HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Miss Margaret Love, assistant ma-
tron of Hanover hospital, is spending
a 'few days at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love.
' Mrs. Thhs. Young met with a nasty
accident on Friday last, -falling over a
stove at the rear of the house. She
was badly shaken up and is confined
to her bed this week.
'Mr. and Mrs. Dan. •Ross, of tan°,
visited her sister, Mrs, John
'on Sunday.
'A dance will be held in the A, 0.
U. W. hall, 'Walton, Friday evening,
Sept. 30t13. The MeDernlid and Red-
mond 5 -piece orchestra will supply
the- music.
'Miss ;Rachel Wamdman and Miss
Phande iLittle are visiting with Mrs.
Is. Campbell.
Mr. Neal at present has a very bad
attack of bronchitis and will be laid
up for some time. -
Mr. and airs, ,Harvey Htitlie spent
the week -end at Clinton.
airs. Win, Farquharson was taken
to the Kitchener hospital for 00 op-
. -ration eit Tuesday night
Miss Edna Campbell and Miss
Hogg, of Benmialer, sPeat the week-
end with the former's parents. Mr,
and Mrs. R. Camgbell,
Mrs, E. Fawcett, of Mitchell, is
spending the week at the parental
home of al.r. and 'Mrs. John Balfour,
' Mr. Roy Bennett had the misfort-
une te get blood poisoning ill his left
, arm on Saturday as a result of a nail
-crateli ss !tile loading hoga, It 50011
!lad gone up to hi, shoulder before
.aac mem eee-ilti he given it. 13y Sun-
day night it had gone down a little.
.1 1 the Entleav•te meeting on Sun -
lite night it was decided to have an
executive meeting this coming Friday
vetting to arrange for topic cards
0111 ter program. The presid-
,na ali,e Edna Real, emithicter1 the
Messrs. F. A. liambly, Frank Tuf-
fin and D. M. Mailman, 51 Smite
an friends at Weltan on their
way to spend a couple of days with
..eientls at 1,Va1kerton.
I Intended for last week.)
Mr, James A. Reit spent Tueeday
at Stratferd Fair.
are. and Mrs. William Sholdice and
alr. and Mrs. jobn 'Harels spent two
lays at London fair.
-Rally Day service,: we: oiteerveal
eit the United •Chtterit oti Sunday laid.
Both int,raltig and evening services
- were largely attendtel. At the 1110181-
ing service the Sunday school and
:he emigre -Tajo!! :net together, the
Sunday scbool oreettpyina the centre
./eat./l, in the chttrea. Tie Rally Day
"en-age:mime prepared lay the Board ot
- Religions Ethicatien af the United
' Churchwas used. lite music wee
drovided by a clad: front the 'Sunday
eche.," end other, taidng part were
Nfargaret Watson and Lance Norri,,.
in th, eveeing /la Voting. Peopiee'
semiete tato:reed the V.P.S. rally ser -
.1..3 ,large number of young pimple
were present, as well ae malty mem-
ate., and :1,111tments ,,f the
Arratigement, art: beitig maile for
rving 1113, 'l ,t anniversary'
.,1 eongreateal,11 011 $1111ClitY..
/Ober AO). 'rile Rev. VV. I), Me-
lantoeli, fortum• paslor, wit]. contltml
:the 0. Otat day.
-; itae, Mr. Mckinnon. -C.ttabon.
nv:t1 conduct divine services
Sneatiy morning., Oct. and.
1' -s Scott returned home last
pee atter SPelltling 8 14./t3' weeks with
• els in Toronto,
elta, ireerest mid Mr. anti Mrs.
Mi,s Mamie mcdored 1st
Visited the 1,Ia
„oaf ..••••• Taylor and Mre. D. Ilia!
e.t.a 33••••a. The minty frieads of 113
(13:'! ei it... a/ad ta "tear the,
eipeavi11,4 3 13,' 1313,
and Nlats Clieetwe, •,i Kiattee,
leae. aere He; guest,
and NI ra jamas Tliampsea, et'
rsStun oho st,..n the
••• Gee. Wilson ea. thy 435'.;
sitd Mt,. John t sumtt
it,lt :ma Mrs. 11,,.3,,,'lade. Clinton.
r. ;01,1 lirs. Jae. Ilewey, tef
. met. -Item Stinday eeenipta. to Mr, end
- Nfre, Ceitoebeirs,
Nfr, ena 31 N. 3Ve 3. („IilittrA Ilrit3(11/ who has spent
1111 5, ;we mr. ei„rry Taylor, the sunnner in the West is expected
;nal Mildred Teyittr, emelt . Sunday • 11/11.1le 3 ide Cc/111111g week.
. oath Mr. and Nita, limey kV:Alper. Nlisn Villa .Rogerson is visiting Nliss
• /mriell raed. • Deane, Laithaaite at Godericti.
Mese Reit:. -faya,„ eaent ,,,..ea \fr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson were
,nd with. 31 51 lean Camphell in Str,tford .031 Sl11111aV •/1.1
31 i>s e•fary Flynn returned Wednes•
'lay. from ''rorouto.
• • . STAFF4.... .
