HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-29, Page 8'PAGE G VliT
Quite a number 'ber o'f real estate deals
"have taken dec the village
this,: last w,eck or two;: several valu-
able 1>toperties having changed hands.
Miss Mattie Ellis has sold her resid-
ence 011 youth Richmond st. to W. L
Mel areit , of (1 onhitrty, who gets
possession Nos'etnber tat. Mr, Ern-
est Shaddock has purchased Mr. Fred
Hess' residence 011 South Richmond
street and $1r. Hess; has purchased
from (11t11man 'eat Stanbury the hand-
some brick residence lateay owner by
Arthur Coxworth on the 'south side
of small Richmond 51., near the Lon-
don road and..: gets pos50551011 at once:
;We understand that. Mr; Hess' sang:
who is at present in the West, is
coming to Henson to assist his father
111 the jewellery business.
Mr, Orville Twitchell 'has moved
his family to Goderich and thehouse
tie recentlyoe00picd will be taken'
over by Mr, Spencer, who recently
bought the planing mill,
'We understand that Mr. Davies, :of
Exeter, who is associated with Mr.
Goodwin, iu the'clothing factory here,:
1vilI move ti, lIensall shortly and oc-
cupy the residence on Queen st. west
now occupied by Mr. Thos. Farquhar,
who i$ vacating it soon. London
The morning train from
arrive; in 'flensail five 11 1105es•after
eleven instead of half past ten This
is tt scrims inconvenience to the stu-
dents going to Clinton, making the
s, hoot hours that much shorter for
them, and 'the time they could spend
at school was short enough before.
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Switzer au l
little daughter, accompanied by Miss
Lois (oby. of Detroit, v iated over
the 1ti-tel-eu•1 with Mr. and Mrs.
Rohl. Higg;I1, and family. They
were arcompanleti home by lsli:s
hula Higgins. who will spend some
time 11 Detroit
Rally Day service; were Oval in the
-t'nited Sunday school J21 Sunday
reorniog last with a large attendance
.reseal The Sunday schrool was
nictly lecorate:I with flowers for
,he occasion. arr. J. W. Urtwein got
,h,, prize ,' a bouquet of flowerr
the oldest nnembe r preee•111 and Mies
Lammie's e,a,5s got the iiriate
' uti for the ie•e-
co? chocolates .
i t nllttmbe • present in the -class. -\
very interctaingwading was ar5l , )V
Marion \leltll, and a 111.10
rnari, e e. 1.is rendered by Meaias.
1 'lrtc and l..n f .eat
f Ll. Mr. Y.41,1 lL.,tlihth ,ilia f1'1
superintendent. took; grew
toter n. at : isr ,il ~, v . , s
\rise Geettilo 11 oteaeOi. ,,ti
n„ . ,1 •> r .lith
,fret 1001 e._ ,fi r
',lr. T.. 1 ,,1
11,x1r a
1; .. 11aayo
,• ostil1'.r:• 11•i-1av
11. I[':Y'1; •„'-`:y,.
e of
1: i t 1 I'e 1
c1 i.t •:.i 151A 1
i, ,,.,:,a': 1',,t :t. !:• a large
stmt. 111" ,.1 l kbn
..i00 111, 2i0"1'"0
1 1' It 'L i ;;;"11111.
i MI 41` ,11 i ,,r1 '
tit, 1 a 11
11 1 very eiistsina.
l' l r w i ht, -1' 1
A t,. ) s . M:' Ni:.1."
10 et ii r -t 1s sr,1.ly
ea \1 •3 (41,2-2411 a ,
.3tc•'e .. r .r,r,. .0 ., t the:
aaon iotsiaaso aon. a 1t• 111,0t
}e. litc. :z tilt'
tite ,,,tris .1. 11 of the
n u > �.•
01 ti,v, aa'
a1 Smeiao ntiaiaie.1 . , 7, I.
tilt' e 1 r ' r.lt. , "reach in
Lite l late l :.i' i cl. aa -1 t<- 0015.1g
.rl i .-II':b`•,.. t 1'..
