The Seaforth News, 1927-10-06, Page 3BY
d Iti o
We Wflth $,asighter)
ar'"" erelatetememiesel
An advertisement for . a lecture
says .he "speaks straight from the
�' shoulder," Too bad some of these
tante can't originate a little Higher up.
-Short Reach.
They rat in the swing at midnight,
Ent her love was not to his taste;
His reach was but thirty-six inches,
While hors was a forty-six waist.
OFTENTendencies in Farriuni,
Hamilton Spectator .tine U011i(,)—
� 1 It 1s interesting to observe that two -
S ST 9 s
_ thirds of.,tho total revenue of the Eng-
lish farmer is from his Live stock,
The American Press Often Carries Articles— Suppoaed1y meat animals, dairy products, poul-
Authentic—But Misleading and Detrimental to try, eggs and wool. With the Canadian
farmer the value of this source of in-
come 18 rising and now amounts to
oue-third of the total, which mean
that for Inany eastern farmer's it con -
The Now YorkSun carried tho fol - ,it is estimated tint more than °0per stitutes the main source of revenue,
lowing' article in a recent issue and: teat, of the french farmer's own their 1.$250,000,000
lCanadiandairy products now amount
the editor of this Page derived a lot of . owls- properties. In tile' cities the t1 2`'0'OOQ over
a ypai', while live stock
annual -
amusement from its perusal. \'e nail French -wage earners by weekly 1alued at over $100,000,000 is cll-
liand it on. We also givo a letter we sating strive to bo property owners. ri :sold, with poultry, 'eggs and wool
sent on to the N.Y, Sun giving Our A.; to the loyalty of the French Cana r.uxiliug to approxiltlately $'r 0,000,000
views of the matter, a yeah Gzaiu cro s o t
Th.Articlesincerity is Cis eine a heady t.ns ode, the prairie provinces
belching a strong posltiOil in this m-
patriot: "The last shot- for
Allied I'Oltic'ally �Titll^.WNSteI'P] the maintenl.nce of the British alleei
I+ arnscrs—•bold 101 of 245 ance In Cznada will be fired by a
in. Cann -nous
Simply Because it Euriches and
Builds Up. thio Blood.
In` no trouble is delay, or neglect
1(0re- dangerous than In anaemia,
(1 ii1czl mount •poverty of rho b-fbed. It
is very common in young girls and in
per$on$ who aro overworked or cone
fined within doers. It makes its ap-
proach in .so stealthy a manner that
it is often well developed before its
presence is recognized.. But taken in
time there Is a tonic that so enriches
and laminae the blood that good health
and strength soon comes to the form-
er weak, anaemic sufferer. This tonic''
is Dr, Williams' Piiilt Pills, which for
years have been the moat successful
blood -builder known, and has credit
r ,001' restoring to good health thousands
and thousands of people' who have suf- By Charles Lynch
fere[1 frons some of the many ailments You have two boys on yens paper
avail box)It must bo the mini
d Another Little Lad—"No,. it can
be. Ilon't you see -what it says on it
'No collection on Sunday..'
dk,n to the B:I1151 oars», when its p vox op in value
challenge,: all other sources for farmers ill Can-
e t r i; macho by quoting the now lam -cps .
French CG)17aCI1; bS G"1E1 PTBVIer ou•, rtatcment of S. C larlte glow elect '
French 1 Canadian."
To Editor, New York Sun.
that comp 'through weak, wateryery Seeclal Correspondence to The Sun who are competing' as- to who is the
blood, _ Copyright, 1927. All Rights Reserved. funniest funnyman---Charlie Lynch, Mothers are quick
Ottawa, Ont. — Canada isn to praise any -
The corroctiort pf, anaemic Condi• slow- and the boy who writes the "Brut Dial". 'thing avltiehbtl • u
gs health and cine
cor1ainy.D1. Williams' Pink Pills is as imperial.but surely drifting away from Charlie's unconscious' humour caused fort to their little apes --any medicine
L as anything can be. As meettiesas evidenced by the grow- a bigger laugh in Canada than the that will make the baby well and keep
of this Miss Margaret A. Smith, Bur- Ing popularity of "0 Canada!" as the "Sun Dial" everr got, when -he wrote bins well will always receive' n r
goynp, Ont.,' says: --"After havinga national anthem instead of God Save)ear.