The ;thin Vereary services of the
31115(1 Ch ur,:li- la: - heed -tide.
Sundae-, when Rev. E. J. Rordston,
Arkona, will be the minister.
The annual schotil fair was a decid-
ed sticeese this year. 'I'he exhibits
etere eacellent andis goodly number
esteued to the eeneert in the e•vening
pm on -1,y the Woodhull orche8tr5.
.‘V(' are glad to report that :Mrs. A.
3. Coldtthoutt has returned to her
;tome She was seriously injured in
auto wreck some it -tenths ago.
eltr, tind Mrs. S. Casey and Mies la.
Casey spent Sunday with Mr. and
airs. 3. A. 8adler..
Nfr..Dan. Mailman left on Sunday
•ior WO, ,'o... to apend a011le tithe With
man Haugh spoke on "Canada and
World, Brotherhood," All -three ade
dreesea .were mpst interearing. Spe-
cial Music was rendered • by -a Yleang
Peonies choir. Mrs. A. Johnson Sang
'Does Jesus Carer' .very sweetly and
a quartette compased, of Misses Leila
Stackhouse, Edna Brierriner, .Kathleen
Snider and Pearl Brock sang "Just
as I am." Mise ,Elettinie Snider Pre-
sided at the organ.and is to be con-
gratulated With theothers in the ex-
eellent way the service was Managed.
A Meeting of the exeeutive of the
Y.P.S. was field Wedhesday evening
and a good program has 'been arrang-
ed for next Sunday.-
Adeidenta— Mr, Sipie, of Londen,
travello For Hobbs' hardware, mir-
aculously eacaped injury Monday
morning ',ahem thc ear which he was
driving turned turtle in the ditch just
sonth ef Bructfield, tHe Was travel-
ling north from Loadon at a fair rate
of Speed •and had just passed 4 tee
driven by 'Miss .-Janet Aikenhead,
whenhiscar became unmanageable
and took.t� the diteh on the :right
aide of the road, The car was very
badly damaged, but Mr. Sipie did no
even get a serateh,
Mr. and afria j. Bt Aikenhead, ac-
companied by their niece. : Mist; M.
Aikeeheace of London,: spent ti,e
Weck-end at the hoine of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead;
and other friends in the viemity.
:Miss Anna Haugh and Messrs, Car.
enan Haugh and Lance Norris left
Monday for Toronto, where they will
attend University.
Miss Ada Reid left Saturday for
Toronto where she will resume her
studies at the University.
The regular meeting of the Marion
Oliver Mission Circle was held on
Friday evening. September. lath, with
the President, Miss Hazel Haugh, in
-the chair. :after the devotional oxer -
ekes, Mrs. Addison gave a very in-
teresting report of the Women's Mis-
sionary Presbyterial held that der. As
the aociety are going to put on a play
in the near future it was decided to, on Thursday night,: in a buggy, Mrs,
hate "Robert ani Mary" and the john Mason was run into by Gordon
play was read at the meeting. The Jenkins who was driving his ear down
members are requested to remember / the hill 00 Queen street, north of the
that the eon call for the next meethig C.P.F., tracks. Mr. Jenkins was pass -
is to be anawered by a scripture irig another car and did not see the
veese on mueic
Miss Eva Boyce spent the week-
end at her home in Stanley.
Miss Vera Pepper spent the week-
end with her couein, Mrs. A. ..Tohn-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton spent i we k.
Sunday with Mr. and Ws, jos. Love, Miss Alice Weston is visiting her.
' '
entered far a good days" bowling.
Prizes•ware won as follows: 1st, 'John
Naaort, Whigharm• allathea,bagirs:.20d,
Harry Edwards, Goderieh, *club bag;
3rd, Robert SoMers, Blyth, sweatera;
special, ,Afr. Hamilton, Winghane,
Mr, Stanley 'Sibthorpe moved his
household belongings on Monday
from his late residence on Mill Street
to the house vacated by Mrs. Lear
jest off Queen street. Mrs. 'Lear is
living with relatives in and around
Clinton. •
Mr, and Mrs. 'Murray Cole of Tor-
onto are spending a few days with
lair. and IVErs. Milne. ,
Mr. and Mrs, W. H. McElroy visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs, 'Herb Morris in Car-
low the past week. '
Brussels school is holding its field
day on Friday, September 30th.
Phase who attended the Sunday
school convention oif Huron Deanery
held at Goderich 011 Tuesday, were
Misses 'Ella Metcalfe, Alice Roger-
son, and Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Haw-
Miss Ruth .arewcombe has, returned
to Newark, taaj., after visiting 'Mr.
and Mrs. Robe 'Newcombe.
Rally Day services were held in
Queen street United 'Church on Sun-
day. The S.'S. and morning . service
were combined. The Sets, classes
marched into the church, headed by
the afeElroY twins, Kathleen and,
Vivian, and occupied the centre of
the church. Special music for the oc-
casion was rendered by tile quartette'
composed of Mrs, David Floody, Mrs,
Win, Burling, Irvine Witlace and
Leslie Hilborn.
Mr. Geo. Snell and Mr. and Mrs.
john 'Snell of E. Wawanosh, are on
O motor trip to Detroit, where they
will spend a few days.
