HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-10-06, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1927,
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it. The
11I. pork must give it the right
t flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply,
just the right cut for the purpose,
once. You'll want it often.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
, c sin Stores
car Specials for 1 week
Schneiders Cottage Roll, half or
whole, per lb. 31e
Pure Clover Honey, 5 or 10 lb•
pails per db. 12c
Snider's Catsup, Regular Price
25e,' this week 19c
(Only 3 to a customer)
CJhipso, large size 1.9c
Ines largo and juicy, 18's &
24's per Ib. 250
Try a pound and if these prunes
are not, the . finest ,you have
ever tasted, we will give you
26. lbs free,
Quality Counts at the
Red and White
Ross J. Sproat Phone8
Phone 77..
11. STAT
Your Butcher.
The Dairy Farmer is assured of good markets the
whole year'. for his Dairy Products.
Increaseyour DairyHerd and enlarge your batik ac-
count. They ilt not fil you. •
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
creamto us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal,
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seatwrth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W,1 Walker 8 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. 'W'ALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
, It McInnes
of \Vingham, will be at the
i',,mmercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Dit.eases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
The telothes
Di a Gentleman
k. Man night be a gentleman in
;.ttatracter and manners—but unless
dilt clothes indicates it he is not so
-ociognized as he goes about
ii el' specialty is masterful tailoring
:authentic in design. exact in detail-"-•
•:retreat in vogue- we bring out of
!skis. all its value
i,Ewts Ruin- e\. Co. LTU , 1VfCi\'riiL'dr.
„ Sold by'
Joh1tii Hooper agency
Anniversary •services were held at.
IJillsgreen Sunday last, with a targe
attendance, both morning and even-
ing. Special music was rendered lby
1Tillsgreen choir, assisted by a quar-
tet from Kippen, which was enjoyed
sty all.
Mrs..kobin 'McAllister is able to be
cant again after her accident which.
aappenecl a couple of weeks ago.
Mr, and Mrs. John Jarrot Spent
7 Sunday at the home df Mr. (Hugh
Mr, and Mrs. Rotbt. ,Green, of
J1ensalt, spent 1Snnday at the home of
Mr. Wilson Oarlile.
.Mtr, and Mrs,'Roy,Consitt, of.Tuck-
ersntith,'spent Sunday at the hone of
Mr. (Wilson Carlile.
Mr. Arthur 'Stephenson, of Clinton,
_.pent the past week visiting on 'Parr
Mrs. S. Stacey, of Mensal!, visited
her sister. Mrs. Wm. 1nrrntt, nn
The women of the W TILS. meet in.
Kippen on 'Tuesday evening of this
week' to hear Miss Mitc'icll, a 'mis-
sionary. address the meeting for both
the Nippon and lFtillsgreen Auxili-
When Holloway's Corn Remover is
applied to a corn it kills the roots and
Age callosity conies otit without injury,
ssa the flesh.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Residence—iautes St.
In the Orange Ilan,
on Friday, Ott. 14th
Commences at 11 p. nt.
New time and Old time. Music
Admission $1.00 a couple
Extro lady 25tc
Lunch Served
Deer and Moose
The Ontario Governmeo. 1m?«e an-
nounced a change in the open seas,,.,
for deer and moose this year, in that,.
either animal may be taken in the dis-
trict south of the French and Mat-
tawa Rivers from November 1st to
November 30th, and in the district
north of the 1+rotich and Mattawa
`from October 19th to November 30th..
These periods are very much it
favor of the Hunter, especially if the
weather may turn cold, and it
trusted the actiou of the ,Government
will result itt a marked increase
the number of those taking to the
woods. For their transportation,
Canadian National Railways have
provided with their usual care and
forethought and printed copies of the
Htmters' Train Service leaflet may be
obtained shortly on application to
Canadian National Ticket Agent,
Rev, and Mrs, E. J. Roulston, of
Arkona, spent the weekend with Mr,
and Mrs. 'F. O',Brien,
Mr, and Mrs. John Fell. Goderich,.
is visiting with their son, Mr, W. 3.