the article. "French Canadians Gain recommendation from the mother:
severe attack of jaundice I was lett the King." Certain imperialists bane Power," in your Sunday edition of the That is why Baby's Own Ta
in a very weals and run-down condi- become alarmed and have besought 17th, 'so y Mets are
� popular. Thousands of mothers,
We haven't two kinds of Canadians throughout the country, not only use
In Canada. The Canadians of to -day them for their own little ones but are
may have different origins, but they always delighted to be able to recom-
are Canadians First, and their origin mend themto other mothers, Thous -
is Ancient History. Figures can't lie, :ands of mothers have proved Baby's
but Charlie is- arcing his own figures, Own Tablets 10 be without an equal
and you know Charlie better than we in relieving their little ones of any of
do. His view of the political situa- -the many mluor ailments which arise
lion is unique in conception, but out of a derangement of the stomach
faulty in fact. We have two and ,out.
bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are
fraction political parties In Canada, ;rho ideal laxative—easy to take but
Tories, Grits, and the other fellows ,thorough In action. They banish con -
(usually called Progressives) but to'stipation and indigestion; break up
introduce a French party is to laugh, ;colds and simple fevers; expel worms
The French-Canadians are strongly,; and make the teething period easy.
Grit, and the Tories aro busy now 'The Tablets are sold by medicine
Iooking for a Moses to lead them, who ;dealers or by mail at 25 cants a box
can attract a following in Quebec. -from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
But Charlie, more or less, •lumps a Brockville, Ont.
few of the Grits in Ontario, and the
Progressives of the West, together 18 Hours Saved
with the French-Canadians, to make
his 101. We Canadians 'wouldn't line By Air. Delivery
theinup Just that way, but let Charlie
have his smile
al •
Small Boy (looking at new 'aura
s tion. I was
pale and my nerves on
ledge. I could not sleep at night and
't would toss and turn for hour's at a
? time. I .finally decided to try D1•.
'Williams' Pink Pills, and soon began
to feel better, and after taking a few
"Poor Miss Seymour came near ge
ting herself into trouble last nigh
She started, according to 1101' wallahabit, to look under the bed °'
"Well, her bed at the time happen
ed to be an upper berth in a sleephn
the p olio to leave their hats on when.
"0 Canada''s• is being played.
The origin of "0 Canada!" is
French Canadian, and the French
Canadian is to -day ruling the domin-
ion. Moro than that, the French Cana -
t. more boxes of the pills I felt as strongthan race may be the dominent one in
as ever, and could, thoroughly enjoy Canada in another fifty years by virtue
1. my rost at night, Now, I alwaysre- of their great natural increase.
'commend these pills to any friends. At present the French. Canadian peo-
-I who may bo ailing, pro control 101 seats out al 245 in the
Better sleep, steady nerves, lin- Federal House of Commons. In ue-
g proved appetite, increased vigor—all bee, which is their province, they eon
(these can be yours by taking Dr. Wil- trol 02 out of 05. In the great Eng -
llama' Pink; Pills. Begin them to -day. lish province of Ontario the French
s Sold by all medicine dealers, or by are creeping in. To -day they control
snail post paid at 50 lents a box front 18 'seats out of 62.
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Amazing Growth
Brockville, Ont. The French Canadian laughs at race
suicide. A recent census shows that
the average French Canadian family
numbers ten. The French Canadian
colony in the dominion in 1758 num-
bered 60,000. To -day that band has
Increased to about 2,500,000 in Canada
and 1,500,000 in the New England
Canada's population Is hovering
What's become of the good old day
when people used to say: "What'
become of the good old days?"
Feeling too lazy to go to school
Johnny told his mother that his tum
my Hurt.
"But last night you said your heel
hurt," was his mother's reply.
"It was so dark 1n my room that
couldn't ape where the pain was,"
"William, don't you know it is
wicked to sail your boat in the bath
tub on Sunday?"
"Don't worry, Mother; this ain't a
pleasure trip. Thi, is a missionary
going to Africa.."
The easiest way to size up a
stranger is to watch his oxpressiozi
when yon askfor a match.
"So you are going to martr? Have
you anything laid up?"
"Yes, I've a rich uncle laid upwith
a paralytic stroke and I'm his only
surviving relative."
The real saving grace is the grace
of saving,
Be kind to everyone, and it's a sure
bet you won't overlook yourself.
Deep-sea diving is perhaps the only
profession which it 1s customary to
begin with at the top and work down.
They were - looking at a kangaroo at
the Zoo when an Irishman said: "Bog
Pardon, ser, phwat kind of a creature
is that?,'
"Orr," said the gentleman, "that is
a native of Australia."
"Good havens:" exclaimed Pat. "An'
me sister married (101). 0' tuiva,."
Pop is tine spice of life.
A cynic is an idealist who is afraid
of his ideals.
"Did you lot that young man kiss
you" asked a Toronto matron of her
dapper daughter the other evening.