0:ravelling > .11e.tlalr.
•., ,._)n nnvn'ia in W, Oct.
4,121111_ reopi.;' iy . , ,ler: .yi11 41'
r Isl , s i t '..;1•••• 1 v ,5111:
lesie ' ;11, _.1 1111115,0.
11r, a 11 1' ,011 an.
arc ; rr •.in• 1rnitei
ai ;•u , ^, tt las
: lead t .(-tin .rt
\I .
titria t.t kiiss A t1. ill
`41ts 2..1 Miss t.la iW `•~iti ,tiate ,
.1re,,; 111 11te _,ela'?li 1,2111, :
(4(241 i; ',vetting bait.
('e ,.. 1e•id: of Mr. Fred'
him aide to
a., ,t,-. tits ,rt cent accident,
ht 1 118- taken, 'a 1'''. ;\ ,
t 1, 1 •lt. 1:a1,1:11:12.r \lnt,treal here.
Mrs, Erni,' \lo,ily .in'l little child
•,,,,12 1,...;,1 her home. in
t,i n .ala',,. astir" s1t,i ; for a
Ira' ,' ata ,s iib t parenta.
ami i \lr,. \\
\i'. A. I2;, vs 11 •-. 'll i5 b0en 1.1S1t-
`'it' a fete .veeks •.vitll relatives 111
has returned 11005e.
Mivo, Helen fIonston, of Ottawa, is
iisiiina for a few weeks :51:11
end \1... W:.1.. Houston.
itirs, McLean', :,f (4Vinghatn. visited
fur a ew day,. with Mfr, aunt :lir;,
Mrs. E. Sheffer i 11 taint; relative.
t hoe, - Mrs. Thos. fainter, who has been
visiting e lotive s in Winrl.or. returned
:emit n Monday.
al,. Stcoati ro. Mr. C. 11eCready
..nal Miss ;\IeK 1 Icy, of Toronto, visit-'
( i for a few Bala at the home of
11r;. II. 'Reid,
A number from 'I'Ie•nsall attended
the fair at Zurich on Tuesday.
Miss vfargarct I)rulnmond, Mr.
Robt, Jackson and Master Tim Sher-
rit1, who r oetltly utiderwetit opera-
tions to Seaforth hospital fnr append-
icitis, are all getting along nicely.
-Mr. Geo. Thompson is confined to
his room through illnesc
Mrs J, McKenzie, eater; Alas 'boon!
tit g :or some time with her son
Win, at'Kippen, has returned home.
Mr. Ezra T4eipher, of Zurich, has
rented Mr. 'Wm, Webber's house on
North 'Richmond nd street and . is . mov-
ing 'to town immediately He da' tak-
ing a position with Cook Bros.
On Friday last while Mr. Spencer
was working a sasv in his planing
mill, he was struck by a sliver, badly
tearing his arum, and required seven
stitches't0 close the .wound, He was
lateen .to his :home at Exeter, but has
sufficiently recovered to bo hack at
111111 again, bet is nursing a very sore
At the baseball match on the 'Hen-
sall' grounds on Monday afternoon in
the- finals between 'Hensall and Zur-
ich, Hensall won 9.8, The second
and gest game of the series will be
played at Zurich on Thursday of this
Mfrs. Wm, Henry, who has been
visiting 'for sonic time with relatives
iu !Croi»arty, has 'rammed, home,.
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit spent
the week end at her home.
Mr, and Mrs: 7, G. Neelin and Mrs,
j, H. McLeod spent a few days last
week .at 'Seaforth,
'Harvest Thanksgiving. service will
be observed in the Anglican el -lurch
on Sunday,
Mrs, A. 'Welsh acid Miss Agnes
Welsh of Toronto are visiting the
former's mother, Mrs. A.'Biggart,
,Rev. 7, 14. Gale. and Mrs.Gale and
Alis Gladys ,Gale returned on Fri-
day after a tna'weeks' vacation.
1)r. and Mr •A. Newton Brady left
on 'Thursday last to spend a' vacation
at Toronto.