'Mr, ami Mrs. Frank Bell, Miss Ad -
Bell, Mrs. 1Vallace and Mrs. Robt
Newcombe, spent a day in•Stratford
last week.
—Hurt.—While returning front the
home (31 Mr. Isaac Rapson, Harlock,
SDAIFPRTU PALL PAM, Mammoth squash, and..3 varieties e Dra
(Continued from Page la , Grieve; la:ebb:at-el ageasla
-Meat T.yerinarr rdllee1, iv s. Tyermatt, jno, A. Murray; pumpkin's 'ithi'.Plega
Mrs. With CamerPn fr.;' dropped, N. Mrs.- 4. . Dr, Grieve; ane
Carter, Mrs. .H, McGregor. Fried etcmbere N. L. 'Carter, Mrs. A. E. Er -
cakes, N. Carter, Mrs. Lawrence, win; •butler beans, 5110-Hugill, L,
Cakes—Angel, jean Scott, Mrs. 5. 13, 'Carter; white beans, C. H. Holland,
Tyerinane sponge, ,Mi'. Tyerman, Mrs. W. 7. Dickson; sugar
Mrs, Free; dark fruit, Mrs. Free, Mrs. Mammals, Ferink .Coleman, James
Dicksod; light layer, Mrs. Nola Jeau M. Scott; intermediate, C. Ht
Scott; dark layer, Mrs. Free, Mrs, Holland; Swede turnips; W. 5. Beat-'
Tyermaaa Pie—Apple, Orville ail- Uc Wria Drover;. field earrotaa F.
liPs, Mre. H. McGregor; pumpkin, Barker; white or yellow carrots; F.
aars. Nott, lefrs.Irree; lemon, Mrs, A, Barker; largest squash, Dr, Grieve;
-E. Erwin, Mrs, Free, Meat loaf, N. largest puneTkin, lairs. A. E, Erwin,
Carter, Mrs, Nati;, Candy—Maple Jno. A. Murray; col. gardee products,
cream, Mrs. We, Nicholls, 0. Phil- F, gBarker, Dr, Grieve; .sunfiower, W.
lips; collection, Jean Scott, Mrs. J. lonnigan; stalks fodder corn, j. A,
Porientle• jellied chicken, Mrs. Free, Murray, Mts, I -I, Lawrence, Onions—
Mrs. Porteous; soap, Mrs. Wes. Nich- From seed, F. Barker, Dr. Grieve;
ols,. Mrs. Lawrence; Variety baking, front Dutch ests, Dr, 'Grieve, C. 11.-
N. 'Carter, Mrs, 'Lawrence. Judge, Holland; red, F. Barker; white or yel-
Mrs. Edna DelLacey, lbw, F. Barker, Dr, Grieve, Judge, W.
!Domestic Needleeraft--Cbmiorter— Elcoat,
Down, N, Carter, Miss A, Tyerman;
wool, N. •Carter, NirselNieholls; silk or efOra.1 Afrs.
cotton, Mrs. A. A. McLennan, Dr, 1. &. Sniimveolotiitaldr
Grieve, Quilt, Mrs. ;Dickson, Mrs, G. 1,oa
T. Turnbull; bedspread, Nari. Jos. ledge, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; col., Mrs.
Grummett, Dr. -Geieve. Apron—Kitch- W. 3. Dickson, Mrs., T. G. Scott.
en, Mrs. Dickson, Miss 'Livingston; Cosmos, Ethel M Beattie, Mrs. A. E.
fancy, Mes. Wm. 'Carneeonijr., Mrs. Erwin; dianthus, 'Mrs. j. E. Tyumen,
jos. Gremraeti; aetese (hese, emrs, jetto Scott, Gladiudi, 3 spikes; Mrs.
Tyerman, Miss A. Tyerman; Men's T,C. Sccilt, W.H.Harlii•Yl Wm'
sleeping garment, . Mrs. Tyerman, ,,fiarrala Mrs, T• G. MariScilds,
Mrs, Dickson; ladies' Clip, Miss A, Wra.Harrral Mrs, A. E•
Tyermam Mrs. Tyermitit; sox, Ivrea j, Petunias, single,
• Porteous. double ales Geo Cardno
F. Barker, Mrs.
S. Howne, Miss Liringsten; mitts, , • - • • •
Livingston, Dr, Grieve. Floor afrs. J. B. Tyermam pansies, Mrs. J.
mat, 'braided, Miss Livingston, Mrs, 13. Tyerman, Dr. Greve. Roses, 3
Dickson; braided, Mrs. Tyertnan, Mrs. blooms and col,, Harley. Snap -
H. McGregor. dragott, jean Scott; display, W. Har-
.Laclies' Work—L5 —Irish crochet, try, JeanSeott. Stocks, Mrs. Geo.
and filet cotton, Miss Livingston, Camino, la Barker; sweet peas Chas.
