HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-29, Page 3Southerners Slow to A. DO TO S PRAISE
Use Electrical Devices A Noted Doctor Strongly En-
dorses Dr. Willianit' Pink
The relation of climate and meth- i Pills.
ods of living to the use of electrical
appliances to shown by a recent study The test of any remedy lies in its
of the United States' Southern neigh-
acceptance and employment by the
bo'_s, maces by the Bureau of Domestic (maned medical pzactiCioiter. No
and Farelgn Commerce. Most of these loss an authority than Dr. Andrea
oirnuig the
i'_.-- „___._�r.. One
of the >...•. .«,..,.» 11e n matter ' of great importance inl
sf.daras, which, with the eentral main, the production of milk. The beneats
Zu de' Guide] Zee, has recently Y been cam- 000,000 florins. At proaeut. tho col.
pietod), and he tells up that this clam veyance . of goods by water in the
Holland Underta1Ses Gigantic is no and one half miles in length northern provinces . suffers consider -
and runs from the west coast to the ably in periods of drought, when, as a
Task, to , Increase , Het 'Island, of Wieringen, The mail dam, consequence of low-water, vessels eau ,
Farn'1i.ng'•Area and So it is, Pointed out, will -be some twelve only be partially loaded. Lastly, the:
Her National miles in length and will run frnrn capital value of the land to b re-''
"Wlerineen's onp:niito number," which 5100,000), while the cost of reclamation
dam, are to .block the mouth .of the of shipping are placed ata further 60,-
:f' a
1 Sirloin "•`n to an artifloial. Bland,, rilaimed is 510,000,000 florins (0215,- 1
Is being conetreetecl an equal distance is estimated454 rail-
only to roach
countries, by complarieen wltbh the ,pzn:ci, physician to the Papal house- 189,150,000)
United Stalto, are exceeding) back -UNDER WAY 1
44011 the Pr;cslancl•eoast, with which Lows ($
Y Bold, writing on the tublect of 81180- WORK 1t Will ho connnected by"a third small
ward in availing themselves of elec.- )Dia, impoverishment 00 the nervous A colossal feat of engineering is dam, This infonaut continues: gill Rogers Throws Light on
tricai servants. In sotno of ,them, systean and disorders attributable under way in Holland, which is the re- "Huieng a recent visit I was nble to
like Venesulea, ]Duch of: the popula thereto, strongly endorses` Dr. Wil- i'lanlation of the greater part of. the go over the completed portion. Bo-', Faun G Ctr' to Collid,ne
Over 30 years the same goud tea.
Now packed in Aluminum.
on is so scattered that electricity Iles limns' Pink Pills, recommending them Zufelei• Zee for agricultural purposes, fi:,. $' ' 113
hind the embanknlei?t which faces the' To 7ditnr. 9 tie Aety York Tifiecs. `
been unavailable, and only afety cities as FUPerior to other Ln?tics. and we ars told" that this work is ea sea there are two parallel tracks, each Burbank, Cal, T,?e good people of W� ttrr���a,`ra ORANGE AA�;; ld; Br OE g$ extra odd.
ileus daytime service, In many Di, A101015 taaLfllony assess as Col- petted to soil ono -tenth to the cults• about twenty-five yards in width, P11e Dakota offered to give Calvin Cooli-
RED ROSE tOitde � �, 4"
places, such` as Porto Alegre, Brazil, lows: -"Por -several years 1 have vated area cf the country. Tho cost southernmost of ,talose. is 110w 1111) age a farm if be would live on it. 1
wouldn't a vlse •o1 to •iv thoa o-.
the market, toi•.electrical devices sol'- matin use nf'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of this stupendous worst it is predict- main ro•,cl, and carries the traffic to u t d you S e opo
fere from the high cost of operation in my work and 1 have always 0011001 eS, will bo less than tho capitalized and from Wieringen. The second pia too much credit for generosity, 3�1�:
and ihq unreliability of current sup- them efficacious in the treatment of ivalue of the new land, and in the track is destined eventually to carry There is not a farmer on any State,
1' - Other important factors Include disorders duo -to inmoverishntent of view' of the, London Times, the pro- a railway stress the Zuider Zee. It is In the West that wouldn't be glad to
t, servant situation and prevailing the nervous system, anaemia and feet seems t0 be "031e of those rare at present..'souse telt feet abova. the give him 'a farm if he will paint it, fix
styles 111 interior decoration. neurasthenia' .stomach weakness, re- and fortunate Cases 111 which the ad-, ltd .having heels built up the 0111003 and keep up the series
s.In lute ee ,level of the road, v
In most of tho6e countries llouso-'carded development 111 young women, iyantages arc manifold and the (1110 ',up to this height in order that the ex-. of mortagages that are on it, And
ad -
/hold labor is plentiful and economical; and irregularities. There is 11 no lack vantages negligible." NOt every 001173' 1 tra weight of material should aced- , If eau think Collldge ain't smart, y0u,
Tho servants, as of old, do the Nash-: of tonic remedies, hut hl nay e::Peri` try is in the baggy position, this noivs- erate the settling of the ulldersoil, In , just watch him not - take it,
Mg by haul. They have no faith- in once 110 0110 of them manifests a au . paper, points out, of being able, ,by eight years' time, it is thought, the.