Rev. 'S, 'H. and -Mrs. Paull returned
Friday having spent their iaeation"in
London, Galt and Toronto.
Mr, and .lir., W. ;FI, 'Robinson, of
London, Mr, and Mrs, R. T. Orr, Mr,
and Mrs H Peters, Stratford, Dr. and
Mrs. G. S. _Atkinson and family, Ex-
eter epent Sunday at their cottages:
Set (, \1. Fisher and :Miss Miriam
Fisher returned to their loin at Wa-
terloo on Thursday last.
Mr. E. T. Brown spent Sunday at
Stsa thin.
Miss Lillian Martin of Toronto is
visiting friends he the village and vi-
\Ir. and Mrs. Matthew Kerr who
were visiting Mrs. F. \V. Baker re-
turned to Whitby Friday. Agnes
and Craig Kerr, who have made their
home with Mrs. Baker for a few
,ears, returned with them. They will
'e very mach missed in the church
and Sunday school a, they were failh-
iol attenders.
1f ave Ize.ta Merner curd. Ethel
t ,nett of New Dundee were home
for the week end. Miss Edith Mer-
aer at omptulil_'1 them on their return
'tt will visit with her sister,
Miss Ethel 1 ,wlie is visiting her
\lrs. , Koehler at Zurich,
t 11'0 n •r;raham, vvlt
4 0
is n 11.10 l t1 'itg the services iti.
PresIvierian t'Itn.ch. returned to
sI nidi 0e5ume itis
:n is•at • lis .2; a College.
Tile Fail meeting of the Rural
1>.'1i cry of Huron will be held in
rirtityillus. it. Bavrield, on Tuesday,
r : 1, ' - : i. •a, ' 5,.( 4th, Tito eiaseiori will commence
Tkoismi aith c• •th. i ,e'1 21 u n.:'f the dory Com -
l i 1\''' >:1. - -•tl o2 10 a.m... Tile celebrant being
-t Dean 1I twkitt.. also will also
1' -at ti., •neetut.g 'f toe chapter
o 11 ,c1. ,,,tel til4.• afternann meet-
('1,- 'taptcr meeting. will be
• Ru'L,rs, The Woman's
meet in the church.
ur , .rsst•at will be held in
-'1e 71,.2 1)11;100 and supper will
„ '• i c Town Hall by the
tof it,. ibrecparishes. 'rite ad -
i y a l t lie given by
afro R,1 ,,•`I,. \ 1 Itttabk Arch -
1 t1)1'"Rev. Quintin Warn-
i :, , ViMerrible Archdeacon
1. n ?.,,.' .1..a,.. \lr. E. Douglas
let•ich, ;1111 Sheriff ;11!'!-
:NFs: act T..'11 i',ri11 1ularsiay
Cintr-41 ftdends.
Rotvi, 1101 ,:av ,vas a Betttt•avc
for a cow.ile. of 'lays ':i t week,
largt, i.iplitter oftale s;ie4 the
ortor, 4'411 rt n... !a/ la.st.
Ole 125t'0 festiotte outing •t the
\l 11.407210'arigi,t returned
tilt dry liter spending a
r. as tc Oleo Mrs. J. Medd.
,i t n ort.
mr. 1. t;. ,van Seft:::,1- ?!lc Nest on
t It 1 .1.10,
\Ir s. 1). 1). Robe:•ur11 -ts ,iti lg•
friends this week.
\lo'. W. 51.2112 has joined her 110s -
1;i11.1,1 21 t itnn a ifte • spending some
lime herr,. :it,' > t'st ofiter another,
airs.T. \1:ion._ - -
\1 lean 11 1 res. 0 t !ldcag1 •s I
at Her home here.
11 T .iti \o., spoilt part of last
vv t.
:he guther sister, Mrs.
-1r +anti>ault.
ate, and lit . ,I hal Cartwright, of
Pas e (i spent Sunday the finest of
1Ir. an,I afro it lultzaur.
ITr. 111 Mrs, Norman Garrett, alis
11'r, set,er, stet the week -end Wilt
friend s here.