"Let him? I'll say I didn't. I act -
tidily had to help him," she replied.
If brevity is the soul of wit, ain't
the ladies' skirts a scream?
The Expert Jumper.
The kangaroo dwells in the jungle
Where his talents are simply wasted,
What a star he'd be on a city street
Where the traffic and crossings meet.
Problems of the Future
o G. W. Thomson in the Nineteenth
.Century and After: To determine the
true ends production should serve is
the problem of the future. Involved
in it are problems of the place of.
Machinery in large-scale reproduction;
self-government in industry, function-
alism, and the distribution of the re-
ward. It is to the solution of these
problems the scientific economist must
bend his energies, becoming less an
exponent or analyst of current econ-
omic and financial practice than a
prophet of things to come, a master -
builder of the new economic human-
A New Complaint.
Poor' Smith was taken ill and hula
ried to hospital by his wife.
"Has he got pyjamas" said the ma-
Ppjamas ? exclaimed Mrs. Smith,
puzzled. "I dunno what it is, but he's
0 dreadful pail in his stummiokl'
Waitress (to customer troubled
about his salad) --"Is the salad gvitty,
sir?" Customer—"Gritty? It's a
gravel path with a flew weeds in it."
The Hard -Boiled Bgg.
"IIe thinks he's tough—calls him-
self a hard-boiled egg."
"And, as you might expect, he's yel-
low 1 »the middle."
Is the Public Always Wrong?
London Morning Pest (Cont.): The
chief count in the indictment of the
critic against the public is that it is
irresponsivo to rho highest art. Is
that true? Allowance most be made Tho main feature of the French
for limitations. It would bo unfair, Canadian race is their ability to sur-
fer instance, to reproach the public vivo. A striking example is that of
for not appreciating a Greek tragedy "The Miracle of the Acadian Race"—
performed in the orlglaial Greek and immortalized by Longfellow in "Evan -
according to the conventions of the geline." In 1752 the little French set -
Greek theatre. It is the unfamiliarity dement of Acadia in Nova Scotia and
of the form that is more often than New Brunswick was dlsperesed by the
not responsible for what seems to be I English,
public insensibility; or it is the failure Still Retain Language
of the good to attain the truly great.
Be it remembered it is only genius Years afterward their descendants
that knows how to speak in accents returned and settled on the same
that touch the universal heart. farms from 'which their ancestors had
around 0,000,000. Despite the fact
that they are in the minority, the
French Canadians control the country
which was taken from their ancestors
centuries ago by the English, The
reason is simple: The French Cana-
dian and the farmer of western can-
ada are allied potlitieally, and despite
all pleas• stick to their union, with the
result that they dominate, Incident-
ally, 1t may 1 e pointed out that55 per
cent. of the farmers of western Can-
ada are foreign born.
boon driven. To -day they control 40
per cent. of tho total population and
We are so cure 7rou will they have elected Peter J. Veliot, one
of their compatriots, as prime minis-
ter of New Brunswick.
Tho French Canadian has managed
to retain his language and his school,
where religious instruction is given.
Religious instruction is not permitted
by the law of the country, but there s
no politician who would dare imperial
his political lila by attacking this
with the excepton of leaders of the
Orange order,
The French Canadian is -not only a
pioneed, but a great settler, with an
'undying love of the land. They pio-
neered in Manitoba Iong before the
Canadian Pacific railway was built.
They have blazed new trails, and by
virtue of their atavistic (Reposition
they have followed the path of the
old "courours-des-bots:"
Question of Loyalty Answered
The force of the French Canadian
Is mainly the ownership of the land.
appreciate perfect tea in per-
fect condition that we manse
this offer. If you buy Red
Rose Tea in the new alumi-
nvm-package and you are not
thoroughly satisfied, we have
authorized your grocer to
return your money on receipt
of tho container, no matter
how rrnuch of the tea you
have used. 4T
Tit For Tat.
A country couple went to a manse
to got married. Atter the ceremony
the bridegroom called the minister
aside and whispered confidentially in
his ear: "I'm awfu' sorry I canna pay
ye as muekle as I would like to, sir,
but it ye take No doon to your collar
I'll show ye hoe to fix up your gas -
meter so that it whine register!"
Its superior strength makes Purity go farther than i
ordinary flours. It is perfect for all your baking— cakes, pies,
buns and bread. — so the one flour sack only, is necessary. -
Try Purity Flour to-day—itis certain to please you.
Send 30cin stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 262
Western Canada Flour Mille Co. Limited. - Toronto, Moatreol, Ottawa, SaintJoha.
FtY+ r.