Silo filling seems to be the order of
the day.
The English Church Harvest home
will be held next Sunday,
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dalton, Galt,
castled on friends and relatives on Fri-
day last,
The anniversary services were well
,attended, Rev. E. J. Roobiton preach-
ed to, a very large gathering both
morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs.. MacTavish, Sea -
forth, called on friends in the village
ort Sunday. - -
Mr. Harold O'Brien of the London
University, and Mr, Howard 'Leary,
of Westervelt Business College, 'Lon-
don, spent the week -end at their
homes here,
HI,GKNBLL. tlm New Germany,
Ont., to Mr. and Mrs. Gras Bick-
nell, It sort (Joseph).
tors. J. 7 'Fe'll, of C oderich 'visited
at the hone. cif Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas.
Finkbeiner and with other friends ,this
Miss Annie McNay of Hamilton
business- college, spent the week end
at her home in McKillop,
The News has received a copy of
a little book just off the 'press, en-
titled "Gifts of the Year." It is a col-
lection of poems by 'Miss Molly
Bevan, of the Bell Telephone +Co,
staff in Toronto, whose poems have
been regularly printed in The Blue,
Bell and quite widely reproduced.
Mrs. Thos, Rawley has -returned to
her horse in Port Huron.
Mf. and' Mrs. Jae Eckert and Mr.
and Mrs, Alonzo Matthews and Mr,
and Mrs. Jos. Matthews Motored to
New Gei-inany last 'Sunday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Gus 'Tlicknell.
Mrs. J. L. Dorsey left 'Monday for
her hone in Duluth, after' a months'
visit with friends and relatives in this
'Miss Irene Patterson, sof ;`,luny,
was .the guest last week of Miss
Evelyn Harburn.
r. Walter 12obiusou wwii establish
a barber shop in ehe new Hotel Lon -
doe, London. Wallet is one of West-
ern Ontario's best barbers and suc-
cess is assured: He was in Toronto.
Monday to purchase equipment, Mr's.
Robinson and Dorothy wi!11 remain in
town for some time.
Miss Helen :French is very ill with
appendicitis at the home of her par-
You are asked to keep in mind two
interesting future ,dates, when, cele-
brating their golden jubilee, the
North Side United Church have se-
cured the services of Rev. Dr. Chown
for Sunday, Oct. 23rd and the noted
Canadian `Sunset Quartette" for
Monday evening, Oct. 24th.
Dr.. F. H. ,Harburn returned Thur. -
day evening from a five weeks' trip
to Vancouver, B.C., also visiting at
Edmonton, Saskatoon and Carberry,
Anniversary services tvi+l• he held
in-Egnhoudville United Church on
Sunday, Nov. 6th. Rev. Dr. J. H.
.\roup, of Toronto, will, preach.
Mr, and Mrs, McKinney and Dor-
othy and Peggy, of Guelph, were
v ele-en guestsof Mr. an Mrs. R.
t c d g at d l4
E. Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. W, -Sutherland,
Miss Ellen Sutherland and Miss Teer,
of Embro, visited with Rev. and Mrs.
W. P. Lane one day last week,
•Mr. and Mrs. F. 'VV%, Watson and
Master Joseph Watson, of Burling-
ton, spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and \Ire. J. R. Archibald.
Mrs. Charles Brodie received word
on Tuesday of the death of her cous-
in, Mr. Thos. Fallis, Grand Bend. Mrs.
Pettis, formerly Mary Blair, lived in
town at one time. There are three
children, Mrs. Lloyd Brothy, Port
Huron, Mich.; and Muriel and Cioyd
in Grand Bend.
Rev, A. W. Brown, of Lucknow, oc-
cupied the pulpit of North Side Unit-
ed Church last Sunday. Rev, W. P.
