrai to the annlver t:y servicw. -, h; held hung,, dloce an chairman of the
ret. Ql ,, tunrbe•r ,rr frien, nle,:s ,v, re given \Tice Gali• being ±` hrppen Unr,c•l Church. Laymen s _\a,oc.a„ou, walk the. lead• 0
\h s Martha fertile i, ; k?int ii; iii speaker.
dw , , on d,
rat 11r, :'r Al"',.p. icor r r , f the pr. C. after whtih !
, .F, it , a a r r a d tr.,, ' few da •a in Henealt at tste home .,i Chddran s Day wilt he observed
c;urut st: wars ,rveti, 'hot <l�rgs” } nc� �uuda� rat Trinity Church, The
\Is_ h , \i !) ",t, , 11 I 70
! c,'tt 1"hc cxecutiye et,mmrttrE 1L. Robs. Green, ch.,u will Ue tom osc,i of children of
A t',.•,- i ,e. ..u•. ,ac, ,.,u IL,n:lay.ail planned ont wha, Mitts 'Mabel :lrnistrorib" r '.'Iirtt:,n p. 11,
The Highway Safety Conkmittee has been organised in an effort to
Ni -,1 ,r \I %Ic.N , v,.n,i•':•re,1 ao he a y,o, , progr:unnre spent• the weeds •�!O with M:4� Isi eea the $unday school. secure more careful automobile
, f:rrtu.r, Blyth vs. Brussels -Blyth. Lnntitl_! driving amd hence a decrease in
1 % S: ,-„ ,.. \ -\,•i;. .._ 1?.Ir.' r thr year. Tyr q,ciety a for cr- -
I.,- week. •.:,n,: v. care; rn loin a11d woo±.i \Ir, and \lr,. titigh Tor;. splint in nn Schon' holds the cup. for thio,! the number of accidents on the: road.
P i The motor car traffic in O t 1 i
\lr. li t„u Rfn:,-r::l.+ •S,• :„ 3er rrr„re become members. sunday at the home of his sister. Mr. the fir;: year of its competition. Brus-
fi .; ren St1 1a # i \lis. Lotttr 'Luker. rpF %Tay. scl boys defeated Blyth at Brussel;
y' \tr, \ E. \\ig;le of London Inti
Ni”.I.-!-,.,I i ni'v of I..” t ,,..,v ! r rxs t :ug of :4t. Thnnta;, last Wednesday fit softball, but Blyth
3)r., .i :. \t,. ±L iT 11 0- , otnla,. .,,;n- tie cv,•t•1, en,! with Sir. and Mrs `" girls won the"basketball. At Blyth on
\I r. ,,, 'Or, st ,, g �Y IuCiday afternoon the girls pounced
v nucrt an i Psi. ytrtr e<at. HARLOCK, on Brassels !11 basketball, runnittg up
! , i t . :1, r Slwr ! 1G . i a t Mrs. [brit. cotchnicr nt - �rvvral persons tit the community a score ,:)f 2? -n
av t r . , s..:i -s t airier>a, v ..r , rya ± , Tat:: ht•ncr r:,r fhe week eiuL are sutT'eriu � •fmin tun.!litl e Bile the losers were
6 and by uo ntrau looters, you cannot help
i'r t a, :II. t.g ,. 1. \l. C. *I',m+ , h ace,,mnanied ;y. \Ase hope h,r their speed}^ re -
:v! .. ; I s ,i ,i (, a i , bragging a ,little When yon et a crack
t r. , h, int , ,:alt Mien, .at remained t•a x, ,e"cry: al
\l { v vi , tl, and \lr \v. ' r ht sister. A number"fn,m here attended tine boas like ours.' Tye local ing8- ,
fl. \t.i..,i .. 11*.1 e>.w.. \ich,lloty, ,., i, \ild,l, cru l) u,cir rout 1largar _: ,,,•e station at Mr. as. bicLau H boys held their heads up, w±nntng$-6,
Sunday. J g With ideal weather the two games at-
tv, h,sr r c htth if. incl \lr. and Mrs liu's last Thursday evening, traded quite a crowd. ISlyth line-up;
\Ir A. ti :+^ 1 h .n9c•! c \(„l. ,' a t ! iL do, Oftirr, were \I r, John :Shannon Sr., !r visiting Boys- I 1
,. .1 ,rely I a-. 1 Ing t Ctun7ngs, p Tim !Sims;
k en • -with Pier. inti Mrs his daughter, \I'r•. Raht. Harrison, do lh Cliff Taman ? T
Mn'..`3, jtii 'i,, :r 1\ ait•,n vi, I'! i 12 M. tout•. \f„ntreal, at pre,, via. h {enaeth Cowan,
with Nor \i -: t• ' `• ,. 3h 1N'ili Leiper. f \\falter Shot r
Ft” , t.1 is.t , C'.hildreu', Ti..; tci;l Ur apservrd in l'.' ars i teed,
e I leased to know that Miss
i fT'arccy Davis G' ;
nn htv o€ i il. -Cols Robin-
t u te,•k . I uiiq• C'inirch on tiunrlay taken the Alarjoriv Bickt l has rc:umed' Iter, son \liviau 1st � n
\Tr: R%Oyt 1 d ,v•a 1p.,pn i „'elnck will be. stilt- „thou! work after a week, a lllnes,, -. McElroy, 'Stella Rich-
rrirc 1g •hrtxrt r [hispid, ..Mary Denhohu and T'%va Par-