9- \
Om \:\
Mail Brought to Montre
WeII Ahead of Time by
Perhaps Charlie' doesn't know that
Canada has two official languages--
anguages—French and English, and has had since
1791. Bilingual Schools, (where
French, and English are both taught) INAUGURATE SERVICE
aro usual, and always have been in
Canada, where the interests of educa-
tion can bo best so served. But the
educational matters are handled by
the provinces, not by the PederaT Gov-
ernment, so you will understand that
there can not be a Canadian law, gov-
erning whether or not religious teach-
ing is carried on therein • or not.
Charlie can't know that the Premier
of Orange Ontario, lion. G. Howard
Ferguson, (ho an Orangeman) sent
this year, over 100 Ontario school
teachers to Quebec to learn French
and acquire local color. Because of
this British idea of government, with-
out coorsion, We can, French or Brit-
ish, heartiily join in singing "God
Save the Ring," and all take our hats
off (and by the way, we don't know
who composed "God Save the Ring").
Our Canadian statistics show the
average French-Canadian family to be
5.34, not 10, as Charlies says; and the
French element' must look to natural
increase in population, because France
cannot spare immigrants, worse luck,
while Britain sends us thousands
yearly. The French in Canada com•
prise about 28 per cent. of net popula-
tion, not 40 per emit" as Charlie says.
The British, 55.4 per cent. The foreign
element in the West is about 82 per
cent„ not 55 per cent., as stated by
Charlie, and hart of the 32 per cent,
came from your country, the U.S.
Charlie does not know that all Cana-
dians will agree that one of our great-
est statesmen and Imperialist was a
French-Canadian, Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
and his period of government (fifteen
years) clad nothing to weaken the ties
with the mother land, but rather
strengthened then-. You won't find
British -Canadians disagreeing with the
nice things he said about our French-
Canadians brothers and their charac
teristies of thrift and ability to sur-
vive and settle our new country. 'We
wish we bad more of them.
Did you hear, our Canadian anthem,
"0 Canada" broadcast so often. at the
time of our Natloual Birthday cele-
bration a while ago? 'We think that's
a mighty fine song. Makes tine shivers
run up and down your back when
Yon hear it well sung. We all like.
singing it, But there is a different
spirit bebind "God Save the King." A
real lasting reverence, and Mr. Tache you suggest something else he 1'0•
will find a lot of British Canadians quires beside foresight"
helping fire that "last shot' Charlies Please, sir, four-wheel hi'altee,
mentions.came the reply from one bright youth.
Shm•lio will tinct that Mr. Vomer is
our Post -Master General, not Premier Some people find their past an over-
of New Brunswick. The latter posi- present difficulty.
tion being filled by the Honorable John
Baxter, K.C. (this means King's Coun-
cil, not iinight of Columbus). Just
another one of. Charlie's little jokes.
If we' tbaugh1 Charlie meant what
he implies in his article, we would feel
that his surname suggested a good
way of dealing with him. 13111 we
know he was "only foolin." 'Ile
5110)1111 80Y so too, for a let of us are
Scotch, and object to jokes—or any-
thing else—at our expense.
Yours truly.
Tlie lazy man is of no move use
than a dead one, and he takes, up a
whole lot more room.
500 Pounds of Letters Deliver-
ed—Flier is Welcomed
Aerial transportation of some 500
pounds of Royal Mail from the S.S,
Empress of Australia to Montreal
saved 18 hours. The mail was taken
from the ocean liner at Rimouski and
inaugurated Canada's air mail seer
The machine, which carried the
mail, was an•H.S,2L. flying boat pilot-
ed b!y Albert Robert Fergie, with
Major H. S. Quigley of the Canadian
Airways Limited as passenger and
relief pilot. It left Rimouski at 9
o'clock Friday morning and arrived
at four in the afternoon. Half an
hour was spent at Three Rivers se-
curing fuel. The actual flying time
was thus six and a half hours.
The rail journey from Rimouski to
Montreal takes from 12 to 13• hours
depending upon the choice of trains,
but the mail from the Empress of
Australia arrived at Father Point too
late to catch the morning train which
arrives here at 9 p.m. daylight saving
time. It would have had to wait the
departure of the evening train whieh
arrives harm at 10.10 non, daylight
saving time,
The use of the air machine enabled
the postal authorities to sort the con-
tents of the 37 sacks and have the
letters delivered Saturday morning in
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and other
more distant points.
After the 350 -mile hop from Rimou-
ski the landing was made at Canadian
Vickers where he sacks were taken
ashore and rushed oil' to the post
The Canadian Airways Limited
have four machines, two being
II.S.2L, craft and the others a Curtis
Seagull and a Norman Thompson.