'Lane preached anniversary services
for Mr. Brown,
Miss Jennie McBride. of Hamilton,
spent the week -end in town.
Miss Mary \Vingle and sister, Mrs.
Husband„ hath of Detroit, and ;lits,,
\Veils, of Port Huron, Mich.. are the
guests of Miss Dolly Carlin this week.
Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto.
is visiting her mother, Mese J. R.
Vtr, Geo. Stewart, of ffarpurhey,
his taken over mail route No. 1 from
\l reJohn \le\Lllait and commenced
theties 00 Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jno. McPherson are
v,siting with .,Mrs. McPherson's bio-
tier, Mr. Wm, Hocking,. also Mfrs.
Norris, Cromarty, this week.
Miss Wahl returned to Egmont!
viile this week, after spending the
past 5 months in London.
Mrs. Archie Scott, who has spent
the summer with her son Melvin
Scott in the West, is in town this
week visiting friends and relatives,
and at present is the guest of her
brother, Mr. Jno, M. Govenlock.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of
Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Ferguson.
Airs. Brunner, Egtnr>ttdville receiv-
ed word recently that her son, Mr.
Charles Brunner, Thamesville, won
the first prize of $23 donated by the
Horticultural Society there for tine
best appearing garden and home.
Berl to vt-iii,,, , 'ya. t tit r1
after spct„l,n,s ..
to in 5t. Catherines.
Mr. Jas. Wilkinson spent the week-
end at his home in Brautptoll, His
mother, Mrs. W. Wilkinson,rettu tied
with him and spent the week here.
Mr. Andrew Calder has been very
ill the past few Clays at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart left
cn Wednesday for a trip to Halifax,
Mrs. Geo, Tyner, of Tuckersntith,
is spending a few days this week at
the hone of her niece, Mrs, Annie
Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Hopper visited
Mauls in St. Marys net Sunday.
'Mr's, O'Connell and Joseplt and
Dorothy othy 'OConnell, of Windsor, • are
visiting relatives in town.
Misses Leila and Verde Best and
Miss Eleanor Harries returned this
week to Toronto,
Mrs. Chas.. Else, of Detroit, is ill
at the home of her parents, :tit'. and
Mrs, 'Robert Archibald.
Mr. Frank Jackson, of Montreal, is
the guest of his sister, Miss Jackson.
Mrs. J. H, Best, Miss Guerra
Brown and Mrs, J. .A. Merin motored
to London on Wednesday.
Miss Tena Sproat, of Asprlin, Mus-
koka, is visiting Mrs. Alex. Stobie
and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyce, Mill
Mr. Gordon Miller, who has spent
the past couple of. weeks at his old
home at .Cromarty and et the home of
Mr. and Mos, R. Porterfield, left
Wednesday accompanied by Mrs.
Midtier for Los Angeles, Calif„ where
they will reside.
Mr, and Mrs, J, Pollard visited this
week with Mr. Jo;. Campbell, Wal-
Mrs, (Dr.) Larkin left Thursday
for a visit in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Archibald
are attending the Centenary celebra—
tion of Toronto University.
Mr. and Mrs. Langford Chapman,
Wh PJ 6 Tor 8'
'When we offer ,you the Newest Style;: in high-
grade footwear at
$4.45, $4.95 and $5,45 a pair
A wonderful selection to choose front in High
and Low (Jut. Models
i-3uY ' your next Shoos hero. Whore' Qualii y
I,ow Prides Meet,
--Directly Opposite Conitnercial Hotel ---
of Goderich, visited his father, Mr.
\Vin. Chapman, this week. ,
Mrs. 'Jno, Millson and Mrs, Hugh
Wright spent Tuesday with Mr.,
Peter Lntdsay.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Sid. Mf, tion, of Port
Nelson, spent the week -end at the
home of Mrs. Broadioot. •
Mrs. P. Y. 'Hollingsworth. of St
iCetheriues. is spending the week at
the home of Mr, Hollingsworth, John
s t rect.