Mrs. Howrie; knitted, afre. Howriet Routledge; zinnias,. Mrs. A. h. hrwin,
Dr. Grieve; tatting, Miss Living -sten, J.- •Beattie: collection annuals,
Miss Alma Mundell: clraill11 work, Ethel af. Beatale, jean Scott; col. per -
Miss Livingston; Italian'Miss T. A. ials, Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman; nneted
Ballantyne. Mrs. Howrie. Embroidery, hli,oiii, ;W: Hartry, Mrs. 1.17. J. Messier
cross stitch, 'Aar. -aar
e; W. yteeelle; Mi',. sn
o; tawe nauquet, Mts. Porteous, le.
.(A3Irtristi•in'Hetr‘tiZe(;:rlisil:arg3k:. IN-11.1irt:It.l.t1t13111;)FliwiMi'ntrstY-e-ErBille)1°galull'qn:i'easi, tuberous, 3
flowriet conventional, Hartry,
bag alas, Livingston, F. E. Beattie; of one color, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, W.
pr. curtaine. Miss Livingston, 0. Phil- Harrier firitled, W. Hartry; fuehates',
hrache" set, Miss I-lviugisi", lean Sc'ott; gloxinia, W. Hartry. Fern
Dr. GrieVC: tea cloth, Dr, Grieve, Jno,
asparagus, Mrs. H. Laerrence, R. A.
St!t/rt Oleo:clan-61; table mats. Mrs. cemlleaaii; ewere, ,i 13,.,
ouggy m the rain and crashed into
amte ladders fastened to the side of
it, Mese-Mason was thrown out, -hal--
itig her back injured and arm badly
bettised, but she was .neit seeiously
Mr. and Mrs, faillfit of , Brantford
visited with Mrs. Geo. Collinson this.
A bazaar will he held in .Coitera•nce
Church on Oetoer fithe
air. and- Mrs. Pater Gardiner, of
13lytta. apent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. la b. atephenson, ; Mr. and afre. alarenee "-Johnston
1,Twall, aall Mr, aarl Mee. Jain',. g". Russel and Mrs. Bradshaw, of Jamee-
ear; alai etre, Alvin matateton, ott 1 ena Mr..and Mrs. j110. Gr•asby visited
tati,on and eon Oliver, Goderieh town -a :own, ort SultdaY•
ship. spent the week-eud with Mei' Miss Jessie Kirkconnell -anti lafr.
and N•frs. John lreegusan, - . Charlie Snelling, Of 'Walton-. spent.
The (-Aden Links Mission Band SuadaY with Nfr. and. Mrs, Chas.
met in eh,: .basetnent tit the 'Constance:, Nicholson.
Church on - . Saturday afternoon. -A i MI'. awl Mrs.. Thos. Graeby Visited
r.111 intereeting -meeting was.lield,- lg. Alfred and Meet. Nesbit,. of Auburn,
mend -we being - present. BuSinees 1 en Sunday
sister, Mrs. 1N est, in Toronto.
Clundy .weather greeted Blyth fair
on Wednesday of this week. A large
and varied exhibit was judged in the
building on Tuesday.
e//11SIS•led .arrangentent about the
Band', share in -the bale of Christmas
cheer that is being sem bv the W. If.
Mr. alld 3111. Joseph Storey', Miss
Ruby and Edna, also Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Hart, of SeafOrth, were guests
11 >5133. Miss Liviiagstrin; table -doy-
lice, Nfisa leiving,trin. Evelyn Har- bhourutsi:. 1Pnekivieltlityinia beit7tw'fillawEerveol3;11011i'iort:'
burn; tray cloth, Nfra Win. Cameron aara. j.. B. Ty.erman. Judgea, 1l,..1:.
Jr., Mies. Livingston: centre - piece, Daamit, A. et; (gaff. ; . .
Iles. 'Cameron, Mrs. 'I -Lowrie; Centre
Piece, cottoti, - Mis-s. Livingston, 0. - Children's D.epariment — V e g e -
Iliiilies: centre piece, colored, 3.ifes. tableate-Swed,e turnipa, Eugene Nott,
A. Erwin; bridge set, Nfrs. Howrie; Ray Townsend; garden carrots, Janet
table napkins, Dr, Criele, Miss Liv- Watson, Donald T.amont; sugar beets;
ingstone buffet sea Dr.. Grieve„ Mrs. laugene Nott, Arthur Cameron; yel-
Howrie; table cloth and napkins, Miss low intermediates, Jack Nichnlaun,
Livingstan; day alips, 0. Phillips, Mrs Arthur Cameron: garden beets, Stew -
Dickson; pillow slips, Miss Livingston art Cudmore, Ruth Hugill; .onioils,
O. Phillips; pillow slips, other, -Miss Olive Stirling. Cleve Carter; tomatoes,
A. Tyerman, ..,17rs., Dickson; • emb. (neve Carter, Kenneth Harrison; cite
towels, Miss Livingstom Florence: E. rare's, Arthur Cameron; 'ealebages,
Beattie; towels, other, :Mae 'Living- •Chas. aVright, Arthur .Cameront POta-
ston.if-fawrito guest •towels, Mrs. area, Edith Fergusun, ' Elsie Denver;
Cameron, Eaelyn Harburn; ba•th tow- .eol. garden vegetables, Inlin Certer,
els. F.velyrr Harburn, Miss Livingston Kenneth Betties: Irlowers---Nastur-
/entry 10.1Vei, 'Mkt, A. Tyerman, F. E• thons, Helen Rankin, Margaret Case;
Beattie: sheet and• pillow slips, Miss aster, Dorothy Drover, Chas.