For all pains—Minard's Liniment.
Auto -Suggestion
"Safely First" was the subject of
the lesson. After the teacher had
spoken of the imagination needed by
the motor driver, he asked: "Note, can
MIna rd's Liniment for Lumbago.
$es+ for
ly a You and
Baby too
ISSUE No. 40—'27
Now packed in Aluminum, the
same as years ago.
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good.
Over the Wall.
"Well, well, if it aint Mike himsel3.
How diel you git out so soon? Were
you pardoned?"
"Naw! Yuh see I had charge of the
athletics in the Pen so I les organized
a pyramid team."
Lights Out!
"Heavens, how hard it is to leave
you!" he sighed "Oh, light of my
days, light of my thought, light of nay
very existence, light—"
"Lucy," interrupted a bored volce,
from the stair -head, "put that con-
founded light out at once and come
to bed."
Father—"Don't you want to grow
up a good man?"
Willie—"I don't mind being a good
plan after I'm grown up, but I want
some fun while I am growing up."
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Full Information Sent Free
on 111"000t.
TEM RAMSAY 00t, Dept. W,
273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont.
Try the New
SIsavind Stick
Freely Lathering
Medicinal and Emollient
In the Woods
Hunters find Minard's an excel-
lent remedy for sprains, cuts and
wounds. Pack a bottle in your
Classified Advertisements
Aciexvw1) WANTND.
V.ILLAUI IN CANADA as agent tor
THE RIB Lk1 PRAYER, l'osi tion of
importance, No - experienee necessary,
easant .and Droll table seen pa dors
Apply by letter. BS LE PRAYER
11,4V87,DA2, ZNstaura r'T8.
1TLTI AI11t,Nla GRaalo HONE, 33
selection,- 0160.00 tar $15.00.
anteed Poisson, 140 Mount -Royal Bast,
4' furnish
®4 furnish the choicest selection of
stocker and. feeder steers of all weights,
stock heifers ' of all weightsstook 00ws,
also heal y calves for baby hoe, t 'rodeo-
tion. an r Ire fer ) i LLAN
.0 R ;'I'HI:RFnRD, Union S1',•"kyards,
Winnipeg. Alam.
BOYS & �21 ��•• 0y�5 �'•e s^.O Wonx
eS7.t.%s elYae` .'E.i} retsLrew BUN
Simply sell re Set. of Ou,' Fantods
Christmas )tel ler le,' t at. When
sold send u. S1 se and ko,tt Moo, Wo
trust t u 1'11 to St Ni, le Seel
Co.. Dent. Hutt)., r. o,4..tiu, N.l.,U.S.A.
Life 1s e unty)of gfrirtg antl,taking
and login.end losing.
Mrs. Daynan Gives Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
,Compound the Credit
Colborne, Ontario.—"When I was
first married I was very thin and
weak. The doctor
said 1 was weak
and would never
be able to have a
child, but I did,
and from the time
my baby came
suffered all the
time and doctored
and took Media
eine. Life became
a burden, and doc-
tors said an oper-
ation could help
me, but my husband was opposed to
that. 1 had seen Lydia E. Pinkham'e
medicine advertised, so I told my hus-
band that 1 thought 1 would try it,
that I might get some relief. I
had not taken ono bottle when r
could fuel it helping me. I took
five bottles and had better health.
Now I have three girls and aboy and
have done my work up to confine.
ment. I am now at the Change of
Life and owe my good health to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound..I
take a bottle when I think I need it."
—Mrs. SUSAN DAYMAN, R. R. No. 5,
Colborne, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. oy
Proved safe by millions and Prescribed by p ysicians far
R c' 1NGt!
Beware RN1war.ei cf Cco`u crsl.its
There is only one genuine
"ASPIRIN" tablet. If 'a tab-
let is offered as "1SPIli:N"
end is net sta.-need with the
"Bayer Cress 0Cf1170 it with
contempt -it is nntASPIRIN''
at all f Don't tale charters!
Accept only -Enver" package
which conir.:ns proven directions.
Bandy "Flyer" hoary of 12 tablets
Also het.t.leo of 21 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin ie the traria mark (Moldered h,- Ca„alal et. Mayor Man -afro -Ultra of Mnnoacetio
steldester of S")loylioaefd (Acetyl Salicylic Avid. "A. 11. A."), Whda it Is well Icn„trn
thatAspbdn moans Bayer manu$actura,tn assist the nnhlle. 5Rainst. imitatione,the Tablet-
ef llaler Company will be attained With their general trado marls, tho "Ii:tyor Croeelf