Mr. ',n1 'Mrs. 1. Fa•rserv,cc, i.f
41lytii, ..''- '1Indav with friend,
lir 8obt. Sunt ,r,vni Friday, in
M's. 1.-fissiking. returned to her
"ionic in \\'itutinc1 after , ;pending
some months here with. friends.
Mr.. John Harvey is the guest of
her sots Norman, •at London.
Mrs. Tom Lttii• ret21titd home on
:Sa ltrdaj• al.cr a t,v" u•c'ek>' cKb .111
tin and her three little ones are stay-
ing a few days -longer,
Mr. Geo, Stephenson, of \Valker,
tow, spent Sunday at the Mottle of his
1.areats,.. Mr, and . Mrs. Robert Steph••
'Mrs \Inst - r of spent
V ebytc , l,.itcknow, sp01
the past week visiting with friends' on
the l?ars line.
dfiss Hilda Sims, of Exeter, spent a
few days last week visiting her
friend, Miss aliartha Carlile,
Miss Annie Cochrane, of Clintom
spent 'Sunday at the home of ,Mr.
James Love.
Mission Bond was held on Sunday
afternoon with' fourteen present, ;Tare
nesting was opened by 5017158 hymn
374. The Scripture lesson was, read
by Janette McAllister, Hymn 212
was sung. "Chesecretary-treas.' re-
port was read and ,adopted, Hymn
552 was sung. Eileen Turner closed
the meeting with prayer.
Miss Reta1MdBride is spending a
iew weeks at the home of Mr, 'Rob-
ert McAllister. -
Mrs. Robin McAllister, who met
with an, aecident'a couple of weeks
ago by getting her feet badly scalded,
is itnproving nicely,
Anniversary services will be held
in Hillsgreen 'United Church next
'Sunday, October 2nd, at 11 o'clock
a.m. and 7 p.m, Rev.' Mr. McTavish,
of Exeter, isto preach at both ser-
The farmers took advantage of the
good weather last week to get their
beans safely harvested.
lir. eel ltre. Win Turner. of
Wituls'r. whs., have liven visiting
friends aol relative- n the Bronson
:unl Satre lines awl at (eiderlv11,
bale returned home. Mr. Turner is
another Stanley .4.1 boy who 1553
made gnod---being rhe chief engineer
in the works of the Fisher Body
'ontp a ty. of Windsor.
Miss Mary Johnston. of the Town
Encs with her brother Gordon, of
New Ontario were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs, J. \. Cantle last Friday
• air,- F. W. Hess, of Hensall, also
_pent the evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. J. M. 'rough and Mrs. RobI.
ticotchmer, of Bayfiekl, visited friends
<nl the Branson last Thuroday,
air. and Mrs, Martin azul family,
with friendso inotoreri from Water-
loo County. to - spend the week -end
with Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. -and
\Its. 1i. D. Steckle, of the Bronson
line. \Vii understand that Mrs, Mar-
Mr, and Mrs, W111 'Stoneman, of
Mitchell, with two sisters from Van-
couver, Mrs, ;J,f. Gutteridge and. M:rs.
Burton, visited Mr. Carl Stoneman
and Mr;, W. \', 'Dinnin last week.
The Hibbert rural school fall fair
having a warm day, added Hutch to
the comfort of the children.
Untended for last week.)
'lite anniversary senvices of the
United Church. rChiselhurst, were a
great success. The -sermons delivered
by Rev, Mr. Anderson, Moncton,
were very 1110011 appreciated. The
thank -offering amounted) to over 7200.