Livingston, Al rna • Mundell: dresser weight; eweet peas. Jack Nicholsen.;
Campbell; dresser runner, bouquet, Jim Clef, Dirrothy Drover,
afis, Livingston, 0. Phillips; night Coekinga-Teit bistuits, Elinor Broad-
tiobe, Naisa Livingston, Evelyn Har- feet, Margaret Ross 13'o. I Eftd1.);
limn; handkerchiefs, Nfra. Dickson. Matte, Rose Melody, Margaret Ross;
Alma • Mundell; bedroorn aiippers, layer cake, Grace Free, Elinor Broad-
Miea Liefingelon.,Dr. Grieve; collar t' 't apple Pie, fileelyn Nott, Donald
and cuffs, F. E. Beattie, Miss Living- Lamont: rolled cookies. Elinor Broad -
a. to the Indiens. Isithel Jamieson at, •• 0 -eon AIM Nfla- -Nicholson on stone scarf, Mrs, Howrie, .'Ilma Mun- atm, Caesie Oke; dropped cookies,
gave a reading on missions and Bern- aiatuldaaa . . detl: ehild'e dress, _Miss Litrings.ton: Marg,aret Finnigan. Vivian Townsend,
ard Riley the chapter reading. Edith' Meta jermyn, who has spent the bonnet. Miss favingston; Wt/01. jack- Art •• Work•-- 1st elass,Ethel Dale,
itrittoe delighted the band adth .a past two months with her daughter, et, Dr. Grieve, Nfiss Livingstone baba' Theda Freeman; and class, Daidd
eolo. 1(1 31 in laidia" ,,eae gi ,,n I Mrs. Chris. •Rogersten, has gope to set, Nfrs. frowrim Nfiss Livingston; Bolton, Martha Dale; 3r1.1 class---aVin-
by Helen Britton. In the absence of I rort41 1.0 IS/ Spend the winter with her table runner, ears., Tro.wrie. le; A.
the 515 1313.111 Miss Donald:, .1dain,,i 'laughter, Ifts• Near. , Mired Savatige, Chas.'Dale. ath. elase,
Cann:bell; centre piece, Mrs. W. M. Celestine O'Leary, Angela • Eckert.
Nf,e. Ed. Brittan presided.
, eofit r .t011, ' ening-- st mo a le a • reeman,
- ' Nfe. and afrs. John leo, oi Gode- Doig alise a Tvernaen• . lap , \v • • 1 1 i T1 d 1"
-Nfiee- Violet Scott. nurse -in -training .
1 V • 1 la ..t we •k
riela eisited at the 11 1113 of Mr, john Nliesii.'.... E. 1....,';•Wili, Mrs. W. 31. 130ig; James Eckert; arld haok, -Margaret
at Newmarket, returned Saturday to 1.,,a, e e. • e. ,.., , , tamp shade, Me& Veetai. .Nieholls • fan- af e afichttel, Haael Aslitoii; 3erl book,
ber thalee after teter weeks' holidays ,saisse's Lily ii aYlor -and NInuran ey work. NIrs W. al. lateig, Evelyn Margaret Freeman, Winnifred Sav-•
at the home Of her trarents„ Mr. •Ated 11,113 111 %vete guests of Nies. Thor., .Haiburn; ea. funtey needlework, arise auge: 4th book, Betty Southgate,
Mrs. John Scott. • Lyon last Wednesday afternoon. •
, Livingston, Alma Mundell. jridge-- alinnk, Nott. liatetay. alargarm Roas:
The lale-le. is ;mean -nig a p1 ,y 1 Miss .,311)erta Richmoud spent tne mri, c.i, ri. eata•a„„e.
-The v,,ung village Doctor:, wake, week -end at her home here, ; eol. noxione weeds, • Margaret-
• Mee end Decorative - Arts ---0118---- col.. injurious insects. Chas. Wright;
Nov. lsi. It will be a real. one.
will be presented after the fowl• imp.. From the Irrederietrea N,1-1., Glean- hoidaeape, Dr. farieve, :Miss Ivf. Cook; eid. leavea Margaret ROSS Oliver
el. of Saturday, Sept. -17the •
lir Serinimanger ed 13r. South Gui- "lacy. George Telford, 31 '3 I3.D, marine view, jean 'Lawson Mildred Wright; col. native woods, T'om Sill,.
, Tfarvey; animals, L. 113.111111 11111 aaa. 13..e1 „einem., tea serve:a, je, thei whe tin Thursday nig•ht was inductee.
camel, at 2.3n p.m, on Sunday. l',r1,11-11: St;11 life„.31". ITarvey, .1. larewn
; into the pasterate of St. Paul's Church IVR lel" colors—landscape, efias NI.