sinceli eerier efficacy to that of Dr. Williams' hard work,to In- i
labor-saving devices, and t e 1 ,metro ingenuity and ht daettin:g `Tilt have so far advanced as
housewife who could afford electrical , Pink Pills. crease its own size and resources, to ; to give sufficient strength to the dam
appliances takes no Part in the work I No' more conclusive evidence of the say not111ng of making a" clear adds- to prevent gaps forming after the
herself, theservants are left to their value of Dr. W1111131/15' Pink P1113 colder ,tion to the area of the habitable globe.' opening of the railway service. The
time-honored ways. ,be asked for or given, than Is found �Wo lead thou: top layer will Chen be removed and
In Mexico few vacuum cleaners are 711 the above endorsement of this i "Before ' in heir long, eventful the )ermanent way laid on the same
noted European Physician.. Besides = lief, tnow,t g, 1
used, it els said, because rugs, carpet history, the Dutch have welcomed the level as the Drain road.
Work Welt -in Hand.
"Another groat work w11fc11 has been
as bion 31l relief to thousands !waters completed is the construction of a
r generally left bare and and thousands oY weals anti sufLe..r--- e new sea -dike from llwycksluts i1 a
floors are ge e y foreign invader, Novv n
and heavy hangings are not em1A'o7011 1 t1us, nee, even 1131s meth0110 bas 071- invasion Of the sea; and ill moments
1.0 any g: eat extent, and only'the joyod a world-wide public confidence of calsis have e ted its destructive
i enithy have npbolstodd ftuviturd.:(03- Bore Lilat1 a elie1 of a usandsy overlarge areas of fertile land
On account of ]meat and insects , Cuban ? as a last barrier against a more hated
, i happier •
hangings and upholstery ale scarce
northwesterly direction nearly as far
` r Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for times, they Seel[ to expel it and to as Helder, the direction
point of
The same ]s true; of many uoutll claim for cultivation the ground which
American countries., and these ]snow anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, Der- liollaild: This was Quilt as a precau-
vozsness and stomach trouble. Take it overlies between the provinces of tion against the higher tides which
little of the vacenm cleaner, In'North holland and Friesland.' Al -
Argentine a)13 Udn way hangings and thou as I. tonic if you are not in ata are expected ':after the closing of the
best physical conclitien and cultivate ready a dam has been const7•uctod
hears y it;haliuuln are more is use, conl)ecting the mainland with Wier- Zuider Zee. To have strengthened
and there vacuum cleaners are slowly
a resistance Youawill getent e e well the old main sea -dike sufficiently to
and strong. can those pills ]ngeta—a rather dreary little island, withstand these would have necessi-
corntut: in. through any m001101110 dealer or by known slues the war as the enforced
Curring Irons' and Fans snail at 50 cents a box from The Dr, chve11111g-place of the Go man ex_ tated the expropriation of large areas are a gentle but thorough laxative
That country mt Ignore labor- Crown Prince. Thio dam is itself 0111y Of valuable farm land. Anew dike which regulate the bowels, sweeten
y. g 0111. ma' Mecficlue Co., Brockville, was therefore built, parallel to but 200 the stomach; 'Neve out constipation
saving devices and yet see the im- the beginnin of the immense barrier,
Is attested
of electricity as a beauty aid, Ont, some thirty mtles long (including the yards east of the old one. This has and indigestion; break up colds and
is attested by the popularityislands), by which it is intended per- the advantage of creating a first-class simple fevers and promote healthful
of else- �- manently to blocs- out the ocean from ship canal tell milds in length, which refreshing sleep. It is impossible for
trical curling elms and hairdressing 10111 bo made still longer • when the Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the
par )Is. an area of well over a thousand square. new-born babe, as they are absolutely
loris have made more progress in miles which it now covers. Not the new dike is continued to the south.