Mr. lS t
t xray is visiting- with iii;
este,. , Mrs McCullough.
.11r. and Mrs. Dick Thompson re
emit on Thtirstlay from Mises Craig.
where Mr. Thompson has been re-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis. floegy. Mr.
and Mrs, Thos. 'Sharpe visited Mr,
and errs. Walters in Mitchell over the
week -end.
MSclater, \1rs.
John �Mrs. J
Jr. and 11
'\Vnu. Sclater, Mr, and M•,. John Fin-
layson, Miss Hattie Murray and Mrs.
Gen. Murray spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Edgar Lawson, at Auburn
Mr. Wm. Montgomery and daugh-
ter Luella went to Toronto on Mon-
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Mr.
Henderson Smith. Miss Belle Smith
and Mrs. Wm. Smith spent Sunday
with Miss Dorothy Kerslake sin To-
Mr. and )Jrs. Robt, Griinsldby anti
daughter, of Teeswater, spent the
week -end with her parents. Mr. anti
Mrs. Tien Riley.
Mrs. Ben. Riley is at present under
tite doctor's care. 1\'e hope she will
soon improve.
Mt.,. Oliver Anderson has purchat.ud
a doe Shorthorn eow from Aur. Rnht.
Clarke and also Roan Lady, 2 -year-
old heifer front 13. 13. Stephenson.
Aliss Josephine 1 ivingsUpi Left on
Saturday for the 'Graham school of
designing Toronto
Messrs Howard Armstrong, Arn-
old (olclnugh, $art Stephenson and
Leo :Stephenson *trended. the thor-
, ughbred Hereford sale at 'Bright,
north of Woodstock, on Tuesday,
Miss Edith Riley is spending a few
days with her brother. Mr. Thos.
Riley, in ;Mame
'The bazaar in the church is this
Thursday. i.uucli served,
1, i1, tad lira Snell and Mr. and
11rs. Oliver Audersuu attended the.
lar n-rai •ung on the farm of Mr, Frerl.
Dawson 1'shc,rne township, on
1 hureday of Iasi week.
Mr. At•uold t,'ulelnngh has perches
cel a valuable Berkshire hog from Mr.
A. W. Arens:, of Mitchell.
Mr. Roby. Charles and daughter,
Mrs. Oliver Anderson, and Master
David Anderson, were visiting in Li,.
towel last week. Mrs. Robt. Clarke
has returned home after speeding c
Week With Tier s. a to Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Dundas, ei
Leadhtuy. emelt Sunday at the home
t 1•fr. Teter Lindsay
1r. Thos. Staples aetu ae, l from
the West last week.
Mr. Clifford Britton returns cul Fri•
my fri,tn the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Caiclough, of
Goderich tp., smut Sunday at .the
hone. of 21r. and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley-.
1)r. Sarinttnangcr, of South Guiana.
gate an address on the missionary
e :rk- and the peoplee and their cus-
toms there. 1'I' (toped to sec the day
come when black., would 1>e consider-
ed with a much different attitude by
whites than at present. He contraet-
ed their ontleok in life and eters.
Miss Bickel! was Paid ttp over the
tweet. -end and Hariock school was
closed on 2 ionday and Tuesday.
'Mr, Chas. Parsons has bought a
new Fordsan tractor and has done
quite a 'hit of fall ploughing as well a
shingling; the hig addition to his
Quite a few attended lir. J. H.
McLaaughlin's sale in McKillop on
Mr. A. tN, Beacons expects to leave
for Winnipeg Saturday, October 8th.
1 -le is cine of the South Huron dele-
gates to the Conservative convention.
Mrs, A. \V. Beacom is al present
with her mother, Mas. Pearson. of
Grey. who has been sick for the past
few months and i, recovering slowly.