1Ve- are glad to hear that Nir. and; of the United Ctatureth of Citnaila, wile Cook. Nfies Teeing -stem; maxi ;
Mrs. Howard Johns are comfortably! la el night 3v1111 Mrs. Tel.ford iota little haul Lawson; alias .reetangetou;. ;ma
ne vatw.
eettled on their farm on the seeond daughter Jean wolconw,1 to St. latturtt
liteaer,inith mite,. -1:pending their ". a reeelitlira held i° the
1-0/11e://111,e011 at Sault Sc'. Marie, reel Menmeiai 37ork street.
!to :Ong Monday night. "The members of the ,7hurch and of
MN. koin, C1,1, ,q.,,,ndlitg -.a other chttrehm, the city were pre -
fee. dee., with Mr. ttmi Mrs, Clarence eenteil te ;old Mrs. Telford be
ke 13a5te3ere W. NI. Burns and •111rs. Percy G.
m„; •aa.„,.; 1;„,e epee, s,„., Smith. and after all had been present -
e,1.3 „eta ta„;„ m„; or,„ea eta P. S. Watson ntak the chair alld
.:41/1/11viti,011, ill Ileneaela: -• S. H. McFarlane gave 0 Ana history
ma, tem.sat,- ea, realm, a 1 tt7. the church,. naming the pastors
•-• mono, . :tom hi, incept:Oa in 11132 down to the
in-vie:et time and what each one etegal
tar in the tile of the chine:h. • -
"Rev. pr. R. IV. \Veildall, on behalf
of the clergymen of the eity,-- extend -
eery coielial greeting -to -Mr. Tel--
1Vorship aleyor Clark -weleom-
Telford oil behalf Of the city
end in doing so -sail he welcomed him
it city founded by the Loyalists,
whoee patriotism never dies and said
that Lord fieware Chief ,Tustice of
•England, duri•tig his recent visit here
sttidir- was a second Oxford. Mre. 13
Frederietcm. -are proud of nue - city,
proud of ite ed Ilea tienal inatituttions
fameries, business, fine homes and.
fine ,citurches, said His Worship.• and
cordially welcomed Mr. Telford.
"Rev. Mr. Telford, in a few words,
exaressed deep gratitude •for the
warmth and feeling attending the fine,
eception given him and his ' fantily,
the welcome from the clitirches.of the
city .atid tile city, and said he hoped
at. live up to the elevated etandard aet
for him by his late predecessors.
"A short programme consisting of
a eolo by G. W. :Brown,•,teumpet solo
by Mrs. W. aarheaton. and it solo
by Mrs. W. B. . 'McLellan, with
afrs, Brorwa, iNfra J. Fa 'Sewell and
alise Everett: playing the accompanie
!items. -
"Refreshments were served by the
1,adiesi ,Aid and a delightful evening
brough1. to a eloge,"
Nfiss Barbera Mayer antl math, -
,pent Sunday wait \Ir. alld NI
1,53343 l;ralsan,,
Mr. and Mr,, leebert 13, '11 a,
tamed fiend, atld MrS, Peter Isin-
baw, ef Dashetiod. sietit Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. lame, Taylor and took
back _Whitey:, Lillian .1.aellock and Nola
Taylor to Grand Bend 16 atay a week
or two.
lEr.alld Nlea Ifrank aikeithetel atal
Ala and Mrs. afeele .aikenhead,
London, and Mr. ;old I.Irse Ail:
enhead spent Suaday with M0. and
airs, ThOnlaS Baird.
Tatunour says that hydro will be
run to Pete -field through Brucefield.
Power may came front Seaforth, as
a number of farmers on the Mill road
are anxioes to eecure this modem
tem nience,
ale, and Mrs. 117. B. Hodgins, alr.
3. M. Donnelly, of ;Iteledo, visited a:
She 1 . I., Jas. McDonald 'fla 'date'. He was accompanied by•
ever the week -end. Mesar,., diatulailey and F, raffia
is. ; hat, returned te isa da Elliott Ims returned home
Bluevale after 0 i,rting heraf rs after spending a mouth with Toronto
Hugh Berry. relatives.
Mr. and lafre. 313531 Berry slant Mrs. fl, Kennedy, df Clinton, is
Sunday in Wingbain, visiting with 34r. and Mre. 117111 Col -
The Y.tia.S. held their atilt/AR! rally
Sunday evening. with a good attend- Mrs. %Fawcett, Nfr. 3\1, 1015135515
mice. Mr. Alex. arid:am tothe preae,a
and arra Wm. l'ivian visited with
ent, took the 5114 10 atid the suet iai 33 rs. J. N."HTIS 011S".claY'
progratnine se as follOwed, There were Mr. and Nies: W. 'Copp, London,
three spealeer,: alisa Kathleen 13 '1 seem the week -end wi tI Mr. and
el. spoke on "Canada and Her Re. lira G. Tanana
eetirces." Mr, Lance Norris woe et.
a count of the Young People's nnj,. BLYTPE,,
en. e eheld el lead .13 1),f61/d/ll': The,. bowlera held'ea, tourniMent on
and -rtatadey 'o vele air, Cita. Wednesday last. There were 14 rinks
Sirtiple and Sura, ---Dr. Thomas' Es-.
lectrie Oil 11 .so simple in application'
that a child can understand the in-
steuetions. Used as a liniment, the
onla ditectioa is to rub,- and when
ce... a dreAsing, '..to apply. The
directions are ';10! p.lahi -51141 ImMistalc-
aide that they-are:readily underaterad
lie yetung end eld.