.No matter how deep-rooted tin.
corn may be, it must yield to Hollo-
way s
ollo-way's 10011 Remover if used as dir-
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
Of. Farm .1°arin Stock and'Im le..
nr+nt Theexecutorst f e
c s,
of Alexander MciBeath, deceased, will
sifter for sale by public auction on.
the ;premises, lot 6, con, 3, Stanley
township, `2f ' miles northwest of
Kippen, on Monday- Oct, 3rd, at:' 2
pan. sharp, the 'following: Cow, 4 year
old, tr'ith calf; farrow cow; 2 carves;
aged driver; 60 hens; cream separa
tor; quantity of lumber; 2 ladders;.
steel tire 'buggy; Portland cutter;
Ford touring car; light'wagon; wheel-
barrow; grind stone; 35 cord hard-
wood and other articles. The Farm
consists of 100 acres, more or less,
(excepting school grounds) of good
clay loans, well drained and watered,
in a good' state of cultivation, with
about 6 acres of bush. A good com-
fortable brick house with kitchen.and
woodshed,, and; a commodious bank.
`barn, with straw shed, pighouse
henhouse, and driving' shed, farm 2f
miles from railroad. School on Carni.
Terms of Sale; All elrattels, cash, On
lands, 10 p.c. of purchase price paid
downs an day of sate, balance on lat
of March, 1928, The 'farm will be
offered subject to a reserve bid and to
the customary conditions. For par-
ticulars apply to John McEwen and
1'tigh \ikenitead, Executors, Brine -
'field, Ont„ Wins Brydane, Solicitor,
or Geo. H, Elliott, Auctioneer, Clin-
ton, Ont.
B1aN\:ETT.-'In loving memory of
little Kenneth 'Bennett; who died
two years ago, Septentiber 26, 19215.
He was only _ a sweet little rosebud,
A pure 'little flower from birth,
So 'God called him home to heaven,
Before he was soiled on earth,
—Ever retnentl'ered by tvlargarst
and Isabel, Eaton,
PINK'N:EY--:In loving memory of
our little dattg'hter Eileen who died
Oct. 2nd, 1925,
Clod has gathered in our darling,
Placed ourbud among His flowers,
Taken back the child He lent us,
To a 'better home than ours.
—Ever remembered by her Daddy
and Mother and Family.
On East William street, Seaforth,
five roomed cottage, electric light,
hard and soft water inside. Owner
leaving town. Apply to MRS. SYD-
NE''] DEEM. . tf
Deer and Moose
The Ontario Government have an-
nouneiel a change in the open season
for do rr 141111 moose this year, in that,
eat:a..:ulimal may he taken iu the dis-t
tact south of the french and .Mat -
aa Rivers from November :Ist to
November 311111, and iu the district
of • he French and Mattawa
front October 16th to November 30th,
rltl c periods are very notch in
iavo. •f the Bunte,, eslxcial1y if the
weather linty turn cold, and it is
trusted the action ,,f the government
will result in a marked increase in
tilt manlier of those taking to iht
1v.,ods. F„r their transportation,
Cattadian National Railways have
10'-n 01141 with their •tonal care and
forethought and printed copies of -the
Hunters Train Service leaflet anay'be
btaine rl shortly -am application to
Canadian National Ticket Agent.
1'hontas Brown has received in-
ttctions from J. H. McLaughlin to
sell by pubic auction on lot 31 on the
Mal Coll, of i1leKillnp, on the 5th day
' 1 Ort,. 1927, at the hour of 12.30 0'-
dock harp, the following:
Horses --Team of we11 ntatehect
mare rising 7 and 8: one well broken
mare riaing 4 years, one mare 12 yrs.
old in foal; one gond big driving snare
v-ith black colt at side; 1 spring colt
sired by King Jas.
the -•-flue 5. cow due May 19th,
1 Y cow due Oct, 15th; 1 J,C. cow on
dh 8t11: 1 J. heifer on Dee. 3rd; 1 S.
M. heifer on Jan. 9th; 1 cow just
f,esheind: 1 heifer, Oct. l'lth; 1 heifer
on 0,.t. Iltit; 2 last fall calves; 10
dead young choice steers and heifers,
.feeders": one calf. Pigs.—One sow
lite Dec. 19th; 1 sow due Dec. 15th; 1
young SOW due: 12 feeders about 100
lb; 1 otore pig. Hens, about 55 White
1 egh erns about 100 rock puilety 1.0.
y 141 lg r,octetc
Implc.metts 1 binder, 1 M. H.