:Miss Mary Reid, who has been vis-
iting her brothers, Dave and Angus
Reid, tetterned to Parkhill the latter
Part of last week.
'Me, and Mfrs. Isaac Rapson and
Marie visited friends near Gocicrich
on Sunday.
Anniversary services at Burn '
.Church on Oot, 9th.
The' Misses Mildred and Idyll Oka,
Thomas and Ben. iTIorton, of Lee-
httra, visited the home of Isaac Rap -
soh Monday evening
:Mrs, A. Welsh and Agnes, who
have been visiting the former's moth-
er, Mrs. A, Biggart, returned to their
stone at Min'ico last weer..
Mee. H. Geddes and Miss Nellie
Mhirray, •of Winghain, visited ?sirs.
Jas. Ferguson last week.
Alr. and Mrs,F. G. pectin spent
the week -end in Seaforth.
Dr. and lir:., J.S. tale and daughter
of Seoul, •Korea. Mr. and :Mrs. Esson
Cate. 1-lankow, China: Dr. and Mts.•
11 ll gale, Tray City, Mich., were
guest- with Rev. awl Mrs. 1d, M. (Sale
last week.
Thr servicee on Sunday at Si..Ate-
drew's united Church were conduct
ed bit Rev, J,. S Gale, D,D., of Seoul,
f. res brother of Rev. R. it1. Gale,
pas,oi of the church. At the more -
Mg service Mr. Gale spoke on .his
dill to the Mission field nearly forty
years ago; and also gave numerous
aCeulntt: of hi, different experiences
in the land of the 1itinitit Kingdom.
In•the evening he based his remarks
t;n the `('.alt of •Matthew," giving
many incidents not only in his own
personal life but in the lives of the
Korean people, showing ,tow wond-
erfully Jesus calls and hew very
strange at times the way of the call.
He mentioned to the people the need
of decision in response to the call.
He claimed after many proofs that
The world today will only tritium as
it responds through the individual
heart to that colt. Mr. Gala also made
many suggestive references to the life
.sf Matthew which bore -out his.
thought. Before beginning his ad-
dress in the evening he called hie
Jdttle nine-year-old slaughter. Alex.. to
title:platform when ishe sang two
hymns its the.Korean tome and she
wore the costume of the Koreans.
211ss Gladys Cele slaughter of tate
pastor. sang very sweetly during the
;411x_ h1. E. Garrett, .Hiss Mamie'
Garrett and 11re. R. W. Bristol, who
have ,pent the summer at the formers!
cottage. went to Clinton on Friday
to visit t witttheir cousin, Miss B.
1Vartl before giisu, to their home a.
Washington. hingtonn. Rut kville .lie., ami
Basking Ridge N.V.
Mrs. J, 0. Doyle of Detroit was tit,
guest e t Mir. and 11 s, 1, 11. John-.
over the week utd
17r. and Mfr; A ♦ •w•ten Brady re-
e-tarsi t on Thursday ' 1 1 -after a mo-
tor trip to Cleveland.
Mir. and Mee, Allan 1'ye and two,
children arrived on Saturday to visit
11r. and Airs, 1'. \Vide mnbe. Allan
Pye returned to Chatham on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kit • and
Master Harold of Sarnia spent ,he:
week end with -Mfr•. and Mors. Chas.
'Rev. and Mrs. Win. 'Townsend and
family and Miss Mary Elliott of Ber-.
vie ars spending .a week with Mn. and
llrs. T. Elliott.
Mir. ,and 'St r . 'Yhorntolt Mustard
and ,on Billy of Toronto spent the:
week unci at their cottage.
Mrs. L. 13, Smith. lir- Beery, airs..
\ ietor Burt ansa Mr. Merry Baker of
London were in the village oil Wed-
nesday last attending the fair.
Mr_, Iioward Mr. nodi Mn.sCecil
Howard, of Detroit, visited lir-. Ho-
ward's sister. lira, Cale, over the
week end.