ri, ,chi 1 •k, re�.•,r a "It f,: r tale .pea lie for the nccashpn. It is to be hop- Mrs. Hiram Fisher has returned to sons. '
te,t weelcs with i ,)r„ken log. ,. ahi:• , ri that the children and their parents her home near Toronto after spend- Mrs, Sands of \rtutcouver visited
lrc arr,um,a „rt <;rteritesattain „"i]t all be present, in:;," a few weeks with friends
\Ins, t t Pat Brion, ,f etc:., Mr. anti lrrs. George Mitchell of Mis, Marjorie Colson is visiting her this week wlc Mr. and Mrs William
bonndary ht.i the+ rn.itortmw ,o fill! l.yho and \Ir. Harry Mitchell of Lon- friend, bliss Ella Armstrong, Brown, XittiLoc
y, near 11 r. Jas. 'Lockey is tearing down
n rtnrday ,,•urn i,t i; confined d.,u n"s:re Visitors nu Sunday with b4r. lCuiburn, this week, 5,
n her l,cd or a fe.:y days. Hier many ai:,k \(r,. F. A. Edwards • Air; and ri la, stall'barn preparatory to erecting
M Joe. Campbell. ,ai a garage.
n iend. %% h „er .i -peedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. tBensan. Mrs. Walton, S
It ,n, visited blip Alex. GfeI win ( bin. Tis. 7 i •'i i
\{:s, :\live Iloy ':eft oa l ue<day Stafford and Baric Stafford returned and fatuily, also Dave Reid and fare. J va. visited friends m
this w i t F. r nn, to vier her T.rsudon 'Saturday having visited a fly, last Sunday. Stratford on Tuesda},
sunt Mrs i. Al,wrs r fest/ days with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mr. and Mrs. Herb 0sbaldesbon, of Mrss Me$11 McElroy of London
T?mvcisity spent the .week end at her
Thur,(lav tr I n l
av ns Ina week es.h Fdwards
hear In's Sisvillc, vlsiterl t Tsaae Moine here.
limb no rt "u 1 unventinn. trete+ and wee A. Newton BMr}• Rapson s St#jta last Rural Dean W. B. .Hawkins has re -
be Ti tBoc, nvnt the week end in Sarnia, firs, Last Sunday was anniversary at ceived word that Bishop Owen of
\ir. T;trl tihal,lru f wept b:,ias,-, \s svr,,n Bratty will remain to visit her Pttnt', church. A large crowd. at- Niagara Diocese vdill hold a mea'
lit is .•iaitir:y :t+ h_s Parent,: hunts ,pother, "vii.. D. McDonald. tended both morning and evening !n St. James' Church, Stratford,oil,n Brussel. Mr. i, i.. Nrelim who visited his services. The choir furnished splen- November 3rd
Tile ¢taint n`,;1t4s „f Thos, ML v. ],,phew in •Lomton ifor a few days did music for the clergy of the
n ono las nercascd enormously. To date
this year 360,000 motor vgiucle licenses have been issued, This
is more than twice as many as in the year 1921. There has been a
similar increase in the number of foreign carswhich visit Ontatio.
At times during the past summer, cis many foreign can were on
our highways as those of provincial registration.
Everyone who uses the highways, whether as motorist or pedestrian
must become conscious of the new condition which prevails; Each
individual must actin accordance with the general principles of :! 140xv`<
safety and always in the exercise of care, common sense, and courtesy
to others,
The Executive Committee is composed largely of men representing
Province -wide organizations, In addition, invitations have been
sent to all Editors, Treads of Municipal Governments, Chiefs of
Police, and Presidents of Boards of Trade Automobile Clubs and
Service Clubs ill the Province to act upon the Advisory Committee
and to co-operate through suggestion and carrying, on in their
respective communities localized campaigns for greater safety.
To the School Inspectors, School Teachers, and $drool Boards of
the Province a special appeal is made. Asad feature of the record
is the number children whose lives have. been snuffed out or
why have been injured because of thoughtlessness on the part of
themselves or the driver of a car.