141owcr, 1 Maxwell hay loader, 1 side
rake, 1 ,limn rake. 1 neve wagon, 1
farm truck, 1 wagon. 1 rubber tire
buggy. 1 steel bttggy with pole and
neva; 1- v oke, 1 cultivator, 2 land rollers,
disk, seed drill, 2 set harrows, 2 3 -fur-
row gang plows, grass seeder, turnip
,nw cr: cutting box. crusher newly.cur,
grinder, •pulper, hayrack, gravel box,
t x ksiurtt 2 -furrow plow, walking
11010ion kettle, pig troughs, fainting
mill. grain bags, pea harvester and
h„n it r, Massey - Harris manure.
spreader 11)110ly new; new cream sep-
arator ''(411' otte," gas 6-h.p. engine,
circular saw, quantity of white ash
lumber, some 3"x3", quantity of elm
2" and one inch lumber, bag holder,
chains, crow bars, pinch bars, etc. etc.,
1 new set of driving harness, 1 set
breech. harness, 1 set plow harness,
one single harness for 3rd horse, col-
lars, 1 pr. new clippers, 1 cutter, 1 set
sleighs, ladders; 1 set bunks, 1 flat
rack, 1 set beams, about l f acres of
corn in stooks, about 25 rows of good
turnips 53 rods long; about 25 rows
f mangnlrls 53 rods long: small no,
f bus. Marquis spring wheat; spade,
,hovels, forks, scoop, white ash ton-
Household effects --1 Monarch Pen-
insular range "very special," 1 coal
heater, 1 wood heater, gas stave, 1
glass cupboard, number of kitchen
chairs, rocking chair, two 'bureaus, 2
bedsteads, 1 bed spring, kitchen zinc.
washing machine and ringer, 2 couch-
es, pictures, dishes, lamps, etc., etc.,
and u0ntcrous other articles found an
Iany farm. All of which must be dis
posed of as the proprietor has rented
the farm, l erins-»-Ajl sums of $10
and under, cash; over that amount 11
mos:`credit shall he given on furnish -
!11g approved joint notes, land owners
1s security. 5 p.c. off for cash on
credit amounts, Thos. Brown,' auc-
tioneer; Jas. H, MdLanghlln, proprie-
Good seven -room frame' house with
woodshed, on James st„ Seaforth,
Electric light and water in house.
Good hen house on properly. Small
fruits. Apply at The News Office. 4:)
Farmers' Club meeting Wednesday
evening, October 5th, in Carnegie li-
brary. It is expected President Arnos
will be p"r',ent and give an address,
Young lady to do Start
at once, ',Send or letn�c: address With
The Seaforth News. 39
Ole on dollar. Four thousand. Groc-
ery, ,Dundas st., London. 'Cash and
carry store, SYDNEY" ISMYTIiE,
Market Lane, Loudon, Ot'et, 39
`Bazaar will be held in tile Forest-
ers' '.Hall, Constance, October 6th,
1927, at 7 o'clock, under theaespiees
of (he 'Ladies Aid :of :Constance
United Church. There will be ':a sale
of all kinds of useful articles, candy,
etc: There s'iill also be an Autograph
Quilt, and light refreshments.
1Bazaar will 1>e held in the"A,O.U.
'W. Hall, Walton, Octolber -5111, 1927,
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
of Bethel Church, There will be a
-sale of all kinds of- sewing, fancy
work, baking and candy,. A chicke)t
supper. will 'be served, 'price 35c and
150, 39
An upright Fell piano for immediate'
l g
sale. Price $125. The piano is in per-
fect condition.
Also a No, 40 Bell cutting box with
blower and travelling table, It .is al-
most as good as new. Apply to 3. R.
SCOTT, Seaforth, or phone 271 r 32.
A double mink fur with two heads
and tail was lost since the 'first of
June: in or in the vicinity- of Sea -
forth, A reward will be given. Find-
er please return to MRS. W. F. Mc-
MIL'LAN, Eginoudville, or. phone
160 r 32,
'Choice 100 'farm, Lot s, :Concession
4,'Hullett,'all under cultivation; a new
frame house and bank barn, 43s miles
from Seaforth. For particulars appy
to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth,
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street. Two lots with barn
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session. Best bargain in Seaforth.