the American republics than have whole of 11118 area, however, is to be Another new dike is to be built next guaranteed free from opiates or any
whole .year from the east of Wieringen Is- other injurious drug,
\ taken for cultivation. The middle Concerning the Tablets,Mrs. AIex.
mast electrical appliances, and they . laud tom the lilt, in the south, and g
•. • to 11 but a fresh- Atlantic, N S. writ
aro is piey fcuncl only in offices a sell .% �C' wafer
will still It a will when the J. Perry, A 1 c, es.—,.I
public places. Tampico is an excop- tinier lake. It is to be formed by the area thus enclosed always steep` Baby's Own Tablets In
tion. Here, for eight months of the i'rJl';`(J, � s damming up the lino of the Yssel water has been chained off by power -
the house for the children, as I have
year, they are In general use h1 homes ' \:. River, a branch of the Rhine, which at lei Pumps, be the first of the four
of very metiernie measle, In Mexico s present empties itself uselessly into polders of reclaimed land."
Congressman -at -Large,
Will Rogers.
P.S.—That wasn't a philanthropist
that made him that offer. That was
scene comedian.
3� -
Baby's Own Tablets Should be in
Every Home Where There
Are Children
The perfect medicine for little ones
is found in Baby's Own Tablets- They
City they are not so much` used, since
in that altitude Summer weather is
not oppressive. The 58me is true of
Bolivia. But in Paraguay they aro
con:idsred essential for live months
of the year, and in Brazil they are
lime:: In use. In many parts of South
#inn:rice, In spite of the heat, refriger-
e lens of any kind arc scarce, and ice
,is looked on as a luxury by the poorer
South America offers many cen-
trat7icti0ns in electrical usages.. In
31ei;1•ia firewood is so expensive that
electricity is the most popular and
available means of heating, yet It is
Said that there is not an electric cook -
Mg range In all Bolivia. Sometimes
When a particular appliance/ is shun-
ned the reason is not apparent on the
surface. Tho scarcity of electric
toasters in Venezuela is traced to the
*fact that rolls are used instead of
bread, and in Udu,uay most of the
bread is 1n small, hard -crusted
leaves. Percolators fare poorly In
Brazil because the people believe they
know more about preparing coffee
than any new -fangs 11 electric appli-
ance maker.
Wily Rogers Compares Air-
planes and Auto Deaths
To Editor The New York Times.
Beverly Bills Cal. ---Every paper is
raving about leg4slation t0 stop 008x11
flying because t.htrteell people have
been lost, just a fair Sunday's average
in auto deaths, b'rom ten to fifteen is
just about the number that are al-
ways in a bus when it meets a train at
a grade crossing, yet you never see. an
editorial about relief from that, You
may not die as spectacularly in a ma-
chine as you would If yen dropped in
44ho ocean, but you aro Mei as dead,
---'Will Rogers.
found them a perfect medicine for
At the eastern end of Wieringen little ones."
the Zulder Zee. The reservoir form- two mors considerable tasks have
Baby s Own Tablets are sold by
ed will, it is calculated, be of immense two dealers or by mail at 25
service to the surrounding country. been completed, this correspondent cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Droughts occur regularly in these
goes on to say, and they are tate new Medicine' Co„ Brockville, Ont.
northern provincee, and they not only dock, which serves as a base for the
produce a scarcity of drinking -water,
but occasionally render canals use -
Sale—"We girls must, steep in trim." Irrigation Too.
Tie---"And.wofellows must keep be-
ing trimmed,'
Could Fire the Chinaware
"There's a man who tau fire all the
chinaware he wants and never break
a ploce."
"No—he's a potter."
All the world needs is an agreement
not to have any more wars until the
old ones are paid for
We are asked if a wife 8110)1111 be
bothered with her llus'uand's business
troubles. Every time elle demands a
USW 11111 she mist,
There is t o leases why all should
not live to a good old ago," declares.
a famous physician. CM the other
hand WO could give 80m0 very sound
reasons why, coria should not.