Billie Nett; bird house, Kenneth
Beetles; model gate, Chas. Wright,
laenneth Harrison; article made from
wood, Jan McTavish, James Me•Gill;
ration holes. Margaret Ross, Cassie
mal,, .. 11Cla-11, Nfise 'lat.-minstrel; veg- Oki,: small apron, Rose afelatly, El -
53:1 Ides, afiss 131 (1111341(31, la. Brigham; eon Chapman ; handkerchief, plain
flowers, jeae La w eon , L. Brig,ham; hem med. Mary 13 roadloot ; doll
eatnimate object, AI. Harvey, MIAs M. , clothes, terthel Betties, alartha Stew-
Coek. NfiacellaneousaaCrityou draw- ey, Ilarred leeek cockerel and pullet,
in, Miss Livingston 'Mr>. Howrie: Elsie Dreyer, Gerdon McKellar;
;mate!, Nfrs. I-Towrie, .11. Harvey; se- dressed fowl, Dimwit! Lamont.
Pia, ..1. Broam. M. t Harvey: pencil, Schaal taking lat•geet number 0
dates Mg, NT, Harvee, Miss Heine-. p rizc s, S.S. No. 1. Ifilllett,
stall; pencil design, al re. lV. NI. lade: 1 1 Tort/au:rural . Pruiluct, •-. Apples .—
!teeter design, Mist: Livingston. L.! Lad, 12 varieties,. Re R. Sloan; \einem.
Brigham; tinder( leather. 31. Harvey; 1 unities, Sloan. Jos; Carlin.; fall apples,
Photagraphy, NI. Harvey, lies f Tow- :. mtli, ,aldvans, ktilse, ..,1 I llo Irli,ki ass,
rte; art '>', ole, 5. Ilrown, M. Harvey, N. Spies, Sloan, Carlin; Golden Ru'
Hand -painted Chitia -dresser set. J. sett, Carlin, Sloan: Westfield Seek -co.
Brown, f/r. Grieve, vase. Te, Brigham, further. Sloan; Wealthy, Carlin,
:N1/ Harvey: salad bowl, Dr. tie -in -re, Sloan; Pmvatiltea, (endue Lattimore,
3 Ill0W11: cake plate, J. Brown, I.. Sloan; rant:trim Sloan, Carlin; aVag-
li rig ham ; sups and sauce at. f.. Brig- mg and leaxbeit., Rusts, Slotm, 0
hain, J. Brawn; candlestiele, J. Brown, Cudniarea Geavenstein, Duchess of
collection, 1.. lirighame Dr. Grieve; ()Idenlmrge Cayuga red Streak, Sloan;
jardiniere, ,i. 13rea'11, Reed Work— Spitzenieurg and Snow, Sloan, Cud -
tray, Evelyn Harburn, alre. Tyerinane mitre; Calvert and Mann, Sloan, Car -
ii ri tvioh basket, Mrs. Tyerman, Eve- lin; Blenheim Orange, Sloan, John
lyn Harburn; lamp aad shade, Dr, Scott (Roxboro; Malden Blush, Not,
Grieve', Ifiss I'. A. Ballantyne; flower man C"arter, Joseph Carlin; crab ape
holder. Dr. Grieve "aft.s Tye•t . ; plea, red, Sloan, Carlin; yellow, Siottu,
fernery, C, H. Holland, jean Scott; 1 R.hode Is. Greening, Sloan; Ribston
col 'et': lion , Evelyn Harbert,. Mildred I Pippins', Sloan Carlin ; 13 len heirn pip.
Harvey. Judge --Mrs. S. W. Arabi- pin, Sloan, John Scott; Fall Pippin,
1 Sloan, Curtmore; Cranberry Pippin,
Roots anti Vegetables—PotatoeS,--- SlOall: St. I.awrence, Win. Drover;
ris, Cobblers, rhos. Ferguson, Jan- an. •Red, Sloan; McIntosh, Sloan,
athan Hugill; a. o. v. early, Normati Carlin; Tal. sweet, Coleman, Cat•lite
Carter, Thomas Ferguson; Green Pears ---Winter, N. ,Carter, •Sloan; fall,
Mountain, Frank Coleman, John .A. and Flemish Beauty, Sloan; 'Duchess
Murray; 5,0.v. late, Norman L. Care of Agouline, G. Ciechnore,, Sloan;
ter, Cabbage—Winter, John A. Mur- Lettere Clait.gean, J. W. Elliott,
11.33.% 'W. iTartry: Savoy, Joint A. alma Sloan; Chipp's Favorite, Mrs, H.