Mr. and- Mrs. J. R. Jowett left
Monday by motor to spend a month's
vacation itt Minnesota.
'Mr..and Mrs. R. \luc,eh,use and
\late dean of g]e.,neion are holidaying
at 13a , Cotta
Miss Logan of C,otknieh is the
latest of her niece, Miss E Cameron.
Mise S. _Barr of Londeshor,. and
Mrs. D Harrison of Goc(erieh were
guest -t Mrs, 13, Rings lest week.
Mn.R Delgaty spent the week end
ilitt sister. Mrs. Sparks itt Hen-
\1r Win. Fai'service left lust week
for the VV est.
•\1 r. Cb. Stewart ryas successful in
carrying. off all the first prizes with
his team at Blyth fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs Hesk spent Sunday
last with his sister:at London,
Miss Beth Cartwright spent the
week -end with her. antis. Mrs. C.
\i'eymouth. -
\lis, Rena jjolutston, of Stratford
hospital, spent the week -end at her
home here.
11r. and Mrs. John lleAsh, Varna,
spent Sunday in London visiting Mr.
-incl Mrs, Wilson trrAsh, and cousine.
lfr, and Mg's. Chas, Mckenzie,
Airs. Jas.•.Ivrea: uon1 and daughter
Violet are visiting Rev. Arthur and
Mir;. Brown, of Lucknow, this week.
The Oil for the Athlete --Tit rub-
bing down, the athlete will find Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil an excellent
article. It renders the muscles and
sinews pliable, takes the soreness not
of tints and strengthens }heist for
strains that may be, put upon• thein.
it stands pre-etninetlt for this our
pose. and athletes who for wear; have
been using it, can testify to its value
a's a lubricant.
Mr. J. C. 'Ward, lot 9, con. 5, will
hold an auction safe of stock, imple-
ments and furniture on Oct. 17th, and
the farm will be offered also, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward, wholived do the West for
a time, returned to Seaforth several
years ago and have made mealy
friends, They expect to leave for
Lamont, Sask„ this month.
'Mr. Andrew Lane and .Mr, John
McGuire, of Bayfield, were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mn, and Mrs.
'i'hanias Lane.
Miss Isabel Cameron is at present
visiting relatives in Detroit.
Mr. Arthur Nicholson is ill at pres-
ent with blood poisoning in his:: hand.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley spent
Sunday under theparentalroof of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ecka t, Seaforth.
Mr. John ;Murray, Jr., wears a.
smile since October lst, when his
wife presented him with a (baby girl.
Mrs. Ceti. Eckert is spending a
frit days with her daughters, Mrs. T,
\JcKay and Mrs. 1V. Manley..
Your correspondent is sorry that
he omitted the names of lir. and
John t lalane whe t+ visitor d, a 1 t or
weer, ago Sunday with the bunch ie
our burg,- tit 1 Byer, me enjoyed
1'thn, cnnic story. ,Colne again
John, for we don't want to miss a
treat from you
'Certain morbid conditions exist in
the stomach surd intestine, to encour-
age worms, and they will exist as long.
as sheet, morbid condnlnns permit
them to, 'Cu be rid of them and spare
the child suffering use Miller's Wornt
fent hrs. They will correct the. 'di
grstivc irregularities by destroying
the %surras, c ,nlhiiiUtts favorable t„
turns will disappear and the child
will have no more suffering from that
e apse.
(Continue it front f'age. k, i
advertise for tenders aur digging one
or inure ground water tanks for fire
purposes. The •first one is to be at
Douglass' ct,rtter. Tender: to be itt
nu' Tuesday riesling. Qett,ber 11ti:.