This is an effort in which all citizens of the Province can and should
unite, both in a public and private way. As a badge of support
Of this .movement this windshield sticker has been provided by
the Executive Cornmittee. It wilt be available of all filling stations
and garages in tike Province. The Committee confidently expects
it will immediately appear on every car operating on the roads of
Ontario, It reads as follows:.
I'ra1 for
Cane and Courtesy
1 YOU'
If You ore for safety oil tike Highways wear this sticker on your car,
Tito C i
o nm'
Will be glad to receive suggestions from all who -
are interested in this movement. Address Highway Safety Cola-
n•eanerles of Huron and Perth. Pre- niittee, ileirattment of Highways, Toronto.
icily r t v\ rt ,n rrgrcr,t to hear o• turned nu Saturday. Mrs. Georgi; tinge and brne,t, also partitions for parochial missions to be
nr crl"ll .Ifn..s ,all hope for a. .Mr.,. C. Solder, Mr. and Mrs Prank \lis. Frank MW, regor and tlIclen mo- held, beginning Lent 19.28 and con � coxxit
ps dv rec pv ry. - Cameron of --Detroit, visited ',%fiss. E. tr reel. to Kitchener Tuesday to visit tinuing through the summer, Dentin
Master R s \Liehri., us 11Toncrieff, Cameron over tile week enfl. \Ps, Mary 'Knox, who has been train- this period representatives of lye
vr,itiag I t s ,ns,rr Mai)el Machan., _. tug it the Kitchener and Waterloo Church Army ill England will conduct
. � W
Mrs. Will. W)„d, 's able t, .Ile ata 1 . __ - � -__ hospital for the past two years. missions throe
again after being s•rl !n bed, ” \,liller ., .\� nrm Powders writ not Mrs. A. W. ,Beacon' returned front . ,Rev, Genre Weir now dioceses.
A !ar r nu ober .r„,u Waft -,n sr if!% .,sped worms from the syaem' t,er I'Alh rs last Thursda g now of Toronto;
,ended 11rus c i 3atr, but' will induce healthful conditions of y' who has been in 'Ripley the est few l a' '
V. Gcrtie 1 oris elle±tiled 1`ecs- P XLCUTiV$ C011htlTREE
s i, -tern stnder which wnritis can ; years, conducted services in St. An= . ahasrnsaa:-tto.
\1t Edith f t sPFrti t,s l,:ia. hair last \S'edncsday, +ctretvs shun 1V w. v.t,no.s.kxrvny �tinreterntrt,a v,:ry
n., h>nger •tiuive, \\rims teat a child f church rkn :Sunda u, nonEaesov.seorotmy:o,rcartorkotorr,em"';
1 of cr the it cre.emi, 1 Mr. John 'I', Knox and Ellecn, of''also take th • Y. the will, f J• ?,. n. wvrsa acnren,rY anturin aotet 7.e ur:
1Trssc•s 17.:,„pllfy I)ragcr crus .Bary ''+t = r..n,lnual stela of restlessness and (:aledanfa, called on his brot i C service next Sunday. S. s; ,r, woresoR, anter of p...4m •roroutoi .
pain, alld there carr be 'to comfort for her, 1; rat, i Persons havitrg urd red perennials I' ;MA,RatTALL, seorewtry ou rto nenr0 at rra,te:
I nn, t )k a ';ttv at the Endcay Knsx, last 'Saturday afternonu. ,_ n,x 1110IMk.u,:n arntrerot ator,veld .t :
ou, rax, in,, .. ,,,;i the little ;,rat• nn ti; the cause of srtffcr- and UuFhs may have same this v T ,
.ir tN'C;t ,,,:rt5ur.- ..;\Tr. anti Mrs. \1 rn. n nus, aresnt-
week. SI, s�cti u, , glint lleituiy linin er or xi uw v+:
riaw evening, in.f h. romovti:d. which call be easily ,allied,. • •.: K .. .'The .Horticultural $ociely ,eci•.etar • - :.aaLiiio :�IrvtsgR'Y cCyAWITTHE
l,l b b1rs. Tho, y, ra; tiuuen of a"lle”' t n vrraacnte C lige t'
Mrs. I;.rr.;ev:i i, i 7a 1 u' +.r<r ,r ±h,. ,. ov Qera, s: „ , }„s. kn„v, v[sttea � Miss R G'telnhoff, received the ti a . tomewtr e ,
J Pen1t„ tle , lerich (emir .t' ,C,At. gw•rek. thisI
ua„uil se•,•toe f:mlapr tauet ravlgauent'iiilti. riiurl
'reek with :r _rani ;:: W:.Ilton: v:. rat Foss is
.., ar � v , . -
! _ sT-e
.).b �_'
va.,.. �:_ :.., -.- .