Apply to W. ,G. WILLIS, executor
of Robt. Willis Estate. . 44
--but FABER prices are as far as
any man need go in seeking thorough
satisfaction. The evidence is in the
sample .casenand it invites comparison.
The rich fabrics are the first asset,
many exclusive weaves, distinguished
color effects. livery good style idea
of the season is represented in this
book, single and double-breasted mo-
dels in coats, and overcoats. If you
wislt to inspect the line, drop a postal
to John Hooper Agency; Seaforth.
�dh1 a 1N OFFER YOU
Williams Shoes, Greb Shoes,
ehum Shoes
If Better Shoos at Lower Prices Count, Buy your Shoes
' in Egnlondville
Poultry 1111(1 New Laid Eggs 'Wanted at the Top Prices
It Will Pay You to l)ea:l With
W., J. Finnigan
To Drivers of Mo'o'r Vehicles
Ili you have not yet secured your
Motor Vehicle Operator's License
apply for it without delay
at la against the law and pnoiohable by fine to operate a
motor vehicle registered in Ontario without first securing
a Motor Vehicle Operator's License.
Highway Traffic ofiscershave been instructed and muni-
cipal police .aye been requested to demand the production
of Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses, and any driver
unable to produce his or her license at any time is subject
to a fine of not less than $10.00. In case of accident or
infraction of The Righway'Trafc Act, the Operator's
License is sure to be called for. Drivers who have not
their Operator's License cannot be considered experienced
and competent.
Application forms for a Motor Vehicle Operator's License
can be secured at any garage. Licenses will be granted
forthwith to anyone who has driven over 500 miles and
for six months continuously, and who is not physicany
disabled, Examinations will be afforded to all others by
highways Department examiners,
If you have omitted to get your Operator's Lio nss, this in
your last warning to secure it- Don't drive a car without
it, either on city streets or country highways,
Lights on Horse Drawn Vehicles
Atte, October 4, 1527, every horse draan vehicle on
tho Public hi,Ila,,,s,s is Ontario melt Burry after du,*
watt t'7 feae dawn a light Windy vieib5e dn. the loft
head 6afic sheeting ,uSrta to Vac foot and red to tam
M s•, The otteutioa of horse owner, in particolasly
diresitd- 1,16,71:3I11 09' utrtn.obncn tbo,dd be morn
certain dna c:vea that their Ion] liehto ere sdwsye.
morldne colon
fila Department of Highways
Tb.1-30..Geo. S. HENRY, Mto4eeer
Six -roomed frame 'cottage for sale.
Electric light. Hard and soft water
ore' than
b t�U 'M
i i 'sul e. Large e aseme
t a g
half an acre of land, with fruit trees.
Apply to. Mrs.'Robt. Edgar, or Mr.
R. S. Hays. 39
404' acres, lotand 28 Con, 14
MCb illop, 1( miles from stile village
of iW-aiton. On the farm is a good
house, two baths and other outbuild-
ings. For price and terms write MRS.
RALPH W. CONN•O'R, 10705 75th
ave„ Strathcona, Alta. • 43.
Lot 15; con. '14, McKillop, 134
acres. The (buildings all in No. 1
shape: " 10 -room 'brick house, with
furnace and cistern, Bank barn, 40x60,
and straw shed 36x45. Hen house
16x25. :Driving shed and implement
house 25x35 Windmill, water in
stable, 5 acres'hasd'wood'bush. Place
will be all fall ,ploughed. Apply on the
premises, ;HENRY S'TIIMO'RE, Wal-
ton, r.r. '1.' Phone 243r25. 41
For sale, frame house situated in
village ofEgmondville, 2 acres of
land, fruit trees and orchard, two
frame barns. Rouse contains six
rooms and kitchen, soft water in
house. Electric light in house and
barns. Telephone. Will be sold cheap
for quick sale.. Apply to JAMES
II[TD'SOIN, Egmondvil'le, or phone 2
on :146, Seaforth. -. 40
.For sale 50 acre farm, good frame
house and barn; soil loose clay loam;
40 acres summer fallow, cultivated and
ready for fall wheat. Splendid or-
chard, good„well; 8 acres hay mea-
dow. Lot 11, con. 12, McKillop. MRCS.