What Was Wrong:
hoot of dredges, barges and tugs, tax- Canada Anticipates Large
Ing Part hi the work, and tho con-
struction of fifteen sluice -gates, which Wheat Crop
are to control the waters of that part' Ottawa, Ont. --According to the esti-
With a controlled reservoir of this °f the Zuider Zee which 1s to remain mates of the Dominion Bureau of.
magnitude it is,hoped 'to maintain the unclaimed. It is further related that: i! Statistics just compiled, the Canadian
1 beat cid this year will amount to
canals at a uniform level, as well as this work is s1mli y a stretch of!
vv P
the oldsea bottom enclosed by a dace, over 468,000,000 bushels, a ,yield sec -
to 1upI>ly the cnmt`fw side with fresh
drinlciug-tvaten for man awe boast, the water having been punned 'out. onl only to that of 1223, when a record
Thecattle o
f these regions have suf. RS construction was a matter of groat of 474,199,000 bushels was made. Most
A navvy bought a Ooatancl ad -difficulty. Boulder clay was taken 1 of the wheat is grown in the prairie
wised by the salesman to use a coat- fermi much in the past from having
by dredges from a spot in the Zuider Provinces, and. Alberta's. estimated
hunger to keep the shoulders in good sometimes had to depend upon thho
blackish waters of the southern MI- Zee some five miles away and brought yield promises to make a new record
shape' der Zee,and the quality of their milk
Wieringen by barges. This clay, for that province of nearly 169,000,000
Next day the salesman wee sur -which is a deposit from the Iso bushels as against 113,000,000 last
prised to find the navvy in his shop has naturally deteriorated. The soil Period, is proof against erosion even
co damaged b irrigation year.
foundation of all the main works. - minimi is estimated at 502,199,000
"And to itself has bei.n anlage Y S Oat production for the whole do-
g• ! in a strong current, and will form the
"Anti what is the matter with the'with the salad unsweet waters:" Af 99000
oat?" teed the salesman. good dam s ill ter dumping the boulder -clap up to
"Orr, the coat is all right," said the increase .the capacity of holland for ala level the oat pumped
navvy. But the wood part of the Sodic Procne and the enbct111tment thoroughly leen
hangers rub my shouIdcrs, and every which tells us that it was really trio forcOd The dittos surface of the dike
c The loamy oil produced w
production, notes The Time, water was um ed out
time I tarn my bead the lloolc knocks experience of the sharp food scarcity
my slat off." during the last two years of the war
that determined the Dutch authorities
to execute a scheme often mooted in
v rk has blol lit
it With. ce °—
Cuts easier. Sewsfaster
VANCOUVER, er. JOHN, 11.0.,
F'tFi:'ti $4.?
li d rhe t o g
bushels which is far in advance of
last year, while the estimated yield of
hay and clever amounting to 16,1124,
Classified Advertisements
By tLti.�Vlr�'tL e�� ,�. _ DIL:8 WANTED TO DO PLAIN
and light sewing at home, whole or
spare lime. Good pay., Work sent any
distance, charges paid, Send stamp for
Many Attend London EY.h117i- partlauiars. National Manufacturing
tion of Up -to -Date Meth-
odsFRIEND) (LITTLE of Increasing Saes x.l e1 sthr'sez; 11101led in, plain envelope,
London—Several "thousand adver- Part- s Specialty Co:, m
Using men gathered at Olympia for 1 A0ENTs WANTED.
the recent .exhibition of modern ad -.ear ANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN
vertlsing. The exhibition has been an v V IN '.VERY CITY, TOWN AND
undoubted success, and has stimulat- VILLAGE IN , CANADA' as agent for
13I lILE - PReaVeli. P0at tii:n a 00
ed throughout British trade and in- 1inl>ut•tance. No exptablie a counvsary.
duatry t desire to know more about i'1e ,a,"t and pi'oatabic orcup(tion.
A ppb• .lay letter: BIBLE P7, 11'I:R
modern advertlsing methnda. AasieeiATTON OP CANADA, Els UN -
British industry in the past has ex- TARR) STREET, TORONTO.
celled In making'good products, but ,A GL:NTS -L1TBIO) til.Y---31, leOk-
has been, it is claimed, backward fn to 'ly easy xclllr)g )ORIT) t I, leaks
EAS, 1YA.S,il1, I'ULIS1iR1TY1 l'iutsns
selling them, A fast pace 18 now. everything right Removes stoat. Tar
being set in overcoming this defect
without injury t0 pont r)lsll+ r:•1 de--
manrtrofiiin: fitnn l,lra free. P.
of which the exhibition just closed I a;t EBBVRE rt ('n . A1r-xsI ori
gave evidence, Merchants and menu-
facturers attended in large numbers,
as well as those interested through the
publishing and advertising industries.