By-law No. 3„ setting the tax rate far
1927- was read first and second xime
on motion of Higgins and Cameron
and third and final time -nn notion of
Consitt and -Priest. The tax rate i=
34 mills, which is ? 3-10 mills higher
than last year on account of the in.
creased county assessment. A num-
ber of accounts were presented and
ordered paid: Quite a discussion
took place as to placing a number of
new lights on the streets. but no ac-
tion was taken at this meeting. The
matter will he looked into and dealt
with at the November meeting
- lir commemoration -of the Jubilee
year and the Prince of Wales' visit
to Canada, the I'rirtee sent a tntmber!
of penny- roots to each tnnnicipa' r
council in ' anadla. • The flower roots 1
were distributed by tile Bank of
Montreal. The Hensali council have
received a ttutnber e?£ the root: and
they will be planted in town,
The Council • adjourned to meet
again ott Tuesday evening. Oct. lith,
to open the tenders and let the con-
tracts of digging; the new water
The Bridgeman - McArthur Wed-
ding. --The wedding took piaee int
London on Saturday of a former well-
known Hensel! girl Miss Anna Mc-
Arthur, to Mfr. ,Leonard Gordon
Bridgman, of London. The ceremony,
took place at the ,tome of the bride's
mother, Mrs, John McArthur, Picca-
dllly street, being performed by the
Reis Dr, 1J. C. McGregor, .Dahlias
and gladioli itt rich autumn colorings
made a pretty stetting 'for the wed
dirtg. The bride, who was given in
marriage by her mother, wore a love-
ly, frock of white georgette with
slecvless bodice and petaled skirt, the
threaded girdle of white velvet knot -
tett at the sides. Her veil of white
intik ei Venetian lace was caught
With orange blossoms, and she car-
ried a shower of lbutterHIT roses and
baby's breath. Silver shoes convict-
ed her' smart costume and the bride-
gruurn's .gilt, a platinum bracelet, set
with .' diamonds, was worst. Little
Miss Jean 'Patterson, cousin of the
bride, was a winsome flower girl in
her white georgette frock with frilled
posey. Mrs. McArthur, the bride's
mother. wore ynr a 1
iown of
orchid georgette 'with corsage of pink
rue.,, Miss Dorothy Dickson, of
Goderich, played the wedding music.
1 ollowing a buret luncheon, Mr. and
Mrs Gordon Bridgeman left on a
motor trip to New York and Atlantic
City, the bride going away in a two -
tune brown and tan sports costume of
jersey cloth, with English tweed coat
collar in beater and small felt hat.
On their rerun they will reside in
General Irisuranet. -1gc+ttt'y
Real Estate, Ctmcey:tnri¢tg,
Bonds auud Investment
Phone 152
Seaforth, 1intnri,,.
Rithce1 Prices
adios' and geIltle111t=t1's
haircuts Imrtty
All the latest bobs at iw:l:re
at the
Dennison & P Hoean
Barber Shop
,lust around the' roramer in
1lontinion Rank Building
Phone 1'3rr
Grant Screening.,
C. G.
1i .vert
t :,a. .,a.
Chop of Ail Kind's
()LI'S N
a7.053317 ., ...asmac+aInwm
',Your Rut Nee
Repairs and Char ii' g' ail tuake-;
.etg,r<,,1 line of New and lJse3 Parts,
Cites re.rlet T+.puri tg'. 1921.
For+lTirt:U*111.; FPIti
Forel Coupe 1925. 1,ail,nm tires. like t±e
$75...10 vc r,1
glees Garit .cle
btOetementOmongs..asemompar.samprooneranriamveal -
s Cmoxaaewmreesxm ...v .' iuw.+.
AWe claim that u+e
dress is too rising} or es twusdre t,:, be
entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence.
cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time o,
The clear 1- tate.. study
and achieve.
I..adiee' and (rent's Felt Hats tteanei. :It
" dollar and twill look like new.
rdy ,.vests a
yd`l;' ' Df � Proprietor
Ct1MME.r,CIAT. 1;?.OC'K. IoTiC?�Tf 227 •,r 21t1