ray, Ir. Barker; fall, Mrs. 1', Ilya Mc- Lawrence, W. D. Hoag; Belie Lucre -
Milian, Cauliflower. C. H. Holland. rive, Norman Carter, Sloan; Sheld'on,
Celeey, Dr. Grieve, Mrs: J. B. Tyer- Geo. 13.., McCartney Sloan' Louis
man; parsnips, Raba A. Campbell' Brunie de jeraey, F. Barker, Norman
. o le A. Mulvey. Carrots, stump ! Carter; Bartlett, Sloan, N. Carter;
rooted, 117m. Drover, Jno. A. Murray; Seckel, F. Barker, Stoan; 13e01e d'
long, W. Drover, J. A. lvfurr.ay; a.oee Aujou, Sloan. Pituns---Dttane's Pm -
Nr. T.. Carter. Beets—Flood, j, . A. ple, Slciam Lombards, J. W. 13eattle,
alui•ray, turnip, C, H. 'Holland, N. L. Dr. Grieve; Pond"s Seedling and Rene
rairter, Tomatoes --died, Mrs. A. f„ Clatide, F. Barker; German Prtine,
alurray, 'IV, .alartry; field, C. Ha
Porteoue. N. 1..... Carter; pink, F. Bars Sloan; a.o.v.„T, Via. Beattie. Judge, 5,
ker. Mrs, W. j: Dickson; col., F. Bar.. M. Cardno.
leer, .Dr. 'Grieve; 'CO111 -Table, 5110. A.1
............ •
I -Tolland, Frafik Coleman; col., C. ff.: -
Holland. Onions, sets, Mrs, 0, T.I .
1, a vermicide an excellent prepar-
-rtwobtitt. Mrs. W. J. Dieltson : pick,' i,tetiialiliiniastoar•Icetihrerita?r,,aavseesd' I:V115orltetiyesEaxf-
Eng, JI10. A. leautelly, Dia, Grieve. il 'eitalatlea, children, '
a.fuskmeltens, Mrs. A. E. ErevizaaThoeaT , '
am; vegetable marrow, fr. Barker' '
frergteson; citrons, Mrs. Val J. Dicke' ea,,,,t we! esar sea, eas,, 3 aeree, sae!
THURSDAY, SEPT.' itialie
Roya! Winter Fah"
11PRON1rO,, NOVEMBER 15th to 119th (inclosivor
Exceptional Opportunity offe,red
Ontario Department of Agriculture Mo.
the 3rtrottng Farmers of Ontario
TBE : Ontario, li/vartinent of Agriculture wishes to entertaito
about' 5D0 representative young Ontario Farmers at the
Royal Winter Fair.,, Toronto', November 15th to 19th (Inclusive),
19271 The-objeot, is; to. enable them to see the Royal Winter Fair
and the•other places of interest In the belief that this educational
experience will, benefit both them and their conintunities by the
information) and enthusiasm they will gather, All expenses for
travelling, lodging and; transportation will be paid by the Ontario
Department of Agriculture, with whom a number of Commercial
Organkations will' co-operate:
This free trip will be available to tom _
winning boys in a special "Royal" Junior r
Farmer Judging Cornpetition to he held
in each. county of Old Ontario and to
the.live winning in a similar competition •
1 in eacb New Ontario District where an
Agricultural Representative 111 located.
1Viake. this your opportunity to take a.
holiday, visiting the Royal Winter Fair
InTorouto. ft will not cost YOU a cent
for living and travelling expenses and
will prove an interesting experience of
iiiestimable, value to you ha your future _
profession. •
Read the conditions, then ask rhe
local Agricultural Representative
in your district concerning date
and, placeoi competition, etc.
Contestants shall Judge frvc ring,/ t/P
.11v* StOCa lad 111,0 dallStla of crap
'Products, such as grain, small 3ellaSa.
..eutatoes, roots, fruit and vegetables.
Spacial crops ay be included'
'where prodnctIonla general over.the
corapetition he: weirdo all:
eminent end lumens, seas,
ddie fano, between the ages �l 16
and 23 on October 1, 1111'! (must
atel have reached ,23rd b(rthday) and
.who halm not nreviousberepresentea.,
'Ili county as a number of tiaStock
'Judging 'rerun at the ROA Winter
Fair or aro not graduates of all
Agrieuituret cottage or asdetatural
Prizes shall be awarded on aggregate
atews only, 5031r will be allowed
for placing and 30'll• for oral reasons
no each chtss When computing
aggregate scores live Stock and Crop ,
products shall have 1(0135 of 210 1.
mwslble sante, therefore, will
bo: I.Nre Stock, 500; crop Products, ,
M.inifter of 535135311000.
11, G. trINCAN,
Dirmtur; .1-gr35'gahard RePrzseffitidemg.
For Further linformatim, apply to local Agricultura4
Canadian Grown Trees, Shrubs,
EvergreeInS, Roses, Vines, Per-
ennialsh arge variety,
Strong plants at fair prices.
Send for catalogue or ad, ce2 offt
Orden planning
John C01111011 C
Nurserymen and Florists.
Hamilton Ontario,,
Now is the time to Consider of what iS
needed for ralland Winter in the line' of
Foot wDar. We have a Price to Compete
Mail Orders. —
Ken's 'Black or Ton Shoes $3,95. 10.per
cent off for cash, This otl'er is good
until Oot. tho 14th 102'7.
See. A.d, next week for price on Single
Flarness made' to Order.