The provincial dailies drew much
attention through having installed the
actual mechanism by which• news is
instantly transmitted from Fleet
Street to their offices in the north.
TheBritish railways had an im-
pressive exhibit, while that of the Em-
pire Marketing Board was easily first
in size, variety and in the attention
it received. The British religious No Mind Reader.
pressexbibits were exc_eIlent, and
many visitors were amazed to lis She tat m1lnight) So yeti think
cover the part played by these jour- you cru reed my mind
pals in the presa of the British kIe •I'm sure of it
Isles. She—"Then why aren't you home •
Window dressing, roster advertls- and in bed"
Mg and mechanical advertising de-
e vices were all well done. The exbibi- A rood many people still seem to
tion of old newspapers and other think that it's poseitrte for an uutoma
periodicals, loaned by the Sells relict- bile to lcnollc down 'a telegraph -pole.
tion, was a great drawing card.
t„ Vic,_ -:I1
A Peotcilnlall, it Is reported, has
Duce No Spends walked a hundred miles on his hands.
We are still guesting what it was he
Mussolini Rent Bill, $90 a was looking for.
Year, Offered lay Protest-
ing Tenant
Milan. — Benito Mussolini, Italy's
ironhanded dictator, paid 460 lire rent
for his apartment here during the
year 1914. At that time this amount-
ed to about $90.
This fact was learned recently dur-
ing the process of readjusting -rents
In accordance with the Duce's. decree
that nobody should pay more than,
four times as much (in lire) as was
paid for the name place in 1914. In
order to see that this rule Is enforced
the present inbavitants must appear
before the prefecture and prove that;
the rent for the places they now oc
000 tons is the largest ylelei on record copy was such and such in 1914.
has been covered with large blocks of ii Canada. 00 course ae the report A certain Signor Garduccl, who now i 9 to '° '
Acme, which aro brought in barges states, geed weather is still requlredifound himself paying 2,4,30 lire a year r �q
from Germany and Belgium. It is for the completion of the harvesting (about 8135) for his apartment ap- I
stated that between $10,000,000 and and threshing operations, but "grant-.peared and demanded a reduction to
Minard's soothes and reduces
the inflammation Deep it on
hand;, for 'swathe.; bruises ,and
flesh W01111.01.
some relliefief the to unemployment $15,000,000 is to be spent in the pur- ed favorable conditions, the harvest in
"The sluice basin is nearly half a to the bountiful crops of 193.
mild long and about 300 yards in .
width, It will contain fifteensluice- If sometimes the tea you
the occupation o nearly a 'gates of ferroconcrete, each of them are resin does not taste as
square miles of cultivable land --]and 33 feet wide. 'these will he used to g
moreover, which is easily accessible regulate the watei-level of the )ake good as it used to—just see'
ientiy situated for tit ex- formers by the unreciaimed central What kind of at package it is
problem that vexes Holland, as wall chafe° of this stone tram abroad. the West this year will be second only
as other countries, it seems, and it is
said that the twin difficulty of over-
poPttlatlon should also bo relieved by
Y Hammond
poU L
port of its produce. The Hague eor- porde) of t110 &M31' Zee. Lebo Ps -
respondent of this newspaper advises set, as it has been named, will re -
us that the reclamation of the Zuider ceive its waters from the Rhino in clears, bright Alumintlm.1
Zeo is proceeding apace under the through the Itiver Yssel. 011 the
supervision oil twenty-five Dutch en- Friesian side of the Zuider Zee, where
giiieers who Have 1,000 workmen at the artificial island is being built, en-
otllel• great basin to contain ten more
sluices in in course of construction.
in. No chances are taken'
with Red Rose. It is packed
aka Sal
It depends 1aresely on the flour you use. We believe
you'll welcome this suggestion— try Purity, the rich, vigorous
Flour --made from the finest Westerly wheat. Thousands of
cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread.
Send 30C rn stamps fol^ our 700- eci e Purity' Flour Cook Book. 261
Welteee Canada Flour Mille Co. Limited. Toronto, lYioatasai, Ottcws, Saint Sohn.
"Well, there goes twenty-seven holes this afternoon.
Want to stop -arc your feet wet?"