A. R. COTTER, 847 15th st, E.,
Owed Sound, 'Ont. Phone No. 1062w
- 40
;Desirable property in good location.
Two lots. Frame hottse, with modern
conveniences. Barn, including a
garage, and good poultry run. Ap-
James and Helen sts., Seaforth, 40
The Water Works house will be
rented on liberal terms to suitable
tenant: Apply to . • ,
Chairman of Property Committee.
Mutual o Fire Insurance aceCo,
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John •Bennewies, Brodhagen;.
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Me
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Bro'adfoot, No. 3, Sea-
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, 'Clin-
ton; E. 'Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V,
Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm., James Kerr and John
•Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by applination ta,.any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, ,'I927; '
Medical '
Ph Ysci
and Surgeon. Late of London ap
London, England, Spaced
attention to diseases of the eye, can,
nose and thrtoat, Office and reed- •
enee behind Dominion: Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 1711.
DR,'F, J. 'BURROWS,.Seafae(:b.
Office and residence, Goderich si eso,.
east of the Methodist iChurch. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron. 751e -
phone 'No, 40.
DR. . C. MAOKAY,—C. Masataka:,
honor graduate of Trinity Univ,a'e-
ity and goldmedallist of Triatfar'
Medical College; member of the
lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons eb
DR. 'F.J . R. 1'O'RSTER—+Eye, glias, -
Nose and 'Throat. Graduate in 2-' ,
cine, University of Toronto 1897. Elate
Assistant 'New York Ophthalmic axed(
Antal Ins'tituute, Moorefield's Eye, zit4
Golden Square throat .hospitals, Lan-
don England. At Commercial Wel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday :in each mitts
from lil a.m. to 3 pan. •
DR. W. C. !Sb0ROAT,-•Gradtaate: er£
.Faculty of 'Meclicine, University a41
'Western Ontario, London. 'Menthes'
of 'College of Physicians andSur-
geons of Ontario. Office in A.berir,acf: i
Drug Store,. 'Main St., Seder*.
Phone 90.
'Successor•to Dr, R. P, Ross, great -
ate of 'Northwestern University, Wit"
cogo, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal College on
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Cate
'over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. 'Phone 1'51.
DR. F. J. BECHFILY, gradasae
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeoina,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, 'Seafei'Vb..
Phones, office 185•W, residence 18513..
Auctioneer for the County of Hums.
Arrangements can. bemade for Sate
Date at T,he Seaforth News. Chaxg s,,
moderate and satisfaction guaranted
(Successors to James (Watson),
All kinds of Insurance risks effe.ca-
ed at lowest rates in First -Crass,
Wednesday September 28th.
Vs'heat, per 'bus. .......
Barley, per bus 73c
Oats, per bus. 45a50e
Shorts, per 0101. , , $1.9
Bran, per cwt. $f-75
butter, per lb. ........... ...35e
Eggs, perox. 38c -42e
Potatoes, per bag $1.25
I-iogs,Pe} cwt. . $Itpt l
100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Staniey,
good state of ,cultivation. Bank barn,
76x40, driving shed 40 x 24, cetaeirt
silo. Good brick house, 2.never-fafl
ing wells. N. SAUNDERCOCK,
Brucefield, Phone 621-r-31, Clinton
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
invites you to look over
The New Fall Suitings
Upstairs Over
Keating's Drug Store _
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
BE 11.,a
Romantic Whirlwind
Tlie story of tz 1927 youngster on a South American
ranch. IvlascYuerading as rt boy Bebe rides the crest of
this torrent of mirth and action,
Monday Tuesday
and Wednesday
The Telephox''e Girl
Also showing Second of