"I should say not 1 Do YOURS ever get wet when,
you've polished them with
I ss k k
There'sa" Nugget" shade for every shoe made 31
It is thought that these twenty-five
sluices, with two very large locks for
shipping, will prove sufficient to keep
Lake Yesel at its proper level."
Comparative Size.
As an illustration of the vastness of
this engineering enterprise, the
Time's correspondent calls attention
to the fact from Wieringen to' the
Friesian coast is a voyage of two
house in a fast tug, and ]lo says that
when making this voyage it .is not
easy to picture this long stretch of
sea crossed by a dam some twelve
miles in length. ISo advises us fur- 'rhe British public has always be.
ther that: hayed that under the Union Jaek slay -
"Tho building of this dam lo to be e3•y cannot exist. It has consequently
begun in 1932, after the sluice -gates )been not a little disturbed by a recent
have been finished and the small damdecision of the Supreme Court of Bier -
built between trio artificial island and Ira -sone. That court by a majority of
the Friesian coast. 'The .laSt stretch, L1V0 judges, to one, who dissented, has
about twelve miles In length, is then 14uaelled the conviction of two owners
expected to be completed in three of slaves In the Slorra Leone protect-
ysars, orate who recaptured by force runa-
Cost Justified. way slaves within. the Nrotoctorate,
"The total cost of enclosing the Zui- If the judgment really protects or Piro-
der Zoe Is estimated to reach 90,000,- motes slavery on British soil, as at
000 florins (537,500,000), but against first eight it seems to clo, then it la
this ' mat be set the benefits to be de- safe to say that it will not be permit. -
rived from the operation, which are ted long to stand. But the protectot,
estimated at 150 millions (562,500,- ate of Sierra Leone is not DriLi h soil
000). Of this Sunt 100,000,000 iiorins'in the ramie re1)00 as the matey of
represents the capitalized value of the 5101-1a Leone, which. is quite dietart
advantages which are expected to ac- from ft. In 111e oniony there i; no
tree from the creation 0 fa reservoir i slavery, and there has never .been any
of fresh water from which the Borth- for a centlsrY,
ern provinces can draw a plentiful!
Limply of good drinking -water for oat- IOSUC No. 09—'29
Toot, Toot:
Daum "You look all in."
Born—"I've leen on a toot!"
13lnard's Lininlent• rel levee backache.
Slavery in the Empire
London Daily Mail (Ind. Cons.):
1,800 lire. To prove that he was en-'
titled to this reduction he produced
a receipt showing that one Benita
Mussolini, who had occupied the
apartment in 1914, paid only 450 lire
rent—or just one-fourth of 1,800, or,
according t0 the present rate of ex-
change, about $100. He was granted
the reduction.
Slightly Different.
Small Boy (to chemist)—"Please I
want some powder for my sister."
Chemist (jokingly) --"Soros that
goes off with a bang?"
"Small troy—"No, the sort that goes
on with a puff."
Minard's Liniment eases sore feet.
"Thus oysters with a predilection
for broadcasting by remote control—
the clicks of their valves being Picked.
up by underwater telephones and re-
layed to the shore and ship radio star
otins constitntteg the radio -acoustic
systems—have made it necessary for
the Coast and Geodetic Survey to con•.
soil the sun as it rises and sets for
accurately determining the position of
the survey ship.
Only time a bores gets soared now-
adays is when he meets another horse.
—Wald Street Journal.
"Twelve always make a dozen,"
sagely observes an economist. But
very few make a million,
Read Mrs, Menard's Letter.
Her Experience May Help
Chatham, Ontario. —"I want to tell
you how =eh good your medicine
lr has done me. 33e -
fore In 11abp
camel felt so
evsak and run-
down that 1 could
hardly iso zny
work. My stead
ached continually
and I was so dis-
couraged that I
could erg from
morntngtillni ht.
I had another
and a half old and 't gave me a lot to'I
do. So 1 thought I would try Lydia'
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
as I had readso much about it in the i
little books. I found a difference right)
away as my head was relieved and
my tired feelings gone. My sister
had been doing my wannmg and she'
continued doing it, as she said ir
might set me back if I started to do'
4t again. It sure did help me and I?
had taken just two bottles when my
baby came, He is a fine big boy,
now nearly five months old. I am
taking your medicine again and I am i
able to do my work all by myself now.
I always recommend the Vegetable
Compound to women, and especially -
to expectant mothers, as I believe
they need help at/ theft times."—
Mrs. OLIVER MR1eARA, 24 Harvey StA'
Chatham, Ontar.io,
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